HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-3, Page 88
1JJ .13.H I.- I -'OST
Over Zoo Rohe -
Received since February, 1501.
We believe wo have the Finest
and Best Values in Wall Papers
and Borderings that have over
been shown in Brussels. We have
made selections from no loss than
It will give us pleasure to show
you our samples. It will pay
you to see them if yon pur-
pose paper hanging.
Druggist, Bookseller, &e.
sou'ratans ,EXTENsioa W. O. & P.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and Booth, as follows:
Gorge S woio, GeiNs Nona n.
Mall d:sa a.m. III M1sea..........., 9:20 a.m.
'express 11:45 a.m. I Mail 0:OS p.m.
MixedE:t5 p.m. Express 0:90 p.m,
(.ox x latus (cans.
A chiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Ann, showers.
Smoot. re -opened on Tuesday,
GET ready for the census taker.
PURE mixed paints. 33. Gerry.
Coenom meeting next Monday evening,
SPRING Fair at Brussels on Friday, 17th
Cent in and see Strachan's beautiful
TIIIOTIrr and clover seed at Geo.
Senor, Board ou Friday evening of
this week.
Cloven, Timothy and garden seeds at
Hems re -shaped. Mos. TtRxuuLr, Mill
street, Brussels.
DAISY barrel churns for about half
price. 13. Gerry.
ASSESSOR STEtt'Anr is on his rounds.
Hide your poodle.
Forum Division Court will be held on
Thursday, 30th inst.
Ttatonrrreeed, Alsike, mammoth and
red clover seed. Geo. Good,
A soon brick house to Pent or sell.
apply at the xeollen mill, Brussels.
Ir the ladies went a real nice pale of
low shoes pall at Straohun's 51910 8,0:01.
Bae. J. Boss and Rev. D. Forrest, of
Walton, exchanged pulpits last Sabbath.
O:Eu 40 cars of brick have been, or
will be, deliverer) at Brussels station
this spring.
Fon will be pleasantly eurprised to see
the lovely dress goods Strauhans have
tor 10 cents a yard.
Semmes will be 121 cents per pound
in Brussels on and after Monday, 6th
inst., so the butchers say.
Levi Lear and family are removing to
Wingham tbie week. Mr. Lott intends
running a livery stable in that town.
Ma. MoILI , a student of Knox Col-
icge, preached in Knox oharoh last Sun -
clay. He ie expected book for the com-
osg Sabbath.
Tem revenue for stamps at Brussels
9astofmce during enumeration week was
72.00. Exeter reports 546.63 and Clin-
ton only 5101.15.
Mxee Lnaa O'Coseme sang at a concert
at Wroxeter last friday evening. H. L.
Jackson and Mien Cale also contributed
several violin and organ instrumentels.
G. T. R. and C. P. R. tickets to Mani-
toba, British Columbia, Washington Ter-
ritory, Oregon and all points in North-
west Territory. T. FLETcuzn, Town
Ticket Agent G. T. 1L.
TRI. Methodist church pulpit, platform
end altar table were loaded down with tt
line lot of house plants, many of them
blooming, last Sunday, It is a move so
agreeable that it would stand repeating.
NEx'r Tuesday evening a meeting of all
interested in the formation of a Driving
Park Association in Brussels will be held
in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock.
A11 interested are asked to attend the
le is currently reported that J. and 1).
Rose have dissolved partnership as
tailors, olothiers, &a, and bind the first
mentioned brother will retire from the
arm, We have not heard what Mr.
Ross purposes turning his atteutiou to
but hope he will see hie way clear to re-
Maleiu Bruesels. Hie leaving would put
the "brake" on hese ball, cricket, &o. to
a large extent tea he has taken a great in -
tercet in these Sports. "Jim„” as he is
familiarly known, is a general favorite
with all,
LAST Mond:Ly evening Court Princess
Alexandra, of the Canadian Order of
Foresters, tools possession of their new
hall in the Blarhlll block. It 10 a bright,
airy room, 2•3x9'4 feat, with necessary
anteroom, &c. A. new carpet has been
put down and new blinds bearing the
emblenle of the Order purchased for the
wininwe. A few complimentary speech.
es welt made over the Hary quartet's by
the brethren. Dedicatory eervices may
be held later, The A. 0. U. W. of this
place will also meet semi-monthly in the
same premises, Mr. Blaebill has spared
010 rales nor expense to tit apt the place
Tut a most creditable manner,
This is an rust, 011ie.
