HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-10, Page 81Hr. tiffLSSJLa PUS '
Over 2,000 Rods 1
Ulr CEiiL1\Cx AND
1Beeeived since February, 1891.
We believe we have the Finest
and Best Values in Wall Papers
and. Borderings that have ever
been shown in Brussels. We have
made selections from no less than
It 'sill give us pleasure to show
you our samples. It will pay
you to see them if you pur-
pose paper hanging.
Druggist, Bookseller, eke.
8000EERS name:03'CN W. G. d: re
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
Mali South, as follows:
GOING Bonus. Gonna NoRTu.
MAD Ursa a.m. Alined 0:30 a.nl.
Express......iti45 a.m. Avail 3 UUp.m.
[kW p.m. Express 9:45 p.m,
xDr}i 3ch's Item
A chiefs among yo Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prem it.
Bea roads.
SPAINO Assizes April 13th.
Tam egg business in livening up.
Sranvo Fair next Friday, 17th inst.
teem Heinvey was in town this weak.
MIIIIPln McLmnNAN was in town last
rive lbs, oronge marmalade, 50e, Geo.
gem in and see Stracban's beautiful
Timmer sad clover seed at Geo.
A. M. Masa has been on the sick list
Ws week.
Cloven, Timothy and Garden Seeds ab
d.1 recuts, a former resident of Brus-
sels. is in town.
'.Miss Many Monts', of Wingham, was
he town this week.
Oen newspapers for sale at Tr»: Po.;T
$'rblishing lioure.
EDWARD Gnl)I(ILI,:ti and Wife hare re.
aan'ed to Owen Soiwi,
Sears talk of a change of proprietors in
Ike Queen's hotel in this place.
.8 eons brick house to rent or sell.
.apply at the s oollen mill, Brussels.
Ir the ladies want a real nice pair of
. w shoes call at Strechnli s new stole.
tame were 200 persons iu attendance
al the Methodist Sabbath echoed tautSun-
1o11 Saliirda➢, Apra i7tV 18111.
Ladles, it will pay you to not make your Spring purchases till you see our Grand Display
this season. We cannot possibly open our show rooms before that date, as our large stock is being
completed as fast as possible by four competent milliners, and our display will be second to. none
outside of the cities, We request every lady In the town of Brussels and Grey and Morris town-
ships to be present at our Opening to see our Magnificent Display of Trimmed Millinery.
Your Obedient 'Servants,
W. NIGHTINGALE & Go., Brussels.
Hear ou your undershirt for a moot
or so yet.
ONE•ouAnran ton of Dutch sets at Mc
HATS re -shaped. has. Toexutte„ 11.11
street, Brussels.
Mutsu barrel blaeltstrap. Preset barye
St. Leon. Geo. Good.
Trios. Hue, intends leaving for a pre
pealing tour through Michigan.
Jun, reoeived, 5 Barrels Dutch Set
Onions, for sale at GEo.
Fos sale cheap, two Bets second hon
single harness. Apply at I. C. Richard'
harness shop.
Naw subscribers are coming to tit
front, $1,00, in advance, secures Tel
Pose for the balance of 1891.
IN future the 4th Division court will le
held on Tuesday instead of Thursday
The next court will be held on the 28th
Femme report fall wheat as lookin
exceedingly well. But a month or so 0
very treacherous weather is yet in store
for it,
REv. R. PAUL gave a very practical ad-
dress last Wednesday evening in the
Methodist church at the Women's Mis-
sionary prayer meeting.
IT is said that Postmaster Farrow has
purchased the building now used as a
Flour and Feed store and will remove
the postofice there during the year.
JAtrae STnE•VT(N, jr., has been laid up
for some time vri h e sore hand occasi,nl-
ed from cuts received from broken plass
followed by something like bleed poioult.
I'r.ows exit Pora rs,—Tile attention of
farmers is directed to the advertisement
of W. 11. Wits.•n relative to the manufac-
ture of superior plows, plow points, &r.
