HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-15, Page 5MAT 15, 1891 THE BRUSSELS POST
tioneerereeetegeetentIowam'flit'rT3aRizeteme reeeeemereemJr dame reasertareasicamic rereemeete ` +ze 'C..Ot7: ereaAT.!nexceneremiCnimarimeemei9T hear LxtexzYteogr xWen'eri.•.Cmaxirem±ae nestereeex'xicre N9AG8d erewee11LE13'Srenx'
t)'1 5i !Pell) S.
Tho cheese faotory began work last
111 outlay.
\\'Iiilu aL number of 'wheel Milldam
were playing in the Presbyterian church
shed, Latera Pueblos aueidentally fell
from a beam tied broke her arm near the
The Truotco Board of the Ethel eohocl
hold a meeting for the purpose of elect-
ing a new trusted to fill the plane of Wm,
Elliott, resigned,. Richard Rupp was
duly installed and will 1i11 the bill.
PunimeALs,-John Dnuklow defib for To-
ronto where lie hoe Beeiled it [situation
oti the 0.'.t'. 11-0 (forge (till has gone to
Detroit where toe intends to speed the
Hummer. -John Long, y'„ and family
Mimi removed to Galt where he has so
tiered a [situation on the railway.--Riehd.
Oak lute roturns,l from .Montano, after
spending the winter thorn,
l3ltlevti lee.
The cheese faotory has been booming
since May let.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley attended OLoiblaud
Presbytery on Tuesday of this week.
Court Doiwlas, C. 0. b`„ re elected the
old officers. Rev. 0(l. Y, Hartley and J
R. Millet) will attend the High Court et
Toronto next month.
Next Sunday Rev. Robert Godfrey
takes Rev. 11r. Waliwin's work and
preaches at ,Johnston'; at 11 o'clock,
lebenezor at 2:30 and at Blaovale at 7
o'uloolt. Mr. Wallwiu gooe to 13elgrtve.
The Quarterly Board of the Methodist
church at its session cm Monday after-
noon extended a hearty invitation to the
Rev. L B. Wallwin to remain their leas.
for for the susuing conference year
\Vm. J. Johnston wits appointed the lay
delegate bo attend the Disbriet Meeting
which meets nexb week at Blyth.
Itev. John Scott, M. A., of Wingham,
conducted the morning service in the
Methodist church here last Sabbath and
administered the eacramenb. Rev. Mr.
Wallwin was away at Goclerich at the
bedside of his father-in-law who was dan-
gerously ill. Mr. Scott's services wore
greatly appreciated and the occasion was
one of interest and spiritual power.
Seeding is about completed in this
J. Hanofsr has commenced operations
in the brick yard.
There is a splendid opening for a good
tailor in our village. such twaddle cannot effect him or his
Win. Duff, of Blnevalo, is visiting at family in the least. We hope this will
be the last of such miserable stuff.
Jas. Rine, lot 27, con, 12, McKillop,
died on Sunday, 10th inst., from some
growth in the stotnaoh. Mr. Rinn was
born in the County Fermanagh, Leland.
IIe moved to Canada in 1857, first settled
in Blanchard. In 1808 he moved to Mc-
Killop, whore he has ro54dsd up tilt the
time of his death. Ile; joined the Orange
Order in Biansbard, No. 082. He was a
supporter of Sir Min Macdonald and a
kind neighbor and friend to all who were
acquainted with ham. t -le leaves a grown
up funnily all married. T110 funeral was
on Tuesday afternoon to Maitland Bank
Cemetery, Rev. Mr. Cluff, of Brussels,
proprietor, Godfrey Taylor, tools possess- attending. Deceased was a member of
ion this week. The sale of the hotel St. George's church, Walton.
faruiter° litsb week netted 3100.
The late proprietor, Mr. Soirees, has
decided to go on his farm, Obh non. Grey.
Mr. Taylor has disposed of his farm on
the 8th con. Grey, to Geo. Zilliax, of
Listowel, and will devote his tome to the
hotel business.
