The Brussels Post, 1891-5-29, Page 31
.1\1AV 1891
When You are Moved iu.
who, you aro moved In, ciEnciluile that
3IIqijli 11180 alnl jay, pleaeant words and hos•
pitality ore going to reign in your Meta-
That you two going to make i a real home,
and not just, a house whore 01110100ond tablets
That yon are not golug to permit a wrinkle
to oonie on your brow hermetic % chair is
inoved out of its plea by one of your boyo
so he may got closetto hothee.
That you aro not going to refuse to let
ione of your girls Arrange ber v0001 to suit huriE
self, bemuse if you do, you will not only
toke awe), from her a groat plasma, but
you will stop in hoe the ill% instiuct of
That you two not going to let the house
simply be a piece to sloop and out in. but a
place to live -a ohm° whore the heart is
cultivated tond where people aro made
That you aro opt going to let disogreeable
words be said, or positive discuselons entered
into cot the table. Yon desivo'properly
enough, timli every meal shell ba
e love -feast,
and those feasts to be remembered when
eillere are forgotten,
That you are not going, though you aro a
good. housekeeper, to la a frown acute the
boy who is five minutes hote to breakfast, or
a cross word be spoken to the one who has
been unfortomate enough to break a tea -
That you ere not going to make home
the last plea they ovish to come to, but,
lather, it is going to be the ono spot where
the boys and girls, gown up or not, will
want, to have their pleasures and bring their
componions, and yoa have got to be the
'queen cf thelcingdom.
That you aro not going to forget thnt
those who do service in your kitchen avo part
of your own people, and that the grief that
comes to Mary, or the joy that is hers,
should possess Etn interest for you. Then,
and then only, will you get good. *endue.
That you tire tont going to forgot you are
working for the future, that 7011 1110 1111[111.
ing every day 0, house beautiful, one that,
when your eyes are closed to this world
forever, when your bends are folded and de
no more service, will live in the hearts of
those around you, and every nne will talk
of the home that, WAS made for him or her,
will remember that it was mother who
aid it all, and that in that 1101110 WAS learned
the sweet tenths of life -a home filled ovith
love and sunshine.
That is what you should : that is what
yell should create -when you ave moved in„-
Leclice flame Journal,
1,-.0 a potent 1111111191re 011 1 11011' 1,0111Lrier, Faun Morts,agos hi Nebraska, LLB. I
MIL AND AIRS. 130 Wc1,1 / hat tile olio s ,,yer gel 0 o .ot
Se1110 figures aura produced
son one°, " a family which 1 visited
.. 1r.,,,•1 to 11,41,,,," 01101au Nliserving per-
leo*. I got the ralatthe (11 111, out Cool,'
11(1(100(150 A 111 nd think I'll go to bed."
quilt' fr"qu'ultlY that Wilee 07 1 01111 WAS Nebreska, tor the joint years 11111(110, " hero," 001.1 Mr, Bowser, co his
emolined to to ohat 10 the library, a lovely 111 prosen ling it the .Depitty Commissioner mole hones the other evening, " &tin% I seo
it woman going int t of the basement With a
enuolning MOW, full of book„ aml emnsidne, Row People Starve hi London.
quotes a memoriel to the 1,egisiathro Isom
if the chilrliTt1 1V1TO V i011,40 la all they were the State Mortars' Alliance, thotrel 2Ist. basket o11 her 11.1111 an I semie upl" ! 011 11,1X ilT opened 00 iteluiry 011110
is:wailingly mannerly end charming, while iiloollorY, 18111), no 10110010 0. You probablvilicl "replied 11,0. 130WSur. 1 SeR10011.0 111agel, Path:litre, ou male eld
on the aeasions when 1 ovould go duo n
Mutually to the home luncheon or dinner,
their 1,e111117101' Wati 1Illii0 dlllctrnot, '1111
1.00111 was (boric and sunlese, and the belong-
ings good, but all fl.041110HB 5001.11 off. I
finally attributed the change in the ohil-
ren's nonditet to their dillerent woman-
ro ent."
A Good Lesson Well Learned.
"11. took me five years," said a married
men, "Lo beanie convinced that the plump-
est, way for me to run my house WAS to give
my wife so much money every month, to
ispend as she saw fit. I think that I havo
saved al, 'poet twenty -live per oat, by this
" 1110 111rI11000 cif our elate 01.0 010100g
deeP0V Imd deeper in debt, it, 30 rare to find
hums 10111011000 not mortgaged, tenant
fame are rapidly 10011008(1133 0(111 Cultures]
of out. country merchants are becoming more
and more numerone every day. .A 0011Ser.