Call in and SOU them and get prices.
Till Winghnm Correspondent saye : —
"Dick" the bootblack, was iu town
gain last week and thinks the reeve is a
retry wean roan to order him to Leave
Ile town. He left for Lieus.•e's on Fel-
h SEWED hand lumber wagon for sale.
B. Gerry.
Moyne, Timothy, and garden seeds at
11 See W. R. Wilson's new plows before
you purchase elsewhere.
1 HonsvtloN should see our cats before
ordering their route bills.
e- To RENT.—The house lately occupied
by W. J. Fairfield. Apply to Dn. Mc•
t Tiri,V8T,
SEE G. A. headman's advt. this week,
d He has over 2,000 rolls of new ceiling and
s wall paper in stook.
SEED oats (Bgyptian,) good and Olean,
e weigh 44 Ibe. per bushel. Price 55 touts,
Tnn sold weather kept the ice in Matt.
e land rink so good that the curlers bad a
• lively same on Tuesday of this week.
EDWARD GARvio, the professional fruit
tree pruner is operating in Brussels just
g now. He re putting Jame Wilson's or-
chard in a business like shape.
have leased the upper fiat of the Wilson
Foundry and all the wood working mach-
inery and are pushing work in that line.
"Hua me to death," is the title of a
new song. It is said to be intended for
a duet and no audience. If it is suouess-
ful it will be a tight squeeze. It is
certainly a ticklish productiou and alight
result in bolding a fellow for life.
WE would rami lid our c0rreepondents,
that while we are pleased to iueert any
communication of a legitimate mare,
yet itis necessary that tate name of the
writer should accompany the letter, sot
for publication, but simply 00 a token of
good faith.
hoses OArss" says that this year we
will have the wannest end pleasantest
April that we have had for many years.
Ths first 11ai1 of May, or even up to the
24011, is to be cold and backward, but
with no frost of any consequence. Cn
the whole Moses considers the season
will be a favorable one for the Drops.
W. C. Honore : has disposed of his
Flour and Feed business iu Brussels to
R. Bing, of Blnevale, who took posses-
sion this week. lair. Hetrtley intends
leaving town and will try his fortune in
Winnipeg. He holds a teacher's certifi-
cate and may teach Ilia "young idea,"
Mr. Flartley'a removal will cause a hitch
in the preparation of the cantata "David,
the Shepherd Boy" as he was taking the
part of David, one of the loading
characters in the cantata,
Onu2)nREn Bene.—Last week the
Standard Banie of Canada opened a
branch in Cepa Stretton's new block,
under the Inanngenent of G. P. Sahol•
field. For some time past the business
people of Brossele, and farmers of this
vicinity have been trying to suture the
establishment of a chartered Bank and
they .ere to be atilgralidate 1 01 obteints1
a rank 221110' of 740 Wealthy an in01111
11,1,1. See e0101. in th:s issue of Tins
This Is an Easy case.
fume Tate.—Tho sueces3 of our last
word finding contest, just closed, en-
unto ages ns to offer another Free Trip
eronnd the World, or its each equivalent
to the person sending in the largest list
of words spelt the came forward and back.
ward, such as „Pip" "Bob" "llaunah."
The contest closes May 15. Three daily
prizes for the three largest lists received.
Contest is open to the World. Every-
one sending ten words will get a prize.
Nearly 1200 won prizes in our recent oon-
teat. Rules and sample paper 12 cents,
together with a large illustrated cata-
logue. Address Bell's Magazine, Or 11110,
Fort run WEST. --Tho following pe080220
have been ticketed by J. T. Pepper, C. P.
R. agent, Brussels, during the poet week:
—Mies S. M. McNeil, of Grey, to Port-
land, Oregon ; John Coates, of Grey, to
Penned, Oregon ; W. C. and Devitt
Hartley to Pilot 1:Iottnd, D'Iare ; Miss
Annie McCallum, of Wawanosh, to West.
