HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-22, Page 8ialeleaSeressoceretearessissearthianeaserimacausthicest GONG! lOur li Mhos.. eoing ono so ote you Currant and Gooseberry Bushes if yen are not killing the worms that feed 90011 the leaves at this Season of the Year. Our Ifellebora iS 1 reoh end will kill these IVOPIIIS in good etyle, A. DEADMA.N. iE YUll TIIIIISTI ? If so try a Jersey Milk Shake or a glees of Jersey Buttermilk, or if preferred Lime Fruit Juke, If you care for none of these try Hereal Root Beer or, say, Pine Apple Cordial. These are all choice drinks. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. - GRAND TRUNK RA -IL -WAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains Lean Brussels - Station, North and South, as follows: Com Som.n. Como Norma. man 0.53 a.m.rixecl 2:20 a.m. BISpreSS lir45 Mail . .. 8:00 p.m. blised 8:55 p.m. Express 9:409.01, - O Ca 1 11 t Veins, C1 . - A. rhiel's arming ye takia' notes, An' faith he'll permit it. "Goo save the Queen." Mut window screens, 40 to 60 cents each. B. Gerry. 45.2 .A. clang of proprietors is mooted at the Revere House. HURON County Council will convene on Wednesday June Ord. Loox out for the advt, of the Brussels woollen mills next week. A NEW boiler house will be erected at W. Ross & Son's roller mill. Barman Sewing Machine Needles at 7. G. Skene's for 25o. a package. 300 kegs Montreal cat nails cheaper than ever. Wire nails all sizes, B. Gerry. 45 2. Da. 010wi.6,16.6, the specialist, will be in Brussels on Thursday of next week on his monthly visit. A NEW staff of officers is expected here for next Sunday in connection with the Salvation Army. Two very tasty verandahs are in onurse =If erection at the residence of El, Dun - ford, Turnberry street. . THE Y. P. C. A. of the Methodist Church purpose holding a picnic next Monday in an adjacent grove. THE brickwork of Beattie Bros. new livery barn is being hurdled along by John Pugh and his assistants this week, Fresr.Crams Ire cream, Confectionery, Fruit. Summer Drinks, Cigars, &c., at Mr.. Kith's opposite Queen's Hotel Brus .s.ele. A1301:3 15 or 20 feet of the open ditch south of the drive -way into the station yard Ints been (moored and the safety of life and limb thereby increased. Too Governor-General has proclaimed Monday, 2311: of May, a public holiday for the celebration of Her Majesty's birthday, the 90116 falling on Sunday On year. bro. Bataan will remove his barber shop to Capt. Strelton's new block, next door to the Standard Bank. The apart- ment be is vaoating will be utilized by the Queen's Hotel. A DE1 warm, in the employ of the Do. minion Government, was here this week for several days endeavoring to ferret out evidence concerning the burglary committed recently at the Brussels poet. office. Teases -The trial of Hendricks and Smith, charged with burglarizing the Bruasels postoffiee, will take place in Goderich on Wednesday of next week. A number of witnesses from here will be COMPETENT judges affirm that tbe apple crop will be almost a total failure in this notion this year. Cherry and plum trees have put forth an abundant display of blossoms, but the apple trees are evid. ently taking an "off year." Tan Atwood Bee says :-W. J. Wake, of Brussels, made us the recipient of a beautiful sign this week, the letters being worked in silver and gold leaf. It is a creditable pike of work, and speaks well for the taste and ability of the artist. Thanks. Wrom,..D/OSTNO AND DitteLDEL-George Birt has all the necesaary maohinery for digging and drink wells and is proper. ed to attend to all Work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned oat and put in proper there, Terms reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, wesb side of Turnberry et,, BrOssels. 43-11 AT the Y. P. C. A. meeting in the tciethotlist ohurch last Monday evening the following interesting program was resented :-Opening hymn, "Bringing 10 the theaves ;" olturoh choir, "The Boat.