10,011(00i100 OStillIthie plenea the (10(0001unt of farm
mortgages in this state al, $150,000,000,
v hieh, at 7 or cent., takes 810,500,000 to,
tonally out 01 tho state."
A minute enquiry unlit:an :doby the do -
pertinent in one counq , which it watt
thought would present A a
fair verage, re-
sulted ill the following uffluial 11331)000 of
mortgage indebtedness
photo. I neves have any argo cadet;
Farm mortgages 8407,8 1 8
in now at inopportune tunes, foo my AssAeSSer'S millAti011 of farms 073,055
pays as elle buys. My house bettor equip- Average indebtedness, pa acre_ 91:13:47:13
ped mud better managed. them it was muter Average valuation, per acre
my old system, and f urthermore my wife has `rho figures Croon the Report of the Now
Jersey Bureau for 1880 tell the same tale,
a private bank wecount, to which sho adds so
little every month. I would advise every and it. musl be remembered that togreatpart
man who has to pratical wife to try the Rattle Of that Eltal.0 may be said to exist but a
ashcan, It'd An immense relief, not to epnalt stone's throw fain the chief market In tho
Republic -the city of New York, The re -
of the saving,"
port states that there wore recorded in
this State from 18313) to 1 888 inclusive 155,-
000 mortgages. Tlco average amount of the
mortgrogoe made by individual borrowers
WAS 12,300. On this basis, and assuming
line years to be the average length of a
mortgage, the total stun of existing mai es-
tate indebtedness in Now Jersey would ap-
proximate 8350,005,000 or nearly 70 per
eat of the total assessed valuation in 1888,
15 19,103,1172,"
In aclditicm to the indebtedness itself, the
foreclosures seem to Ilare been exceedingly
" Taking, the average for the twelve years
enumerated 014 the basis of calaintion, the
total number of coxes:odious (no the foreclosed
mortgages of individual mortgagees since
1855 must have execeded 30,000 and the
amount of the neentious S150,000,000.'
Fifteen Millions of Bolden.
According to recent statistics the Triple
11111alle0 l,an 1,1:17,000 regulars and 3,972
guns to oppose to the 1,347,000 regulars mid
5,1198 guns of Russia, and Franco. These
figura, however,' give a quite inadequate
ideto 03 tho number of men in the field in
case 01 00110, as no aceoent is taken of the
reserves and militia. A bettor idea of the
gigantic dimensions of the coming conflict
may therefore be got {rem this state-
ment of each State's full fighting etrongth
Germany 1,080,000 in l'no and reserves,
020,000 militia of the firet coil, 700,000
militia of the meant' call, 'that is, total
without substitute reserves, 2,400,000 ;
Austrodiungary, 9:38,000 in line and 00-
00(500, and 438,000 militia, that is, a total
of 1,375,000 ; Italy, 848,000 in line and
reserves and 372,000 or a total of
,220,000 1 France, 1,500,000 in lino and re-
serves, 1,7(10)11)0) in the territorial army, or
3,2011,000 altogether ; RUS310., 1,18(1,1)00 field
troops, 832,000 reserves and substitutes,
93,000 troops for occupation, 154 000 Cos-
sacks, and 33,000 militia and border guards,
a total of 2,302,000. Russia and France
therefore can now place rot) 4,000 men in
the field against the triple Alliance's
4,907,000. With even these fignres, 11000.
over, the hugeness of tho groat Con-
tinental encampment is still inadequate-
ly deserthed, for the landelum of all
five States has not been calculated. The
land.01001 is the militia of the very host
call, which will not be summoned to fight
till the final days of invasion and despoli-
ation shall htove come and the all but con-
quered people make one last effort to rally.
in Germany and Russia Ole landslurnt has
not been counted. In Austro-Hungary it
numbers 445,000 ; in Iloly, 1,030,000 : in
France, 900,000, A moderate estimate,
then, gives a total of 13,000,000 men ready
to live or dio by the sword. The universool
liability to service, which kteps full the
ranks of all five armies, varies someovhat in
the different litotes. In Germany, Austro-
Hungary, Frame: and Italy, active service
late% three years; on Russia, five. The service
in the reserves lasts in Germany four years;
Austro-Hungary and Feance, seven yeers ;
Italy, five ; Russia, thirteen, Service in
the militito lasts in Germany, five to seven
years ; Austro-Housgary, two ; Italy, four;
France six. Service in the landsturna hosts
in Bamako from the seventeenth to the forty-
fifth year of a man's life ; in Austro-Hun-
gary, from tho nineteenth to the forty-
second. The total period of liability to
service, including the iondstursn, is, in Ger.
many, twenty.eight years ; Aestriit, twenty.
three ; Italy, nineteen ; Frence twenty.
five ; Busies twenty.three.
