HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-17, Page 5Aram 17, 1891_ THE BRUSSELS POST r«mmnmmszus.'usn:iiia:arrms�nalva'1'r:.c.,c�sa'<arasaa'r.-waa:m�raeeroalnart'masmvmvrevrsasaaenmIv>aemsmc:+oar tl, n dames 1MoC anon of Toronto a former A pnblio meeting wax held in ton town REAL ESTATE. �' � '� �C,C�C�' 111 1 hell of Werint'sday evening aF 1056 week, . . 11177 t! , , t 11,C. ing he pone, 81 years of age, while n t raw• ut Aet 1114 bis p0nsi0lX al 1110 111011 of Montreal the ol)jceb of whioh wino to emlalrlei' whet - l 115 IA) 4AI J' 1'13 Jl UN the other maiming had a atrnite of apo• elope xI I 1 he tal(cn for the °rention of 1 11 ilex Ile tvaa renuvmd t0 1110 home nu sone munuh4aturing Industrie/4, with saki Mr. 'unbalance, oOan '1'Ims a the third stroke to 47•tf, 110, llOCaneu bus had, so it is likely to that Tomlin?. factory. Tl1nrv1 was a good • 37-tr. rhe Ellin {Cheese CO's factory cont. minced work on Tumidity, April Lllh. Holum 3ollain lest nearly $100 in the Grand Central hotel fire' tttLietowcl, Ile barely camped with his life Land shop alath10. Atwood is la have tt dail y 8000100. Jos, Driest has tondo arrangements to run e dairy wagon through tho village every morning, and on Saturday evening. Tho SooretaryTroasorer of the Ontario Farmers' Flax Manufacturing Co, will pay $2 per ton over and ubnvo the $5 per ton already paid, making 10 all $7 per ton for last season's crop. The lihna Agricultural Society held their spring allow at Newly en Thursday this week instead of Atwood, awing largely t0 the unfit (on(liLtel of their show grounds, which have been plowed renently. It was decided at the congregational meeting of the Presbyterian ohure t to build a new brick manse on or adjacent to the site of the present Manse, t0 cost ab00t $1,500, and to be completed about De. comber 1st, 1801. Tho old structure is certainly unfit for a minister's home, the rooms being too small and poorly laid out. As the parson, Rev. Mr. Henderson, is a bachelor some people wonder what he will do with a new manse. 3':111t801. Mies McDonald, of Ripley, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. A. Young, of Ethel. It is reported that Cog Taylor has ex- changed Ins form for the hotel property in Heufrvn. 50hn Elliott is i11 with pleurisy and some lung trouble. We hope he will soon be convalescent. Dr. Cale is getting material 00 the ground for some improvements to his residence this spring. Wm. `Tharp has sold the old homestead near Ethel, containing 50 acres, to David Milne for $1,000 oasb. Word has been received that Wm, Elliott arrived safe at his destination in Mi nitoha on Saturday after he left here. The river is olear of ice now and the water hos fallen several feet since Satur- day last. There is no danger of a freshet unless we have a great deal of rain. Wm. McAllister has returned from a visit to the that whore ho has been wait- ing on his brother who has been ill. Mrs. McAllister is also home from a two weeks' stay with relatives near Kincar- dine. S. of T. -At the 3egular meeting of tho Sons of Temperance the following officers were installed for the entitling quarter ; W. P., Geo. Dobson ; W. A., Della Sher- lock ; F. S., Chas. Willis; Treas., Morris Fo1al ; R. S., Emily Holloway ; A. 11. S., Florence Sherlock ; Con., H. M. Dob- son ; A.. 0., Rebecca Spence ; Chap., Chas. Stubbs ; L S., Alretta Milne ; 0. S., John Cober. our temperance folk are of the opinion that the License Com - Moisteners will make a big mistake by licensing a second hotel in Ethel. Crlr.nbrookc. Adam Zimmer shot a fine specimen of owl near hear recently. Mrs. Vance, of Osborne, is vi -icing at J. J. Mitchell's, She has been here for some time. A marriage is expeotod in this vicinity soot'. We would not say who the con- tracting parties aro. The Royal Tenplai's are flourishing. They meet every week. All the young people should join the Order. Jalte Solman is the champion wood splitter of this plane. Jake says that when he begins to work it must go. Mis. W. II. Watson and child are visiting at the Cranbrook manse this week. Mrs. Watson is a sister-in•law of Rev. D. B. McRae's, Township Counnil will convene here on Saturday