HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-24, Page 20'702 29000 Boils
0.[ Cl'1ILING' AND
Received since February, 1991.
We believe we have the Finest •
and l3est Values in Wall Papers
and Bordering, that have ever
been shown in Brussels. We have
made selections from no less than
It will give us pleasure to show
you our samples. It will pay
you to see them if you pur-
pose paper hanging.
Druggist, Bookseller, &e.
soinruzi N Erre\Sion w. o. & n.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
ammo SnuTn. Gorse 1'OTn,
5:53 00.10. 'Mixed
Express 11:40 a.m. Mail S:00 p,m.
&fixed 8:55 p.m. 4xpress 9:45 p.m.
You will observe that yonr address is
now printed on a label instead of being
written as in the past. The date to
which your subscription to Tins Pose is
paid will also he found on it. We want
every subscriber to take particular notice
to the latter and if not squared to Jan.
1st, 1892, kindly see that the necessary
amount is remitted to balance the same.
The dates are put on as they appear in
our books but wa will gladly be corrected
if a mistake has occurred on receiving
notification and proof of the same.
rag Lein* runs.
A ehiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
FtvE lbs. orange marntalude, 50e. Geo.
ONm• yeeneen ton of Datoh sets at Alo-
Seam Fair in Brussels on Friday of
this week.
TARE those storm sashes and storm
doors down.
Ceoven,'Timothy and garden seeds at
Gaass seed sowers down to 62.00.
Marsden Smith.
,Fanser barrel blaelcstrap. Fresh barrel
St. Leon. Geo. Gond.
Tam Maitland has been considerably
swollen from the tettent rains.
Ration, Sewing Machina Needles at J.
G: Skene's for 25e. a package.
Jute received, 5 Barrels Dutch Sett
Onions, fur sale at Geo. Bsuutit's,
.A. ewe brick house to rent or sell.
Apply at the woollen mill, Brussels.
SUNDAY, April 26th, is the 72nd anni-
versary of Oddfellowship in America.
Tomboy who can beat a carpet to beat
the band is the joy of his mother's heart.
LEsxn O'Coeaoe is now in charge of
the management of the electric light in
THE street scraping has been pushed
this week and a large quantity of mud,
refuse, &c., removed,
Geo. TOOMS0N, grocer, ]las the material
on hand for a brick store house, 20x80
feet, to be built to the rear of his store.
IT is proposed to have sermons preach.
ed throughout Ontario, as far ea possible,
to the A. 0. U. W. on Sunday May 24th.
Nem Rrcooennsoo hae lensed the stone
building opposite the Town Hail and will
utalize it for an agricultural implement
Bann Heron License Board will meet
at the Central Hotel, Brussels, on Friday
of this week to grant hotel licensee for
the coming year.
Tee fall wheat bas not wintered better
M this vicinity for many years. Should
the present weather not prove fatal, the
prospects are favorable for a fine orop.
A Mlcrnass snbsoriber in remitting his
subscription to Tan PosT, this week,
writes "I Gan get along without my
friends writing to me regularly but must
have Tee Poso,"
Fool BALL.—A. meeting of persons in-
terested in the formation of the Brussels
foot ball team for 1891 wid be held at the
Queen's Elotel On Friday evening of this
week. A large attendance asked for.
THE job of cutting the tope off the pop-
lar trees at Victoria Square was let to D.
McMillan who completed the work this
week. Maple trees should be planted be.
tween the poplars 50 that in the coarse
of a few years the latter Goold be out nut
Bnllena:L9 Royal Templets are moving
along ateadily. Three new members
were initiated fast Tuesday evening and
amuner of othere have signified their in-
tention of joining. A musical and
literary program 18 presented at each
Meeting.. A ohoir ie now being organised
for the Council with Dr, Cavanagh as
leader and Bliss Lizzie Wilson, organist.
