HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-24, Page 91 AP -AIL 17, 1801. LATEST FROM EUROPE. ^ The IJse of Oplum Defcntied in the British House of Commons --A iloore. M Oana- Won Immigration—Affairs on the Danube. Ina defeat of the Governments in the lIoase of COMMODS the other eight by it inns ty of thirty was du o to dieted management of the Conservative whips, and will have no mportant poll ical con eequelices, The opium queetion hue nevee been strietly party one. The politic:inns of ell eluoles opin• ion admit that theoretically 10 le tt very wicked thing for the Government of Indio L o raise millions of revenue from the opitun troffer, and for the British Government to 1111 its exchequer with the proceeds of taxes upon Uglify ; but fa each ease the trouble le how to obotin the same am nint of Immo' ie a more desirable manner, India would loan over 5,000,000 rupees not revenue: yearly if the cultivation of opium were prohibited as proposed in the Honse of Commous, told it is not likely that as the mover of the resolution the ether night suggested, " for the sake of Christianity, ino• relay, and humanity," Eugland will pay Indio thtst amount out cf her own pocket. Two members were not trammed to defend the opium tattle, end indalgence 1,, the drug as well. Of the three parliamentary seats now vise. not the oity of London will not 14 eantested by the Liberals, but they will fight and probably wit, Whitehaven, and are not without hope of wresting the Woodstoek division of Oxfordehire teem the Tories, although they ore labouring looter initial disadvantage of being uneble to lhid their clinsee cannel:Ye who is travelling in foreigu perte unknown, It is esseeted that the best eines of British et:lig:suite show au increasing diepesition to go to Catinolit in preferenee to the United Star tes. The Alm; alesian ie(' newel:lent is duo to the persist out prepaganda, carried on from he Hish Commiseireier's (ace in Lotidon, end 10 0,1110eetiol1 11,ere:111i th tO the admirolde plait ::1 eel:ding to CS:nada every year et delegation of tenalit farmers to see the country and revs.; up.a: 11,, esenrees and capabilities. The reputtn (011,10 by last year's delegates ['eve heel: embodied in a pamphlet. of which to, fewer that 000,• 000 have been printed end aro le ilia" (Arent. atod theougliout the United Kingdom. Jr is thought the full effect of this missionary work will not be felt untl 110N t sensor:, loot every one coneerned seems coetident that 189e will witness a great boom in Canadian emigration from this Englaad. Some uneasieess is felt in diplomatic cir- cles, and is publioly expressed, at the aspect of affairs on the Danube. No doubt what- ever exists that the Russian Government is actively moblifizing very lergo forcee of cavalry, imantry, end artillery ntong the froutiere. Russian influences ave completely paramount, in Romaitnia and Servia, tool what is deecribed by a Govinan cliplotnntist as a state of politic:id war exists between the Russet") agents Red Bulgaria, How seriously the eituation is viewed at Berth:, notwithstanding the optimist statements recently published in the Berlin official prees, is inferred from the fact that wherene two monthe ago 1.101:11111I1 officials negotiating for 0 11090 Bulgarian loan were ad vieed by t he GormanGoyern merit not to tak e m ensures for bringing it, out in Berlin lest 1211001011 sus- ceptibilities might be offended, in now un- derstood Oa: the Berlin banks will take the loan openly and that quotations will be made for it when it is issued on the Berlin ex- ohange. The consequences of this need riot be dwelt upon. In short, many things in- dicate that Lord Salisbery's " etulden sum. mer shower of war" ma.y break over Europe almost at any moments So fire as Soria IS concerned Russittn influence is now openly accepted. King Milan's nog,otiotions with Patchich appear te be coming to a antis- foctory eonclueion on this basis the King giving up all his Austrein proclivities, and the Russians agreeing that Queen Natalie shall be kopt outeof the country on 11)0 000' 01101005 (151-001 upon between her husbeed and the regents, Meanwhile the Servians are negotiating for the purchase of 100,100 rifles. TIIE BRUSSELS POST. GOEBT OP O10WS7,--- --- a aternarhatoy Queer Sight Seen in a Pre• 11101410(1 state. I never wnrild have 1,elieve:1 storiee .told about crow jostle() had not, attended their "court," says Ewing limbed, 111 the Kansas City Slat.. One beautiful day ill December I wan ridlog 011 t110 p.11410 read two miles north of HaI0111i, Kau, I had noticed great llochs of crows flying ithout 100, and when nearlog It cottonwood grove, in making a titrit to the right, law hundreds of them perehed in the trees in solid lino to the mid ol the rows. I had read eoinewhere that clews were well -governed birds, and whoa I saw thio liticalooking body I judged thot it Bat ther0 00 give trial 10 all (Ander of Roma sort, I stripped my horse, half fearing the erafty birds would fly—adjourn: court or continue the case. To my deliglit no atten- tion wee peid to mo—it takes a man with a gun to dieturb these mocking, impudent blaelelees. I Wan just