HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-8, Page 66
13rook's Adtninistration in Upper Canada—
The Difficulties Re Faced and Overcome.
General Brook wee eppointed president
awl idnistrator of the Clovertunent ef
Upper Canada, en the 901 thatober, 18 1 1.
Ou the 2nd Deeetuher, the SE1.100 year, h
eftys, in a letter to Sir deorge Prevost ; "1
cennot ceiweel frotn your exeellency that
nitleta a strong regulav force he present to
animate the loyal end to eonteut the disaf.
fected uothing effeetual can be expected '
On the 4th February, 18 12, Piro* openet
the eession of the Legielature and urge(
upon the House: 1. A militia enpplement
my Act. 2. The suspenaion of the Habeas
teorpus Act. 3. An ttlien law, 4, The offal
of n, eetvitrd for the appreheesion of desert
" The many doubtful t-haracten in the
militia," he says in 000 of his despatches
" Inside ine anxious to introducte the oath o
Abjuration into the bill. It was lost by the
casting vote of the chairman. The great in
finisnee which the numerous settlers ken
the United States pewees ON'llr the decisinue
of tho Lower House is truly planning, and
ought immeatetel by every practiced means
to diminished. ' The hill for the suspen-
sion of the habeas corpus weeds° beaten by
a very trilling majority. Willeockri, Mat.
lory end NI trete were all members of this
House met ',sling spirits of the Opposition,
When tt a was declared Brock at once
settle:: ou the flank competilue of the
Illiti110. '1_ his produced a force on the
Etagere frontier of 800 met, who turned
out very cheerfully., and he calculated that
all 0003 the province the number would
ailment to about 4,000 men. In the dis-
triets originally settled by the U. le.
Loyalists the flank companies were instant.
ly uompIeted with volunteers, an almost
unanimous iliepositioa to servo being mani-
fested, and 011 these men General- Brook
seems to have depeuded to overawe the
disatleeled end to aid him in the field. In
fact he seed in answer to an address at
Kingeten that " it was the confidence in-
spired by the admirable conduct of the
York and Lineoln regiments of militit which
had induced. hint to underteke the expedi-
tion which •terminatod in the capture of
Detroit." These men who were with him
when lie died at *menden were the sons
of the loyal veterane of the revolution. All
.aloug the 8t. Laweence the eame spirit
•was mainifested, the teen of diengarre in
particular performiug at Chateaugitay and
en other tights the most Wilma service
for Canada.
On the 6111 July ()enema Brock issued a
proclamation, orilering all persons sus.
pouted of traitorous intercourse with the
ienetny to be apprehended and treated
.accordinee to kw. His letters are filled
with references to his anxiety us to the
maeldnat ions of the disloyal end illeattect-
IPeas to divide that force to support and
co 'Memento the militia, That the conduct
et the western militia had eeposed the segu
ars Ainhorsturg, and he had mule a
largo detachment ot the 1st with
ban the home and Niagara dist riets, That
titu commandant at St. Joseph hal taken
, Affickinao and might deswend to Ainherst•
1 burg, aad trompel the Meader:, to retreat,
with the aid uf the detachment now on the
march to Long Point lint Lila no good
result meld he expeeted 011100$ he had power
to restrain the militia and genend Impute,
tan from treasonable adherence to the
, enemy or neutrality les summary procedure,
I asked u holier it- would be expedient to
pvevogue the House of Assembly and pro-
. claim martial
0111010.108 1111,.1.41'11ES TAKEN.
- Tlto eouncil adiourned till the next day,
the 4th August, tor delibevation, aud then
ulanimouely expressed the opinon that,
, under the eireninstances of the colony, it
E was expediere from the prorogetion of the
Assembly that the genteel should proolaim
and exercise martial law under authority of
1 hie commission from the King. 00 the 5th
Brock prorogued the House and proclaimed
nuirteal law: In all probability the action
contemplated by General Brock beectme
known en the 40, for en the 5th, day of
provogation, the loyal party carried in this
sante House a most spirited and patriotic
itrldrees to the people of Upper Canada. In
this it te stated that the population is deter-
minedly hostile to thu laded States, and
" the few that might be otherWiSe
will lad it to them sefety to be faithful,"
and calls upon the people to " deem no
sacrifice too costly which seeures the enjoy -
meet of out; happy constitution."
The outlook must have been very disiteriet.
ening to General Btock when he wrote tide
minute for the council on the 3111 August.
ith only a handful of troope and no money
or eupplies, with a Home of Aseembly weak whole put under ground. Day after day
and tintorons, and coutaining it few infamous went ou, the suffering of the man with the
secret traitors, sufficiently influential to tle. buried leg and foot gre,v intolerable, until
lay and embarrass every step for the defence finally he begged his brother to dig up the
of the country ; with an invading army with. pieta of lialese flesh, remove its wvappiege,
in our borders, and a portion of the and change Its position in the box. Only
in the invaded district mutinous and disloy. sick manes whim, thought the leather, who,
al. was musing the unfortunate fellow, Still
Mak, the author of Tecumseh, puts in why he could never explain, he too was
Brook's mouth a fine picture of his dittiette seized with a fancy that if he were to do me
the 1111(0111.1 101811011, and then tell him 0120111
it. the effect might be a relief to the sick
1. a t's mind, It's all nonsense, of 1011100, lie
0, i 1 to himself, but Ile went one eight, just.
