HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-10, Page 5• Ariur, 10, 1891 THE BRUSSEL,S POST Wilson Evans, Jae, Denman ; Sideropel I, eon, 12 -eits, Mitehell ; Sidercetd 6, con. ram an ow 1st 00n. Mr, eetteielle hag moved to the anthem ' 1891 --FL.A.X 1 491 3 tee-- .• 1.2-ano. Dougherty ; Cons. 13 and 11- iltA John no. Whalen, Neil Dun present busy running loge, The farinere aroutid ;Jamestown me at , , lbw° a Wetted number of Decibels ef severul more cerloade of britik to the we- 18 - 16 -Thos. eVittson, Jno, Campbell, Jno. on the Ist. coo. belooging to Thos. Ear- fthliir litrrOti BIZED • McNair, Chas, Bleekert, Jacob Kreuter, Dime vie,. " The Salvation Army has left Ode , eansoe, Peter Sinelair jr., Jno. Stoiss„ Meet Megpie Celdblek is at present CAMERON BROS. Amwdalo Whitfield, Luke Snerain: Joe, f ,„131 Our brick mutter, W. Moutrey, shipped Whilliahl: 1101"te Beef" ; net Roberteon • Cons, 15 and RI:Antra Oolcritlee has lensed tbe farm • B'ideread 2, Weenier town letelv. A etrollIng !meek niedielite ecnnpany geve three nights entertainment last week in Industry hall. Otteseetterfe0 Teok's auction sale on Wednesday afternoon of next week. The well known Slemmon farm, ad. joining this village, is offered for sale at a bargain. A. ball end supper will be held e.t Zimmer'it hotel in this p13368 ou Friday evening of next week, 17t11 inst. Cameron Bros, have a stook of flax seed on hand for the farmers of this le - entity for the season of 1801. They agree to pay $10 per ton for good fax, harveet- ed in proper somon. A epanal meeting of the township council will be held ab Zimmer's Hell on Saturday, 18th inst., at 2 o'clock in connection with the imposed drains hum Illma township. 1311sey318I0. La grippe is still lurking around. Rev. I. B. Wallwie is away this week at Cobourg. Jae. Messer, of Hamilton, mid a flying visit to 1118 1104118 this week'. We were all glad to see him. It is stated that out! brass Band ie to be resurrected and a teacher engaged. We hope the report is true. Miss Mary Ann Ross has been on the sick list this week as well as Mr. Dell' 31)1311, Mr. Duncan and 0. number of others. .A, new tailor has taken up his abode in Mr. MePherson's hitherto vacant store. B1E011(318 can support two tailors and we wish the new one sucoess. Blnevale is again raising its head for besides the new tailor a wagonemaker is talking of cunning to town and there is scarcely a vacant house in the village 110W, Report ;Aye that Jas. Timmins, our enterprising merehent, talks of opening a branch store at Belgrave and that our townsman, 31)0. Farrow, will be put in command. Boy. A. Y, Hartley has been buoy this week constructing e. hot bed. This Is a now agrictiltural enterprise for our town, the result, no doubt, of the late meeting 81 31(1' learmee 3e Institute a' which the said gentleman took a prominent part and distinguiehecl himself as a thorough agriculturalist. A lecture, on "Tmegination," one of the 111091 intereeting and profitable ever d0. livered in Bluevale, was given by Rev, J. Liviegetene, of Idetowel, on Thursday ot last wet lc. It WAS fall of wisdom yet, plentifully besprinkled with wit. Rev, Ilerth•y (311)' ably lined 111,, chair (133 ti althmigli the evening 31330 13 very dis- ntrzezble one, borrowed from the Presby • , erne said, yet a. !madly numb( r turned eel, and a jovial hour was spent. Bev. Mr, Wallwin is gengrally con. n relty toll man, imagive then the 1313p•3•0 of . he Illuevaleites 81133(1, a 33'e,18 ago lost 'Pile:tatty, they eletv Mtn sauntering dime street with his head some few inches higher than meal, D1( 410 In the rn butw easoit as at last diseovered that pie of this locality ovor the removal of ny were the ((111(3338 mit e an important, addition had been made to Mr. end Mrs. Patton end A. IV, 131,3 housowid jo 1118 101113 of a. daughter baker and wife from Ethel. 