in time to bear and see all that was done, From a, tree at the head of a row, wbere ton crown eat, thore 0101110 BU011 lOtld and repid clawing as I never heard before from so few throats, and every 11010 and then all Ole fleak joined in making the 110100, end the chorus thus furnished was ell that could have been miked if noise was desired. After twe or throe minetes 01 11110 racket o silent rest was token, which witis broken by 11010010 urow, who made a little talk in the crow dialect, followel (slickly by others. Things became more dignified and my in• 101001 10 the proceedings Wan 00 111tenae that when a fine, fat bird submitted a few remarks and was applauded by general cawing from every bird proseat 1 could scarcely keep from clopping my hands. Suddenly twelve crows flew clown the line twiee and back tool all was still as they ditl so. 19000 amused and startled. This night be tr jury of crows on paeoele. And I believe it was. Af ter two or three crows had again spoken the twelve flew down the linos once morn ; bet this time there were fierce ems from or els' Lwow onswer to 00100 from the twelve. aly fancy explained 1 The mry was: seekiug its verdict in pedalo opinion, foal the excited crowe, like revolutionaey mobs, elemoneled blood. Beek to their perches for the laet time flow the crows and again a silence fell not unlike tile abrept 111101) of's:out:tromp whispere tie the priseuer eteps forward to learn the woret. But 1 mulct distinguish n M looked for the peer tel OW there Was a great angry CILNV from 0001 CrOW and all new to the cen- ter of the line, where, as I live, they tore throe of theie nesnepeating kind in shreds, leaving only a few feathers to float upward and eat of bigl t. as they separated end noise. loesly llow away, seemingly Beth:lied with whist timy hool done. Prone and England to rbitrate, As was stated in last week's FOILICS'll ANT, 'FA UM, France and England have egi eel to arbitrate their Newfoundland difficulties. Accompanying that statement 00110 1.1101001' dear:ring that the 0011,11y 90, to bo eoereed into giving effect to the trolley of the lin' pedal government. This natatory rebel quite a storm in Nowfoundittod and 011 Tuesday a depotation of merehentis gaged in trade with the Island visit- ed Mr. William Hooey Smith, the Gov, ernmeet leader in the House of Cum. mons. Mr. Smith, in addressing them, re pudiated any desire on the part of the Government to eueree tho people a New. foundlend. The British Government, no said, was hound by 110111.0 1, and when the other peril held viem 0 so strongly as France did, there WM 110 alternotive fee arbitration but war. If the Newfoundland. ers thought the terms of arbitration rvere injarioue Le their interests, the Govern- ment was prepared to hear their views on the matter ;but it must, be 1 emernberedthat the conditions: of the arbitration were imparted to the colony before they were agreed to by the Imperial Government, whiciti, being responsible for the peace of the empire, must be responsible for the conditims under which it endeavored to procure the s men of an extremely difficalt subject In reglad to objeotions, omissions and admis- sions of the treaty, a basis o! arbitration must be agreed upon between the parties. The French 000tentions could nob be ignored. We must ascertain whether their vlew is right or wroeg. One ,gentlemen had objected to limitation of the arbi• teistion. He himself desired it should be extended to include all points of difference, but the Government had every hope thot as the orbitretion proceeded a decision night bo arrived nt regarding the most i10. portant points of difference. When onoe the rights of the respective pertiee were awes tamed 11 11105111 Impossible 10 0911.00' into n ego • deafens to settle efiliculties which had ex- isted mere than a century, The Government contemplated the probability of arriving at 41 decision as to other righte, which ho ad- mitted had. been paiiitul subjects to New- foundlanders, and had had, undoubtedly, moll impended tho developing of thocolony. Refoering to the necessity for the modus vivendi 111 view of the approach of the fish- ing 10400i19 he said a moet bit .mmatory doe- ttmenth od been circulated on the westcoast of Newfoundland, and was likely to seriously imperil the peace, This showed 1.110 19)50)10)' of the case and the deng,er 00 whith tho was exposed by restatonce to an twang. ment directed solely to scouring tho interests of Newfoundlanders. Itavasperfectlytruothot 11 rteenctoted old power's, bet simply with a view to seaming peace ond exerting the ter- rible oonsequenee which worth" result !roma breach thereof. Tho Imperial GOV01111Mallt Wan compelled, much against, ita will, 10011- 01)9491.010 performance of the treety ob'igotions by the Loco' Legisleturo, The Uoeernment did not desire to interfere inin Urea ooneerns of the colony, but \Odle the treaty remained THE FINGER Important Reasons Why (ke)' Should tie Siept 01,011, There is to common belief thee the finger nails etre poisonous which Wets is nittural enough, considering the fact that sereachee made by them are generally quite irritable and much incliner' to