HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-8, Page 5MAY 8, 1601 THE BRUSSELS mn POST li tti'.r•t'�•Clu:s. I- Olift via W,... 1111.' A 1,11110 bite returned from ei.tecdr.1 stay in ; lanit..L. Thos. Gaynor, who has been confined to his boa with congeotlou of the lungs, it: able to be m•onnd again. Sllvor cor•uore, cheese factory eon Immo ed operations on Monday of this week with prospects of a large season's matte. John Little raised the frame of a driving house and stable on Tuesday of this week. After the raising a serious accident happened to Mr. Little while engaged in preparing kindling woo4, The drawing knife which he was using slipped mid unforBnuately severed an artery in hie log. Ho suffered consider. ably from ions of blood before a Drs ar. rived, Yield t -ata -t,. It is said that it base ball club will be organized here... Mise Treleaven, of Dungannon, was visiting in the village. The I.0. G. '.ln, will hold an open lodge on M'ouday night, 25th. Miss l4laggio Morrison, who has boon visiting in Dtingaunnn, has returned to Belel'avO. The base ball tonin of S. S. No. 5, Morris, will give a concert in the For. eaters' Hall on Friday evening of this week. Joo. 1tnnelhons0 has completed the atone work of P. W. Scott's barn and has started to erect a now wall for Mr. Grasby. Mr. Porterfield, of Merited), o1800n1- panied by a lady friend was driving to Belgrave on Friday last, when the horse took fright and threw them out. The lady's arm was broken and Mr. Porter- field was considerably shaken up. Gxa>l•x•)ie. Mies O'Connor purposes giving a con- cert with hor pupils sometime in June. A carriage factory is talked of for Gorrie in the near future. Let her some. Cleaning up the back yard seems to be the principle °acupation of many of our citizens at present. Wednesday of last week was Court day, but as there wall almost nothing to do His Honor did not put in an appear. MUM What will our legal friends do if things continue this way? J''ooTmaot.-The Bret game of the sea. son was played here on Saturday after- noon between the Gerrie "Rangers" and the Brussels "Fearless" football olubs, and resulted in a victory for the Brussels boys. Dr. Armstrong, V. S., removed a large tumor from the jaw of a tboro'•bred °ow a short time ago, the property of J. L. Wilson. It is expsoted and hoped that the operation will prove a sure, as the cow ie a valuable one. club has re. "Unions" 'n 1:+" tax ball t.l Ib The Lm t c organized for tha 61,111011, ollleers as fol. lows : floe. _Pres., Major Jno. 'Keine ; Hon. Vice Prise., Dr. Took; Pros„ L. Campbell ; Viee•Pree., W. Doig ; Mana- ger, 11. Blaok; Treas. Wm. Dane ; Soo., W. J. Perkins ; Auditors -M. Dano and Wm, Irwin. W. Doig has ro•entered the matri- monial field, by taking to himself a part. 1181 in the person of Miss Watts, of Wt, Forest, on Wednesday of last Neek. The bridegroom was assisted by S. J. Greer, of Toronto, and Miss Mary Watts, sister of the bride, noted as bridesmaid. Wo wish him happiness. mod try to odium legielatiou along lines that will be helpful, but don't lot ns play the 11)01111 mall by adopting any "int oh - penny" role that will brim; too into eon. j tempt. If members comet be 110051111 au for the Petrone of Indnurry only by the Mos- vies. Levi Morrell, of Michigan, Was visit. ing at ,Tae. Speir's last week. Wm. Johnston, 01 the 1st eon., was out near Blyth last Sunday visiting his brother. Mise Mary Whiteford, of Jamestown, has resumed home after six weeks ab- sence visiting relatives and friends in Hallett. The q'Iartorly meeting will be held in Blnevnle Methodist ehuh•chnext Sabbath, Rev. John Scott, 11I. A., of Wingham, will officiate. J. 11. Hughes leaves this week for Es. oanab&, Mich., where ho expects to secure work for this season at carpentering, He ie a good workman and a steady goer so should encoeed well. Quite a mmnber from Johnston's neigh• bo•hood went tri I3lnevalo to hear Con - dilutor Snyder met Sunday evening. IHe gave an excellent sermon, it doing what he dolled his "Railroad" sermon. Sunday schen! r0.nprned the 1st Sen - day in 11 n at Johnston's chnr011. Robt, Shaw was app. looted Superintendent, with Richard ,ohustmt as a5sistanb. I;d- ward Johnston was appointed Secretary and .Librarian. 