the same, dug up the limb, relieved it of its
weappilig, turned it over in the box, tted
buried tho grewsonut thing &gain, thinking
the next morning he would tell his brother
all about it. The erst thing his brother said
to him when he SIM 111111 11'110 ' Moinething
rincor happened last night." tVliat was
that ?" Well, you know what I have been
telling you ebout my buried limb, how aw-
fully it ached, and how it ffilt as if something
wee preeshig upon it. Well, juet abcut 1 0
o'clock last night, when the thing seas aching
The turning point we,: the pro- its worst, I all at ouce felt a tali, f The pain
claiming of martial law on the 501 August, was completely gone, and I have not. felt it
Then Brock 10110 master of the situation, and einem'
the change in the prospecte itt a few days "The brother 10118 astonished beyond ex.
was elmost miraculous. 'flat very day the pression, It was lust exec:1.1y live minutes
stirring address from the House went for th, before 10 o'ciock on the night provione that
to the people. 'rho next day Brock left for ete had changed the position of the buried
.Ainherstburg, arriving there ou the 13th at limb, mei he had nob told a living snul nf
midnight. On the 1501 he WWI Sendwich, !what be had done. Rather curtsies, isn't
with 330 regulars, 400 militia and 600 In. it 1"
dant. On the meriting of the lOth he uross.1
ed to the Itlichigan side of the river with
these 1,330 men awl captured Detroit, with I
the whole of army of 2,500 men and( Inquiry is made for the best remedy for
their immense stores and supplies. (Loud the apple and pear scab, which so often die -
applause.) Two or three days miter he set figures and spoils some of one best fruits.
out again for York, where he arrived on the; While the selection of such ve Haim as are
27th August. !generally meet free from. this diseaeo for
The sncecee at Detroit, so unexpected as plamting isimportant, excellent results ere
it 10‘13, prod nee,1 an electrical effect. throngle obtained by :spraying with the cathonate of
out Canada. It inspired the timid, fixed copper 001111100. TI1030 Ore 1100 or three
the wavering and awed the disloyal. After forms of this solution. When the fruit is
this event the disaffected saw that it was as about the size of 11 pea, moray thoroughly
much as theb• property was worth to disobey evitli it Solution made by dissolving 4 oz. of
orders, and what they were at first:compel. carbonate of copper in a pint mid a half of
ed to do, after a little while they did from liquid ammonia, in It water pttie When
choice. Aliens were required to take the dissnlyed, pour the liquid into a bat rel which
oath of allegiance or leave the province. eis then filled with 100101', TiliS will matey a
Many were sent out of the country, large dozen or more large trees, and the nutterial
numbers loft on their own account—pass., will cost only two eents a tree. Spray twice
ports being furnished those desiring to leave, I afterward, ewe weeks apart. Spray strongly
'lapse who refused the oath of allegianee, or covering the leaves thoroughly. .A modified
to take up arms to defend the country, and prepare:0011;s trunle of 1 lb. ofsnlphate creep -
remained the prorate a f tor the 1st Jane. pate lbs, of carbonate of soda, a pint tend
my, 18 1:3, 100re to be considered alien IMO- a half of liquid ammonia and 30 gellons of
nues and spies dealt with accordiugly. water in a berme Dissolve the 001plutte of
When the militia of the London distriet were copper and soffit separate \emote and then
me/erect out, Smith, the author already reemix them, add the ammonia end then the
fert•ed to, says : jbavvel of water. 'This will spray from a
" Many refused of their 011(11 !wetted end dozen to twenty trees auconling to size.
others e•ere persuaded so to refuse by a, Mr. Them applicntions have been used foi• 1100
Cnivey and a Nile Boomer and one more, who or three years with muds success, and the
t•nde among the people for six (lays telling trial will be coneinued. Carbo»ate of cop.
them to stand back, liowevet•, they were per may be made moles cheaply than to our.
apprehended and the most ef the people be. chase it at the druggists, by diesolving 3 Ills.
mane obeilieet. After this they had of sulphate of capper °due vitriol) in six
thole choice to go or day, and some wont." gallons of hot water, and 4 lbs. of sal soda
This power of compelling the traitorous to in other six galloes of hot water, Stir
cease I heir treason soon bore fruit, Large well on pouting them together. In a day or
Inin els V ant to tbe etates, among them so pour oil the hirend, add water and stir
hree reernher:4 ef parliament—Joseph Will- and pour off again ht another day, and the
ioelts, thole:eke ot tlieOpposition, 13enjamin sediment will be caramel:0 of copper.
Mallory leul Abraham eterele. At the neet
seamen e5'lliceeks and Mantle, who were still'
members, were expelled the House " fine Very Careful.