neusual mflammution. The reasoning is erroneous, however, for, as fel' 00 is known, the ottils themselves do not Mee poisonouit propertiee. nor trouble excited by them is due to the foreign deposits under them, In other words, 1± 000 keeps his finger nails clean, seretches cannel by them will he no more irritable than those produced by any like instrument that is considered innocent. The results a the examinetions made in Vienna show that it is more important that the finger nails be kept clean than naly would suppose. Segenty.eight wore made, and there wore found thirty kinds of micro. cocci, eighteen different booilli and three kinds of weenier besides, 009000011 mold spores were proson't in many Matinees, It 900111d S00111 fr0111 that the apnoea TELBGH &PHI° TICKS, La grippe is agala epidemic in Sheffield, Fingland. Coattnakers in WIlldflOr /ID" litrnek for higher wages, Alonzo Speneer of Now York hen been appointed United &otos (200801 et Planta lo. 8. retail grouers of Toronto will eirou. late petitions for the Owing of raw sugar on the free list. Tito eastbound 0. 1', R. morose met with two mishaps between Rat Portage and Lake Superior on Sunday. 8090001 dead balies were fomul in the Lachine enual at. Montreal when the water Wan let ME Indian tribee in Colorado end NOW MOX. 100 110011 lost nearly all their livestock in the past winter:Si eternal. Charles J. Weir, assistant trainmaster 0)1 the Michigan Central at St. Thomas, eliot himself dead the other morning, The Gonadial) Pacific Railway Co. has issued in London Se 1,000,000 of mortgage bonds on its Minneapolis and Sault line, A groat meeting of striking weavers at Bradford, Eng., yesterday wee dispersed by the inilltury and the pollee, a good many bang hurt. Is My Heart Right 'With God? A missionary from Indio., in telling of his work in that: country', said that whon he could get a foothold in an outlying village by obtaining permisaion from the author- ities to adtivess such of the villagers 011 would come together for the purpose, lo fennel that the pcople were always eager te know more of the Goepol story. As soon ire arrangements could be made he sent ant from the mission etistion a teacher and his wife with this charge: " You are to go to this people and live with them. Yon are to teach them to read and write ; you ere to teach them the troths of this Bible. Romeo'. bor that MI they will know of the religion of Christ, all in fact: that they may 0000 11 11090, 901 11 be what you manifest to there in your daily live, and what you teach them teem this Book," Would not the mulemnity of living be more deeply impressed upon us if we could feel that WO ran neither so live to ourselves not: yet be so 100011 10 port of n. 000111110y that there aro not those who eve getting their only knowledge of God and Christianity throngh oar lives and our words? Suvely, with the thought of such an influence 00 11)18 comes the consolousness that one hearts 111t1St be right telth God before we can manifest his truth. "Is thy heart right, as my heart is with thy heart?" This question, which the newly anointed king of Israel puts to the man whose help he ueeds in the gteat week to which he has been called, of exterminat. ing idolatry and restorieg the worship of Jehovish, may well come home to us as we contemplate the fact *et we, as Christians, are "God's follow.workers." Let us look at the question 010190 9(1011 CIO& enenestly and prayerfully, lost we be among those who shall ono day nok, " Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy hy thy name, . and by thy name do many mighty works 1" and restive the answer, " I riever knew you. Dessert 1' We may know that our hearts are right with God just its Jerats keew dust thee -VON. loved him. They were one in desire and purpose. " God so loved the world that he gaye bie only begotten Sou." " While we were yet shiners Christ died for us." "There. fere," save Jeaus," cloth my Father love me, because 1 lay down my life, that I might take it again. ' Becituse he kept his Father's nommamiments, his abidingaplaca was hie rather's love. God has made known his will concerning 08 through his Word. As Ilia Son was sent to seam the world, so are wo sent, not only to bear the message of salvation, hut to impart to others the We of (heist 9(19i011 is in ns. Ho has given us his commandments : " If a man 1000 MO, he will keep my words : and my Pother will love him, and we will come unto lihn and make our abode with him." We knew that if our desire euul purpose is to tiro° the world from the Rower of sue and to this end we give ourselves to be sent wherever ho sholl appoint, if our will is con- formed to his will, and we yield obetlieuce to his least command, 11 900 seek not our 01011 pleasuresor our own glory, and seek not to he ministered unto but to minister, then we 0011 answer this question in the afiirmative. lint what if in our doing WO fall far short of our dosire, and oor wills are erten rebellious and leact us into disobedience, and self is a yet unconquered fee? How, then, shall we nswer the question? There is encourage. meta in the thought that it ie a gaeetion between ourselves and