The Brussels Post, 1891-5-22, Page 5MAY 22, 1891.
131 Reva]t+,
Two ttssoclaLions of Patrons of Indus•
try were organized in Tnenberry last
week by F. J. Bennest, County Organiz.
or ; One at Barris' sohool house, and
one et Bailie's soleal hoose. Tho organ.
Nor hos been very snooesafnlin this part
of the county, as there aro only ono Or
two ocotione from Ashfield to Minto,
whore he hes teetered and failed to or•
An awning admits tho front of John
Rogers' hardware store.
The G. T. R. station is being tar pn,p-
ered and boarded outside, and otherwise
Geo. Currie las takca into partnership
his•Iaw, Mr, Il:eughen, of
\Valkertou, and the firm will be known
in future its Curio & fiaughan. Mr.
Currie will conduct the business here,
his patine,' having simply u financial im
tared in the bu.ino-a.
A. niranlar has been received by the
Direotors of the Newry ohaeee factory
from the Department of Agrioult tire, Ot-
tawa, coating that the Superintendents of
experimental dairy work will visit, among
others, the Newry faetory,on Wednesday
and Thursday, May 20th and 21st.
A. braueb of the Canadian Mutual Loan
and Investment Co., head office at To-
ronto, was organized last week wLLh the
following officers :—.1. W. McBain, Pres.
ident ; Wm. Locbead, Vioo-President ;
\Vin. Dunn, Valuator ; R. Anderson,
Seo.•T'roae. ; Rev. A. Henderson. Dr.
Ras, Thos. Fullerton and V. Toerger,
Directors. The Company is incorporat•
ed and has an nuthorizod capital of 250,-
Reeve Conk has gone to Ottawa to look
after the interests of Howick in the wa-
ter of the proposed rebate on railway
bon uses,
The alarm arouerd over tho recent
burglaries has awakened our citizens to
(seep it close watch on their premists and
cold lead is ready for intruders.
L. Campbell, of the Albion, has sold
out to a gentleman from Palmerston,
who will run the hotel business hereafter.
Mr. Campbell, we understand, intends
going to Listowel.
Itesonus'tos.—The following resolution,
passed by the Quarterly Board of the
Methodist ohurch, Gerrie, speaks for it-
self :--Moved by Jno. Spotton, seconded
by W. Ii. Clegg "That we, as a Quarter.
ly Board, desire to express our deep sym-
pathy with our pastor, the Rev. Wm.
Torrance, in hie sore atiliotioh and in the
long continued illness of his beloved wife
and we would assure him of our hearty
ap reciatitn of his earnest labors and
self-denying zeal in endeavoring to pro.
mote the spiritual interests of the people
on this circuit and we pray and trust
that the blaming of God may attend the
means that are being need and that they
both may soon be reamed to their usual
health. We would also express the hope
111e Conferenoe may Y return him to
this rt cuht
'ono the
work so well
. r to
began under his faithful ministrations."
Carried unanimously.
aid revels is away at London And
Hien iluoy ode week.
BAlitO\a ni 1'.nc•srnx -Qu '1'hnrsdity
evening of let week F J. Be'lneet, or.
genizer of Patrons of Industry for Moron,
deliver'e'd all tidal !H5 nb 6inith's sohool
houso, at the sloes of which an ctsaoota-
Lion nailed "Excelsior" wits formed. The
following uamee of the oflioere, including
two anhool t.o:ohels, will epealt for the
intellectual statue of the aesociaifon :-
1laniel Stewart Pros. ; Jno. Smith, Vine
Pres , J. I,. nogg, Seo. ; W. A. Smith,
Treas.; A. Stewart, Minerva ; Jno. Car.
clip, Demeter , Alex. Yuill, Guide ; Wm,
Wolk, Sentinel.
Bele; retve.
The Good Template Mooted and in.
atalled the following Whore at their lest.
meeting .-0. T., J. Pelle ; P. 0, T., Cl,
H. Blaokwell ; V. T., M. Campbell ;
Iieo. Seo., J. (lone ; Assistant Rea•Sea,
N, Wilkinson ; Trees., Dims. \Vightman ;
Chap., D. Scott ; M., T. Armstrong ; D.
M., A. Littlefair ; G., II. Agnew ; S., G.
W. Wilkinson. The date of the open
lodge has been changed from May 25th
to the 29th.