A CRE1'6T to Canadian Journalism).—
Those persons who have seen the Domin.
ion Illustrated since it has been enlarged
and improved should secure a sample
nopy at once. Both from rite literary
and artietio point cf sow the Illustrated
is a credit to Canadian journalism, The
prize competition, which has been in.
atm:mated with the double purpose of
renferring benefit on readers and pub -
Rehm, °onsiate in finding in current
numbere of the journal the answers to
thirty-six questions, six of which aro
publilehed every'month, The prison ag-
gregate over $8,000 in value, There are
100 in all, the fewest being valued at $41.
The limb is $750 in geld. On reeeipt Of
12 cents in stamps the publishers (the
Sabieton Litho. & Pub. Co. Montreal,)
will soul to any address a sample espy
with full pertioulets.
1 H. 13h L SS k LS YOS'1'
Pri��,y cud Saii�rtlay, 4,,iI! 1711i 1811
Ladies, it will pay you to not make your Spring purchases till you see our Grand Display
this season We cannot possibly open our show rooms before that date, as our large stock is being
completed as fast as possible by four competent milliners, and our display w ill be second to none
outside of the cities. We request every lady in the town of Brussels and Grey and Morris town-
ships to be present at our Opening to see our Magnificent Display of Trimmed Millinery.
Your Obedient Servants,
W. NIGHTINGALE & Go., Brussels.
THE 24th of May comes on Sunday
this year,
Cloven, Timothy and Garden Seeds at
Ham re -shaped. Mas, TUaesoLL, Dull
street, Brussels.
Ir you want wheels on yodr buggy call
on James Walker.
Mies Mem Moons, of Wiogham, has
organized a music class in Brussels,
To RENT,—The house lately occupied
by W. J. Fairfield. Apply to Dn. Mc.
SoMEEODY's cow came down the river,
over the dam, the other day. Of course
she was dead.
SEED oats (Egyptian,) good and clean,
weigh 44 lbs. per bushel. Price 55 cents,
cash. hammer) SANTE.
SEE that the shade trees are protected
from damage. The Reeve will make an
example of any person known to damage
$219.00 per annum was the price agreed
upon by the Council Monday evening for
the use of the five electric lights now on
the street,
.Honsa5EN should get their route bills,
cards, pedigrees, cite., printed at Tn0
Pose office. All work done in first-class
style. Good assortmsat of cuts. Prices
A. HoNTEa, R, 1.. Taylor, F. S. Scott,
J. Df. McIntosh, Jas. Stratton, R. and S.
Beattie, George Cardiff and ether
townspeople were in attendance at the
Huron Assizes this week.
Anson day will soon be here. People
should take delight in setting out shade
trees and thus aid in beautifying the
town. The Council will repay yon for
the trouble if the tree is doing well after
two years growth.
W:LL-Dreorvo AND Dnmrrxe.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaued out and put in proper
ebape. Terms reasonable. Residence
sewed door north of the bridge, west
ide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43.51
BOARD oe HEALTH.—The first meeting
of the Board of Health for Brussels, 1891,
will be held in the Council chamber next
Tuesday evening at 8 o'oiook. The fol.
lowing persons compose the Board this
year :—Reeve Graham, Clerk Scott,
Health Officer, Dr. Holmes, Sanitary In.
specter Smith, J. G. Skene, John Wynn
and Alex. Stewart. The Board will see
that the work is thoroughly done and we
hope the Inspeotor will make everybody
toe the line. The garbage ground will be
the same as last year but the pablio
nes?: see that old tins, &o., are properly
WeoNe METHODS or RAI.Irto Moser.—
This was the topic at the Y. P. C A., at
the Methodist ohuroh last Monday even-
ing, introduced by Rev. R. Paul. The
wrong methods instanced by the reverend
gentlemen were :—(1) For tea minister
to !rave to raise the money. (2) To give
to God what we have left when all other
engagements are met. (8) To put off
paying to the close of the year. (4) For
the parent to give for the whole family.
(5) To have recourse to any pian that ie
questionable even in appearance. In the
discussion Rev. S. Sellery, Dr. Cavanagh,
W. H. Kerr, T. Fletcher, J. Downing and
Geo. Rogers gave expression to their
opinions, Miss Dolly Balker presided at
the organ.