God, W110 1010900 otir heart fair bettor than the tenderest human friend can know it, tmel who vill consider well the odds egitinst which we fight,enel will understand our ansrlear to be et prayer for help, and will give us of his Spirit to work in us thtst which is well -pleasing in his sight. under the finger path: were favoroblo tiding nurevised it must bo respected lsy all the places for minute organisms which itro more Queen's subjeas wherever they nights be. or less peejudicial to health, tool that therein It had been a source of lIrcat sorrow that re- lies the poisonous element attributed to the nails. bwrthorLnoro, thot cleanliness of tho nails is a very important mantled It is not sufficient: to use merely a knife blade, but at the toilee 1111111 brush and plenty of soot: and wetter should be celled into service. Surgeons long ago learned that, cloposite under the nails wore a menace, and that throngli thorn wounds wore easily poisoned. This led to extremo care in tho matter of pummel elemiliness on their 09011 part 111191 on the part of (11 111000 assietauts, Before on operation is performed all who touch the patients or the instremonts which aro to bo used 11111st first °lean their hands thoroughly with wrap and water, hoing especiolly care- ful to haps the epaces under the nail$ abeolutely elean. After this tho hande ate 11011 11110 dismfootivetiantion, Little V,oap Thad hi India, It is stated that snap 09 1111110 IS regarded anted. in the fight of a natured 01101(0!15',for 01 00 tetrel)' if over to bo obtained of tr 8195101111.By the woy, Honolulu papers shopkeeper there, Of mune, 11 10 sold in toll us that when the tato Mug died some peeled requests to the owfounelland Gov' eminent had failed ofvtheir objeet. &reces- sive governments 1,9 England had done their best to mitigate the undenioble 0110000011' 101100 barasseng all misting ooeditions in Nowfanulland, He 0001111 only hope that good councils would prevail, and that the colony would take steps to obviate the ne. aossity 01 1001.10)1 on the 131101 0) the Imperial Cloyermeent Pleasant Telegram for a Sobool Girl The Princess Kainlaei of Hawaii has rev some time past been living in the ark:test privacy and retirement in England. Only a few 0(11:19010 Mewls know the school where the young Princee% is 1(01115 01100000(1. Sho hes now received through her school.. reietrese an official telegram from Ihoweii it:forming her thet alio had been chosen to succeed Queen T,1linokabl, the reigning Sovereign, and anothey telegram with rein- maul:di:ins from the Charge d'Atlitires in the larget: towns ; but the mount used by the natives must 14 very smell, seeing that the 1.00(11consumption of soap in India last year Wag 0)11Y 5,000 tens.. This 11100110 that the amount used bsi each person for the yeee 9050 oonsiderably loss than one ounee, old customs were 5001(0)1 the ialand, Torches, which aro regarded ne symbols of ancient decent end sovereignty, were lit, and seine of the mons olcdfashionoil natives shaved their heade in patehes or knocked 'out front teeth to ideele thole grief. Long in Sugar-makin' Time. Ever'fkoeltHetchtourb,.1. e0.11110 0009011 that Ids feelin li slaytileu,sznueltrit,litiornotwinter, that he thinks But 0110 A11011 Ulla 10011ee my firoopitispirits lest git (10and (ellen Air the dyin' days Iry welter, 'long in sugar. makire L11110. Then the Ilttle birds le obtain', tur.lre up their little throats, Thinsin'uy the cumin' harveet, no the cern, and wheat, and MA a An' the union' or the theop bolls with the tingle' row bens, equine, 5,1 the d'in' 11lLy8 90(11 001', '1000 111 sugar. 100101111 (010, Then the little lambe are playin' en' a.caPerin around, An' 510 11901 blue Johnny.junnimps are alicaiiin Uwe' the ground, An' the thavved•out hranch i101(11 happy, kinder 01)15(11 111 a rhyme. In Mc chin' days uv winter, 'long in 01150)' 111)011(0' time. IllverlhIng, both dead arid then', tvetxt the earth an' sky above. Seems 80 81111110 an' 00 pleasIn', as it all had fell So, fulr01101001..011;110 side itv heaven, there can't be no fairer dime Than t11,okeili,y,Iiitnelear, us' winter, long in sugar a,9 ' A Hopeless Paradox, There are many funny things I trow, In this strange world of ours, To comprehend the half of then; Is gado beyond ray powers. Bob there's one special paradox, Poe nmeh epou 11130 mind ; But no solution, 1 01 a cloW, able yet to find. 11 18 the dimple in May's cheek— 'Tie only empty space; And yet this vacant void is full Of such bewildering grace. People who Eat Bones. There was an account recently given here of a 111101 who ortmohes the shells of the boiled eggs that he takes at breakfaa. There is another man in 0011/11 W110 0000 1)0000 and who is known among his frintols as the ” great American bone -eater." He is a ecienthst, and when a question was put to him he said ;—" I do not follow this habit for any fantastic reason. I holm that the organic ohmic:al elements found in honer, such as phosphate and carbonate of lime, are greatly needed in the human frame for the development of the OSSIODUS system. 