131301' the who bids fait• to he his rival, 80 110 WAS company was sealed kliss liartlinnan trying to keep ahead. road the fellowing address :- .1. 11'. Panahalter, Lima Flamm -Having learned with Miss it:tumuli.° MeQuarrie is taking feelings of I egret that yon are about to note, he e itbont 3 11'0103130 Tuesday morn it comae at the London 1100111880 College, take your depel tore from amongst Its I tel ine up short hoe and type writing. and feeling that we suffer 011 irreparable 1144: loss by your removing from our mime., 031113410t311. barned. The fire sterted The hotel and contents were all -I end news aril, from our Sa111 bbath school the besemeot 0( 31(33 Elute], it is supposed Iftt from the wood Menace, and was unde Stewart, Jes. Oume, Geo. Dunlop, to, Hparling, Geo. MoKay, 3na, Penult ; Cone. 17 and 18 - Jno. Boos, Alex. Buchanan, David Ferguson, Enoeh Clark, J. A. Smith, Bobt. Maoban ; Boundary Grey and McKillop - John Smith ; Gmlutm'e Survey --101111 Jones ; Walton - Matthew Morrioon Blind line, Cranbrook-Chas. Alderson ; Gravel oad-Jas, Simpson, Jas. Straoh. an Thos. MoLauchlin, Wm. Work, Jas, Juo. Hislop, Mem Sholdiee. Pound.keepers- '21108. MoEuen, Jacob Steiss, John Burton, Daniel Zimmer, Hartwell Sperain, Jno, Harris, Wm. Beirnes, Mr. Jones. Fence-eh:were- Alex, Ross, jets. Turnbull, David Den. bar, Jae. Lindsay, Meleelm Lamont, Roble Bowen, Geo, Welsh, Uriah Fadden, Peter Sinclair jr., Wm. Fulton jr., Hartwell Sperain, Ino. Stewart, Jno. Whitfield, Jas. WN. SPENCE, Clerk. Reeve Milne WaS at IVoodstook on busi- ness last week. II. le. McAllister has been suffering from a severe cold for the last week. 3313. Richerdson lute hem away from home for a few days but has resumed business again. 11108 L. Sherlock 1)138 1)0041 laid up with infiterninattion tor the last week, but is somewhat better 110W, 31338. Spence is enjoying it brief visit under Ole parentel roof. He purposes visiting Winnipeg shortly. Jim has seen a good deal of the world for 13 young fellow and is well posted on life in the west, The following ie the report of the junior department of Ethel public school for the month of efareh : -Senior 2nd elms -John Lindsay, Erna Raynard, Alice Davies, Jas. Peebles, ledmund Hol- loway ; Junior 20c1, (Part I)-Lizeie Riehardeon, Willie Spence. Carrie Eck. inier ; Junior 2nd, (Pert If) -Joseph Whelpton, Eliza McCallum, Ellie Dil- worth ; Part 2nd -Maggie Davies, Sand- ford Dorton, May Milne ; Part lot. Senior -Beware McAllister, Jno. Peeb. los, Maud 111olItty, Willie Tompkins ; Part lat, junior -Willie Peebles, Edna Raynard, Aggie Young, Karl McAllister, Florence Sherlock, Teacher. Senn of the intellectual lights have been puzzling their brains over that con- undrum clout ;Juno and Deminber going into pa:teen:hip. They all say that they give it 3134, 1)131 they thiulc it is not fair of the editor 10 110(30 all the young men Maple syrup is plentiful, and selling at 143111 rung I dies of the piece Molting np el.25 per gallon, both sides. the ;mmHg 1. gm( 10 what -orb their John Arnold, who for some time past birthday emit,. Your scribe non. ti lt9 beet) employed in J. L. Darling's law Ono Golding, 3 years old, heavy draught. and thinke thet you should make it jnet$.•'-"LI111g1111, Telnrs will be mean to a lit le plainor fuel :ye all this tro1,1:31e. A vertain widower, who h..8 smile at traction in 0(11' WiAltiara if you are try it.g in get a joke on him. 81:13.1..1011 ANA PRESEN'TATWN. -03 ale evening of Wedlitsday, ,roll th, Immo party numberiug ahem, 60 nutee 33. descent upon the home of William Patton and took the imnates completely by sur- prise. The deject el' the visit wee to dr expression to 1110 feelings of the p00' 301). Miss Lissic Ramsay, 01 the let con., lute gone to 13rassele to learn dressmak- ing. 35 at present vieiting friends and relatives inkIiiiussn:ary 'Whiteford, of beneath