The Brussels Post, 1891-5-22, Page 44 rHE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements.
Local --Mie Kirk.
Locals -13. Gerry.
11xnnrsion 0- P, R.
Loouls---T. A. Rawlins.
Hellebore -G. A. Deadman.
Local -Dant inion Illustrated.
Beehives for talo -David Moore.
County Couoeil--1'eter Adamson.
Patrons of Industry -1'. J. Bennest.
C)C )11155d1.5�At.
F'rR.mA Y, aril Y 22, 1891.
A cAul.rn txm from Rome announces
tbat Mr. Meroier, premier of Quebec, has
been created a Count of the Holy Roman
Empire by His holiness the Pope.
'Wear about the House of Industry for
Huron County 5 The ,Pune session of
t louuty Council will soon be here and the
question will likely come up. The agita-
tion should be kept going until people
are educated to their duty to their less
fortunate fellows.
IN the Proviuoe of Qnebeo, according
to a report presented to the- Presbyterian
Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, there are
1,157 Protestant children reported at-
tending schools under Raman Catholic
eoutrol, and 7.140 Roman Catholic child•
ren attending schools under Protestant
control. The Roman Catholic commis-
sioners employ 21 Protestant teachers,
or 1 for every 55 Protestant children in
their schools. The Protestant commis-
sioners employ 85 Roman Catholio
teachers or one for every 84 Roman
Oatholio children in their schools.
theme the amendments made to the
Assessment Act at the late session of the
Legislature, the poll tax iu cities, towns
and villages is reduoed from $2 to 91, and
young men in townships, who are not
assessed, will hereafter only have one
day's statute labor instead of two. Own-
er's sons residing on the farm may be as•
sassed as joint owners under the Fran-
ohise Assessment Aot of 1839, instead of
as Farmer's $oni and are thus exempt
[rout statute labor, and the Act of the
late session relieves tenant farmers' some
residing at home, from statute labor, in
the same way.
Ir as announced by a Dublin despatch
Lord Wolseley, like Lord Spenoer and
the late Earl Carnarvon, bas become con-
vinced by residence in Ireland, and the
performance of the highest military and
civil duties there, that Home Rule should
be granted to Ireland, tt will be a great
disappointment to the Unionists who
counted on his admiui. tration as Com-
mander -in -Chief of the forces is that
unhappy country to do wbatever could
be done by the army to make a success
of the regime of 20 years of "firm goy.
ernment" promised by Lord Saliebury
and now being carried out by Mr. Bal-
EMPenOn \Vmt.t.N of Germany hae
given orders through his minister of pub.
lic works that no person shall be permitt•
ed to ride free on the government rail.
ways unless actually engaged in the ser-
vice of the government, and that officials
allowing any violation of that rule shall
be dismissed. This will put an end to
free travelling for pleasure, not only by
officials of the army and others, but also
by members of some of the ruling houses
of Germany, who have been in the habit,
on account of their wore or less honorary
military rank, of travelling Iree of charge.
If our federal gnverume,t would follow
the Kaiser's example and cease giving free
passes, free epecial trains and free palace
cars to ministerial favorites and extrava
iant officials, tho menial defleit on the
Intercoloeial mi;:ht be a msiderably re.
Titre Presbyterian Synod of 1`fontrenl
and Ottawa at its recent meeting adopted
an important deliverance on the question
of teniperanee, 1r was pointed out that
within twenty years the uhmtege in dunk-
ing costonls has been groat, and greatly
for the better. Temperance sentiment
is healther and stronger t the temperance
reformer is no longer considered a amok,
but s benefactor. The Beetles law is re.
cognized as en improvement on 505'
similar law hitherto in force, but total
prohibitiou is the goal to be alined at,
The Synod affirmed its belief that it is
now the duty of Parliamentto pass a
prohibitory law.
Tint Australian federation eonventio n,
which concluded its sittings April
9, having prepared the draft of a ooh.
stitution for the proposed federation,
which will be submitted to the people of
the colonies for their approval. As soon
as three colonies have accepted the con•
stitution ae it stands, for they cannot
amend it, the bill will be sent to England
for the assent of the Imperial Parlia-
ment, and if ratified the Queen will by
proclamation appoiut a day when the
commonwealth of Australia is to be es.
tablished and will also appoint a Gower.
nor -General. On his arrival in the ool.
onies the usual constitutional process
of forming a ministry will be gone
through and a Parliament will be elected.