Fon:0 TEM -Tits sncoess of our last
word finding contest, just closed, 351.
uourage0 as to offer another Free 'Trip
aronnd the World, or its °ash equivalent
to the person sending in the largest list
et Words spelt the same forward and back.
guard„suclh ae "Pip” "Bob" "Hannah."
The <mutest closes May 16. Three daily
Prizes for the three largest lists received.
Contest is open to the World. Every.,
moo sending ton words will get a prizs.
ldoarly1200 won prizes in our recent eon.
tact, Rules and sample paper 12 cents,
together with a large illustrated cata-
logue. Address Be11'e Magazine, 0311114,
ITIS week our Milliners Ire lard at work preparing stock lor our Gr11ne spring Opening. Gua•
a Stock will be more Attractive this Sensori than previous years, owing lo our increased Trade
in that portion of our business 'We are determined to give our customers a larger and still better
selection to choose from, and for workmanship and durability. Wo claim to Lead in Stylish and
Fashionable Millinery. In Mourning Goods we can save you 40 per cent,, as all our Crapes, min -
prising Samuel Courtaulds & Cos best makes, which we bought at GO cents on the dollar, are still in
stock, while other stores have bought theirs on four months' time and at regular wholsale prices.
You can see plainly that you can save two dollars on a five dollar hat or bonnet by buying it from
us instead of those stores that buy goods regular on four and six months time.
rout. Obedient Servants,
W. NIGHTINGALE & Co., Brussels.
Mwx pans, $1.00 per dozen. B. Gerry.
TEivgnear sap pails 10 cents eaoh. B.
Charm, Timothy and Garden Seeds at
GEE.QVARTEi ton of hutch sets at Mo.
Peoeimme examinations were booming,
last weak.
To REYr.--The house lately occupied
by W. J. Fairfield. Apply to Dn. Mc-
Fon sale oheap, two sets second hand
single harness. Apply at I. C. Itichard's
harness shop.
Tne bliokworic and plastering of hire.
Streehao's and J. G. Skene's stores has
been let to D. A. Lowery.
Fans groceries, canned. corn, peas,
tomatoes, salmon, sardines, pears and
strawberries, also condensed mince -meat
just received at Strachan's.
Seam assizes open in Goderich on
Monday, 13th inst. Wm. Lount, Q. 0.,
of Toronto, looks after the interests of
the Crown. Justice Faloonbr'idge, preside
ing Judge.
Onrcxar.-Everybody interested in the
reorganization of the Brussels cricket
club are melted to attend a meeting for
that purpose at the American Hotel on
Wednesday evening of next week.
Cosvreetoxs.-The magistrates con-
victions for the quarter, ending Maroh
10th,numbered only 28. Of the offences,
6 were for violation of the Crook's Act,
all the rest were minor offences. The
total fines amounted to 5141.
LAcnossE.--A meeting will be held at
the Central Hotel ou Thursday evening
of next week for the purpose of organ-
izing the Lacrosse clue for the ssasnn of
11301, meeting commences et 8 o'clock.
All interested am invited to be present.
TENDERS were received by Reeve
Graham from the following persons for
scraping Turnberry street and hauling
refuse away :-Thos. Stewart, .540.00;
Jas. Kelly, 525.00 ; David Shine, 525.00.
The Street Committee awarded the work
to Shine.
and 31st, and every Tuesday during April.