'Cho same teachers as last ;ear wore elcoled. On Thursday evening of last wok m1 Aesuoiatiol of Petrone of ludnetry was organized at (Jloaleey's s,ho,1 hoose, to be callod "L'armers' Union," The fol- lowing Wheels were Bleated : Pres., Wno. ;Magill ; Vioo-Pres., D. Russell ; Soo., Jay Clegg • Treas., S. Irvin ; Minerva, Maggio Miller ; Demeter, Emma (Monkey ; Guicle, Goo, Arnhetrcng ; Sentinel, Alex. C oakey, If. 3. Emmet delivered an ad- dress in the [inion some( houso north of Blyth on Friday evening nod will visit the iodation again to organise an associa- tion. To the Editor of Tin POST. Do.uh Bou, -I have been looking up and thinking over the quesoimo of Pntrous of Luluetry, en organization for farmers and wanting men generally, and I am oonviunud that the objects of the inotitu• Mon are of a very high order, and 00100. latod to do good to the o0nntry at largo. But there ie a "monkey" with this aggro. getion, I find, and we are told by the organizer that we must fight combines wfuh combines, and for that purpose we hind ourselves together to hoyeot 00010111 business men and bay from others at a Litt rate, they to p0000lnt their invoice to the purchaser and allow him to copy same if he desires, as Lho goons aro bought at a certain advance over invoice p11000. I am opposed to all combines, and will do a!1 I can to Legitimately abolish them, and consogueetly I think any fanner Who joins th0 Pn1ron0 for the paltry gain Onthe goods he buys and Wee to dead. beat his way is not noting a manly part. Competition is keen and p11005 Out so aides there is very little donggor of 0e Baying big prices for our geode, and I scorn the idea of attempting to browbeat any bneiness mon, or sot of mon, and try to drive them into a corner, Let 110 pay oas11 to the men we are dealing with and wo will fetch down the prices Without any prtiotioo of Coercion. Let ne, as fanners, organise and talk up our rights, 1 1 , •119 ,,1 0 l' ill1U,1'1, l L socs •.Il.. city we have no right to 11101111) 1001118 to W buuinooe Ivan any More than 11e has to 001110 and toll us loose to rnu our farm•. 1 may be the "gauge that should 11' stuffed tot Xma3," hat 1 think T am advocating equal fights to my brother in so doing Wishing for prosperity to all, I subsoribo myself- Piow Bev. S•rletntol. Nowell Rosa+.-ltopoet of the Jntlior Department, Ethel Public school, for the month of April, 1841, Senior II Class -- John Linclkay, Aloe Davies, James l1, eeblae, Erna, Itayuantl ',Villain Lind may. Junior 11 ()lase -Pa'b 1, Wilde Spence, Lizzie 1hJohadeurl, Carrie Eels - rosier ; Part II, Jo. Whclpton, Ellie Dil- worth, Eliza McCallum. Park II Clam - Maggie Davies, Sandford Burton, Edith Milne, Ellen Sanders, Part I --Senior Clase, Howard McAllister, John Peebles, George Richardson, Willie Tompkins Middle Class, Willie Peebles, ldatolife Wholpton, Edna Ray merit, °bloom tui. mon ; Junior C1ase, Willie Willis, Elmta Imlay, Tummy Itng.tl. 1+, A. Hour meant„ Teacher. (so rex. Township Council will moot iu Ethel on Tueechty, 26th inst. Old Mr. Bishop has returned Croon a visit to hor son, Wan. Bishop, at Beoch- villo. Angne Lamont recently purchased a tip top young there' bred Durham boll from a well known breeder in Wellington County. Ilrateensa,.-As will be observed 13i the marriage notioe in this issue James Smith, )millwright, well known in this locality, was united in marriage to Miss Isabella Fox, at Montreal, on April 20th, by Rev. Dr. Smyth. 