The salient points of the constitution are
as follows :-The federation shall be
known as the Commonwealth of Aus-
tralia, and the colonies are to be called
states. The legislature is to consist of a
Senate and House of Representatives to
be called Parliament. The Governor.
General is to be appoinbed by the Queen,
and shall receive a salary of not leas
then £10,000. Members of Parliament
before taking their Beats, are to take oath
or affirmation of allegiance to the Queen.
Parliaments are to be held as appointed
by the Governor, but there is to be a
session of Parliament at least once every
year, ao that 12 months shall not inter-
vene between two sittings of I'arlia,
Jas. Musgrove is assistant at the cheese
factory this season.
Miss Maggie Reid, of Varna, ie visiting
at Dan. Campbell's.
Mrs. Cardiff, of Grey township, io
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry Ham•
Rev. W. Ottewell, A.. MsKibbin and
Geo. Grigg are at Blyth this week at-
tending District meeting.
Walton Council, No. 888, R. T. of T.
bas received an invitation from Brussels
Council to be present at their open meet.
ing on May 2655.
Jas. Bolger left Seafdrth on Saturday
for the Old Country. He has gone with
a load of cattle for E. Watson, of Blyth,
and will be away several months.
Duncan MoOeaig, Dave Farquharson
and others of the sports have been ohne
ing the finny tribe at Goderioh. They
will be able to tell some "fishy" stories
F. J. Bennest, organizer for Huron
Country Patrons of Industry, delivered a
leotu'-e in the school house on Tuesday
evening. Another meeting will be held.
Monday night, June lat.
Jas. Turnbull has been imrpoving the
appearance of his lot by moving his
stable from near the road to the rear of
the lot. Just maybe the boys didn't
make s noise "yo -heaving."
The ehees" factory was ready to start
on Wednesday of this week but enough
milk was not received to commence
operations. Now, gentlemen, rush in
your milk to the factory and make it a
paying industry.
PnnsoNAL,-Rev. A. MoKibbin has re.
tented home from Cobourg,where be has
been attending Victoria College during
the past session. Archie bas, as usual,
carried a brilliant examination, taking
first class honors in his department, and
aha winning two importont first prizes -
the Ryerson prize in New Testament
history and the Webster prize iu Eng-
lish. We understand he intends to gradu-
ate, and we wish him MI success.
Miss Davies is visiting at Brantford.-- -�
T. P. Simpeon was in London last DB etxrj�°rci i
weak piolting tip the newest styles. riaW raav y
Wm. McLeod lute moved into D. W. '
1)nabar'e dwelling recently vacated by I M,D.,111,A.,
Win, Bentley who has removed to John
ecialist - m
I colts,
Groat sport is enjoyed by the little � 1 Tt
"gaffers" over what they nil their
Change Lodge. A now drum has been
added to the outfit aud a big selebrati°n I 7oNATnAN tlusou,trvr. Irletuwel, Paye 1--
Atter speeding all my 111o41ey and property
to no purpose ou 01odlcrvl mon, for wont
they termed a hopeless oath 01 consumption,
Dr, stoolair cured me,"
Bina lu.inx Funaona, Woodhouse, says
"When all others failed, Pr. Siuelair cured
me of Rte,"
P. ROBERTSON, Oorlston Vieth,eaye:-
"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh:
0,555, llowitn, Myth, says m -"1)r, Sinclair
cured me of heart disease awl dropsy, when
alt others failed,"
Diseases qt' Prirette Nature, brought on by
folly, Dr. 5inelair certrttmmly Cn1•es.
Con o•taltatiof 7='ree.
will shortly 58 on the program.
David Milne has four ewes that had
three lambs each. All old addage Bays
"It's better to be born lucky than rioh"
and it seems quite evident that friend
Milne is one of the "lucky" men in the
rearing of live stook.
Last Sunday evening J. II, MoBain,
of Atwood, preaobed en excellent dis-
course in the Methodist church from the
text "0f whom the whole family in
heaven aud earth is gamed," Ile is e-
very promising yo'mg man.
Our townsman Alex. Glenn, who has
been strongly suspected of being connect.
ed with a matrimonial plot, convicted
himself last Sunday by attending cherub
with hie new made bride. They have
commenced housekeeping in the dwelling
over McAllister's store. We wish
them the full enjoyment of all the at.
tendant bleseil'gs of the married state.
Thursday, May 28, '91.