The boy whom Mr. Rioter received from J. Bolger setae to the old country on IaOt tJLAPlt SMALLlX ON''
the Home a short time alto, died very : eleturday In charge of :Attie for Drover
suddenly last Friday morning. The in. 'Watson, of 1'llyth.
torment was made 111 the cemetery here Win. 1?erguson and wife, of Wiughun,
lisbliebbatl) evening. Iiev. el, 13. It t. MootSulidaysti at hie lather-iu•law's, Bobs,
Rae oouiuutcd the eorentony, Cud has Irvine's IaHE Sunday..
brae epee.lth,g to intin tine 114iahbol'Ieeet Ilee. 1, 13. Wallwin, of 131nevale, le to
very loudly of late, tvareiug 05 plainly, peen e au ledneetienal s niton in bun•
forcibly and solemnly the necessity of Hhuie ',text Sabbath at half past two.
getting onr house in order and be pre. Peter Bongo, who has been wonting
pared to anewor jnyftlly to the oailof the for Jos. Clegg for a veer or more, has
iJ tat ., Ile 1 a,a.. Fever, be ne the tinea, .:l milli M. C' ordiff for is few
fact that "youth is no guarantee of life." months, We are sorry to 1080 Peter
Two of our young friends within the last from amongst 128.
few weeks have been called away to Reeve Mooney may go to Ottawa next
eternity very suddenly. There is no week along with a large deputation of
doubt but blab the Almighty has a hooves to wait upon the Government
three -fold objeot in visiting us thus -that relative to a refu i d of moelee paid as
it is for the individuals gain, that it is bonuses to raliways.
for hie own glory and that it is a warn. Last friday firs. Richard. Bewley
Mg to us who remain, Tot 115 then tante passed to that bourne from whence no
advantage of Ills visit among us and in. traveller returns. She was 4(1 years, 5
vita IIim in. months husband and eleved 26 nachilds rchildren nd left a
en to mourn
i'trros..toeat r• her loss. The funeral tools plane on
Rev. J. A. MuLeublin, M. A., preach. Sunday,
ed to Winghain lust Suudity morning. MARaaeo.--At the Qaeones Hotel, Har -
We regret to hear of the financial riston, May Gbh, by the Rev. Mr. Belt,
trouble of A. L. Gilson, Ile has boon Maggie, youegost daughter of John Bird,
bard working helmet man. of chic township, to Joseph Duncan, of
Considerable interest has been aroused lhirriston. The bride was supported by
over a (troop's Ant trial held here this bliss M. J. Duncan, sister of the groom,
week. The offender was fined 320 and and the groom attended by A. S. Way,
osis, all of Ilarristen.
This barn of Franck Wright, um far 1', J. Ben nest organizer for Huron
from here, is veneered to have been burn- delivered a lectors at Button's School
ed this week. insured in the Hawick Haase on Thursday evening of last week
Mutual. and will o'gaulzo an Association of Pat-
Robt. Miller is now tilling u responsible eons of Industry at that place on Wed -
position me assitaut timber iuspeetor of mislay 20th init. All are invited to
the C. P. 1t. He was away Oast on the route and beer something in the Internet
lino last week. of farmers and laborers.
Matthew Cunningham, of the 7311 line,
eV set tote. had the misfortune to get tramped on by
Vise Lottie (1''"Vbell ,vas visiting i0 `t colt. Mr. Cunningham was harrowing
p when the hrses got entangled in the
Soafortli last week. barrows, and ou catching them by the
Miss Minnie McDonald is bonne from beads one of them reared up and struck
Arthur on account of illness. Mr, 0. in the breast, broke several ribs
The debate in No. 388, 1t. T. of P", 01 and drove them into his lungs. He is
"Resolved that woman has suffered more improving a little.
from intemperance than man," was de. -sly
died in favor of the affirmative. The annual meeting and fires fair of
It is ourhsad duty ahn ascent towife
record the Listowel Dairymen's Board of Trade
bhedeathof bs Flannery, wife ofl wine will be hsld at 2:30 p. m. on Thursday,
Flannery. andrb, Sha had been aiin g all her May21st in the Town Hall, Listowel,
ter and been gradually morningotill her for he election of officers and general
Beeth on Wednesday of this business.
