HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-8, Page 2eete,n'reew•reeneee"'"""e•er niw eeeeeeve-eetos:a-ma^xratstr eneeet eernxm casiceew.-awr emee.owwstematewerette
By C. Deseeltn, Author of " When the ride w.na 11111," " The Artist and tho Man,"
t' lath a (,tuber Room," SII. Etc.
CRAP1I'.R 1 .
1)1EY 111:ANE AOD TUN \1.4'3( 01118).
TI3E BRUSSELS POST, 11;11 ti;o1.
vieitoro eine in, six felts mire (33 her Daae, ed Itt his jokes, and she had expressed a hope
Up to this she had merely aolulowledged thee they might meet oflen daring. het' stay
her mtraductioa to V5,1'01144% Sho new in edit Borah,
• o' eee,1 the room to where Bite was sitting, This fl'oln ,ell oral:ewe--flu( at those gh'Ie
I and sul(1, ill her prettiest 131111 (0(1mt gra Muni whom you meet every !Illy 1131Oei11)' would
1nitenter, "t avant to thunk yon ler your have meant nothing. Vet•oaieaihuwvelw•t, mulorstoodin wrap it atm)'elev. 83 ,'u lh0
I I,1 •'1 I(iudness 0, my little girl and her not ordiwtry. She said w -'t'• oro' l'eeeo, 4 commonplace Dorman girl ismethmnrr.l'J0-
I govern," yeet0(dnl', ;111111 woe wild to 1011 0 111(1 meant what she said. Percy, 11 it, 0011- (gently tl0ae'lbed Itllll ('3111)%1.11 tiled hila 111
(nor ler na to•day ; 1,1. 3 1 caul(, not let her sidered Ilimaclf apt lit reading olntrltc(el', the modern literature of foreign r'31:1t1 Vial•
]rale 11 aR Moreison ahem, and we had only 1016 eonvinrud that she carried about with She is, 110(00ver, worthy of all Ow ol,sorrn.
1%0011 111 the (tentage for one. They were in her the stamp of reality. tion which has Leen 611 freely beotewed el'
lepton•» with their Murton'," It was a lung walk Pram Deep Doane to late years on her nontinontnl sietres. 1't r
,.a w.t-1 1, anti 1 think the gratitude Castle kittrio:, mud being It little more Canadians especially her traisin;.; an.l Met s
eu1(111 to 6r all un my ride," swill Veronica. ltbamlt-11(hltlell 00,0 Irapa(, Percy planed one of it girlie duties in (tie should he ouhjoCts 1 f
,,eleven to loolt et so lot'el5, It g'i'1 as .Miss of the well known Ia11d•nutl'ke and welt keen Illtereet as elle GI'n13'', to womanhood
Morels 11 is a pariloge, if she were only about n nide out of 1118 way, N1 lien he with more CStn.ul ire nharnleristi,14 than
drusxed as 1 b110111(1111011 1100 ! 110 younpprupriatc the Jlaekeazies' dlslingnishod almost any other girl between the 11.1y of
,Knelt'," with a senile, " I could 3e 1 holy guest tench longer--" you must come and Biscay 1311,1 the Asiatic healer.