Taking Up and Cleaning Carpets.
dystem is mom important than anything
elee in the claming of corpets. Ingrain car-
pets should be taken op every year, if in a
room mush used. If Brussels carpets be
properly swept, it will often suffice to take
them up once in throe, four, or oven five
years. Attend to only one room at e, time,
to avoid getting the rest of the house dusty
or disorderly. Have tovo strong sheets
made of unbleached cotton. 1300811 all the
fowniare and r011101.0 it from the room ;
loush tho pictures and covet. them ; take
down all the draperies and shades. Now re.
move the tacks with a tack -lifter, putting
them in to cup. Fold the carpet lengthwise,
And roll it op and p011.11 in one of the sheets,
which tie. Put the linings in the other
sheet. Take both sheets into the yard or
some field near by, and after spreading the
linings, sweep them o(1 both 01(100, 31110 them
up, and cover with the sheet. Spread tho
carpel end boat with &rattan 00 101133 switch.
Soveep it, and then turn it over again. Let
it lie on the grass, wrong side up, until the
room is ready.
After sprinkling wet sand over the floor,
sweep, and take up the dirt. Now aweep
again also brush all dirt from the doors,
windows and baseameras. Pin a piece of
Canton -flannel on a broom, and brush the
toiling and walls. Sweep the floor once
more and wash with hot water, wiping very
dry. Next wash the point and windows.
Lay the 1111111335 011 the floor, putting a small
took hero and there to keep them 155 place.
Put the carpet on the floor, unrolling it in
the direction in which 111 15 to be had. Begin
10 tarok ib at the end 01 11110 room which is
the most irregular. 151 1111010 bo a Ike -place
or bay -window in the room, fit the carpet
around these pleas first. Uso horge tacks
to hold the carpet temporarily in plea ;
thoy an be withdrawn when the work is
finished. When the =Tot is lilted to a
plea, uso small tacks to keep it dowu.
Tack one end of tho carpet, stretching it
well ; then a side, then the other end, and
finally tho other side. Bo careful to keep
the lines straight and to hove tho ourpet fit
1333111.11/1 for if it be loose it will 1101 01(17
look badly, but will not weer
When the carpet is laid, puur a little
liapthe on any soiled planes and rub with a
piece of flannel until the spots disappear.
Always hove % window open at such times,
to allow the gas to escape. Pub about six
quarts of warm water in a pail and add
four tablespoonful, of household 0.411M0111A.
Wring to woolen cloth out of Ode and wipe
the carpet.
. Insects at Sea.
Birde of passage make thole way aross
ovide stretuhes ot water with instinct, not
only in regard tEE their mums but in regard
to the proper:mason as well. The finding of
Ilion and butterflies a long; way nut at sceo is
perhaps hardly more wonderful, but to most
readers the fact is not so well known. What
Mr. Collingwoocl 1011113 10 be the habit of
such insects in Chinese waters may be
observed over large areas of tropic. seas.
When we had stood ont some thirty miles
from the land, a plague of flies overtook us.
The cabin was so full of thenothat the beams
were blackened. Common black house -flies
they were, for the most part, with, however,
good sprinkling of large green flies. Where
they could hove ecime from was a mystery ;
but tlooy were a terrible nuisance, end al-
though 000 55001)1. off hundreds in to net, their
numbers were not sensibly diminished.
Another singular oireumstanco WAS, that
although no land WAS in sight, large dragon-
flies repeatedly flew across the ship; and I
observed a horge, dark butterfly flit across
in the direction of the land, without stop-
ping to rest on the ship. At this those the
nearest land was the Chosen Islands, hilly
thirty miles oftf.
os by a means ron enemata civeum-
stonce to see butterflies launch themselves
off one shore for a short aerial excurelon 10
the opposite shore, half a mile 00 10 mile dis.
taut, without the least hesitation; and when
we were anchored in harbor, as at Ko -lung,
they were constantly flying through the rig-
ging 60 rapidly that it was impossible to
catch them, for they nover rested upon tho
ship. Under these circumstances, they 11015'
ally fly low, in a straight lino, and near the
Teaching Her A Lesson.
