HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-8, Page 8. "''''rtnnn"a'ette•ill_teeltelleieleeteleeeofetweereeleooteseneereeeneisaeosnees-
ISue population of Bruseels le put at
top PI: 1.+J 1 0 N ! 1193 by the S9;140.801.,
11111Sio Ot tile lawn mower is once
Don't neglect your Currant and more board in the land.
C-Ooseberry Bushes until the 10b Sewing Meehine Needlee at J.
it Anoaaa new mook of WOWS. YOuth4'
• G. Shane's for 25e. paokege.
leaves are di.,s141,t•
-e 1 by•
but rattier call at once and get and boyssuits opened Up. A. R. Smith,
a supply of , Arm the oflioere were re-elected in the
' C. 0. F. lodge, Betimes, for tlee eneniug
Tun Atheris and Croy (Meese factory
will begin operatione on Monday next,
„ the llth Mat.
" Gout s ties, collars, miffs, fine shirt":
Biomes, kid gloves. The Kangaroo Glove
tithes the bun. A. R. Smith.
LAST TIleaday'B snot, steno brought;
out overooate :old mitts. Stick th your
heavy olothiug until the lst of jun°.
De would look more business like if a
card was etuek up at the Commit meet-
iugs bearing the legend "No emeking
Toe debris °leaned out of the Queen's
Hotel after the flee was removed from
Thomae street this week, to the greet
improvement of the place.
Rev. W. OTTRWEtz, of Walton, will
preach in the Methodist olaurell here
next Sundaymorning and Rev. P. Swann,
'Which we have just received
Large Stock of.
In Exchange for Bees, Bee Hives
and Apiarittu Supplies.
Druggist, Bookeeller, ceo.
_ of Anieueu, in the evening.
Trains teave Brussels Station, North d
and South, OA f0110WS: a
GOING SoOTIr. Goma Nonni. o
Kau_ , a.111. MiNfol 0,g a•Th.
BEIRTSi- 1146 it.ox, man wee 1„u g
&SG pan, Express Mg pan.
Tun May Distriet nmeting of the
Methodist ohureh, Wingbarn District,
will be held in Blyth on Wednesday and
huraday, 20th and 21s0 lusts.
A Bens:mere objects to another resi-
ent going to the river with his little sou
ncl speeding the Sabbath fishing.
Traio up 0 ohild in the way he should
0," end as Sam Jones remarks "Go a
ow times in the way yonrself."
rug ffttus reins,
A duel's &mane ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Sparse moving is at hand. se
OntianeSTAL Teem -The subeceiber
ndid, m
6 to 8 G
f the 11
Paragon -E ureka" of the Toro
has on hand a, few hundred spitz
thrifty blaok ivaleut trees, from
feet high, which be will sell at hal
1-1.li, i-o()ST
A full line of boots and oboes (Cooper
Solibb's) in Meek at all thoes. A. IL
Tregulitr meeting of the Ma
Preebytery will be held in Witighttin int t
Tuesday of next week.
JAMES BTRETToN jr, is the prem.' pre:
seseor of a TOR Brook jr. foal, He says
the youngeter ie going to be e, mover,
WU have had greet sueoese in ordered
olothing, Another new lot of twee& anti
worsteds °palled up. Cell Paul SOO 011001.
R Smith,
&TUMMY, Monday and Teesday are
the three last days of Geo. Good's sale,
People should govern themselvee eartorel-
ingly. All geode that ware sold out have
been replaced with now goods.
Ifeent DENNIS expressed a 'splendid set
of silver mounted eoupe siegle harness
be a gentlemen in Torouto ou We/Ines.
day of this week. It will lieep the
Queen city harness makers haetling to
turn out as fine a looking outfit.
Werm-Drearoe AND DRILLINO.-George
BM has all the necessary nunthinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that Will insure setisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable, Residenee
0000(10 door north of the bridge, west
side of Ter:lb/wry st., Brussels. 43-01
TOCIl .8011 SALE.--Tlio under-
signed has a large quautity of Norway
Spruce for sale, from 1 to 8 feet high ;
eese C esbnuts, G to 8 feet, 210o. ea
Red Cherries, 5 to 6 feet, 25c. eaoh • 0
Vanes variety, 250. :mole and tWO 51
houses full of Rouse and Bedding PM
All kinds of Vegetable Plants in 501).THOMAS KELLY, Brussels. 40•4
Ho. -The London oity Council
neb the saine experience as Brue
°email over the matter of punka
ose for fire proteation. They MS On
solieel. 111 the oanntry, every one of the
Oh i Wren being good advertisers for Gana,
dem breed, Goeldes fluee Melt let
$500 8(111 A Nizentai.-"Our 11001108,''tibia two page month/ 8.
