HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-24, Page 6NOTICE TO SODSCRIBEIiS1 4 rHE $.1Zl.TSSELS POS') 11I'I,I1, 21 1891 enxtuvelTaenvin=tementwatotmanwetserinamaneenesameaszatenesmeneentatsanatmenesettesumnattener rezetnet.eneetamemetevareeinenneemxicanzw,:miretainer--- dile Act. And it shall also he life duty to institute proceedings for violation of the Act. As tt penalty, instead of 96 at at present, the Bili provides that any person or Alert. moulione l in Ibis Ant, and desit;tuttud .dv 1.111.01 ,4 00et13.0 desire to perforin iu the enroloement of any of tis provisions, neuleet'ug to perform any anclt dntiee. ellen be liable to a find of not less than $2:3 nor more then '160 for each ani) every otTeueo, Yen will observe that your address is now printed oat a label instead of being written as in the pevt. The elate to which your anbsoriptiuu to TUE Poet is paid will also be found on it. We want eveev subscriber te twice partici:du notice to the latter and if not egnared to Jan. 10, 1802. kindly see that the neeesaltry amount ie remitted to behtuee the same. Tho dates aro put ou as they appear in our hooka but we will gladly be corrected if a mistake has oeentred on receiving notification and proof of the same. New Advertisements. Local -Geo. Good. Card -A. M. Taylor. Hams• --Wm, Blaehill. Bees -G. A. Deadman. Wall Paper -1. T. Pepper. Bull for service -Peter Barr. Local -Dominion Illustrated. Money to Loan -Thos, Bally. Locale -Ferguson d Ilelliday. To Contractors -John Mooney. New Arrival -Pose Book Store. I3T•'noy to Loan -J. W. Armstrong. Servant Wanted -Mrs. W. ia. Sinclair. be )3r,lisscis nst, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1891. A RAILWAY has been opened from Jaffa, on the eastern shore of the Mediter. ranean sea, to Jerusalem, so that trips to the holy Land can now be made much easier than formerly. LAST Monday Thos. Gibson, M. P. P. for East Huron, made a motion for a re- turn showing the total oolleotions since Confederation up to 310 December, 1890, on Common School lands, together with the percentage paid to the municipalities on account of the Land Improvement Fend. SontE people imagine that going to Parliament is a "soft snap," but we are told that, after the newness or novelty wears off, the sitting session after session becomes monotonous If not wearisome. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. For instance, the member who spends the most of his time in the amok- ing room, library or at the bar, and takes in the operas, &e., may not weary of "wearing" himself out at the expense of the country. It is stated that since the last general election fifty members of the British Perliameut have died, which goes to show that struggling with the Panel. Mee is not healthy business. THE Government of New South Wales has taken an important departure, It will give the franchise to women, plaoing them, in point of ability to infiueuce public opinion, ou an equality with men. Tb t veteran Premier of this the oldest Australian colony has so decreed. Iu New South SVwles manh,od suffrage pre. voila, the only qualification requisite be. ing citizenship, and residence in a con. stitnenoy six months before an election. The women are in the minority, the sex- es standing at the end of 1889 :-Males, 818,300 ; females, 903,000. There is ranch to ene0urag0 the friends of woman (tufranolliseme nt in Canada in thie Acs. tralleuprt d '1 1 e theft. Tun British and Portuguese quarrels in South-east Africa al.' ;:rowing serious, and there seems some Ile -dittoed of actual hostilities. The Portuguese are the pests of Melon., and have, sines the now move among the nations in the direction of developing the waste places of that im- mense continent began, been assuming the uttitndo of the dug in the maligns. Sl11nid an actual outbreak oocur the Portelguese would, of course, be at the mercy of Great Britain, both in Europe and Africa. The extreme helplessness of Portugal makes anything like firmness toward her some' like bullying. Portugal press ones on the magnanimity of the Lreet nations, but sho may do so once too often. On the other hand, the conduct of the Belted: cm the spot wears a close resemblance to bullying. Tho British Reit