HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-4-3, Page 4New Advertisements, Looal- 13. Gerry. Rogers. Locals A. Straohen. LemI- Mrs, Turnbull. Local --4. C. Meier:Is. Licensee -4. R. Milliners• -Miss Hoare. Local -Home Specific Co. Seed barley -R. Cmhem. Loonle-W. H. McCracken. WaU Paper -U. A. Deadman, Farm for vale-- e here MeGregor. (11)c Ailittszcls Vost, FRIDAY , R. 27, 1801. . . NolillinTIONS take place in Algoma on April 18th and pulling on May 10th, Gilbert kicreechnie, the Reform candi. date, was elected to the Legislature by acclamation in South Grey Wednesday. Tim question of paying sheriffs, regis. tram, &c, by fees instead of a fixed salary is still occupying a promiuent plane in publio alSOUSBi011 and the general im- pression appears to be that the fairest manner of defiling with these officials is by stated salary. Ten PoST votes that way anyhow. .A. onEAT deal has been said and written in reference to the Dominion and Provin. alai ballot but we venture to say the ad- vantages of the latter system were never more apparent to the general public than since the shady manipulation of ballots in the recent Dominion contest, notably in South Grey, Middlesex and Went. worth. In the Government scrutiny bad the election been with the Provinciel ballot every bogus voter could have been got at. The Conservative Association in South Grey passed a resolution at their meeting oontlemming the base attempt to count Dr. Laudkerin out of his fairly von sett. NEXT Monday evening the question of closing a ciontraot for using the electrio light permanently on our streets will likely come up. There appears to be but one opinion as to the desirability of having the light and that is of a most favorable character, but the matter of meeting the additional expense encetred annually is the objection ridged. If there's anything in a pe it on signed by a majority of the leading property owners in Brnesels the Council need not pease very long over this ae the citizens who appended their signatures are evidently aware that it will mean a slight increase in teevieu hat ti y ape • te/ to reaeon it one tre the Hue that it ie ie tney well ex- pended. Teesweeer, Lucknow, Durham and entity other places less prominent than mu'ince ..0(111Q 1111,1 are operating eleetrie light plants and we see no reason why Ilruasels should ee ao the same. As to rates am. it will be a matter of arrangement between the Council and the proprietors of the ap parents. Some of the people who are protesting against electric light kicked against a fear street lamps and will op. pato any prom, eive it evonent in the piece. The Iitrg e ratepayers aro favor Ode mid the emartil public will not say nae, vent, ene tly we expect seine de. Mate arrat• eretteet will bo speedily arrived at. P t'Uity. 1le ai Se, e will be bola in Si. Mary:. en AN telt -Jry, April 13111. Dr. I) 1). Ellis. Stretford, hes born appointe•I fi,..{,da1 stireeen of the 28th (Pettit) Betai iett, vice Dr. Clark, 1, ft the Emit 1. Ilieeta,,, Q. C., of Stratford, bee beee treed:tele 1 toee•• of the benchers of the Ont•mie Lew Soeiety. The poll chi es en the eth Met, /elm Telt, of I1 1 returned there Sa: eel.. v. :trier It clime ., itel his father nil meth e et efiettielf, their datthe lathe;o `Cr,t. 1 .1 tilde it few daya of 1:t el 11 't ler/riled a porttible eee• milt tent/, where Ley we! am tie fee eeme time, till they men. n ram nre the here thee have been drawn Gee,. it•te te A railcar prejeet bee for some time be a :et ri•••t !Le Woe, mind of Owen Somel tre 1, I eity //ropey. The scheme is to Imild 8 r•iilivey Tema Owen Sound te eonnect with tlte Stretford ee Huron Areth. leimpertn, of them purchased a theeteeheie ri Onehart bell last week from the great stock raieer, Devia lane, of 1111,e, for which lin Dahl the handsome stun of eel, The hall it bred by "Red iimieht," imported by Mr. Miller, or Broughele Ont, Geo, House Newry, has A CONOCtioll oL halidieraft that is seldom met with in a rural 04nm:tidier, The specimens ex filleted are all his own work and speak highly for his mechanical genius. Ile is engeetea at present on an important IT. /Mame for which it is his intention to seek a paittut. Wm. Hance, the cattle king of the 10th Elme, has 30 head of steers, avert*, ing over 1,000 pounde, which will be reedy for the June market. He sold eboat 70 head lad yeti,. Mr. Hanna is also mowing to erooe et comfortable brittle house during the coming suminer. Once bo gets the cage the readee can easily surmise whet hie next stop will be. After a long and hard struggle W, Col- well, publieher and bookseller, of Mite)), ell, has failed in business, His stook and premigoe have been seized, and are now in the hands of the bailiff. The debt tin' der which the execution wee issued is not quite 40,000, and the other liabilities will reach about 51,500. Me. Colwell, also pnblished the Advertiser, and has our syMpathy in hie frouble.-Zention :Free PreaS. The butehers of Stratford have formed themselves Into a protective association to guard themselves agai)t4 delimmeMs, Weir 8 Weir, ilex manufaeturers of St. Marys, give the following fads with regard to the Weary of Canada. : The prutleet ht meld entirely itt Annette:re markets. Our (thief competitor is Russet, as flax is grown in the States for seed only and not for fibre to any extent. The value nf the total mama of Ontario mills le 51,000,0001 $430.000 he paid tent 10 wages. The tnille are within a radius of about 110 milts from Stretford. The Stratford Herald says :-Tho wife 01 18 wealthy farmer living near this eitv on Monday took amity a piece of these goods from Gordon t8 Orr's store on On- tario street, where she was making some purchases. Mr. Orr rays he missed the goods as soon as she left the store, lie also noticed that when she ten the store ebo did net enter her wagon in front of the store but waited until oho got around the Bank of Montreal corner before get- ting in, but bo thought nothing of it till after the good° were mined. The lady will be proceeded against unlee.e. the goods are returned. The annual meeting of the Stratford Junior Lacrosse Club was held Monday night. The following effieers were eleet- ed President, W. R. Tiffin; Hon. Vice President, Dr. Hawke ; President, J. A. hlacFadden ; Vice President, M, H. Macfarlane; Captain, W. 5, Watson; Secretary, F. W. Tiffin ; Treasurer, D. Hamilton ; Committee of Management - J. MoDougall, 0. Watson end W. Lark• worthy. Messrs. Macfarlane and Buck. iughtim were appointed delegates to at- tend the annual convention in Toronto to make arrangements for again entering the junior series of the 0.1, A. The Spring Assizes opened at Stratford Tuesdny morning before Chief Justice Arthour. The first case called was that of Mrs. Lydia Farmer v. the Grand Trunk Railway Company. Mrs. Farm- er' husband was killed in the Stratford yard about a year ago while coupling.a, lumber -car to a box -car. His death is supposed to have been caused by the lumber projecting over the end of the ear striking him on the head and linock- ing him down, after whish he was run over. It was contended by her counsel that the oompany was responsible for his death, as there should have been stakes at the end of the ear as well as at the sides. The jury, after deliberating about three hours, brought in a verdict award- ing the plaintiff $500. N or thave St Notes, Seeding is pretty general in Manitoba. The death rate in Winnipeg for Febra. ary was 1 09. The Winnipeg postofilee is now a Sav- ings bank dries. The Foresters of Rapid City are erect- ing a new stone hall. There is a big demand amend Emer- son for farms to rent. Efforts are being made to raise funds bo enter