Superior, Wisconsin ; Wm. Armstrong,
Wawanesh, to (Thumbnut, B, C. ; WIn.
Wright, of i1.Tot•rie, to Vancouver, 11. C. ;
Jamie Robb, of Morris, to Gremlin, Dalt, ;
Goo. Platt, of Myth, to Crandin, Dalt.
llobt. Goemen, of Blyth, to Portage la
Prairie, Man, ; Peter Canmpboll and wife,
Nephew of Wn1. Cameron, of Mortis, to
Chicago, Ill.
TRE BAN12-•Bandluastee Albert:UM of
Hamilton, arrived in town last week and
at once set to work, with the committee,
to le.organize the Band. Ten or twelve
members of the former Baud Banc joined
and nearly as many more recruits are
muter instruction and before many weeks
w0 may expect to hoar some thole° selea-
1i0tne from them. Mr, Albertet i gnu
about his work 10 a thorough going
menu and is evidently an experienced
band at Moiling. It become the very
plain duty of (ivory citizen of Brussels to
fud the towbar and committee in every
possible way so that we may have in the
time to come what we have po0000eod in
the poet ro Band that will do credit to the
town. There will be font olerionets and
a picclo in the new bated in addition to
the brass and (henna. Tun Pose With.
es Bandmaster Albertson ovaty 'anal''
in his week and hopes tho 1Hambees will
apply them5elyes fn stith a manner as LO
do 000ait to lila theteuetiell.
MSS, SAxoot. PEAnrul ix home from an r 1
:extended visit with relatives in Port
iEurun, Dlich.
T. J. BISNI eoT, organizer of Patrons of
r610005try for Huron County, is now work-
ing in this locality.
eroo will be pleasantly surprised to see
'ale lovely dress goods Straohans have
ifor 10 cents a yard.
2ISXT Sabbath morning Rev S. Seliery
will preach a sermon to the Methodist
1298130tH school last Sunday.
Term days are growing longer so
teepidly that they fairly Thum, but the
wend seems to get all the credit for the
:Rim P. ler. 1IoEecneno is expected to
Deas elh in Iinox Church next Sabbath.
0(o supplied the pulpit of this thumb
Taut .Sunday.
Tem proceed inee of the Huron Comity
Sabath school Convention in pamphlet
germ. me: now toady for distribution.
1rFtetprif e is 5 cents per copy.
1e Tey residents of 7'ur1,berr
v Street,
womb, :,re talking the 81 0191"D of the
3 star cu m0io ,tr..el so 123 to give them
9'12 1,32 tt t, 1610 ('anal dr:Li1.8.
1 A. f lits ole hoe been eat nged as
yr asiet and choir lender in St. Jelin'' 011
dearth, Eressels, leis duties contmenec i
en Slay 17th. He is said to be a proem. th
�snS mp913J2,0,
Aa e exchange hit the nail square on the
)head when it said "Seven rules are neves.
teeny to get rip a handkerchief flirtation.
Mule first, two handkerchiefs and bwo
2laals. Thi other six rules are unn0005.
A ooterrtironeor claims that Samson
was the fleet man to advertise. He took
este solid columns to demonstrate hie
aamongth and eevoral thousand people
ellorobled" to the scheme at once. He
low oght down the house.
taw Reuro Ccls.—W, M. Sinclair has
lot the 001100act for the erection of a two
n0eoy brick veneer eottaga to Messrs.
&nab, Malcolm d' Gibson, the building
to be completed by Joly 1st. It will be
Vag; feta, interior finished in aeb, and
+mill have all the modern conveniences.
The work will be commenced at once.
><rdsoc.-DTnnmNo nen Dnlr,r,180.—George
. hue all the necessary machinery for
deign and drillin walls and is prepar-
ed attend to all work entrusted to him
las a way that will insure satisfaction,
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
:dope. Terms reasonable. Reeidonco
„9013011(1 door north of the bridge, west
;de of Turnberry et., 13ruseols. 48.11
A WIDE Clttreven rt, --The following ap.
loved in Thursday's Daily Globo, and
leaf local interest :—"We olzallolige any.