Some parson whale desire to advertise Mies Anes Knox, B. A., of St. Marys,
other persons haus been more developed has been offered and has acoeptsd the
than his or her own bump of common chair of Elocution of the Toronto 'Cal.
sense, had the effrontery to put up a versity. Mies Knox eaters upon her
board reflecting in a very serious manlier duties at the opening of the fall term, in
'on one of our eibizens. The citizen is September next. This is bhe fleet in.
,shown well and respected by all so that stance in the aunals of the Toronto Uni-
versity that au honor of this kind has
been conferred upon a lady"
J. II. Thonson's this week.
II. Collins, who has been confined to
the house all winter, is not improving
very rapidly.
Jacob Bander, of the eloufryn heicic
yard, has recently purchased lin engine
and brick machine, whioh will enable
him to manufacture 10,000 brink per
day. This leeks lilts Moshe ss.
J. Little eon of John Little, Silver
Corners, met with a painful accident on
Monday of this week. While sugaged in
Reelstn,g to erect a hay fork be accident-
ly fell from the top of the building whioh
resulted in the fracture of one of his legs.
Our hotel has changed hand,, the new
The briok work of Wm. Forrest', new
block is completed.
The masons have commenced work on
Jacob Kluonp's brick shop and residence.
The "Bee" windows have been beauti-
fied by a tasty O'tIleef,on of house plants.
Miss Aggie Wilson, who has been a
resident of Buffalo, N. Y., for the past
eighteen months, is home on a visit.
Rumour sayebh that a bachelor parson
in Atwood will wed a Brentford young
lady next Fa11. Our sentiments are
Amen I
The firsb sittings of the Court of Re.
vision for the township of Elms will be
held at Ioerger's Hotel, on Saturday,
May 30th.
eeotettuy Loclthaad received an order
from W, Il. Murray, of Strethroy, for
160 bushels of flax seed. This order
swelled the treasury of the con -many
Dr. Ilamilton reports three oases of
hair. breadth escapes from poisoning by
titre people who took in each case a
tnl'asltoonful of nitre for ordinary salts
w'birb it resembles very much.
ed10101, um -ter Knox ticketed the fol.
lowing persons to western points :-Mrs,
McItliew Stevenson and Miss Mary Stev-
(emou, Cheyenne, Wyoming ; Robert
Hanliltore Dululh, Ilion. ;J,i4loKoyand
wife,l'aneonver, 13. O.; Walter Hamil-
ton; Butte City, Mon -tome,
Lodge Deputy IIamilton installed the
following officers; ab the last meeting of
Atwood lodge, I. 0. G. '1'.:-1'. 0. T.,
A. Holmes ; C. '1'„ J. W. Ward ; V. T.,
Miss M. Hawkehaw ; See., \Vuo. Wherry ;
Ass's -Seo., D. Clrahatn ; Chaplain, John
Year ; AIatwliall, J. F. Wilson ; D. 11.,
e: ray.
Stephen Kressler is now residing at
Marquette, elichiean,
The census enumerators have finished
their work in this township.
Court of Revision for this township
will be held on Tuesday, 20th dust., ab
Burton's hotel, Ethel.
Earl Ball, who has beau visiting his
grandparents for several months, return-
ed to Toronto last week.
Since the report of burglars got abroad
all fire arras have been oiled and primed
as if our 000ntry rats invaded by a for-
eif,n army fifty thousand strong.
Sending is finished in most planes.
The land was fine for working and the
seed was got in in good shape. The
early sown grain is coming rip nicely.