wn, Miss Bella. Livingston hae gone to dAilcarsosum,allikiieulg1,., where she will work at the elise Ligzie Maunders has gone to Zurich nt et ttableticeclutrge of a millinery de - Mrs. Jne. Johnston has been on the sick list lately but we aro glad to lwar that 33310 is somewhat better. Bushfield postolliee has ceased to exist and the people heretofore served by 9 will get their mail matter elsewhere. William Russell, of the tith line, kas gone to seek his fortune in Detroit, There le some tithe of Will fetching u. "gal" book with him, Geocl look. Bushfield postern:xi has been closed and the 'taming 03 0110 mails frotn Sunshine to Belgrave ht,' been given to J. Watson until further arrangments, There is some talk of Owing Sunshine postolente as the people think they oan make convenient at other °Mem. It would be a step in the right: direution. Rev. I. B. Wallwin nreached the mis- sionary sermon in Johnston's chureh last Sabbath. He gave an excellent die - course, his text being Rev. 11,111 chapter and (311) verse. Coeery, formerly cif Sunshine, who has been in the lumber wools of Michigan, is visiting friends and rela- tives around. Judging by Will's appeal: - 8mm the wnrk must agree with him. F. 3. Betinest. organizer of the patrons of Industry, will deliver en address in Berrie's solleol bonse next Monday even- ing. He will also be at Anderson's school house on Tuesday evening. Everybody invited, MATerniosrere-One of those happy events whin].) cause a ripple of excitement ooeurred et the residence of Henry Jack - sou it being the marriage of his daughter Mary (sister of Mrs. Jas Duman, Morrise to W. A. Wease, of Lindsay. The bride was beautifelly attired in cream silk and erenge blossoms. She was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents, among which was a well filled purse from her father. The happy couple left on an extended trip followed by the congra- tulations 01 6330331 many friends. I A t o ev et . For farm ere in tho vicinity 0! Oranlirnoll who intend mishit; Flax dui be the monis season, which they ore prepared to deliver in Ewan ti ties to snit flax growers. Oen be got at the ONAG1111001C F1,1,6 iere Seed given out on the usual terms, Order Harty to ensurc a supply. For flax grown !rem tuts seed *to per Ton will be paid, if of good growth, harvested In nr0For season, end delivered at the Plus Mil 88 800131 as at for threobleg. We will rent a number of good sod ficale 3101 1310 purpose of growing flax. CAME1LON 13BOS„ Proprietor.% Cravibrook Els% 11111. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE PORTNIOUTLT 041LINOS 11110M PORTLAND on HALIFAX, To DERRY 011 LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES, $4.10, $50 and little, Single ; $130, See and 114110 Return, according to Locution of Stateroom. No Caw= Csuoran. INTNEMEDIATY3, Outward $20; Prepaid Sae Steerage at Lowest Bales. Accommodations Unsurpassed. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN , Montreal, no FYIRkt MEN; BRUSSELS. ENTIRE HOBBES AND MARES FOR S.ILL'. -11- Tile subscriber oilers the following Well-bred Animals for Salo: "Cadiz" (0560, Vol. II ; "Earl of Breadalbane" (6700), Vol. II. These horses are 3 years old ; heavy draught. eLagen Chief," years old, heavy draught. One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im- ported stook on both sides; heavy draught, ePtince of Douglas,' a road or carriage stallion, rising 8 years; imported. One Heavy Draught Mare, 6 years old ; imported; with foal. Otte Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught, rising 5 years, with foal by her side. One Mare Foal, from imported stock on -e, MOM TO LOAN. 1101..,L POE unmrornod recently rnrcallevd and will keep tor 08033100 33 registered Dor. ham bull on E lot 28, tam. O. Morris. Terms c•••3,Se to be plod ott time of service walk mi• vilego of returning 331 218011084TY, 