Pei tut 1 )wtla.
Seafo•th's population ie 2,721.
Harry Punobard bee gouo to Blenheim,
Cameron Smith has graduated in law.
Goo. Ewing has rttired from the
butchering business.
A. uew Town Hall and market horse
is proposed. They are badly needed.
Mrs. Boebanan has been ill from the
effects of alheavy stick of wood falling on POPULAR STALLIONS
K tmloope, and so soca as elle was able
to make a start aloe did so, Icor frietuls
boyo never expeating to look upon hoe
Imo again,
My Ch.
tier firemen intend to take part in the
tournament fn Seuforth in June,
John Denholm shipped two carloads
of potatoes' to Cincinnatti ,ibis week.
D. 13, McKinnon tni lion, have been
able to make setiefaoto'y arrangements
with their orediturs and opened out
again on Saierday.
On Saturday evening at about 5:80 the
fire alarm was ones more sounded in our
midet, The oitizens were seen running
in the direction of the English church
which was reported to be on fire, and
was only too true. It appears there was
choir practice going on and by some
means or other one of the lamps on the
organ 1,-11 to the floor of the choir gal.
lery which was enveloped in tames in
an ntetant, Several of the citizens were
quickly on hand and with a few pails of
water kept it ander control. The fire
company with their engine was at the
tank on the square in quick order but
their se,viees were not required. The
seats, floor and windows got a bad
A runaway boy belonging to Orillin,
Ont., has been arrested at Weary. He
had a 11500 deposit receipt on the Bank
of Montreal on his per.on, and it watch
supposed to have been stolen at Calgary.
her foot, causing her to faint,
The clothing and tailoring establish.
meat of Duncan & Duncan has been pm.
clewed by Jaoksou Broe. of Clinton,
Foo'ni t:h.—The Berlin Heavers were
defeated here last Saturday by 3 goals to
1 by the Hurone in the Western Associa-
tion series. The teams worn :—Aurone
—Goal, Sloan ; backs, Willis, D. McDon-
ald ; half -backs, Stephens, Livingstone,
Jaokaon ; forwards, Killoran, Dewar, W.
McDonald, Crawford, Smith. hangers
—Goitl, Forsyth ; backs, Sims, Roat ;
half-baoke, Waggoner, MoOallurn, Got.
lieb ; forwards, Aitkina, Boehmer, Jag.
howiez, Dunlce, Bell.
Cramer) v.()ca,
Our new hotel -keeper has not yet ar.
Gramm Bros. Inc rushing the lime
business this season.
Knox church Sabbath school is inoreas.
ing wonderfully, there being 01 members
present last Sundae. It is expeoted that
it will yet increase to nt least 100.
A number in this oomniunity think
that tho License Commissioners matte a
mistake in licensing two hotels in this
village as one would he snoffitent. We
think that the day is not very far distant
when they will not have the opportunity
of granting license to even one here. As
we look to the doings in our Legislative
Halle nt present we see that the Prohibi-
tionists ere lining np for organization.
It is pleasing to us to notice that there
aro a few at least of our Legislators who
are cleply interested in this great gees.
tion ; who are willing to sacrifice all
party 1
art spirit to brine about rho great re-
form ; who are looking to the interests of
mankind rather than party. It is also
pleasing to us to see that one who is oon-
epianous in this little band is our esteem-
ed member for East Baron, Dr. Macdon-
ald, a man who has represented us in all
points faithfully in the past ; one who
has always proven himself a faithful ad- '
vacate of temperance in onr midst and 1
ono who is ever willing and desirous of 1
acting the part of a good Samaritan in
this question by his excellent lectures to
is and by his vaioe and vote in the
Horse. Noce, we the temperance people
in this East riding of Heron, why is it
that we ehorrid nee our influence against
this faithful member ? Is it because he
does not do his duty in the House ? Is
it because he le to aur minds an unprin-
cipled man, or is it because our pertyi-m
rises high above one temperance prinnip•
les and takes the first place ite onr minds?
Oh 1 brethren, lot us lift high the stand-
ard ail our temperance principles. Let
ue away with jealousy, that herbal de,
stroyer of any good work in any field itis
permitted to enter. Let no as temper.
nnco people, not Grit or Tory, bat as Grit
and I ore go hand in hand together !tee-
ing no thought of party pre•eminenee
but only to bringing about such great re.
forme es this told keeping before our
minds the grea est interests of mankind,
for it ie only by so doing that we oan
in' of with Divine 0.pp'oval in political
'lo rel..