F. J. Baunest will Ieebure at Turn -
bull's School House on Moudtty, 18th
inst,, and at Walton on Tuesday, 19th
inst., with a view to o"ganizitlg nn A5•
piatatiou of patrcus of industry at coni ,f"IHOIOE FARM FOR SALE.—
pl"oe. n Lot lel, Con, 12, Grey; 100 acres ; first -
items of lent ,week's Poste, bearing on the I eteluoser. 'i'irlo perfect, Apply at once to
Patrons of Industry, has something of q`, M, SIN CLAM, Solicitor, Brussels. 00 -
the right ring about it. It is a good
thing for.farmors to joie tagebhei f :r the
purpose of obtaining their jest rights, to
war against combines, for instance, many
of which are formed for no oilier purpose
Llan tofieeee Lemons. The object of \. M. «.10,
Spurbamen along the St. Clair have en-
joyed a new sensation this spring. The
ordinary custom of the wild geese is to
make their northward trip from the Gulf
of Mexico to Hudson 13 iy by a direct
flight at an altitude so high as to defy
the fire arms of sportsmen along the
ron'o, but this year the birds varied their
usual prog,am by halting for several
days in this locality. Liege Rooks stay.
ed about the flats, along the river and ie
the lowlands In Sombre, Moore and
Sarnia townships. Those who claim to
he wise in snap matters explain that it
was the ice blockade at bhe flats which
paused the got'ee to halt this season in
their northwa d flight, the birds being
supposed to have sense enoogh to reason
that of the St. Clair River and the flute
were choked with ice, there was not
much hope of finding open water 10 the
swamps or lakes of bhe far north.
Notice is hereby given th- at the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Township
of (trey, flaunty of Baron,will meat as Court
Of Revision at 000001/5 HOTEL, Mama, On
Tuesday, may 28th. 1291, et 10 a. 01.
Putties interested 1ri11 govern them solves
n, ecordlugly, `yu SP0INCLr, Clerk.
170 1E01050RM 0010D 115s several
HFmssf r
sale and to re at, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F. S. SOOTT.I3russels,
ar-lITOit1 FARM FOR -SALE -•
1, J lie log South half Lot 27,000.0 Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared, Goodbuilcliugs,
nue ;noun bearing orchard. Immediate pos.
aassio11, 1'.,1oyTut'ule, Applyy to
this new organization seems to be to will" tf- Solicitor, ,ha., Brussels.
against everything, good, bad and indif-
ferent. I would like to give the whole
thing a turnover but have nob the time
at my disposal just now bob will make
mention of one thing. Their way of
working thiees would certainly reduce
our towns and villtgss boateuee they are
The subscriber offers her house and
lot, corner (0 ,lamas mad streets,
Liroisuls. 'libero is a comfortable house,
good stable, seine/11d wall, Ga. on Lite pre -
mimes, i acre of bold. Por further particu-
lars no ,o In!co,toms, rho. apply to
6l c8. W61. U.aOULLOUGIi, Brussels,
Goin'• 10 00a1 with a fair 1 1 real' 1, nee -
and the reef will have to get out il' daft 91A,R31 EC Ct SALE. -TEE UN
fanners lout this ostia
• 1fl r
•.union. Now one
tien4guoa o'''ars his valuable, 100 acre
reein{b of tide mould be that all the Cellos rem,
ole le 56 Item; under itudur Grey, p, far
autcoundiug these towns and villa
r,es timbered, Thera is a good orchard, wade,
would depreciate ht value EIS well Ito the $o, on the ] remiso5, besides log hoose, back
barn, a0, Will bo sold on reasonable terms,
Far price aid full particulars apply to \VM.
HA ISICIRK, Brussels P. O„ or ,7000 Rtver•rn9,
Beatortll, Out. 376m
produce rinsed on them. 11 the lnarlttt
1\ti•s N. Hamilton ; It. S„ P, Priosb ; torus which the people of Grey and
Tr'.as„ Mies A. Imelihoad ; Guard, A. Morris uu,v du 1'u0inu.,s had a ls,pdetien
Skitlitoky • Sentinel, Hiss E. Robertson. two, three cm fonr titres as ha'go es they
Peter McDonald bete leased the Ditmee'
Rev. D. 13, McRae attended the Press etriutl,y cash eyshcuu ft would be Lir anon
bytrry of Maitland at vYiughunn on Tuos' stubisfitetory to all parties m tate end. It
day of this week,
A few of the farmers in this vicinity would then he more in the lila of "live
have dnieherl seeding, and are now matt.
dug a bonntiful increase ae the fruits of
their labors.
