HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-8, Page 4New Advertisements,
Local -Gen. (food,
Wool --R, Crisham.
Local -T. A, Ilawkinc.
Dot e „ 1
Loan! 9abist » Pule Co.
Local -Our Homes Pub. Co,
For Set•vice--Angus Lamont,
1'lxeettor's Alotice--Win. Marker,
Confederation Life --W. II, Kerr.
Exeautot's' Notice ---- McPherson &
(Tbe 3jl.11Sasels Tint.
vurr i—, 3I.1 Y 8,1891. _.
THE election protest crop promises a
good yield this year, The seed has been
sown by the Conservatives in 46 fields,
by the Reformers in 12 ; a total of 88
plantations under crop. What the her•
vesb will be is a conundrum yet, bot no
doubt the Courts, lawyers, dice will see
that the $88,000 is well cared for. If
there is the corruption in elections that
the mitering of prate is by the wholesale
would indicate neither party should be
allowed to hold the reins of Government
for the Dominion of Canada. It is a
mystery unsolvable how men will 'whack
up' their X's and V's to fight an election
protest who won't pay their honest debts.
Better ery quits and have a new election
out and out than the present order of
We are pleased to see that Prohibition
members of Parliament at Ottawa,
among whole we notice the name of Dr.
Macdonald, M. P. for East Huron, are
getting into line and preparing for their
work in this session. Tens of thousands
of names of electors throughout the Dom-
inion have been secured to petitions
praying for the Prohibition of the liquor
traffic and we hope to see the question
fairly and squarely presented to the
House so that the electorate will know
the standing of the new House. Snores
of the members pledged themselves dur-
ing the recent election contest and a test
vote will show whether they were sincere
or not. Halfway measures are only
hoaxing the temperance people. The
country wants Total Prohibition and I i
will have it. ( i
Mayor W. and J,(h. Doherty, of Clin•
tun, left Inc (;levelaud on Monday where
there is a big sale of first class horsy
Mc. Ferran, or Clinton, hicks berauso
the market egnare is made a cow.yard,
pig ere, we ler clurut, lark.•, \ard, ,
IIave some style about you t. tintoei
even if yen do live in a villeen.
At the Ilpwurth League gatherin
Winghant the other eveniuf C. Clot
was pi esented with a handso.,^ .• ll r
The preeentation was made by Rev.
Holmes an behalf of the Leitrus,
On resuming the livery business, and
while cleaning up his stables a few (lays
a e t Tennant of SVln Cham o
(„ I . Tennant, Wong
one of Her Majesty's mail b
which was securely tied ep. On open
the bag he was somewhat etartled to
that it Qom mined part of a hmtrnn eon•
11ow it came there uo of a seems
Geo. McKinley, son of John Melilnley,
of Egmondville, has oerried oil three
prizes at the Wesleyan Seminary, Mont
real, one of whioh is Bishop's gold medal,
another the Rebeoea prize, and on the
third he and another student were equal.
He is studying for the Methodist minis-
try and will no doubt take a high position
as a pt'e,iaher.
A rather amusing story is toll of a
young boy who works in A feeserv, Wvi
barn, One morning when 'bout
take a chew of tobacco, he observed w
he thought a string be a plug of soba
and on pulling on it, to hte snrp!ise
found he had a mouse by the tall. It
hardly expected that the boy will s
be the user of the weed.
The lseter Times of last week says
While out driving on Monday T
Carling and wife narrowly este
serious injury if not death, They w
approaching Exeter along the Lake Ito
and when near the Stable brides at th
cemetery, where the road is but w
enough for one rig, Mts. Carling, w
was driving, saw a runaway teats comi
along at a wild gait. For a moment s
had given up all hope of escaping, b
finely an idea °ceurred to her, and s
at once turned the horse down the ste
embankment, jusb in time to hear t
runaway horses dash wildly by. T
embankment be high and very steep a
when the rig reached the bottom thin
were considerably mixed, but the prom
assistance of same persons close at ha
prevented any serious accident to tl
aged couple, Had Mrs. Carling not go
off the road they would doubtless ha
beau killed.