Sleeping bertha free. Excursions to
British Columbia, Washington Territory,
Oregon, California and other Pacific
coast points, running through to Van-
couver without change. Tickets and in.
formation, T. FLRrounit, Town Agent
G. T. R.
VESTRY MEETING. -On Monday of this
week the annual vestry meeting was held
in St. John's church. The financial
statement was of a very satisfactory
character, the church being reported en.
tirely out of debt. Office bearers were
re•appointed ae follows : People's War-
den, Jas. Maxwell ; Minister's Warden,
H. Dennis ; Sidesmen, A. Koenig and
Jas. Cardiff ; Lay Delegate to Synod,
Thos. Kelly ; Vestry clerk, Jas. Jones.
Mise Gate has tendered her resignation
as organist, the same to oome into effect
on the 17th of May.
BARREL or FLoun,-On Good friday a
curling match was played on Maitland
Rink between sides Wiesen by President
Laird and Vice President Thompson, the
losers to pay for a barrel of flour for the
poor. The Vice President won by 10
shots. Following is the snore :
Joe BaUantyne, A. Ooesley.
T, Boss, H, Dennis,
J, T, Ross, W. P. Scott,
S. W, Laird, sltip......8 D.C. Ross, skip..., 19
B,1r0oe, kt. N. Barrett,
Dr. MaNa00000e, W. Scott,
F. 8. Scott, P. Scott,
A. Currie, skip 10 W.'i'hompson, ship 14
Totll 18 Total 031
POINTS AND Meeets,-Last Friday
afternoon fourteen members of Brussels
curling club assembled at the rink and
played points for the right of holding the
four medals belonging to the club, viz. ;
one gold, two silver and one bronze, for
the coming year. The ice was heavy but
some good work was clone and an enjoy.
able tune put in. The score in the order
of playing is as follows :
W. Thompson 18 F.s,•soott 2W
D. 0, }Long 20 It Ross ...............10
W. 1', Scutt 20 W. Scott 20
Dr, MoNaugghtou ...11 W. Bright 17
S. W. Doled.,,......., 34 J. 13a,rltt... 11
A. (Mosley e0 76, Grundy... ..10
J, T. Rose 10 51. Ooums. ,. ....
,... 10
W. F. Scott therefore won Ole gold
medal and S. W. Laird the largest silver
medal. D. 0. Ross, A. Cotisley, F. S.
Scutt and W. Soot: are Lies for 3rrl place,
57.45.00 Ix Germ eon A Wien. -Wo will
give to the first person belling us before
Juno Tat, 1801, where in the Bible the
word "wife" is firer found 5100.00 iu
gold. To the next 430.00. To tete third,
5255.00. To the fourth, 920.00, To the
fifth, 515,00. Tu the sixth; 810.00. To
the next 25, 55 each, To the next 20,
52 eaall. To the person sending in the
last correct answer, we will give $100 in
gold. 1'01 tete next to the hast 500, and
so on same as from the first, With your
answer send 25 ate. in silver, or 27 eta, in
etam ]e, far a box of Dr. Cole's Blood
end Liver Pills the beet Blood, 1 e 1 d, Liver
and Stomach Pill over made, Sure cure
for sink "headache. 1]on't gripe, Re.
member the pre'enta are absolutely free,
being given away to advertise Dr, Cole's
Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. At
the close of the contest the names and
addresses of all the prize winners will ap.
pear in oda paperWe refer yeti to the
Traders' Hanel of Orilla, Send at Maga
and bo first. Address, home Specific
Co., Orilhe, Ont,
Secoan hand lumber weeon for eale, Inuzn•on Bonn Wt19 visiting the various
13. Gerry. deem tmeuts of Brussels publio school
Waiter 51.04 per bushel on Brussels this week.
market this week. COMM Exnlxeti: AINALEE was in town
Jeer received, 5 Barrels Dutch Sett On Saturdny. The contract lot by him
Onions, fur sale at GEO. B,Eaan's. to Jas. Kelly for widening the et,eeb
ON the morning of Good Friday Rev. north of the bridge is b ing pushed
W. T. Oliff preached a very appropriate ; ahead end a good job is being done at a
discourse in St, John's church on the ' law figure. Owing to tee cellar digging
and excavating Mr. Kelly was able to do
the work for 16 cents per rod. Under
ordinary circumstances it would be
worth three times that price. The per•
manent sidewalk will not be laid until
the earth has got well settled. Tempor-
ary walks will be arranged as soon a3 the
grading ie completed.