their disloytd and infamous conduut in! '' Like many admirable people," writes a
laying treitorouslv deserted to tho enemy."' correspondent, " our Biddy had but one
Atallory lied not -been realm:fed in 1 812. auk, effie was tidy, honest and obliging,
Willeocks was killed at lfort Eric in 1 1 4 in bet she 10051d put kerosene on the fire,
command of 0 regiment in the Yankee army Her mistress had remonstrated in vain, and
serVell during the weir as melee one morning entered the k dollen ill 111110 10
in the mune regiment, Fifteen traitors were see her with the oilscan tilted rot a (angers
tried at Ammeter during tite win and sen- 0101 angle over 0 grate where there was still
Mimed to death. Seven of them were lutuged fow Arlle
egether at that place by order of (teemed. .• • Note, biddy, step at 01105 p eeete see,
emmeloncl and eight were sent to tencliece (low often hive I told you
or punishmeet. A huge Lumber of the not.i't • me a dem of nil en, the lit•e 0"
lieloyal must have been areteeed and mit in • " • Oa envy, 1111V11.111,' 111(14, 11,0 5110
1,00011 reee 001 1e' in the wee, fee "" the %hie ream Mit ly ent, down the can, " it elver yee
r the battle ni (same:ton Helga S, OCI01/10' did iiitylnely harm,"
3, 1 S 12, the ail and eourt houen at Niegarit, •• There:two aucklents every day from
yore lilted with political prismare, as well the carceases tete of Iteroeenee
s the 1 dials 10/11.0 ill f.'010 I /rOrfie, ;0110 0 111.• " yis, ma'am, 801 001 W11011 11 1104'0
1;4 .(110i10 to over 11011 aliens mid 1 •lito,, c ireful like tee ! lent folks is that, ;amid ffi
°1-1'%""ly, W0,1, Mils a .fr.w 11110 rniiitia, to laving it used 1 Why, Mrs. Windsor, at
113,1,1 teem. When Brae!: lost hie life et Inc het place, locked ep the can for fear lel
rteieriara, he did net have many mere titim 1,10, at it. 1 I remember that morning well,
;to soldiers with hint in nigher, KS 1 he 1011111 for 100'11 1111 110.(1 D. 111t Of u fright."
num had not come up, After the mine I '"VVID3, 100r0 you frightened?"
ientwment of the war the offieete of the: " ' Well, ye see, 11111.11A11, that morning P,1
nny, tho Indians and tho leyffi militia all , put on a /limp too much, end it blow ell
olnitteeroil their service to force the few the atom covets ofie and split the lire.
gegards into the ranks, They thought it, board 1'
Red and unreasonable that they shonlei
eitr ell the lenelen mad (angers of the war,
Inl /111/1thUrS of them were zealously engaged
111 1.I.'s riVA.S10N.
011 llr 12th July General Hull invaded
Catena at Sandwich, and the militia. in that
district believed vet.y ill, They seemed either
to lose hope or to be disaffected. Five 'tun.
deed of them, chiefly of those alien settlers,
gave La their adhesion to the enemy, and
0 party of Genet al Hull's cavalry, ;Institute
ing only to about 50 men, led by a traitor
named Watson, a surveyor from Montreal,
were able to penetrate eestward as far as
Westminster, about 1 10 miles east of Sand.
erne:Meisel piviof of the apathy, to
eay the least, or the settlers in that district,
The Yankee Believe in lie Not.folk district
also reftteed to turn out.
At this time General Brock called the
Parliament together, and on the 270.3 July,
18 12, opeued extre.eession. In his speech
lie says, '• A few teatime have alrendy
joined the enemy : Ilene been suffered to
come into the country with impunity,
and have been harbored and coneealed in the
interim!, * To protect Dud defend the
loyal inhabitants from their machinations is
111/ Obj:30 worthy of your most serious de.
liberation." His speed). concluded with
these well known 111111 memoreble words,
showing in the face of ell his difficulties and
dangers, and in the feta of overwhelming
odds, the true heroism and confidence of a
gallant soldier.
" We aro engaged in en awful and event.
fel contest. By unntimity and despatch is
our; council:3 aiffi by vigov in our operations
we may teach the enemy t hie lesson, that a
counery defended by fi•eo men, enthusiastioal-
ly devoted to the mum of of their King
and reinstitution, can never be conquered."
Two days later Brom; appealed to the
militia of this plam, the York eaffie cone
paniee, whether they would follow him any
where in this province or om of It, in cidence
of he The whole fol•ce volunteered cheer.
fttlly, without a moment's hesitation, The
House, however retested to suspend the
Halteue Corpus Ant, or to act ae promptly es
he desired. The disloyal section, led by
Willeocks, assisted by Alwain nt Mamie, del
everything they could to t Wart and ember t
rase dotterel 13rock. The state of the
countty eertaiely required prompt and
vigorous meaeures, but many of the House
of Ast 011114 20010 seized with apprehensions
ane endeavored to evoid bettering the 111.
dignation of the enemy. In coesequenee of
these difficulties Brock, feeling that General
111111's 0111180011.00 throughout the countty
were vei'y numetents and active, called to.
geteter Ids et:calve council on the 3re
Augnst and 1110.110 the following representa.
tion to them:
" That the Homo of A samid inetioad of
ptempt exert:tons to strengthen iis hamlet or
the government of the militia, providing for s'
seetwity from internal treason by the partial
ettspension of the iffilietts Corpter elet, '
nettling a partial exorcise of martial law con. 1
currently with the ord Mee y (entree of just ice, 0,
and placing at kie dispesal the fends not '
actually applied of the pa.d appropriation,
had consumed eight day., in :tarrying a ,j1141,
11100401113 of party, thc repeal of thii school !!