About 173 bushels of flax seed Wave
been given out to sow, for the mill bore,
HMI season. There is still a largo scan.
city to give out.
1, J. Winkel.; having sold his drive'
to Mich, Cox, has purchased C. Angel's
gray. Its now prides himself in having
the metes(' driver in the settlement.
Owing to the increase in business 3. J.
Mitchell, carriage builder, Was boon com-
pelled to employ help. IIe has secnred
tbo services of lar. Crawford, of Dublin,
whom we welcome among us.
The bone bueiness has been booming
here foe the last two or throe weeks.
This iuchtetry promises to give employ-
ment to a large number of our young
citizens. The boys have been busy
cleaning tate hank yards, and Adding the
field, forest and glen of any each as had
fallen a 01031331, -during the last wiutef,
to its last enemy, detail.
have 00%v, would not the farms as well as
the pro lime raised 011 010111 ba worth
more thttil it is now ? Certainly it would.
With the keen competition of the present
time if all the fanners would adopt a
and lot live," and would not be enriching
a fess here ani, there at the expellee of all
the root. Further I ooubcud that this
organization in many particulars is Calm
maiming wont at bhe wrong sud. Their
lines of proeodnre is likened mite pulling
It set by the tail. Atter/ten l'Ir,w Bnv.
Dice it Pere.
G°o, 1 food and Chas. Proctor each beg
a valuable eyeing colt.
W. Sloan, beachor, may play goal for
Seaforth footballers this 0eemon. 1:Io's a
good player.
The Patrons of lndusbiy intend hold.
Mg another booting next Manley night
at S. S. No. 5. Thie will bo the fourth
meeting and have nob had enough to or-
ganize yet. It into be hoped they will
keep better o1 -010r and not destroy s0hool
property by upsetting inns, the out•
houses, iko. The Trueteae ehotild .put
a stopto this kind of work as the section
relit stand it much longer,
T'ouits, RAoEo'Arelt,
3_ 0 -'rho undersigned proprietors
odor thou well located farm Containing 200
acres, being root 5,000,10 anti Let 5, Con, II,
Cray towtehip for sale, Thera is a log
largo orchard
house, good outbuildings (,
property supply, fin, on the ti the thriving Tg
propge o is only 10 miles Iron talo 0bi'
Village of ,010 1 l c Fnn p0sal n'a us ,,
ration tering and l.nudibinns 06 solo maty be
a'+0( main',' on ii .amttion to
07.10 11'1000 001001 131(309., 70e000300,
von SALL.--BetegG west 3 Lot 01, come,
Brey'eI nines from Brumes. The laud is
good. clay loam, welt drained, mostly ell
ottani.' and in good order. Oi.o acro of or-
chard in good repair. There IR a 001t0r faib
log spring on the prendfes and 001 extra wall
at thebtlildilge, The buildings are ,0ulfort-
able, Would take suitable Property PI m'
near Brussels its part pay. Fo: further par-
ticulars apply on Cho pv0111lses 00
or address mussels 1?. 0:33hf
Aso alt1000000D 01Jor5 for sale the north
stat quarto r of lot 22, concession 0, Morris
County of Huron ,00ntainhtg 00 acme. 'J910
land in of first mettles. andie a high state of
nnitivetiou.wel11o0cand, undm'-clrahtod
s'e acres cleared, New frame houso,Btomes
milk house with concrete ,valla, 2 wells
gandbartla and shod orchard, oh:,lbigbt
mores of fall wheat, This deatreble property
edloins the norepmetti°n of 33rusaols, 10013.
eelO torn' Wwill be given . Title portoet,
3A001108 teltii3VIC, Owner,
80+` 1o,sferth P.O.