Dr. Nichol has been appointed Medical
Health officer. Paste this in your gat
W. J. Ferguson, B. A. solicitor, has de -
aided to looate at \Viarton,
The summer meeting of the Listowel
Turf Club will be held on the let and 2nd
Andrew Alcheson made the first ship.
ment of cheese for tins season front Lis.
towel on the 0th, WILL RE PLAyitn ox 'ret
John Riggs, tlry goods merchant, has
taken a trip to Missouri. to visit his lath- Sea forth Reoreation Grounds
er, who is getting well up in years.
Adam. Zilliax fa having the store next
door to the Royal hotel fitted up for a
watoh and jewellery business, which he
intends opening.
The board of provisional directors for JUNE 17th,-DErnorr VS. Sismi'oiTII.
the new factory was appointed by motion
as follows :-J. 0. Hay, J. W. Scott, Dr.
Nichol, D. D. Campbell, J. Livingston,
B. F. Brook, R. Martin, W. M. Bruns
and J. Seaborger.
The Listowel Banner says :-"It is
only natural that Clinton should deeire
to shield its constable but it is also quite
sure that if Wheatly had not run at the
first sight of the gen, and long before the
burglar ever attempted to escape by the
window, the man could have been cap-
13, F,13""oek cti Son have made exten-
sive Improvement. In their woollen still.
They have replaoed their engine with one
of the latest style 35 horsepower
Wheelock engine, being the third engine
in Canada with the improved system of
out•offs. He has al.o added a new dye
house and a new finishing room.
Kidd Broe., of this place, have sold
their oolt Oliver Twist, 11. months old,
by Oliver Who -Nellie, by Black
George (dans of Florence G., 2 :24, '
Topsy, 2:301, and Bell Rose, 2:37,) to 13,.
Watson, of Belmont, for 9500. This colt
is entered in the Yearling Stakes at Bel-
mont, Renfrew and Ridgetown. This is
the oldest of Oliver Wilkes' colts, and on
the day of the sale he trotted an eighth
in 25 seconds.
A Toronto Daily says :-Carnival sub.
ecribels, who have failed bo make good
their promised, are not fn good spirits
these days. The Case of the Mayor v.
Jas. Mannon, of the Bay Horse hotel,
who lied pot bis name down for $50
donation to the fund, while holding
roseate views of the money to be made
during the season of "solid enjoyment,"
was heard. Ile made preparatloue for
large crowds, but Wee disappointed. The
defendant was willing to settle, in case
be was allowed 915 for feeding a Hamil
ton band; and which account he had
never been able to get paid for. Judg-
ment was given for the plaintiff for $50
with court ousts, his honor remarking
that the defendant could have a new
trial when he prodnced the order for the
bandsmen's dinners.
Football Matches!
MAY 2801,-011Tct°o ve. HURONS.
Mats., U. S., vs. W. F. A.
'Varsity defeated Hamilton on the
dia,nond in that city ou Saturday by
113 to 13.
His Exoollenoy the Governor•General
will be present at the Oetario Jockey Club
races, Toronto, next week. They will
arrive there on Friday, May 22. On the
morning of May 23 His Excellenoy will
meet representatives from all yacht °bibs ,
members of the Lake Yaoht Racing As
sociation, and decide on the conditions of
the race for the cup recently presented by
Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Major-
General Herbert will represent the mili-
tary on the last two days.
duced. This week H. F. McAllister visited" the Pat
Queens city on a business trip.
`- "'" What does that Chiselhurat gentleman
mean by his repeated visite to this place 7
Messrs. Heffernan ,k Bawtinblmer are ATRADE MEETING
doing quite a business in cattle ehippiug.
Mile season.
The communion service in tho Presby. Of the Patrons of Industry, for
terian church will bo held on the first the purpose of receiving Tenders
Sabbath of June. from lila Merchants of Brussels,
Jno. Holloway wag chosen ropresenta•
tive to the Listowel District meeting of will bo Held at the AOmuSMAN
the Methodist church from Ethel. IIo'rri, Sample Roonls, Brussels,
Next Wedaesday will see the nuptial
bow tied between Chas. Stubbs of this
A Brim to etbo ia11 bachelorhood among
State uflioials will be laid before the
German Reit/tette/ shortly. The explan•
atnry and ar'gn'nonlative "motive," such
ue temooma„i0 nil Iiiila Moro the Par-
liament in Devlin, w'i 1 be in this case
substlultially no 5 Blows : -"In the inter.
est of unmet,i0,1 women. the Government
le ander nbligetious to take measures for
the anppreseion of bachelorhood, espeo-
ially in view of the fact that German
women aro net admitted to plane in the
departments which are formerly open to
them, The principle of the necessary
metering° law mast be that every offiuial
of Certain grades meet marry or sacrifice
one-fourth of his salary and all Iris house
money. The money collected by the in.
