HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-24, Page 10B BEM AND BE}pEIV.ES 100 Colollies of Bees to Dispose of from Selected Queens. If you want empty hives for S1MMS I have a First-class one (same as I use myself), which 1 will sell you for Iess than cost, as I have more than I require. G. A. DP•,ADMAN, DO YOU KNOW That we have a Large Stock of Cheap and Beautiful Wall Papers, Borders and Ceiling Decorations, Judging from the quantity we are selling many are aware of this fact, are you G. A. DE.AD:IIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. TGRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sorrwEEN EXTENSION' W. a. eJ'C n. Tre.ins leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorla SoOTLI. Couto NOETn. Afail......., (eye eras, , mixed.. ...... )1„d) a.m. i Express.....11:47 man. Mull 8:06 p.m Mixed 0:15 pan. I Express ...... 0:46 p,m. t ".prat Nehrs Items, A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An faith he 11 prent it, Winter $1,10 at Brussels mark C ram, Timothy and garden nr(l rises treed sewers down t ltf,arsden Smith. SEI: Jamas tValker's $:l5 and $ carte, the letest and best. Cheese up your baok•yards be Board of Health gets after you• A anon brick house to rent Apply at the woollen mill, Brume D. Lowory has w large Corea a on the fouuJutiou of the new At Hotel. lee bundles Canoe wire 76o. cheaper per cwt. than last ye Gnnux• 40.s• Sr13CIAr: 10 pieces fancy aback ging. hauls at 7u., worth 10o. Maumee L HALLIDAY. SPEcxAL--I0 doz. ladles Ii'oanie silk jer- sey gloves at 50 cents, reveller price 30e. renalSON S HALLIDAY. Tate foundation of Beattie'e new livery barn is being got in order and the brick work will be pushed very shortly, As the bathing season approaches we have to announce that uudressed kids will be fashionable for small boys. THE Orangemen of this locality are booming the celebration of July 13th in Brussels. A big tnrn•out is expected. le. R. Gnox1e disposed of his wind- mill, advertised in Tree Pose, to Joseph Clegg, the well known orale dealer of Morrie towtehip, last Friday. Ganes sport is being enjoyed at the mill dam these days fishing for suckers. They have been caught in abundance, as many as 04 secured in one haul of a nae LAST Sabbath evening the organ was need for the first time in cunneotion with public worship in Melville church. It is needless to say, psrhape, that the roof is still on the betiding. REV. J. D. Eno,u, officiated very ac. oeptably in Knox church, lase Sabbath. The reverend gentleman is a brother of Thee. Edgar's, of this plane. He has just completed his course at Knox Col. 1Hk Al= 1I 24, 1891. mematmeereerneratramemeneareezemewegammesteessmemeess Flt, Ir you want a11•op alp yomrl' buggy cull I Mrs Whiting ban gone on a visit to CI TA CIe ie eeeee 111 on Armee Welker. I Stratford to her non•in.l:ta•, T. d: lin ��j� ry9^,{��1}J¢q/gi5� ° ji, g�yp�pp ry�q �'A1 VeilA BEFORE Y(1I1 BUY Bi, SliitJ,1 App ,atria nn );ntnrcl iy ^,;, a PT. 1 :y .. m tl• Hop. I id llbhlitIO ttctls'dilet 6'i Ra iid2ifiti a ell 0 C2.0J 20t11 and 27th haste. (leo, Good, •JI411i 110810, elm, Feed. I(aaitalnan, 11 Il .-.-__..-�..•,• I •'1;1: THE Cele, in and see James Walker's !1100 Alm, cud Mrs. 3). N. Brn7vn, at Wal- 30 toad buggies. They are worth the money laceburg to ere If 't ill I HEAD OFFICE - TORON7"o. Pere the n ee in town et Ferguson e1 llae Hast year. Tufo ehofeent stunts of y prints, flatmate health whia) has been felling for the i W. F. COWAN, President, 1)d ckalti ltday's. or sell. 1 Tum various implement dealers gob it le, a good day's wr,rk last Friday with the t were farmers altending the Spring Show. ueriean BEER and bee a 1pplies, smokers, empty hives (Donee style) and a number of to 111.00 swarms of Uses for sale. Apply to J. 13. at•. I3. SMITH at A, ler, McKay dt Oo.'e hardware store, Brussels, 40.2 IN Cashmere and Cotton Stockings our stook is now coaplete. We are also pro. prietors of the 'l'Jve•.fast' Stainlees Hose, warranted not to fade or rub off, Fee. (sumer af: HALLIDAY. 