bill, and passim; an Act for the ',ureic ilis-
came of 1.1.01Seilable 1,0foro j.1,,
magistrates should lin ',Ayer to 0,,,ninit
withentbail. Thetnnil se ells:tuna:tame :s1
little :meld expeete om a prolonged "
sterssims. The crams bad evaded and taken "
post in the western distriet W113 mutt iplying a
daily his pi•eperetione to invade in °there :
that the militia, in perferl stale of insobor-
dination had withdrawn from the mike "
actuel eurvice ; had refuse:I to march when
• leettily nommanded to roil:levee dateelmient
of regular foreort for the relief of Arita:rte. 11
burg ; hart insulted their °Meets, and 50010. 4
not immediately Innborlied, had mad tested 1,
in many ill0t01100$ IL 110 0101/10,:0 5. frit. et (0
fnutiny and clisaffootion ; that the 11‘,; 11115 on
Grand river tampered with by disalfeeted
whitts, had witinbaNVI1 front their vol. '
unteer sorvicos, 011(1 declared for a neutral
ity which was equally Inadmissil le as
with the King's other subjects, That in tho
western and London distriefesoverel persons
had negotiated with the enemy's oommand.
or, hailing his arrival o,nd pledging their
support. That tho King's forces consishd
of tho 41st 300 strong, part of the Royal
Newfoundland 200, with a detachment of
Royal'Artillery and several vessels. That
the eeterit of eenSt and distanoe ef prominent
Mm" 1, 1891.
Irish end Smote -who settled bore that they
might. retein their allegiarme and remain
under their ling.
Cicada can neva egain be celled upou to
face Buell, dangers aud dillieulties. It seeme
imposeible Oita the odds 0011113 PrOr again
be auything like so great against ns, yet
them are tuo 151111), 00110 of Oarierle linen
upon her ;toil and too many other men loyal
to their sovereign 011(1 to the land of tilde
adoptien for 8111(11 1 fritetion of sirangem tn
be ithle to seriously endanger the national
His Burial Leg Pained Him.
" That reminds ine," said the num who is
Always being reminded of something,
" What is it teat reminds you, 01111 What
of 1"
" This item about a man heving his leg
buried the othey day, I wonder it he will
lave the same experienue as a f rienct of
mine. Strangeet thing 1 ever limed of, Yon
see, this poor follow lad suffered untold
agony for a yew, or more after injuring his
right leg by falling down stairs, end 111111113
the member became so dieeased that impu-
tation was necessary. The matt nearly died
under the operation, thongh that ie not the
interesting patt of the story, The removed
portion of the leg was taken %WV Ulla
buried, It is well !mown, of course, tootle.
gad. 80101100 that when a man hes had it
limb cut off Ito still suitors, or thii k ; he suf.
fees, lain, which amounts to the seine thing,
in the part of the member removed. It WaS
00 ill this ease, end as my friend 011111 1/110/r.
10 0611S01011S110S0 1110 constant cempleint was
of the 01001 01350r0 )4111 ill 1110 /Allied foot.
" There is eotnetheng pressing upon he
wottld eay, in what seemed like delirium.
t's_peelted too tightly.'
"Now the sufferer keew nothing of wher
or how his lost limh was buried. but its e
matter of foul, it hael been swathed in a lot
of bay, peeked tightly in a box, and the
ties and his nuttily eourage
'Tie true our provinee tace.. heavy odds ;
Of regulars hut ntteen Imndred 111011
To p.m,. a frontier of a thousand. Lidice
Of volunteers what assistance 100 01111 draw
From sevont-y thousand stedl.isecat terra eouls
A ?league shoeing. 'maim BM enemy's,
If 110111 WV( be the test. Mit odds lie net
In numbers only. hut in spirit too,
Witness the might of eaglande little isle
And what made England great will keep her
'The (tee soul and the valor of hey 5.000
Al111 40011.1 0,11111$ tier wilt seetain eon now,
It yen cunt tin her courage 0.03 her faith—
:9011M 11100(1(1s so mach are to be feared
AS private disaireetion, treachery—
Those openers of o (biers to ramie.: .
And the poor crouching spirit that gives 1011Y
Ern It hi forced to richt.
Apple Saab,
Growing Wa/king Sticks.
1 bringing forward tho dembedient. Some Walking teaks iti•e to a great extent imi t
0 Men of Col. Grahame e regiment, refused ported into Enghtutt front abroad. The b
o turn out in the neighborhood of Whit. numberrencived from other eountries roaches le
mreh townehip end retired, into tho nearly 5,000,000 annuelly, with a conthined
'Mortices, and the whole regithout man. value of T20,000 or so, Commoner sticks, a,
erect to go and feta them in, an oiler as those of beech, ash, thorn end hazel are
p , pr iy goat extent grown n1 tins coentry. it
fettling that such men wore better in tho aloucostershire, for instance, many aeres m
woods, ere devoted. to no other purpose than the
Tho result of the Wee watt .,praatically that raising of wood for the walking stiok market. .;$
the disloyal minority' wore driven Ma, and A peculiar Juana ot busrfloAs is the 1
the apathetic, unable to rtvoid actevieg the importation of ovorgrown cabbage stalks tl
country, soon became enthusiastic 111 010 from the Channel Islands, where callboys ea
cause, Throe years of war weeded out, the,Iare regularly trained With 0, 5iOW to being ti
bad elements and welded the Canadians into,' transformed into walking sticks by a process 11
a loyal and potriotie people. 11 also stop.gef sbrippins off each leaf as it appears and pi
pod Ste Yankee emigration, and afterwards , finally drying rtnet hardening the stems.— th
the oeuntry was filled up with loyal English, ' [London TitBits. ex
The Cunard steamer Autania arrived at.