Council meeting on Saturday of next
week, 30th inst.
Mrs. Joseph Harris, of Petrolea, is
visiting her many friends in this locality
for a few weeks.
Reeve Mooney is away to Ottawa on
the delegation oonoerning the refund of
railway bonn+es.
Thos. Currie, of Listowel, put on 2,014
grafts on fruit trees in the Iocelity of
Brussels in 14 days last week.
Lest Sunday a valuable foal belonging
to John Mooney died. This is the fifth
successive lose he has sustained in this
way with the same mother and is rather
Dteo.--Robert Armstrong, 8rd line,
died quite unexpectedly, at the rentdence
of his brother, Richard, last Saturday
afternoon from inflammation of the
bowels. He bad been feeling poorly for
some time but was able to get about un.
til inflammation set in on Thursday re•
sulting iu his death. The deceased WES
horn in Ireland and Dame to Morris town-
ship over 30 years ago. we was a bache-
lor. On the 8th day of May he celebrat•
ed hie Clot birthday. The funeral tools
Place on Monday afternoon, Rev. W. T.
Cluff conducting the service. Interment
was mode at Brussels cemetery.
PATems 00Iomueron.—On Wednesday
evening of last week F. J. Bennest, o'-
gauizer. of Petr"no of Industry for Huron,
delivered a leotnr° at Gosman's sohool
house. The audience manifested their
appreciation of the lectureand their aye•
pathy with the principles advocated by
the lecturer by forming e. strong Asso.
ciation, The following officers were duly
elected end will give au ides. of the in.
te(ectual complexion of this Assooia-
ticu, Wm. Pollock, Pres.; Jno. Mc-
Caughey, Vico•Pres. ; W. C. Laidlaw,
Secs. ; D, Stalker, Trcaa. ; Andrew Laid•
law, Minerva ; \Vm. Wallace, Demeter ;
R. Richmond, Guide ; John Brown, Sen-
tinel. This association is called !'Queen
of the Wog," The organizer will visit
the association o1 Tuesday, 2Gth inst.
of; >i-ey. .
Court of Revision next Tuesday at
Mts. Levis and daughters, of Homos.
villa, were visiting at Jno. Hill's for a
new days this week,
Tho proposed new school section, with
sohool house on the 0th con., is causing
coneido'able talk and argument,
Last Saturday Truman Smith led the
misfortune to receive a kick from one of
W. Killough's harem, that laid him aside
for a little while,
On Monday evening 1'. J. Bennest gave
o, lecture at Turnbull's e611ool house, in
the fntereste of the Patrons of industry,
at the close of which the audience mans.
fasted their approuietioi of the pt'inoiploe
of the Ordoe by foenlint; an Association
of P. of I. with 00 monibers, to be oal'od
"Monarch of Grey Tp." Tho following
ollioere were duly Bleated :—Alex. Slew -
net, Pres. ; Arch. Duncanson, Vice ; Jas.
Harris, Sec'y ; Jno. Harris, Trees.; Mag.
gie Stewart, Minerva ; Ann Douglas,
Demeter ; Jas, Campbell Gnide ; Hugh
Stewart, Sentinel. At ilia °lose of tlhe
meeting riuito a nulnbee confessed that
they had Dome to the meeting prejudiced
against the Order, but the pointed and
unanewerablo argtmeute advanced by the
leathern" had oansed them to ohmage their
minis" ti VMS one of the best meetings
held in Huron.
The following well.known Stallions
will travel during the season of 1801, as
follows :
ILwdn & AITenreoN, intern/m.01,
Tuesday uonn,—Will leave his own
stable, Lot 10, Con. 4, Morrie, and pro-
ceed on the 8rd line to Belgrave hotel
for night. Wednesday,—Will proceed
west on 0 la Con., Wawanooh, 2;I miles,
then south to R. Edwards' for noon ;
thence cast to Belgrave Hotel for night.