Taw roan in the world to a matell at the
.StelloWing games :—Putting 21.16, atone
:wind 311.16, 0t1ne ; throwing 1(1.1b, ham-
mer and 12 -ib. hammer ; tossing the
•41300 end 50.16. weight ; standing and
eventing broad jompe ; standing teed run.
slog high lumps ; standing and ruining
sp, step and jump; hitch and kick ;
ieeslting with pale; 100 yards von and
Pet over hurdles, and three quick jumps.
lf'0a;matei to be for not foss than 82010 a
n1.9,. 'this challenge will be left open
Sae the let of May, and if accepted must
ilat0empeteditt the Caledonian games in
,tbrey,1170,y 26111. To show that we
.Mout 1058i11ea5 we have de)loeited $25
Alex, lelot'horson, proprietor of the
' 9150s'e hotel, Straall00yr Moping to
Altar Item Rams of the all•roand men.
Woad) Anculr, &eta,,'W,..1". SOOT,
Two drunken itinerant u111brolla
menders created a little excitement on
the street last Saturday by dernolishiug m
window in the bar room of the Central
Hotel. Constables Scott and Ainley non.
veyed them to the "motet" where they
spent a few hours.
By vote of Melville ohureh congrega.
tion and the consent of the session an
organ will be used in connection with the
service of praise on Sabbath evenings.
Some of the old folks think "Ichabod"
will have to be inscribed over the portals
but we imagine they will be able to see
shortly that the organ is a greet aoquisi•
floe to the public service.
Melee people forget the fact that the
postal regulations forbid postmasters to
deliver letters addressed with initials and
110510111m only. Por instance, letter,
addressed to "A. J., {immerge, Ont„”
could not be delivered, altiwn,lit a dos di
should arrive promptly it t! apply for
them, The lettere would be 23tnri od to
the writers through the deed letter
As no setiefactot•y offer w•as made for
e National Roller 11i11 on Thursday of
last week a partnership is talked of be•
twoan W, F, Vauetone and L. Hembly,
of Salem, Ont. The present lumen,
Messrs. Stewart d: Lowick, give up pos
session ou May 1st. Mr, Ratably wee a
resident of Brussels for a year or so some
years ago, he and a Mr. Hawke running
the farmer 'Vanetone grist mill. Ho in
now in business at Salem.
CRIORET,—On Wednesday evening the
Brussels Cricket Club was reorganized
for the coming season, the meeting being
hold at the Central Hotel. The following
otlioers were elected :—President, H.
Dennis ; ViaeProeident, R. L, Taylor ;
See. Treas., A. Cousley ; Bxeoutive Com-
mitter, the above officers and F. N. Scott,
D. 0, Ross, Rev, W. T. Cluff and W. 11
Siueleir ; Canvassing Committee, tete
President and 'Vice -President. The
ores -e will be pub in shape and regular
practice commenced shortly, 1, 1t.
Grant, of Winnipeg, and E. 1. Wade
were elected Honorary members of the
Y. P. C. A• --Tho closing meeting for
this season of the Y. P, 0, A., of Melville
church was held on Monday evening of
this week when the following eec011ont
program% was presented :--1llusio by the
choir, "1 was glad ;" reading by Alia
Taylor, "The lido we do not see ;" solo
by Miss O'Connor, "Orn-Pro-Nobis ;"
a1dr00a by Rev.1710, t
Ross, B. A„ on
"Character ;" muses by the choir, "One
sweetly solemn thought ;" recitation by
Miss Cargill, of Winghteru, "Christmas
in the woeirhOltee ;" solo by Mims O'Con•
nor, "Turned down page ' recitation by
Milia Cargill, "Rockett s Christmas ;
their, "Crone unto Me."
Mr. 000, Hn
Honorary Proficient, e
p t1 the chair, The local talenb very
ably sustained the good name of our town
ire the musical and literary line, Miss
Cargill in her first appearance bofore a
Bruseeleandienee, won golden opinion.