Africa Company seems incliuod to treat the l'urtegueso in South Africa as it they had no rights, Tun Bin of the icon. G. W. Ross re. epeating truancy and compulsory school education makes a number of important changes. It provides that all ohfldren between 8 and 14 years of age shall at. tend sohoul for the full term during which the school of the ecetion or mole oipality 111 which they reside is open tech year, unless deuced for reasons mentioned. The present law places the age limit tat 7 and 13 yeas and the period of attendance at 100 days, The new hill also provides that the police commission- ers, or in places where there aro no polio° commiseioners, the 100niO3)Ial counoil of every (ity, town, incorporated village and township shall appoint ono or more persons to act as truant officers for the enfor0emene of this Aot, The truant officer shall, for the purposes of Nile Act, he vested with police powers, and shall have authority to enter facto. rico, workshops, etoree and all plaaee where ob1101081) may be employed, and shall perform 5310h services ae may be deemed n00essary for the enfaroement of No fewer thou 21 petitions were filed at Ceemele Wall hIonday against Candi• dates and uletnbees Watt in the recent Federal eontes0. Fourteen of these were against Liberal members and defeated Liberal candidates, and seven against Conservrtive members and defeated Con. servalive eandidaten. A number of peti• tions are also reported from other Provinces. Up to Monday night the fol- lowing petitions have hem entered :- Agaiuet Liberals. Against C0n'tives Fast Brneo, (Ileagnrry. Kent, North flaw=s, North Waterloo, South Norfolk. North York, West Middlesex, L. Elgiu(oroes petition) East Middlesex. S. Victoria, " Seel Woes petit,) N, Victoria, Halton, Haat York, Plast Elgin. South t'erth, Kingston, ('551, South Leeds. London, South Vlutrria, 10. Hastings, N. York 15re5a1 Preece it, Lisgar, W. York (cress,) Richelieu, - Three Rivers. Tntul............... ..... 11 R(mouski, Quebec West, Shelburne, Autigoaish, Platen. Total 20 CANADIAN Independence is a subjectfre- gnently coming before the people and from the interest manifested in its dis- cussion a person would be led to believe that this sentiment has taken root and will likely bear fruit before many years. The youth who is held up by the obis and who looks to his father for every• thing instead of taking an independent stand and paddling his own canoe will never be of much importance among his fellows. What is true of the individual in this respect applies to a nation and we believe Canada will never stand in her true position until she becomes independ- ent. Last Tuesday evening Eon. Jas. Young, of Galt, delivered an address be. fore the National Club, Toronto, on this subject. The keynote of the address was a Canadian nationality. He spoke eloquently of the resources and extent of territory embraced in the Dominion, pointed to the inereasingvolume of trade, both export and inter-Proviuoial, alluded to the nickel and iron fields in the Sud- bury district and to the timber and lum- ber trade. He claimed that in these re- spects the national resources of Canada exoelled all other countries -in forests, fisheries and shopping. He discoursed on the commercial development, the growth of telegraphs, telephones and railways. He referred to the system of government, allies be described as a happy blending of the British and United States constitutions, bot condemned the large amount of patronage in the hands of the Governments. The Senate he described as a political anomaly, out of touch with the people -.a body that prac- tically represented nothing. The educa- tional system was one of the most potent mental forces, and the pulpit and press were strong mental and moral forces. Goldwin Smith's picture of Canada as "rough, rate and democratic:" was not untrue, th0ngb possibly painted in too sombre colors. Having referred to the intellectual progress of Canada, the greatest writers, stateemrn, artists, he turned his attention to the future. He was 110 believer either in imperial feder- ation or political union with the United States. In conclusion he said that when the day came that on present connection with Groat Britain could