Illation of these poualties chould be made
a pension fund for nmnarfiecl dnbghtere
of Government oiuiale, An exception
to the rule might be made in the oases of
officials who had parents or sisters to
support. Thee, malty women who
wotilrl otherwise remain spinsters world
he oared for awl their aims in life would
be reached, while to many who found no
chance to marry, a comfortable old age
would be assured." Tho agitation in
favor of this measure is led by a herr
Wagner, and is helped alom'g by several
societies of women in Berlin, Munich and
Frankfort. Some of the members of
Brussels village Connell would find them-
selvee in a dilemma if this proposed Bill
should End favor in the time to 20111e in
this Dominion,
rolls of Industry.
place and a young lady in the east,
On Monday, Julie 8th, at 2 p, n7.
John Elliott. who has been ou the sink Merchants desiring information
list for several months, hits rouovored and
has resumed his position in ReeveMlilne's respecting contracts al's respect-
fully invited to attend.
I,Vo regret to hoar that a little son of All members of the Order are
\V, Dunbar's pot his ham ie. in the
D f
(tutting box and out two of hie fiugere off expected to he present.
recently, , a
Township Couuoil and Conti of Revi• F. J. B]NN]flS'1,
Bien will bo held here on Tuesday of next Organizer Huron Co
week. Thee ie very little for the 0, of
1t. to do. -....
An addition of 11 feet is to be put to ' -
Robt. Dilworth's barn, lot 20, eon, 8,BOO Your
ia summer. The work will be done by
one own It, Lang. Stone stabling will be
put under the building, Peter Bishop to 1
handle the stone anti mortar. Mr. Dile T iiaVe fio1111Js, Frames and
worth is one of our most enterprising Empty HivesUl' Salo,
residents and generally succeeds in what i
ho nnde•takee.
Hives aro Well Made and Well Painted
C. 0. F. --The following office bearers
cont Ethel, No. 251, 0, O J''., by itis- I PI'ICe, 7501. Each,tied Deputy 'Bexhill, of Brussels :---0.. Cllll at-- I1A� ID AIOOR7;'S
it., Robt. Barr ; V, 0, It., Wm. Spence ; ,
It. B., Alex. Glenn ; 11". S., Joseph Hems- I 8th Con„ Morris,
worth Chap., Robb, Lang.; S. W., Cleo,
Imlay ; a. W., John Eckmier ; S, 13„ 7, or write Walton P.O.
Sanders; 3, B„ Alex. Kellner. The
Court will be represented at the High Take a Bargain while you
Court, to meet in pronto nextmanth, y nave tidf' mance. A. tioanig, of Brussels. is -stn
were dilly installed in conueetion with
Ali Stations in Ontario 011 thetbo lines
Canadian Pacific R'y,
Ticket9 \5111 he Fold
for Excursions leaving Toronto 11 p. en. on
Juno 5 ncl, I8�J1,
(Good to return until JULY 13111)
J'uuo Oth, 1501,
Good to return until JULY 19th)
—torso --
)CNl-_June 33rd, 1501,
(Good to return until AUGUST 2nd)
To the following points a1 rales mord :
lorel Nwl
Belerahu, 9omlR
MOO410J A w
For further partioulars apply to any
agent of the Company,
Agent, Brussels.
j1�� DEnsl0vr,D hes several good Furwe f rm
sal° and to rent, easy terms, 10 Townships
of Morris aud Grey. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels,
W. F. COWAN, Pu'oridenb.
J. L. 1311CDI19, Cashier,
J Ruing Smith half Lot 27,cam 0, Morrie,
100 acres, uaa rly all cleared, Good buildings,
fine young bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
BB501011, Easy Terms. Apply to
W. Id , Apply CLAIR,
tf- Suhsitor, ,W„ Brussels.