On the evening of Wednesday la
Joseph Holt, of Chicago, was united
marriage to Jean Gordon, daughter
Mrs.A.lex. Murray, of Locknote. The oer
mony was performed by Rev, A. Mackite
u the Presbyterian Church, Luoknow,
n presence of a large congregation. The
bridegroom was supporter! byThomas
Edwards, London, and the bride by her
ister, Miss Maggie Murray, Miss Nellie
Holt, London, sister of the bridegroom,
el Miss Minnie M°leanly, Delmore,
et the dome of the service, which was
is first marriage neretnony performed
n the new church, Mr. Mackay present -
d to the bride a beautiful family Bible
rein the congregation, expressing the
ops blest it would be the menus of
ffording ditection mud comfort through
Ie. After this the bridal patty and
guests, numbering about (30, repaired to
the residence of the bride's mother,
where awaited a rioh repast, aid a
pleasant evening was spent. A. large
table was eovered with rich and costly
presents. On the early train the next
morning the young couple left for
Chicago, carrying vitb the best wishes
of their numerous friends for future
prosperity. The young bride, being an
excellent musioan and elocutionist, will
be n'iuoh missed in the oomrnunity, es.
pecielly at social gatherings and enter-
t -
Upwards of $300 has been subscribed
Inc the Stratford I,sorosse Club.
There were registered with Stratford
City Clette Lang during the month of
Apri),17 Weibel, 3 marriages and 0 deaths.
An affiee in Stratford has thin piece of
ens, wall Inc the purpose el warding off bores :
"A amiable man is nus wh t, when he
g in has ten minutes to spare, soca and
stet: bothers emm+ one who bee not,"
Thos. Freeborn, of Mot•nington, of
Jna. oaneer curing fame, has been lined 350
and octets at Hanover, by Police A'Iagis-
trate James Proctor. The person oared
of oaneer is 11TIs. Wm. Ill ovens, township
awe of i8gremont, oount,v (trey. The ease
age, will be apptaled. Detective Webb, of
ing London, was the omnplenanb,
find On Saturday, April 221h, Albert
pee. Thotnps n died at his home near Tress.-
to bridge, aged 35 years, Deceased wa0 0
son of John Titome5on, let nun„ EMIR,
and was a young man of mach promise,
but was attacked last fall by that dread
disease, oonsnntptimt, to winch Ito iinnlly
sucoumbed. His wife died of the same
disease about 13 months ago,
As Wood.
R. K. Hall is a daddy.
Jos. McKoy has disposed of hie village
property to John Graham.
to W. 1), \iitc:hell las just received a $1
hat set of Dickens' Works in one of the prise
000 competitions of the Ladies' Journal.
0, The License Commissioners granted
ie the following lioenees for Ehna town.
till ' ship :-1Jotels-.A, lluggins, V. Iolrgsr,
A. H. Wynn, R. Giabam.
The Baptists of this places have tender-
:- ed a cell to the Rev. 0, H. Phillimore, of
Is Port Colborne, whiub he has seen fit to
p°d acme t. His duties will commence about
ere June 1st.
ad Samuel Woods, father of Mrs. (Dr.)
dho Hamilton, of Atwood, and a former
de0 p inaipat of the London Collegiate Insti-
tuts, has entered the ministry, and ac.
ne eepted the pastorate of the First Presby
alt terian °burgh, of Lewiston, Idaho. . The
ub rev. gentleman has alae been chosen re.
presentative to the General Assembly to
, e meet in Detroit. •
hs At a congregational meeting of the
ud Presbyterian church the pros and 'cons
gs o the manse question was discussed.
pt The committee appointed to canvass the
ud membership reported an unwillingness
7B on the part of many to contribute to the
t building fund, After considerable dis-
ci" oussion it was decided to abandon the
project until the annual meeting in Jan.
next, when it is expected it will again
et come up for consideration, On motion
in it was agreed to take the old manse off
of Dlr. Henderson's hands and allow hint
e- $150 additional to his salary for the rent
of the same, be (Mr. Henderson) to have
the use of the manse grounds for horse
pasture. Mr. Ilondersou's salary is now
fixed at $1,100 per annum together with
free horse pasture.
sweet f on•Y Ie.