no longer be satisfactorily nlaiutain001, as some day it inevitably moat, he would be unfree to his own feelings and false to his highest aspirations if be did not assort his 011fa1. tering belief that on rho 5olf-same day a new enation and nationality would be born. Huron Oo1111t3r. Tho Corrie'idetto was holidaying last week. Lneknow is to limo a branch of the Standard blank, County Clerk Adamson is still quite i11, Doubts are entertained for his re. oovery. James Huston, formerly of Stratford, and at one tim0 of Goderich, has received the Conservative nomination in Manitoba for the Provincial Legislature, Mr. Ilolmes, of Clinton, placed a mon- ster hon egg on the table of the R000rd'e sanctum Saturday, which measured 8 inches one way by 0} the other, and weighed nearly four ounces, The fishing Loge Clung, Captain Malcolm McDonald, and Sea Gull, Cap. twin D, MoICay, left for Tobermo'ay with cargoes 0f fishing 5upplie0last week.. The tugs will fish in tho neighborhood of that port rho present season, Algoma Pioneer ;•-•A largo party as. 5omblecl et 111e Algonquin Hotel, Mon- day evening, to celebrate the birthday of Judge Johnston, 100meely of Gadorioh, and the Pioneer joins with a host of peo- ple all over the District in wishing 1110 Honor very many happy returns of the day. The following are the recently oleoted officers of the Junior 1101.0n Lactose° club for 1801 '-lion, President, I0I. C. Cameron,109, P., ; lion Vioe do„ J. T. Garrow, M. P, P., ; President, Mayor Butler, ; Vice do., Geo, Drummond Captain, Wm, Blackford A ' Treasurer, D. Johnston • Secretary, . IOIoVicar Committee, lkV`, Sharkey, 7, Hall, D. Munro, Geo, Price, and W, Blackford. Tho Towne relate, Ex -ter, Ilaa been I The Ottawa Citizen lmediets that the euhi to Win. liawden for 82(1110, session will not lust more than eight or Robert Montgomery, Wroxotor, aged tell weeks, sat m 1sr on a .' The annual .Die1rfet neetteg of the Methodist ('.hnreh, Exeter dietrier, will be held in ('rntralle on May 11 and 14, \1',m. horns\, through 111 health hoe Mem t'ompclled to give up his vorriege Iambic -es at Winthrop. M r. \\'nlper, of Exeter, bre sold the t .115 (1'6 hotel toL limiter and the Com- nterciel at Clinton to John hussies, J..1. Clarke, who has beau employed on the Goderich Star for some time, laws left for Tiverton to lulu' charge of the Watohran, which oiiioe Ile has rented for a year on 31'1141, A lad nannecl William 13,of ibintaii, near Gocleri ing with a loaded revolt' cliseharged it, the bulllet right side, immediately o of the heart. Efforts to f' have thus far proved mnavt case is serious. Bm'glrtrs were at wont it time Saturday night, and house of Geo. A. 1C. ifo near the market. They s watch. 3lr. McLeod slept and did not miss the mono until Sunday horning. N burglars. A small boy wanted t Exeter to show Wescott, how to saw wood. Ho i allowed his wood se wing i carry him along to the exte ing The Wallace, of Sar served a cord of herd wool land the 10ess0r cost his op Sunday morning about was discovered in the store owned and occupied by 1 Exeter, and by the time th arrived the file had burst roof, bat the engines playing put in out. The building gutted and contents de about 9600 ; partially ensu W. W. Ogilvie, of the Ogilvie & Hutchinson, mill was the other day ppresents aortas in lrlonbrsal with 1t home size. It is solid inches high, two feet in valued at 91,000. It is tassels of wheat, crests o and pictures of the lir branches. The license eammiesio Huron met in Clinton a I1 is now rumored that all liquor is sold will have to c Loth of May and I'lth of J this is by resolution of the in- formant eaith not, but t will be carried out all t public opinio0 will endorse ment of those days being abstention from business. A fete days ago a young to get a ride from Clinton with a man who liven Holmesville. All at once "whoa," and asked the lady 00 was found 1 l ' I 1 1p '1 11. The burning of tho Canadian Peolfie cabinet shop at Montreal caused a loss of 975,000, Mtge Hamilton has horn appointed issuer of marrmgo liminess for Elora, in the place of her deceased father. Allan, the 0•ycar•old son of Jahn W11. Hamann, of Warwick township, was allotted to death by mellowing a clay