Women in Paris, as in London, 110100 (1 maim
for carrying or leading by chain, pug dogs
of all degrses of ugliness. Recently during
O shower of alio, ono WM seen walking along
the Quai Jemmappos, where a number of
workmen had just finished disehorging
0 care af ooal from to barge. The lady
hold in one hand an umbrella, with
which she carefully protecterl from
the loast drop of wet an ugly little
dog \Vial m gorgeous blue ribbon round its
neck. 'By her eide trotted her daughter, to
little girt obout three yam old, her shoos
not eo water -proof as they might have been,
who, deprived 01 1110 protootion of the um-
brella monopolised by the dog, 'was rapidly
gettirg drenched. As she was about to
cross the bridge which spans the anal one
of the coalhavers went up to ha and said,
" Allow me, madam, to relieve you of your
dog, so that you inay carry your girl to the
other side." The WOMAll 8.000pial tho offer,
b it when tho party arrived cot the
other. end of the bridge the eoalhaver threw
the pug into the oanal, tolling its mistress
at the some time, " That's a lesson to you
not to shelter a dog while your child is get-
ting wet," The woman screamed, end soon
a crowd colloolcd, to whom she pothetically
mutated the assassination of her pot. Two
policemen, at her instigation, took the coal -
heaver to thestation, but the superintendents
declined to formulate any charge against
him. All she could do, ho told hor, was to
bring to Mei' action for the viola of hor dog.
She bat the station " apparently lunch dis-
satisfied with the decision."
A Few Don'ts For Girls.
Don't keep the fact that you aro corres-
ponding with somo man, a, secret from your
Don't lot any man kiss you or put his arm
about you unless yrou 1105 011331033501 to be 11100'
vied to him, and oven then be to, little
stingy with your favors.
Don't let Tom, Diek or Harry all you by
your Bret name, or greet you with some
slang phrase.
Don't let 0117 111010 believe bloat simply for
the osking he cam got " that peaty Smith
girl" to go 0111. 15011011133 with bhp, to 11000451'
p10113' him to the concert, ov to entertain Min
for an hour when he con't find anybody else.
Don't write foolish letters to anybody,
711011 Or 11,0111 011 ; you never know who 'may
gee them.
Don't think Mutt you reon go untidy all
day and then look very fine et night, for fine
feathers do not rolovays make fine birds.
Don't believe that you can bo careless in
speech or manner without its absolutely hav-
ing a bad moral effect upon you.
" She was a porn woman who had 101111011 1 of Thomism Smith, a carmen out of
c ' aenI oy,
her hand and couldntwork with it anl of I , • PI a. , 0 oney. smeway,.' TAl
e ocines
A C' 6"4(110081. Mtr00cR300(10''
felt, f (wry foe her." 030e "Yeuird ollocking ciesthett„ii through " When 1 was ti. years of age 31(0(1 a severe
" That's you--ycal trE a dot ! Never even want ot work, Smith stated ohas through attak of rheinnatiem, and Aiter 1 recovered
saw her hand to know that her story was The sleekness in trade he h. ul onlygotodd jobs had to go on cru news. 011. 71101' later, scrofula,
tree 1"ill the form of ovinte ewellings, appeared on
from thno to time. All Inc furniture was
1,3ut, 1,11(1.0085 It as a bad burn,"
" el000hrl 1t1o111puay0thsreixeclwfcoark.loiLeheivoilf,riyaoFel fitnaniily. various parts of my body, and for 11 years I
And she gave you her street and nun),
,o/p. __ley WAS All Ile/Alia, being waned to my bed a
years. In that time ten or eleven 00100 ap-
E c Yoe. o
" And you went there to see if it was all
right 9"
" No ; I took her word for it."
" Took her word 1 Well, you are a, soft
masio 1 111 1(011 33100 to 0 cent thot elle WaR
the bigeest kind of a fraud I S110'13 probably
grinning DOW 0.0 she thinks how mealy Ole
soft-soaped you 1"
" I think she was deserving of what 1 dist
for her," quletly replied Mrs. Bowser,
" Oh, yes -of course ! Mrs. Bowner, lot
me give you a little advise. Yon wete born
in the country and "----
" Weren't you?"
" No, ma'am 1"
" Weren't you born exactly one tnile east
of Pod oink 1"
" No1 That is to say, lovas born there,
be 1115 WaS roared "-
" 111 Podunk itself -a hamlet of thirteen
houses and a eider mill !"
" Mrs. Bowser," he continued, after a
moment, crossing hie hands under his coat-
tails and balancing himself heel and toe,
" I 00101111 1.0 define my position in this mat-
ter, You were born an0 brought up in the
country. You have never hod a chance to
study human nature as 11,0,100. The averna
ftice is the index of the average mind, but
you haven't learned to read facial expres-
*Have you 1" she asked, as he halted for
" Certainly. Indeed, it came natural to
me. I an (1010011 110 unworthy person at a
glance. I can alined tell what, he is think -
mg of. From the mere &moo I got at that
woman's face I would wager my shoes against
10 toothpiek that she is to uhrouie beggar and
a wretched fraud,"
"I can't believe it," replied Mrs. Bowser.