keep my honkie off her. ' see then1 et house, in their se11ootroom, The Daniell girl in her e otlth /loos not
" Poor Letty," said I t ly Flora, with a When shall it le?" learn so meult soldierdike oladieuou and
sigh. " 1 would like to dress her becoming- " Oh, wheuevee yon like, I mu longing reverence its the (lemon girl, tier so me11
' 1y, 100 ; Ing I ant afraid she must play het' toe.o0 Castle Et(riolk,' said Veronica frank. imitation of knowledge as Ilie Aoee(al and
pm t prnpe'ly, She has to make tier 03'11 ly. " We alight mels over--" She glanced Fnelioh girls, The object of the alum: ion of
way iu the world." towards Janet, who, helped and ratend0( yo.mg girls in De11na1'I( is to render them
" she is poor, you mean ?" by Percy, was sending rolled cups of tea and regally Independent for life, Every Lane is
" She has nothing. However" -Lady plates of honhe•nlado cake, 11 3de to develop the reasoning powers and
Flora sew several pairs of oyes filed upon " Any day you like,"RallJanet, "Brown to arouse ocightelity, "Keys" ad"moduli"
her, 11101 knew she would not be allowed to Bess is eating her head oil' in the stable, are consequently almost unknown among
hard at work 011 13 refractory cork, which father says, and my sweet little Snowflake Danish schoolgirls. A term ill molaphysi00
accounted for the purple hue of his face. has been in for two whole days." just because it 0m10110 of higher education,
" How long is it since you have seen Lady "Then /et it be to•n)orrow, Como over in a el gives lel opportunity of 6 saying," 011,
Flora?" Ile /aidttlrnillg to his daughter. the forenoon, and stay for 1011011,"aa(d Lady hew I hated it i" is an unknowninstitn•
" Now, now, father 1" said Janet(lheerily, Flora. " No, thank yon, my deur Janet ; tion. Everything on the contrary, is careful
"you must not (thraya harp on the saute 110 MOM tea. 1 ought to bo on my way h"ole 011(d, thorough,
Can you spare Percy?" Anmug the very young object lo;s0ns etre
"(10 book '
n without mo, mother. I shall more prevalent than in any atilt r coann'y,
enjoy the wally hone across the moor," soul Among the more mature the sumo principle
the young man. 01ta.in0, and all oho 11at01'01 ecionnes, for in-
"• Oh, do as you like," said his mother, stance, aro taught with the aid of enilleiout
rising. " Colonel Lyndon w111 sue Inc haute. apparatus, specimens, and chats. Pile
Where is Ile, I wonder?" 1)1t01811 girl gets the sumo ,nanhlal training
He w1301103 far away. He was, indeed, as tho boys tt•ith 'whom she is allowed to
just coning in front the stables, and he rood- associate to s.'tnol hours,
ily consented to return at once in the carriage The anise.; of this early training is
with Lady Flora. that most Danishels (cave trhnnl, with all
"You /vile corse again soon ?" said Mrs. sorts of un -European ideas of their intim
elackonzic when he sail good bye. " This pnldener. Probably no Oolltinontlol row).
has been a visit to the general not to me. u'y has in proportion to its size, as many
You know' like to talk about old 1111100 too," women graduates in m0(liciee, philology,
"I am afraid, if I came to see you as often and, jurisprudence, and the number of girls
AS I lilted, you and bliss Janet W0111 00011 ill professional and loathed 00110800 of 3l.tdy
be t(te(1 of me," said the colonel, "But I is increasing yearly. Daughter8 of /(ell
will cone; oh, yes -you will see eve again." tra.lOOpcoplo devote themselves usually to
"And will you not sometimes join 110 in the trades of their apprenticeships in the
one rides?" said. Janet. ",Hiss Browne and concerns of strangurs, whore only rho ',elite.
are going to scour the country." of their services determines rho rapidity of
" 31'e must talk about it to -morrow," said their advaneenlo13,
Lady Flora. "It t'vould bo vary Mee to or- '1'Ite, tattle of Ilio goldsmith has within the
pulse ou0 or two nietnio parties. ,fillet Co last fifteen years gained popularity steadily
yon say, General Mackenzie?" among daughters of the bettor dila of
"I say that I leave such sports to the Danes, so tint today all the goldonliths of
young fonts," he answered. ' 1 hale no Copenhagen lave yonm> women an anomie
mind to emote my death by eating my din- tires as well as Itssistants often enough
11 in
mer on the wet grass, or to get 0nustrokc by their most elaborate styles of w'or'k, Young
riding out under a broiling sun, lint every women of lower aspirations become baltel'0
one to his taste. 1 w'on't interfere." or uoufectolors, and are slowly but Bare(
"Ah, well ! teeniest think over it. Goon- crowding out from the trades the heel to
bye, dear hies. Mackenzie. Goodbye, Miss whom 3311011 occupations never properly be -
Browne. I shall rely upon Janet to bring longed.
you over to see me to -morrow," said Lady Not few girls 1n Denmark study the art
Flora. of gardening. Scores mutually become pro -
Two or three other visitors follower( Lady fesainnal tla(rynmid0. Young women of the
Flora's example. Pe}•ay held to his post Peasant class devote themselves mostly to
reached home dinner was 0001', Ino found learning all about le:getable gardening, anri
the whole family of the terrace, drinking to encourage then in learning to do their
their coffee, and looking out 03'0(' the 11100r• work thoroughly numerous a1r10thlturel lls-
lan(1, which, with its lochs and rivers, 10as snoiations and local anthoriG eo giro prizes
banned in the soft crimson after -glow that for the greatest skill shown in transforming
is so long and so lovely in the North, ugly and unfruitful spots into modal beds of
It was \filly who saw hint first, and she beak, peas, and the like.