afternoon for a special session in uonne0tiou with proposed drains. They meet at Zimmer's Hotel, Mfsa Blain bought Mr. IlloInto'h's house and lot in the village. Miss Blain and Mrs. Ritchie and family, moved into the hoLL,0 on 'Tuesday o£ this week. John MoIntosl, teaohor, moved to his Ileum, on the oetate of the late Matthew Barlett.. Mr. Meint"0h purchased it for 11700' It will make him a Mee little borne. J. (3. Took hada sale on Thursday of t11i8 week- The Hotel business dose not pay so 5. C. made op his mind to give it up. Wo have. not hoard what he intends to do. Quito a number of our young mel have loft for llibburb and other places. They have hired out with farmers for the spring and eummer months. Others are talking about leaving in a few clays. J. J. Mitchell purchased a house and lot from 12. Williams and intends - to make his home in Oranbrook. Mc. Mitchell is tt good follow and is well liked by the people. In proof of that his businoes is increasing and work is coming fast. J. J. makes a good buggy. 41. ) + 4 ). ALB n1e14Hln0l.n has several gond Farms Ior 1 Y alt to 10 al, easy terms, 111 '1,WPHllil,H i 1 tl i d G 1 particular rufereneu to the re building of o (orris and Grey. F, R. SOUTT, ilrooeobe, prove fatal. att;,udanro of interested ratepayer., I ( 11f0IC1', J' ARj11 FOR SALE.— -_-..►-- Phe (110-11secured for Lietowol- Tnly r Lo(1-1,(•a1 11,Urny; ]0o-n011.(0t08004.11-10.1140; se; Bret• raittlf4Jl I p, lit mud dnd, taro abort the host 111 the c(oeo 111 11,Ili LH. ,X lurp bau•gaw to a 110(1 Win. Pollard's health is slow] fm. list and the 6100000 of the meeting 19 n11Ye1'ilaer. 1'llle Pef(OOt. APpIV 140 01101 to y as0Urw(1 before hand, The best 110rxe0 in 11'• •11. 3113! d Allt, duhaitar, Bxuaaule. :rl• proving, Ontario will make the rouble of this GONnohn"•NJl't eirenit so that there will be no lack of %(`Y1H4o111E PARK FOR SALE.— Druroro(. ll'ut, and Joint Bullard :\J liehog Routh Leff Lot 27,onn.d, Morris, entries. The pregame for Listowel 111. 100 urns, nearly all cleared, Good buildings, eludes a 3.10, a 2.30 class and a 112 mile Ilan vont•' bearing orchard. Immediate pas• dash, m1 the first day, $150 emit ; and a session, Hasy Terms. Apply to 2,40 class, $150, free.fnyall 5200, and a W.Id,Ilton, 1 ., ll 44 Sohuttot .kc., Brussels. it mile run 01510, 00 the second day. T�y A proposition for the operation of the 11 OUSE AND LOT POR bALE.- wnterworks, whioh the town has been de. Jl l 19)0 enbsorlher otfexs her 1101 ee and primed of 811108 the furniture factory Oro, lot, °emir of Janes and streets, has been made t0 the 'Town Council and Brlr5B016, 'Poore 10 a 80m10rtub10 130080, good etablo, splondtd wen, to. ee too pre. accepted. 1'130 terms are the 00.1110 its 1n18ne, 1 aero 0't land. 1000 further portion• those with Messrs. Tless Bros. The works ears as to mice, terms, 00, apply to will be run in connection with A. bloyer ,lltt3, W11. DImCOLLUUGB, Brussels, & elo'e mill. A new fire proof pumping and boiler house will be oreoted, and ono of the latest improved pumps placed therein. The firm aro also puttw14 1n a now boiler bf much greater capaoiby than their present one, 131.1 011. The Shane vs. Beattie case is on at the assizes this week, .Joseph Tamin in patting up a frame building on the Colder lot. Laet Saturday the Tanner brothers of Arthur and .Listowel wore in town. An old lady named Campbell died here the other day, at the advanced age of 111 yea's. It is reported here that Hector Buie, of Montreal, has purchased t1,1 fine rani• (deuce and grounds of Dr. Sloan and that the latter will remove shortly be Toronto. Dr. Sloan has been a resident of Blyth for many years, has always had a very largo practice and has proven himself to be a most worthy citizen. Wo dont know what we will do without him. It having pleased an all wise Provid- ence to remove from your home a loved one by the death of your daughter, we are dlreoted by L. 0. L. No. 8111, to con. voy to yourselves, Mrs. Bullard and ram ily the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of every member with y00 In the bereave. anent which bee just failen upon you. God iu his infinite wisdom hoe called your loved ono from the