She is posedseod of a good voice, Weil
MAO control, and her impersonation
g etures wore well done. She will
warmly Ve coned back again, The
Aeaooiation will femme their meetings
holt Pall,
JOLTS Boss, of Brucedeld, son of the
late 010(310,3 master, has 140011 09100122204
agent in his father's stead in that place.
DeeINm the past few weeks we have
added a great many new subnmibers to
our subscription list, but we want to
swell the number still greater. Send in
your names Bad get one of the best local
pipers in the country.
Foe cape and etraw hats are in season
this sweet spring time, The climate
toads each day with its own assorted
stook of weather, and 'twist Sunup and
Sundown every sort of a garment, from
a sealskin moque to a linen duets-, is in
BRnssgLs Guff Cr,on.—On Friday even•
ing of this week a meeting will be held
at the Ventral Hotel for the purpose of
reorganising the Brussels Gun Club for
the coaling season. Members of last
year's club and all others interested in
this kind of sport are asked to kindly at-
tend at 8 o'olook.
LAST Monday Bev. S. Jones book to
bleeding at the nose, and some difficulty
3700 experienced in getting it stopped.
The los of blood bas weakened the rev-
erend gentleman considerably, but we
hope to soon see bite about again. $Ir.
Jones is upwards of 83 ,years cf age, and
is a remarkable zanies man, both mental-
ly and physically, for his years.
R. T. 1T0N53000 commenced work tak-
ing the census in Brussels last 141ou(lay.
The more readily our residents 008170r
the questions asked ela.0 called open the
more they will assist Mr. Illugeton in
his work. The •lot dealing with 0en0,19
returns says that for false information or
refusal there shall be a 902101ty of from
$5 to $40.
Dineen P.atg,—A meeting of poems
interested in the formation of a Driving
Perk Aseooiatjou in Brussels was held
at the American hotel Iasi Tuesday even-
ing- After a general diecussion of the
subject the following (Accra wore, pro•
visionally, selected ; President, P. Scott;
Vice.Presideet, A. Hoenig ; Secretary -
Treasurer, J. D. Warwick, V. S.; Di-
rectors—R, Graham, R. Leathordale, R.
Beattie, A. Currie and R. \Vtlliamp. A
charter will bo applied for at once, the
capital stook being placed at $2,000, at
$10 a share. Twenty-three sh areholdors
were secured at the mee1ieg, and a oan-
vae will be made for others. The tracer
will be built on the Grey Branch agri-
cultural grounds, wurk to be commenced
as soon as possible.
Oer(UARt.—The Stratford. Beacon o
April Brd says :—The respected subje
of our notice, leo. Myere, was 1
his usual health rip to Friday of la
week. On that day, feeling unwell, h
stayed at home. On the following da
Saturday, the disease, an Wootton of tl
liver, rapidly developed itself weaksnin
the action of the boort and eliding 1
detot)] a little after eleven o'clock tin
night. Mr. Myers was 11:,0,1 near Loed
Yorkshire, England, in 19156, nod can
to Canada with his family m 18513, se
tliugneat G0deri0h and en9a,:lug with
his late brother Robert in the tanning
business. After a stay of four years in
Hiutail and twelve in Centreville, near
Ingersoll, following the sante business, he
removed 01 1871 to Stratford where he
remained enl,aging chiefly in the furni-
ture business. The subject of our sketch,
hie brother Robert, wbo died a little
more than a year ago, and hie sister,
Mrs. Scholfield, of Lockport, N. Y., who
survives ilim, aro the only members of
the family who came to America. De.
emceed leaves with his widow, three sons
and one daughter --Robert IL, John,Mrs.
G. A. Powell and Joseph R , all residing
in Stratford. Mr, Myers was a highly
valued member and office -holder in the
1Vlothodiet church. leis aorvioes to the
church as plass lender' and musical di•
rector both hero and elsewhere will live
after him. Ilis children seem to have
inherited Iris musical tendencies for they
take a foremost plane in the Methodist
choirs of the city. Personally Mr.