BIBLE Scums). -Tho following fe the
report of work done this year by the
Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada
Bible Society :
russels,East, Miss Vanstono and Miss
Kelly 5 23 50
West, Mrs. Rod'k Rues and Mrs.
Alex. Strachan 11 60
North, Mrs. J. Kerr 6 00
Con. 7, Misses McColl and lere
Arter 1 70
Con. 6, Misses Wacker and
Smith g 05
Con. 6, llIioees Clark and Love 1 40
Con. 1, Misses Blink and Cur-
rie 4 87
Con. 3, bliss Xroland 2 00
Con. 2, Aliases Reid and For-
rest 1 00
Ethel, ldiesos Davies andMilne14 15
Grey, -
Cons. 13 & 11, Misses Dalian
type and Ilislop 7 75
Cons. 11 & 12, Aliss Perrie 12 05
Cons. 9 & 10, Misses Iiabltirk
and Ball 0 02
Cons. 7 & 8, Misses Crones and
Cardiff 4 45
Dons. 5 & (i, Misses Smith 4 85
Cons. 3 & 4, Misses Strachan
and Taylor 5 40
Cons. 1 & 2, Miss Struohan2 30
Collection at annual meeting 5 22
Cash from Depository 6 93
suf)etinge and death of our Saviour.
Mr. Hunt occupied tete pulpit of the
same church on Sunday evening,
Tiros. TnM:119ox has put on a brand
new wagon on the Brussels and Seafotth
stage route. •'Royal mail stage" adorns
the 'enx,
LosT.-On Monday, March 2305, one
for driving glove. Any person finding
the same will please leave it at Tun Peer
Publishing House.
A Bandmaster, engaged by the Band
committee, is expected here in a few
days. We hope to soon bear the weloolne
strains as of old.
TrE mantle goods have arrived at Mrs.
E. Rogers. They are really very pretty
end you should go and see them. Mies
bloore, as usual, is ready to take Spring
orders in this department.
A missiocary program will he present-
ed by the Y. P. C. A. of the Methodist
oburoh next Monday evening. The Ex-
ecutive Committee have the entertain.
tient in hand. It well e00siet of ad-
dresses, musical selections, readings, &e.
WELL-D00ereo men Damrnso.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satiefaetiotc.
Wells cleaned out and put in !)roper
Shape. Terms reasonable, Residence
eecoud door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-tf
Ten closing meeting for this season in
connection with the X. P. 0. A. of Mel-
ville ohuroh will be held next Monday
evening, commenoing at 8 o'clock.
There will be a musical and literary pro.
gram. Miss Jennie Cargill, elooutioniet
bf Wingham, will be present and favor
the audience with a number of selections.
TEE Lioenee Board fur East Huron
will meet at the Central Hotel, Brussels,
on Friday, 17th inst., for the purpose of
granting hotel licenses for 1891. There
are 27 epplioante this year, being 3 more
than last year. Isaac Gill. Ethel ; Jos.
Youngs, Fordwiob, and John Haeket,
Lekelet, are the new applicants. No
shop licensee applied for in the Riding.
STANDARD BANR.-Thie monetary in-
stitution opens its doors for the transao•
tion of banking business in Brussels on
Friday of this week. The new premises,
rn the Stretton block, have been fitted
up with large vault, heavy Taylor safe,
offices, 8:c., and presents a very neat ap.
pearance. Manager Soholfield and Teller
Morden Were duly installed by Inspector
Loudon and the cash and keys handed
over to their keeping.
A GREAT SPELLING Vetere -The great.
est spelling match on record is that
offered by Our Homes PCbliehing Co.,
in which they will award the following
magnificent ()nett Prizes :-Uno prize of
5300 ;, one prize of 025:0 ; two prizes of
5100 ; four prizes of 550 ; eight prizes of
$25 ; twenty prizes of 510 ; forty primes
of 95 ; one hundred prizes of 52 ; and
two hundred of 51. These prizes will be
awarded to the persons sending in the
Fall 'Wheat ,
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls....