Tho following wolf -known Ste lllone
will Olivet during the season of 1H01, as
follows :
PRINCE 0n' fInr''rIe e"
5111111 111000., P001'I101i'1'e115,
This well known coach horse will
stand at the ( ,oeon'e Rotel stables, Bras.
sets, every Saturday afternoon during the
season, ether days at his owls stable, lot
130, con. 6, Morels,
01.1.1n dr AI7'CHISON, PntPltn:Ttll,e.
Tuesday r.o. n, --Will leave hie own
stable, Lot 10, Con. 4, Morrie, and pro-
eeed on the 3rd lino to 13olgrave Hotel
for night. Wednesday, -\2 Ill proceed
west on 11113 Con., Wawanosh, 2' miles,
then south to 1t. Edwards' for noon ;
thence east to flalgrave Betel for night.
Thursday, -Will proceed east on 4311
line, 'Morrie, to hie own stable, Friday, -
Will proceed on the 3rd line, Morrie, to
'Thos. MoLauohliu's, Grey, for upon ;
thence to 4th lino, Morrie, to his own
stable, where ho will remain until the
following Tuesday 110012.
Monday noon, -Will leave his own
stable, Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey, and pro-
ceed eastward, ey 12th Con., to Chas.
Parker's, 10th Con., Elma, fur night.
Tue, clay,- -Will proceed to Wynn's Hotel,
Newry, for noon ; thence north to A,
Tuchin's, Trowbridge, for night. Wed.
nesday,-Will proceed north to Amos
Weaver's for noon ; thence west to Stehle'
Hotel, Molesworth, for night. Thursday,
-Will proceed—for noon ; thence west
along the boindary to Robt. Hamilton's,
Con. A, Turnberry, for night. Friday, -
Will proceed south, via Jamestown, to
Wm. Font est's, 3rd line, Morrie, for noon ;
thence south along the gravel road to
Arch. Lamont's, 7th Con., Grey, for
night. Saturday -Will proceed to the
American Hotel, Brussels, for noon ;
thence, by Cranbrook, to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following
Monday noon.
int0iFin Ir "'et" i'LRNIelse-'ubRW'Entiltagan:-^nscia
III11111AM 13 U LI, 1''011 S'Ert.
VIPt�,-.`fbe ondor.igt nrl will keen, for
,o rvir„ , , ,.et s;, 1.011.1, 1 orris, the Moro'
awed ,'„'',,',reel nnrlunu loon,. Lord Welling -
too." Terms $1.00, with l,rfvilege 06 roburn'
illli la neeulHar3, Pedigree may be spell on
apldle„1.nn to owner. P00TIat
li•1 • 1'ropc,rtut•,
1. 'fH0110110ff•BRI,n 21(050Y I317LL-
011e Caw, $2,20; 2 Cows, $4.00; additional
cows, $1,00 each, all the ponisebY of one
nertou. A 4is0011e1 of 10 per cont, w111 be
deducted when paid et the tine of eorvic5.
Jersey Cows 004.110 melt extra,
O. A. DBADMAN, Druggist, Ke.
Monday -Will leave bis own stable,
lot 2, con. 8, Elam, and proceed to Richd,
Cox's, lot 29, eon. 12, Grey, for noon ;
thence to Jas. Douglass', lot 9, con. 16,
Grey, for night. Tuesday, --Will pro-
ceed to Alex. Nichols, lot 17, eon. 7,
Morris, for noon ; thence to Robt. Nice,
hors, lot 20, Don. 6, Morris, for night,
Wednesclav,-Will proceed to Central
Hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence
through Ethel to John Slemmoo's for
night. Thursday, -Will proceed to hie
own stable for noon ; thence to W. Ma•
Cormiok's, Trowbridge, for night. Fri-
day, -Will proceed to Wm. Reynold's,
lot 54, eon, 4, Wallace, for noon ; thence
to Robt. Herold's, lot 6, con. 8, Howiok,
for night. Saturday, -Will proceed to
John 'li7or's,con. 4, Grey, for noon;
thence to his own stable, where he will
remain until the following Monday morn•
1111.0011 cC DILwoRTn, PROPRIETORS.