Myers mita a neighbor, a 0ilexen and
friend who merited and found general re.
epoch and esteem. The funeral took
piece from his residence, Albert street.,
Tuesday afternoon, and woo nmnorously.
attended by friends anti a0quain taneee.
Special service Il memory of the depart-
ed was held in the Central els 1horli0t
cbereh last Send0y oveuing.
BRVSSar.,S 2,..EAZi:-..-1T,
Pali Wheat .. 1 03 1 05
Spring wheat ,. 1 08 1 05
Burley 48 55
00(38 50 53
Peas...,. 70 75
Butter, tubs and rolls,.., 14 00
Eggs per dozen13 00
Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00
Potatoes 45 50
Pork per ton. 5 00 6 On
twill; 5 00 5 ............. 4 00
Salt Cor bbl., retail....., 1 25 PO
Sheep skins, earth........ 60 75
Lamb skins each 40 50
Wool, per 111 18 20
Bear BUFFALO, APRIL 8.—There were
no cattle on sale today, all the arrivals
being consigned through. The feeling
was steady and firm, and the proopeote
look fair. Verdes and calves—Veale are
coming in liberal supplies and selling
very slow, a good many being of the
light, skinny or "Bob" order, which are
not worth anything. It takes good lots
to bring $4.50 to 94.75 and choice $5.00,
while light, thin seals sell down to 92 to
98. Heavy;red and buttermilk calves
are not wanted at all. Shoop and lambs
—Receipts of sale stock wore nearly
twenty cars when all were in. The mar.
]tet ruled strong and active at fully 10c.
to lila advance from the prides of yen.
terday in some cases a all"l4 rouge. A
number of choice wool Iambs sold at
97.23 to 97.40, and ono or two lots of very i
extra reached 97.50 to 97.35, while extra
w00l sheep brought as high as 96.25 to
96,10 ; alt were sold and the feeling at
the close tvae strong; fair gond clipped
lambs quotable at 90 to 80.25 ; fair to
clipped sheep, 94 to 95.25. The outlook
for the next 130 days is, in oar opinion, a
very good one.
(i'U111.:L1 Y.MU1:T013LL)
1hiewill bo found a Reliable Remedy for
tho ordinary diseases of children, lush
its indigestion,. Sour fitmnaoh, Oen-
sti •:ti+., R'irit untie, ea thin;
ltroehlon and many ntbor d10.
oae00 common to children.
Pareamm 011 J. T. PEPPER, Ditcssaa,s,
use hirSuring atModielne to Purify the blood
A, ,( (10,241 blediel 5 21 0 Prarrl:a'e 80002•
ne` 1'An AND Wan 0002207
--1A0A 1016 T111 SE AT( --
.Pcopper'',s DPIG Store
One door South of Stroellau's Now Store,
ee:nera,ot a. 0•0000ra,1 eanxv3.ryg
onetime and United Stites Drafts bought
and 001d,
le tercet allowed On Deposits,
Collections made 015 favorable terms.
Canadian Amite BAN1r or
Now York Avouts-lteOloWens AND Tnnn
Tine 0372ONAI, 1;ANE.
„ Solicitor and 00a v evnnoor. Oolleo-
tions made. Offlca—yaneton0'n Black, Brus-
eals. 21 -am+
• Solicitor, conveyancer, Notary Pub.
tie, &a. Office—Graham's Block.1 dr, or north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
riob,) RnrPaters, Garrey; with 6 licit rs, Conveyancers.
40. Offices—Firussela and Sonfort1, 2Srns.
seta Office—tTp-etah•s over Bank. Money
to Loan.
It, 6.0,208. W. D. D10R80N
M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
BarriStor, Solicitor, &o„ of the firm
fioueftore, &a al ?dunning Or AicadeAToronto
Money to loan.
at his Grocery Tur ofrnberry street, li u °Moe
south of A bt hlciCay.11 Artist.