rah t0 meet him, and brought hint into the " High and low, rich and poor," mid a
hall, where a substantial cold mord Was wait. Carman educator in a recent ertiel0 on D.
ing for him. 101) woman, " teach their daughters to sup•
'Ie1't it lovely, she cried .out, es sine Port t hemselves in ease of need without
waited upon him. being obliged to stifle their lives in the
" What is lovely, 'dilly ?" he asked, with crowded rooms of great factories and work-
" smile. shops."
"Everything: this dear old house, and
the moors, and the lochs, and the 0un0et,
and Veronica -she is coming to -morrow,
Peroy-and my dear old Dotty, and -(yon!
I do believe," said the child in a stiffed
00100, " that I've never been so happy be
"And Ido believe," said Percy, " that I
quite agree with you, Miley."
'Q•bey 1,01krn things Ihnl Are Worth White
and 10'1101A Them Well.
'1(10 Danish gild is 11111,, known and less
general Alacken'ie, as well as Lady Flora
SVinstwlioy, had a sou ill the army. siar-
aug the general feeling of the neighbourhood
that Miss 13rowae's visit should be made tee
pleasant to bar as possible, and having a
eleep conviction that a !rouse with only 0110
watt in it -and that man 1111 old man -
could not be very attractive to a handsome
unmarried lady, he had strained every
mevve to insure tate presence of his youngest
son, Captain Mackenzie, far the first few
rtiay�y8, at least, of her visit to Deep Deane,
-Up to the evening of her arrival he thought
ire bad succeeded' but a letter, which
reached hint sbortly before he started for
the station, brought disappointment to his
hopes. This upset the general, and the ut-
terly unexpected meeting with Percy 1Vin-
eatanley at the station upset hint still more.
The Winstanleys had, he fell, in every sense
stolen a march upon 1Lfm.
Ile explained the situation to Mise Browne
as be drove her 110100, " I am afraid you
will find it shockingly dull with us," he Said,
110 ono at home but my wife and my young -
cat daughter, Janet."
"Oh 1 pray don't thhlk I want entertain-
ing," cried Miss Browne. "You know I am
more American than English, and American
girls are not accustomed to he notch looked
after. Will you be able to lend mea pony
Lend you a pony? My dere' girl, you
shall have the rut of the suable. Are you 11
good rider?"
' I don't know about `good,'" said
Veronica, with a little lenge. ••I never
caw the horse.1 was ef(aicl of "
" That's the style !" cried the old general,
with delight. "Thee you shall ride Brown
Bess, My Janot goes like a b:rd, and
she'll show you a11 over the country,"
"Oh, I am sore I shall enjoy it," said
Veronica warmly ; and then, a Itttle to 111e
_general's annoyance, site began to ask hint
all sort of questions abont Castle Ettrick
audits inhabitants.
Being remarkably keen, she fudged, from
bis way of answering her questions, that he
did not melt care for talking about his
neighbours at the castle.
Veronica wits sorry for this, as she had
become very Ionuh interested in her fellow -
travellers, and WW1 anxious to know more of
Very different leas the old general's tan-
ner when site proceeded to speak of Co one(
"I tell you plaiuly," he said, with an
, age, It give, me sincere plonsure, for bis
014111' a. 11011 as yont' OW11, to bid,you w'0l.