Queenetown at, midnight, on elundity front
New York, awing. been delayed for 24 hours
over her usual time by 11 dlerwrangoment of
her machinery. On Friday morning she
shipped a heavy sea, ane young men lamed
Devid (Almon, of Damao, in endeavouring
to avoid it, fell twee the starboard into
the sea and was th•owned. A boat could
not be lauuched to rosette him owing to the
heavy soa running at the time,
)s. Paris tolograi» says 1 —tieys, shoemak.
er, suddenly strangled his mistress, Mutable
Hague, as she was bending over to embrace
11101 on Saturday innen1113, He then went
out and gave himself up to the police, stat-
ing that he had intended to poison himself
carefully with strong dose of salts of sot,
rel and petroleum, but that Ids heart failed
Mn at the last moment. He had no fault
to iincl with Alathiltle Hague, and his lama
is supposed to have been affected by sum
stroke, from which he had suffered in Maria-
g41.S;a1Or.1011 0110111 Man 111 Etteope is Herr Peter
Leolnietewho a connected with the Weathete
Bureau eervice, and is stationed on the top
of the Sehonnblick Mountains, in the Ans.
trian Alps, There he lives month in and
month out, engaged in noting the meteor.
()logical changes in the highest stetion in
Europe. It IS the custom of the villagers on
Christmas dav to out their way through the
snow -clad valley and up the monetaim
tarrying presents to the lonely observer.
Tide is the only time throughout the yeite
that Petee Lochner sees a human face,
The lepers of India have a.patrou snint —
Piz Johanyan—to st hose shrine near Al twee
barged', in Lindh, pilgritnages are now being
made. After ionumerable prayers to the
saint the pilgriins smear themselves wit]
lampblack trom his tomb, and tbo native;
declare that cures often result from this
treatment, A aper colony resides mend
the shrine, and the sullerers mix with their
eeighbors, no»0 cif whole have—so it 18 aver•
red--evor been knowil to contract the dis.
A Vienna telegmen says 1—Newe received
from Pannier!, near Pressburg, states that
all the Itorsee in two stables there had to be
killed on account of au outbreak of glanders
among them. The veterinary surgeon and
two farmers to when) the animals behmged
1001117/011111.1(01 1/1 carrying out this/teems:try
measure, blood poisoning ensuing in ail
three cases. The veterinary surgeon died
last night, and no hope is entertained of the
recovery ot the two farmers.
During a performance at the Bourns Thea-
tre, Pans, on Sunday evening, one of the
audience edged eery of fire. A terrible panie
was the result, and a rush was made for the
doors, The manager, however, 111 once came
forward and eamounced that the alarm of
fire was unfounded. The audience thereupon
became reassured, and after a short intevval
tho performaime was resumed.
Brothel; Auselin, who has just died
monk and porter at the Monastery of La
Grande Chartreuse, had lace el, de Bre.
court, onee weleknown in the best :Parisian
society. Al. de &etyma on coming hotne
from shooting one day fired into a thicket,
hotline which his daughter 1i:1,330110d to he
standing, and killed her. In despair he
01110311.1.- Lt1 Grande Chartreuse, where he
ended his days.
The Warsaw papers report that the
tula, heving burst its toe, has risen Moeda-
:wily high this spring and overflown tlie
towns anti villages lying on its borders. It
carried away whole houses and bares on its
course to the 'Baltic Sea. The Polish pea-
sants of the inundated distviets were dupery.
ed of almost all their fowl, whit& oonsti Mites
ne of the prinoipal lines of their farming.
Chickens and turkeys weve drowned by the
millions, and whole nooks of duoks mid
geese were =Tied off by the high waters.
The papers of Kiev Russia report that
there is tt perfect standstill in the trade of
wain in the whole region of the eouthweet.
'fhere is eo detnencl for Russian grain in the
foreign nutelme and priues are so low that
farmers would not sell their stock unless
they are mm1411130)7 the direct necessity.
In the dovermnent of Kiev itself tamest
every line of businees depends on the grain
trade, and shim the latter is at a standstill
thet•e is 110 activity in any department of
'elle commarelet• nf the St. Petersburg
police force has issued an order thee allJew.
ish stores and business houses should have
signs evith the names, patronymics, and
families of tho proprielore wt•itten in largo
showy letters. The cause of this new order,
which is the nearest, ttpproaell to the mediae
sete regulati n hy which Jews 100r0 00111 polled
to weer yellow patellas on their gammas,
is that nietehants of the Hebrowtaith do not
write their names plainly on their eigns, in
order te avoid the too frequent intrusion of
official extortion lets and the prejndice of the
unreasonable masses.
The temperemee movement white', was re.
candy introduced in Russet leads to somex ery
amusing incidents. Levee of learatov reports
the following : Three pellet -tins of the village
of Potrovsk pledged thenteelves not to taste
any liquor during the Lent 80(10811. The ono
teho should ht•ealc his pledge made himself
liable to a line of twenty.ii ve rublee or to
receive twenty lashes on his naked body.
Not many days tamed before two of the
company found their third associate drink.
ing vodka. in a geng shop, They required
him to prty his lino or eubmit to the lashing,
The forme he could not do because he hied
re money, so he had to accommodate Iffin•
self to the latter. Ho WU stripped naked
awl:lashed, Btit in their melee his coin.
modem in the teniperancie 0111180 forget the
count, and administered to hint more than
the twenty blows that 100r0 dos him. He
mainly put ou his clothes after the operation,
end calmed. that now his companions had
'woken their pledge, giving hint 1110r() Howe
than their agreemout hall called for, The
peeple aesombled in the inn recognized the
inatice ef Ids deem und adjudged his cams
minima to pay ehoir fines or to submit lo
the istme chaetimement Oue of them
enbmitted, and remit -al hie twenty blows
without a murmur. The other ono pre.
ferred to pay his fine, Since their agreement
hall been broken already his .25 ',tibiae were
spent on rodku, by which hell' the village
got reelieg drunk.