= Light" ; foading, "Trifles," Mrs. Doboon ; duett, "Footstepa on the stair," Mee Kerr and Mise May Kerr ; reading, "The crooked places made atroight," Goo. Rogers ; due% "How far is it called to the grave," the Mikes Moore ; solo, "I'm fay fee me: home," Alex. Hood ; Sunday school ohoir, "Cast thy burden on the Lord" 1 duett, "Haat them gleaned well to.day," Mex. flood and N. Gerry ; cloning hymn, "Gather them in." President Rogers °coupled the chair. $500 nit 5 lifeasrmis.-eOur Homes," a thirty two me monthav magazine, de. voted to bonee building, borne furnishing, hone° degoration, fashions, 4000391 110810. trire, Oa., is the best publication af its tires in lanterik. The publishers, in ardor to 11.1110088 the circulation of their magazine, offer large 'cash rewardto thoge of their snbecribers, 'or intending ettbscribera, who correotly armee the following question: Where in the New Teritament are the worde "a bindle" first found? Caeh daily and weakly rewards givoh while the competition lasts. The publishers will give array thougando of dollen among those eorractly answering the question -the leadirig reward being $500 in gold. Send ten °ante 111 sternpo or silvee for amnesia eopy of 'Out Herne& and oetriplate titles governitig the tom - petition. Addrese-Oun 11011115 Ptintaint, Zn Co., Beockville, Canede, Hk.., .131- 1.; SSE,1_,S 1-10S1 nesevessossav Tug postoffice will be open for the tribution of mail from 3:30 to 4:30 e. tn. on Monday, 251h inst. Eth/ MmporlumitOpeara to the centre of attraction to the laden; of the surrounding country. A To :r meeting, under the Petrone j of Industry, will be held in Brussels on Monday afternoon, June 1st. Bea advt. Wki.TES ACESON is pushing the work of manufacturing e tip-top apring wire mattress. They are said to be a No. 1 article. BEATTIE BlIOS, will sten theft two horse= in the races at Harriette next Moaday ; one in the open rim and the other in the three-minute trot Poss.:worm Tannow took it in hand this week to aid a oitizen, in need, by tenanting $30 or $40 from a few Brussel- it ea. It wee the proper thing. Nat r Sunday T. A. Hawkins takes oharge of the organ and choir in St. John's church in this plaoe. Miss Cale has gone to her home in Stratford. A. PUBLIC meeting will be held shortly to arrange for the annual celebration of Domiuion Day le Brussels. Every citizen should talk it up in the meau• time. M. BRINE has tho oontraot or grading and levelling the rare track at the new agricultural park. The new fence Is be. ing built and things geuorally put in ship shape. Orn thanks are due l a tiumber of subscribers to Tin Post who have squared off their indebtedoess. Have you taken the hint yet ? It takes money to run 9 newspaper. Tag Royal Templars of Temperance Lo Brussels have arranged for an open meeting in their Hall on Tuesday even. ing of next week. A muakal and liter. ary program will be presented. Thepub- lic cordially welcomed. Pekoe of p'ain fence wires :- Black. 0 elven ized. No, 9..$2 80 $3 60 No. 10.. 300 870 No. 11 „ 325 400 B. Gerry. "A. few Sketches of Joliet" is the name of a profusely illustrated and neatly gotten up pamphlet of 52 pages, giving a description of the principal manutactur. ies, &o. of the city of Joliet, Illinois. It is a splendid ides and will prove very helpfal to the place. Our thanks ore doe to Geo. Hingkon for a ample copy. T. Brett:not, of Wingham, has opened up a Restauraot in the premises recently vacated by Mrs. Simms, postoffioe block. In addition to confectionery, bisonits and canned goods he will keep pipes, tobeccos, cigars, cigarettes, dm. Also ale cream, milk shake and other summer drinks, The premises has been neatly fitted up and Mr. Rutledge is ready to cater to the wants of the public. This la en COSY One. Fuzz Tam -The suocess of our last word finding oontest, just closed, en- uourages us to offer another Free Trip aronnd the World, or its cash equivalent to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt 2169 001119 forward and back- ward, such as "Pip" "Bob" "Huainali." The conteat closes May 15. Tbree daily prizes for the three largest lists received. Contest is open to the World. Every• oue sending ten words will get a prize. Nearly UN wen prizes in our recent con- test. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, together with a. large illustrated cata- logue. Address Belt's Magazine, Orillia, 03. l'oornAza..