('180' „
Thank you ! t Nandi yon f" Veronica,
And cow the wheels had lean head, 1111,1
the doors •end w•indowre lnnkiug ant 3111 the
verandah had 1,0011 011'0 W11 upon, and 010
ladies o1 . he hums, and two heel•,, at'l'rat la
came out. std Veronica was ('0033(ved by
theta all with a lilsiv0 n'e'e nn0,
\lrs. Alawkoluie, a pretty old lady of
sixty 0,111 (ears, with heir 11s white as 61103 ,
soft dove -like Dyes, and ft'eah•eolour(d face,
and her youngest and may unmarried
daughter, Janet, wore enriensly like each
other. They had the sante eel's eyes, the
same gentle manners, the sante passion to
make every one that calve in reach as 110111-
fortable as otronmstallees would permit. To
Veronica their slight (0111111100 figurate dres-
sed in the plainest, neatest attire, and their
so t, eareaeing, somewhat old•fasleoned man •
nets, harmonised wonderfully with their
11 was her Wont to boast that she /lid not
01 ten find it d'tffieelt to snake herself at
home, but here, at Deep Deane, she felt et 1
home as soon as she stepped across the
threshold. Whether her meet maid, who
was to f01 ow in a hired carriage, with the
Saratoga trunks and other affects, would be
of the same mind, it was impossible t0 say.
1'oronioa did not trouble herself much
about this,
• 1 lave brought my staid," she said to
\Irs, \(anikus(e, " bemuse Uncle Alick
thonglu it hest; but 1 110/C1 1011,111 her in the
least. l'. hen sem has put away my things
straight she L'1111 go away for 11 holiday."
" Oh 1 WO lave p!eety of 00(3(1)," (unsevered
the old lady heartily. This house is much
target, than one would think front 1110 out,
They took her up to the airy room, smell
ing, as Veronica seed, laughing, of heather
ani( rosea, which hod been prepared for her,
and brenght her amen isatin to the oak.
panelled and beamed 11(10413. rot) , where
the general was buoy miring as part(c d ar
511113(1 8131120, and Oo1 )11061118 iced lem1.nclle.
Over supper, \Irs. Mackenzie., who Was 110 s
less aggrieved than her husband --although '
not foreucltdeep reasons -by the non -arrival r
of their soldier son, spoke plaintively of the
quietness of the been,. p
' We've nota great, deal to olTor in tbo 0
string, London is not like tete country. It
s te great number of worlds rolled np togeth.
e', and the worlds aro as far apart no if seas
and chains of nu
mnuw d'divided them, 1 am
tot at all vexed with 4.311y' ,'lora for seeing
belle of me in town, 1 ren Bore it cost her
an immense etlort to sec elm at a11."
General Mackenzie, hower1Jr, was not to
he mollified, and the following day, (3)((X11
brought the expected influx of visitors to
Deep Donne, found hint ie anything but a1
amiable frame of mine. Ile could not for.
get that tr)nlendnus burst of laughter of his
in the (.111100to iittriok grounds, 1t was wee!
for the poem of the heua011o1d tient Colonel
Ly11110,1 foamed nue of tho party' from the
Castle, for iu the face of so welcome a vial•
tor, it was hnposeibl0 for him to proeervs
his ill•Innnour.
While trite larlies made one another's
ae'lnlainlanee andaPercytold Mrs, Macken -
0:0 and Janos 111(11' he tuppence! to be at
hon 0, tiic two old soldiers fell into talk
Memo old (Imes. Their talk interested'01a
0010l1, Mill being ,Onstoned to speak
and move freely, she (trussed over to the
heartha'ug, where they stood.
"] don't want to interrupt you," she
111;1, taking a 0003. ill the chimney -corner,
' 1 only want to listen to you. Do go on
;Oki ng."
She addressed the general, who had just
1111031 up in tho middle of Il long renlinis•
euro of cane -life in India. Delighted to
ud that his stories were appreciated, he
1/ lowed it up fu his hast style, and than'
�ea101 to Colonel Lyndon to brush a his
mella:time But the 1olenel, who had not
1013 ao melt as his elder comrade of the
0111 of society, was it little abashed, and'
way ufant me nteul. to one that's eecnet0med
to a town life," she said : "but there are
neighbours here end there, and not one
that's (lot un(ghbonrly ; and my Janet will
show- you the way about, and you'll be mare
i 1g acquaintances all renn(1 the eau 1ta•y,"
" Olt, .110' 11113 1 .111001K16 1" 00,131) 0111.3!4, " Yon w0x'T SA0' P0.' "
emphasis w11ieh was highly claraoteristic of I " AogesJntances !" ochre 1 the general.
him, "that my old friend the colonel is one "Veronica has made some (311•catly, 8110
of the best men I know. Fact,1 can assure travelled with the Castle Ettrick people to•
you. A apldier in a (11008nd, Why, I day."