1`10. trit1111.1, 'Proprietor. --- rrERM6 OF SEItY10E OF MY Tuonotteu.naan JERSEY BULL - One Om, $2.20; 2 Cows, $4,00; additional cows. Side 04011. an the property of 000 wilco, A diseount of 10 per cent. will be deducted when paid et the time of service. Jersey Cows $2.01.1 80011 extra. G. DEADMAN, Druggist, dm, with the majority this titne, Mr. Editor, olliee, left teem 13301 week for 0,1141111, The beltery and confectionet y bilsiness 0.110)10 ‚1 Parties. of J. P Dunchts, has been purchased by J.'McCorrnioz, late of Sti.atfor I, who is The above mentionrd stock 111fty lie already in possession. soon, pedigrees scoured end priers ob- From the report of the elinister of Ee. teived by applyieg to rication, for Ontario jest puttlished, it is A A. e:t1P Yee-Ele , AUe11 that the average co per oupil Lis- towel is 55.25, In rho High St:110013 the • P. eost per pupil Listownl is $21.10, 20 Berseer s 1' 0 Ab the Easter Vestry meeting in con. neotion with Chriet's church ,T. A. Tan- E' NYas elect oil We.rdeti, and F. E. leilvere Rectal:el Wardell. The for. 7i•kg74,1FF5,-,rpfrIeli ' • mot. sift, srnen, namely, Jolla Campbell, Er .1111,n Forbes, U. Tabbernor and Cons. • w- 'Ertir.10. pen knui; Igkg L 6 p yr.:: '-71"Zr TMPROVED LARGE WHIT,1:1 YORK. 1 SHIRE 3301311, The undersigned will keep for service this present seasou the Improved large white Yorkshire pig "Ready" on lot 20, 000, 0, Morris, to which a limited number of SOWS will bo taken. Terms $1.00 to bo paid at time of orrice, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may be seen up. 00 application. BOBBET NICHOL, 1031 Proprietor. fr WO PURE BRED PIGS FOR SPIRVICE.-The undersigned has re- cently purchased and will keep for Sonia° at North half Lot 24, Con. 7, Morris, s Pure- bred Berkshire Boer, brod by Al r. Buell, and ELIA() ((1130 improved Cheater White, ono year old, bred by 'Thos. Oeorge. Putnam, irout imported stock on both sides. Ibis hog took SrEt prize 00 1118 Industrial Exhibi- iton, Toronto, le,00,iu a class of 17, ard also Sril at the Western Pair in it ohm of 16. T4rins, $1.00, to be paid at time 01 FAITYa10, with privilege of Tuturning if necessary.. 10-11 S. WALlailt,Propneter. Money to Loan, lloney to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST te,ITES, Private and Company Funds. DICKSON 84 HAYS, Solicitors, te.c., .1311USSBLS, ONT. Moraileoa's Syr.tem - Renovator Any Amount of Money to Lowe on Fann or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Ccitt., Yearly. , Straight Loans with privilege oft repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brustretn. Is becoming the Standard Medicine of the clay. Parties calling re: writing from all parts of Canada nut! the United 8101C43 for the, System Renovator. It Never Fails to erne impure, Weak anti Imp:v:0:3110d Blood, Dyspeplia, Reeninetism, Loss of DIemory, Bron- chitis, Coneemption, , ann. kidney and Urinary pisetts,s, St. Vitus' Dance, koala ITTegIllaTitif 1111d General Debility. Manufactured only by 3, M. MoLvon, Sole Patentee, (better known as ,•The Old Dot.tor") Leberatury, Newgate Cioderich, Ont. J. T. 192113111, Sole Agent. Brnssels. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds.. APPLIC J.C.Heffernan, 5.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 28t2 13 3E3 '5E" CABBIAGrIES1 ..--•••••••••••••.. .A. Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car— riages have arrived at II. Bennis' Brussels. Call and see them before yon purchase elsewhere. - Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. always in stock and sold at Close Prices If you want a set of Light or - Heavy Harness 1 can supply you . See our Scotch Collars. - • he' 0 D 4,,,E Egg r, pi. 0,1 B 7 he Scotch, —a -U7 gies 0 1.."17011:t Coglilin, were re-elected. R. Martin and A. J. Collins were elude I Lay Delegates to Synod. Fire broke 01)1 13 the Grand Central A nuieber Olin, of both sexee • P..ek others En the States. Why dot the N. in which you hue 5 lab. red so fa tlbin ly, ale going west, wine 0 I P. glop this exedus 7 and the Icind and Christian like bearing aliss Mary 331,10,1011, who eee been yull 1)13330 manifested toward all and 31311, i si 1 ira her 3111 3e, jas. Turtibull, for am inu the neatly years you hems labored (031 few weeks, reurned to her holm with us in otir .ablatth sehool, hes meat Leer Hitiettitline last Friday. Miss Lis. ed in us n, feeling of re, peat and esteem '/J3. Ste:when aceiempanied her. which 3 rompts te, to ask 3 on to mice 1, Is. spreiel mee irg of 3110 Grey Council this Muth as a mend: token of nor appr01 will be held at Zimmer's Hotel, Oran- 011131 A• Not cm auconnt of ite money breelt. of Saturday the 18th inst., at the value but on amount of the feeling of hour of two o'elock for the purpose of resikent Nrbicll FronFts itki bosbowol. Wo taleing 1'30eonsideratioe it certeen By. hope it will remind you frequenely of the law, numbered 284, for drainage, origin. Ohristien reletione which have boond us :ding in the Townehip of Elm% and 031' together So long a time. 1Ve Milo wish tending into the Township of Gree . 131 as you and your worthy partner proceed perties interested are requested to at. , together along the journey of life that tend. 1 the God of all lzraoe will give you both On Tneeday evening of last week F. 3, health, strength and wisdom to enemas- Bennest, Organieer of P0110115 01 Indus. I fully pass over all the Wale and dill:lent- try for Huron, paid his first visit 3,0 1110 Om of this life smooth y, and when the township, by forming 013 assoeietion of end of life is reached He will at last wel- Patrons of Industry at Shines &hoot come you to the happiness of a, heavenly House, with 111 cilartSr Members to ne home prepared for all true believers. ceded the "Shinieg btar." Bro. Thos. Signed on behalf of the Ethel Presbyter - Davidson, President ; Bro. Thee. Calder, i inn Sabbath etthool. Nice -President and Bro. Corneliue Bow. I 30331111 BARTLEMAN, ANNIE WELSH, °Man, Seareiery. When will the Township Councils of 131111(0 Annie Welsh made the presentation. Grey 310113 Elam turn 11)e31' attention to Mr. P,:nabaker nutde te very suitehle 310' the removal of the jam piles filling on Ply. Mrs. Cale was then °ailed upon to the Maitland river 11311(311000 00135, 4 and read an address to Mr. ens Mrs. Patton 3? Already there bee bion ti deal of and Mrs. Young presented them with an 111 015140 to the 4th eon. at Duke's bridge easy chair and a silver mar boWl. The necessitating a tape amount of grevelling followiug ie a copy of the address 3 - to be done this spring. The high water To Mr. and Mets. Patten, is deetroying cm, butments as 1331811 3)5 Them Funtens,-Having 1)801(1 of your the bridge and the culvert le not long intended removal from our midst, and enough by 10 or 12 feet to carry the wishing to oonvey to you the high esteem \T01:3r away. in whish you are held by ue, we take this PATEMASTER8.-A1 the last meeting of opportunity of showing it in even a morn abs Grey Council the following Path- tangible way than words might possibly masters, Poned•keepers and Fence- express. We, therefore, ask you to ac. viewers woos appointed : -- Con. let, oept this ehair as a memento ofyour long boundary Grey and Howick - Alex, sojourn among us, and may you both bo Thoinpson, John Mel:mean, Henry long spared to enjoy it. May it bo to . Granger, Geo. &motor, Ilame Curn• you a souvenir of the happy relations mins and Jas. Scott ; Cans. 181 and 21111 which have elwaye existed between us. .--3110. 