1 do not make a dinner of bones, but merely take a little bone delicacy at times, when not in company. I will go through the rib bones of a epriug chicken 90 quail, or what not. I will have tho grilled leg bones of a yonng aticken, which are easily eaten when well grilled, and are very nioe. Then there are the grilled bones of a sucking pig, or of a lamb, and, in fact, there are sundry bones that can be prepared 10 0001000 ways to the advantage of the eater. I hove had benefit from bone eatinf, and I Icnow several bone eaters. Some o the African regimes, who are very strong, eat the bones of 50.090 after making them erisp at the fire, and books tell of the bone eaters of Europe in olden times. I would advise you to get o few dainty beneath nice order and try them"— New York Sue,. PERSONAL, --- The English nobility are shrieked because a grandniece of the Dnke of Wellington is obliged to earn her living by selling flowers in a 'London arcade. The (boot:um...General of Indio, the Vice. roy, receivett Realms' of Sti250,000 a year, with ellowanees that include a gorgeous palace at Caloutta and 5 Bummer residence, all malting his position worth 8100,000 a yeita Lidderdalo a Leedom:a raieed 585,- 000,000 111 10110 Aye, and yet Ile was not huetling with 1001090 to baying hia wifo 0.0 Easter bonnet. It was simply to besinese traneection intho intereet of Baring Brothers. Jam Bland, a ChM, player! 13re/110000 10 revolutionize tho game by mak1ng the board nine squares wide and adding, besides a pawn, mother piece, to he called the "pre. mier," posseseing the combined powers of gneen end 109115111. Queen Vietorie retains the loyalty of her enbleets to a remarkable degree. Whenever the visits Londoil she is greeted by the populnoe with extvitordinary enthusiasm Even Englishmee 11001 astonished by the warmth of her welcome. Scarcity of Tigers in India. The 1100109y Gazell, attribetos Sir Seanuel Baker's haying begged only six tigers:loving his lac expedition in the content provitmes to the growhig scarcity of tigers. 'rho fact is, it allegro, ligm s aro dying out. In 10100011991,10 of the Iltelonamitro some few years ego there were 00 1)110)1)' that they '00001091(011 the chief _,,, 1 , / In ner ( ay 101101 1111( 1 n ry W0111,1 00 la 111 ,110 feel:el:hood aml 1mila:rimed, moth his 19111110 are usUally BO deprOSSI011ft a 1 1.110 111111 ....,linea , () ,erntieg,a iotal alistlnellec .....4elY, eista- tightly :dosed upon ha; 1,,,e,,,,asieg; there is te a page rfooleeitp), tioneunthee eltogether population, aud scarcely tolerated it villager r r among them. But Gm improvemeut a the I nine ont ot 'I I tA, 1 Of arventpultor et ood itp a eeree a:lit:sr:et, " eer..ee bet. total. lint to leolf deproseious to a .1 rt ea 'T. -write 15 on the river, and the fertility of the islands, ' - — deep." It may e:fely be aitirmed that ono e i o, 5110,1 pages, whieh iS usually considered a novigation and the appearance or eteamers , f ,„ ;S. ' ' , ads day 0110)):, 10,,, type:writ er eititstitrshoopdrebs; . 11 01.,)) 191S it 1.1111.1 the laSt 101/1‘,1111110.p. belle I i in 0 tii, 11, 111 i ,..1.1 0 )111119 (1101)0 hi 0 el 011- r in the hall Of '17.0.4 took place in the y,,,,,. inanity W010:1 111010 ;lead): halm to Christ.. 1 , tan keys: 22,a00 times, whiell nut 11.' ill:reel) racusstiis11011°;13110Oirlaila ll .t.91,11; ..i.:1, 1,04r...i. i'l,',191.::71,,t1.11(r ill:I:ail:1:s : (71,1,...iiii ,:i..,t, iti.Lltilr: :1:1.1111,Y,,,,,113,,I,1,,,,,i1,1,,,3,4„1„.„11It,..is:,::i!1113i'i,'11:1,11,1ii,m,tl:eisieess'ti,11.0.11,:111t7rigic.).1131,1.,r()Yrf 80111111:::::eteallimatiit,i:11111(13.,rt.toefIluitiltiy1ge 1.:Ivetlea, Irish nation 9000 11001 (here fur SeVel al vela os of the imer ie Cnst, driving num into atheism.;rosult of st,4115 potteds of energy exPended. ' who had fled for safety to the monastery 'Ilhie really dote not amount to moat ea My distimodelled townsman, Prof, Ely, 111 a 81. Reim leol beet: .1r:wised to the hall and most euggestiyo lecture, itopiree lute thee eemparod with other labour, yet tho result executed, tho led: Abet etad the metier plea alionittion or wage -workers front Cheiatiitro . is marvellous enongli to vouse the eyes of mitt' aloud agave., t lin etteelloge, aud noy Ye kings over iigain sat at Tara. such aliens:anti undoubtedly exists, ', wonder at her own greatness. Proteotion of Fruit Trees. M. W. Murphy writes to the Prairie Farmer giving an in:count of the remedy he has used for excluding mice arid rabbits front his 400 trees, since which he has not had one of thorn lujured. He makes a wash of half a gallon of soft soap ond half it pound of sulphur to a pail of water, and vats it on with a cloth by the hand. SUMO twenty years ago, the Into it.1 B. Be tenian published his remedy for the peach grub, coesisting of carboliu soap. He dis- solved (190 13009110 01 1110 neap ill eight gale ions of bot reeler, and then a barrel of water, was added. This wes enough for a thousand trees, et a cost of half a cent et tree. 50 9000 applied in July. Housed it with entire suc- cess on 3,000 trees. Another remedy is to use paper wilted with grafting wax, which is applicable only to youug trees. The paper is wrapped about the stem so as to reaoh a foot high. The wax causes it to adhere to the stem without tying. Any grubs mustbe taken out before the wrapping is performed. It may be applied to you915 trees before set- ting them out. It nuty be renewed every spring. Unlike tarred paver, it cannot in. jure the trees. 