Thnreday,—Will proceed east on 4th
line, Morris, to his own stable. Friday,—
riday,Will proceed on the 8rd line, Morris, to
Thos. McLanolilin's, Grey, for noon ;
thence to 4th line, Morris, to his own
stable, whero•he will remain until the
following Tuesday noon,
V1''ieterlitil set
Thomas Gray, aged 111, a couple of
weeks ago got his knee pmt in some way,
and blood poisoning sot in from which he
The fire company aro staking every
preparation for the celebration of Icor
Majesty's birtbdny in Wingham on Mon -
do, doth Inst.
John Vaneamp, an employee et (ho
°hare factory, had tires negate; taken off
one of his hands, oe 'Feasibly of last
week, by a machine, at which he was
1). I'd. Gordon was elected its the dole•
gate of the 0. 0. 10, to attend the mewling
of the (sigh Court, which will bo held in
Toronto, oommenoing on the second
Tuesday in June.
1 Crowell Wilson, J. P., of this town, is.
sued rho fleet marriage eertifloate grouted
in Brantford on Fubrmt,y 27th, 1820.
Th,•ro was no minister nearer than 18
miles nt that nim°.
The Toronto World says in adeapetab
from this place ;—A despatch from Tram,
Iowa, announces the capture of a resi-
dent of this town, a botelkeeper named
Conover, at 'Tater, for forgery. Conover
wee not lunch at hone here, and when
be did come home had lots of money.
The hotel is and has been run by hie wife
for about 12 years and fixed in south it
way that his oredito•s could not get at
The, edied in Kamloops, B, C., on the
25th ult., Emily 13oatrioe Billingaiey,
formerly of Wingham( nt the age of 25
years, A year ago this young lady was
taken ill, witla, the might say, no ono to
ogre for her. When the fade became
known regarding her serious illness
Last winter kind friends did alt that
mould bo done, but the hand of death was
slowly hot etlrely taking. ler into its
embrace. As a token of goodwill and
thanlcfiilneis townetle her for the many
times she had assisted e.1 consorts and
ontertait,metit of every deeeriptinn gotten
np by any and all statutes and organize.
tions, a benefit concert wan Riven her
It Crag her wish to join liar brother in
Monday noon,—Will leave his own
stable, Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey, and pro -
o' ed eastward, by 12th Con., to Chas.
Parker's, 10th Con., Elma, fur night.,—Will proceed to Wynn's Hotel,
Newry, for noon ; thence north to A.
Tuohin'a, Trowbridge, for night. Wed-
nesday,—Will proceed north to Antos
Weaver'.+ for noon ; thence west to Steles'
Hotel, Molesworth, for night. Thursday,
—Will proceed—for noon ; thence west
along the b 'mdru' to Robt. Hamilton's
o y
Con A.Turnbarr' for night. Friday,—
g Y,
Will proceed south, via Jamestown, to
W m. For, est's, 8rd line, Morris, for noon ;
theme south along the gravel road to
Arch. Lamont's, 7th Con., Grey, for
night. Saturday,—Will proceed to the
American Hotel, Brussels, for noon ;
thence, by Oranbrook, to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following
Monday noon_—�—_
Nrcnor, DUOS., PnornroT000.
Monday,—Will leave his own stable,
lot 2, con. 8, Elma, and proceed to Riand.
Gox'a, lot 29, non. 12, Grey, for noon ;
thence to 3m. Docelaes', lot 9, con. 16,
Grey, f r night. Tuesday, --Will pro-
ceed to Alex. NiehoPa, lot 17, eon. 7,
Morris, for noon ; thence to Robb. Rio-
hol'e, lot 20, con. 0, Morris, for night.
Wodnesdav;—Will proceed to Central
Hotel, .Brussels, for noon ; thence
through Ethel to John Slemmon's for
night. Thursday,—Will proceed to his
own stable for noon; thence to W. lito-
Co'miok's, Trowbridge, for night. Fri-
day,—Will proceed to Wm. Roynold's,
Inc 114, eon 4, Wallaoe, for noon ; thence
to Robt IIe• •'Id's, lot a, con. 8, Howiek,
. 'or night. Saturday,—Will p, weed to
John Ili let''e, con. 4, Grey, 1, r noon ;
thence to his own stable, where he will
remain until the following Monday more -
81110E & ntLwofern, PROPRIETORS.