a protest against A. W. Ross, M. P. Knox chureb, Lethbringe, will be en- larged at it cost of 03,000 during the nom. ing summer. There are over twenty steamers plying on Luke of the Woods with a groes ton - tinge of 1.080.45. A transient traders' by-law, impoeing a pretty etiff tax, will probably be eu- forted alt!t Portage. THE B1-WSSELS In his annual report to the militia do pertinent Adjntaut General Powell re. commends the motion of a now barrack building in Winnipeg. He also 'Toone. mends additional facilities for the qua- ficetIon of ofileere and non•commissloued officers who een serving in hbe militia for the tiles Wing, and a eeeelou it1l. loeg tshmewaleter,ffIt: the permanent corps and on Edmonton 13ulletin ear:I-Rochelle, a French halfbreed femora, roaident of Ed- monton, in the IL 13, Oo. service, and later proprietor of that part of the town. site of Calgary on which the C. & E. junction is tweeted and which 13o sold in 1883 for $10,000, died lase week at Lone Pine on his way to Wolfe Creek. He sustained a, severe injury last simmer while freighting on the trail to Mambas. ea Landing from whigh he never fully rewevered. ENTIL USCGEX11311NIT I ONS The next entrance examinabion to 'High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will be held on the Oh, iith and Oth of July. Drawing and Writing -Drawing book No. 6 of the Drawing Course for Public Schools. The proper formation of the small and the capital letters. The pnpil will be expected to write neatly and leg. ibly. Candidates for examination in drawing and writing must piece their drawing and copy books in the hands of the presiding examiner on the rimming of the first day of the examination. Every exercise must be certified by the teacher se being the candidate's own work, and the drawing and copy books should show his progress during at least three months. Drawing in any blank exorcise book will be accepted so long AS it covers the prescribed course, and no discrimination will be 01 ids in raver of work contained in the authorized drawing bOOIL SELECTIONS FOR LITERATIntE. Fourth Reader. 1. Pictures of Meniory...,pp. 31- 32 2. The Barefoot Boy 43- 45 3, The Death of the Flowers " 67- 68 4. The Face Against the Pena " 74- 76 5. From the Deserted Vill age " 80- 83 G. Resignation " 105-106 7. Ring out, Wild Belle., 121-122 8. Lady Clare 128-130 0. ;Rogues Cartier " 161-163 10. Robert Berns n 276-277 11. Edinburgh after Flodden " 277-281 12. Nabional Morality. e 289-207 18. Shakespeare " 803-305 14. The Merchant of Venice, -First Reading " 311-316 15. The Merchant of Venice, -Second Reading 321-330 SELECTIONS am WEIVORIZATION. Fourth Reader. 1. The Bells of Shandon-pp. 61- 62 2, To Mary in /leaven.... " 07- 98 3, Ring out, Wild. Bells.... " 121-122 4, Lady Clare " 128-130 5, Lead, Kindly " 145 6. Before Sedan 193) 7. The Three Fishers i/ 220 8, Rhein, Together " 231-232 1). The lorsaken Merman" 297-302 10. To a Skylark " 317-320 Hereafter there will he but one High School Entrant:a Examination each year, in the mouth of Jute.. Tho M. & N. W. Rv. Co. witt build enunigration atliertage le Pryer and Saltueats Ode spriug. Dr. Watson, of Tork:eu, has returne from the Peily reserve, where be waxen ated about 100 buck IlldialltL Attorney- Ge»crel Martin has boon d elttred elected for the Lend Legielate for the Portage by 01 majority. The 0. Turnbull Co., of Galt, w Ue se. cured the oontraot for stipplying under. clothing for the N. W. Mounted Poliee, The Rapid City Spectator chine ay he in the clutches of the sheriff, but the paper comes to head as bright as metal. Northwest Board of Education lias issued a large sheet progr an of studies,i,, which to to be pest.] up in the sehoo 1'),e C. P. 11. roundhouse at Sault Ste. Marie was burned on Monday mornhig, together with an express engine, whieli could not be got