troubles of earth to bo with Himself, and though we aro sometimes apt to murmur when He afhiots tie, we should not forgot that"'Phe Lord reignoth and Ile doeth all things well," We are daily reminded of the un- cobainty of life and the certainty of death and aro spoken to in nnnlistake• able terms, "Be yo also ready." May the memory of this loved one gond before pall our thoughts from earth to heaven and help us prepare for the great change that awaits us. May we, dear Brothers, be enabled se to live that when we are culled to obey the summons of the Grand Plaster of heaven we shall with joy go from our labors on earth to enjoy the eternal paradise above. We are, dear Brothers, fraternally yours, JAS. Hon18v, ' 1101T. SOARLETT, Ciommibtre. Wli. DYN0S, Goo. D. GLASS, Meliillop, April 2nd, 1801. Walto 81. The roads aro very bad. Joseph Love has jest recovered from so attach of bronchial catarrh. NIr. Grey, of Morris, has moved into Dborrise. the house lately vacated by Reuben George Kerr was plowing last Monday. Grimoldby. Tho first of the season in this locality. The evening 0ervi0e in Duff's church Mr. Coultas is busy erecting a wood was withdrawn last Sunday evening 110 shed at S. S. No. 5. He will have it Rev, 1). Forrest was suffering with completer) this week. sciatica. Wm. Brydon left for Allanford on Last Friday a debate on the subject Monday of this week where he will work "Resolved that more is learned by at his trade, that of a atone mason. travelling than reading," was engaged in Mrs. Thos. Maunders went to Peavey- by eaveyby the pupils of our school. Decision in ham, Grey 00„ on Monday of this week favor of the negative by 38 points to 34. owing to the recent death of her sieter•in- Prof. Hawkins was here last week to law, Mrs. Jno. MoQuarrie. see if be could get pupil's to start a music Mr. Close has rented the house lately class. He got the promise of enough occupied by Mr. MoKorkingdale from A. and will begin in May. On Sunday be Cole, Gbh line. He intends residing played in St. George's church and all around this summer as he is on tho look - who heard him received the impression out for a farm. that he is a good mueioiao, Ile would Wm. Hopper, Ord line, is going to en. need to be to take the place vacated by large his barn this summer by putting 14 Miss Minnie O'Connor, who Was thor- feet in the centre. He has bought 50 oughly competent. Mies O'Connor, der- acres from Thos, Wilkinson, across the ing her stay in Walton, did not spare road from his own farm. G. Proctor herself if in any way she could aid and has the frame work of the barn. thereby and in other ways made many One day last week while the boys of S. friends, by whom she will be greatly S. No. 5 were playing foot hail, Tommy, missed. Mies Moriee, of Wingham, tried son of Joseph Corbett, had the misfortune to get a class here but the old proverb to get his leg broken. The boys and "The early bird catches the worm" tells teacher got a rig and conveyed Lim to his the whale story. home, all feeling sorry over the uufor• INoTe.-Tho above was reoeivod too tunete accident. late for last issue.) On Wednesday of last week one of Olre. Wm. Smith, of Grey, is visiting those happy events 30111011 sets young in Toronto. hearts in a flutter took place at the reel. Seale! parties are booming. Two or denoe of James Lawrence, it being the three last week. marriage of his eldest daughter, Nettie, Andrew MoKibbin, of Petrolea, spent to Brasel Coultas, Hon of 3. Coultoe, of Sunday with hie parents here. East Wawanosh, Their many friends W. Walsh and 111. Herbert, of Seafo•th, • wiah them long life and prosperity. were visiting in Walton last weep. Wm. Barrie has let the contrast for a Miss Minnie Pethiok is away to Orillia new bank barn 51x00 feet to be proceeded to spend the summer with her brother with at once. George Robb will do the Harrstonework and Geo. Proctor the framing. James Smith, of Morris, had gone to Whon this barn is completed Mr. Barrio Owen Sound to attend the Business will have 5,800 feet of first-class stabling. College there. We hope the proprietor will Have better Who were the Brussels boys who got look with the new buildings titan be had stunk up with "taffy" laeb week while with the former ones. visiting at Walton ? On Thursday evening of last week an Miss E. 1'IoKibbin has gone to Toronto association of Patrons of Industry was where she hos secured it position with organized in the school house, section No. the Woodhouse firm. 8, whioh promises to become very strong, Mise Lottie Sheritt, who has been as the leading mon of the section are visitiing friends here, has returned to her connecting themselves with the move - home in Grand Bend. meal, The association is called "Sun - We understand that Mr. Jones intends shine." 