Eggs per dozen...
Flour per barrel....:,....
Hay per bon ..
Pork , •
Hides per 1b .............
Salt per bbl., retail......
Sheep skins, each........
Lamb skins eaoh
Wool, per 1b.
1 02 1 0.1
1 00 1 02
40 50
01 53
70 75
11 15
19 00
4 50 5 00
45 50
5 00 6 00
5 00 5 50
4 00
125 00
00 75
40 50
18 20
FRxDAr Arnrr, 30101. --Farm stock and
implements, lot 4, eon. 18, Grey. Sale
commences at 1 o'clock, Jno. Roddick,
proprietor, F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
Tlruns'eex APRIL Orn, -Farm, stock,
implements, &c., Id 2, eon, 9, Grey,
Sale commences at 1 o'clock, W. Richard•
son, proprietor, F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
TnunecAt, APnu, 10th. -Farm stook
and hotel furniture, at Cranbrook. Sale
commences at 1 o'clock. A. Reymann,
auct, J. 0. Took, prop.
Brussels, April 17.
Listowel, April 17.
Wingham, April 15.
Hibbert, l+'taffa, April 8.
Miieholl, iday, April 3.
Stratford, Friday, April 17.
Blanchard, Kirktoe, April 9.
South Huron, Btucefleld, April 1.4.
Osborne and Stephen, Exeter, April 10.
S. at my Storehouse, a limited fluent{
of Carter's Prize Prolific Barley, growl' fro
lust year's. imported seed.
39- B, GRAHAM, Bruesele,
APRIL 3, 1891.
7.b:swill to £caul! n Ilelhaldn Rom nay for
i the ordinary ellae1035e of children, nidi
I no Indigestion, Hour Stomach, Oali-
shdpnrlon Wln9 mels, Teething
Troubles and many other die.
mases ootem011 to children.
A0 a Spring Mudialn2 to Purify the Blood
use Pl:pl'011'e SaBaleA.1t1LLA.
An 0 Conon 5lodielue use Depot:els Bram,
01' T,ta AND WILD 00101,1,5,
-3450 FOR THI;BE AT(--
Peppei"'s Di'ZG , Store,
One door South of Straehal's New Store.
Tr4sacact a Gea%,oxa,1 >3anla:iaag
Canadian and United States Drafts beugbt
Dud sold,
Mt 7.055 allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on fwoe)'abfu tel -so,
Canadinu Agents-ltflanc0AN5's BANN OE
Wow York AOO,1te-.Iln'ommuns Sun TnAn
finlioitnr and Conveyancer. Onnc,
Bons made. OOkee-Vanstonde Block, Brue•
v Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub.
lie, Co. OSoo-5rabaln's Block, l doer north
of Pepper's Drag Store, Private Funds to
Mato with Garrey/ & Proudfoot, Gardo-
01011,3 Remitters, Solicitors, 0onvevannere•
&o. Offlce0-Brnseel5 end Benfnl•th. Bras.
eels OSAoo-Upstairs over Bank, Money
to Loan.
n,s,eArs, w, E.DiensoN
M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
Barrister. Taylor,,toOloughturcs, nriebers
solicitors, 00. Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to loan.
• Insurer ofMarriage Licensee. Ogtos
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
TI.Tonsoriel Artist. Shop -Next door
Rooth of A. 113', Kegav& (len hardware etnre.
La dies' and obildrens hair mating a specialty
A 1toNAIR,
• lssnrm' of 'dengue Lloonans, by
appointment of Lieut-Goyern"1•, Cominis-
oirmor, tee, Q.33, C'nnyoynnrnr and Aeonb
Fire Inetn•auao Co. 010oe at the (h•nllhroek
Post 011loo.
ty Olerlr or the Fourth
FolatnsT,-In Elma, on March 25011, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Forrest, of a eon.
Heree In Listowel, on March 23rd, the
wife of Mr. R. K. Hall, of a eon.