Prom figures lately published reltdeing
he liquor trade in A10111`10/1 00/110 idea »my
e formed of the proportions of the rum
nwor in the wintry. In Now York oily
lone, having a population of a million attd
half, 1,11c teed° in throve is estimated at
80,000,000 annually ; while in support of
churchee of ell denominations, which
ay bo suppozed to moment tlie chief
ounthriteting moral agency, not 1nore than
3,000,000, it is believed, are annully spent.
1 1,110 whole Union, 1,01,0011bn a mule,.
on of 62,000,000, $000,000,000 aro spent
eh year for rum, while over and above this
cre is an annual ehargoof $400,000,000 foe
10 maintenance of prisons,.. poorhouse) hos.
tabs, and asylums, whose inmates ate, for
e most port, the victims of the steaddy
lending trade drink,
Intel esling l'OrtiViLlonf or the MITA, Grent WI" 1 a eraaak 8,1"3" w1113 04 ID" II"n.
Tkinks 11e Sem
Unman Erenfa, 81 10), narringo
111Ifi Dente. A eciettlist ham Invented en opticel in•
The report relating to the regietratimi al abetment whereby epirite of ghosts or mate,'
teethe, marriagem mei deaths 111 the Provinue bodice een ho leen. This experiment,
of Ontario for the yeltr 1889 bee _late been ,Decor ling to the musaut writiug le it Ft•enelt
batted, It is it nena elabovall, Mid OXIMAINt• :pllbliCatioll, 1033 very difficult. Beeolleet.
lye one and militias eau ifficrostieg thal, it had Icon assorted that it wag
figures. For intitanee, the totel registe ite lone possible to 800 010 astral hotly corps
made during the ytar amounted to 8.1,7.17, if/nit/kw ) have the hatly at the moment of
ooMpeeeil of 48,538 births, 14,880 marrineees , death, lie says lie wee not, willing to twain
and 213,320 deaths, Clomprred with, the longer la ignorance ; 110 therefore arranged
registrations made during 1 588, the births !the apparatus, ond when bo eueceeded
81,1110011.0yaasen jhri08,(1,0,1t,1111100 :1,70.10,jvaognesoe 011r,1 in getting the most pecfeet adjustment al to
405, making a total increase in 1889 of 1509, 113111 an,inagnifying power, he was called
Ito the bedatie of a dying penult. He had
0.1,10101.1,rwelopie)ortilob.,iitolfgtewleatsot4a01.:tiegisIlt.lea jto,inettnIsantaolbeen expecting the summons, and ite re -
entitled beside the dying man until the isp•
them wevo 50.7 per 1000, in Scotland 45 per Proud, a aath became inallifeet•
p1000,000,ailitodn 1101)1,0tahlite.11111ita,t1000501.111ilar in I " A sudden trembling, :Making the whole
pads", amnounced the!. the supreme moment
The highest birth rates wero in the Ihad. mine. Selth one of my friends who was
s30000inictili.01:eLL11.:,ICE:,13,09r41011415;(11,0.4 per 1000, York assisting me, we pineal our heads under the
thPsi absicottito :dark covering of the apparatns and Itepe our
eyes etendetstly fixed on tho object glees
numberatl 4737, the feinelea 23,801, an 'The particles of dust in the ah• were reagni.
penv0veLisOnof o0f36 1 Onleu.'51° ibuiltitehs8' to81101 040 gfe°;11131111'8).. tnent their violent movement produced a
tied many thetistmets of times, and for it 1110.
There was v. small 10030000 ill (he number clotal in front ef the glees TI1011 delioato
of twin births registered. Three eases of (esteem of violet vapor, condensed into it
triplets were returned in BS% the same 1100eulent 111ass, 100,11 clearly scene alloy° and
number as in 1888. They eceurred, 01/0 111 around the lady, Paetieles appeared to
the teounty of Peterboro and one in the Pursue om, [mother Its if obedient to some
County of York. I kind of central attetetion. The 010101 0011 -
:WORKS 31.100 111"1(11 (01 1'10'11ns. Idolised more and meta, and took the aye''-
, ous form of a mate then vapidly becttnto
Of the 48,538 births dut•ing the year, 088 purified until it was as colorless as the moet
ot• 2 per cent. were illegitimate, In 188t) perfect crystal.
the perceutage Ives 1.3. 01 the 29,780 per- " At the time there wits aromul us a, feel -
sous married, 9140 were Methodists ; 602'2 ing temil,le stillness—e. 001111 altar 11110 al -
were Presbyterians ; 5041 were Episcop. mom. ageniziegt An indescribable sensation
aliens and 4130 Roman Chtholics. f mete beld tie to the instrument, while 01111 hearts
nage is a &Imre, the Methodists won't pay seemed to collect pulsating, We kept our
ten center on the dollar. The report shelve eyes fixed on the glass. Particle ef ter par.