penafl. A. B, Ingram, M. P. for East Elgin, is alleged to have 5ncoeed0(1fu scouring the western military same for St. Thomas this season, An amateur i/loyalist of Aurora, tatting his first practice along the sidewalk, fell against a window, breaking plate glass worth 9100, besides considerable goods inside, and cutting himself badly, Fanny Robb, an old maid, who lives with her brother anti sister a mild from Anoaster village, committed suicide by hanging at 12 o'olock last Sunday. She was bland hanging in the been by her sister. No oanse 15 assigned for the rash act. R, A. Barber, who pleaded guilty at Belleville to voting twine in the recent Dominion election, was ordered to pay the costs of the court and to appear for sentence when called on. The case of 30. 0. Porter was reserved for argument be- fore a full court. The nominations for the Commons for Algoma took plane at Sault Ste, Marie on Saturday. D. T. Burke, of Port Arthur, seoured the Reform nomination, and G. P. Msndonnell the Conservative. 1700, John Carling alert was nominated by the Conservatives, but withdrew. Murphy, agog eb, virile plav- or aoo)dontally 50001309 his ver the region 1112 the bullet 1111,19, and tllo 1 Exotor 00101 broke into the Leod, situated bolo 93 and a 10 the 1.00111 y and watch 0 01(10 t0 1310 o go down to of that place, a a luau who ntlaghtatiell to nt of ohalleng- uia. W,,llaoe fu 57 minutes, ponout 935. 2 o'clock firm and dwellicg hos. Dearing, m fire engines through the ng on ft soon was eolnplete• stroyed, Loss red. old firm of ars, Goderich, d by his em• silver bowl of silver, fifteen diameter, and decorated with the provfne m's mills and Here for West few days ago, places where lose up on the July. Whether Board our he prohibition h0 same, and the enforce- ment observed by lady chanced in a waggon not far feom the man said to hold the linea for a minutes. He then got out of the waggon and hack he ran to Clinton a distance of two miles. The lady, how- ever, had good patience and held the bursas for a full hour, when the lean re- turned he sad "he didn't find the horse- shoe after all." On Friday evening of last week F. J. Bennest, organizer of Patrons of Industry for Huron, delivered an address at the Grange Hall, near the residence of S. Johnston, Deputy Reeve, Howlett, and organized a strong association to be known as "Ladies Union," 13ro. John Winter was ollosea President and Bro. Geo, Johnston, Secretary. Howicktown- shipcontains a larger number of associa• Mons than any oblaer in Huron, and Our organizer is always welcome among its. The following resolution was passed by a recent meeting of Howiok township Counoil ;-Moved by Mr. Johnston, sec- onded by Mr. Graham that this Council mourn the loss by death of an esteemed oflioial, Geo. Strong, who has been treas. ever of this municipality for the feet twenty-three years, and who, through his kindness and courtesy as an offloiel and citizen, has endeared himself to us and11 those a toe w ho became am tint nt ed with flim, and through bis sodden death the are caused to mourn the loss of an esteemed and efficient officer, and wo earnestly sympathise with the relatives of our deceased friend and official. Carried. Wlasr Hunoo LiensCs.-Tho SVest Heron License Commissioners met in Clinton Wednesday, of last week, and granted the following lieeeses : -Olin- ton-Isaao Reatenbury, Saul, Pike, C. Milne, Charles Spooner, john Shaeffer, Lack Kennedy, Thos. Bell, J. W. Biter, liquor stole ; Goderich-G. B. Cox, J. C. Martin, J. Miller, tlm. Craig, George Swarts,Jas. 11a1anghie. W. L. Horton, shop license. Wm, Babb, Walter Shan- non, Ed, Peacoat, left over until 22nd ; Blyth-Robt. 