vote te house Leilding, home
houso de/mention, fasl000s, general Meta.
tine, 010., is the beet pub leation of its
ass in Inerica. Ithe publishers, in
order to inerease the {simulation of their
magazine, offer large Cael) reward% to
tlioao ,1 their subeuribers, or ieteeding
enberielbere, who ere reetly anawer 0115
followilig question: Whew in the Now
Testatnent ere the worle "a needle"firol
Sound? each daily anti weekly rewards
Wand prize.
glean while the competition taste. T
publiehoes will give away thousande
dollars among those correctly answ..ei
the qnestion-the leading eetverd belt
8500 in gold. fiend ten Dents in stem
or eilver for a sainple copy of 'Our Homes'
and complete rulea governing the 0031).pe0101on, Address-Oue Homes Pushrsti-
nho Co., Brookville, Canada.
Brussels Council.
The regular mou—tht. meeting of Brus-
sels Council wae held last Monday even -
lug, Reeve Graham in the 01111.10, All
the members present exeept 000001)001'Seswert out ef Wen. Mioutee of
last 10105111g read and painted. The fol-
lowing 0.11001(315 10510 1100001)0011 Ir pay -
:24 mem :-
...ea Mrs. Williams, renb
ots, Hrs. Wellate, '• 510 00
10 00
son. Mrs. Wallace, charity 1 511
Mrs. 3,13100)111) 5 00
had H. Jemes, selory and st16:0,00
„tole elm. Meadows, eatery 15
ow D. Beeehlian, st. inm's 10 00
ntht: IN.. G1N. 010, inLp's
P. McKenna, 936 571)053
JaS. Kelly, ' " 3 00
Thee Stewart, "
oat D. :Mute, " 255 050• 5
Moved by John Atnent, seconded by
in, M. McIntosh that the foregoing accounts
bs paid,
seal nursery prices, 0100 011 assortment
f 25 varieties of line double dahlias
eady for delivery from now till May the
Oth. D. S'PEWART, Brussels. 49.2
T. A. HAWEINS, Music teacher, Bow-
ls,Ont., will take a limited number of
s on the piano, 1 eed organ,
asio, practical harmony or the a
hord.playing. Stir. Hawkins is a pupil
A, W. Thayer, mule Doe. of lOew
ork, in the art of teaching and a sub-
riber to the "Etude" of Philadelphia,
ny who wish to favor tabu with their
teenage win please leave their addreee
th lefr. Janes, Jeweller, Brussels.
arms moderate.
BAND rant 5.125 this year.
Ceoven, Timothy and Garden Seeds OA m
Rubber Company and purchased the
Baker hose from the Guar/ Percha Co.,
tbe earns kind as our Fire Brigade is
using. Sqnere dealing always pane
best and the above deeleion mites t
voted our Connell hit it right on the hose p
rt or ohase.
Bev. J. Ross B. A. preaches at Mouut of
Forest next Senday.
COUNCII, meeting next Monday eveniug se
to receive tenders for gravel. A.
BAZAAR Fashion Sheets for May at
Stritehan's. Call and get one free.
Our new dress goods are taking, also
our whole stock, as it is all new. A. R.
Toe Band will make their first ap-
pearance in a week or so now for their
weekly serenades. ..
Three forget that on the evening of
May 21s0 a song service will be given in
Melville church, Bruesels.
Senoor, Board had no meetino• last
Friday. Caase-no quorum. You will t ''1111
have to wake up gentlemen. 0
.. SINGER &S118a
IN PAmachine, almost new, I „„
for sale at a bargicin. For price teems, I ""n
Breseels. I you
they win see that their contributions are I El
mailed so tts to reach Tu z POST DOS later , Dee
than Thursday morning, tio
IVA0. Will biota a car of potatoes less to Ge
ship next 3'ear by the time be feeds up obtl
Goon Anvice.-Look out for swindlers.
The comity abounds with them, and
they resort to all sorts of methods to trap
the guileness. Do not expect to get a
huge bargain from a stranger, and do not
attach your signature to any (Moment
whatever for him. If you wane any.
%nig in dry goods, grooeriee, boots and
oes, hardware or any ether line, poo'.
000from those who deal in them in
rest town. They intend to remain,
(Lit is to their interest to deal with
honestly, teed it helps te build up
r town, and eventually to erthanee
value of your teal estate.