"Indeed ! What yen can or cannot lie-
lieve is of very little importance to a nation
of 00,000,000 people, Mrs, Bowser. I soy
ehe was unworthy, and that settles it. How-
ever, I do not blame you so very much, as
she probably told a. very plausible story, lint
lot this be the last time. I am just as char.
Kahle as the next man, and perhaps more
so, but I want to know who Pm giving
"I can't hello but believe she WAS just
What 0110 represated herself," protested
Afro. Bowser.
" That tattoo. WAS definitely settled, lijes.
Bowser -definitely settled, understand -
when I declared her unworthy. I will seine
clay give you some instructions as to reading
human nature, but until I do give to no
more mendiceads. Yoo simply encourage
fraud, Via ignorance and crime. There's
on telling hut whot your action in this ease
will land that woman behind prison bars to-
" I don't see how it conic'," she replied.
" Probably not. There's a great many
things you 111100111 8000, won't see and never
will see, IYIrs. Bowser. 1 \Then I tom away
give all snob people the cold shoulder : when
1 arn tot Isom refer them to me. In that
WAY oo mistakes coal possibly arise."
About 80 elook that evening the gate -bell
a ng,and pretty soon the cook 0111110 ill and
o ported that there WAS man outside who
wanted money 110 310.7 for a night's lodging.
" Ali 1 Got the house located down fine,
haven't they I" sarcastically exclaimed. Mr.
Bowser, who was Pearling Ins newspaper.
" Toll him We have nothing to give," said
Mrs. Bowser to the cook.
"Toll him nothing of the kind I" added
Mr. Eowser. " On tho contrary, send hi111
right in here. Here's e. chance for you 1VIrs.
Bowser to take a first lesson in reading hu-
man nature. Soo how quick I will turn him
wrong side out I Move that chair out for
him to sit down on."
A moment Iota the man was shown in.
He was a tough -looking -specimen of man-
hood, and looked as if he had tramped twice
around the globe. There WAS rum in lois
breath and shavings in his hair, and had ho
over appeared by daylight Mrs. Bowser
wnuld have shut the door on his toes.
" Well, sir ?" sharply quetiod Mr. Bow -
"It's a case of heart disease, sir, ancl I
can't work," whined. tho man.
" Run oat your tongue."
Don't be Spring Frisky.
The warning (101. 10 burn off heat too early
and not to make haste to mot away stoves
jo tho spring needs to be spoken often.
Many serious eases of illness have been
traced to the foolish practice of letting down
the winter fire as soon as tho fleet mild
breezes of spring blow. 151. 15 time enough
in this changeable 01101010 [0 lot the winter
fire down by May, and there are cold. days
in May whoa a five is needed. The spring,
when the stoves arc taken down, and not
the fall, when they are put up again, is the
propos. tnne theca that, stove floes and 0)11101'
11570 and all parts of the paraphernalia of
tho hoothag topparatus of tho house aro
cleaned. lt is an easy matter foe n 111011 to
attend to this 010101111133 10 the spring, before
the general house-claning so dono. If
everything is done stow, at one time, instead
of putting dirty stoves away to stand for
six months, to be cleaned when they tore
needed. 0 great deal of trouble will be say-
od.-[Now York Tribune,
False Teeth That Grow Into The Gums,
Awarding to Om Kolui.f.11,0 rolkszeitunfha
Moseow dentist appears to have solved blus
problem of sopplying the Murton mouth with
ftolso teeth that grow into the gums as
firmly as natural ones, Dr, Zniumensky lois
performed several successful operations on
dogs as well tos human beings. The teeth are
made of gutta perches porcelain, or metal.
Holes are made at the root of thoftolso tooth,
and also upwovd into the jow. The tooth is
then plea01 into the cavity. In to short time
a soft grtuntlated growth finds its way from
the potion t's jaw onto tho holes in tho tooth ;
this growth graduelly hardens and holds
the tooth in position. It ie stated that it
doom not latter whether the awl Ly in which
the tooth 10 1110000 is 0110 from widish 0.
naturid. tooth 11/00 been recently drawn, or
whether it hos been healed for some years.
The Iniinenee of Victoria's Reign.