The sabsoribor offers ]ler 11oue0 and
lot, corner Ol Jame acd ott'oete,
Brussels. There is a comfortable house,
good stable, splendid well, So, on the pro.
mins,. aors 05 laud, For further partial -
Mrs as to ttrto0, 501.115, Ra, apply to
MRS. Wtl, MoCt1Li,O11Gfi, Brussels,
CAPITAL, Au 111, . 92,000,000
PM CP, - 1,000,000
Rusanvr IfuN', - 100,000
Agencies In an principal nolnt5 in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, llulted States
and England.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking 131.18:11el;a 'Transacted.
Fanners' and other good Notes Discounted
lowestat maple 011 all points lhDe osits're0 ceko-
Rud lutenist allowed at cm rent rates.
dereigned °flu'e his valuable 100 acre
farm, being Lob 12, eel, 0, Grey, for sale
There are 85 aaros under crop, halftime
timbered. There is a good mallard, wells,
&e, on theremises, besides log house, bask
barn, 65. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
For price and full particulars apply to \VM.
RABILI$11. Brussels 1'. 0., or JUDE Iilammm,
Seeforth, int. s7.Om
-1'Ue unclet•sigusd
offer their well iooabel farm emlta,utng 200
Boras, being Lot 5,00o. 10 and Lot 5 Con, 11,
Grey township for sale. 'enure is e. log
house, good ontbniblli gs largo orchard.,
Water supply, &0. o1 the premises, '1'ha
illage 00 Brussels,
L iillf gartisiilu's thriving
price, tonne and conditions of solo may bo
aetsrtalnel On app11a1ttio1l t0
87-tf FIu150'OO80N 131008., To10watei'.
iron BALmt.-Being wort d Let 11, Con, 0,
Grey, 91 minas from Bruetols. The land le
good clay loam, well drained, meetly all
°leered and iu good ordler. Oa° more of or•
antra in good repair, There is a never tail•
ing spring on the premien and an extra well
at the buildh,gs• The buildings are elomf°rt-
able, Would take suitable property iu or
110ar limeades as part pay, For further par.
Sentare apply ou tho premises to
or address 5 3 1 0 5 5118 P, 01'.
'1 1108. MCG1REG01i,, 59tf
nEnslsNED °flure for sale the north
oath quarto r: of lot 28, colceseion 0, Morrie
County of Huron, oeltainin g 5e aer55. The
land is of first quality and in a high state Of
cultivation, well formed and Miller -drained,
acne cleared. Now frame 110580,5 rooms,
milk house with aoneeete wolfs, 'd %ols
good barna and Shed, orchard, eta, Bight
three of fall whcut, This desirable property
ad ofne the co'poration of Brunets.Min-
able teen' will be slv°u. Title perfect,
;AMES 11,9B, teener,
80• Ses.hrth 1'. 0,
Interest Allowed 011 Snvlugs Bank De-
posits of 51 and upwards from date of
posits to ditto of withdrawal, and com-
pounded half yearly.
Pmnlnt ,ttoatto, and every facilityaford-
ed customers living at a distance,
St tweets, April Sth,1891,
Why Not Do Your Own Thinking?
But/same, November yah, 1859,
J, ht. M°Lnon, Goderloh,
DEA. 51n. I should have w1itten before
now to let you 1tnOw bow I am getting along.
1 am allot better than 1105131 gide tag strenetq
every day. 2 have a good appetite and sleep
well. I can take the full quantity of the
System Renovator and it does not sicken
me. My limbs aro all right now ; quite
smart in that way; swelling all gone. The
great thirst is gone; I drink no water at
night, but I take a little buttermilk. I ant
quite straight again, Soil me another
bottle of your Syetam Renovator.
Yours, dm.. ,JAS. nnNCAN.
BRUSSELS, February 7111,1891.
J. 01, McLnon, Gldorich,
DEAR Stn. -Fifteen veers ago last Novem-
her X started to dootor first; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. At tunes l suffered greatly from my
stomach; Icontinued. but 1 grew worse
badly, rnedYou kl snOW 5liniles and body swelled
110 550.0 5 W08 111 w110u
I went to Goderioh--a Isere wreck, could
Madly walla -suffering from Bright's dis-
ease. Just one year age last fell I began
your Renovator and Specific Cure. I began
to mend in a few days ; continued thou for
three months steady. Although I was told
I could not be cured, if you saw me now,
well and hearty ; eat everything that cones
in the way. I owe you the praise of saving
my life. I was in a hopeless °audition when
1 wont to you, in fact no one thought I
would get better. I cannot speak t00 highly
of you and of your medicines, for it was
them that cured me. Words cannot express
my thanks to you, Freely pass my name to
anyone. Yours, .&a.,
SOLD nx J. T. PEPPER, Btmesem ,o.