-On Thursday evening of last week the first football mateh of the season WM played on Victorie, Square, between the well-known "Hurons," of Seaforth, end the "Fearless" club of this place. The match was easily won, as was expected, by the visitors, the score being 4 to 0. The following persons cam. posed the respective teams : SEAPOPTII. Bnuatint,s. Preema,,....... Goal Sloan Mennen Bunks Jackson Willis Torrance Livingstone ( '1- Half Backs Stratton Jackson 3191691Stevene . -McNamara McDonald Centre Dewar Dar 1. Bight Wing Editoren H 1 Mc (tan?: e08 Crawford LGt, wths Cavanagh Smith TEE DOMINION ILLUSTRATED. -The publishers of that splendid Canadian weekly journal, the Dominion Illustrated, announce that the response to their offer of prizes to the value of over $8,000 in competition, open to subscribers only, lias been most gratifying. The nature of the competition renders it a valuable one, whether the competitor wins a prize or not. The period covered by the com- petition does not expire uabil Juno 301h and persons subscribing now may coin. pete es readily as any and on even terms. For full partioulars of the competition end a sample copy of the journal itself, send 12 cents in stamps to the publisb• ere, The Sabiston Litho. & Pub. Go„ Montreel. NEW BMW -TM AND CAUTS.-Messrs. Walker & Ewan have been rashing out new work this spring at a lively rate and although it is yet only May they dia- posed of 10 new buggies, 4 new road carts and a bread van. The inimee of the purchasers are given so keit there need be no doubt in any pervonas mind as to Ole above statements: 33 uggies.-Mex, Ross, Grey township ; Jno. Shortreed, Morris ; Thos. Walker, East Wawanosh ; Wm. Perrie, Grey . Geo. McKay, Grey ; Wm. Whiteman, ittst Wawanosh •, Wm. Blake, Croy ; Wm. Thnell, Morris ; Henry jacloson, Morris ; Nelson Briok. er, 1611) Con., Grey. Road Carts. - Joseph Smith, Morris ; John Roddick, Grey ; Neil Maranchlin, Brussels Bright, Brussels ; Bread van, George Thomson, Brussels. Messrs. Walker & Ewan have a, few rigs yet thin they will dispose of at close priors. SHASONAM,D.-Stramt hate and print dresses. -Ball pleying on the front street should be stopped.-Sheepwashing and thearing.-Talk up Dominion Day cele. bration.-Ioe crown and Rummer &intro. --Bruesels dealers ate ready for the 62061 market. -Early onions', lenge and rho. barb pies, --Organ recital on Thursday evening in Melville obureh, Report next week. -The bet -afoot boy and the stone brute°, Cattle should be kepi' out of the park. -Boating Dud bathing excursions, - The Vanstone mid Smele b'ooke have been freahly painted,- -Croquet' end lawn toultio parties. -E. Grimoldby and R. Thompeon are plishing a partnership ars peintere, &o. -Cheese factories are work. ing full time. -Frequent showers of rain Would greatly help vegektion.-A num. ber of our cibizene will visit' Wingham next Monday. -If a few foul mouthed youths don't let ep on tha nee of obscene and blospliemoue langlege while on Vie• toria &plan in the °Innings they will be taught a ealtitory 1800011 before the Reeie. Sone owners of very untidy baokyards have not yet responded to the °all of the Booed of Health. A line of a few dollars might, bi made a. soa.. to 111090 oareh'ss Mill victuals. T. A. IlAwisuar, orgonist ot 53, johnai ' oburoh, 13rus.els, having an experience of in year° in teaching meek, will give music lessons to pupils eithee at Thos. Kelly s, or, if preferred, at their owu homes. Bunn° run \aroma -The brickwork of the new American Hotel is being pushed Along at a rapid rate, and, with fine weather, the work will be oomplered next week. There hoe been quite a staff of workmen engaged at this building in ctiffeeout capaoibios, summerieed as fol. Iowa ; Bricklayers' -D. Lowry and Goo. Lowry, Brussels ; Jas. Cattanach, Ford. wird.) ; Andrew Brown, Clifford ; 01100. Moyers, Seaforth, and. Jos. Corrigan, Mt. Forest, Masons -Alf. Lowry and. Alex. MoKay, Brussels ; Jas. Young, Ford- wich ; Peter Bishop, Ethel, and Jno. Holntes, Illoleeworth. Carpenters -Obits. Bpdley and Wm. Delsworth, 'Mt. Forest ; Robb. G. Wilson and Goo. Colvin, Brus- sels. Helpers, &o.