It would bo difficult to exaggerate the
reformotion wrought in the general tone of
Null eh society 15y Queen Vittoria in the
fifty years of her reign. The liereo light
that beats about a throne has never boon
able to reveal 1, flaw' in the purity of hoe
personal character, All her life she has
striven to promote mobilo cond privoto moral-
ity and decency, and the olliond example
of the Court, which has boom openly tot
least, in the interest's of cleanlinees and de-
corum, basset to high standard for eociety ho
general, and has not been without its effect
oven upon the lower and more ignorant
orders. Coarseness and profligacy aro no
longer regarded with admiration and the
had WAS bread. On Ni eciewiday last he got,
a day's work, but broke clown exhausted
After an hour's trial. On his return Milne
he found Joie wife had prematurely given
birth to the ileceased on the bare door.
There was nu doctor to attend l,is wife, and
the child after eight, hours expired. He
applied to tho parish to bevy it. An ninths'
visited the house, cond his wife end his eldest
child were removed eext 'clay by order of
the doetua Ith never received any Pelief
from the parieli, but 11000 he was under the
care of the cloetor, awl WAS getting inedieine,
but no food, The poor follow "coked so
wretched that the Coroner gave him two
relief tickets. Jaines Berry. relieving °Ili -
cos, corroborated ell the poor mon had
said. Ho found the family in to dreadful
state of destitution and semostarvation, end
took immediate steps to relieve this mother
and the oldest child. The Coroner's ofticer
mid that there Wad not a stick of furniture
1,1 8inith's place, and that when he gave
them some food there WAS 110 paean strong
enough to cook it. The jury tuljourned the
heariug of the case for a week, and went in
a body to view the etate of the 1`001118 oc-
cupied by Smith.
A Prominent Physician Recommends 0
VerY SimPle Remedy.
" This information," said a well-kimovn
physician, " may SAVO many lives ; at any
rate it will prove an invaluable boon to peo-
ple suffering from rheumatism in any shape
or fonn. Rheumatism, tts probably nearly
everybody knows, is caused by acidity of the
blood. It slinuld novor be neglected. This '
remedy, as I know by long practice, is very
efficacious, ailollliCols sample as it 15 31000011
" Here itis," he added. " When a them
matic tovinge is experienced the patient
should proceed to a drug store and buy 15
or 25 cents' worth of all of gaulteria (oil of
wintergreen), put ten. drops on a lamp of
sugar, place it in tho mouth, permit it to
luso] ve slowly, rind swallow it. This should
be repeated fit intervals of two hors until
the last vestige of the malady has disappear-
ed. In the meantime take a dose or two of
Rochelle molts.
" That," said the physician, "10 all there
s to it, 111111 11 taken as I have prescribed it
will move snlibring humanity many dollars in
looters' bills, to say nothing of proms, aohes,
and swellings. No. I charge nothing for
this advice. It is simply given for the bene-
fit of mankind."
The Brasses and Bronzes of the Hindus
The brass tond bronze trade is kept alive
by the religious customs of the Hindus, who
are not allowed to use wooden tond earthen-
ware vessels freely, and brass and bronze are
to them as impottant as glass and china to
the westerns. Ahnost all Hindu utensils are
of trs,cptTet• brz0,aidit isMo eois
family with to valuable batterie de cuisine
made either of brass or copper, and a still
existing Hindu ceremony is thal of carrying
the utensils in a prooesston tot the wedding.
The result of this custom is that almost all
the platt4rs, •trays, bowls, nut craukers and
all brass and copper utensils are most beauti-
fully ornaincsntod, and there are lovely
combinations of brass and copper, andsilver
and copper. All Hindu lamps are made of
wass. The Hindu women used to have
lovely caskets covered with ornamentations
called ohelltons, manufactured in Malabar,
in which they kept their jowles, but theeo
ore fastbeing rephocecl by the vulgar English
japanned despatch box. At Sivagionga 0.
beautiful but seldom patronized brass trade
exists, which makes toys and most lifelike
representations of annuals, lizards, frogs,
etc. --ne Nincteena Century.
It appeared and vanished.
"Let me feel of your pulse 1"
He extended a hend,
" man," said Mr Dowser, " you have
told mo the truth. Voris heart is very much
affected. I also see by your face that you
are an honest, truthful man, Here's a dol.
lar for you. Good -eight."
" And you atoll hom deserving?" gasped
Mrs. Bowser, later the tramp had slid out
with an expression of the gratest 0.1110.00.
ment 011 Ills fem.
"Certainly Edo. Saw it the instant he
entered tho room, It's just as hostoys about
his hart, and I ought to have given him
twice (vluut I did."
"11 lie isn't a tramp and a frond then I
don't ltnow one," firmly replied Mrs,
'0f 001.1050 7001 don't, thot's what I've
been trying to toll yom I'd trust that nun
to (storey my wallet all day. Little down at
the heel, but, thoroughly honest; and con
scientious. Hello I What's that?"