Half the Virtues
Have never been Told.
Read this—
Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast
and kidneys for years very bad. When I
stooped could soaroely straighten up ; felt
miserable, For three months I persisted
in a free use of ST. LEON WAT'EE. It was
the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par
excellence; tamp, stiffing, eta. all gone.
Call at my office, I will tell farmore
about the value of St. Leon. W. B1ocrxs,
Empire Laundry, 825 Queen street west,
MAY 22, 'LPL
1 UttIIA51 BULL k`Ult SER.
LJ VICIINims, undersigned will keep for
service ou Lot 20, Con, 4, .li orris, the thorn'
ton,"r Terms 31100,tt 1111IP"ivlboge o Welling-
ton." 0: 05115)-
lugap if i etioodo'o 1' way De seal of
app1f4to owner. I'PiT4R'roprie
41,40 Proprietor.
TIIO11ei7GH•131010A JERSEY' BULL -
One Cow, 80.25; 2 eOwe, 84.001 oddibicdal
cove, 81.50 ouch, all the property of one
pert0u. A discount of 10 per cent. will be
deducted when paid et the Limo of service,
Jersey Cows 51.5 mob extra.
U. A.1)HAM] AN, Druggist, Jho.
► r
undersigned will hoop for service on
lot 15. 0011. 7, Grey, the young thaw... t'ed
Durham bull, "Earl 1$oUnll," lin was bred
by tar, John I, Hobson, of tfoeboroagn, aud
is au A 111111131111. Pedigree may be soon 011
application. Terme-8,1,10 for grade 000 R.
and s11.00 for thole'-brrode, with privilege 05
returning If neoeeearv.
98.4 ANGUS LAMONT, Proprietor.
Thee hind el'slgne,l 0i11 knsp for service this
present 055505 the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig 'Moody" on lot 2n, 000. D.
Morrie, to welch 0 Mintel number of sows
will be token. Tarots $<1.00 to be paid at
time of service, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree may be seen up-
on application. 1LU131;IOT NICIi0L,
11tf Proprietor.
And this- •
Lao rboumatlsm in my kosee and fingers,
bilious headaches, etc. every few weeks,
air, Riggius, Empire Laundry, urged me to
lay Se, LEON Mineral Water, 1 did, and it
sot me all right; headecbes and pains ail
gone. My wife and three children also use
it. Weal" 0nd St. Leon Water very good
and healthy. J. T. S. ANDERSON, Watch-
maker and Jeweller, 110 Queen street west,
Geo. Good, Agent,
,SI Leon Minerud Water Ce'y, St, Leon, Que,
Practical TVatohJ salter
attd Jeweler.
Thanking bus public for past favors aud
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Linos in
Silver Plateci Ware •
front Established and Reliable Matters
fully warranted by no.
Clocks of ir1Lc
Latest Daturas.
WEnonio Rhos,
LAnlna OHM Banes,
Xmases, &o.
rAlso a Lull Line of V1oAmis and
Violin Strings, tko., fn stocif.
8, lie•-tssnrer er Mtnrringe Moonles.
'. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Ilam and Eggs !
Eggs have dropped in pride, so has our
Large Stock of Prime
All of Our Own Curing.
We also Mannfecture Bologna Sausage.
Patronize home industry by calling onus.
Give me a call and prove the truth.
fulness of the above statements.
Wn1, Blashill, Butcher.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funci4.
J.C.fIeffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 2etf
Wool !
Wool t.
50,000 Pounds Wanted
Of Fleece Wool, for which
the very
Highest Market Price
in Cash will be
Farmers will find it to their
advantage to Sell for Cash and
trade where they please.
On the market, as usual, - for
all kinds of Grain.
a Graham,
Grain Dealer, - BRussirs.
- Pedlars
Are on the Warpath, so are im-
plement agents to entrap the
wary farmer into buying inferior
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
get repairs when needed.
T'armers, consult your own in-
terests and encourage home man-
ufacture by calling at the
Brussels Foundry
Where you can got a Superior
Article at a &armed Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
no sale.
tuforrs, with hest Pittsburg Cast 81001
e108191s. Single 111141 551111/10.
Plow'1'oiute of Every Make et 40o, eaoh.
Gang Pointe 25 Cents.
Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on
any plow at the Lowest Possible Price.
to sure and gall and examine 0111•
stook before buying.
W. R. Wilson, Brussels.