131r05s148. STEWART S LOwIa7r have, with- in the past few weeks, shipped 20 oars of wheat, 10 care of oats, 4 cars of dour and 3 car's of barley from Bruseele station to various points in the east. Emcee--AI1 books belonging to the Briesele Meohnnioe' Institute must be returned to the Library before the hist Wednesday of April, and all larrearnges for membership fees must also be paid by that time, so as to Chow the annual report to be completed. Persons inter- ested should govern themselvee acoord. irgly. Geo. Rogers, Pres, Miss Shaw, Librarian. 40 2 Borate oe HEALTH.—The first meeting of the Brussels Board of Health was held last efonday evening. Present — the Reeve, Clerk, Dr, Holmes, Ino. Wynn and Alex, Stewart. Ino. Wynn was chosen chairman for tris year and it was decided to give until May 1291 fur the generni cleaning up of yards, premises, So. The Inspector will matte a tour of the town and residents are asked to have the platter attended to as speedily es possible. Refusal or neglect will only cause trouble and no exauso will be taken for non-compliance with the instructions half' of this very useful and necessary Board, Mietexenu OPENING.—On Friday and Saturday of last week the spring millin- ery opening at the Garfield House took place. Much labor and thought must have been bestowed on the preparation for their opening, for the whole estab- lishment was put in holiday attire. The show of beautifully trimmed millinery was inspected by large crowds and highly commended by then. To give a minute description of the numerous styles, shapes, colors, flowers, oto. would take too much room, and we would, no doubt, fail in giving you anything like a correct idea after a11. The best way is to call and in- spect these for yew self. The manage- ment of the millinery department is under the direotion of Miss Livingstone, who has shown great taste in the trim- ming of the beautiful hats and bonnets that were on exhibition, The prevailing colors in trimming and flowers are Dorn flower bine, all shades of yellow, 111y green land pearl gray;; heliotrope, laven- der and dahlia will also be infashion. Iu the hat line the nhnpes are in great variety, but the flat hat that can be twisted into any shape will be considered among the most fashionable head gear. a Foutteu Division Court next Tuesday. T ONE.OrAR5Es ton of Dutch sets at Mc• s Oraokeu's, e Tem. fishing commences on Fridny of s next week. CLovnn, Timothy and Garden Seeds at i Tbomson's. ro HATS re -shaped. Mits. TuENatLL, 111311 S street. Brussels. G Is you want wheels on your buggy call 3' on James Walker. ro RAruo,D Sewing Machine Needles at J. G. Skene's for 23o. a package, R JOST received, 5 Barrels Dutch Sett m Onione, for este at GEo. BEXER's. 11 Asennew McKee is getting ready to T meet a dwelling on Thomas street. ag H. Kees/mi me sold a ear load of Oe potatoes this week to American buyers. Ti TIrE largest and cheapest assortment do of parasols in town at Ferguson S Halid• el day's. To Tim)yr.—Tile house lately occupied sig by W. J. Fairfield. Apply to Dn. Mc- SP LVEY, e You can get all the latest novelties in Re dress goods and trimmings at Fergusonar as Vi era at: Halliday's. g ho BETWEEN 4,000 and 5,000 euumeraturs All are employed throughout the Dominion Ti to take the omens. Grogan TnoairaoN eotd a oar load of Da potatoes this week. They were shipped the from Brussels station. 00 Two or three Inure fine days like we in had this week and the rattle of the lawn hor mower will be beard in the land. we A taew verandah is beieg put up at See Mrs. Hinstone's residence), John street, hen by Messrs. Bawtinhimer ,4 Edwards. nos A caw tin roof is being put on the of northern section of Dr. Graham's fine apo blook by Messrs, Ballantyna aft Wilton. Ole A sew refrigerator, built on an im• she proved plan, bas been put up by Wm. mo Bleshill, butcher. Bishop Ward did the work. Tae bottom kicked out of prices on all wo anddwwork. gg ns 00 James Repairing oWal Walker's, .Alld l Bron work guaranteed, to ah NEXT Sabbath morning Bev. lefr. Sel- of iv lery will preach on the 'Temptation of ward Christ," and in the evening his topic will The be •'Life through Christ." prize NoTrcE.