1'nrdl are at000l
Lecies'aud ahildrens hair cutting n specialty
1 It , Isam•er of lim•rint;n Litte1,4 s 1
:wroth/moot 01 Ideal,. ,urern„r, iw(e
at" Q. 23. ('2155031 ni0r n ,
1sr u 1 lnee
t ()Hier+,ono Co. f,1n¢0 uk the Cr;wbtoo,Aqout
j Poet ()thee.
Menem—In Croswell, Mirth., on Marcel
25th, the wife of Mr. Geo. R. Martin,
dentist, formerly of Brussels, of a
WALnw18,—At the parsonage, Bluevnle,
on 101nrch 3101, the wife of 1tov, I.
B, Wal twin of a daughter.
..- Mdx',vRxf7D,
111C1it1o1rD—G5A2,—In Elena, on Tuesday,
March 81st, at the resiience of the
bride's father, by Rev. A. Hendee.
eon, M. A., 141r. Hagb Richmond' to
f Miss Mary A„ youngest daughter of
of Mr. John Gray, all of Elma.
st Me1A0oART,—At Clinton, on the 5th
y inst., Malcolm McTaggart, aged 71
le years. •
K7 —Tri 151ntn., on Wanda,•, 1Gn'.
II0212, lir. Thea. Iilinefeli, aged 71
nL :'ear+,
C'ANTimon,.-.111 Brussels, on April 8th, at
to the rlsideno, of hie gron,lparente,
t. Charles (J,tot,lon aged 11 years, 7
months and 21 days.
Hunan.—Iu West Gwillianlhury, Ont,
on March 31st, 18111, Phoebe, beloved
wife of James Bynoe, aged 42 years,
7 months and 3 (lays. The deceased
was a Melee of A. Bruce, of Brussels,
A JcxxC•)N mean -ems.
Ttrenanev, Aeafl 16th,—Farm stools
and hotel furniture, at Cranbroolt. Salo
commotions at 1 o'clock, A, ,Reymann,
10101. 2. C. Toole, prop.
W ee:tagere, Amur, 1517x,•—Auction sale
of household furniture, Maple street,
13reese's. Salo at 2 o'clock p. m. bars.
Wm. Van010120, propriotrese. Capt.
Stratton, auctioneer.
E2aRx2SCi._...._sx30'eteem.... _......
Prue0815, April 17.
Listowel, April 1.7.
Wingham, April 15.
Stratford, Friday, April 17.
Newry, Thursday, April 10.
$engrave, Thursday,. Aptil 161,
South Ixuron, lreeefield, April 14,
'Teborno and Stephen,Exeter, April 16,
Dissolution of Partnership.
200700E is hereby given that the partner -
Zia be
J' h 1),
.ltnsa ns tailors, 030 tUnrs nnIl .gent's 0311'
ole, hash urn dissolved by manual Bros.,
The bnslnesswill be continued by D. C. Loss,
All persons indebted to the late firm are
req9uested to pall at once and settle account,
ether bye ash or note, as J. 1. Ross Intends
leaving own and they wish to have the
hooks elesod while as is here.
David Rosa sr,7, T. 00086.
Dated April 1.'91. witness 70 1 D, 0, R05S,
1V. F. COWAN, Pr001dent.
.1, L. 81101)1%:, Cashier,
0,u'rrat, Al"rrb,Niznn, - • $2,000,000
PAD, lir, 1,000,000
Iften132721 FUND, - 460,000
Agencies in it11 u'Ineipa1 motets in Ontario,
QuebOc, lltani5ba, Untnd States
and Ragland,
Brussels Agency.
A eenerni Banking 10110121505 Transacted.
1''artnors' and ether good Notes 131senunted
al lowest Altos. Drafts Issued (m(1 Collec-
tions Made on 411 p0blt5, De11niito removed
and interest allowed ti 0uiront rains,
interest Allowed an 8avie a Bank Be.