01,111, Jno, Whie, Malcolm Fraser, We regret very numb your deparldwe Dunetzu MoDonald, Donald MoDonald, from no bet bo assured that you will 'Wm. Mitelmil, Thos. Elliot, Chas. Cos- always ;lave our prayers and best wishes ens ; Sideroad 1, eon, 1 -Donald Me. for year emcees 101311 10)134 continued nun Donald ; Cons. 3 and 4 -Thos. Straolum, fidnees, and when our work is euded here Win. Bates, Loreneo Frain, Jos. Ray- may WO all 01001 3(2 that happy land narcl, juo, MoOntliney, Andrew Bremner, where friends part 110 More. Wo also Daniel Spl ldtt, Robt, Pirie, ;las. Bowes ; ask Mrs. 111301t3113 (0)1 to accept this sugar Sideronel 1, eons. 4 and 6—Alex. Me- bowl as a token of ,reepent from her Donald ; Coes, 5 and 6- cluintin Mo. friends. Signee in behalf 01 1311013118, 331ain, Bart Lang, Wtn. Bateman, John Nes. Dkvital, Bishop, Wm. Pollard, Chas. _Hudson, Mutt, Wren, Bobt. Bennett, Wm. Annott ; Sideroad illus. YOUNG, 1., 00E, 6 AAA 7--Trtiman Smith ; Cons. Tho rear:Diode milted lete. Spence to re - 7 and 8-3110. Oareiff, Thigh Lamour, ply for them, which bo 31131 111 a few well Wm. 13r03100', David Dunbar, 110b1t. 1311. Chosen words. A very enjoyable evening worth, G. W. Taylor ; Ethel viliago- Was spent. The ladies had not forgotten John 13.Ieffornan ; Sideroad 5, eon. 8- to bring well filled baskets along and dia. Richard Rupp 1 001114. 0 and 10--1.1enry posed the contents very generously. 130)3, ,loo. Crorar, Jno. Vincent, Wnt, After 12 o'clock the friends began to dig. road 0, con. 10 -Wm wishing the host and hostess and Mr. The latest Winnipeg sensation ie the 1 Gecx Good, gen ) Wilson, Jno. Sanders, Isaac, Lake, Jno„ parse for their 0003400111)0otive homes a cr E. Baker ; Sido Cook - Cone. 10 and 11-Wra. 110.1341311, and Illre,Fentebaker health and prosper. resignation b,y atterney.General Martin ' sElles'Dieleson, Jno. Metane11110, Alin. ity in their now home at Bespelar. of his portfolio. xt. tacit Mineral g'ot I cr Ca')/, Si. Lion, Orr. suoh headway before cliseovered that the it:metes barely esceped, mane of them by ladders from the 1)1113101330 and adjoin. if) roofs, and many 0( 11)0 giies working en tem hotel ie their night clothing, los- ing everything ; oleo many boarders 10o• ing all 61)11111 (3101110'. Some ten or more oomincroial travelleis lost ell their Barn - plea. The Mem:ante, as far al known, :0,1 the 11001 I:nil:line, Waterloo Mutual, 335,000 ; $500 on billiard tables, Citizens' ; 03,500 0 contents held by ham oompaniek, net known in what cone- paniee ; Robb. Martin, 342,000 iu Western on building. Win:a-haw- Mush= Vall Show will be held on the 231131331111 30111, of Septientle.r. Miss Nello Mellardy hit:: been compell- ed to give 1134 1)831 memo class in town, owing to the illness of her mother. There ir considerable sickness in town at present, A considerable number suffer- ing from o mild form of la grippe. 11. T. Watson and kiss Edna F., his eldest daughter, intend spending the summer in the N lethweet, the former in Calgary and the letter in &gine. Wm, Redd, V. S., returned the latter part of lest Week from a visit to portions of the 8118105 01 Now York and Pennsyl- vania. He intends visiting portions of Michigan and other Western States be- fore he deoides where ho will locate. A lacrosse olub was organized in town under bbe name of the Young Maple Loaf Laotosse Club, with the following offi- cers Robb. Hill, HonePres, ; A.H. Musgrove, Hon. Vice -Pres. ; A. Far- quharson, Pros. ; Goo. Town, cot. ; 133. Coenyn, Cor. Sec. ; Robb. Collier, Fin. -Sea. ; 3.11. Cluslielm, Treas. The old Town 11(133 1100 been mutinied by a number of townspeople who have formed themselves 10)10 13 conmeny to be known as the "Wingham Temperance Hall Company." The hall will be moved to a lot inetnediately oppoeite the new Salvation Arrny barracks, on Edward street, anci it will be fitted up for the use of the temperance lodge. The price paid was $125. And this - At the Vestry mooting of St. Paul's church the following °Meets wore °looted BILIOUS IIDADA011.118 (40 1891 17,J1 •1;4,•'0' r"I't 0,1 TO ' rab P. a •- 0.:31 un Fridays, MARCH 20111, APRIL 3rd et 17th, MAY 1st. dunning Thrones' 130 Vancouver 3YitI0ont Change. 