" Please, sir, but hose's a policeman who
wants to speak 'with you at the gate," said
the cook from the hall door.
" Tolieenutn?" That's funny. W twee my
hat ?"
Airs. Dowser followed him out. There
stood an officer and thero stood the mon
Ale. Bowser had just given 11)1110.
"Caught hint carrying these things off,
sir," said the officer as he pointed to a pail,
an umbrella, the coolesishawl, several knives
and a platter, which the scamp had *eked
up in tho kitchen as the cook's back was
" Yott--you slid I" gasped Mr, Dowser.
"Yen, sir. IIe's o laud man, sir, a regular
thief. I've sent him over tho road three titnes
"Is it possible I What have you gob to
say to all this, my man 5"
That you aro about the ripest old 151(51511.
ltin I ever shook for sods I" answered the
man in a hilarions voice,
When the ofiicer had taken him away and
they had returned to tho sitting -room M170.
B011110r looked at bor liege lord and. quart-
" Well 1"
" Well what," ho snapped.
a It seems you were mistaken."
"Ib doesn't seem anything of the sort I In
his great mental excitement over receiving
such a lair sum of money the man absently
picked up those things, and if not seised by
the officer would have brought them book
mut apologhted. I llsee to it to -morrow
'fired, but never wetor3'-11 %vitae].
A sage reinark-" A little move stuffing,
He called her little "Sweetie"
When the arrow pierced his hart,
But saw, when 110 had married her,
She tart.
The 11000 American immigration law em-
powers tho Secretary of the pro-
vide rules for the inspection of immignotts
Ivly dear girl, it's in your own hand aa tO clergy may agoin enjoy tho respeot duo to ofttering the United States from the Clone -
What you will be. An intelligent, charming religion an0 the professed union of church dian bordee, and to appoint an inspector for
woman, or a foolish, ignoranb one, 5.5511 001." and state. There oanbo no doubt that there cool( Customs district on the frontier. Cont.
tent if a, few " don'ts " will save 1rcin aro forces at work in hIngliuml, oslo, bitovopo ,sbab,,), 30made that numbers of undesirable
being tho last, 7011 011331110 nob only to road
tund loa,rn, but inwardly &godsend practice.
--CLadies' Journal,
A, Short Lay Sermon.
generally, that threaten the foundations of Coo0ignoos who could not pass muster at the
sooiety as 11014 constituted, but tito commit'.
dation of the odueltorl and 1>1.0.013000015 °lassos 1 Milted 0115115 seaports land tut Quebec 0,1111
then pass into America willed inspection
and the growth of wind, 10007 be termed 0, or cheek, As many as 8,000, its ie &alined,
conservative liberalism, afford o Promise of crossed tho lino in this way last month, The
security, and although it is diftleult to fore. result of this 105w05/510111 of inspection will
This is a whole sermon in itself. Chil. t 11 the roma of the fermentation of 5 'Wien.. doubtless be to throw upon our hands any
dren aro pecniliarly susceptible to the beauty L
_mit in tho proletariat, it is always Penn's. deerepit or pauper immigyants who 155,1551nd
snit° to hope and believe that a danger which at Canadian docks, and in tho end. render
or otherwise of their surroundings. Th oy
11007 01 0 t bo Digo to 100100 311,...51107 nob 1, a is 000033511100 1, may be avoided. -1.'.rho Mau. necessary the adoption of mi equally strut.
conscious 01 110, even, but 13 has none the tauquan. gent mothodof inspectional. Dominiouports,
peered and broke, eausleg me great Polo 0144
suffering. I feared 1 never should get well.
" gayly 111 l080 I went to Chicago 10 03031 a.
sister, but was confined 10 107 bed most of the
tittle I was there. In July 1 rend a book, A.
Ihty with a Oireue,' In which were statements
of cures by liood's Sarsaparilla. I was so Im-
pressed with 1110 51100000 of this medicine that
I decided to try Lt. To my great gratification
the sores soon cleereased, nod I began to feet
better and in a short time I was up and.
out of doors. 1 o,,otlouool to take Hood's Sar-
saparilla for about a year, when, having used
six bottles, I had heeome so fully released
front the disease that 1 went to work for the
not 10 Wo111044 Mr& Co., and since then
maws NOT LOST A amorat DAY
on account of sickness. I believe t15e disease
is expelled trine my system, I always feel ovens
am In good spirits and have 0 good appetite.
I am now 27 years of age and can walk al well
as any one, except that one limb is to little
shorter Man the other, owing to the loss of
bone, and the sores fermerly on my right leg.