Tim Pose has been netted by a nemb,r
of its readers to give the p'atforin of the
much tallied of Patrons of Industry. It
is as follows, es provisionally atlopb:�d at
Chatham last March :
(1) Maintenance of Britieh connection.
(2) The reservation of the Public Lauds
for the actual settler. (13) Parity of ad-
miuistration and absolute independence
of Parliament. (4) Rigid economy in
every department of the public service.
(5) Simplification of the laws, and a gen-
eral redaction in the machinery of Gov.
urnmenl. (0) The abolition of the Can -
adieu Senate. (7) The abolition of the
Grand Jury. (8) A system of Civil Ser.
vice Reform that will give eaoh County
power to appoint their own County of-
ficials, except County judges. (0) Tariff
for revenue only, and so adjusted as to
fall as far as possible opmi the luxuries
and not upon the necessaries of life.
(10) Reciprocal trade on fair and equit-
lible terms between Canada and the
United States. (11) Effectual legislation
that will protect labor, and the results of
labor, from those combinations and
monopolies which unduly enhance the
price of the articles produced by such
combinalioes or m anpolfes. (12) Pro-
hibition or the boeu:sing of railways by
Government grants, as contrary to the
pub is inter, Si, (In) The formation of as
Loan and Iuvestmen' Snniety in acumen.
tion with the Patrons of Anduibry fur the
purpose of negotiate t loans on farm
property at mance .1 n,. of interest.
(11) Preparation of the Dominion and
Pre: iuci,al voter.' 11515 by the municipal
offic'e's. (15) Cmtformit: of elentoral dis-
tricts for both Dominion and Provincial
repru.entatlou to County betindariee, as
is i'ete1fr.nasitptl •11111)• ,.
Hr,r(711 Cola ty.
Co. Clerk Adamson le not expect :d to 1
live many days.
The Etagere. lfecl,.ne Co. put in some
50 re is of hilt;' for Mr, Elturd, Holmes- i
vine, this week,
S.[uil Cb' k, W. 11, Methew.e, died on y
Sunday morning aced 52, after an illteess
of leve week; duration at 1iodnrlclt,
SI, C. Camerirl's eke*,im expeuses are
stated to have been 8131.80 and 11, I'or.
ter's, his opponent, $110.08, in West
11ubu•t L.WValton, a well knoll] town!;• t
man, of Godorloh, (Hui rather suddenly ,
on Wednesday morning of last ween:,
aged 58 years.
Peril; (lounty.
St. Marys has about 175 Oddfellows.
The Good Tetnplars of Trowbridge
have orgenize d n Juvenile Temple.
The Synod derided to meet iu Knox
church, Stratford, on the third Monde
of April, 1802.
Alt hotels and liquor stores in Pert
501 be obliged to keep closed May 2-!t
and July 12th.
Mr. L1r,deriek, the asee,:ser, plat
Mitobsll's population at 2,202, a little les
diet last year.
The new 1licits House stables, Mi
chell, are under wtav, and will he read
for teams , a May 21th.
Geo: ';'• mine " i ra.,,, 01 fila, has
sheep whieb weighs :110 pounds, Thi
is eennfdetel on nno+nal weight.
Elnta receives 21,210.61 and Wnllac
52,050.33 on account of Crown lands col
ections sel,ject to "the land tntprove•
tient loud."
C••phas W.m•T• sr appear 1 1)-/f are Pol
co Magistrate Flaag, Mitchell, and had
o pay 62.70 for using iusultiug language
to a marrie l'ulnae,
During the mouth of April 135 trump
occupied the cells in the Stratford Cit
Hall. The greatest number confined it
any one night was lo.
liftebobi is going to have a monster
ejehratiee on May lith, and extends an
nvitation to their uutsicde Moods to
visit them, There will he sports of all
kinds and a baboon ascension to iiuish
011 Tueeany evening, April 25th, n
bangoot was glean Owen Ballard by bis boo
fallow Masons said friends in the Grand W(u.