44-1 1891 For Berths and all Information apply to J T. Pepper, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Half the Virtues --)0 (-- ST. LEON Have never been Told. !I — Bead this— JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very.bad. When I stooped could scarcely strtughteu up ; felt miserable. For three months I. pm sisted in a free use of Sr. LEON WATER.. It WAM the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par excellen00 ; pains, milling, ate, ell gone. Call tee my ewe, I will tell far tnore about the 11131110 013 St. L000, W. 1100311N0, Empire Laundry, 823 gnetin steeet west, Toronto, for the 031011)11 3/00)33 Wai ene-. mem Crowell, Willson and Those Cornyn. Sichtemen.-4. R. Roynolde, Wm, Fluty, Wm Moore and RAIL Allan, Vestry Clork-P, 0. .0larke. Tllo 130k1fl1nicw3031 340300. 1,133 °wain sn Committee presented a 8)101031 plan ot Loot wateW'vury°,41ed the proposed new church, whiell, after and 3103111)3/. .7. P. S. Arminson, Wateli• diftenssiOn, Watt aocepted on a baste, end matter mai. Jetsetter, Me Queen street west, the committee was instructed to procure Toronto. plans in detail and ask far tenders for the ------- (weaker of the new church. ' A PilES1-1 BARREL JUST RECEIVE0. 311)1311 rheumatism in my knees and fingers, biliotts headaches, ate, every few woes, Mr. Niggles, Plum100 Laundry, urged nao bo try 01:.111100 Minerni Witter. did, and it 01 0001311 ri lit; headaches and pains all Buy your Buggies from D. EWAN SPEC1,11.I.T roR T14I1 01. Chronic Diseast3e, Private Diseases, Cita mwes of the Drain am Nerve, Die - mem of the Heart and Lungs, and Dieeases of Wornert peeitivelt Treated Succese(ully. And Save• Money. • ToNATITANBUSC17ART, Liiitowe) says-. "A; ler sp el eim all my money and property to no 1 ull use 01) reical E101, TOT what 1 3e70:0;: . 611 int g large 11111)11)er 3331(3' 3.00,0,1 1sxs)sl u N ‘1.0 I ou e aye -- of the Best Buggies, v,hich are to be sold at the Lowest Prices ever offered to the public. Every- thing about them is First-class. The very Bcst Standard Wheels, and the Workmaiship through- out Guaranteed. I am Determined to maks a Big Slaughter on Prices this year. 1 have sold a large number of Buggies during the past 5 years to many of the leading men of this section and surrounding country, and 1 purpose to keep up the number and double the quantity. Call and See the Rigs and Get our Prices. Don't buy a buggy until yon see my Stock of Choice Buggies. Repairs 111 Wood work arid Iron done at Bock Bottom Prices. Painting and Carriago Trimming done at the very Lowest Rates. Horseshoeing Done with the Best Experience and Attention, as in the past. 13 Ainot n'OsiNESs. D. EWAN. 911op opposite Qtteen's HotoL Batson, . "121, 0, 11 1,113 11e 0,11311, 101. Sinclah OUTaa me of kit." 131 1)( 1,1111111133, Cni.lion Place, says: - "Dr, rinehde cured me of Catarrh." (ire. 134OIT:11, Myth, says Dr. Sinclair cured nie 031 3)1(001 disease on,:l dropsy, when ell 011.0313 failed." Diseases 41 Private Nature, brought only folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Coacq.--lteuttoati, F11,00, WILL BE AT T1IE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —011— F riday, April 24th, '91. Ed 821 BUROX License District, The East Efuron License Com- missioners will meet at the CENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS, -)0N(-- Friday, April Mkt, AT 10 O'CrooK A. M., To take into consideration the Applications for Tavern Licenses for 1891-92. The number of Hotel LiconEeE, granted last year in the Riding P3110 24. The number of Applications this year are 27, Isaac Gill, Ethel; Joseph Youngs, Fordwich ; and. John Hasket, Lakelet, being the only applicants for houses net holding License last year. John R. Miller, INSPEOTOI flANIESTOWN, April 121113t 1891.