To my friends my recovery seems almost
1 tiolook d'swSiaLrLsampl,
tins trtai,71 okiiitsl,gan.t01
Lntin, 9 N. Railroad tit, Kendallville, Ind.
0 5S
Sold by 011 110500(0(4, 3101 etc 1°11,45. Prepared onir
by 0.1, troop CO,, ApOtheenries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Unfortunate Question.
" Boys aud girls," said the Mee old gentle
nan who had beau invited to eay a few
words to the children, " 1 should like to see
sow >any of you expect some time to go to
a better, grander, more beautifol city than
this. All of you who do will please arise."
Lase than a dozen rose up.
" Alost, of the children of this Sunday
school," explained the superintendent to the
old gentleman in D. whisper, " reside in the
vicinity of the boys' playing -grounds."
When a womnan wants to drive anything
out of the house she " shoos," it. A. man w-
ally boots it.
No Flaw Like Home.
A. man with a motley and vast -colored
visage was meandering along the street the
other day, remarking from timo to time, in
a voice like a foghorn with cramps, that
" there's no plea like home."
A policeman wat up to him and wanted
him to stop it.
" Can't a man vont his feeling ?"
" Not so louol as that."
" Do I have to keep still about the solemn
truth ? Must I suppress the facts?"
" What facts ?"
" That my wife told me I Wes drunk,
throw two chairs, one plate and a fork 1111 >110,
pulled out mY last look of hair and throw
um out 01 1107 00011 h01110, Must I suppress
this? No. Truth will porail."
And Ito went on singing " Thore's no
plaoo like hotno."
Fl wer
I had been troubled five months
with Dyspepsia. The doctors told
me it was chronic. I had a fullness
after eating and a heavy load in the
pit of my stomach. I suffered fre-
quently from a Water Brash of clear
matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick-
ness at the Stomach would overtake
me. Then again I would have the
terrible pains ofeWind Colic. At
such times I would try tobelch and
could not. I was workingthen for
Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Con.
Irwin and. Western Ave., Allegheny,
City, Pa., in whose employ I had
been for seven years. Finally I tise'd
August Flower, and after using just
one bottle for two weeks, was en.
tirely relieved of all the trouble. I
can now eat things I dared not touch
before. I would like to refer you to
Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked,
who knows all about my condition,/
and from whom I bought the medi-.
eine. I live with my wife and family
at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa.
Signed, Smarr D. Cox.
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, •
Woodbury, New Jersey, IJ. S.
He Understood Ells Business.
At five o'clock yesterday afternoon a wag
stopped a citisen and asked him for a dime
to got a bite to eat.
Look hore, 1111111," sharply replied the
other, " on Wednesay yon hit me for a
dime ; on Thursday I gave you another,, and
llevir you have the check to 1101110,1Ni thltd."
" le that so ?"
" Of course it's so, and 1511115111 it's piling
it on most too thick."
"Then you are the man 'struck Wednes.
day over on the corner ?"
Ilt1i0t,MU'Ow I've tackled you for the third
time ?"
1‘,%". coill (to, ivs
1111011, T bog yon pardon. That's
too much gall, oven for me, and my excuse
is that von have ileproved so much in your
looks that I didn't recognise you."
Ho was handed a quarter.
NO Spare Hours,
An exchange says that there ism earthly
reason why women should ilot be allowed to
beoome medical men.
A contest for the treasurership of an Indiana,
town was decided in a peculiar manner last
week. Tho result of the polling was a tie,
and the two etundidates then agreed to settle
the mottle: by running a 200 -yard foot race,
the winner to get the office. This was ac-
cordingly done, and the beaten runner 110 -
opted his fate gracefully. In view of the
numerous controverted elections in this
country it is worth while considering wheth-
er some such plum of choosing our legislators
might not, prove advantageous,
Mr. Hayseed (orriving ab city hotel)-"
&pose 15111,, hoar the gong hero whonitring
for dinnor,can't 15?"
Olerls-" Wo have no gong. We have
breakfast from 6 to 11, dinner from 111 to 0,
supper Irma to 11."
111r. Hayseed-" Jobeshaphat I now am I
to git time to see the city I"
Rigors Of Exposure.
Those most exposed to the rigor of a Cana
dim winter suffer most with what cannot be
well avoided, brit can be certainly mud
promptly cured by 01, Jacobs Oil, and that
10 frostbites. If noglooted, they sonufihnes
cause the loss of a limb, but thoy aoso be
easily cured, as stated,
_ • -
111/1151 cannot got Diamond Vora Cora
from your Druggist, send es, for sample
box to
44 and 46 Lombard Sti