Union hotel, Clinton. yea
Thomas Butcher, who has boon con.
ted with the jewelry establishment of
Andrews, St. itlarys, for fourteen
re, leaves this week with his family
Brandon, Manitoba, where he has a
eery establishment of his own.
t the Jubilee church, Eltna, a
Ling was held to re -organize the S. S.
the stomrner months. On nomination
5ph Blatchford was appointed Super-
edent, S,'Wherry, Assistant-Snperm-
dent, and Win. Limas, Seo, -Teens.
M. Jackson, temple of music, Water,
street, Stratford, is in p055essia0 of
mammoth teeth, recently ploughed
n the plains of Aldhorongh, Elgin
ray, and supposed to have named in
jaws of a maatodmn in the prshintot'ie
II, Graham ,S: Sons, of St, Mary's,
e purchased in the Indiana mat'kots
purl -bred oerriage horses for ax.
et lob to the 010 Country. This en -
rising firm intend purchasing a num-
of the same class in Western Cameo
the same market.
one ill -willed rascale visited the stable
obeet Wocde, near Britton, and put,
t 111r. Woode supposes to be velem'',
ne of hie horse's box. The horse ate
dose and it has been blind front the
°fleets ever since. They then went aorose
to Thomas Alexander's stable and dealt
the same with ere 01 his beetles. Lueitily
hie horse did not lappet 10 oat it.
The sum of $2.00 was fixed as the
amount to be paid to the owner of first
team tet fire when their services are not
required by Clinton town Council.
7'. J. Bennest has organized 28 tesouia-
tions of Petrone of Industry in the
northern townships of the county, with tan(
un average of about 50 members. includ- J,
ing many of the leading men in each loo
section and making a total of about 1400 two
members, The township of Newick tap o
beetle the lfst wish eight flourishing as, emu
sooiations and It is probable there will be rho
one organized in every school section age
very soon,
Saturday night about 12:30 o'clock the hav
fire alarm sounded when it was found five
Mode's restaurant, Clinton, was on fire, port,
mimed by the explosion of a coal oil torp
lamb, The steamer mull fire brigade bier
were out in short order and the flames for
confined to Idude's. There was an in. S
euranost of $700 on the stook, but 16 is of 11
thought the damage Will amoent to more wha
than this. T. Jackson'e stook in the ad- in o
joining store was damaged by smoke to the
the extent of probably 375, The build.
ing is owned by Mr. backeon and was
damaged to seine extent which is more
than °Oared by insurance,
Firemen's demonstration will take
place on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jane
10th and 17(b.
Jas. 11. Reid purchased the Dewar pro-
perty, house and lot, offered for sale on
Saturday last for the stem of $750,
Lieut, Alex. Wilson has, accepted his
position on the Wimbledon Team, and
will likely cross the Atlantic once mere
during the Darning summer.
A young man named Jas. Page was
bran&ht before mayor H'olmested last
week on a charge of "blaring" shade trees
oppoeite Thos. liidd's residence, Market
street. He was fined $1 for the offense.
John Lcunsbrry, formerly of this town,
but now manager of Messrs. Milne re
Co.'s mills in Clifford, township of Car.
rick, met with a very 'painful aoeident
on Saturday last. lie was driving a
young oolt when be was thrown out of
the vehicle thereby getting his arm
broken and his shoulder dislocated,
BICYCLti ornu,-A club, to be known as
the "Seaforth Reform Cycle Club," and
the following officers were appointed for
the year :-Hou. Pres„ F. Holmesbed ;
Hon. Vice•Pres., T. 0, Coleman ; Hon,
Members, F. G. N, olio, M. Y. McLean
and Cr, E. Jackson ; Pres, 0. Clarkson ;
Vine -Pres., W. Pickard ; Sec..Trsae„ C.
SV. Pepsi Captain, A, C, 'Winter ;
Lieutenant, Jos 0. Ross ; hosier, D. W.