MoKan.-In Ethel, on March 80th, the
wife of Mr. Daniel McKay, of a eon
FEAR. -In Morris, on March 1401, the
wife of Mr. Samuel M. Fear, of a
Otlatenes.-In Grey, on March 28th, the
wife of Mr. Samuel Chambers, of a
CAMERON. -In Ethel, on March 8011, the
wife of Mr. Alex. Cameron, of a
MODONALD.In Wingham,on March 21s0,
the wife of Mr. W. H. McDonald,
dentist, of a daughter.
SI'ENCE-Town8n.-On the 1811 ult., by
Rev. A. Y. 1lartloy,b1r. John Spenoe,
to bliss Annie Towler, both of
largest number of correctly spelled words LANamosy' Bnowx.---At Alo'osworth, on
found in the advertising pages of the Mr.r L1ah eelultGeorgey 1Zev, A. Stevenston,
to Boas
February truniber of Our Flomee, in s Samuel Brown, Langton, to Mise
which no letters occur butt those found in Elsie both of Grey,
the sentence : "Our Homes is IInr:vall. J. A\N11PMEsr,-Ill Listowel, oil the
ed as a Home Magazine." Special sash 2411 art., 1y Rev, Lu, 10 Miss Belle,
prizes will be given away each day and Tanner, of iter al to MPs Priest,
each week during this competition, second dangltter of Joseph Priest, of
wblah elosee April 25th, 1801. Send 10 r Elm.
cents in stamps or sliver, for a sample 1 A±rPatcnn--Monet.-Ab the Bev.
copy of the February number, with rules Parsonage, the 24th It Rev. F. Mi
and regulatione governing the compete. Slnnh, ke 24th AILo Mr. Levi
San. Address, Our Home Pub. Co., Pa of barer, to bliss Veronica Holm,
Brockville, Ont. all of Grey.
Doan.-I,arly Good li'riday morning JoxNS bride,.
o er, the he 26 a ,of the
bride's I.
Camp, on the . th ,tit., by
W, 3, Fairfield died tit the home of J. Rev. I. Caalpbbll, ]?h. S„ henry
Stevenson, Wingham, He with Mrs. Johnson to Margaret Rae, both of the
Fairfield lelb Brassele on Tuesday after- township of Elut&
noon for I3eltuuutaiu, intending to make 1'eteme,_L1Nnsty.-11,6 Ingersoll, April
a brief visit at Wingham where they 10th, 1800, by Rev. C. IT. Koyl, Rev.
were to take the 0, P. R. for their dee- Iirnost S. Yates, of Forest„ (now of
tioatian. He failed very rapidly, how. Atwood,) to Mise Louisa, daughter
ever, and passed away a0 ttatecl above. of John Lindsay, Wanehopc1ele,
IIe was about 30 years of age and leaves Woodstncic.
a widow and four children, the eldest of
whom is 7 years old. The funeral took at the £Ylethodiat Parsonage, Blue.
pieceon Sunday afternoon and was um vale, by Rev. 1, 1). Walltvin, 11'fr.
dor the auspices of the Odd Fellows of Tlloe, Cornell, of Morris, to Miss
whiob order the deceased was a member Jennie, ,laughter of Goo. Carernore,
in the past, The 11e11 Factory Band of Morris.
headed the prontssion to the Winghalu Mate'-CLAnite-At Gm ll. 71. church,
cemetery. Mr. Fairfield 0a1110 to Brue Concordia, Kansas, on March 12111,
eels about three years ago succeeding A. by Rev. B. T. Stauber, 1L'. Gootge
Bauslaugh, now of SeaforIl>, in the Bios- Matey, formerly of Brussels, Ont„
eels photograph gallery, which business t0 Mies Entree D., daughter of 8',
he managed very suoceee£nlly and sans- (;lark, of Concordia,
factorily until a few weeks ago When, .-
owing to 111 health, Mr. Fairaad sold to 2:2372).
Lorne Hunter. The subject of this not- McKAy..-1n Grey, on Mcoi'cl1 21110, An -
ice came from the East to Wingham and Rus McKay, aged 81 years,
in the latter plaoe he worked for some 3i'AInP1NLn,--In Wingham, on the 27611
time at marble cutting, and to this he ult., W. 3, Fairfield, aged 30 yoat•e.
attributed his dlsonse-consumption-by Boui,cen,-.1u MoRdlop, on lilareh 22nd,
ewullotviig particlee of state end dust, Martha, beloved wife of Joseph
Ile was a roan of wonderful vitality and Banlga', aged 32 years,
his pltlok in combating disease and stink- Citooxe,--In Grey, on March 31st, Wm.
ing 00 work Was something WOudOrflll, . W„secatd On of George and Harriet
The deaeased was insured in the Relief Crooke, aged 28 years, d months
Scolety I. 0. 0. P. for 0,600. Mrs. and 14 days.
51. Wildon, Mrs. Cormack, J. Bal. Ritmmn,-in ltlaodyville, B. 0„ on the
Intorno, Noble Gerry, W. Bright and W, 22nd tilt., Eleanor, beloved wife o
Scott attended the ftineral, Mrs, Fair- Tae. Rolm, lett of Clinton, sister of
field has Ole eymrathy of her may the late W. A. Oalbick, aged (10
friends ip )3reascla. , years, 10 montba and 18 days,
CosSEtr.--CAsr•.olonE,. .On the 25th tilt.,
in Brussels• yellow in color; had
leather strap around Pis hook. The owner
will bo greatly obliged to have 10 returned
or 1te whereabouts made known. Any per-
son returning the dog will be suitably re-
MRB, GREIONSLADB, 8511 Cun., Morris,
sale and to re ni easy terms ainilTownships
of Morrie and Grey. Y. 8. SOOTT,Brussels,
1 J Being South half Lot 27, con. e, OTorris,
100 sores, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
fine young bearing orchard, Immediate1,os-
session, Easy Tondo Appply to
8olloitor•, &s„ Brussels,
.Cho subscriber off ars her hone.) Red
lot, earner 01 Janos 5103 streets,
Brussels. There is a comfortable house,
good stable, splendid well, 00, o11 the
wises, acre of land. Por further portion.
ears Oslo twice, terms, &c. apply to
RIBS. WM. MoODLL0uGH, Brussels.
clerrani, being Lot ned 1, Col,a 0,L1Grey, fole r sale.
!'here are 88 acres under crop, balance
timbered. Thom is a good orchard, well,
&o. on the promises, besides log house, bank
barn, &o. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
0Or rice anti full psa'tieulu,B apply to WM.
04.11 11001,
Brussels 1', 0., or JooN BRewrns,
Seaforth, Ont. 117-1lim
offer their 501-The
1 auateel forrnneoutatohmE200
acres, being Lot a, Coe, 10 and Lot 33 Con. 11,
Gray township fur sale. neuro is a log
house, good outbuildings large orchard,
water supply, &o, on the premises. The
property s only li miles irotn the thriving
village 0f Brussels, '.G'nll partiouln'e ae to
price, terms and conditions of sale may be
ascertained 011 application to
87.05 1r1'11tGUS0A BROIL, Teeswater,
V run S,\Ltt.-Being west
Croy, 81 miles front 135006ele, 110015 1aCind is
good Olay 10x101, Well drained, mostly ell
e Ie01.0tt.artd int 80113 ei (let. Ow) acro of or.
chardle good repair, There is Jt 1;e000 flan.
ing epr[ifa 0>t the prmui0081,1,) nn nxtla well
at the b1Uldi nos. The build 1ngeare u0ulhu't-
able. Weald take euiimbic prop/310V 10 Or
near 11151, rlo as part slay. 1''or 1111'11101 PM'
Boulnrs apply on 3110 plendsos Cls
br adtll'000 Brussels P. fie1108, Melia BOOB,
. Witt
rip) o RENT . TILT DE SIR-
,5110,51 property oil Turnberry street,
Brussels, owned Ilv the estate of the luta,
Tho s. UL111i01•d being about 811101'05 o' Nue
with good Noble iJwo1ih,pp barn, stables and
driving ell od, good well width pnulp, 71100 gond
orchard,. Weil bo 005ben ler three or Ilya
Near to a good tenant, Immediate passes -
Hoe dal be aiytol. Alelyg to
N.0 D 100IlD,
to illerotant !Pallor, r, l'russols, Ont,
91tfnr A, BrNip: u,
)1 v, Court Clerk,
,(7A. iiii !Fest SALE, -TBE 'Lire.