13-o, Henry Burkholder is Prost - leaving at the 011(1 of the year. We will dent and Bro. Malcolm Black, Secretary. bo savvy to lose him as he i, a eratolaes On Medley evening an Assooietion of landl0131. Patrons of Indnetry was organized at The W. F. M. S., of Duff's churoh, B11001.'s school douse, to bo called "Fur. purpose holding a bacons in connection 11100'8 Rights" Association I'. of T. The with a garden party on Wednesday, following officer:: were duly elected: Bro. funo:ird, Particolere later, tom, Barrio, President; Wm. Robb, The 11. T. of T. Metaled of havhlg the Vloe•Presirlenb ; Samuel Walker, Sears. renal program last Wednesday night had tory ; Jas, tepeir, Treasurer ; Wm. Sloan, a spelling =bolo whioh occasioned much ?Minerva ; Goo. Emote, Demeter ; John merriment. They intend having a de- Robb, Outdo ; Roht. Nichol, Sentinel. bete n xt evening. Subjeot "Resnlvel Tho nights of meeting will be Friday. that Woolen ere entitled to the franohiee, Tum Lo,T is li'ouan.-over eight years Captains ;Veggie ieforlison and 11, J. ago Wm. Barrie lost out of his pocket a Moore. silver width, hunting ease, that he had purchased a few months previously. He A.ue;t.ow(',l- I starched diligently for a long timofor the LisLowel's Spring Fair will bo held on missing ordain but fo0111 no trace of it Friday, 1702 113511. •until last week. A eon of Thos. Mann. The Grand Central Motel will be ro- dors while attending sohool at Barriers built, it is expected. school house plotted up a watch on the There is some prospect of having a side of the sidoroad adjoining rho o0n• '% TI,1o1Plait re's., piano factory started in Lietowol in the passion and it term out to bo the long II. D. Luke, who was iv Dr. Towhee's neer future. lost timepiece. rte. Berrie hold the drug store for some time, has gond to De. The Town Council is getitiouing the guarantee from T. Pletcher, of Brussels, twit to bath a situation. Dominion Parliament for it poet ol3iice, from whom the watoh was purchased, 1100. Goo. IIutobiuson, of this town, custom kouse, &o. and the 11111nb000 correspond. 1L'he in. ager! 30, while oollyorsing with to visitor It is understood that Win. Godfrey, Lurnal machinery is almost aimless on ma - to the hoose, suddenly foil load to the G. T. R. agent at Southampton, and 000 000(11 of rust but the oases are not in bad floor from heart disease. of John Godfrey, postmaster, Elora, will repair oonsidering the length of time A gentleman nanod Po0rier, from be treusfe'tod to Lietowol. that has elapsed since it wee lost. The Chatham, woe in town trying to eoonre Mr. Greunsides, a gentleman from mystery is that It Wes not 40111111 long the contract of farnlohtng scenery and Mitchell, has been in town this week, ago. curtains, &0., for the stage of (ho u0w and has decided to erect; a sate inill aur! Onrr.- -Last 'Monday John J. Skelton, town hall. open a lumber yard here next fall. second son of Thomas Skelton, of Dray - The firemen are completing arrange. Tho Ladtoe of Ohrist Ohurrill have de. ton, formerly of t1i8 township, died at month for the celebration of rho Queen's aided to give Lheir long -talked 0f Mer. Toronto after a woolt'e illness of peen. Birthday in town in it, right ooyalmauner, chants' Carnival on the evm,ing of 1'fou monis. Tiro 110000sed went to the any Tho celebration will be hold 0n Mouday, day, 251,11 May. The entertainment host September to till a position in the flay 25th, tho 24111 falling o1 Sunday. promises to be a great attraction, It is 14rooery of Mitchell Boos„ corner of Wel- 100(10 s Have boon asked for tho re. to talcs