-Ecl, and Wm. Lowry, H. Mooney, 7. Carter and W. King, Brus.els; Joseph Mosier, Fordwich ; Jno. Corte., Woodstock. The masono are 00111. plating the cellar for J. G. Steno's store this week. $745.00 IN Goan ton A WIVE. ---We will give to the first peraon telling us before June 1st, 1891, where in the Bible the word "wife" is first found $100.00 in gold. To the next $50.00. To the third, 125,00. To the fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15.00. To the sixth, $10.00. To the next 25, $5 emit. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last eorrect answer, we will give $100 in gold, To the next to tin last $50, and so on same its born the first. With your answer send 25 eta. in silver, or 27 cts, in stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't gripe. Re- member the presents are absolutely free, baing given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addresses of all the prize winners will ap- peer in this paper. We refer you to the Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send at onoe and be first. Address, Home Speoillo Go., Orillia, Ont. PauSENTATiox.-Last Tuesday evening Ole members of Mrs. James Ken's Sun• day school class met at tile residence of Wm. Ainley and presented their teacher with a handsome platform rocker and Ole following nioely worded address :- To Mrs. James Kerr. DEAR %%McBee, -As a token of the es• teem with which you are held in our estimation as our faithful instructor in the kahms whioh pertain to our spiritual welfare plena° accept this chair, not be- cause of its intrinsic value, but bet:muse of the motive which prompted your class thus to express, 1110 tangible form, the warm attachmetit towards you. May you long continue to labor in the vineeard of the blaster and that the cord of Christine sympathy which binds ns to• gather 05 30001151' and pupils may grow stronger and stronger until at last it shall bind us to the rensomed of the Lord, is our humble prayer. Signed on behalf of your class. NINA MALCOLM, LINEIE Gamma, Kara ViTrasotr, JENNIE MOLACTILTS, LILLIAN AINLET. GOOD CATTLE. -Last week J. Scott, cattle dealer, of Lietowel, ahipped a cer load of prime animals from Brussels. They were purchased from the following arsons :- Bowman Bros.. , 19 head, 26,560 lbs, John Barr 6 " 9,240 .. Riohd. Armstrong 6 " 7,800 e Alex. Forrest4 " 5,520 " Geo. Brewer. .. 4. " 4,830 " Robt. Black 3 " 8,980 David Pipe 8 " 2,750 " J. R. Miller 2 " 2,480 " Messrs. Bowman's lot averaged 1,350 pounda and brought the owners the snug sum of $1,870. Mr. Barr's 6 averaged 1,540 pounds, one steer plumping the scales down at 1,700, netting the heed - some figure of about $475 for the lot. The average prick paid was 5 cents live weight, although a few got an extra ing on the hundred. On Saturday last E. Watson, of Blyth, sent away a oar load for the Old Country market. Sarno splendid cattle were in the number and were fed by the following well known farmers ;- Andrew Hislop 6 head 8,220 lbs. Arch. Hislop 5 " 6,1.90 " Jas. McDonald 4 " 5,280 " Jas. Hielop 4 " 4,680 Wm. Jewitt 1 " 1,200 " Some Englishmen will hove good beef- steak on the arrival of this cargo. Wel. ter Rithardson, Brussels, went along with Mr. Water:m*8 stook and will see the land o' the laid before he returns. People We Snow. Scott is away at Strathroy. Dr, 13.3,, Martin WM in tow e week. Robb. Leatherdale Sandayed in Sea. forth. la, L. Taylor is able to gat out for short drives. Mr, Efunt, of London, 35 01130541113 a few days' visit in town. Mrs. J. Londesboro' was visiting in, town for a feve days, T. A, Hawkins spent last Sunday with f viands at Port Albert. Miss Clara Meadows was Immo front Wingham laat Sunday. Min Dolly Shaw was visiting at Sea - forth daring the past week, Miss Hay, of Liatowel, was visiting alre. Roderick Ross thia week. MISS Ria Brine, of Seafoeth, has been visiting her aiater, Mrs. P. Seat Mrs, Berinotte of Kineardine, is visit- ing her daughter, Mre, 3. T. Gook, Miss Taylor, of Blyth, wa,s visiting her sitter, bliss Annie Taylor, this week. Miss Jessie McCrea it home after en. joying a.visit at Brantford and Guelph. Petri Milloy, photographer of Muria. ton, was in town tor a few days this welieilatry intends taking a holiday trip to the fat weat. He will "be ebsont six or eight wear!. Mrs, leall3ain spent several clOye In Atwood last week visiting doglike, Mrs. JAM ton, Robt. Buohanan, of Henson, hrts come to Bruasels Stud ie ompleyed at Smith, Malcohn & Gibflonle factory, Mrs. Lowe and liar son Prank, of To- ronto, are visiting et It Dennis'. birs. Nunn and Mrs. Lowe aro (Miters, S. Fear and wife ere away on a holi- day visit to their RODS, Pet,. la A. and 0, A., of the Nile end Goderiela respera Healy. Heads, Sellery anti 1.1. alai W. II. Kerr attended the District Mooting of the Methodist eliuroll on Wednesday and Th 'radii% of title week at B13'111. Thos. McCallum, of Newark, 3, j., 15 here on a brief vieit. His mother will aocompouy him book. , It is aboat 15 years since Mr. Mao. was here before. Samuel Walsh, who has been htid op for over a year, intends leaving in a few deys for Boston, where he will undergo courao of treatment at one of the hos. pitals in that eity. Jeri. Hargreaves, of Peisloy, was In town on Tuesday of this week while en route to Wingham on a business trip, Mise Annie Hargreaves goes to Manitoba an a holiday visit next month, A. Brown and wife, of Toronto, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Graham and after spending a few weoke here will go on to Muskoka for the summer. Mr. Brown and the Dr. are old friends. Dan. McKenzie and wife were oalled suddenly to Teeswater last week to mourn over the loss of his eldest brother, Hector, who died of smallpox last month at Fort Smith, Arkansas. lie had been away for about five years. Rev. G. B. Howie, Ph. D., formerly pastor of Knox ohineli, /arteriole, left To- routo for Syria last Saturday, %there he purposes visiting for a few months among his own kinsmen. We hope to 000ttaionally hear from Dr. Howie oon- sterling the land of the orients, Mrs, Howie is in Toronto. Dr. J. W. Shaw has keeted at Clinton, otioupying the office lately vacated by 1». 11104505, removed. The Clinton people will find 111 Dr. Shaw a first-class citizen. 110 34516 a high standing in hie examine - Mons, and will prove himself a careful, reliable and sueoessful physician, we have no doubt. On account of him being a modest young Mall we May add that he is good looking, unmarried, a successful tennis player, "Grit," Presbyterian mid hits a number of other excellent quali- fications that ratty be had on application. Tins POST wishes the Dr. abundant suc- cess, and can heartily recommend him to the good people of Clinton and surround- ing country. Last Monday Dr. R. Kos:01nel left Brussels for Ripley, Bruoe County, where he purposes practising hie chosen profession. The people of that plaae will fincl it] him a very worthy citizen and a thoroughly qualified inedirio. His career as a student was eminently successful, he having the credit of taking the !Mira scholarship in his 1st year's course and wrath:ales of Honor at each succeeding examination, chasing the medal winners within a few marks at the close. We have watched closely the various pro. gressive steps of Dr. Knecht's' and will be greatly disappointed if he does not teke a foremost plink among his brethren of the healing art. We commend him to the citizens of Ripley and wish him the aucess he deserves and desires. The Mitchell Recorder of last week says Cousins, formerly of the Russeldale hotel, has leased the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, and is moving his family aud household effeots to that town to clay (Thursday.) The Queen's is a large and commodious commercial house, and um der Mr. Cousins' management no doubt will gain in popularity with the travelling publio. Frank White has been engaged by Ur. Cousins as bartender. Frank hats occupied a similar position in the Hicks House and Royal hotel of this town, and is well and favorably known to commer- cial men, and his presence will add to the attractivenesa of the Queen's as a re- sort for oomtneroial travellers." The Advocate says :-"Mr. Cousins, of Mitch- ell, has rented Stretton's hotel, Brussels. Prank White will attend the bar. They are both good men and their loss to