nl.n5tssl',n Offers for We the Korth
Oo hty0llluier� nenLainIngGelmaiesllThe
land to al pest quality and in a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and nines -drained
a'6 dome cleared, NOW triune hateo, ()rooms
milk hoose with oonarote Walls, 2 lvelle
good barna and shod, orchard, eta, blight
alleles the wheat.
3' 0l) gnelteffei t-
able betels will he given, 'Title portent,
JAMES li1LJEVlt Owner,
Floaforth P,0,
Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Colleetlane made.
Oinee in Graham's Block, Brussols,
Late of the Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, 10 prepared to give lessons at
Ethel and Oranbrook. Pupil of Professor
Mr. 5. H, ala k r. Harrison
o vocal al music.n the piano,Class and
Cram brook. every Tu 'easy, For terms, &o.,
apply at tela Methogtet Par0onege, Mind.
Organ, Organ st In Piano, ons Church,l Pipe
sels, solicits a share of the patronage of Mao
male -loving people of Brussels end vicin-
ity. Iuetruotious given at current rates.
Terme, references, &e, may be ascertained
by calling at the residence of etre. Danford
sr., Turnberry street, Brnseoln, 7.05
Is desirous of procuring pupils iu
Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto
is pleased to give his testimonial ae to Mien
O'Oonuor'e ability, she haying been a pupil
of hie during her stay in Guelph. Iustru.
m ental Minis 00 Plano, Organ and (::Mar.
Tereus Horde known on appboatlou. Princess
St., Brussels, miss O'Connor is open for
Connor, Rngngnmanls, 110 -
G. L. Ball, L. D.8. Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Pfirllese 1ixtr(Letiou of
Tooth, 71 Garrard Street l+,ast. Tonuvma,
iAre.1 t"N TI Mr .1
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S„
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeeue, Ontario, and of Toronto MA -
MeV, 1s'sxon-Opposite Amerioau Roto1,
• Auctioneer, le always ready to at-
tend Hales of farms, farm stook, &a, Terms
eneerfWly given, Oranbronl1 P. 0. Sales
may be arranged ab TEE POST Publishing
Meuse, Brussels.
Licensed Ant -lancer. Bales conduct-
ed on reasonable terms, 'Forum and farm
stook a sueotalty. Orders left at Tan .Poen
11uh11 Ailing Hoene, B11100001, or Hent le Walton
P. 0., ,yell receive prompt attention,
A. ala ns Eli Audio/Jeer, I b r asonable
to aoudad) silex of farm stunk at reasonable
prions. Avowing the Standing of nearly
every persue 1 am in a position, to Fell to
good •luarl»and got good 000uiiiy 13,11050 001(1
oneredib. Batiefaetioe guaranteed• Give
nue a call. N. b' 8. SCOTT.
M. F. DALE, Ai. J�,,
Member of the Coltoge of Phyelolart
end Burgeons of Cubnrio Iiy roma 1natlen
UOlee and Residence - Mali sued, ].east•,
Maud, 011taxi°,
4y e 0, 7G, L, It. C. P., Edinburgh, 21)0,3
11 (ut, At Peppm•'s 31010 Store from i to
11:80 a. and from 110ot09 0l,l ie, OOher
hours nlay be found at his roe s, Mill
erly 008511)10d by Dr, n ntehhlson, Mill at.
Boner Graduate of the Ontario
'Veterinary 0011ego, 10 P00111170 10 treat di
diseases Of donlestIoated animals 111 a Dom•
Iletent manuAe, Pantalar attention paid
to vatorinaryy Sent(stri. Calls creamilyd►.
tended to. 011108 and 3'lldrui5ry--Two 1101'1
north of bridge, 11Srnirorry st„ DI•utlehls,l