'Milne, John Mason, J. Emigh, 3110. Kelly ; Colborne -Prank hloDotagh, Wm.Lasham, A, McAllister, Henry )Martin. Thos. Crew's was loft over ; Wingbam-Alf, Roo, 10. Norman, John Martin, Hattie Con,lover, John Dinsley, Alex. Orr ; Aehlietd-Wm. 1 Flannagan, Jus. McDonald, Jos. Mal - lough, 11, Datong. Wm. Glazier. Dun. 9auton, left over ; Hullott-J, Bell, J. Knnte ; W. Wawanosh-Jho. Lougheed ; E. Wawalosh-W. M. Champion. (, (enteral IVO The New York State canals aro to be opened for traffic on May 5. Deaths frons grippe in Now York en Monday numbered thirteen. A steamer arrived at New Orleans Sun- day with 400 Stelling on board. Mexico will send fino epeoimono of precious hoods to the Chicago Exhibi- tion. Mee, Mary E. Gough, aged 71, widow of the late John 13. Gough, died at Bill• side farm, Boylo51on, Mass., Monday of paralysis, George Venable, of Madison, Ind., while bathing his feet the ethos day ate *ached a galvanic battery to one leg, The most horrible regalia followed and he died in great agony. Rev. 111'x. Fatt, Rector of St. Thomas' church at Walkerton, had a leg broken and sustained outer injuries Tuesday through his horse running and dragging the rev. gentleman, whose lee) became entangled in rho Hese, The Empress of India on Iter around. the.world trip ]eft Yokohama on the morning of April 17th. It • well he a gniok passage across the Pacific., and she is tine at Vancouver April 27. The 0, P. R. have provided a epeoial train for all steamship passengers who do not Wish to stop on 10018. am and Eggs 1 Eggs have dropped in price, so has our Large Stock of Prime SMOKED HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON AND SIDE MEAT, All of Our Own Curing. We also Mannfaotnre Bologna Sausage. Patronize home industry by calling onus. Give mea call and prove the truth- fulness of the above statements. Wm, Blashill, Butcher, WAY OP LA l MTE T'1 British Columbia. INASi--ING-h-t3.lad t:16"e'??;4 t•: n 1 CalFfornia f.wlve'_urm 11 3..:n. oi. Fridays, O. • linii+r: i 189). APRIL 17th, MAY fat. 1891 smiting Through to 'Vancouver Without Change. For Berths and all Information apply so J, T. Pepper, AGENT, BRUSSELS. NEW ArrliTal -)OF(--- Ohilke 's Wagons and, Carts 'The Post' Bookstore, DO YOU PLAY CROQUET a CROQUET SETS, 8, G and 4 Balls, TO IIAND, New Goods sold at Close Prices Cricket Sets for Boys 1 Including Bat, Bali, 'Wickets and Bales. They are Just the Tiling for the coming cricketers. `pest' Bookstore BRUSSELS, • , MICINIEMMIZIEWUMMItrattMESTMISMUr ALLAN LINE EN Royal 1l,lil Slec(ul0l(i11s. CHEAP EEXCURSiONS to EUROPE real"(a,ll'ILl SAILING. 11e,u PORTLAND ell IIALIPAX. 00 DEBBY oR LIVI11R1'OOI,. CABIN ItA'i'118, 9410, time and Soo, single; 1150, Sac and $1101teturlr, auu0rdiag to Location of atatorootn, No Cwr'imo CAnnluu, INT1RAi11JIA'3I„ outward (10 ; Prepaid 1.110 steerage at l on•het Itnt4e, A (Tenni oda) Ie lay R11S111'pfsm('(L At. ply to 0. d• A, ALLAN, Aiootroal, on W, F.I. Iiii:JI:d.Ig., AuENT, BStiaswLs. J. & J. LIVINGSTONE ]nave 1000 bushels of first growth .1.)UTOII w11.-DI)m for farmers iu the vicinity of Brussels, who intend raising Plan during the com- ing season, wbieh they are peepared to deliver in quantities to snit flax growers. Can be got at the Brussels Flax Mill. Seed given out at 91.90 per bushel, and on the usual terms. Older early to en- sure a supply. For Flax grown from this seed - $10 PE TON - Will be paid, if of good growth, harvested in proper Season and delivered at the Flax Mil) as soon as fit for threshing. We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing fax. J. & J. LIVINGSTONI'), Proprietors Brussels fiax mill. W. BRIGHT, Manager. Canadian Pacific R'yt Last Chance -FORA 101111, - .)Gama the World $600 ! - Will Leave LIVERPOOL 011 JUNE 15th, 1801, by Steamer Empress of China, Stopping at Prin (Mail Porte in the Mediterxas.oa.a. and meed Seam, =smilax. ocean, CHINA, JAPAN AND CANADA. Porpampblets and full informnt,on apply W. R. CALLAWAY, District Passenger Agent, 11e Tung Street West, Toronto, or to J. T. PEPPER, Tielcst Agent 0. P. R., Brussels. Why Not Do ?our Own Thinking? Bltnssono, November 8111, 1889, T. M. Ma'am, Goderich, DL'A0 Son. -I should hove written befor0 110W to lot you know how I am getting along.. T 01.0 11110 t better than I was; geioingetrengte every day. 111ave it good appetite and sleep well. 101111 take the 11111 quantity of the System Renovator and 11 does not sicken me, Ply limbs are tall light now; quite smart in that way; swelling all gone. The great thirst is gong; I Brio]: oo water at night, but I take a little buttermilk. I ane grate straight again. Semi w0 another bottle o1 your ,ta m Renovator. Yours, t¢a., JAs. DIINC.tN. 1ourtmaEN mveIis LATER. BRossELa, 1'obrnary 7(11,1801, S. Mf, Me0110n, C3ndorich, DI.AR Sili, k'lfteen veers 0,a0 last NOME - her I startedto doctor first; 1 was treated for dyspepsia, but they never halperl n]0 any. At times I suffered greatly from illy stolneoh ; I continued. but I grew um'Se, I turned dropsical ; llmb5 and body swelled badly. Yon know the Mato 1 was 311 111100 I 'out to eederieh--aa hero wreck, eoulll hardly walk -suffering lion Bright's dis- ease. Just one year ego last fall I began your Renovator and Spoct(iu Cnre. I begat; to meted in a few days 1 continued thou for three months knottily. 