Mitchell will be Brussel's gran." olifeneral News.. The first pestoffioe was established in 1516. Mr. Gladstone's condition is much im- proved. Printing was introduced into England in 1474. The number of different languages spoken in Europe is 587. Of every million people in the world eight hundred are blind. There are ovar 71,000 dogs in Paris ito- (=ding to the official census. A needle passes through eighty oper- ations before 11 18 perfectly made. The Sootoli miners have daoided to aid the striking miners on the continent, .A.priest of Dunmore has refused to ad- minister the sacrament to Parnellites. Heligoland has a national debt of 210 ; the revenue ie between 28,000 and 4;9,- 000. Shakeapeare died in 1616, four years. before the Pilgram Fathers landed on Plymouth Rook. A hailstorm has destroyed almost ‘lie entire tvheat crop in tho neighborhood of Kansaa. Secretary Blainelwas able to leave his bed Monday, but be still suffers con. siderable pion from gout. The Italian residents of Bostou have decided to present the city with a statue of Christopher Columburs. Edison's phonogeephio doll now speaks one hundred and thirty.five words. Formerly it could speak but thirty. 11 10 gated that negobiationa between England and Portugal for an agreement reletive to South Afrioa have been con - °laded. Ninety members 03 1160 British Hotlee of Commons are now suffering from in- fluenza, tholuding Sit Richard Webster, Attorney -General, It is said that Iceland, with a popula- tion of 70,000, is entirely Protestant, and that it hes neither a prison, police, or Pella° of the peace, A stook company has been formed in St Petersburg to buy large bracts of land 111 Calleatflia, on the ;nest of the Black Sea, for tin cultivation of tea. The Indians on the Okanagan reaerva. Lion, Wash., are in a state of constraint. tion over the ravogee of la grippe. More than 100 have clied and the others an fleeing to Idaho and other places. The Washington signal office reporte that the temperature on Sunday morning was the lowest in two denies in both eastern and Weiner» Mato. Kiting frosts tvere reported in Michigan and 010301310 01110 Whet ie belieVed to be the largeet tingle pike of granite ewer started at ono blast in Quitoy has heon moved from its original bed in Rogers' quarry, Quiecy, Mak. It le 25 foot wide, 20 feet thiolt ana 70 long. The riernteny hag been ilee yeers boring the front of the stone, 10 ot the lined quality. Rapid moil delivery by street OftV is proposed by the pectofilve authorities 111 Buffalo, N. V. Emelt ear is to krry a box into which 1112 :Jana; ean l, blipped, and from which they ode removed at tt central station, to which ell the link in the oity run. The Buffalo Ry. Go., which operates Um rallwee's, is in favor of the plan, Memphis despateli t -Ono ot the moat extraordinary CMOs in medical annals is that of MISS Tolleson, a student at a leading instution in this city. The yonng lady was attacked with tonsillitis O few days ago, her temperature raising to 105 and then to 108, her death being moinentarily expected. To the utter senaternation of the attending physicians her tomperatare continuee to rise stead- ily to 158 Fahrenheit, breaking the re. oord, also sevotel thermometers, whioh could not record any higher. Strangest of all is the fact that the young lady is improving and may reeover. There is but oue parallel case on record, that of a victim 02 peritonitis at Ornahe, Neb., whose temperature reached 152 degrees. xec:>=elsT. GIMOST.-To Wingham, on the 4111 inst., the wife of Mr. S. Graoey of a SOIL SOOT. -1n East Saginaw, Mich., on the 10th inst., the wife of Rev. A. Scott Glihnt I al.fnr; Wingham, on the 4113 inst., the wife of Mr. It, A. Graham of twin sons. Tenon. -In Brussels, on May 15th, the wife of Mr. R. L. Taylor, Barrister, of a son. EACIOETT.-In Morris, on the 7111 inst„ Ole wife of Mr. Anthony Haggett of a daughter. Seafortil, on the fth inst., the wife of Mr. I. V, Fear, druggist, of a daughter, DUCKLOW.-111 on the llth inst., the 21110 02 Mr, Peter Ducklow, of a daughter. 2,,fr.a.MMInaDD, WALAACO-SanNcE.