111.. Smith's many old friende in this section wish him many years of wedded blies. Maxnruoriiun.-On Wednesday of last week, April 20th, the services of llev. F. M. Smith, of Ilenfryn, was called into requisition for the purpose of performing the marriage ceremony between Hartwell Speirao jr. and Miss Mary Jane Cook; at the residence of the bride's ;father. The young oouple begin life under ane• pioious airman:tauoee and the good wishes of their many friends are ex. pressed for their future happiness and prosperity. SUDDEN Duarn.-Everybody was tally surprised on Wednesday of last week to hear of the very sudden and unexpected death of Henry Savage, a well known resident of the 4th line for many years. He took sick on Tuesday of inllamnlation of the bowels and died the following day aged 58 ent9�10 menthe and 1 clays. e . A wife and eight children.ao ]eft t0 mourn his demise. llt Sayago wag very highly respected by all who know him as the largo fuo.eral ou Friday teetificd. The interment was made at Brussels cemetery. Surely in the midet of life we are in death. Mrs. Savage and children need not be told that they are deeply sympathised with in their sadness. Flus. -On Monday forenoon, abort 11 o'oloolc, fire was discovered in the roof of James Turnbull's kitchen, lot 5, con. 4, by Willie Hogg, a neighbor living oppos. its. The alarm 006 given but the firs had gained such headway that the build- ing was soon wreathed in flame. Mrs. Turnbull and daughter were in the house at the time but knew nothing of the lire until %varued of tboir danger by their neighbor. 13y the time MMlr. Turnbull reached the house and other help arrived it was too late to save the dwelling or contents so that all that was rescued was placed in throe quilts: The fire ie slip,, posed to have originated at the chimney or from n spark. The house was a well built, comfortable etructnre, 21682 feet, with kitchen 18x24 feet, and was valued at $1200. There was an' insurance of 0600 on the former and $250 .00 Uenten15 in llowiolr Mutual. The loss will be It very serious one to. Mr. Turnbull anal family as their clothing, provisions, and household effects generally went up in smoke. A. temporary dwo ling place will be put op at once and a new residence will be ereoted laler in the season. Willa -Ivo Yt. A brands of another chartered bank is to be opened in town. The prospects are good for a splendid fall wheat clop in this vicinity, and itis said that there is great promise of an abundant fruit crop. 'I'ho stables belonging to 1)r. Mardon. odd, 111. P., were destroyed by flea Tues- day eight about 12 o'olook, Tho horses, etc., were saved. The buildings aro sup- posed to have been sot on fire, A vestry meeting was held in St. Paul's °hooch, at 0011101) i1 was 011.1.11101 that 1110 building committee be instruct. ed to proceed with the erection of the new church, the cost of the building not to °x00011 87,0' 0. Mrs. 1. Kerr and ehilaren, aecompanhal by liber. Mattie \Vale, have removed to South London to vesicle purmauently, Mr. herr 08015 the rctlpieet of a Peat Master's jewel from the Orange Lodge of Ills town before his departure. At the regular meeting of Ai,nhor of Dope Lodge, I. 0. (1. T., the following officers were elootod for tboo ensuing Irwin : -W. F. Ileookunehiro, (3. T. ; J. MoAlpme,P. 0. T. ; Rev. 13. W. Iinghas, C. ; J. W. Dodd, F. S. ; Eva Dawson, T. ; 1t. J. Galbraith, S. ; (Jerrie Car- ruthers, V. T. ; S. Mohiwin, M, ; Olara L11110,1;0,, (1. ; W. Lloyd, S. ; Mrs. J. W. Dodd, S. J. T. Arrangements have been completed for' celebrating Iior Majesty's Birthday in e right royal manner on ilonday, t'lay 25th. The .Fire l3rig:tde, who have the emblem in hived, announce) that the proceedings will colonist of base ball and lacrosse matches, tredve and relitlnninpian pro- 000s10ns, exhibition of waterworks, fire. MOWS 11141)1, games, rnnes and sporte, and a grand concert in the town ball in the evening, Tho sports will take place fn 1t00reatinn Park. Court Maitland, 0. 