7 ---..-L-...r.---- SICILIAN SECRECY, i 100-TOLGU11S, Trouts Observell A in—ons 011,0 People In TheIr 1484.8 (474,::‘,1,1:;711 01,14 ((u' fire "li" ste'linihyo re17,siotrkBBri,111118.119 11y1;.,(1:41,111.001',utrrekPogivitik7 in 1 Ai I 1( ,71, )er1411001di'aritit:a101t181e:si oa:attaltilnsit:lekt,gtoLfail, dtai ;(11Y1tietrZEKt:ellioit.1:i . Nati VI' llifind. 1110' 810111011 oharaoter which contrast with the i001,10 to lie wholly peseeseed, They any ot,;,,,, v„„.„.. 1.1,, Duos° met tgo,10,20 100.ton 511110 011 War ships, The Andrea tile simplicity by which one might 111900411,0i /toly rim 11,090 ai ti (ay geniis smoke sem, ran be deceitful, retieent, malicious and have 011111 feel, 111.„,,,,,,,., yholletive ; petty thefts and roateries aro Dovia, gimovs„ yloo„ssfo, 1110 p,„ggi„rmui gini ro°11Ltet11 4t11,11.1T1 e059:1.1111.:00,,y.l:;,a, 111 ash!: tn, otteahijaidil 01,4,01:wc:i ,`,'01:1110Yaltt (t1,:1"::, ,1LI:e7a: eiii:t: 1041 ,..an.nv i1,11:111sajlt 1:aysi 11 italwr(!c:e3,110:11)1,1,e71cri gfArititlitird11:61E, (cunningly clever), la with them a meritori- ......i .41 regarded with favor, even in eldhlreit. 10 .tonriers, mounted and ready, I No point in Lord. Braesey's important (0.1)09 011 ous quality, and that advantageous lying which pervades all :molly, they ennibine to i;3nildiu8,:::1,e'lie Future Polley of IS ar.thip. ad a few days ago before tho Owls g to °wapiti tof "matia"and"omorta,' hide mob other's inisdeeda, and in the case of robbery, and 0V011 assereination, it is gen. Insaitotion of travel Architeets, mom :striking than the 000 relatiog to the 110.1(911 guns. Time° monsters, he buys, will not lie wrong -doers, even from the viutarns °tete- get ""lw177 1.4sraluBt °altered in in the ships of the future. The objections 10 them have been found 100- 111)1919' impossible to selvea. There ia a Booed: underetanding .1,1118y and too great. They aro of very limited, among ell that no one shall moist Ole legal authorities In their efforts to bring criminals to justice, and tho Sicilian, as a rule, relies on himself and on hie friends for obtaining retribution for prirette wronga, aud every one who transgresses this unwritten law has to fear the emulate of his neighbors. One of the most disagreeable traits in their ohmmeter is excessive cruelty to animals of which travelers in Sicily frequently have seen revolting instances. When remonstrat- ed with on account of this they siinply shrug their shoulders and nay "What matters ? They are not baptized." They cannot com- prehend that any creature has any claim to consideration outside pale of the Church. Frightful rows in horses and donkeys go no. noticed, and are fed on by flies ; deep holes areplugged with tow, and hone animals are made to work with heavy loads as though nothing wae the matter with then,. As for relieving a hors., or ilookey of a heavy burden going na bill, that a thing never enters that' heads. To see a country cart crammed with people behind horee which can scarcely stagger under its heavy load, aud to observe that 110 one ever en• cleavors to relvieve the poor animal in the most difficult passages, 10 a common mein, —nee. Live poultry is parried to the mar• ke slung from p saddles, or by p d Arlan iron; the liand, by the logs. birds keep their heads up as loug as strength endures, till at last they can do 00 110 longer, tool ,'ie 1(13010. ful death by a rush of blood to the head. children aro, it is said, taught cruelty to =twat sights in town and country is to see children playing with newly eaueht robin redbreasts, goldfiriches, which they hold tied by the leg with a string, and pull hack when the poor bird attempts to fly. Another defect in the eharauter and hal> its of the Sicilian peewit is lank of (dearth. 110SS. But in spite of all these tho general derneemen. aud habits of the Sicilian are so pleasing °ma one feels inclined to regard his deficiencies with moll leniency. endurance, and, in feet, some of them have, shown grave defects after 00017 few rounds. They are law difficult to manufacture and very costly. The 0000)05 00 iaterior wearing, is naturally greater ie the laveter calibres, as the mine quality of material is eubjeot to much heavier powder charges mid chamber. pressure. Wall the original cost or a 100. 