Huohineon ; H. W. Tripp, S. L. Smith
and P. Dill, committee,
The following statistical ieforivation
of interest we tante from the assessment
roll. The popelotion le give:, at 2,1.11,
The value of the teal property is $580,-
340 ; personal property, $00,350 ; taxable
income. $10,820, -staking a total aesees-
ment of $(145,310. Ther° are 200 horses,
103 cattle, 88 hoes and 84 dogs, There
were 32 births, 20 deaths and 17 mar.
riages. The school population between
the ages of 5 and 18 is 007 ; between 7
and 13 is 880, and between 10 and 31,258.
0101'. -Early Iasi Sato rainy morning
tho spirit of l;lizaboth Gibson, second
daughter of Samuel Dickson, poetmaster
of this place, took its flight, The subject
of this notice had been bothered with an
attack of la grippe, which developed into
inflammation of the kings, from which
she suffered for the past six weeks.
This, together with heart failure, was
the cause of her sudden demise. She
was 19 years of Lige and beloved by toll
Who know her, It is only a little over a
year since her brother was buried, The
funeral took piaos on Monday afternoon,
Rev, A. D. McDonald and Rev, Dr. Ure
(Goderich) oendttoting the service, Inter.
ment was made at Maitlandbauk ceme-
tery. The sorrowing relatives are deeply
sympatbis3d with,
A. new set of li ton weigh soales bas
been purchased by the town.
T'hereday, May 7th, was appointed
arbor day for this town,
Editor Tlawllins' little danghte', Olive
11liol',,, t113-1 1333 I i.e1•, •,11111.
John Bamford was cleated eutntciller
forBismal'ck Wised by aeclamtttion, iu
the place of 3. W. Meyers, resigned.
0'wo hundsoatte',oty busses wow put ou
the streets, both built by the Jnmos St.
Charles Bus Company, Belleville, costing
$600 gash,
Ilarvey Haan, switchman, eco„ at the
G. T. R. station here, has been promoted
to the position of operator, ho having as.
quired a knowledge of telegraphy. Ar•
thur Simmons, son of the agent at
Gowanstown, has been added to the
staff here,
J. Kessa, of Wallace, has purchased a
good sized piece of ground ou the west
side of the 0. T. 1t, station, and intends
erecting a stationary saw -mill thereon
during the summer. At present he is
running a movable mill with a traction
engine in the yard of Hess Bros. se Co ,
cutting up the logs there.
7 1mm and ew m 4
Eggs have dropped in price, so has our
Large Stock of Prime
All of Our Own Curing.
We also Manufacture Bologna Sausage.
Patronize home industry by calling onus.
Give me a call and prove the truth.
fulness of the above statements.
Wm. Blashill, Butcher,
1t r:
605 ODD Ponals Wanted
Of Fleece Wool, for which
the very
Highest Market Price
in Gash will be
Farmers will find it to their
advantage to Sell for Cash and
trade where they please.
On the market, as usual, for
all kinds of Grain.
It Graham,
Grain Dealer, - BSuyssELO.
- Pedlars
Are on the Warpath, so are fnl-
plement agents to entrap the
wary farmer into buying inferior
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
get repairs when needed.
Farmers, consult your Own in-
terests and encourage 1100le man-
ufacture by calling at the
Where you can get a Superior
Article at a reduced Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
n0 sale.
5101es,'Ylt11 Best i"(b(ebatl'g east S(eal
Boards, single raid Double.
Plow 201111 of Every Make at 40c. each.
Gang Points 211 Cents,
Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on
any plow at the Lowest Possible Pries.
Be sure and 0011 and examine our
stook before buying.
W. R. Wilson, Brussels,
0rg66ii i ecZ 1871. - RecccZ Office, Toronto.
Remember after Three Years Polioies are Incontestable,
l'aid.np Policy acid Cash Stirrenclor Valuo Guaranteed in each Policy.
AirroiuDe Aitso,,n'I'il PIOTECTIoN Aet5NST EAnLY DEATrI 1231000DEs AN INOOSIli
IN Orp Aon, AND In A GOOD LorasTa1ENx.