0, F., continues to grow at a rapid roto anti now has over 100 on it0 roll of membership. Besides the rogulae routine bneiness the following °Bloors were °looted far the ensuing term, at the last meeting :-M. Beak. with, C. 11, ; Jas. Irvine, V. C. R. ; 17. M. Gordon, r. S, ; W. R. Louth 11. S. ; Jos, Rhoden, 'Treas. ; J. J. Icon, Chap, ; RObt. Groves, 0. W. ; Thos. IIIoLnan, J. W. ; 11. Kitson, S. 33 ; G.1tabvr 'f. 13. O. E1. Redeems, Janitor ; 11f. Beckwith, eoreesp1nd0nt'to "I'o'oeter," 131.1. 1Ia. Adam Wetanfnr hag oomnl0naod Leal• nese in W. hell's oltl stand. Dletrict meeting of the Methodist Munch, Wingham Distt•iob, will be hold herr on the 20111 and 21st Mete, tx. Eel na, reerlseri. )-1'ii a 's and Bob, Q,littedon have gone to Buffalo, Mier • they have 11eeture 1 situations. Wo,-kmtn are busy oonverling Camp- bell'e large implu•nent store hugs.) Mtn 0 oa•liage depository for a second livery. The new firm, Campbell t2 Clark, luteal eroding stables at the rear of the build• int;. Pr Sloan, who is about removing to taker up hie residenoe in Toronto, was on Friday evening waited upon by a large nntnber of the citizens of tins town and vicinity, who preseetod hila with a gold. headed 00110 and easy chair ns It )nark of the high appreciation in which he is held by the community. Oe 11'Ionday evening a largo number of the ladles rof the Proebyterlan church waited on Mrs. (Dr.) Storm and presented her with a magnitleent silver water pitoher and an address, 5h01yieg the esteem the lady was held in amongst them for eo many years. 0. 0 F, -At the last meeting of the C. 0. F. No. 80, the following oflieore were aliened for the nest six menthe :- 0, 1t., A. MoNally ; V. C. R., 1), Cowan ; 1t. S , J. W. Bell ; F. S., 11. Slitter ; 0,, W. Sims ; Treas., 101. HIammond ; S. W., W. Drummond ; 7. W., J. Scott ; S. 11., 1. T. carter ; J. B., 3, McGill. Bro. J. T. Carter was appointed to attend, as de- legate, the annual meeting of high Court to be held in Toronto in Juno. PO PULAR. STA LIONS. The follewiug well-known Stallions will travel during the season of 1891, as follows : PRINCE OF DOUGLAS. sunt moos., PROPRIETORS. This well known coach horse will stand at the Queen's Hotel stables, Brus- sels, every Saturday afternoon during the season, other days at his own stable, lot 80, con. 0, Morris. YOUNG BORELAND CHIEF. 10090 DUOS., PROPRIETORS. • Monday, will leave his own stable, Lot 22, Oon. 6, Grey, and proceed south to George Dark's, 1011 Con., for noon ; thence to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, for one hour, then to 3011). Coates', 9th Con., for night. Tuesday, pro0ead north to W. Batena's, 0117 Con., Grey, for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Wed. nesday, pro08 d north to the 401 Con„ thea west to Joseph Fraiu' s for noon 1 Ice north t the 1 Con., e• then thence 1 o e 2n< C n G len east to'William Mines', lot (nn., fur night. Thureday, premed to Mr, Bey• ors', Lot 85, 2nd Con., Grey, for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Fri day, proceed south through Ethel to Jno. Long's, 11th Con., Grey, for noon ; thence east to William Armstrong's, 12th Con., Elmo, for night. Saturday, proceed to Henfryn for neon ; thence to his own stable, where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. STANDARD BEARER. ''PROS. CALDER, PROPRIETOR. Moudny,-Will leave his own stable, Lot 9, Con. 12, Grey, and proceed to Duncan Taylor's, Ord Con., Grey, for noon ; thence to Thomas McParlana's, 2nd ion., for night. Tuesday, -will proceed to Lea Orvis' for noon ; thence, via Bluevals, to the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, for