1(111 gen so great, every ellseharge Very 090 pensive, and Be life at beet much less than, that of 001011 calibres, it has already ceased to be popular on shipeoard. Again Lord Braseey pointa out, the I 0 -ton; gun is very slow in tiring, IG is also a viey long gun, and more liable on thet account to be struck and disabled. Then it depends on hydraulic loading gear, which may be dam- aged by hostile shot, so that the big gun it• self will then become utterly uselesa Finally there ie no need of these lingo guns. Lord Brasaey saya the naval authori- ties consulted by the Admiralty intro con- cluded that the heavieet ordnatiee for battle ships ellortel not eaceed fifty tons ht weight. which is a reduction of more than cute -half from the monerers of the Benbow, the Satin Pareil, and the Victoria. Admiral Scote new plaecs 1111 limit of maximum weight at thirty toes, und Lord Brassey also doe:lures. that :Once each is gen can peneti ate twenty- one inehes aux:not:at 1,000 yards, it is " etife fie e t fur all praotical purposes." Redueieg, the eize of the heavieet guns will :thew au eie foctive auxiliary battery ot rapidtire pieeese which pour a had of shot upon conning tovvers end into emelt ports, and may disable animals from infancy, for one of the com. a big gen before it, gets to wolleing, Lord Geo/ go the Poet 0.ird. a the Ad- miralty, ma:only defended the 1 10-tou gnus, doctoring even that the tone which sagged (101011 and 1 lent 011 tho Viotoria' was perfect- ly safe ; and lie also ceintrecoled the hydrau- lic hauling gear, :in the geeund that "hy- draulic power has no nervosa is very come pact, 1011 01)0 be eitsdy protected." He com- pared the prejudice in favor of th i manual management cf guns to that in favor of re. mining sail power 00 war ships when steam had superseded it. But Lord Brassey holder that uo gun too ponderous to be worked by 111(1111111 power slieuld be motinted on ships. INTERESTING ITEMS, leIr. Gladstone has rernarked that " the orator receives front his audienee vapotir what he pours back upou them in a flood." The underground system of telegraphs of the Geemen Empire, it is reported, has a 009110 10115011 of 3,600 miles. When the carpet has been salad by ink instantly apply blottiug-paper, then milk', then blotting:paper, and so on until the spot is out, as it will be. Don't rub. Railway oarviages were in the first in- stance iatended for well•to do people ; they were even designed and painted outwardly in itnitaaion of the rival coach. The German navy will have 371)1090 yeesels in active service this year than laat year. The total number to be asaigned to ditties lasting from three to ten months is 96. Whoa the London, Chatham, and Dover Company got into deep water about a quer. ter of a century ago Parliament gave powers to Lord Salisbury and the late Lord Cairns to deal free-handed with al the intereets involved. The first idea of the railway men was to put coaches on iron rails and thus supersede " The Tally -oh,"'' The Wonder," and other gay vehieles which behind four horses tree versed England at the then rvonderful rate of ten miles an hour. The Japanese census shows that the pop- ulation a, year ago was 40,072,0910—'20,t145- 339 males and 19,825,081 1e0001e0, 7,840,872 inhabited houses, 3,825 nobles, 1,003,1337 ehizoke, or members of the old military class 38,074,558 "00(1111500 people," and 7,443,1 10 married eouples. Near Tanga, in German East Africa, an important series of stalactite caverns ham been lately discovered. They are in a sys- tem of Jurassic limestone, end, it is said, the caverns surpetes 011y similar one$ in Earope, both in extent and size. 'Millions of bets seems to be the only present oval. pants of Ole interior.. Africa already pos. sesses one of tho cavernous wonders of the world—the stalactite (eves of Wonderfon• tele, in the Transvaal, About the year IBM the "Potsdam Life Guard "11110], attained its inaxim1101 of 1111991' 0)100 and inches. Tho shortest private was little loss than seven feet high, and a few of its gronodiers oppronehed the extraordinary stature of nine feet. The tallest at these was nigh:num or "File -leader" Hohmann— mast appropriately maned of giants—the orown of whose head Augustus the Stroeg of Saxony, himself Colossus:, cotild 001 0010)11 Willl his hand, standing on tip -toe. It is stated thee while foreignera in Irristure nembee three per oent, of tho popta, Won thoy aro eleven per cunt of the convict class. 111 1837, 1,247, and in 1814e, 1,279 foreigners Were convicted, the number of English beteg fifty -ono and fifty-three respootively. ltaliane head. the list in 1888 with four hundred tuul eighty-five then mune two.litmelrecl and forty-eight 13agians, one huncleod and rdeetydevo Germans, eighty-six Spaniards, eighty-six Swiss, and aftor the fifty -ono Engliell come forty•three Austriens, A Brigand in Retirement. An interosting question has just arisen between Servia and Bulgaria. In the sum. mer of 1098 two railway officials aud a rich Greek merchant wore captured outside the own of Bedevil by a band of brigands, veld carried off to the mount:mins. The robbers demanded a ransom of el5000 for their victims. The amount WM paid, and the captives were released. It has just now been discovered that the head of the hand of brigands, "costa Abramow, has for some time past been living quietly on his earnings in Belgrade. The robber bas been identified by one of the rOil• way officials mud the Greek. The Bulgarian Government now demand that, according to tho Extradition Treaty, Ahrtunowtheald bo delivered up to bhom. 11 it can be proyeel that the brigand is a. Bulgarian subject. be 90±11 1)0 given up at once ; but if there are any doubts: as to his nationality there will probobly be difficulties placed in the way of 111$ arrest. A Very Pathetic Bernlon, A certain minister