811301/811 I was told £ 0ould not be curer, it foal saw too now, well and hearty ; oat everything that moos in the way. I 0350 yon On praise of saving m y life. lures in a lopeloss condition whoa I wont to vin, in feet 00 ono thought I would get bettor. I cannot speak too highly of you and 01 your medtl0(555, for it was thole that cured 110. Words cannot express lily thanks to you. Freely pans my name t0 1111/000. Y001.1, JAM GS D'CINCAN. THOS. PLETCHER, .E'r'actical TTcrtehrnal;;er a7261 0TG'•lvel ei. Thanking the public for pest favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Linos in COLO AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by es. Melts of the Latest Desi !ms, JEWELRY!' WEnntem RINns, Lenin au Rum, BitoornoOe, EAnnlxes, .0o, teVnalso a Full Line of V10010 and Violin Strings, &o., in sleek. N. U. -is: ares of dlarrllge 1t10cn5es. T. Fletcher, - arussels. TIRE HORSES AND MARES J'O1i; S,!JLE. The subscriber offers 111e following Well-bred Animals for Sale "Cadiz" (1)004), Vol. II ; "Earl of Ilreadulbano" (6709), Vol, II. These horses are 3 years old ; heavy draught. "Logen Chief," 0 years old, heavy draught, One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im. ported stook on both sides; heavy draught, "Prince 0f Douglas," a road or carriage stallion, rising 8 years ; imported, One Iloavy Draught Mare, 0 years old ; ingested; with foul. One Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught, rising 6 years, with foal by her side, One Mare Foal, from imported stook on both sidoa. One Gelding, 13 years old, heavy draught, 5 'Lu1Ea,,L TEEMS will bo made to Responsible Parties. The above mentioned stock may be seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob- tained by applying to A. teePrCiiii, 20. Bllussmrs P. 0. Half the Virtues -)�lc(- S.3.. LEON Have never been Told. Road this - JOY 1)'OR. PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad. When I stooped could scarcely straighten up ; felt miserable. For three months I persisted in a free use of ST. LEON WATER. It was the oup of joy to me; brought relief, par excellence ; pains, stifling, etc, all gone. Call at my oMoe, I will tell far more about the value of St. Leon. W. HIGGINS, Empire Laundry, 823 Quesn street west, Toronto. And this - BILIOUS HEADACHES GO. I bad rheumatism iu my kaoes endangers, bilious headaches, eta, every row weeks. Mr, Higgins, Empire Laundry, urged mo to try 51'. LI•tolr Mineral Water. I did, and It set me all right; headaches and pains all one. My wife and three children 6150 use ft. We all liml St. Loan Water von' good and healthy. J, T. S. ARnansoo, tyatob- makerand. Jeweller, 1310 Queen street west, Taranto, A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED. Geo. Good, Agent, S1Luol Jliner,,l WaterCo'y, St. Leer, Que. Buggies ! Buggies ! Buy your Buggies from D. EWAN - And Savo IVfoney. I am building a large number of the Best Buggies, which aro to bo sols) at the Lowest Prices ever offered to the public. Every- thing about thein is First-eln.ss. The very Best Standard 'Wheels, and the Workmanship through- out Guaranteed. I 8m Determined to make a Big Slaughter on Prices this year, I have sold a large number of Buggies during 11110 past 5 years to Many of the leading men of this section and surrounding country, and. I l.nrposo to keep up the number and double the quantity. Call and See the Rigs and Get our Prices, Don't buy a buggy until you. Hoe my Stock of Choice Buggies. Repairs in Wood went and Irott done at Rock Bottom Prices. Painting and Carriage Trimming dome itt the very Lowest bates. Iforsoshooing Done with the Best Experience and Attention, as ill the past. I MEAN BUSINESS. D. EWAN. Shop opposite Queen's Hotel, 13:ntrssnts.