Policies are Non-Farfeibable after the Payment of Two full annual Premiums,
Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are
allocated every dos years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods, as may
be selected by the insured,
Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at
any future time under any circumstance.
Partieipatfng Policy Holders aro entitled to not less than 00 per cent. of the
profits earned in the diose, and for the past seven years have actually received 05
per Dent, of rho profits so earned.
W, 0. MMIACDONALD) AOTOAIty, d. Xt. MACDONALD, Mobte155 D1osoross.
`t'tr, X:7, Il'' nniv$ .A.0021t4 11cliareltaClbt.
T"111i1iAM 13111,T. 1'OJi ' 1]P•
.•a. t 1 tv:, ,,•t fct
',orrice n ItlterLot 11013. I 311,''1x, Che tb0ru'
I ted rer.tstelt i I hn Lehi it'll, pard \volOng.
tut." Terms i au, will I tai lies of retort*.
ing if necessary, Pedigree may be seen oil
appliestla,lfnn5u,•r. PCTI•il -i,3R,
did+ Proprietor.
rlrlf tlllb oz+
..1. '1't11511111t tl.ltltr l) J1:1tl(P,Y BULL -
Ono ('ow, 02.20 ; 2 cows, $1.001 additional
sows, 81,00 etlolt, all the property of olio
Pomo. A disaolult of 10 par o0u1,, will be
deducted whoa peed 11. the thou of service,
Jersey Cows •.4120 noel' extra,
G, A. 1)1SAI),\1AN, IA'egglet, &a,
1.�'LIiE, 1-OI0 SlaiVRI'7 -TEM
.- nttdersigusd will imop fnr corvine on
tut]a, ural. ", birev, the enols tl eru'•broa
1)110111111 bull' ',Nail ale U nlr," Ho was bred
by Aar, Jello I, ,l ons„n, of Alosborougl, uMI
IR all A 1 auimn1. Pedigree may ba seen m1
apultnatlnu. ['mems-�S1.L0 fir g(yule a0we,
15111100,00 fnr tboro'•bt•odn, with 1100/1505 U[
tOt111'ming if tereaeary,
118.1 4N a CS LAAIONT, Proprietor,
11b ho "e1tL11 m,or lloi1,1111311,001131 he I1it large white
lnrkslire t10 "needs, on lot ?n, 0011,11,Anrrin, h,
untnbor of sows
will Ln Lofton, 101 111S 01,101 to h° 1,1011 Itt
o nerviro, will rho 1311vib0go 411 raun•n-
ie', if neeessary, Pel igreo ilav no sseu up-
on application. ROBERT NI('1IOL,
tett Proprietor,
t11ZVo PURI, 73111;1) PIGS F011
Sls'I1ViCE.-'rhe enderaigued has re.
t'ently *."reposed tad will beep for Sorvio°
at North half Lot e0; Con, 7, Alarm, a i e1e-
brea ie ],sl' h•o hoar, bred by Air. Snell, and
also an Ohio improved ( bsnter white, ono
year old, bree by Thos. George, Putnam,
/'roe) imported stook ou both Aldo. This
]log took :Mt prise at the Industrial ENhibl-
fanu, Toronto, 78n0,iu a class of 17, aril also
Sed at the Western fair in a class of 111.
T•.rns,41,00, 10 be paid at time of t.eryiee,
with privilege of returning If necessary.
hs.tf S. WALKER, Proprietor.
1�1 Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
A.1?I'L"Y 7CQ
J.C,Ifefl'ernan, J.A..Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 2Stf
1u/ad1,i/ S)fwieh[lij1eSs..
CA fPy9CUHINSto] rr6y iGP
reItTg11.111TLY SAILINGS rnOai
CANDI 10(T115, $40, $50 and 3110, Siu01o;
880, 8110 and $110 Return, aceerdiag
to Location of 3tateriom,
INTERMEDIATE, Outward '825; Prepaid 480
Steerage at Lowelit INNS.
deconunotintlous !Unsurpassed.Apply to 11. St A, ALLAN, Montreal,
on W. I3, $17.A'.I2k2,oL
AGENT, Bersss,
33) 4„'1a1!a
4'a 1ts
1 a
ul8l l MAY 15th. ! 1801
etnntaint; 'Through to I'anr0nvt•t'
hoed Change.