plows 11 the rink, and some 40 or lcaloy and Ontario streets, and succeeded move.) of the all town ball, and also the 50 young ladies will tante part. admirably in his work. He was born in fire hall and loose tower. Tho weigh The brethren of Listowel Lodge of Morris township and removed to Drayton settles will also be removed, t0 a con• 0(1dfellows mot in their lodge room and with Lis parents 8 or 0 years ago. His venient place o1 the pound lot. When presented their Noble Grand, 5, ;), mother 03(10 with 1111(1 When 110 died. all those buildings or iomoved, the near- Walters, with it handsome gold ring, as 'Cho body was brought to Brussels cense• keb square will be properly fitted up, a mark of Clash; 1041001 for him. Mr, tory on Tuesday for interment. A num. 'J'he pupils of rho pnbllo school have Walters was a groat favorite with the bei of beautiful floral embalms were organized) a laer0000 club, to bo known Rs young mon of the town. no has secured plaoe(t upon the casket, ono from Mit. Iha 4V inglfom Public School Lacrosse a good position in Sarnia. °hell Bros. and another from the "To. Club, the officers elected are :•-William A. lactose olubrwas otgauizsrl for the route boys," Made (111 Of Mit% and roses, Friend, Captain; W. Farquhttr0ou, coming seamen. The following are the being especially noticeable, A large Treasurer ; Geo. Hanna, Secretary. officers t• -Hon. President, 0, 8. Clarke ; bntllber of Drayton people assembled at They expect to make a r00or1l before the President, Aroh. Molntosh ; lab Viso- their depot on Tuee11ay to express their SORsou closes, President, II. 13. Morphy ; 2dd Vico• sympathy with the bereaved, and, rles4 le, S.L. Talbot, wino has been engaged in President, W. 0. Climbs; Captain, 0, pite the very heavy rain, there was a rc the meanbtl0 busitloes in Winghaln for Vanallan ; See.•Trees., W. II'. Cltmie ; largo turn out of relatives and friends at upwards of fifteen years; left for Manito- Oommittoe-1l. A. Farquharson, R. A. Brussels 10 attend the funeral. The jos. fie intends embarking, in faiming 0limie, J, R. Martin, S. Largo, W. II, parents azul other relatives have the ou a large scale at Poplar Point, whioh is Climie. It was proposed to correspond prayers and sympathies of a largo uirole situated about 45 miles from. Winnipeg with the clubs of Luoknow, Wingham of friends, The deceased was 111 years, and 20 miles from Portage lens le. He and Brussels, to see if they aro favorable 4 mouths and I8 days old and had been a haft a large fora theme, 1) foram ti miser league, robust, hearty youth. Ty1ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN derslgned offers hie valuable 100 more farm, being Lot 11, Con. 11, Grey, for sale. There are 0.6 acres under crop, balance timbered. There Is a good mallard, wells, 00. on the premises, bosides log bocs0, bank barn, 80. Will be sold on roesonabl terms. For phos mud full ptartlau114rs apply �o Wm. HABIL(10F, Brussels P. 0., 00 Juus BEATTIE, Reatorth, Ono 37-0m 9(1 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -'Phe Undersigned proprietors offer their well located farm 000(1(10113 000 acres, being Lot 0, flo o, 10 and Lot 8, Con. 31, Grey township for sale. Tuore to a Ing house, good outbuildings largo orobard, water ea ply, 00. 00 the promisoa, The property is Duly ll miles from the thriving village of Bruasele. 31'011 partieullrs as to price, terms and emelitinn8 of sale may bo ascertained on application to 37.tf FERGUSON 131108., Tooewater. VALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM son BALE.-Bohlg west ¢ Lot 11, 000, 0, Grey, 21 miles from Bre Basle. Tito land is good clay loam, well drained, mostly all cleared mod in good order. 0ae acre of or- chard in good repair. Thorn is a never fail. log spring on the premises and an extra well at the hull(lless. The buildings aro comfort- able. Would take suitable property in or near Brussels as part pay. For further par- ticulars apply on the Premises to OT address Brussels P. 0.1'100. 1110GREGOR, 380( TO O RENT— THAT DESIR- Alma property on Turoberry street, Brussels, owned by the estate of the late True, Danford, being about 81 acres of land with good frame dwelling baro, stables and driving eb ed, good well with pump. oleo good orobard. Will he 00atee for three or five Year to a good tenant. Immediate posses- sion can be given. Apply to E.0. DUN1ORD, Merchant Tailor, Brussels, Ont. or to A, Emmen, 3141 Div. Court Clerk. Ti'ARd'I FOR SALE.—THE UN- DER8I0NED offers for sale the north east quarto r of lot 28, concession 0, Morrie County of Huron, ooutaining 60 ,sores. The land Is of first quality and in a high state of cultivation. well fenced and ruder -drained acres cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells good barna and shed, orchard, eta. Eight acres of fall wheat. foie desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able terms will be given. Title perfect. 3AMES GRIEVE, Owner, 36- Sealer MI' P.0. Make Known Your WANTS --)5 3 '1r(DTJ(— Wttnt to Sella House and Lot, 'Want to Buy or Sell a Horse,. Want to Loan Money, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Bunt a ROOM, Want to Rent a Farm, Want a Boarding Place, Want a Servant, Want to Find anything Lost, Want to Buy or Sell a Farm, Want to Make a Name, Want to Sell Furniture, Want to Rent a House, Want to Buy a House and Lot, \Vant to Save Money, Want to Find anyone's Address Want a Situation. Want to Make Money, ADVERTISE '-IN THE COLUMNS 01' THE POST. Ralf the Virtues ST. LEON LEO. Have never been Told. Plead this— JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad. When I stooped could scarcely straighten up ; felt miserable, For three months I persisted in a free 080 of ST. L0"14 WA.1.1411. It was the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par oxaollonoe ; pains, 011111mg, etc, ill gonna. Call at oy ofTioe, I will toll far more about the value of St. Leon. W. 111Rr1Ns, Empire Laundry, 6'13 (,heel street twat, Toronto. And l.his--- BILIOITS 1IEEADACHES CO. 1 hat r1aauuttism 131 my 1(11000 and augers, Moue headaches, etc. every few weeks. M1 Iltggine, Empire Laundry, urpoil mo to try 131 11;01 Mineral Witter. I did, and it sot 100 all right; 1leu1001150 mud pains all (,one. My wile mud tiu0o 01111dre1 also use it, 3Vo all purl Rt. Limo Water vary gond maid boalally. J. 1'. 8, Aun8ns0N, 'W'atch. mater and Juvena, 1(10 (4110011 street west, Toronto. A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED, Geo, Good, Agent, St. Toon 1lfnarnl lrnfrr r'e'p, St. troy, Q118. T.JILL FOR SERVICE. --THE nudersipnnd haw meetly 1,221,11000d and win keep for service aregistered Our. hunt bull on'v t 1,t10, con. 0, M,nT1y, Terms 81.60 to be paid et two of service w.51, pin• vilege of rrtw•uhl1l,,' It n1OOseaY. 24.301 JNO. C URRI1'1. Proprietor, r 'IILIMS OF SERVICE OF MY Tu000uuoo.1(1015) JI'111S1;Y 3iU1.I.- Ono Cow, 50.28; 2 Cows, 04.00; additional cows, 81.10 008(1, 011 the property of ono novae, A discount of 10 per 0000. will be deduotod whoa paid et the time of service. Jeremy (lows 02,00 ouch extra, Cl. A. DEA1MAN, Druggist, Rc. I1IP110VED LARGE WHITE YORK d MIME BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service th10 irroseut se1180a the Improved large white yorksllire pig "Iteluly" OD lot 211, con. 0, Morris, to wblob a limited nnnibar of sows will be taken. Terms 21,00 to be paid et 0(010 ofsorviee, with the privilege of 00111111• log 1f necessary. Pedigree may be semi up• o0 application, ROBERT N10105, 3011 Proprietor. f[1WO PUREBRED PIGS FOR J. SERVIC3 ,-Toe undersigned has re- cently purchased aid will keep for Barytes at North half Lot 20, Can. 7, Moms, a Pure- bred Icor kMbho Boor, brant by lir. Buell, and also an Ohio Improved Chester White, ono year old, bruin by Thos, George, Putnam, from imported stock on both stiles. 11,18 hog took Ord prise 8,0 the Industrial lashibi- (ton, Toronto, 1600,In a class of 17, and also Ord at the Western Fair in a class of 16. 01arins,$1,00, to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary, 16.01 8. WAL](]OR, Proprietor. 