TIONS. -The resulta of theee exam
us„ held under the direetion of
Ueral Assembly of the Presbyter
rob in January last, have boon ni
he. In the lists we find the name
following a inneoted with Male
rah with the distinctions gat
them : Seiliar Departme
. Tufts, diploma ; Junior Bibl
art/tient-Lizzie Garvin, diploro
a Mahiolm, certifieate ; Lilian Ain]
tOciate ; Hate Wilson, certifies,
Watts, oertificitte ; Inteernedi
rah Histery-Wm, Stewart diplorn
eunior Church History -Peter McArthur, Con
diploma and medal ; John Hogg, diploma one
end prize; Mamie Stetvart, diploma and Nee,
prize ; Helen McIntosh, diploma.
kr the regular quarterly meeting of toge
the official Board of the 13russels Meth°. bet'
diet ehurch, held last Tuesday evening, Out,
it was moved by 8. Fear, seconded by T.
Eletaber Lula carried unanimously, "That
we, the members of the Quarterly Board
e Methodist ohurob, Brussels, do ox-
en. high estimate of the Christian
actin' and ministerial ability of our
e, Rev. S. Seery, B. D., and are
desirous, the.t, if the Stabionin,g
rni•tee in their wisdom see fit, that
main with US a taird year." Mr.
ry expressed 1110 thenke for tho kind•
of the 73 ettel and stated that while
Ily baund, ha Mg accepted an invi
o from Wingbam, if he were ziot
them he would very williogly
On Bruesels for ithothor year. W.
err lVDA d reeresontative to the
Mt me. ting lilyth.
Turncs.-The f011owing is the Punt
,to., apply to MRS. WALTER SANTE, Y°
.6 the
CORRESPONDENTS will confer a favor ie.
Tim "12eu" m Benessees.--The Wi
ham Times of la,st week says z-1
Brussels Orangeman are already mak
arrangements for the coming 12th
July celebration in that town. It I
been decided thet the lodges in No
Huron will celebrate in Brussels c
year, and no doubt they will be joined
lodges from other districts. When Br
sale undertakes to do anything they
not do it by halves, and there is no don
bat that they will use every effort
make the oelebration a grand success.
QUSEN'S Hoene -A. J. COUSiI1B,
ims leased the weleknot
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, from Cap
Stretton, for a term of five yearn, al
has purchased the furniture, die. in t
beim. He takes possession next Me
day. The building is receiving a thor-
ough over -hauling and fitting up. The
new proprietor comes vvell weeommended
es a reliable, beeiness like man, and will
me. e Qeeen s in the front rank of
oe,_ popular hostleries in Thiron Ounuty.
the Capt. Stretton and family will conthiee
je,o to r.•eicie iu Brussels, living in the house
eat:, west of the hotel.
ug. 3, N. Keedall and FL Deunis, two
la members of the Band Commietee, applied
jog to the Coneeil for a /Moral .grant for the
of Band so that the new organization could
105 be properly placed on its feet. Moved by
eta John Ament, seeonded by J. M. Main-
oja tosh that a grant of 5125 be made for
by 1801, payable quarterly, on condition
us_ that a weekly, open air concert be given
do • anti an efficient leader retained. Carried.
bt Moved by John &meet, seconded by R.
to Ross that the Court of Revieion be held
on Monday, June lot, commencing at 8
o'clock. Carried.
The Clerk reported Town Hall receipts
0" to be 54.00 since Mot meeting.
t. Council then adjourned to meet next
Monday evening to receive tenders for
e_ gravel.
e little Irishman who arrived at his pub
place ou Thursday of this week. the
Wora.-11. Graham is to the fore this obu
season as usual iu the purchase of wool. bY
He will pay the highest cash price foe Mrs
good, &ace wool delivered at Brussels. pep
Lon Saturday Ben. Avery had the Nin
Misfortune to gush one of his thumbs in cert
the joiu tine maehine Sn3ith, Malcolm Alio
4 Gibson's factory. Ere will be off work Oho
for a wbile.
Tee POST Witfl faVOr011 Will a Call an
Thursday of thie week from Wm. Lith.
gow, Librarian and ma atelier of the
Mechanics' Loilitute, Wingham. He is
a walking encyclopcedia on matters in
Ton Satemer Rte. -As worn by lefenry
lff. Stauley on his tour in America. We
Have beau appointed ageot for the Stan-
ley Hat. They come in three colors. o th
black, Congo and Zambesi. The prices press
are right. A. R. Smith. cher
Ownici to several reasons the com• paste
mittee managing the Gospel Temperance very
meetings have deemed a prudent to Com
postpone the holding of the first meeting be re
until Sunday evening, 17t11 inst., in the tielle
Town Puller notice will be given pees
_next week.