Monday, -Will leave his own stable,
lots 23 and 24, con. 8, Grey, and proceed
north to Jno. Miller's, con. 4, for noon ;
thence north to Edward Bryan's, eon. 2,
for night. Tuesday, -Will proceed to
Geo. Crooks', 8th oon., for noon ; thence
to Jas. Sharp's, 5th con., Morris, for
nig'.t. Wednesday, -Will proceed to
Thos. Maunders, 7th on., Morris, for
HOOD ; thence west 2k miles, then south
le mils,, thence east to Mrs. J. Seller's,
lath 0012., Grey, for. night. Thursday, -
Will proceed south to Richard Pollard's,
near Leadbury, for noon ; thence east to
Juo. Sibben's for night. Friday, -Will
proceed to Arch. Clark's, boundary, for
noon ; thence to Livingsto 's 10th con.,
Grey, for night. Saturday, -Will pro-
ceed to Wilson Evans', 12th eon., Grey,
for noon ; thence to his ova stable where
he will remain until the following Mon.
day morning.
wet. 0.10001131, PROPRIETOR.
Monday, -Wilt leave his own stable,
Molesworth, noel proceed to Dungan Me.
Donald's, 2nd con., Grey, for noon ; thence
wept to Jamestown, then to Duncan Tay.
lor's, 4th con., for night. Tuesday, -Will
proceed east to Joseph Raynard's side.
road, leu to Robb. Hall's, 9th con., for
noon ; theuoe west to Central Hotel,
Brussels, for one hour, then south to
Chas. Ri'ohie's for nigltt, Wednesday, -
Will proceed cast on 11th co.,. to Cram
brook sideroad, then to Zimmer's Hotel,
Cranbroolt, for noun ; theuoe north to
9th con., then eget 21 miles, then to 8th
eon. to 110, Lindaay'e for night. Thurs.
day, -With proceed to John ltot,artney's,
4th con., for noon ; thence east 3 e miles,
then north to the buunditry, and to his
ova stable for niehb. Friday, -Will pro.
Geed north to Brd con., Ifowiek, to Wm,
ltaycleu's for noon ; thence north to L.
Campbell's Notal, Gorrio, for night.
Saturday, --Will proceed to his own stable
wliel'o he will 1-011100011 until ,Monday.
llotdny, -\Vial leave his own stable,
Lot 11, Con. 4, Morris, and proceed wast
to Balgrave, then to W. Wheoler'n for
stool) ; thence north to 12th Con., Wawa -
nosh, thou west to 1st sidoroad to A.
Anderson's for night. Tuesday, -Wilt
proceed south to l0l11 Coot„ \Vatvanosh,
axone west 11 miles, thence south to A.
Robertson's for noon ; thence east to Bal.
grave, then south lj: miles, thence meet
on Con., 5, to Johu Cloakoy's for night,
Wednesday, --Will proceed east to Joint
Somnmerville's SEW Clonefor noon ; thence
east 2, miles, then North 14 miles, thou
wesb to his own stable for night.
Thursday, --Will proceed south 21 miles,
then west on 011 Con. to Jas. Netllery's
for noon ; thono south 11 miles, thence
eolith 11 miles to John White's for night,
friday,-Will proceed eaab 21 miles,
then north 1:; miles, thence west to Alex.
Mo0a11's for noon ; tlten0o west to centre
sideroad, theme oast to Jas. Spare's for
night. Saturday, -Will peened to the
Queen'e Hotel, Brussels, then to his own
stable, where he wild remain until the
following Monday morning.
undersigned will keep for so•vins on
lot 03. cons 7, Om, the vuuug chore' -brae
Durham hull, "19arl McDuff.” Ho wits brad
by air. .John 1, Hobson, of 6tosbnrotgb, and
is an A 1 animal, Pedigree may be 500(5 on
application, Teens -31.50 for grade cows,
and 83.00 for bho•o'-brads, with privilege of
returning If uonessurv.