11120110 of 02 aid upwards from date of
deposit to data of withdrawal, and com-
pounded half yearly.
Promee attention an(1 evo1'y futility scram.
rid o0stomere living at o distanbe,
G. P. SCOLFI7tr,I1, Agent.
ilruaoole, A)1(12 912,1891.
Clerk of the Fnnrth D$eeinu Court,
Go, 11000n. 002158)9ncor, Notary Public,
Lainvested da to 1022, , Collections Funds
011Joe in Graham's Block, 13 missals.
Late or the conservatory Of 14tusie,
l',tlelandtOrprepared 3'ok, tPupiloofePiofessor
Fisher and NA, Harrison on the piano, and
of Mr, S.11, (Hark in vocal musts. Gloss at
00020300k ovary Tu'sdav For terms, ,foo„
apply at the 1lnt0Odiat Parsonage, I9the1,
Teacher of Piano. Parlor aid Pipe
Organ, Organist to St. Johns comm. Brus-
eels, solicits a share of the patronage of the
muses -loving neople of Brussels and vicin-
ity. Instructions given at currant ratm
byrcalling at 0110 rosjclealoe of airs Danford
sr„ Turnberry street, Brussels, 7.tr
TO desirous of preotu'ing pupils iu
Vocal Alllsia, Prof, Warrington, Of Toronto
la Connor' to it it los 105tiatorl(i as to Mies.
O'(.'unuo"e nhiltty, oto hal•1u4 here n 1'2121(1
Of his 4nrh,g her Stay in Gne1Nh, 22,strn.
in HALu191unio en )'tleno, Organ and 111 niter,
'1'C11190 505,20 10100110U appliaatinn. Prh,cnss
St., Illussnl , ANso O'r:uuu or 0 op. 11 1'"r
0030010 1 u,',g',souts. 31'
G. L, Boll, L, D.4, Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
ministered roe the Pninloss 11vtraotioll of
Tooth, 74 Gerrard Street that, 70008Tu.
Ise '$ Y teerY' f
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S„
Graduate of the nova College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of 77nrouto Uu)-
varsity, 088.108-0ppoei30 d nortaau Hotel,
Auctioneer, le alwaye ready to at.
to 5d sales of farms, farm stook, &o, forme
cheerfully given. Crnnbrook P. 0. Salon
Inay be arranged ail TIED P007 Publishing
Fiona(, 131500020.
Licensed Auetionser, Sales e0ndaot-
ed on reaso5ablo term. Farms aura farm
shoal(a specialty, Orders left at Tont .POST
P111211 Shing 'Rouse,l3russelo, or son tto Walton
P. 0., will receive ennepe attoutiou,
AJL to eon(li ctnsoles of Auctioneer, 010011 nbnioiisonable
prions. liuowing the standing of nearly
0500y 7151'0022 I am 101 22 poeitlon to sell (0
good marks n,u5 get good 050 20)17 whoa tole
011 credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gino
m0 a call. s2• A' S. 8(1071e.
`/ 1i. Ji', CALE, M. D: 0. 9, .,
V V ,Member of the College of1hyst0ian
and 8811900290 of Ontario by .examination
01000 and Itoeldonee—oL610 closet Nast,.
Lthui, 01111.10,
2T. • A. MoNAUG1ITON, M. D.
O nf„ 1,, It, C. Po Edinburgh, III. C, P
S. Cut, At Pepper's Drug store front 6 to
11:50 a. In, and from LW to du. m, At abet
hours may be fonlul at his 100idenee, form-
ally occupied by Dr, ifutchfueon, Mill st.
• 1112nor Graduate of the real all
iVeterinary( I of esti it ,t loM ed to treat re-
80105 ae 101502', tlgatod "animals in a eom-
9050t m905910 PartIoular attention Maid
to veterinary 10o 023try, Calls promptly at•
berth of bridge,,1 rnbInfirmary—Two fsle jos