MmnINEnr.—Last week the new mil-
linery rooms, lately opened by Mies
Hoare, in Smale's block, were formally
opened and a large number of ladies call-
ed and inspected the display of Spring
and Summer millinery. The leading
shapes exhibited are the Golande, Barn-
hardt, Now Then, Lisette and the Ram -
eau, while the new shades are Levande
Kopper, Almond and Pearl Grey. Tinsel
ribbon will evidently be largely worn.
The show of flowers and feathers is also
large, and of such a quality Ra 50 eom.
mend the attention of purchaser•, There
wee also a display of millinery goods,
Inc s, tee. The season is sotnewbatbaok-
warcl owing to the cold, rainy weather
but Miss Hoare has made it number of
Bales and booked orders so that the out-
look ie of a promising character.
Comore—A special meeting of the
village Council was held in the Cocnoil
chamber ou Monday evcuing of this week
for the purpose of considering the elec.
trio light question. There were present
Reeve Graham and Councillors Stewart,
Ross and Ament. A communication
wee read front W, M. Sinclair explaining
his reasons for declining the tirevioes
offer of $900 per annum, and asking that
the sum be made $219, he offering to
alter the position of the lamps to suit the
Council, and supply two or three more
lights at the same rate per lamp as asked
for the five now in use. After some di5.
mission the following motion was oar.
ried ;—Moved by W.F. Stewart, seconded
by R. Rose that this Council acoopts W.
M. Sinclair's tender for electric street
lighting, as per his letter of 7th April,
eontreet to commence January let, 1801,
payment to be made quarterly, and that
the motion passed et last regular meeting
Of Council, re street eltotrlo lighting, be
and Is hereby reeoioded. Council then
Ix you want a top on your buggy call
on James Walker.
SEE Jamas Walker's $25 and 630 road
carte, the latest and best,
150 bundles fence wire 75e. to $1.00
oheaper per owb. than last year. B.
GERRY. 40.2'
Toe fishermen are getting their rode,
etc., in readiness for the opening of the
trout season.
Ir you are going for a trip or have a
friend visiting you, bring the item to this
office. Don't be bashful, it is news we
BEV. I. B. WAnLwno, of Bluevale, will
preach in the 'Methodist church here
next Sabbath. Rev. Mr, Sellery will be
at Binevale.
hung out a fancy new sign in the shape
of a tea kettle. Tbey keep things boil.
ing inside in the matter of pushing work
and selling goods.
Tern street lamps have been taken
down and stored away carefully for the
present. The Council will dispose of
them, we believe, at a fair figure. They
are as good as new.
As yet it is rather risky to doff the
warm wear of the cold season. The
April weather is apt to be changeable,
and dangers lurk in its cold, damp spells.
It is a spring month, and lighter gar-
ments are in the order• of fashion and
custom ; but itis well to loop out for the
grippe and saoh things,when the skies are
To TDB LAvrrs.—A now system of cut-
ting and fitting garments Inc ladies and
children will be shown by Bliss Cross on
Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at Miss
Nellie Ross' Fancy Goods store, when
the drafting and system will be explain-
ed. Every lady consulting ber own in-
terest should make a point bo be present.
Per UP.—The proprietor of Tms POST
will be much obliged if all subscribers in
Brassels and vicinity will kindly square
up at once, as he does not want to go
to the expense of sending around a col-
lector. Some subscriptions have been
running for some time in an unsettled
state. Dont pass this notice on to your
neighbor if you as it is intended for
Foxes AND GRAPr..s---Last Sunday
morning Rev. S. Sellery preached a ser-
mon to the Sabbath school scholars of
the Methodist ohttreh on the "Little
Foxes," representing by Chem sins com-
mon to youth. Those referred to were :
(1) "White" lies; (2) Repeating had
worde ; (3) Bad behaviour in the church
or Sabbath sohool ; (4) Little sots of
selfishness ; (5) Little sots of diso-
bedience. The service was an interesting
GUN Czms.—The annual meeting of
the Brussels Goon Club was held ex the
Control Hotel on Friday evening. The
iluanoial report showed that the fivauces
were carefully looked after, a small
amount being in the treasury after all
expenses had been paid. The club will
he officered for 1891 as follows ;—Robb.
Watt, President ; 1). 0, Rose, Vice -Pres-
ident ; Joe Ballantyne, Secretary-Trees-
nrer ; Managing Committee — Jno.
I-Iewitt, E. W. Nelson, F. S. Scott and
W. M. Sinclair. The field used last year
for practice is again at the disposal of
the members. The club is desirous of
arranging friendly matches with neigh-
boring towns and villages.
Wills is en Easy One.
new Tena—The euocess of our last
word finding contest, just closed, en-
courages us to offer another Free Trip
around the World, or its cash equivalent
to the person -sending in the largest list
of words spelt the came forward and back.
ward, such as "Pip" "Bob" "Hannah.'
The contest closes May 15. Three daily
prizes for the three largest lists received.
Contest is open to the World. Every.
ono sending ten words will gob a prize,
Nearly 1200 won prizes in our reoent con-
test. Rales and. sample paper 12 cents,
together with a large illustrated cata-
logue. Address Boll's Magazine, Oriliia,
LeoMin STA'risTms,—The Provincial
Iteport concerning the working of the
License Aot has been received, and from
it wo make a few extracts that may be of
interest, Tho fatal mmtber of hetet
lioensos in operation in the county in
1800 was—Last Ileron, 26 ; South, 38 ;
West, 41. In the South there were 5
shop lioensos and in the West 3. The
lioonse fens ware divided as followe : 'Phe
Province rceeived from the Best, 61800.•
02 ; South, $2839.71 ; West, 03346,03 ;
andthe mnuiei rolitiee as follows ; Last
Huron ---Grey, 8182.00 ; DIcKillop, $71..
66 ; Iiullett, east parb, $81,80 ; Morrie,
$47.71 ; Howick, $150.08 ; Turbberry,
423.86 ; Brussels, $269,34 ; Wroxeter,
$127.70—Total, $021.25. South Huron—
Meter, $158.72 ; Soatorth, $040.18
Goderiok township, south part; $31,84 ;.
Bayfield, $110.70; Sbepben, $829,00;
Usborne, $127,313 ; Hay, $225.59 ; Tank'
ersmibb, $100.84 ; Stanley, $154,10. ---
Total, $3484.42. Met Huron—code•
rich town, $864.81;
Last,$01.10; Hallett, $64.82'Wawanesh,Wea, $72,00 ; Windhem, �35 .40;
Olin -
ton, $845,78 ; Aabfleld, $105,02 ; 001.
borne, $184,28 ; Blyth, $.214,132, -...Total,
CALF. in and ,se Jamas Walker's $100
buggies. They are worth the money.
A 801P110 of sung is being arrunged for
Thursday evening, May 21,4 by Melville
church ohoir.
Tau bottom !ticked out of pikes on all
wood work. Repairing on old buggies
and waggons ab James Walker's. All
work gnaraeteed.
NOTICE,—All persona indebted to the
firm of Stewart &Lowick, of the National
Roller mills, are asked to settle the same
on or before the 1st of May. Stewart &
BEES and bee supplies, smokers, empty
hives (Jones style) and a number of
swarms of bees for sale. Apply to J. R.
Sstxrs at A. Al. McKay & Co.'s hardware
store, Brussels. 40.2
NDnsr.,11Y : ,roux YOU SALE.—The under-
si gned has a large quantity of Norway
Spruce for sale, from 1 to 13 feet high;
Horse Chestnuts, 6 to 8 feet, 25c, each;
Red Cherries, 5 to 6 feet, 25o. each ; Grape
Vines iu variety, 25o. each, and two grren
houses full of Rouse and Bedding Plants.
All kinds of Vegetable Plants in season.
THoarAS KELLY, Brussels.
SuEE Seems or SunINO.---Robins.—
House oleauing,—Millinery openings.—
Tho organization of athletic elube.—
Fishing tackle.—Straw hats:—Freshets.
—Every second farmer you see with a
plow point or a pair of plow lines.—Tho
assessor; Garden anti acid seeds offered
for sale. --Hob beds.-- Early onions.—
Awe i,lgs.
Moarnny Gospel Temperance meet.
ings will be held ill the ',Lown Hall,
Brass,ls, catnmeucing on Sunday even-
ing, I1fay 10th, under the auspices of the
Royal Templars of Temperance. The
program will consist of addresses, mesio,
&c. The meetings will commence nt 8
o'clock and will be open to the public.
Farther announcement later.
$745.00 m GOLD ren A Were. ---We will
give to the first person telling us before
June hat, 1891, where in the Bible the
word "wife" is ' fret found $100.00 in
gold. To the next $50.00. To the third,
$25.00. To the fourth, $20.00. To the
fifth, $15.00. To the sixth, $10.00. To
the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25,
$2 each. To the person sending in the
lest eorreot answer, we will give $100 in
gold. To the next to the last $50, and
so on sante as from the first. With your
answer send 25 uta. in sheer, or 27 eta. in
stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood
and Liver Pills, the beet Blood, Liver
and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure
for sick headache. Don't gripe. Be.
member the presents are absolutely free,
being given away to advertise Dr. Cole'
Perteot Pills and Family Remedies. A
the close of the eouteet the names and
addresses of all the prize winners will ap-
pear in this paper. We refer you to the
Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send at once
and be first. Address, Ilome Specific
Co., OHllia, Ont.
Master of human destinies ant I,
Fame, love and fortune on my foot-
steps wait.
Cities and fields I walk. I penetrate
Deserts and seas remote, And passing
Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late
I knock unhidden once at every gate.
1.1 sleeping wake ; if feasting rise before
I turn away ; itis the hour of fate.
And those who follow one reach every
Mortals desire, and conquer every foe
Save doabh ; but those who doubt or
Condemned to failure, penury and woe,
Beek me in vain, and useless implore ;
I answer not, and I return no more.
• • ,
But fail not in this respect :
Seize every opportunity to travel
Over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Brussels, April 17.
Listowel, April 17.
Stratford, Friday, April 17.
MR'orn stn xsaTa gy=m.
Fall Wheat 1 01 1 00
Spring Wheat 1 00 1 (10
Barley 48 .55
Oats 00 59
Peas ...... 7(1 75
Batter, tabs ,and rolls.... 14 00
Eggs per dozen 9 10
Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50
Potatoes 50 00
Hay per. ton 5 00 6 00
Pork .... 8 00 5 50
Hides per Ib 4 00
Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00
Sheep skins, eaoh - 60 75
Lamb skins oaoh 40 50
Wool, per lb 18 20
EAST BUFFALO, April 15.--Oattle—Re-
ceipts were only one car of sale stook of
a mixed lot. The market ruled with a
fair demand for those fit to kill, and even
the light stuff sold ae strong prices. The
prospects are fair for the doming week.
Sheep—To-day's offerings were heavy,
all of eighteen oars. The market was
slow owing to very unfavorable reports
from below and bad weather also, but
the prices obtained here for good stook,
s though a shads lower, were not mush
t / different from those of yesterday as it is
altogether probable that this will he the
last heavy run of wool stock at the east.
Coarse heavy fatsheepand lambs both
sold very poorly as the weather is be-
coming too warm for heavy stock, oven
for prime. hogs—Receipts were Iight ;
only eight oars of f: ash sale stook and
four loads of light hold over from yes.
SPRING MnddnEnr,—^Gil Thursday of
last week the Spring millinery opening
at Mrs. E. Rogers Palace store took plane
according to advertisement. The show'
room was decorated in a most becoming
manner and Mies Green was the re.
cipient of many oompliments for her
tasty and stylish handiwork. The large
number of visitors duly admired the
large display of millinery geode and
what is more satisfactory that tbis left
a great many orders for hats, bonnsbe
and other goods. Some of the names of
!tats that will be in favor this season are
Otero, Roseberry, Talisman, Gondola,
Bon Ton, Sylph, Rosetta and Brussels,
besides dozens of others. It is difficult
to tell flow soon the vanishing pninb will
bo reached in small bate. The large ones
ars stupendously gorgeous, and the
shapes will be one extreme or the other.
Flowers aro to he exbeneivcly used, and
they certainly simulate nature more
closely than over before. Gold and sil-
ver arc seen upon almost every hat and
toque, and the enhanced effect ie quite
olnarming, Ribbons, gaboone, laces,
braids and full set pieties are produeed in
Om and gold. Pinks promise to be
good, no less than seven shades being
shown. Yellows will bo used with black
and also with gold. Gold and silver
dotted blank note bold the lead and give
great premier) of so continuing through.
cub the season. A strong effort will be
made to replace black in etrawe with
oolore, and ern and gray stand first in
public favor. The trimming is almost
universally placed at the back and eaa
ranged quite high. The crowns have al-
most eetirely disappeared at the top, but
bandeaux placed underneath and ooveeed
with crushed roses or small flowers rest
Upon the heed. Voluted brims ass n per.
feet rave, and to be without re hat with it
volnted brim for sun wear 18 to be with.
out one of the most becoming effects ever
placed over the face.
BALL.—Near Uxbridge, on the 8bh inst.,
John Ball, aged 02 years.
Btu,rn. In Soaforth, on the 14th inst.,
]tire. Walter Smith, aged 81 years.
Seitnroet.--In Toronto, on the lath inst.,
Jokn J. Shelton, eaacnd Ben of Thos.
Skelton, of brayton, aged l9 years,
4 months and 18 days,
ad. Applyatana&,
7,1150, BP0LL13RY,
•.ID. Methodist Parsonage.
Many 8torobouse, a limited quantity
of Carter's Prize Prolific Barley, grown from
last year's imported Beed,
B. GRAHAM, Brussels.
-a-' Salo. Also n quantity of Cedar Rails
Stakes, For price, terms deo. amply to
1610HA11D 14IITOLi.k5LL,
30.2 Lot 32, owl, e, Grey,or Bruseols P.O.
9 TANDt9Ila 13AN1: Qi CANADA,
W. F. COWAN, President,
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
Carmen, Anter entre, • - $2,000,000
PAMUP, - - - - -1,000,000
RESEuva Funs), . 400,000
Agoaoies 15 21rincipal points in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, United States
and ilaglautl.
Brussels Agency.
A Goner al Banking BUsIne58 Transacted,
Farm ors' and other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates, Drafts /mod and souce-
tions made on all polets. Deposits reeelv51
and interoat allowed at ourront ratee.
Interest Allowed on Savings Bank no.
posits of 85 and upwards from Oslo of
dalloSit to date of wibadraend, Dud corn•
pounded half yearly.
Prompt attention and every faoilityitifforcl-
and ouetomere living ata tdiatanee.
G. 1'. SCOLPIFILD, Agent,
Brttseole, April Rh, 101,
Amu, 17, 1891,
f you want your Baby not to cry
11 yon cant l}''nur bubo 0005 to keep yon
a\fake ab nlgbt use Popper's CnsVSoihtln
l f poll want 90115 baby to bo bbs best baby
11J bows Ilse Pepper's Castreillaa,
l f yon witnb M10 m,eka Jouv b,,by's tea thhlg
0059 usu 1'sppor's (lastroiline,
OAaTIOILcNA .is GoOt1 for Indlgeettoa, Sour
Rtemeoh, Collo, Teething eronbles, &o,
mor L'nn I'S AT
Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels.
Tramxlaot a me:nora. Olnamlciazg
Canadine aid United States Drafts bought
and sold,
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections Cade on favorable term.
Canadian Agents—MmucnANr's Bann on
Now York /118818.IMPORTOne AND Tann
Solicitor and Conyevencer, Collec-
tions made. Ohaoe—Vanetoae's Sleek, Brue-
eels. 21.3m.
• Rolisitor, Conveyancer , Notary Pub -
lin, &o. Otnoo—Grebaln'a Block,1 arm. north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Privae Funds to
(Late with Carrow &0reudfoot, Bode.
rich,) narr,atsre, Relisitore, Conveyancers,
&e. Ofhoos—Rroesels and Senforth, Brus-
sels Moe—Op-stairs over Bank, Money
to Loan,
0.0.1525. w.II. 01ax509
A M. TAYLOR B. 0. L. ._
Bnrristor, Solicitor' &o., of the firm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto,
'Money to loan.
ll Teacher of Organ ono Pfano.
90-tf Prinapse street, Brussels.
Insurer of Aferrin.g,Ideenses. Ogioe
at his Crooary, i'urn1 erry street, Brussels.
Tensorial Artist• Shop—Next door
south of a. Ar, itre.Paf & ores hardware store.
Ladia a' and ebildrens hair cutting n sneoialty
Insurer of Marriage Lfoenses, by
appointment of Linnt,-Governor, Commis -
Fire Ma0lr005`e 0o. 0113 5 at the and Cranbrooj
Post Chace.
Co, Hoon of0nuveyaneer, th Notary Court, i
Lauri, Loan end Insure me Agent, Funds
invested and to loan, Collections made.
Moe to Graham's Block, Brussels.
Late of the Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, is prepared to give lessons et
Ethel and Oranbrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Arr. Harrison on the piano, and
of 7&r. S. R. Olark in vocal um do. Class at
Cranbrook every Tonality. For terms, &c„
AMA's, at rho ltlethm dist Parsonage, Ethel,
Teacher of Plano. Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Organist in 8t, John's Church, Brus-
sels, solicits a share of the patronage of the
music -loving people of Brussels and. vioin-
itv. Instructions given at eurroub rates,
Timms, referouose, &a, may be ascertained
by calling at the residence of Airs. Dun ford
sr„Turnberry street, Brussels, 7.tf
—. •_�a r-]. 153'7' S
ministeredfor tPainless aon of
Tooth. 79 Gerrard Street Bast, Tono9To.
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Vui.
varsity, 0remlu--Over Pepper's Drug Store,
41 • Auctioneer, 1e always ready to at-
te nl salts of farina, farm stock, &e, Terms
cheerfully given. Craabroolt P.O, Sales
may toe swangeel at Tens Posn Pabtishiag
House, Brnseels,
\..J� Licensed Auationser. Sales conduct-
ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farts
steak aseeeialty. Orders loft at TIE POST
Publishing House, llrustels, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
1 on as an Auetiobeer Y am prepared
to conduct 8810.1of farm shock at 1'e„eeattble
micas, ltuowing the standing of nearly
everypersnu fain in a !position to sell to
good mnrim and get good smutty y when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. give
moa Hall, 512• P, 5, 80011'1.
AI E. O&LE, AI, D.,
0.fA .
v V member of the Collo oof P yq
and Surgeons of Ontario- by expo (nation,
O,Oioe and lieaideltco—hi,tin slroet Dart
Othol, Ontari o.
�re A. MONAUG.[ITON, M. D.
U • C. M., 1,,, R. (7
8. Ont. At Pepper's C.P.,
!Otero from R tb
11530 a, on. and from 1;80 to 4 p, m, AC obher
b000f0 eenied onnrl ttt hie rsaiclsnill form•
-.--._...—. W.: on, Mill at.
nrly060,tpiodbyDn1utohins .,_ -...,,
Rotor tdr'aduate of the Ont rig
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dieoasas 0f ciomeatieate,l entmale In a eon•
notoet mannat, Pertieulal' attentive I)Mid
to vnterieery dentistry, .Calle prompt)y ate
tended to, 041lae mud Jun:eery—Two 4005%
north 0f btfdgS V''urnbarry st, XJruesv)a.$