- At the Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie, on tha 13141 inst., by Rev. W. Torrance, Mr. William Wallace to Miss Elizabeth Spence, all of Howick. 11.901101'-GlIAIlAU.-In Stratford, on Iday 13311, by Rev. Dr. Griffin, Rev. F. E. Nugent, pastor of Trafalgar street Methodist church, Mitchell, to Miss Leona Graham, of the wane place. FLACE-SAITTE.-00 the 18131 inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, 1 Biggs' terrak, Winnipeg, by the Rev. James Allan, Ma Arthur Fleck, of Wingbam, to Lottie, daughter of Mr. 3. C. Smyth. =IMOD. CLIJETT.-In Blyth, on Tuesday May Path, John Oluett, aged 76 yenta. .A.11A1SMO3e.-In Morris, on May 1601, Robert Armstrong, aged 61 years and 8 days. CowAx.-In Elms., on Monday, May 1111, Peter Cowan, aged 72 years, 4 months and 4 clays. SCAHLETT.-Ill MoKillop, on May 14th, Mary, roliet of the late Satnuel Seal, lett, aged 64 years and 2 months. INems.-At U.'yner, Dakota, on May 81:11, of croup, Willie Ebert, aged 6 years and 13 days, son oe wm. Inglis, late of Grey. BILLINOSLIIT.-In Kamloops, 13. C., on April 25313, laeorne 11., only daughter of T. Billingsley, of Bluevale, aged 25 years. VAanosicntx.-Iu Wingbam, on the 711) inss., at the residence of her (laugh- tereatIrs, A. J. Conover, Rhode Van- buskirk, aged 65 years, 4 months and 9 days. 23=0"C7016=7..,M IVC.A.1V,2C3Erias. Fall Wheat 1 07 1 10 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 Oa Barley 45 50 Outs 41 43 Peas07 Batter, tubs and rolls...-. 7.: 14 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50 Potatoes 50 00 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Pork . . 500 550 Hides per lb 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, earth 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 40 SO Wool, per lb. 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. • ONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE ITt Venda Apply to GEMIGE BINGBTON, 4011e0, Illinois, 01 00 41.20 THOS. KELLY, 13russels. on Farm Security nt Low rate of In. barest. Apply at Tan PosW Publishing House, Brussels. de 11. A. NOTICE11 Tho Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Comb Rouse, in tee Town of Goderich, on Wednes- day, the Third drty of Jima at 8 o'clook r. 9, 418,1011111 ADAMSON, Godorich, 03107 1031,, County Clerk. _ CUM.' 01' REVISION. TOWNSHIP OP 0111012. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the TowashiP of Gray, County of Huron, will moot as Court of Revision at glIETON'S 13001110, fawner, ou Tuesday, May 20113, 1891, Hi 00 (I, 460, Parties lutereeted ri ill govern thetneelverl accordingly, WM. SPLOTCH, Clark. . . XECUTORS' NOTICE TO CRED- ITORS. Pursuant to Borland E tato Les of Ontario, 1837, Chapter 110, Section 2.11, uotlo o is hereby given that all creditors, next of 15n, and others havinn (0113 0101039 10411114 the estate of ,3009 Pumas, late of the Township of ahoy, iu the Cotinty of Huron, farmer, do, oeitsint,who tliod on or latent the 22115 day ot Mara, :2,1). 1801, In said township, are hereby required to send, by post prepaid, to Messrs, MoPhorson & Davidson, of the City of Stratford, Ontario, Solicitors for the Exe- Miters, addressed to them et said 0117, on oe before the 28211 Day or May, 1301, a state- ment containing their names and address end full particulars of their Maim a, and that after said 2801 day of May the said (moon tors ivill pmeeed to dfstributo tho assets of tho said deceased among the parties' entitled thereto, having regard Dub/ to the °Mime of whleh notice 0190111)."vo been given as dere. said, and the said exeoutors will 003 1,9 liable for the said assets, Or any part thereof, to 6131)' nerson or wagon of whose Mahn or clahnfl notice shall not have boon received by the sald MePherson 46 Davidson ab tho Mule of swat distribution. IttOPHIALSON &DAVIDSON, Stratford, Benetton toe OneleAu Penns 1110(1 3:016300 CARDIPP. 404 erixecutore. MAY 22, 1891 NE W Ca. PAPER Tr you want your house papered in the best style, with newest goods, at lowest prices try J. T. Pepper, Druggist, BRUSSELS. BANKING. AVINTOSH & Mo-tiedART;, BANKERS, BRUSSELS, Tzo,ca.macta Ckaf.s..ro,1 DE3a.salclac.a DEtweisaeassa. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadien and 130130(1 States Drafts bought and sold. Interest (thawed ou Deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents -Murton-Ann BANK 01. CANADA.. Now York Asents-Dirotrenna .0040 70911), MIS 'NATIONAL 21A09. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., • Barrister, Solicitor, &o., 2.1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Money to Loan, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, xi.. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions nuulo. 0111co-Vaustone's Bleak, 131 ne- wts. 21-8m* AV M. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Convoyanoar, No tatty Pub - lie, dm. Otlice-Graham 0 }Book, 1 de north p1120139030 Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. 10KSON & HAYS, (Late with Sorrow 44Pron3bfoot, Gods. rich,) Hamsters, Solicitors, Oeuyeyaucers. Ofeces-hrussels and Seaforth. Bros. eels 02100 -73p -stairs over Bank. Money to Loan, 16,8,0.000, W. E. MilseN BUSINESS CARDS. iurisS O'CONNOR, Timelier of Organ ann Piano. 4041 ',rimless street, Brussels. - MoCIRACKEN, • Issuror °Marriage Licenses. 011laa at hie Grocery, 2nraberry street. Hressels, -D N. BA.RRETT, 1.33.Tonsorial Artiste . Shop -Next door south of A. SI. Mc Kay ,b Co's hardware store. Ladies' ana childrens hair cutting a spoolalty oNAIR, • Theurer of Marriage Lioonses, by appointment of Lient,-0overnor, Commis- SIMI Cr, So, Q. B. Convoyaneer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. 0111ce at the Cranbrook Post Oilleo, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INsUltANoN, FIRE AND MARINF.. • GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTF,R, Clerk of tile Fourth Division Court; Co, Huron, Couveyaneer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and insurance Agent. Funds invested and to 1055. Colleotions made. Oftlae in Graham's Bleak, Brussels, ' • MISS SHERLOC1K, 'JLate of the Conservatory of Mimic, Toronto, le prepared to givo lessons at Ethel and Cranbroolr. Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Afr. S. H. Clerk in vocal music.. Clam at • Oranbrook every. Tmsday. For terms, Bre„ apply at the Mebliodiet Parsons ge , Ethel. DENTAL. 7:71 7E8T,T01TMS,"2" 1 G. L. Ball, Tle 13,6, Nitres Oxide Gas ad. ministered for the Pflulees Extraction of Teeth. 74 e•reard Street ERA, TORONTO, M. CAVANAGH, 1. D• Se 0.0. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, cud of Toronto 'Gni. versity. OZTIOR-Oval Popper's Drug Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, .L61. • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of fermii, farm stook, &o. Terms ohseof,illy g Vou. um wok 19.0, Sales May be arranged at Tan Posw Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KLRKBY, Lionneed electioneer. Pales eonduat- ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farm stook a Specialby. Orders loft at Tau POST Publishing House, Bru seals, or sentto Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LWEN- RE as an Auctioneer, am prepared to e08n1001 sales of fawn stook at reasonable priees. Knowing. the staucling of gently every person X am m a position to Roll to good maxim and get good security when sold on credit, Satisfaotion guaranteed. Give me a call. 82. E 3,800719, MEDICAL CARDS. M. E. CALE, M.D., 0.01., TV Member of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Moo and Residence - Main street East, Ethel, Ontario, TA. MaNAUGHTON, NI. D. . 0, R. 0.P., Edinburgh, AL 0. P 3.0111. At Pepper's Drug Store from 2 to 21:800,01.01112 from 1;80 to 49,01, At other hours 109.13 110 found at his reaideeee. forth. erly 09011910(1 by Dr. utubliason, Milt Bt. . VETERINARY, D. WARWICK, e • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseasee of dolueetioatail anilnals lu 0 a0111 - potent manner. Partioular attontion paid to YetOritiary dentistry, Oalla promptly at - totaled to, Office and Infirmary -Two doors north of bridge, 'Xurnborry et., Brussels, COURT OF REVISION, -- VILLAGLI 01' nnussiats. Take notiee that the Court of Revision fOr the Vltlage of Brusaele, for the 5'ane1801, will be bold In the Tows' leArt, On itiONDAV, .133600 114,1891, ai 7180 p. All patsons Interested win Orem take 130. 1108 and oat aceordlimiy, le 8. SCOTT, Oltek.