"Tun ship that minter returned" is the tale'
00)1 e of a pretti, catchy weltz oompeeed zeint
by T. A. flawkin-, of Brmaels, and pole main
fished by W. FL 2)1 51,35, of Toronto. H. F
THE Poor acknowledges the receipt of a Distr
copy and would advise lovers of lustru•
s of This is an Easy One.
ille nen Torn'. -The sewiees of onr last
ned word finding contest, just olosed,
101— oeureges us to offer another Free Trip
Mal around the World, or ite moth equivalent
it ; to the persee tending in the largest list
GY, of words /melt the same leeward and back-
te ; ward, such its "Pip" "Bob" "Hannah."
ate The contest closes May 15. Tie•ee daily
a • •' f • g ists receive
test is open to the World. Every
sending ten worOs will get a priz
ely 1200 00133 prizes in our recent col
Rules and sample paper 12 omit
thee with a large illustrated cata
e, .A,ddrees Bell's Magazine, Orillia
The Chtlt Repeeter reeornmeads Joh
Watson, of Aye, for the Registrar:ship .
the County of Waterloo, which is like!
to become vacant shortly.
MAY 8, 1891,
W. P. OlDIVANt PrebNULt•
3. L. BRODIE, Cashier,
CAPITAL, AUTIlmuslin, • - $2,000,000
PArn - • • 1,000,000
Raseltrit Peen, • - 400,000
Agencien ln all principal minas in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, United Seabee
mid England.
Brussels Agency,
A General 'Ranking Besiness Traniatotee,
Fanners' aml other good Notes Diseounted
00 11,00050 rates. Draf to Issued and Cloilee-
tams 0)1000 05 all points.. Deposita rooeired
and intermit allowed at current rates.
Litarelit Allowed en Savings Bank De-
posits of 51 and upwards from Mae of
deposit, to date of witharawal, ane 0080
1(000,104 half yearly.
Promne &Mention and every facility afford -
nd oushemers living at a distauce.
0. P, SC1HOLFIELD, Agent.
Brunei!, Apr111E1).1891,
Executor's 'Notice.
In the Mather of the Estate of I1P,rj'roy,w
Demote, late 05 0130 Township of Grey,
Itioe="Revised Statutes, Ontalle,
chap, 7.10, See, ea, unStoO 19110343RP ElPoll to
8.10 (05000110 Loving Claims against the sold
Matthew Barker to mud in to his Executor,
the undeveigued, at Ethel P. 0., on or before
the end Day of Mine, 1801, full mirth:Mars of
their claims and nature of eacuribies (if may)
held by thew. ,Notice is further given that
after sell date sa.d exeentor will distribute
the assets of the testator miming the partlee
entitled thereto, haviug regard only to therm
elitime of which he Phan then have notice,
tool said exeoutor will ni.11 bo liable for the
said esseta, 00 10112' part thereof, to any per-
son of whose claim nottoe shall not have
been received by him 100 the time of such
WAL BARRER, xecutor.
Pursuant to Revised 8tatuteR of Ontario,
1887, Chepter 110, Section 06, noble° is hereby
giveit that all creditors, next of kin, and
others bovine 0,30 claims 0001000 the estate
of Joan Pounns, late of the Township of
Grey, 10 0110 Comity of Huron, farmer, do.
ceased, Ono died on or about the Mil day
of .harch, ID. 7801, in said township, are
hereby mimed to 8-0,1,1031 post prepaid, to
Messrs. McPherson Davidson, of the City
of Stratford( Ontario, Solioitors tor the Exc.
eaters, addressed to theta at said City, on
oe before 01*15013 Day or I000y,1891, a state.
meet contaieleg their namee and address
and full partici ulars of thin oIaluo, 00,1 tiroot
111101' BMA 40111 day nf Stay the said executors
will ran nit •
n tit L,Ivait,iittioi,1 amen/ the pm Gies entitled
p ei 1st?, Mute the onsets of tlio
of wt..;11 i'mg1eltififtrionleYeilogtiOluth:/BeerT
y sate, mid the 0101,1execntors will not boilable
for the safe (meets, or ituy part thereof, to
any person 00 persons of whose chitin' or
claims uot,ao shall not have bees 0et1e000d
by tee said McPherson& Davidsou at the
00 611.0Sl4c1C1W.3l
DSON. Stratford,
Solicitors for
1 DulicAN °Buns ARC JAMIPP
ni 484 Executors,
Exeatuferfoxs, 1891.
lioni.-Tri Brussels, on May let, tl
wife of Mr. Geo, Lott of 00100.
illeCtimemee-In /eremite on May 71,1
the wife of 11r. W. H. McCracken
112.-0713 Listowel, on Sender, April
! 100, the wife of Mr. 11, K. o
a sem
Hammon/m-1n Morris, on April Nth
the wife of Mr, Mallard Boakridg
of a CiallNIISOr.
0. oeuram-Li Atwood, on Wedneedity,
April 29th, the wife of Mr. Johu
0, Coghlin, of a daughter.
s, e,
_ v zween-Peuxem-At the resicienao of
the bride's father, en April 29th, by
Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. rgilliarn Vipond
bo bliss Annie Patera aOl of Flout
Dom-WATTE4.-In Illount Forest, on
April 29011, by Rev. J. Charlton, Mr.