could tell yon stories of hire that would 1 011 3" said Jenot, looping interested,
make your hair stand on end. .lie ought to " nomad that Mildred and holt pretty goy•
have been a general 102111 ego if be had had crime were expected."
his deserts. But ho is more than a good " And her brother --(lit( I tell yen about
soldier. He is the gentlest -natured matt I hint?"
ever came across. Asst my wife about him " Her brother -Captain 1Viustanloy 1"
if you 11'(511 to know what he ie." " 8110 has only one brother that I over
I shall certainly ask her. I am very heard of," amid the general irritably. " Iia
much interested in Ooloeel Lyndon. He re. was travelling with them today."'
minces 1110 of the chivalrous soldiers that oto Kind lo] rs. Mackenzie looped. at her 11110•
reads of in English romances,"said Veronica, band with brimming eyes, " Dear, (fear I"
"There is something of the 11Iid(lle•aee she 5a((t, ",Chat joy there will be in the
knight about him," said General Macken, Castle this night 1 Do you limn to say he
Cie. "Ho is the 901.1 of man to lead ,3 for. has come to stay, Andrew ? And I, that
Torn hope." was pitying Larry Flora from my heat't 1 (fee
"Or to rescue a (liatre00ed maiden at the no such a1 easy matte', \leas Browne, to
point of Lilo sword," said Veroniuo, laugh- bid good-bye to your sols for the first thno,
tog. And I suppose will see them all soon.
By this time they were within the gates " Nu late' than to.nlort'ow ; you may take
of the generale, small demesne, Doop Deane ley word for it," said the general 1 Ile was
was built (n the heart of one of those cup- gone out with them, but several other vis(,
like valleys that are to be found hero and
there on the nnonrlaud, and it was senumb
od by a beautiful old-fashioned garden
where all sorts of lovely (hinge grew to-
gether. Tho whole of the valley, in which
there were two or throe comfortable home-
steads, besides several rongh•sto)e cottages
inhabited by shepherds and cattle -heels on
estate, belonged to the general, and he
farmed 11 himself, leading a primitive petri-
arehal I(fo, fat' the greater part of the year,
amongst hes people. The (house itself, ori-
ginally it small farmhouse, which had 110011
added to from time to time in 13 hap•ha•zard'
sort of way, to suit the requirenelts dame
coseive tenants, seemed gill, though its size
roe nowconsiderable,
t0 retain
its aai
As Veronica saw it in tho moonlight -its
old walls smothered with roses and oIomatis,
its verandah overhung with clusters of wild gg
hop, and the yyellow light from the parlour- whitetail() could do. "And we hope you
windows :thin ingout upon the avon,10-there will come too," amid the effusive Sooteh
Was a stillness, an almost Paradisaical lady , r and if you can help us, so much the
softness of beauty and Apace about the little hotter ; and if not, there will, et least, be
I'eclined to remember any thing. This hand -
401110 girl with 11,0 hashing 111030(1 oyes em -
bemused rather than pleased him, No
(lout% oho was clever, and she was certainly
good•looking and well•dressod ; but hor
meamer0 were rather too compose(( to snit
his taste,
After 0. few moments the general, upon
whom lead fallen the principal burden of the
conversation, to opened that 00101101 Lyndon
should moon(( out with hint and inspect the
stables. Vcrouica would willingly have
toot ally. lie had always been a favu01(te
with i11re, :Mackenzie, who 11(1(1 known hint
Nom 1110 days when he'3 Iw an infant in arms;
and, up to the time of his lucky, or unlucky,
appearance at hone, jest as the master of
beep Dance was congratulating himself o11
ilia absence, there was 110 0110, with the ex•
r,'ptain of hes own sous, of whom the old
general tlmrght more highly. Even 11e,
however, WAS conquered presently by the
flank boyishness of 1e.r0310 mea ter. When
the many visitors had gone, and ho was
alone with his old friends and their guest,
tors had i11 the tliealtime dropped in, and the young follow was sn delightfulhv happy
she was bound to respond to the many kind and gat that tle0TO WOO 110 resisting hint,
hien 0110e that 13038 being made to ho'. i1' het jal(e+he creckorl-old,jel,os, of course,
There wee a perfect little :Mower of in. Inse given with no pl1us:u,1 1111 assuranua of
vitatians• One hind matron seas expecting thou' 030011ally laughto'•nmlilg power that
the hops from Edinburgh -het' boys, as Lady they had store than the rCca of new ones
F1,rra knew, had left :wheel a long time ago Whet stories he toll ! What inexhaustible
-0(10 was giring a,littlegarden party, "just energy no showo,l in devising now amuse•
to amuse (hon, you know ;" would not bliss menus for felling up the brighl0nmlnee days!
Browne Ionto? Another exp(. 1 e , vi+i' final To tired of languid peoplo be would have
a telent01 musician, and w,1s 1o,duag up fel been fatiguing. But Mrs, Mackenzie and
the young people in the neighborhood who .Janet were Lecnatouled to gaiety,, and Ver.
had any knowledge of music to help hor id ('pica was 'wind/ overflowing with health
getting up a concert for the benefit of and anergy ; find the,general, who was eel.
the Deane Valley 80110013, " We shall rely d0(n without " (nye " about Itim--who was,
upon yet, Janet, 'she said ; and when 1tit:s, i1 fact, 111 his bast moods, something of an
Mackenzie protested that her Ju)ot r
,d bo "hies
elf liked noise.
nothing extraordinary -that
When; accompanied
silo eo bt 'ns I
1 L1 Janet and Verne,.
singand la a little, 1 ice fa,,y r
play nttln, to anus,, her family as rias the gate, 1 ercy started for his
and friends -Miss Browne was requested to long walk home across tho moor he had t e
ask Janet to sin , and to judge herself of satlafoolion of feeling that he had male a
good impression. Itis kind old friends had
him IS g
forgiven I 1 for weenie b neglect, o i ne a Jaunt i(1
London-wtl inustmontlon;iu jnatica toI'erey
that he had not heard of her being in towns
until she was on the Joint of returning h
1 g ansa,
and that then he had called
open hor a
,,nee Is new friend/ the handsome girl
With the curiously frank manners, who,.£rom
her unlikeness to every ono elle, had taken
hisfanoy-what did ehethin1?Petro thought
She was pleased with him, Shit had been
interested in his stories, and she had laugh.
(1w We leg, that 1 1 ,t wonheart.
to or he t,
" flow 1•;lpY you meet bo hero 1" she said
"nal o ow voice.
"•Yes we arep rott ecmfortable. It is
a good place toend one's days in, My
ileac, I hope you will bo )laney with its,"
said that old general kindly. " Your father
Was my oomrade.imarma years upon years
the change,
and otn neighbours meeting,
and a pleasant little supper in the hell
finish the avenin 'til
g With."
this too Lady Flora, who suspented
that the feolinga of the general towards her
Wore not very amiable, had been unusually
sttbdued in her manner.
When ho loft the room, and the other
Observations ma Anl1nals to Ascertain
Whether There 110 Suet 13 Thing.
That severe mental distress or fright some
times produces physical disease and o0ca'
sionally even death is an admitted fact,
although the way in which it ants has hith-
erto been but little studied.' In order in
some measure to supply the deficiency in
our knowledge regarding this matter Dr. 0,
Bassi has recently made a number of obser-
vations on animals withal apparently (lied
in aonsegtlenoe of capture. Birds, moles, end
a dog which had succumbed to conditions
believed by Dr. Bassi to resemble those
known among human beingsasacute nostal-
gia and " a broken heart' were examined
post-nlortetn. Generally there was hyper-
emic, sometimes associated with eaplllay
hemorrhages of the abdominal organs, more
especially of the liver, elan fatty end glvmu•
liar degenot anion of their 0100011 es, endemic.
times bile was found in the stomach, with
or without a catarrhal condition, Tho
Olinioal symptoms were et first th000 of ex-
citement, especially in the birri,, these be,
ing followed by depression and persistent
Tho theory suggested by Dr, Hazel is that
the nervousdisturbanoo iatrrier10 with the
duo nutrition of the tissues in such a Ivey as
to give rise to the formation of toxic Duh'
stances -probably ptomaines -which then
set up aeito degeneration of the paauohy
nialo08 elements similar to that which 00 -
oars in consequence of the action of certain
poisonous 8013itan00e 011011 as phosphorous or
to that met with in some infoot(ons (1(s•
vases. In support of this 11e(vhe points out
that Sehu10 has fatted pa enehynlatous de-
generation in persons dead from unto delir-
ium, and that Zenker found hemorrhages in
the pancreas in perscnt01vlto had dead end.
dunly ; he reier0 also to sem0 evoll•known
foots concerning negr0es in a state of slavery
old to the occasion( occurrence of ,jaundice
a1tee fright, Ile hopes that thew (tints may
11(dneo nodical oflieers of prisoners and
others to slnly both clinically a1111 enatom•
Melly thio by no means nnintotesting oe uu-
i mportau 1 stll3ject.
Between right and wrong there is maned -
(leo ground but a battle ground.
Religions ,disorders have been stirred tip
at leearos, Iu11ie, by the local autho'ft(os
cemneuomg to demolish the temple in order
to furnish a site for a1 now waterworks
Several thousand of the poorest Jewish
ev Val nsa tv all
fi1111111.es will emigrate from Western Russia
and passim( Poland in May, the destination
of most of tllom l,iaing the Argentine Ro.
Four years agoo,
" writes Col. )arid
Wylie, Broatville, Ont.,
May, ISSS, r'I
had a severe attack of rheumatism, and
coal, not stand on my foot. The pain wa
. I was blistered and purged
i trio orthodox style, beta(( to purpose.
n t or io
, r
I was advised to try St, Jnnohs Oil, which I
did. I had my alleles well rubbed and
thon wrapped with flannel Saturated with
the remedy, lit the morning I could walk
without pain.,"
As Pictured by A..1. 0lonnteney Aepbson,
or Stanley',, Q:111in Ref ot• rawly,
In civilization we know that no one is so
despotic to the lower classes as the mat who
has risen to power from those very classes,
writes A. J. Monnteney Jephson, of Slav
lay's Emiu relief expedition. No landlord
is so hard upon itis tenant es alandlord who
is a tenant himself. Thu0 in Afr(ea no
)vaster is so creel to his slave as a man who
hes been a slave himself. And so these
ae0li•barbarous slaves of the Arabs (the
\Itnyemas) are terrible in their want,n
cruelty to those whom they have in their
power. The Arabsthomaelvos, God knows,
a'e cruel enough, but the ingenuity with
which their Manyema slaves torture and
destroy poor helpless natives, to whom they
are only superior in that they have (10010, is
absolutely diabolical.
Parties of 00 or 70 Manyenta slaves are
sent out armed with guns ; those creep up
and surround a village in the night, and
justbefofo morning (lawn they fire a volley
Into the village. The panic-str(ekou naives
rush out, abandoning everything in their
Bight, while the Tlauyoma dash (n and loot
the village. A aortain number of mon are
shot down in the first tush ; the women and
children are captured and carried on' by the
slam raiders. In some 00000 a felt' of the
women and children are given back to the
surviving natives, who come timidly in to
treat 1\'1111 the nha•audors for their mum
with such tasks of Ivory as they male have
hi(ld0u in the forest, Tito lefenyoma then
leave the village, only to return again and
carry en the same tactics when they think
the unfortunate natives have again collected
anlliOioutly large stock of ivory to m11ko
it worth their while.
In the forest we came open whole tribes
aed districts ruined and ,Io' 10111ted ; there
was hardly a native hilt left0tandi3g in the
districts 11100o111 which the iwlanyoua hurl
left (heir bal(fnl trail. Tho natives in tor -
tor 11ad Ned to the woods, whore they pick-
ed up a living upon roots, insects, Oto,
The Shipwrecked Italians,
A Naples correspondent states that the
emigrants saved from the Utopia, who have
arrived in that city, one cul all apealt with
the praatest gratitude of the Manner in
which they were succoured by the crews of
H,11,S, Adson and the Freya. They seem
almost st0nnedby their misfortunes, One
man kissed the ground as soon as he stepped
10hore ; another was met by his father, to
whom he had to (tultotut0e the loss of three
brothers- A strong man and ten0 swimmer
told how, when the Utopia began to sink,
he hid thrown himself into the sea close to
the captain of the Utopia, 'I'ltroo little
ehildrnn, who have lost th0(1'' paroles, ail of
whom the relations or surname of Ibo
Youngest are not overt kno1101 (ho only said
Ile was 0,3110(1 Beppiso), ere 86ayi11g for the
1)res011t with Air. Holmes, the sub -agent tat
Naples, The had brought with tiler
n two
not clothes an 1111(11
socks fell ofd two boxes of
playthings, and sono money, linen,
had ell
boon given to tltom at Gibraltar.
upon tho earth o "a olio thin r that
tiler tt
mankind love and admirhotter than anti(.
it is a bravo or, said at
eminent man b v man •
its the roar who dares oto look the devil in
the face and toll that he is the devil.
The wards theta, waso father speaks ks to
hie ohildron iu privacy of home aro not at
first heard by the world, lett as in whispor-
ing•galloriea, they aro clearly hoard at the
end, and by posterity.
)s a concentrated extract of Sarsaparilla,
'Yellow Dock, I'Ipsiserwa, Juniper Ilorrios,
Mandrake, Dandelion, turd other valuable
vegetable remedies,, every ingredient being
s(rlotly Pttre, two the Best or Ito kind it le
possible to buy.
It Is prepared by thoroughly Oompetont phar-
m:01019, h, the 111081 careful halite(', by
a peculiar Combination, Proportion and.
(0000003, givlog to It curative power
To Itself
It will cure, when 111 the power of medicine,
Scrofula, salt Rheum, . Blood Poisoning,
Cancerous gad alt other Humors, Tfa11010,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, sick Plendaelle,
Catarrh, )ihemnatlsm, and all dlmcultios
with the Liver and Kidneys.
Xtovercomes That Tired 700118g, Creates an
Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily,
and digestive strength. The value of
138 la
Ls certified to by thousands of voluntary wit-•
messes all over the co0ntry whore it has
cured of diseases more or less severe. It
Is sold by all druggists. 81; six for $6.
Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD &
Apothecaries, Lovell, Mass.
N. B. If you decide to take H'ood's sarsape-
rlfle do not be induced to boy any other.
100 Doses
1'1,0 art of t nenoling may bo considered as
having been reduced to a 0010(100, a8 011 dis-
tance is too et Out old no metered Leu hard
to be penal 'nted if the objtut sought is suf-
ficone to justify the expense, The building
0f the C1,110 River tunnel, where iron a •1-
indens were forced through the clay by
hydraulic pressure, was a great advance in
Lilo 111t, of building tuuuele through certain
hinds of soil. The tunnel built uudtr the
streets of London. where the top of the arch
is just below the c,bhlestone pavement, was
bcilt,without fu the'lealtobstructing. travel
at the place where the work wets being ear --
on, Aec0rding to tine /attn./trio/ li or'hh,
a. tunnel 5 miles long is now being driven
through the solid rok ceder Cr11y's Pesk,
J. C. Davis, Rector of St, James"
Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.:
My son has been badly afflicted
with a fearful and threatening cough
for several months, and after trying
several prescriptions from physicians
which failed to relieve him he has
been perfectly restored by the use of
two bottles of Bo -
An Episcopal schee's German Syr,
up.. I can recom-
Rootor. mend it without
hesitation." Chronic
severe, deep-seated coughs like this
are as severe tests as a remedy can
be subjected to. It is for these long-
standing cases that Boschee's Ger-
man Syrup is made a specialty.
Many others afflicted as this lad
was, will do well to make a note of
J, F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn.,
writes: I always use German Syrup
for a Cold on the Lungs. I have
never found an equal to it -far less
a superior.
G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N J.
00 miles west of Denver, Col. This tunnel,
which is Sx1S feet, is being built primarily
to tap the mineral veins in tho mountains,
which are thought to bo quite 1)011. After
the tunnel is complete it will be enlarged
and opened for railroad trallic to accommo-
date an extension of the Utah Central rail•
way, which is to form a through line from
Denver to Salt Take. Thu0 far about a mile
of tho towel hew been driven by land pow-
er, but, a plant of ten Rand drills, with In-
gersoll Iter compressors, has jest been put in,
and an (carie light plant is soon to follow,
after which it is exputterl rho rate of work-
ing will be greatly increased. The excavating
of this tunnel is through rook about as hard
11s any that cm be found anywhere.
resacw.sumssarassrax seas sen woes a acee
uiI),9A01•()l((ti fi:'
I 4.