1891 -FLAX- 18111 CAMERON OROS. Have a Bunted number of Bushels of the — Bh:81' DUTCH REED -For lamely in the vicinity of Cranbrook who intend raising Flax during the cooling 5ea0on, wbiob they aro prepared to deliver in quantitios'to suit flax growers. Can be got at too 01ANOnoox PLAN .Trus,. Reed given out on rho usual turme. Order Early to 018000 a supply. Dor 11ax grown from this seed 510 per Ton will be paid, if of good growth, harvested iu prosper season, and delivered at the this Mill as soon as fit for threshing. Wo will rent anumber of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. CAMERON BROS., Proprietors eranbroelt Flax 11111. ALLAN LINE I?oyal 1llail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE PORTNIOETLR 01011008 num PORTLAND o10 HALIFAX, To TERRY on LIVERPOOL. OABIN RATES, $40, 860 and 860, Single; 1iS0, 500 and 5110 Return, according to Location of Stateroom. 170 CATTLE °AHRIED. INTERMEDIATE, Outward 000; Prepaid 810 Steerage at Lowest hates. Leeommodations Unsurpassed. Ailyly to H, k A. ALLAN, Mon tread, on .I13E., AGENT, BltoseELs. Buggies ! Buggies ! Buy your Buggies from - D. EWA N - And Save Money. 1 am building a large number of the Best Buggies, lyhich are to be sold at the Lowest Prices ever offered to the public. Every- thing about them is First-class. The very Best Standard Wheels, and the Workmanship through- out Guaranteed. I am Determined to make a Big Slaughter on Prices this year, nave sold a large number of Buggies during the past 5 50(4305 to many of the leading 111011 of this section and surrounding country, and I impose to keep up the number and double the quantity. Gall and See the Rigs Set our Prices. Don't buy a buggy until you see my Stook of Choice Baggies. Repairs in Wood work and Iron done at Rock 13ottom Prices, and Painting and Carriage Trimming done et the very Lowest Rates. Ilorscsllociilg Done with the Best Experience and Attention, as in the past. I MEAN BUSTNESS. D. EWAN. Shop oppoo ite (queen's Hotel, B11u8sa,I,s. 6 urommorccovuorcutcsomut musoomouturtnaucounto, MONEY TO LOAN, Any Amount of Money t(1 Lnan • 011 Farm or Village Pro- perty 'i--petty at 6 t'•' Gil Par Cent., Yearly, Straight Loftus with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division {Court Cl(-,*, Brussels. MONEY ONIEY TO LOAN. Money t0 Ionil o17 FARM PROPERTY -1t- LOWEST RATES, Private and Company Funds. AY'1'LY' rJ O J.C,Heffernan, J.A.Yonng, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. BABY 28t! CAliBIA? i s ! A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at 11, Bennis', Brussels, Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. always in stock and sold at Close Prices If you want a set of Light or Heavy Harness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars. Z. Dennis. DI . fl, CLAI®.1, L.C.P.S,O., %hScotch ASpecialis't, U;:`' TonortiTO. 47'1.CIAI.Is;r 0010 TUB TR1 003(100 ('✓ Chronic Diw,aees, Private Diseases, Dis- eases of the Brain and Nerve, Dia. oases of the Heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively Treated Successfully. JONATHAN BUSOnART, Listowel, 803'8 ".liter winding all my money and property to no ptirpm0 on median mon, far 1v11at tboy termed a hopeless case 00 consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." M11s WANT rt•oLonu, WnodLonse, SEWS :- "WIn , all Minis failed, Dr, Sinclair cared nt a ,t ate." D. ltrnrnasrN, Clarletou Place suys;- "11r, l,bmlolr mired Ole of Catarrh." Bowen, Myth, Faye: -"Dr, Sinclair cared me of Leat disease and dropsy, when all others failed " • Dfileit+rs of I'riralr ,!Vater', brought on by folly, Dr. Siaela1' certainly Curia. Ccs a].teot3,css Ssee. WILL BE AT THE ARCER1CAN ROTES., BRUSSELS, —0N— Friday, April 24th, '91. hheddy - - Pedlars Ai -o on the 'Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary fanner into buying inferior plows made at a distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get repairs when needed. Faulel's; consult your own in- terests and encourage home ulau- ufacturo by calling at the Brussels Voundr3r Where you 01411 get a Superior Article ata Reduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or no solo. 14evt'H, was Meat 1'l0olnirg Coit Steel Hearin, 8inglc an(1 1103)1(10. Piow Points of Every 'Make at 40o. cath. Gang Points 25 Coots, Beat Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on any plow at the Lowest Possible Price, Be sero and call and examine Dur stock before buying, W. R. Wilson, Brussels.