Mnndty,--Will leave his own stable,
lets 23 and 21, con. 8, Grey, and proceed
nmth 1,..1no• 11111tef'e, con. 4, for none ;
thence teeth :n Edward Bryan's, con. 2,
for night. Tuesday,—Will proce,1 to
000. Ciro„Its', Nth non., for noon t thence
to .1,s. ain't” H, 5111 con., Morris, for
nig 1. 11 I •adeps WLII p oceed to
'rho, Ma m i,, .. 7111 eon., Morris, for
11001i ; ,l,c ee we t '2>[ utiles, then *nab
1j mile-, east to Mrs. J. Seller's,
10th u n., (hey, for night, Thursday,—
\Vi;l prneeed vonil to Richard Pollards,
near Leudbiny, fur noon ; thence suet 10
Jne Sibbee's fur night. Friclar,—will
you, ed to A. all. Clark's, boundary, for
noon ; theme to Lt'ingaton's 10th eon„
Grey, fur eight. Sttburday,---Will pro-
ceed to 1Vilemn Evens', 12011 con., Grey,
for noon I thence to his own stable where
he will ,amain until the following Mon.
day morning.
Silil III
It is with the greatest amount of pleasure we now bring
before the notice of the public our well Assorted,
Fresh and Elegant Stock of
We have recently had fitted up our show rooms com-
modious and harmonious, where is to be seen everything
that gois to make the heart of the house -wife ,jubilant, ;111(1
make glad the home where our goods are to be found.
While we do not profess to keep in detail a large and
varied assortment of bric-a-brac, notions, &c , for they can
only be rightly purchased in the city, we rather invite an
inspection of' our Sideboards, Extension Tables, Secretaries
of various sires, Easy Chairs, Bedroom Suites, etc.
• PARLOR SUITES from far that would meet the de-
mands of a ult,rcIlant prince or satisfy the most fastidious,
and we are constantly receiving this class of' goods from
the very best manufacturers.
Our Picture Framing Material and Worknlallslllp 1D
this •defies criticism.
\1Ve wish further to draw your attention to our
Time. cni.Intn, pnaPRitTon.
11Tntnday,—\V111leave his own stable,
Lot 0, Con. 12, Grey, and proceed to
Denman Taylor's, 8rd Om., Grey, for
nom ; thence to Thomas incl arlane's,
2n1 Con , for night:. Tuesday, -1V 111
proceed to Lea Orvis' for noun ; thence,
vie B'uevele, to the Queen's Hotel,
3Vinglam, for one hour, then 01 Robert
O ale's, East Waw„nosh, for night.
Wednesday,—Will proceed to the Queen's
Motel, Relgrave, for noon ; thence to Jos,
Scott's, 4th lino, Morrie, for night.
Thursday,—Will proceed to the Contra)
Hotel, Brussels, then to Henry Mooney's,
5th con., Morrie, for noon ; thence 10
John Walker's, lith eon., Morrie, for
night. Friday,—Will proceed to Jamas
Idielop'a, ]lith con:, Grey, for noon 1
thence to Wm. i'ulton's, lath con., Grey,
for night. Saturday,--\'Vlil proceed to
John Carnool an'e, 12th cou„ Grey, for
noon ; thence tilt Oranbrook, to his men
stable, where the will remain until the
following Monday morning,
T?21 des taking Department 1
Complete in ;111 its Appointments
And the Closest Attention give(( to orders of this nature.
Embalming, temporary or arterial. No discoloring or
unpleasant odor in the hottest weather. •
Forty years experience In House Building and the
\'Ianufacture of Sash and Dcors should impart a knowledge
of this line of our business, and, while we cin truthfully
say we never were so busy as at present, our capacity is
great and enables us to getthlou
a n immense .
mount of
work, and we can turn it out on very short notice.
Smith, Malcolm & Gibson,
I1►1'OOLL BROS. & 00.
Bra still pleasing the public with Oils. Illy use an Oil that
injure your machinery, when you can get the
( Ontario (i: ft)trehee evil Eastern
1)il'isinfrs. ,+
24th MAY
Ril't'nN Ta'RIiTa WILL ins 861.1, t,cca'I:ls:i
Ar L S'raminss AT
r y11
May 23rd, 24th and 25th, 1891
Ciocd to Return until May hill,
'(idiots on the abut'1: dates can be
cured from any Agent of the
J. 1 . 1'l:l'1'E1t, Agent, Ilurseki,e.
A. Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c always in stock and sold
at Clo,,e Prices
If you leant it set of Liailt
or heavy Harness I can
supply you.