that thet•e are certain months which are Lido grouped themselves together so as to
genitivally chosen for eying the nuptial knot. produce the exact form of the man we ktlew
October, December and January are still so well. The form larded at ialfltlt foob
the favcrite mentlm, especially Dee, inber, above the body, 10 which it W140 di$1111eLly
whielt heads the list with 783 weddings, united by a CiOliel610 0Ortl. The face 20014
This fact, nay perhaps be explained by a undoubtedly the face of the men, but much
gentle insinuation that Christmas mid wed. finer 11101 calliter. The eyes were alosed, and
ding presents might be conslidered one and the netted :daps monied to be asleep. By u,
the same double impulse, we, both of us, experioneed
Itt August there were only 9 le woddinge. the desire that the form should awake. At
A temperature of 00" in the shade may drive that very moment the bond which joined it
0. ntau to a getet wateeing place whielt sperts to the leely broke. A slight trembling
four German bands, he D it evidently can't piteeed over this beautiful perfectly model.
drive him to narrates Tho number of males al form ;a violet lame shone wheve the heart
married tinder the age of 20 was '25e :gel sbould be. It stood up and gave a sovrowing
females 2583 Oval; 20 simony old gouts tori• look at the mbemiloned body, extended the
dled to the altar with the weight of three right mind with a gesture of adieu, then
some end ten years, and 20 prim old lattice vanished, condensing into a small sphere
decided that at 70 they were " eutliviently whielt disappeared ill the dawn of the ever -
decayed " to ask mamma's cense), t. Only ast Remorrow."
two brides were older than theirbriaegroonis,
one 1000 82 years old end the bridegroom 0.2 0 OST OF FRENOTI -G-071ERNMEN T.
years, the other was 70 years and the bride-
groom 6 I. years. The united aye of the old. Tee omelet sera sy7,101. 1,1 the nn; Euro.
est couple mange(' in 1889 was 148 years.
The bridegroom was 81 yeare and the bride »Pan 302», IA le No1 tame,
Ito begt paid funetionee•y in France is, of
67. Pour persons were married et ffir yeiti•e „ ' •
ottree. tthe President of the rett...u.blic. He
of age and over, three males and one fentale.
Nine girls of 14 years of age united them- ms raiarY b1 2 '13 1 '
0 00 phut leb0 000 fee
selves to youths under 19 years and ;0 Ate,: house to expeeses, am as 1110011 again for
were married at 1 6 years of age. cost of traveling. The president of the
Chamber of Deputies, the president of the
0110 51.111111,11111 1110,X101, 80111110 and the ()inventor of ..elgeria each ter -
The youngest couple married was ie git I of maims salat•y of $20,000, the Cabinet ofii•
14 yams of age to a youth of 18 yeers. One con have a salary of $2000, 01101 11 11 these of
old gentleman of 79 is credited with ceptur- ticals lave residence vent free.
ing a in 141011 of bashful 1 5. The sturdy set.. deuerel Irevier, gt.und chancellor of the
tilet•s of Halibutton district are credited Legion or Honor, receives it eatery of $8000 ;
with being the most, generative, the rato of the Procureut• deemed has $.5000 ; president
births per 1000 of population beiug 41,3, or Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal,
The Frenchmen of Essex seetn to be meet 82000 ; an archbishop gets 83000, a bishop,
thoroughly uonvinced of the tedvantitges of $2000 the orchid, of the Seine turd the pre.
mat•riege, 111111 head the list with 14.7. York feet of the police, 38000. The marehals of
is second with 1 1.6. '1'lle death rate is high- Ift•aileesetheve are only two now, MiteNlithon
est in littliburton, and York is again second. and Can t•obert —each receives $6024 ; genets.
There were 1 045 more births iu Toronto in als of divisions, 83000 ; major genenth,
'86 than '88, 1 88 MOM marriages and 03 $2640 ; M0310101. generals of ninny corps,
more deaths. It wou1.1 seem that num has a 82990, and the seventeen ooniniandersof army
decided pencil int for appearing on this busy corps—generals of divisions—each rieupple•
scene during J Auguet and September, meat of $2270 to theit• salary. A colonel of
in time foe lecemeitin and mosquitoes. There infantry receives $1629, lieutenant colonel,
were over 1000 01010 bathe in September., 81320 ; major, $1090 ; captain, 8640 ; tiesa
August. m. July than in January, February lieutenant, 8568 ; second. lieutenant, $5:11),
Deceznbert The numbee of pairs of WINS mud a subdieutenant, $192, A celsnel of
2011,0 26(1, 118 teneepered with 240 in '88 and cavalry receives $1 705 ; lieutenane colonel
407 in '80. The dwell roe to 100 i of popu. 31340 ; inajor, $1 117 ; captain, $01.0 ; first
beton in Toronto VMS 1 8.3, the loweet fov lieutenant, 8563 ; second. lieuteactut, $530
many years. Phthisis claims more victinw and 811E11011100am, $492. General &wester,
than nny. other distutee, but pneumonia, military governor of Paris, has 85000 in
diphtherta and nevvous diseases each peep eddition to his salary as a gallant! of division,
large harvests. and theta are 1 42,870 horses in the French
The list of centenarians who died during twiny, France has an Ambassador at Berlin,
1889 is as folloses ; Jane Campbell, a,geel 102, Berne, Constantinople, Lendon, Madeid,
Dittleriu eounty Margaret Menard, 100, Rome, the Vatican, St, Petershet•g. and
Elizabeth Mooney, 1 03,111gin ;Sarah Thongs Vienna, each receiving 88000. 1%111110re
son, 100, Ewe ; Sarah Ann Griffith, 100, plenipotentiary of the first and second etas;
Feententte ; Scott, 105, Haliburton ; trent to the other capitals, receive 86,000
Margaret Phillip, 1 02, Anne eloPhaill, I 00, and $4800 pet; 11111111111 respectively. The
Mary Marta, 105, Huron ,• John Blue, 100, best consulate is that of New York, where
Kent ;James Doherty, 1.01,Lambton ; Henry the Count d'Alazac! receivee 8 11,000. A sum
Aleeetigh, 100, Lanark : John Vaughan, I 05, in of 38000 is inscribed in this year's
Onturio • William Flood, 106,
Leeds end dreoneele •, Charles Snmeituht,,e1,0v1; 1 buligneitnfpoeradoi,pgloalaltiel opf
Elizttliet8 Morgan, 1 1 6, eihnoom is paid 82400 ; the vice rootor of the Academy
I of Paele, 83600 ; the director of the superiov
Intrusive and Bellierent,
leormal school, $2400 ; each of the professors
at the College of Wenn, $20000 ; direutoi•
A gentlenme teavelling in a part of Russia of fill, 01,15, $11100 directoe of the Paris
where there WOVO 110 railways was forced Conservatoh•e, $2000 ; director of the °beer.