out. Lose, NO OK Lebert Wtotson was declared 4(50804.1for Marquette Tuesday by a majority of 12. The vete wee ;-Watson, 2,590 Boyd, 2,587. A recount witl be asked for. Lord and Lady Aberdeen will again visit Manitoba this summer. Her latIv• ship's brother, Captain Majoribanke who lives in Dakota, 35 expected here shortly. The Swahili, Ontario aucl Mituitobit Land Corimany eimitedi annoutice th t they have decided to dispose of the bins earth farm which wit! he surd ebout the middle of June, The animal meeting of the Winnipeg Cricket Chtb was held on April let. The Web bee eneeged 1, professional ocauh, who will arrive there from 3:Ing• land early in Mae. Crossley and Hunter, the celebrated evangeeete who here beee holding ter. vices it, eiew Weiatainetee nearly six weeks, have invested 01)8r 51,300 ill New Westminster real estate. Neepawe Register ;--13eauti fol is receiving a goodly portion of immigra- Hue this Neilsen. We have One of the vary finest districts in Manitoba, and its merits are being appreciated lei they be. come known. Speetator :-Rapia City young ladies are not all light weights. A. few (4 them gob weigher' the other dee/ and two of the number surprised the others by Wiling fele beam at 154 and 140 lbs, respectively. So 311001)311001) for Manitoba's healthy climate. The other day, as a conductor on the Canadien Paella was leaving Kamloopseltitiolt, stetion, he laid a setae! containing tools and 44 tiokete, good from Vanoortver to Portland, upon a seat, While he was gone fee a minato the satchel was stolen. Their is no elm) to the thief. A deputation from the Grain Eechange will weft OD the Government this week to ask thee some means he adopted to en. tentage the growing of White oats in the provinne. It appears that &alert; in the east object to black oats for various rea.. sons, consequently White eate command the highest price, special meeting of the town Connell of St. Boniface was held ter consider the application of the Norwood Improve. merit and Bridge company for ta bootie of $35,000 for the ereetioe of a bridge over Red titter, eolith Of theAseinibeine. The company olYers to refund the bonus after a certain period, and if they ean furnish peeper mouthy the email will probably grant the 1 0818, S'l APRIL 8, 1891 __...100..ourawzmoiewalsom2raDang....zumummea tn v-tdiiis of 3russ1s and Vicin'ityT- ti1iiry el 12 Millinery 1 The ladies will please take notice that the Grand Millinery Opening in Brussels will take place on Thursday next, April 9th, and .following clays, when we most cordially invite every lady who can make it convenient to do so to attend. Miss Green, our accomplished Mil- liner, has spared no efforts to make this opening one of the most attractive eve-. seen in Brussels, and no expense has been spared to produce every new novel- ty, and ve feel confident, there will he only one expression of opinion - "The Bonnets and Hats are Really Lovely." e, m*toccmlits.. AUDr,}TORS' REPORT Abstract Statement ;For the Village of Brussels FOR THE YEAR 1390. R. ROSS, Treasurer, 1 I _ Britmells nitool Board RECEIPTS, To Ratline° from 1889 e11 711 " Noe -resident fees 70 63 e Equivalent to Clovernmeet Pie 00 grant for 1889 e• Government grata 1•1419 3040 " Alunieipal grunt " Legislative grant 16 05 " kluniciptd eesessnient 1850 26 821331 03 To Balance en hand Jan. 1st, '91 166 53 Ie PIINDITII 11E. By Teachers' wearies $17273543 005007 Ceretalittee sMare " Sem-Treas. salary " Interest 48 0'! 113 00 " We el " Reptirti 104 57 " l'ostaue, stationery end ex• 0 32 mos charges Balance Iti0 1i3 -- • $e335 05 We, the Municipal Anditors for the village of 13reesele Inc lie ytur 1800, cer- tify we have extimined the lieeks end vont:there in the haute of le Rome School Board Seceetary.Tretmemer, and find the same oorreet and IV cash balance of e160.• 53 on bend, 7. N. leiteeperee) