HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-17, Page 8Over 2,000 Bohn OF CEILING ANI) all Paper Received since February, 11391. We believe we have the Finest and Best Values in Wall Papers and Borderings that have ever been shown in Brussels. We have made selections from no leas than TEN MANUFACTURERS. It will give us pleasnre to show yon our samples. It will pay you to see them if you pur- pose paper hanging. • G. A, DEADiMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S0n'rnEn1 EXTENSION W. G. de. D. Trains Ieave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goma SolTO. Goide t 01 Tn. b6at1 5:00 e.m. Mixed 0:00 a.m. Expr'ess.,....U41 a.m. Mail MOS p.m. Mixed8X6 p,w. Express s:46 0.01, NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. You will observe that your address is now printed on a label instead of being written as in the past. The date to which your subeoription to THE Pose is paid will alae be found on ib. We want every subscriber to take particular notice to the latter and if not squared to Jan. 1st, 1892, kindly see that the necessary amount is emitted to balance the same. The dates are put ou as they appear in oar books but we will gladly be corrected if a mistake has occurred on receiving notification and proof of the same. Total Se1»s A chiefs amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FIVE lbs, orange marmalade, 50o. Geo. Good. Ottit-er•:tersn ton of Dutch sate at Mo- Cracken's. Srarco Fair in Brussels on Friday of this week. TAKE those storm sashes and storm doors down. OLeven, Timothy and garden seeds at McCracken's. Guess seed sewers down to 62.00. Marsden Smith. Pawn barrel blarkstrap, Fresh barrel Si. Leon. Geo. Good. THE Maitland has been considerably swollen from the repent rains. BAstroNn Sewing Machine Needles tit a. Q Skene's for 25c. a package. JUST received, 5 Barrels Dutch Sett Onions, for sale at no. Bancen's. A noon brick bowie to rent or sell. Apply at the woollen mill, Brunie. Simms, April 26th, is the 72nd anui• vereary of Oddfellowship in America. THE boy who can beat a carpet to beat the band is the joy of his mother's heart. LESLIE O'Coxacc is now in Charge of the management of the electric light in Brussels. THE street scraping has been pushed this week and a large quantity of mud, refuse, &c., removed. Ono. THOMSON, grocer, has the material on. hand for a brick store house, 20x30 fent, to be built to the rear of his store. Ie is proposed to have sermons preach. ed throughout Ontario, as far as possible, to the A. 0. U. W. on Sunday, May 24tb. Neri. Rieneensn.l has le,sed the stone building opposite the Town Hall and will ute)ize it for an agricultural implement emporium. EAST Huron License Board will meet at the Central Hotel, Brussels, on Friday of this week to grant hotel licenses for the coming year. Too: fall wheat has not wintered better in this vicinity for many years. Should the present weather not prove fatal, the proepects are favorable for a fine crop. A MIOHIGAN subscriber in remitting his subscription to THE POST, this week, writes "I can get along without my friends writing to me regularly but must have Tits POST." FooT BALI,—A meeting of persons in- terested in the formation of the Brussels foot ball team for 1891 will be heid et the Queen's Hotel on Friday evening of this week. A large attendance asked for. THE job of cutting the tops off the pop. lar trees at Victoria Square was let to D. McMillan who completed the work this week. Maple trees should be planted be- tween the poplars so thab in the course of a few years the latter could be out out altogether. BRrsexts Royal Template are moving along Steadily. Three new members were initiated Last Tuesday evening and e a numer of othere have signified their M. tendon of joining. A musics] and literary program is preoeuted at each meeting. A oho]r ie How being organized for bhe Counoil with Dr. Cavanagh as leader and lbUae Lizzie Wilson, organist. A ceemr to Canadian Journalism.- Those persons who have seen the Dom]n• ion Illustrated sines it has been enlarged and improved should eeeore a sample copy at once. Both from the literary and artistic point of tin, the Illustrated is a credit to °enadinit journaliem, The prize competition, which hes been in• augurated with the doubly pnrpoee of conferring benefit on readers and pub. Bailers, consists ih finding in cnrront nnmbe's of the journal the answers to thirty--eix questions, six of which are publiehed evereemonth, The prizes ag- grogate over $8,000 in value, There are :(00 in all, the fewest being valued at $5, The first is 9760 in gold, On receipt of 12 cents in stamps tho publishers (the Sabieton Litho. tri Pub, Go. Montreal,) will send to any address a sample dopy with full particulars, 1 H± J H L Si LS 1—'0S11n OUR — G AND — CITY — MILLINERY .. OP�rov".'Su raw )WII,L TARE PLACE ON(---- Ffifiyf cud Saliirday, peril 1711i auk 981V. - Lathes, it will pay you to not make your Spring purchases till you see our Grand Display this season We cannot possibly open our show rooms before that date, as our large stock is being completed as fast as possible by four competent milliners, and our display w ill be second to none outside of the cities. We request every lady in the town of' Brussels and Grey and Morris town- ships to be present at our Opening to see our Magnificent Display of Trimmed Millinery. Your Obedient ,.Sei'vanls, W. NIGHTINGALE .c Go., Brussels. Tie 24th of May comes on Sunday this year. CLOVER, Timuthy and Garden Seeds at Tbomson's. Hare re -shaped. MRS. TURNBULL, Mill street, Brussels. Ir you want wheels on yodr buggy cell on James Walker. Miss Mins Moues, of Wingbam, has organized a music Class in Brussels. To RENT.—The house lately occupied by W. J. Fairfield. Apply to Dn. Mc. Keever. SOojeODY'e COw came dawn the river, over the dam, the other day. Of course she was dead. SEED oats (Egyptian,) good and clean, weigh 44 lbs. per bushel. Pride 55 cents, cash. 1rIAISDEN Sturm. SEE that the shade trees are protected from damage. The Reeve will make an example of any person known to damage trees. 9219.00 per annum was the price agreed upon by the Council Monday evening for the use of the five electric lights now on the street. HemcaotoN should get their route bills, cards, pedigrees, etc., printed at Ton Pose office. All work done in first-class style. Good assortment of outs. Prices right. A. HOOTER, R, L. Taylor, F. S. Scott, J. M. McIntosh, Jas. Stratton, R. and S. Beattie, George Cardiff and' other townspeople were in attendance at the Huron Assizes this week. Alcon day will soon be here. People should take delight in setting out shade trees and thus aid in beautifying the town. The Council will repay you for the trouble if the tree is doing well after two years growth. Blank-DraoiNw AND Dnm.LINa.—George Birt ]tae all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is peeper. ed to attend to ell work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Taros reasonable. Reeidenoe second door north of the bridge, west ide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-lf BOARD OF HEALTo.—The first meeting of the Board of Health for Brussels, 1891, will be held in the Council ohamber next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, The fol. lowing persons compose the Board this year :—Reeve Graham, Clerk Scott, Health Officer, Dr. Holmes, Sanitary In. Spector Smith, J. G. Skene, John Wynn and Alex. Stewart. The Board will see that the work is thoroughly done and we hops the Inspector will make everybody toe the line. The garbage ground will be the same as last year but the public NEST see that old tins, &o., aro properly buried. Wnoxs METaons or' RArsica MooEs.— Tbis was the topic at the Y. P. 0 A., at the Methodist ohureh last Monday even- ing, introduced by Rev. R. Paul. The wrong methods instansod by the reverend gentlemen were :—(1) For the minister to have to raise the money. (2) To give to God what we have left when all other engagements are met. (8) To put oil' paying to the close of the year.4) For the parenb to give for the whole family. (5) To have recourse to any plan that is questionable even in appearance. In the discussion Rev. S. Sellery, Dr. Cavanagh, W. H. Kerr, T, Fletcher, J. Downing and Geo. Rogers gave expression to their opinions. Miss Dolly Broker presidei at the organ. Mminenns.—Last week the new mil- linery rooms, lately opened by Mies Hoare, in Smale's block, were formally opened and a large number of ladies call. ea and inspected the display of Spring and Summar millinery. The leading shapes exhibited are the Golande, Barn. hardb, Hoa' Then, Lisette and the Ram- ean, while the new shades are Levande Kopper, Almond and Pearl Grey, Tinsel ribbon will evidently be largely worn. The show of flowers and feathers is also large, and of such a quality as to com- mand the attention of purchaser.. There wee aleo a display of millinery goods, lad's, oto. The 00ae041 is somewhat hack. ward owing to the cold, relay weather but Miss Hoare has made a number of ales aid booked orders so that the ant. nok is of a promising character. Councm—A spacial meeting of the village Council was held iu the Council climber ou Monday evening of this week for the purpose of ooisitleemg the aloe. trio light question. There were present Reeve Graham and Cottnoillors Stewart, Ross and Aetent, A oonamuniOaticu was read from W, M. Sinclair explaining his reasons for declining the previous offer of 9200 per annum, and asking that the sum be made 92)9, he offering to altos the position of the Imps to suit the Council, and supply two or three more lights at the same rate per lamp as asked for the five now in tree. After some die. Cussion the following motion was oar. vied :—Moved by W. Pi. Stewart, sesondod by 11. Boas tient this Council acoepbs W. M. Sinolair's tender for electric etreet lighting, as per his letter of 7th April, oontraet to commence January let, 1801, payment to bo made quarterly, and that the motion passed at last replay meeting of Conneil re greet electric g. ' ,. r , elootrlo hglltingy be and is hereby rescinded, Connell then adjourned. Ir you want a top on your buggy call on James Walker. SEE Jamas Walker's 921 and 530 road carts, the latest and beet. 150 bundles fence wire 75c. to 91.00 Cheaper pet Cwt. than last year. B. GRnsy. 40.2' THE fishermen are getting their rods, etc„ in readiness for the opening of the trout season. Is you are going for it trip or have a friend visiting you, bringthe item to this office. Don't be bashfuib is news we want. REV. I. B. Wtotwor, of Bluevale, will preach in the 'Methodist cherish here next Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Sellery will be at Bluevale. Messes. BALLANTTNE & WILTON have hung oat a fancy new sign in the shape of a tea kettle. They keep things both ing inside in the matter of pushing work and selling goods. TRE street lamps have bean taken down and stored away carefully for the present. The Council will dispose of them, we believe, ab a fair figure. They are as good as new. As yet it is rather risky to doff the warm wear of the cold season. The April weather is apt to be changeable, and dangers lurk in its Cold, damp spells. It is a spring month, and lighter gar- ment. are in the order of fashion and custom ; but it is well to look out for the grippe and sash things,when the skies are beclouded. To THE LAAree.—A now system of cut. ting and fitting garments for ladies and children will be shown by Miss Cross on Friday afternoon, at 5 o'ulook, at Miss Nellie Ross' Fancy Goods afore, when the drafting and system will bo explain- ed. Every lady ooneult]ng her own in- terest Should make a point to be present. PAY Ur:—The proprietor of THS Pose will be mach obliged if ail eubsoribere in Brussels and vicinity will kindly square up at once, as he dues not want to go to the expense of sending around a col- lector. Some sebsoriptions have been running for some time in an unsettled state. Dont pees this notice on to your neighbor if you owe as it is intended for 1011, Foxes AND GRAPES.—Last Sunday morning Rev. S. Sellery preached a ser• mon to the Sabbath sobool scholars of the Methodist chnroh on the "Little Foxes," representing by them sins Com- mon to youth. Those referred to were : (1) "White" lies ; (2) Repeating bad words ; (8) Bad behaviour in the Church or Sabbath school ; (4) Little acts of selfishness; (5) Little ante of diso- bedience. The service was en interesting 005. Gm( Clem,—The annual meeting of the Brussels Gun Olub was held eta the Oeutral Hotel on Friday evening. The fluanoial report showed that the finances were carefully looked after, a email amount being in the treasury after ell expenses had been paid. The club will he officered for 1891 as follows :—Robt. Watt, President ; D. 0, Rose, Vice -Prete idenb ; Joe Ballantyne, Secretary -Treas- urer ; Managing Committee — Jno. Hewitt, E. W. Stetson, F. S. Saolt and W. M. Sinclair. The field used last year for practice is again at the disposal of the members. The Club is desirous of arranging friendly matchee with neigh- boring towns and villages. This is an Eney One. Irene nine—The success of our last word finding oontest, just Closed, en• oourages us to offer another Free Trip around the World, or its cash equivalent to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt the Rome forward and back- ward, such as "Pip" "Bob" "Hannah." The contest Sloths May 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest Hats received, Contest is open to the World. Every. ono sending ten words will geb a prize, Nearly 1200 won prizes in our reoenb con- test. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, together with a large illustrated cats• ]ogee. Address Boll's Magazine, Orillle, Out: License Seterneeice,—Tho Provincial Report concerning the working of the License Act has been received, Rud from it we make a few extracts that may be of intermit. The total number of hotel licenses in operation in the county in 1800 was—Bast Huron, 20 ; South, 89 ; West, 41. In the South there were 5 shop licensee and in the West 8. The license fees were divided as follows ; The Province received from the East, 91800.• 02 ' South, 92839.71 ; West, 98846,081 and the manieipalitiee as followe : East Huron—Grey, 9182.90 ; Mr.ICiltop, 971.. 56 ; IIullott, sash part, 931,80 ; Morris, 947.71; IIowick, $165.08; Tnruberry, 428.86 ; Brussels, 9260,34 ; . Wroxeter, 9127.70—Total, 9021,25, South Huron-•- lexeter, 9158.72 ; Soaforth, 9940,18 ; Godsrioli township, south part; 981,84 ; Bayfield, $116.76 ; Stephen, 9829,06 ; Ueborns, 8127.801 Hay, 9225.56 ; Tuck. eremith,100.84 ; Stanley, 9154,10.•— Total, 92484.42, West Huron—Gods. rich town, $884,84 ; Wswanosh, hast, 981.10 ; Mullett, 964.82 ' Wawanosh, West, ,9$72,80; Wingham, 9850.40; Olin. to A n, $ 45,78 ; Aenfialit, 8165,02.. ; Col. borne, 089,28 ; 131yth, 8214,08, --.Total, 92199.66, CALL in and r•es James Walker's 9100 buggies. They nee worth the money. A snlvrsE of song is being arranged for Thursday evening, Hay 21.4 by Melville ohnroll choir. THE bottom kicked oat of pi ices on all wood work. Repairing on old buggies and waggons at James Walker's. All work guaranteed. NOTICE.—All persons indebted to the firm of Stewart cis Down*, of the National Railer mills, are asked to settle the same on or before the 1st of May. Stewart de Lowick. Brise and bee supplies, smokers, empty hives (Jones style) and a number of swarms of bees for sate. Apply to J. tt. SMITH at A. M. McKay & Oo.'s hardware store, Brussels. 40.2 Re:naniny ;mai: Fon SALE.—The under - si gned has a large quantity of Norway Spruce for sale, from 1. to 8 feet high; Horse Chestnuts, 0 to 8 feet, 25c, each ; Red Oharries, 5 to G feet, 25o. each ; Grape Vines ie variety, 25c. each, and two green houses full of Souse and Bedding Plants. All kinds of Vegetable Plants in season. MOWS BELLY, Brussels. 40.4 SURE SIGNS OF SrRINO.—Robins.— House oleauing,—Millinery openings.— The organization of athletic dubs.-- Fisbing tackle.—Straw bate:—Freshete. —Every seeona farmer you see with it plow point or a pair of plow Imes.—The assessor.—Garden and field em•ds offered for sale. --%lot beck.— Early onions.— Awn inga. MONTHLY Gospel Temperance meet- ings will bo held in the Town Hall, Brands, aimmelloing on Sunday even. ing, May 10th, under the auspices of the Royal Tolnplars of Temperance. The program will Consist of addresses, music, &c. The meetings will commence at 8 o'clook and will be open to the public. Further anaotlncetnent later. 9745.00 is GOLD Fon A Wen. --WB will give to the first person telling us before June Ise, 1891, where in the Bible the word "wife" is ' first found 9100.00 in gold. To the next 950.00. To the third, 925.00. To the fourth, 920,00. To the fifth, 915,00. To the sixth, 910.00. To the next 25, 95 each, To the next 25, 92 each. To the person sending in the last oorrect answer, we will give 8100 in gold. To the next to the hast 950, and so on Same as from the first. With your answer send 25 Cts. in ether, or 27 cts. in stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't gripe. Re- member the presents are absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addresses of all the prizewinners will ap- pear in this paper. We refer yon to the Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send tet once end be first. Address, Horne Specific Co., Orillia, Ont. Steuxs MtT,'ntol.--On Thursday of last weslc the Spring millinery opening at Mee. P, Rogers Palace store took place rewording to advertisement. The show room wee decorated in a meet becoming manner and Miss Green was the re. oipient of many compliments for her tasty and stylish handiwork. The large number of visitors duly admired the large display of millinery geode and what is more satisfactory than this left a great many orders for bale, bonnets and other goods. Some of the names of bats that will be in favor this season are Otero, Roseberry, Talistua», Gondola, Bon '.Lon, Sylph, Rosetta and Brossele, besides donne of others. It is difllonit to tell how soon the vanishing point will bo reached in small hate. The large ones ars stupendously gorgeous, and the shapes will be one extreme or the other, Flowers are to be extensively used, and they certainly simulate nature more Closely than ever before. Gold and sil- ver are seen upon almost every hat and toque, and the enhanocd effect id quite °harming. Ribbons, gailoons, limes, braids and full set pieces are produced in silver and gold, Pinks promise to be good, no less than seven shades being shown. Yellows wilt bo used with black and also with gold. Cold and silver dotted black nate hold the load and give great proviso of so containing through- out the season. P. strong effort will be made to repinee blank in straws with colors, and eros and gray stand first in public favor. The trimming is almost ttniverealty platted at tho back and ar- ranged quite high, The Drowns have al- most entirely disappeared at the top, but bandeaux placed underneath and covered with Crushed roses or small 8owere rest upon the bend. Voluted briars aro e. per. feet race, and to bo without a hat with a veleta d brim for sun wear is to be with. out one of the moral: becoming effects ever platted over the face. BAIL.—Near Uxbridge, on the 8tlt inst., John Ball, aged 02 years, Sstrrrt.—In Soaforth, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Walter Smith, aged 81 years, Sxenrott,—In Toronto, on the 18th Last., Jelin J. Skelton, second sou of Thos. Straiten, of brayten, aged 19 years, 4 Months and 13 days, OPPORTUNITY. Diaster of human destinies am I, fame, love and fortune on my foot- steps wait. Cities and fields I walk. I penetrate Deserts and seas remote. Acid passing by and mart and palace, soon or late I knock unhidden once at every gate. If sleeping wake; if feasting rise before I torn away ; it is the hour of fate, And those who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death ; but those who doubt or hesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and woo, Seek me in vain, and useless implore ; I answer not, and I return no more. But fail not in this respect : Seize every opportunity to travel Over the Chicago, Milwaukee ce St. Paul Railway. 3 -wee. SPSti'_T2SG 02i017.7 -18 - Brussels, April 17. Listowel, April 17. Stratford, Friday, April 17. mr'0atOz.e.Ls Full Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oitts Peas... Butter, tube and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per. ton. Pork . Hides per lb Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, Saoh Lamb skins eaali Wool, per 1b APRIL 17, 1891, I r yen want your Baby not to cry USE PEPPER'S CA9'IIi,OILINA, 1 1' ymt much your baby not to k00p you awake at night neo PeppeNs Cnstrolilna Jr van wnn4 your baby t0 bo tbm nest baby hl towo use Popper's Oaebroillua. l f yon rownb bo make your baby's Ise thittg oney teen Psppor'e 05etroitiaa. OAsrnoltirsn'lo Good for Ltdigestion, Sour Stomach, Colic, Teething Troubles, &o 515 Fe/11T AT Pepper's Drug Store, Bpusse/s, BANKING. �/j'h1NTOSH & MoTAGGART,� BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tra,aaact a General oBaz,.Ictimg 79•.a.eiszoao, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. In tercet allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable term, Palladian Agents—ME0OTIANr's BANK or CANADA. Now "York Attents—Turnumnns Ann TnnD MI5 NATIONAL Ti ANI[. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Oenv evanoer. Collec- tions made, 011lae—Vanetoue's Monk, Bins. eels. 21.8m+ M. SINCLAIR, A/V• Solicitor, Conveyancer, No bury Pub. lin, de. Office—Graham's Rlocic,l dr. or north of Pepper's Dreg Store, Private Funds to Loan. DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Darrow & Proutifoot, Gode- rieh,) Rarnafsrs, Solicitors. Conveyancers, &a, 093eas—Tirussels and Soaforth. Bres- eols Office—Up-stairs over Bank. Money to Loan. rt. e. RATS. W.D.DICESON AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L. Barrister, Solicitor, etc., of tin firm litosn&augAr,orFoiet, Mantling oieTono Money to loan. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Organ anti Piano. 40-14 Princess street, Brussels. H. MoORA0] EN, 1• Usurer or - , ab Ills Ornery, 1'nrnberrygstreet11 Brusse Osee 1. 04 1 05 1 00 1 05 48 55 00 52 76 75 14 00 9 10 500 550 50 60 500 600 5 00 5 50 4 00 1 25 00 60 75 40 50 18 20 EAST BDPPALo, April 15.—Cattle—Re- oeipts were only one car of sale stock of a mixed lot. Tho market ruled with a fair demand for those It to kill, and even the light stuff sold at strong prices. The prospects are fair for the coming week. Sheep—To-day's offerings were heavy, all of eighteen ears. The market was slow owing to very unfavorable reports from below and bad weather also, bat the prices obtained here for good stook, though a shade lower, were not much different from those of yesterday as it is altogether probable that this will be the last heavy run of wool stock at the east. Coarse heavy fat sheep and lambs both sold very poorly as the weather is be- coming too warm for heavy stock oven for prime. hogs—Receipts were light ; only Dight 0510 of 1,eeh sale stook and four loads of light held over from yes- terday. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENERAL SERVANT WANT- ed. Apply at once, 00115, SIILLERY, 40• Methodist Parsonage. QEED BARLEY.— FOR SALE at my Storehouse, a limited quantity of Carter's Prize erotica Burley, grown from last year's imported seed, 63._ _• - It. G11AHd110, Brussels. i IRST CLASS SHINGLES Fort L• Sale. A10o a quantity of Cedar trails Stakes. For pries, terms &m, aopply to tb1oSAIL0 141ITCff 1.LL, 80.2 Lot 12, Oen, e, Grey, or Brussels P.O. MUM :rANE CF CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. Ie. OOWAN, President. 