• See our Scotch Collars.
oo1 autet
Paid for Wool at the
Listowel -
will 'Woollen
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness.
Ft r Se. P e by B.
GEIER Y, Erose(`.
O,demi ized 1 7.7., - (lead Office, .'1'oPont'o.
Remember after Three Years Policies are Ihcontestable,
F12TtI1 FROM AL1, Ith)STRIOTIO NS A5 '10 11FSII'I'.\C Y., 71(AVF.L (!1i oCCUPA'1'IoO
Pnid.up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Polley.
Ao'tnons ABSOLUTE Piio-rectito .1n.tiNel' risers' DEATH ; Paovmns AN I.xcoalo
IN OLE Ane, AND Is A Goon Ievsnirottsx'c.
Policies are Non•Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full ninth] Premiums,
Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company clang business in Canticle, are
al located every five yams from the issue of the policy, oe at longer periods, as may
bo selected by the insured.
Profits so Allocated are Abmolnte and not liable to be reduced or recalled at
uny future time nudor any circumstances,
Participating Policy Holders are entitled 10 not lees than 00 per cont. of the
profits earned in the elms, and for the punt seven years have actually received 05
per cent. of the profits so mimed.
W. 0. MACDONALD, Aerr,ev. J. 1C, 11IACDONALI), ATANAOase Dutnnoni,
W. IT. It101(1.1-3, AAren't, 1 1'rteo3elre.
Executor's Notice.
In the Matter of the liletate of 111,'r^rnew•
13ARta=at, talo of the Township of (trey,
Pnranant Lo Revised Statitoa, 0ntarlo,
Chap, 110, Soo. en, 'motive Is hereby Own, to
all tnns0itn hoviee chime agab,et the said
,Matthew Barlow to semi in to his Mentor,
the underslgeed, at Ethel P. 0,. 11101' bones
the endplay 01,10110, 1801, fell ma•lienbwe or
their Claims and nature of oeeln'Itiaa (11 cooly)
hold by diem. 1401100 10 tertbee given ,that
after said elate 50,1 executor will diattiu,te
eostatidmalseasdeatt1s 0wo4hfieocthe, bhoeasvteahntngolrri owmonghe tbtole
bt0e 1101100,
511,1 said oxeeutor cviflnot 1 be liable for the
8011 1 assets, or t y part thereof, to airy
dintrihati ou.
41 1 11:31. li All It li lt, Executor.
Royal man ,Steamships.
nouTSIGIp'ra,\ 8AILINea punt
(:.tiffs litmt.s, 11100. 850 end 8110, 515510;
*00, rune and $110 hetero, e000nlit%
to Location of Statement,
1N'l'TIJIS1OIIDIATV,, outward 'Oa; Propold :150
Moorage Ili 1.01,051 'tales.
AIcauiinodallons Ilnsnl•pasaed,
Apply to lt. du A. AT T,AN, 3toubroat,
he W, It. IiJCItIi,
AnitN'r, 1lnpaSELe
. We wish to 01111 your Rt -
ten Hon to the fact that we
still Want more Wool, and
we are determined to snake
this wool season one of the
largest, for we have a Tre-
mendous Stock. of Goods on
haul. It is necessary that
y( n should look around be-
fore you dispose of your wool
to See ,vhere you ('a11 make
the best purchases with it in
l3uy in the Cheapest,
Sell in the. Dearest.
Do not fail to come 1(111
see our Large Stot'k of New
Fine Iaia11110111, 171 New Shade.
and Patterns Something
Never Before Shown the Public
We have made up a lot
of Fine Halii'ax Tweeds, Just.
the tiling for school boys.
We also have a big stock of
Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds,
Bed Blankets, horse Blan-
kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts,
Cotton Shirtiligs, Cottonades,
Shirts and Drawers for this
season's trade, which we offer.
Everybody sYtou1d a'c1'!111'
and try our fine Grey Flannel
that won't shrink in washing.
and out (301(18 the common
grey flannel soli( the pubiie-
Roll Car.'•ing, Spinning,
Fulling' and Idanufacturing
Tweods, Flannels, Blankets;
&e. of short notice.
B. it±t. Brook �C ;!t►1N,