1,Vm. Doig, jeweller, Gerrie, to Mise
Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Z.
Watts, of Mt. Forest
1 Seterie-Fox.-In Montreal, no April
Nee by Be. Dr. Smyth, Hr. jamas
e Smith, formerly of Grey township,
1 to ?dial Isebella Fox, of Montreal,
late of Whiteohuroh.
SPlintAX-•Cook.-On April 2901s, et the
emiidetme of the bride's father, by
RSV. lie 111. Smith, of Henfryn, Mr.
Hartwell Speiren, jr., to Mims Mary
Jane Cook, both of Grey.
l'he Primary 01/1. chtsig and Juutor
1051 mid Pass Alabrieulation (1l, class) Ex-
- amleatious at the Collegiate Institutes 11334
H 80110010 will be held at Goilerieb Chu -
1,811 n ea ott beginniug Tuesday, 7101 or
JR) Y, 00040 A. IL Heeler Leaving add Gouor
lifittriculatlen 0.) wilt be bold zit unman,
baginuing Tumidity, 14th Jul', at 1:80 p, 01.
Candidates who Malt to mete at either
Seaforth or Winton must notify Davlil Babb,
EEC, 1,13, Sehoole, Clinton 13, 0., not litter
Mau 200,1 MaY, atatttlii at whioh of the
sabot& they inteud to write ; and those urbo
desire to write at Gneterieh 11.15180 notify
.7no, E. troms, lame L P. Schools, GoderIch
P. O., by the saute date. No name will be
forwarded ti, the Department unless the COO
of 55 accompanies the epplication. geed.
maeters of man schools aud collegiate In-
stitute(' will please send the appEentions
and fees of their candidates to the P, S. In-
spector within whose juristlietiou their
sehool 10 attnittoa. Portia of application
maybe chenille(' from the Xespector or the
und onto ed.
13151515)1. ADAMSON, Coupty Clerk,
Godertob, April .1710, 1891, 49.s
500011101 t510,10 to secure one,
Wit Gee Tog/in.-The Attwood lecie in f,00
endeavoring to stir up the residence of aako
thet village to the necedeity of observing 1890
arbor day compliment:a :mussels after the pm
following fashine :-Perhaps 00 plaae in
Western Ontario looks prettier than Value
Bruesele in summer, and why 1 Because vai„
her eitizens lutvo an eye to the beautiful, vnine
and ere not elraid to roll up their eleevee Total
and set out maples every spring and
and the beauty of their town,
LAST Tuesday the membors of Mies Ne, of
Lizzie Thompson'e Stindny school class No, of
called at the parsonage and pre/tented leo, of
her with a handeonie cabinet filled in ith er
notepaper, envelopes, eece Puling Births
gift. The recdpient expressed her thenks meth
of the essesement Roll of Beuseels
i• current year. We also, air the
if comparison, give sumnutry for
These foots were furnished Ton
by Aesessde Stewart :
1891. 1890.
of real mopertv .. 5268 810 0263 830
pummel property 41,400 46,40
taxable income.. 5,700 8,60
value rOal, person.
and 5100105,,. 5313,910 5312,85
f Dogs 54
thereby enhance the value of their homes Nn.
. 0 1 0 les 3 7
'lows 123 99
Sheep 3 0
Hogs 51 30
Horses 115 06
14 13
s 4 4
boilers.,, 9 0
(Milder:a fro in 5 to 15186 --
CI ill en from 8 to 14., 141 --
en from 10 to 21 101 -
No. hem 5 to 21 287 _
population 1193 1248
to the boys for their memento and hoped steam
they would grow im god men. Ivlies
Theron/ion intends retrieving to Chicago,
00 112', w lare ono of her brothers residee
She hes been a wining and feeitifil
worker in the Sahbeth school and Y. 1,
0. A. of the Methodist church thi
5745,00 ix GOLD RJR A Wreu.-We will
give to the first pereen telling us before
Jute hi, 1891, where in the Bible the
word, "wife" first fennel 5100.00 In
gold. To the next 550.00. To the third,
025.00. To the fourth, $20.00, To the
lifth, 515m. To the Moth, 510.09. To
the next 25, 55 each, '1'0 the next 25,
5250010, To the peeve sending in the
last correct answer, we will give 5100 in
gold. TO the mane the lest 550, and
eo on same its from the first. With your
answer send 25 ots. hi silver, or 27 atm In
/denim for a box of D. Colo's Blood
and Livee Pille, the best Blood, Liver'
end Stomach Bill ever made. Sure cure
for siek headache. Don't gripe. Re-
member the presents are absolutely free,
being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's
Perfoot Pills and Earnily Remedies. At
tlie blow of the content the names and
addressee of all tbe prize winners will ap-
pear in (hie paper, We rotor you to the
%'raders' Doak of Orilla. Send at onoe
end be feet. Addreati, Homo Spinal°
Orillitt, Ont.