For Earths and all Information apply to.
J, T. Pepper;
AGENT, BlireSgbN,
Why Not Do 7oillt Own ThlnkinGp ?
Bit rsenars, November Kb, PAL
Ah McLEon, Ooderieb,
D113/1 11 SM. -381201)1d have written before
now to lot you know bow I 111)' getting along,
1 au) allot hotter than /vita; galling st3'eugllI
every day, I have a good appetite and sloop
well, I Dan labra the full gc1nautity of the
System Renovator and it docs not Welton
we. Jay limbs are alt right 1205; quite
smart In that way; ewslhn all gone. Tho
grout thirst isgel
oi I drink ne water at
night, but 1 take a little buttermilk. I am
quite straight again. Send me another
bottle of your System Renovator,
Yours, &o„ JAs. DUNrAN,
Vor'grEEN 51007)11 L,t7T71,
Bltiissbr,o, February 7111, 88111,
J. M. AtrT not,, Ooderieh,
T) ,110 &M -Fifteen years ago last Novom-
be• 1 started to doctor first •; I was treated
for depsla, bat they cove' helped ISO
any, At times I anifored greatly from my
I1turrned drob,sicali;; limbs mud lbody awaited
badly, You know the state I was 111 when
I went to Godel'tell--a more wreck, coult
hardly Salk-sulforiug from Bright's dia.
5055, ,lust one year ago lasb fall I began
to mtRenovator olmysl; cont hued thou
throe mouths steady. Although I was told
1 could hot bo cured, if you saw, me now,
well and booty 1 eat overytbing that 001n05
l', the way, I ow° you the praise of Saving
my life, I was in a hopeless condition when
I wont to you, in foot no ono thought I
would gat better. I cannot speak too highly
of you and of your needietnes, for it was
thorn that toured me, Words cannot extross
ray thanks to you, 1`roolypass my name to
anyone, Yours &a,, DIINOAN,
501,0130 3, T. PE22)015, tirtuesttbs.
MAY 8, 1891
Ganda Pacific T1'
Las t Chase
—MIR A'i'OI'13--.
Etoun C1. t "® '” , .
- $(100 ! -
Will Leave LIVERPOOL on JUNE Lith,
1801, by Steamer
T empress of C,ltilact,
Stopping at Principal Porte ht the
DICra,ASOr=aaaeaxa. 0x,,9. _Berl. Soma,
Tes93iiz Ooo 011,
For pa mnhbete 155 full information apply
W, 10, CALLAw'AY, District Passenger Agent,
310 King Street Want, Toronto, or to
,7. T, PEPPER,
Ticket Agent 0. P, R., Brussels.
13A 1--3.Y
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
Hr Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
and sold
&,c always in stock
at Close Prices
If you want a set of Ligilt
or heavy harness I can
supply you.,
Sec our Scotch Collars.
IL Denaifil.
Buggies !
Buy your Buggies from
And Save :Honey.
I ani building a large number
of the Bost Buggies, \\'hien are to
bo sold at the Lowest Prices ever
offered to the public. Every-
thing about thcln is First-class,
Tito very 1305t Standard Wheels,
and the Workmanship through-
out Guaranteed.
I ant Determined to snake a
Big Slaughter on Prices
this year.
is have sold a large number of
Buggies during the past G years
to many of flu' leading men of
this section and surrounding
country, and I lxlrpose to keep
up the number and double the
Call and See the Rigs and
Bet our Prisms
Don't buy a boggy until you
see illy Stock of Choice Buggies.
Repairs in Rood work and Iron
done at Rock Bottom Prices,
Painting and Carriage Ti'ilnlnillg
clone at the very Tiowoat Bates.
1Io1'seslloeing Done with the Bost
Experience and Attention,
as in the past.
'hop opposite Queen's Motel,