one hour, then to Robert Oorrie's, East Wawanosh, for night. Wodnesclay,--Will proceed to the Queen's Hotel, Bslgrave, for boon ; thence to Jos. Scott's, 4th line, Morris, for night. Thureday,-Will prooeed to the Central Hotel, Brussels, then to Henry 111ooney's, 5th eon., Mollis, for noon ; thence to John Walker's, 0th con., Morris, for night. Friday, -Will proceed to Jitmes Hislop's, 16th con., Grey, for noon ; thence to Wm. l3'ulton'e, 10th con., Grey, for night. Saturday, -Will proceed to John Carnochan's, 12th coon., Grey, for noon ; thence, Iia Cranbrook, to his own etablo, where he will remain until the fullowiug Monday morning. PRIDE OF THE WEST. 1111. ntnn0010, PROPRIETOR. lIoulay,- Will leave his own stable, 11Lolestlerth, and proceed to Duncan Mc. Donald's, 101111 con., ( rev, for noon ; thence wrest to Jamestown, then to Duncan Tay. log's, 411 con., for night. Tuesday, -Will prooeed east to Joseph Rayncerd's side. road, then to Robb. Moll's, 0111 ann., for noon ; Dianne west to Central Hotel, Bins-e's, for one hour, then south to Chas, Widow's for night, 7?o11uesdny,- IVill proceed oast on 14th coo,. to Cruel. brook e1thn'o:Ld, then to Zimmer's Hotel, Cranbrook, for noon ; thence north to 0111 con., then east 22 miles, than to Bub con, to Tae. Linelsay's for night. Thnre- ckty,--Will prom ed to Join dlaCartney'n, Ph eon., for noon ; thane° east 3 2 miles, then north to the boundary, and to 111s own stable for night. Friday, -Will pro- ) ceed north to Ord con„ Hoviok, to Wm. Hayden's for noon ; thence north to I'+. Campbell's Motel, Gorrie, for night. Saturday, -Will proceed to his own stably whore he will remain until Monday. EARL OF BR] ADALB:I.NE. AMR 0)11)11., PROPRIE'T'ORS, M01005 , --Will leave his own stable, Lot 14, Con. 4, Morris, and pr0000d met to Bolgrnve, then to W. Wheeler's for noon ; thence north to 12th Con., Wawa. nosh, then west to 1st sideroad to A. Anderson's for night. 'Tuesday, --Will Inwood south to 11) 1'. Con., Wawanosh, thence west 12 miles, thence south to A. Robertson's for noon ; thence oast to Bel - grave, then Moth 14 utiles, thence east on Col., 5, to John CloakOy"e for night. Wednosclay,-Will prooeed oast to John. Sommerville's 5th Coii., for noon ; thence. east 22 miles, than North ]11 miles, than west to his 00111) stable for night. Thuretlay,-^Will pr0aeetl south 23 miles, then west on Otlt Con. to Jae, Nethory's for noon ; thence south 12 miles, thence 0011111 12 miles to John White's for night. Friday, --Will prooeed edit 2j miles, then north it oodles, tbenoe WOet to Alex. i0oOall's for 110011 ; thence west to centre siderortd, thence oast to Jae. Spoir's for oigbt. Saturday, -Will proceed to tbo Queen's Hotel, B;suoeels, then to hie own stable, whet° he will remain until the following Monday morning, j r� i iii ti do a i011i00STIGID0Hk1'001,i IGAe)riil rSler!a=1, .•..,ygr S 10}7'+ CILaA+ y I M.I.).,1I.A" L.C1.1'.34.0., M.C.P.S.11., 14Ay�. ,r.1 1 �a'nopi 11Ci' rr jr(1Tq Dt� riar'y'� &'^IN'.a.•. ij 1J -S OI tf.6l Yl if .% t/i l�i.� R On Friday, May let, IGUS[N Oa Itier COMMENCE AN- L1 tY us Sale LACE CU MTI N S. A Bargain i11 Season is a Genuine Bargain 1 We have recently purchased at 75c. on the Dollar 250 Pairs Lace Curtains, which we are going to offer at the following Reduced Prices : 50 Pair's Cream, 3 Yds. Long, Taped Edge, at y 75, regular ;� 1 00 50 11 rr 3 V 11 lr 1r$1 00 " 1 50 u c1 e 14 1 q 1/ /1 30 " " 3 2011 11 3 3 20 11 11 3z 20 White&Cream8. 