—Ail persona indebted to the pont firm of Stewart & Lowick, of the National one e Roller mills, are asked to settle the same Near on or before the let of May. Stewart 131 test. Lowick. toga centre of attraction in uare is now the eveninge and the Once almost all kinds of sports are indulged Les in. Brussels takes no bank seat on W. F athletics. recta New signs have been hung out by W. basem M. Sinclair and Dr. Cavanagh. W. eels, Roddick did the work as well the decreed. genal ing of the kettle at Ballantyne S Wilton's, intere in his usual testy style. mann Solan people think that a one -cent numb stamp attached to a piece of will go t said board tions through tbe he mails in lieu .toe a those postcard. This is a mistake, as 4 Deals vote o re. charged to any person receiving a note bell o 30 the form referred to. Kerr. J. & J, LlvrNeeTONE'9 men commenced diepen sowing flax seed on Wednesday morning Rev. oe this week. They purpose putting in a Noe Inge acreage this Spring in this locality. fake 7 Wm, Bright, the energetic manager of Domin Brussels mill, is pushing the work along answs at a lively pane, tion in %Le -Dm -tee AND DRILLING.—George that J Birt has all the necessary machinery for The p diedgtonattend toand rall work llin le trusted e and is primer. oohiim in a way that will insure malefaction. Wells er above cleaned out and Terms reaeonable.tt Iteeidence second door north of the bridge, west Ride of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.10 2745.00 In Gctn Fan A WISE. --.We truth give to the first person telling us before June 1st, 1891, where in the Bible the word "wife" f0 first found 2100.00 in gold. To the next 250.00. To the third, 225.00. To the fourth, 220.00. To the fifth, 216.00. To tate sixth, 210.00. To r the next tut $5 .each, To the next 2ii, �2 each. 20 the pere0 , sending in the last correct answer, u e will give 2100 in gold, To the next to l le lest 250, and so on 001)18 as tram the first, With your answer ete. in etarepe, for de bot25 0 of Dr. Cole sor 7 Blood and Levet Pine, the bast Blood, Liver and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure for Dick headaolte. Don't gripe. Be. member the presents ate abeolutely free, being given away to advevt300 Dr. Cola's Perfect Pillar and I'arndly Remedies]. At the close of the contest the names anti addreeeea of ell the prize winners will ape pear in thio paper. We refer you to the Traders' Bank of Orilla, Send al once end be 0r 1, Addrees, Horne eapeeiflo 00., Oril la, Out. SomEnser hes disposed of a ere of land, immediately south of the own Hall, to Postmaster Farrow for the um of 2350. A brick residenoo will be rested on the property next year, itis aid. It is a good site. .220,—A fine of 220 and costs may be mposed upon any person who kills bins and other harmless birds. The 0e goes to the complainant. Reeve raham says he is on the look out for ouths who do the bird slaying. Nest bbers are liable to the same fine. HL uosEAL. Last Wednesday evening ev. S. Sellery, B. D., tied the matri- onial bow between Daniel Denman and fee Alice L. Denbow, both of Brussels. he ceremony took place at the parson - e. Miss Emma Denbow and Samuel iter supported the bride and groom. mere was a supposition that it was a uble wedding, but the report was net rreot. Nansr•.ity .Toch eon S.tx..—The under. ued has a large quantity of Norway race for sale, from 1 to 3 feet high ; roe he t O stuU s 6 to 8 feet, s , 25c, each ; d Cherries, 5 to 0 feet, 25o. each ; Grape nes in variety, 25e. each, and two green uses full of House and Bedding Planta. hinds of vegetable Plants in season. ON/As KELLY, Brussels, 40.4 Fumes morning of lest week Robt. ubow was engaged hauling earth from cellars being dug and dumping it it. of the bridge, widening the road. backing up to do the "dump" aot the se went too far and over the bank nt horse, cart and driver into Mrs. D. tt'0 garden. Help was speedily at d and the horse extricated from his omfortable position. The eum total njury done was a broken finger and they one damaged for Bob, a out on hind leg of the horse and a broken ft on the cart. It was fortunate that re damage was not done. Thin In nn Easy Owe, 0EE Tnrr.—.The success of our last rd finding contest, just closed, en. ages us to offer another Free Trip id the World, or rte cash equivalent e person sending in the largest list catch spelt the Came forward and back- , such as "Pip" "Bob" "Hannah." contest closes May 15. Three daily e for the three largest lists received. est is open to the World. Every - ending ten words will get a prize. ly 1200 won prizes in our recent con. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, Cher with a large illustrated meta- . Address Bell's Magazine, Orillia, crunn.--Last Tuesday evening Rev. . Campbell, of Blyth, delivered his re on "The Wedding Ring" in the ent of the Methodist church, Brus- For about an hour the reverend eman dwelt upon his theme in an sting, amusing and instructive er. The lecture contains a large er of practical points P and P alleges• that cannot fat! to be helpful to P interested e sated if mit into practice, A f thanks was given Rev, Mr. ()ame- n motion of Geo. Rogers and W. 13. Sandwiches and coffee were then sod with Methodistic liberality. Mr. Gallery occupied the ohnir. A "Fees" Joonuee.—"Ie it another " is a question the friends of the ion Illustrated have frequently to r with regard to the prize competi. augurated by the publishers of ournal for the current six mouths. ubiishers have themselves given at answer to that by publishing the prizes. There are 100, aggregating o over $8,000. The first is 27110 and time smallest is valued at 25. ompetition onside in finding in t numbers of the eonrual the s to thirty.six questions, six of aro published eeoh month. On of 12 cents in stamps, the pub. (the Subiston Litho, alt Pbu. Co., al) will send sample copy with the be list of in vale in gold The o 00men answer Which receipt liehere Mentes full nal • FOOT BALL.—At a meeting of lovers of foot ball last Friday evening Lew, Jaek• son was clmosen Captain ; Wen. Sloan Secretary -Tress.; and Peter Ferguson,' Sam, Ramsey end Jae, I3allautyno with the Captain and Sec-Treas., Managing Committee. It was decided to tellthe team the Brussels T'oarlees Football Club. They arc now open for ohalleneee for friendly matches from neighbo@Ing teems. The managers of the club are expecting e, lively season and pro. pose purebaeing a now uniform and other necos0ariee to ptit time ltickere in fighting trim, Brussels naw hag cricket, lactoses, foot ball agd gun clubs organized and with a few base ball clubs and a couple of lawn teenie Organisations utero l5 no reason why the sporting element should I not be in their glory Ole summer, `34'o hew) aornto good foot bullere in Crewels, PEIISO\Af, P,Ut1NiEAPBS. --- Miss Mary Howe is on the sick list Old Mr. Edwards has been quite it Wm. H. Burgess spent dund Guelph. S. B. Small ]las secured a situatio Toronto. D. Hayden is temporarily laid mend a sprained foot. Jas, Rose is away at Loudon and Emit this week. Wm. Cornish has gone to Brant for a few weeks. Rev. W. Norton, of Mount Forest, in town this week. Mise le. Cavanagh, of Elmira, is vi ing in town tints week. Miss E. E. Kerr is home from Dur] on a visit for a week. D. Roberts ie working at hie trade Wingliarn for the present. Lorne Hunter, photographer, was vi ing at Craubrook last Monday, Alex, Hunter, Division Court Ole was away in Toronto this week. Mrs. Samuel Burgess has been q ill with inflammation of the lungs. W. B. Dickson paid a visit be the 0 town on legal business last Monday. Fred. Burgess, photographer, of Bra ford, was home for a visit this week. Rev. Jew. Ross, B. A., is attending t Presbyterian Synod atLondon this we Thos. Hall, of the Revere House, 1 been on the sick list for the past 1 weeks. J, T. Cook combined business e, pleasure in a trip to Galt and Brantfo last week. Jas. J31ashill, shoemaker, is ill th week with an attack of inflammation the lungs. A.J Lowick tants of easing the Pad coast before he iccatea in business an where after May 1st. F. J. Benneet, County Organize Patrons of Ioduetry, is away on a vie to his home in Wyoming, Lambton 0 R. L. Taylor, Barrister, has been eu fering for a short tine with thea very u comfortable trouble inflammatory thou mutism. John