to resort to post -horses. It was during the eetery, e3000, and the maintemtnoe of his
summer, when the roads were heavy with large telescope costs an additional. $1 000,
mud, and progress WAS very slow. After, Members of the French Aceelemy, besides
being forced te spend two days 111 his cart, having the gift of immortality, are ellowed
dragged through morasses and often stuck 8300 each, but the perpetual secretary of
fest in the neve it is not to be wondered ati that illustrious assemblage receives $1200.
that he found his tetnper somewhat tvied, !The secret polices force of Franco costs $300.
Wit Ile in this mood he ',vas astonished ono 000, and there is 0110 department of the
morning, as he lay Multi led up in the narrow Government, that of religion, that burns
space which the poste:art eftorchel, by the $250 worth a a1111,11,,, overy
intrusion of a man, who jumped into the
ante pushed hint to one side, and calmly
seated- himself withoet eeeinnony or epology.
FOr the Worse.
On my nuodieng what Ise Inmate and
5k hen a conk begins to ex setement with
explid01113 that the post:eart, WAS hued by , , 11 0 1 „ 1 ,., ,
me, paid tor by met a»d intended only te I/0 1,1021 1 1. 03_ 1 ngs 01 0 tionlehmes 1100,1y to he
:110oree before t ley aro better, 00 1110
t011111ited by me and mine, the intruder justi'
111111011 0111'1110 goes. At all evente the inan
deigned to tell nie that he was a ' tchapar ; , 13 low lincl Id:take Melia it. '
that as 011011 110 1011 11 right to travel in any! )0,, Hem „je be, e, 8,04 gt „ wi i
cart he elms), alid meant to travel in mine, „ , ,' - ''' - ' " " '''''
1 11, here re yoe going wear
whether I liked it or not.
I " I'm going to the hotel to get my dinner,"
"Now if I kis lad been true, it svcald not
te soistvored 1511• Hicks
awe made his peceouce tho more destreme 1, „ , • • . ' .
ruffled I t 1 hy don t you dine at 801110 1
but 1 fitadeci it: VMS 1101 true, en 1 valuated I rdwayis heard. that Mrs. Molts WAS 101
lily would-be followdenvoller to make him.
excellent cook,"
self ac:i ree at tame, and as he persleted in, „ i
eli ! Inv dear fellow that was before
the wheel.
referring, I heated him into the mud 0001`, 0 ) 1 . 1 1 1 '0 11 , /0
10 1011fil lt a 000 1 )00 Z. -- 000011 I MI.
"As 00011 SA ho recovered an mirigh 1 peak "criP/'
lion, he clapped his old flintlock rifle to his I
Ilow to Obtain a Spark,
shoulder, and putting the muzzle almost btto i
my faro, deliberately pulled the trigger. I A very temple apperaths for obteining au
Luckily for me, in his fall all the powder electric spark 18 made by a Carman physic.
whieh should have formed the train to tho let. Around the centre of a common lamp
charge heel been epilled. Altimeter, his chimney is pasted a strip of tinfoil, iteit an,
barrel was ehoulted with good holdieg cley, other strip 110111 one end. of the chiinneF to
so that, telten altogether, had the puree not within a quartet! of an inch 01' tide rag. I hen
missecl fire, the danger would have been a piece of silk is wrapped around a hrterh,
greater to hint than to 100. l land tho interim; il rubbed briskly. In the
" After this display of rage end impotence, 'dark te bright electit•ic sperk may 110 seen to
he tut•ned to the peoplo of the station, mul pass from one Isaac of tinfoil to the other
so worked npon them by his arguments eaeli time the brush is withdrawn from the
that had I not token the reins out of my chimney, Molly other experiments 0011 he
cieee.sereates hands and driven oft I should tried with this apparatus.
axe boon detained under most unpleasant
nudely C 1. lyre absorbed in
g;I: 4 80—_-____...tilnIteir mk airsi--zont
thought t ny, whataro you
The European Anarchists axe busy mak. thinkin 0
ing preparations for their Isloy.drty meetings, , miss ramly—samsthil,ggritna;80„lothinc;
and are distribeting fiery circulars in Patio, sublime 1
Vienna, and Ivlacirid. All outdoor demon./ Dudely Conesucker—Vott were 1 Now toll
strations will be prohibited. ' Wilftt iNttS ft yott were thinking about—me ?