20 Pairs Cream, 4 11 20 " 3.r 20 " 3 11 r< 1 25 1 40 1 75 2 50 2 50 3 00 35)0 (Very Special) rf 1+ 1, 4, 1 70 2 00 2 40 3 15 3 50 4 00 450 We will have these goods conveniently arranged ill. our store, so that they may be seen at a glance, and we trust that many will come and see that we advertise truthfully. Ferguson -& Half clay, BRU sSELS. Ionaccaccureavasmasmcmcrsamscu For the Next 30 Days. The Partnership having been Dissolved between Tailors, Clothiers and Gents' Outfitters, in Brussels, a Lively Cash Sale, to Reduce the Large and Well Assorted Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, Spring Overcoatings, Pantings, &c., Also a Full Assortment of Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, White and Colored Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Neckwear, t&e,, &e., Will be Commenced on Friday, April 17th, and will Continue for One Month. Big, genuine Bargains offered, as the stock must be Reduced U All tweeds lou chased will be Cut Free of charge. Call early with your cash and secure a big bargain from our new spring stock. Suits Made to Order, and all Work Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. - D.•ROS Jr. JONATHAN 1i11Ne11A$T, Mr:4owet pSys 1- "A 10..-1• ' , n ,din„ II:l 01y )nor r�,y 111111 mope; ty to no purpose on ul edirnl o.rr,, t,.r what tea) t.rinell a 110111+1eoe 0aaa 4110000lnnj,tlan, ❑r. Sinclair cured tae," 233 i 1r1A118 Punrono, Woodhouse, suye:-- "When ell others failed, 1)r. Sinclair cured in e of Ate." 1), ltnnnnreor, ear111011 P)aoo. (ayes- "Dr. Sinclair cured WO of Catarrh." Cine, Itowi:n, }llytb, says: --"Ur. Sinclair cured me of heart disease nn.) dropsy, wben all others fatted." Uisenx. r of Private rata(,', brought on lit} fully, Dr. hinetair 0 ,1,11,1y Cur,•.,. Ceo .n,llt m!..c 31 F'o ,o. WILL B11 AT TEE AMERICAN MOTEL, BRUSSELS, Thursday, May May 28, '91. ENTIRE HORSES AND MARES .FOR ASe4LE. The su bscriber offers the full owing Well-bred Animals for Salo : "Cadiz" (0104), Vol. II ; "Earl of Breadalbano" (6709), Vol. II. These hones are 3 years old; heavy draught. "Lagan Chief," 13 years old, heavy draught. One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im. ported stook on both sides; heavy • draught. "Prince of Douglas," a road or carriage stallion, rising 8 years ; imported. One Heavy Draught Mare, 6 years old ; imported ; with foal. One Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught, rising 5 years, with foal by her side. One Mare Foal, from imported stook on both aides. One Gelding, 3 years old, heavy draught. t -Lon non TRntts will be made to Responsible Parties. The above mentioned stook may ba seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob- tained by applying to A. o'4PEYY,', Bnussous P.O. 25. l: ' ool1 n , r HIGIHEST - CASH - PRICE Paid for Wool at the Listowel %cell® We wish to call your at- tention to the fact that we still Want more Wool, and we are determined to hake this wool season one of the largest, for we have a Tre- mendous Stock of Goods on hand. It is necessary that you should look around be- fore yon dispose of your wool to see where you can make the best purchases with it in' WOOLLEN GOODS. Buy in the Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest. Do not fail to come and see our Large Stock of New Fine Flannels, In New Shades and Patterns Something New Before Shown the Public We have oracle up a 101 of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just, the thing for school boys. We also have It. big stook of Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Bed Blankets, Horse Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton Sllirtings, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawers for this season's trade, which we offer AT BOTTOM PRICES. Do not be deceived by pedlars, but cotne and dual direct at the Factory, where you can rely on getting a good assortment to choose from. Everybody should come and try our fine Grey Flannel that won't shrink in washing& and outwears the common grey .flannel sold the public. Roll Carding, Spinning, Fulling and Manufacturing Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &e, on short notice. B. F. Brook & Soln.