Burgess carne home from Garde River, Algoma, Inst Wednesday, in re sponee to a telegram, owing to elle eeriou illness of his mother. Thomas Gibson jr., of Wroxeter, of the firm of alfesers. Smith, Malcolm de Gib. son, of thie place, purposes b i r 1 eoonun 1 a I 6 resident of Brussels, we understand. L, II, Towers, wife and son, 0E .Exeter, have removed to Brussels and intend to beeomo residents of this place. Mr's. Towers is a stater to Nes. D. A. Small, J. 17. Sparling, butter maker at Neu - strait, left for the scene of operations last T teeslay. The factory is being enlarged 1 and improved and a large increase is ek- peotod iu the season's output, Geo. Hin aton and g n Emory Ili • 1 n sawn ]tie son, of Joliet, Illinois, were in town for a few days this week. Mr, Ilin4eton is a No. 1 stenographer and holds a good positihealth isn mn the fl first-olase nowaboVe named, Hie Jelin Anglo, who served big apprentices, ship at blaokemlthing with S. Plan, Brussels, Loft on Tuesday of this week for Hartford, Michigan, where he has se. cured a situation with Angue McIntosh, e former resident of Grey township. biisgee Sarah and Rachel Porter, of Derry, Ireland, have been vioiting their enure (Joint Coueley) and members of his tamity in T3rdace iS. The young ladies recently arrived from the Emerald Ile and purpose malting tilde home in On- tario, ay in n in e by De• ford was sit. tam ill eit- rk, uito e. nt- he ek. sae Ivo 1)d rd is of Ho Y- r, it O. 0- n- n e• s Ciatrrettlttll MOWN. John Smarr, aged 71 of Bawd m ship, fell down and died T'ueatlav ere n his barns on fire. The ehnok wa ntneh for him, Rev G. G, efoltobbie, who resigns plaeterltte of the Preshy teriatn Church, leidgetotvn, to accept m call to Shelburne, wan presented meth an 01•Irees and purse containing $300 by his Ridgetown 00egro- ga1lon Saturday. .Editor Mungoran, of the Orangeville Post, teas I>sfore, the magistrate at lertampton on Monday, charged with criminal libel, preferred by John Wil• loughby, of Ohm Liston, 31r, .Muagoran was coulmilted for trial. The case will likely be heard at the Spring Assizes at Brampton. Bail was acoupted. A most remarkable case of faith took place at Geato cm Thursday. Free- ' Sweet jr,, had been i11 for some time and during the past month he had been gradually growing worse. On Wednos. day, the doctor gave up all hope and on Thursday, Mr. Sweet, gave up himself BALI was satisfied that be could not get better. 7To was very bad suffering in- tensely from spasms which would seize tam at frequent Intervale, ]lis wife and family and friends were at hie bedside oxpectmg every moment would be bis est. His brother, Junes, of Kingsville, vim is a local preacher, said he believed here was a aura and asked the friends seembled to kneel iu prayer. He prayed loud and said "Lord, Thou bath sold het what we ask in faith, believing, Thou ould give. We take Thee at Thy word nd ask Thee to restore Frank Sweet to is health." This he repeated twice. At he conclusion of the prayer, Francis west, roes up, got out bed, dressed him - elf and is to day a well man• He des. ribes his sensations as very peculiar. e says something appeared to enter his oubh and passed through his body to the end of his toes and fingers, leaving 3m free from pain and perfectly healed. number of the leading people of Geste ere present, at what they supposed was death bed and witneeeed a wonderful currence. The prohibitionists of \Vest Brace ave buckled on their armor for another mpaign. Two years ago the Scott Aot as repealed in this county, and temper - noes workers emphatically affirm that noe that limo drunkenness and its at- udant evils hsso been largely increased. hey now purpose taking advantage of 0 local option provisions of the Ontario epee law and ,wiping out the liquor Milo in ae many municipalities ae esible. Mr. Spence of Toronto has en holding meetings for soma days est i.1) different parts of the riding and lightening the electors in reference to e details of existing legislation. He oke to an enormous audience on Sun - y night in the Methodist church l(it- rdine. A convention of workers from fferent municipalities was held in the wn Elall Monday after.toon. After a od deal of discuesiol a resolution was opted, by an unanimous vote, express. aGlaring inlof favor of anlimmediatetion v'and cam. g1) to secure enactment in different elities. There was another rousing se meeting in the Town Ball Monday ht. Temperance sentiment in West uoe is strong, and if the promoters of a crusade work as they did in the 00 Act contest they will be pretty tarn to make a good record of Joeal ion victories. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier, CAPITAL, Ac'riolnsEn, - • 52,000,000 town. PAM UP, . • . • 1,.000,000 see- Raehlla'E b'C1O, . 400,000 8 t1 • —_— Agencles 111,411 principal points in Outrage, d the Quires, lalaulteba, Un(tod stains and . Englund. Brussels Agency. A General Bunking Easiness Trnmsaeted. Farmers' and other good Notes'Dlsucunred at lowest rates. Drafts Issued 4553 Oellnn- atone made on all pointe. Deposits received and interest 1(1101•Od at entreat rates. SAVINGS BANK, »payite) of 51 and upwaron ds from Bankto of care c7epostt to data of withdrawal, and cum - on half yearly. Procnet attention and every facilitynitord- nd auetomor'9 living at 11 dletitnee, G. P. SCOLF IELD, Agent. Bruseele, April ebb. 1801. It 1 n a w a H m ht w a 0e h co a ar to T elm tic tr n be en ill Sp da ea di to go ad ing de par loo ma nig Br thi Soo car opt S3ITx.—In Grey, on the 11tH inst., the wife of Mr. Amos Smith of a son. Nlonor.—In Elm, on the 15111 inst., the wife of Mr. Jae. Nichol of a daugh. ter. ELLTOTT.—In East Wawanoalt, on the 911 ianet.,eon. the wife of Mr. John Elliott of bfo3'tneese.—On April 12th, at Boisea• vain, Manitoba, the wife of Mr. J. II, McFarlane of a son, MAmemIef]3, Derseeter—DENr1ow.—On the 22nd inst., at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev, 5, Selley, B. D., rear, Daniel Denman to Mies Alio L. Deubow, all of Brussels. CO0LTIe—LAWMIN0n._Ll Morris, on the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. God. free, Mr. Basil Gooltis, to Nettie, eldest daughter of Mr. Chas, Law. • MOD000A n— L LR Co ' ILr,.—Ab the Co no r etenaparsonage Bowmanville, April 8th, by Rev. Ma. gee Pratt, Mr, J. N. McDougall, of Bowmanville, (formerly of Grey) to Mies Etta, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Corwin, of Darlington. HAMILTON. -111 Atwood, 00) the Beth Anat., Ellen Robb, wife of the late Robert Hamilton, aged 55 years, 0 months and 1(3 days. w— sM n2.,0 aE.ca.r r_o=lx 0 stss Fall Wheat 1 07 1 10 Spring Wheat 1 07 1 30 Barley... 80 55 Oats 50 51 Peas 73 75 Butter, tube and rolls,.. 113 14 Eggs per dozen.....,.... 10 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50 Potatoes ..,. 50 60 Hey per ton 5 00 (3 00 Pork .. „ 5 00 5 50 Hides per lb..,. 4 00 ` bn lt o r 1111 Sheep skits,eiaa)etafl..,,,1 25 00 Lamb erring each 40 70 Wool, per 11. 18 60 20 how's InseeeLn, APtnr, 22.--Oattle—To• day's fresh robeipts aero only 1 car of gale stook the baianoe being oofleigned thronglm ; the nntrket ruled with a good inquiry, and more could have been sold had they boon here. Sheep --Receipts were heavy,nearly 130 oars ; reports from below were better however, and the tear- ket ruled strong end firm to a 0hede bigher in some 00800,and a fair clearance Was made. flogs—Beeeipts were light, only 8 tare and 7 cars held over from yesterday ; the mttritot was very dull end des my for all kinds at fully loo to 350 (laoliue for all but a few choice solootei Weights, • OPPO1RTUNITY. Master of human destinies ala I, Fame, love and fortune on my foot- steps watt, Cities ami fields I walk, I penetrate Deserts and seas remote. And passing by and mart and palace, 0001) or late I knock unhidden once at every gate. If sleeping wake ; if feasting rise before I turn away ; it i0 the hour of fate. And those who follow tate roach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death ; but those who doubt or hesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and woe, Seek me in vain, and useless implore ; I °newer not, and I return 1)) more. But fail not in this respect : Seize every opportunity to travel Over the Chicago, Milwaukee ce St. Paul Railway. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENERAL SERVANT WANT - ed. Apply at once. MILS. W. M. SINOLAIR. MONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE Irlu,ds. Apply to Saimaa llIlesemr, Joliet, Illinois, er to 01.tf TH08, KELLY, Brussels. SEED BARLEY.— FOR SALE of Carter's Pro�enliaoli4o Barley, grown quantity last Year'slmperted toed. 51- R. GRAHAM, Brussels, DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN teres4 Ap lyat Tana poimPublislinsteHeise, Brussels. 41.4 J. 19, ARMSTRONG, rrio CONTACTORS.—TENDERS Wanted for the mason work of a bink barn, 65x70 feet, on N i lot 07, coll. 0, Morris. All material now on the ground, Tenders received until Saturday, May 2nd, at O P. m, Contract prion to be paid as 500o ae work 10 completed. For furtherparticulare 09913, to 412 30121g M00NEY, Brnesele P.O. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• sale mat to re at has terms, in Pownnshies of150551s and Grey. F. 8. 50OTT. Erosiols, 37-tr. CHOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— V Lot 14, Cos, 12, Grey ; 100 acres ; first. class buildings. A rare bargain to 0 cash purchaser. Title perfect. Apply at once to W. M. SIN OLAII0, Solicitor, Brussels, a0. OH0ICE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, eon. 0. Morris, 100 agree, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, flue voting bearing orchard, Immediate pos- session. -horsy Torus. Apply to W. M. mesonAIB, tf- Solicitor„t:c•, Brussels. ti OUSE'AND LOT FOR SALE. — i1 Tbo aubectiler offers her bonenstr 0051 lot, corner or James aed eote, 13rueeole, Tbero Is n comfortable house, good stable, splendid well, &o, on the pre. wises, l acre of laud. Lbs further partiou• /ars as to price, tonne, ..to. 100.018111700 MRS. WM. McOIILLOUGH, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE.—THEUN- dersigned oilers his valuable 100 acre farm, beiug I,ot 12, Con. 0, Grey, for solo. There are 88 soros under crop, boluses tlmbaro d, There is a good orchard, wails, Jco, on the vremises, besides ea to g house bank &o. 17 , R' the s1)d! don reasonable terms. a. Far. rico and p u full particulars apply HABIII1tlf, Brtasela P, 0, or JN SEeTT1113, Soaforth, Out. - trema BOO ACRE FARbI FOR SALE '+r Te undersigned 1 • t • offer their well located farm containing P.00 acres, being Lot 6.000.10 and Let 0, Con, 11, Gray township for sale. There is a Ing bouto, good outbuilding• largo °retard, water [amply, Bply, 40. ch he promises, YheviltuelIfrilageoras�Lullpatot'n thriving pride, terms and conditions of sale may be ascertained on ap_tpliaatiou to 57.10 FERGUSON 13It08., Teesavater'. 'AL'IJABLE 50 ACRE FARbt V inn IMALE,—BoIug west 1 Lot 11, Don, 0, Grey, 01 miles from lirassole, The lend IS good slay loam, well' dralue0, mostly all cleared and In good orde•, Or,O acre of or- chard in good repair, There is a never fail - at Etre buildingls, premises i u>11111 geaare comfort- able. Would take suitable property iu or uotar BO'uesels ae part pay. For fnrtltor par- tlenlere apply on aha 1 )s wises to THOS. MCGltiliiORR, or address Brussels P. 0, 11010 bio RENT— THAT DESIR • A111.10 property !tary aired, 01tl, owned 1)Y the estate ofthe late Danford, baiug anent ag acres of land With good frame duelling, burn, stable s and driving shed,- and >1011 wail pute5,also good orahar 3, Willbe Mika fns tInee or 1198 youri toto agood tenant. NuneatNuneatonPossee- e1011 e10)1 be given. Applpp to • 71, 0, Di1NL'O RD, MorchitutTailor, Brussels,' Ont. 8d•ttA Mo:errne IIiV, Man Clerk, b1 F011 SAL];, -TBE UN - .441 N. T nEnefoNIID °flare for Cale the north Cau,tlyaof flof n eon thinii g 1'11 nnr5s, Morrie awl le of first quality audio fthigh state of x1101 11tio,1, well fenced and nueet•eralnee 6 hetes e)earod, NCwfratile honed, 0 rooms 11111 house with oone etc walla, 2 wens e,bd barns and 0115,0 orchard, ore, Eight of tali wheat, This desirable property dieing the sol• Oration of Brussels, knit. ria twos will he 'i On Titio perfect. 30. JA3LI96 CM•RUPVSI,Owner, 8eaforih PA). 1 al ^--ANO-- 0 OD —AT -- Pel per's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. BANKING. M'0INTOSH ek MGTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Tre,nmaet a q-ozaexal 330.rnlciu3 23tiarsiueso. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Cnundian and United States Drafts bought and sold, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections mode on favorable terms. COOadlaa Agents —hh ncn.sr'e 130115 or CAnInn, New York Awools—tirronr'ras A3.n Tnan Ells NATIONAL 13ANE, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. .1.. kI,a TAYLOR, OR Bse. TE�z.,ainus GOnto r, Oolae- thinsmade, 01IDor—gmlstov1)'s Bl Brus•oslo, 31.11n• bf. SINCLAIR, lie, &o, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, No tart' Pub, of Pepper's Drug Store s Private dr, ito Loan. DICKSON (11 BAYS, rich,) (Late with GBelioitore rO nvevancerrs. &o. Omeee—Ttressele anti Seefnrab• Brus- sels 0805—Up-otaire over Bank. Molloy to Loan, n.e.3495, M. E. DICKSON 1 R M. TAYLOR, B. C. L. of Taylor, McCain Solicitor, 13 t'o,oBar isters Solicitors, &a., 0,1 tdoluide Street East, TO. ronto, Money to Loan, BUSINESS CARDS. M1SS O'CONNOR, Teacher Of Organ ane Piano. 40.tf Princess street, Br„ Cools, W • g. MoORAo]IEN, Isourer ofkiarri,ageLiceuees. Odloo at his Grocery, Turnberry street. /30lasele. N. BARRETT, south Of A. M. McKay e Co's hardware store.. Ladies' and childrone hair nutting a specialty A MoNAIR, • Isserer of Dinning° Licenses, by appointment of Lieut,-C,ovornor, Commis. stoner, &e , Q. A. Conveyancer and Agent Fire !enranee (lo, Office at the Oranbrook Poet O81oo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- FIRE ANO MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX.. HUNTER Co` Heron of onveyyancer, Notary Public, Land Loon and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made, Moe 11) Grahame Blook, Brussels. M188 SHERLOCK, Toronto Late of 11tO livery lessons at Ethel and Oranbronk. Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Mr. 8. H. Clark in vocal all oto. Close at Oran brook every Minivav, For terms, &e., apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel, 'SS OALR TOrgan, Organist 01er Piano, i Dili sa°niurcln,lPipe Prue - eels, solicits a Share of tho patronage of the muaf0-loving people of Brussels and vleiu- ity. 1netruatione given at currant rates. Terms, references, &o. may be ascertained by calling at the residence of lots. Danford er., Tmroeriy street, Brussels. 7-tf DENTAL. a f]y.7'm113TR'X' i G. L. Rall, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Fainlees Llsersotion of Tooth. 74 GuSrard Street East.TOaoNTU, 1srNTztee T! M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal Calle a of .Dental Surgeon)), ant 1; Ontario, and pof Toronto BorgiaY GDPI ,OVOY Pepper's Drug Store, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- te rid sales of farms, farm stook, &c. Ternoe obenrfully given. Cr801350ak P. 0. SaloR may bo arranged at Tau Poem Publishing House, Brussole, �EORGE KIRKBY, Llealised Aaetlutoor. Rales conduct- ed ou reasonable tonne. Fars and farm eteokasuoealty. Orders left at 7,'0'8 POST Pub118)11 Fionae,13ruoriole, or sent to Walton P, 0., will reactive prompt attention, 1-f AVIV G TAKEN OUT LIC.PtN- to comtuetnsolos of farm stooklabreaso reasonable prices. knowing the standing of Dourly dray person I am 1n a position to sell to good Marks and get good security when sold on oredit, Sattsfactiouuaranteed. Give mea call. 82, 1 8, SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. OALE, Nt.D,, 0.141., i f Member of the College ofP1i 1 end Someone of Ontario by elan71ui Physician. Chloe and )residence—Main street East Ethel, o” iatric, J• A. bMoNAUGFIT0IV, L D, • 0. 111,, 1,, It. 0.P., Edinburgh, 111.0, P S. Got, AE Pepper's 151llg Stere from 0 to 11:55 a, In, and from 1:00 to d p. in, At other bouts may be found et his Oeol isnee, form- erly ooc)piod by Dr, Ilutchitlson, Milt st, VETERINARY. WARWICK, • f doEes• Honor Graduate re Pr of the tort 13 eso0400o College, Ie Pre/mead tI host alt dioceses la tl,er I'a ilio a,,r Munition e In a com- petent manner, Partisans attention pater to wain -leery eentlstty, Calls promptly at. tended to, Moo and 1nf1•olary--'j'wa Wore no,'1b of bridge, Turabokry stet Mummers, 1