5. L. BR01332, Cashier. CAPITAL, AcTHnmzxt, - - 92,000,000 P,utu Ur, - - • 1,000,000 REssnvt F UNn, - - ,I60,000 AgeuoisS 15 all principal OOHS in. (interio, Quebec, M5eiteba, United States tied elegiaacl, Brussels Agency. A Goner al Blinking Bluenose Transected. Pam ors' and Other good Notes Discounted at lowestratee, Drafts Issued and 0o31to- tions made en all points. Doposite receiVotl and titltrsat allowed at ortnret roue. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed oh Savings' Danko 1)e- 1posits of St and lipwattla from date of deposit to date et withdrawal, olid Coto• pounded half Yearly. Prompt attention and ovary !away alloxct- ed oustamors living at a ttistanoe, G. P. SGOLFIELD, Agent. Brussels, April sib, 1801, t N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door A. ienr hardware store. and odrs hair it0eo0)- • 11•ToNAIR Isemrm' of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Liest,.c,'overn0r, Commis- sioner, &e, Q,13, Conveyancer and Agent Piro Insurance Co. Office at the Oranbrook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM.nistmeNOE. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALES HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division ,Court, Oo, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pnbne, Laud,Loan and Insure nee Agent. Fundsinvesed and to loan. Collections made. 0/Doe in Graham's Block, Brussels, MISS SHERLOCK, Late of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons at Ethel ig ter and Mr %artisan on bhp piano, and of Mr. S. H. Clark In vocal wusfo. Ciao at Oranbrook every Ttt•eday. For terms, &c., apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel. ISS OALE, Teacher of Piano. Parlor and Pipe Organ, Organist in at. ,Soho's Church, Erns- So15, 8011o,te n Allnte of tate patronage 0f the music -loving people of Brussels and vicin- ity, instructions given at current rates. Terms, references, &a. may be ascertained by 50111)15 at the residence of Aire. Dunford sr., Turnbsrry street, 15025001e. 741 DENTAL. G. L. Ball L. D. s•. Nitros Oxide Gas ac1- mlatebe1'ed for the PCtnteas 18xtraetiou of Teeth. 7i Gerrard Street East, TunoN•ro, .11.11M IN Or T L=;'3' M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. Se Surgeons, ntae of rio, and Collegeawd T000f nto Dental 'Uni- versity, OxrroE—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brosss,s, AUCTIONEERS, ARAY MANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- te rid sales of farms, farts stock, &o. Terms cheerfully given. Oranbroott P. 0, Sales may be arranged at Tura Poer Publishing Howse, Brussels, EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales eonduot- edon reasonable terms. harms and farm stook' silecialty. Orders left at Tits pose' Publishing Douse Brueeole, or sett to Walton P. 0., 00111 receive prompt attention, L TAVING TAKEN OUTLIOEN- SE ns all Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct solos of farm etoyic at reasonable prioea, Knowing the standing of-DOa1ly every person l and in a position to sell Eo good works and gat good sonority when eo]d on orodit, Satisfaction eluerenteod, Give mo a will. 112- B S. SCOTT. __— MEDICAL CARDS. 'x%M, 1+', CALF, H. D,, 0.190., V V Mambo' of the Poling ofPhyetoian, and Surgeo:1 o4 Ontario by cxaminatlon, Chloe and ttesidenee--Main ebroot Peet ilth01,0uteri°, T cP A. 19loNAUGHTON, 1'1. D. • 0. tr., i,,. 20.0, r., Edinburgh, 01, 0, S. Ont, At Pepper's Drag Store from p to 11:30 it, in. and from 1430 to 4 v. In, At other bots may be found at his residence, form- erlyoesnpied byler, Butehlneon, Mill et. VETERINARY. D. WA1tW10K, El • Honor Graduate of elle remain lisisVeterinary dourest) is probated to treat alt piteneos of n manner. Patbl4 het' tate t a paid to vet inary de PstrY, CR attention paid to veterinary dontintry, Oatte promptly at- tended to, Oi.ilae and lnitrmary—Two 000Is north of btddgo,'lutuberry et., llruesuls,9