1 t- r
1 Whole
• Total
O Mem
W. F.
day ev
and pr
took th
the So
Mrs. W
and Al
I hear
girla ; r"0aolo, a
nor ; ol
the goo
54 high
PLENTY or 1,`IBIE TrIT.-•-There yet re.
POMO two months whieh new sub-
seribers may entee the great Dominion
Illustrated prize competition and cry for
one of the 100 priges, aggregating oyer
53,000 in value, which the publishers ef
Una joutintl offer. The eornpetitioz
()loses June Nth, bat new competitor
may enter at any time provided thei
anewers to the 86 questions ere receiver
at the alike of the journal prior to 11
above meetioned (bete. The question
are published in monthly ineteement- o
six each, and the answers are te be foetid
in the Pagel of the Dominion Illustrated
foe six months eliding jun° 80th. For
eample copy end full particulars send 12
come in etamps to the publishers, the
Sableiou Litho. di- Pb, Co., ilfolitreal.
Poor 13ene.-Laet Saturday afternoon
the "Fearless" foot ball club of eruesele
deove over to Gerrie and opened the wa-
ste. by playing a friendly matioli with the
olub of that village. The visitore woe
the first two games and the home teom
Iva, allowed a goul at the close of half
0 111)8, o goals were soared no the la.st
0 half, The clubs appeared to be liziely
I well metalled, although Toreance did the
0 heavy work for Gonne, 11Ie's a teeol one.
The following were the tepreseutatives of
)lirmeols ;-Goal, W. Sloan ; Beeks, J.
Niehol ana L. Jackson. Hell beaks -
right, 1'. eleNaminia ; oentre, be 111c•
Cvaaken ; len, F. Downing, Forwards -
right, A. I. McColl and e'. L. Hogg I Gan -
tree J. Day ; left, Dr. Cavanagh mid T.
Rose, 'Umpires, Burgess and Devis.
Refet•eti, 'X, MoLauchlin. A return
Match will be pleyed shortly.
IONARY.-Tho anniversaey of the
M. S. in connection with Melville
33010005 was hold lest Werineio
ening. After an opening hymn,
eyrie by Rev. S. jonee, tho pastor
e chair and gave a brief eketoh of
MeV mid its work frotn its ineep-
The following programi was then
ed :-Chorns, "Speed away" by
Malcolm, Dorm Smith, Lillian
Jennie MaLauchlin end Sirdie
eon ; annual report by BUM
m, the Secretary ; eolo, "Oast thy
upon the waters," Miss Vila
o1; reading, ,.Thanksgiving Ann,''
Dickson trio, "The beacon
Mies Kate Wilson, Mies Taylor
ex, Rose; address, Rev, A.. B.
all, of Seftforth ; duett, "Hark I
the organ peal," Melee Lizzie and
Wileon ; rooitation by Lillian
; chorus, "Go Portli," by five
eading, Aire. Neil Riehardson ;
leansing Vire," Mies L. O'Con,
ming hymn ; Benediction. TIlo
IT Wag a very enjoyable one and
d work done by the leilice shoal
ly valued,
deteinee's Irene -The Gleaner of the
120 has the following notes upon the
Oanarliam Curt :-On Saturday last the
attendance at Janutice's big exhibition
wag the largest eines the opening, the
Canadian Commissioner taking advent -
age of the 600055011 had 1.100 pieces of
bread, consisting of Saadi meow, roles
and cut loaves distributed in the Canadi-
an Cotiet• There were five assietante,
three of whom were dressed as bakers,
malting the distribution. The ileur used
on Saturday wag from Ire Could di son,
of Montrone and the "Menotti?' brand
from the Toed 0100liog Compeny, of
Galt. Ott all bands the greatest prelim
wee given for the excellency of the bread
end sone. The first flour that was
baked at the opening of the Exhibition
came from the Province of Manitoba
and was sant in seeks. Subeequently
the dour, sent by the Lake of the Woods
Milling Company, Whitlaw and Baird,
of Paris, Jam GOldie, of Guelph, Ogilvie
milling Company end others were tested
train ppltages, which boa been (Agee
weeks in the Island, was sweet and pro..
&mod splendid breed. Nothing has berm
baked that Imo not been eight weeks in
the /eland. In addition to the 21100
pima of broad diotriboted 00 toile were
give» to school children from the varione
Elina, on Saturday, April
25th, Albert Thompwei, aged
85 years.
I SAYAGA-Ill Grey, on April 29th, Henry
Savage, aged 58 years, 10 months
and 4 days
Dzeesox. - In Seaforth, on Saturday,
Mey 2nd, Elizabeth Gibecm, aeoond
clitughter of Sammel Diaksee,
Postmaster, aged 19 years and 1
Hetyniterr-h'In Lietowel, on April 8000,,
of diphtheretio inembratious /weep,
Olive Victoria, third child of Kr. A.
St, George end Erie Elivetbeth Haw -
kine, aged 4 years, 2 months and 18
ZzaT-70310=7.43 2.d..11..M1C=0.70,
Fall lAtheat 1 07 1 10
Spring Wheat., ...... 1 06 1 07
Barley 48 e0
Oueis 47 48
Paall .. 70 72
Sutter, tube end rolls.... 14 15
Ego por dozen 10 00
Flour peejotreel 5 00 5 50
Potatoes ... 50 60
Hay pee ton 6 00 6 00
Pork ., „ , , 500 550
Hides pee lb 4 00
Salt rev bbl,, retail..."1 25 00
Sheep skine, eaoh, 60 76
Lamb shine each 40 50
Wool, p013111. 17 19
--fliiiii-EOPLE'S COLUMN.
Ia. Agti°6"Bl"Tnb'l'Joliet/mootsor
41 .tf THOS. It00.1,0,1', DJ:tamale,
J. 000 Parm Seourity at Low xate Oen.
tereet. Apply at Tim POST Publishing Rouse,
nreasels. 414 . J. W. AltteSTSONO,
The 50100000)300 offers her house end
lot,eornor et Jarmo and Streets,
Stetfolels. Theta to a neolfortable hottee,
good steble, :splendid wan, die. att the Pro-
mitios, 1 ikeee 0( 16135, Per further osotent.
litre Oslo mice, tenet, &t.aliply o
MRS. WeLmcontliotten. nreasoia,
IDZIONON MD Las several good .Partes
sale and to 10 1,1 easy terms, In Townshil
of lf orris and Grey. P. S. SCOTT, Brewed
- • •
..," Lot 1-1,005.110, Grey; 100 acres; Snit.
class bullthess. A mire bargain to a meth
purolumer. Title ported, APPlY at oece 00
SUNCLA/11, Solioltor, Brussels. 80.
Beteg south half Lot 27 eon 6 At r
100 es, nun ely all a/eared. Good buildiugs,
flue young hearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session. Easy Tenon. Apply to
W. kf. SI& CLAIR,
tf. Sobottor lerussets,
If you want your house
papered in the best style,
with newest goods, at lowest
prices txy
J, T. Pepper, Druggist,
,z,4.1..no.ot a+. G-Dit.cmal 290.11,1.S.Ag
Canadian and United States Draftbought
and sold.
Interest nllowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents -Monommr's 1341010 or
New York Ageuts-ImiouTens AND 'nano.
nail Nwrrositr.,0 Ans.
M. TAYLOR, B. 0 L.,
. Banister, Et:matter, 0a., 0.1 Adelaide
Street East, Toronto. 0)10110Y to Loan.
Solieftor anti Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. 011105-Vanstone's Blonk, Brink
• Solicitor, Oonveyaneer . No tery Pub-
lic, fee. °Mee -Graham 0 Bleak, I do or north
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Feeds to
10I(SO15' & HAYS,
(1.101, 00(101 Garrow & Proucifoot, Godo.
nob,) 'Barristers, Solicitors. Convevituaers100. ,
Offloes-hrussele and Sonforth, Bras.
eels Office -Up -stairs over Bank. Motley
to Loan.
17. S. NAPS. w. 5. DICIIIION
Timelier of Organ ann. Piano.
.10-tf Prlimeao sheet, Brussels.
• Issuer of Marriage Licensee. MUD
at his Grosory, PUTUberry street, Brusuels,
. Tonsorial titbit. Shop -I,Text door
south of A. kr. Sieger df llo's hardly:L.(' store.
childrans hair cutting a apeoialty
A. of Marriage Licenses, by
mmointmout of Ideue,-Governor, Commis -
E toner, ihe , Q.13. Conveyancer and lama
Fire Insurauee (lo, office iS tho Orabbrook
Post °glee.
• •
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
00, Moon, Couvoyancer, Notary PubliO,
Lana, 1.0110 and lusurilueo Mast. Puede
invested end to loon. Collections made.
Wee In Grallanfe .3loo1, 1101100010.
A Late of the Conservatory of Music.
Toronto, is prepared to givo leasone 00
Ethel end Craubrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Ur. garrison on the plane, anti
of Mr. S. H. Mark iu meal tousle. Class at
Oranbrook every MI Ysilny. E'er tams, (te.,
apply at the Methodiet Parsonage, Ethel,
Aff 188 CALE,
U. Teacher of Piano, Parlor end Pipe
°mem, Organist: In SC ,Tohu's Oberon, Brus-
sels, eolicits n share of the patronage of the
reusio-loving Neale ef Breese's and viein-
ity. Ins(rt/airing givou at ourreut tepee.
'Venue, references, ,0o1,may be asoistiatined
10) calling at the residenee of Alm. Dnutord
se., Turnberry etreet, ittnEulehl. 7-1.f
Or - - -
.9E1'ZS 2R -2"
G. L. Bell, L. D. S. Name Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Witless Este:tot/on of
Teeth. 71 c% errant Street East, Palmate,
. &widened offers MO valuable 100 acre
farm, being Lob 12, Con. 5 Grey, for sale.
Timm aro 85 /tarsal nutlet crop. halation
timbered, There ia a. good °milord, wens,
die, en the promisee, beedes log house, bank
barn, del. 03,111 be gold ou reasonable term.
Fnr price and full partioulars aindy to WM.
HAREEM, Brussels P, 01., or him
Sonforth, Cut. 97-0m
()NJ -The undersigned proprietors
ofrot their wiener:at:3d larm oontal Meg 200
0 ores, being Lot 5, GOD. 10000 Let 5coe, 11,
Gray township for enie. There?s a log
house, good outbzindinge largo °reamed,
water Bupply, ito, nu tho promises. The
peoporty lo only le milee from the thetvlug
village et Srueente, 901110301 005 es to
mem, towns and oonilitione of sale tufty be
ascertained nu application to
97.1! pentausoN 131006., Teeswater,
107,90 )*000r.—_X5rag 000011 Let 11, Coo. 0,
G-rny, 65 utiles from Bruseels. Tbe land le
good cloy loam, well drained, mostly al1
cleared and 001 good order, Ono mom of or-
chard lb goodreesir. Thom to a never hot -
00,8 gmlug on the promisee 11111 ,10 extra well
00 tho buildings. The buildings aro comfort.
able, Would take tentable property In or
ueeA•Bruesels as part pity. For Airliner par-
idoulars apply oil the 10001111000 to
101108, 01ere15e0016,
re. arldeess Sruseele P. 0. leltf
ITA.ttm von SAT/E.-TEE UN-
neasiorion offers for tale tbe north
bitOL quarterof lot 28, OODOSIlfitoll 6, Morrie
Clout] lysf Huron . contain Mg 60 name. The
land IBM firet amain &high ittate et
011111yetieri, well kneed arid tiudeeelealeed
tei osres oleered. NeW frame hem, 8 rooms
milk house with cotierete vvelia,. 0 008110
good baths and ehed, erehitlel, ehe, Right
acres ol fell wheat, Tbla dor:friable property
atilettlethe ommoration of nrubelo, Solt.
eiee COMM wil1 be g155, TIRO PSSIIPOt
SO- e deaf jivetbe,1,0, r
araaM, OA'jVAliN)AG*HT, L. SP., or. 17.
Burgeons, Ontario, Yawl °lb05"I`Doro°rriteDaltt
10000103..OPPI011-0p01 Pepper's Drug Store,
• AllublOyeer, ithirayg ready to at.
te ea soles of farms, farm stook, lZa. !COMB
obeerfully given, Vietnbroolt P, 0, Sales
may be nrmagett at Van .1TheT Publishing
House, Breese/a
mamma .knation 00. SILleu touninet-
ea on reasonable tonna. Ferree eturl farm
dealt a specialty, Ortiors tote 01 Tnia PosT
P Phil Millie Hot se, Bre sews, or seette moan,
13, 0, wit/ receive prompt attention.
....x. 015 409 att Auctioneer, 5010 Prepared
108000woes of Ann 010010 at reasaaable
Prices, Enowitig libe standing ot nearly
eneypertiou 1 Mil a position to sell to
goorl ennece and got good seourity when gold
on arerlit. Satiefeetioe guaranteed. Give
um a call. lel. 10 13. SCOTT,
cAfE, D, 0.1(1.,
Member of the Collog o 0f1'01100301010
and Surgeone of Ontariomtby eXauation
Ethel, On Carlo,
Oillee and ltesicionuo -Motu street East,
T 1.7
MoNA.011TON, D.
if.s • CI, M., L,E. O. P„ Edinburgh, 01, 0, P
S, Ont. At Pepper's Ilvtig Stem from 0 to
11100 11.101, and from 180 to 4 p, ru, At other
hems may be found at bit reeideeee f,oenet
eoly tem
°pled byLe, utehineolli aa•
e, . Boner (bMeditate et the °uter)°
Veterinary cottage. is 'Weltered 10 trent all
diSoluids of deteasetea,ted aloOGalo 1
P ant inalinnr. Partteldrit attention Paid
to entorintoy dentietty. Celle sroteptly at.