was preaching a seta 119011 011 the prodigal BOIL HO tOOlt &Shia text, " Atid when he catne to himself." " We have here, brethren," said ho, "an instance of the wonderful depth of the meaning there is in Scripture. Wo seo how low the unprincipled young individual had Odle Whoa he come to himself.' Whet does it mean ? Well, look at home, Whot do we do wit on our mcney's gone, and we've no credit? What do we turn to ? Tho pawn ehop. did he. Filet his coat woad go. Re might live a week on that. Then his waistcoat. Thea, wouldn't serve long. Lastly, Ili dirt woold follow ; tool --0•111 then, 11151 ftiends he eatne to himself.' Uo coudn't peoen himself and so he went hom o hia father." When the studente of the Free Chureh Norma Scheel in Aberdeen Were 110:),11 the In the distinsiion which followed the read.. ing ef Lord Ilrassey'spaper, AdmimlOolomb ertee that the navy \multi suppert the peliey of snialler guns, :eel thee in building op to 111) thus they hiel guile too for ; While Ad- miral Hopkins, Centruller of the Navy, ad- mitted that the diffieulty about -monster guea was their limited enchwenee, aucladded that " they had all mado up their minds to &gnu with Admiral calomb as to the 110 -ton gun being too large." The gun, he said, bait been a disappointing onefrom t he first. We may therefine conclude that tho day, of moustee guns is over in the British navy. Indeed, the British appear now to 1101411'105. 1)15 0: the other extreme in their dissertate - tion with monster gues. In proposine 100 limit the niaximiun to fifty tems, they e .na down to the 12•Inch calibre, or a fraetem above it, and Admiral Sco it would oven 0 ,t110 down to 10 inch. This leaves out the MS. inch 911110 of sixty-seven toe earrjed by the, 'Trafalgar aed the Nile, as well as by the Ane son, Clamperdown, and ahem, The armee will keep 011 presumably to the 1 64nolle stnee many of the naval objections to this calibre do not Apply to its use ia forts ; but the limit 0( 1.110 work of the navy, so far as maximum calibre is concerned, seeme to be already in sight. Close of a Strange and Eooentrio 'Career. An eccentric gentleman, who, under the name of Dr. Heury Montgomery, has lived first at Marazion, and latterly et Madrous Cornwall, died the other cley. Da Henry, as 110 9000 generally called, 9011.0 myetery to all who knew him, He admitted that Montgomery was merely the metleu name of his mother, and that he had a brother who is a membet. of Parliament, naul that, he bed other relations. lleyouil that Ito woad tell nothing. He destroy:al all enves lopes and lettei 0, and even on his denalibea the other day, though betouglit to so byi a faithful housekeeper of many years' sere vice, refosed to disclose his name. He oertainly bad a dread of something evile reel or fancied, befalling him, for he never snowed out in the ditythne, but wandered, pliant in the night rsith his (logs, of which he was passtonately fond, couple of loaded revolvers a tough stiolz and a toll of 'Ha, preenmably to treat ryounds in eau: of accident. Ho had suffte aunt means, which seemed to bo regularly remitted, Ho lived well, was exceedingly charitable to the pont:, and fed his dogs from the veiniest meat. He rode a greet ilea, read considerebly, and lets left a stone of mannscript behind bine Ho has been ailiug. lately, and on Friday hem= worse, tuna died en Saturdity, as was afterwards discov- erect, from an abscees on the brnin. A. pocket- book aud the key of a box in his room aro missing, end it is thoeght that the dying mon 1111101- IlltVG got out of his bed and hidelen them. The box was opened, but nothing of value was found, and no clue to hilt itlentity. The housekeeper has decided to have her old inasteteburied in a. mien with a glass lid, in case any friends or relativee namear on the. seem before the fettered. Cardinal Gibboes writes in The North Antorican llevitly :—Those fomiliar rvith tho daily lives and sentiments 01 1-010 laboving Typewriting Net Light Work, classes know whet a stumbling.block to Would you behove it that the girl typo. Hair faith to.pioaspentvietwam, the clior• lwritor whom you can see in ally' business ity that begins eted ends ne• home. They:office down. town requires an energy equal to cannot nee:mono 90111111000 ni,a z,md. F.1' soz perouls to do o fair :lays work? But trust other fronts of 11111110,11 weakucee there figure the matter out for yell:1'00K lo tolerance, even al thnee cempeseion ; but', To deprees a key on a typewriting nuts for the man who acknowledges one common' chine r0loireet six ounces of mmt5y. There WOrked 1000 tO the tigers. So many 1011.10 01101 01101 8ir 101009-9 Tliompotel 5)090 010101011 at the outgoings toe rewards, and reduced the head motley from 50 entrees to 25. The lowering of there vard in no degeoe chocked the destruction of the tigers ; indeed, it, rather worked the other way. Tho villagers combined and engegoel professional tiger. slayers ; and now on the islands whore mute the Bengal tiger 9000 supremo he semeoly over presents himself 10 be oho or trapped proving that in most denominations many ts fair typewriter to open wido With clennood ourst, itS *II% From that