43-4 ANGUS LAMONT, Proprietor.
1311I10133 BOAR.
Tie nudc•rsiguod will keep for service this
preeeut 500,53 the 11011reved l417,0 white
Yorkshire pia "Rend," m1 lot 20, can. 0,
6(,'1115, 00 ",Lich a limit: d number of sows
will bn tulmu. •Tm'mi t1.00 to be paid at
tithe o6soo ten, will, 0010 privilege of return-
ing if necessary. I'editn•ee may b0 Poet' nP-
Oil appliou0un. 1oO111.;ltT 000'HOL,
15tf Proprietor.
lam and Eng 7.
Eggs have dropped in price, so
Large Stock of Prime
Alt of Our Own Curing.
We also Manufacture Bologna Sausage.
Patronize home industry by calling onus.
Give me a pall and prove the truth.
fulness of the above statements.
has our
Wm, BlashiII, Butcher.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
J,C.Hei ernan,, 3..t1.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 25ww
Wo i e'r.
50,000 Pounds Wanted
Of Fleece Wool, for which
the very
Highest Market Price
in Cash will be
Farmers will find it to their
advantage to Sell for Casio and
trade whore they please.
On the market, as usual, for
all kinds of Grain.
�a 9ia
Grain Dealer, - BllrssnLs.
Shoddy -
Aro on talo Warpath, so are im-
plement n ;oats to entrap the
wary farmer into buying inferior
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
get repairs when needed.
Fai'nwi's, consult your own in-
terests and encourage house man-
ufacture by calling at the
ring eels Fown.d.rSr
Where you call got a Superior
Article ata Reduced Price, Guar'
antood to give Satisfaction, o1'
no sale.
'mows, with Rest t'ilisb,Pg(hut Steel
Boards, Single aid Ilbnble.
Plow Pointe of Every Make at 40e. coals.
Gang Points 25 Cents.
Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on
any plow at the Lowest Possible Prieo,
Be sure and call and examine our
stock before buying.
W. R. Wilson, "Brussels.
Canadian Pac .c R'
Last Chance
---.-.FUR A TOUR_
noir cls the 'World,
- SO00
Will Leave LIVERPOOL on.J'vt: Path,
10111, by Steamer
Enzfi1'ess of China,S J
Stol•i dog ut Principal fort.' t:: 11,0
2223SEesrafletan 0x0. 0 . 00400,
Pot paiephlrts and full information apply
0. 1t, CA,.t.an'AY, District Passenger .01;001.
Ile Mug Sweet 'Vest, Tonins', Or to
Ticket Agent C. P. R., Brussels.
t1.LZBIA_lJrl' S 1
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
11, Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c always in stock and sold
at Close Prices
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy Harness I can
supply yotl.
See our Scotch Collars.
110 Derail.
Buggies !
Buggies !
Bny your Buggies from
- D. EWAN -
And Save Money.
I am building a large number
of the Best Buggies, which are to
be sold at the Lowest Prices ever
offered to the public. Every-
thing about thelia is First-elass.
The very Best Standard Wheels,
and the Workmanship through-
out Gun rant( ed.
tI 12117 Determined to naake a
Big Slaughter on Prices
this year.
I hara sold a Marge number of
Buggies during the least years
to many of the leading mon of
this ,section and surrounding
country, rind I l.nrpose to keep
up the number anti, double the
Call and See the Rids and
tet our Prices.
I>on't buy a, buggy until you
see my Stook of Choice l 1.: i0( .
Repairs in 1Vooli work. and Lent
done at flock Bottom Privies,
Painting and Carriage Trimming
clone at the very Lowest 'hates.,
Horseslloeing ')one with the Bed
Experience and Attention,
as in the past.
Shop opposite Queen's Hotel,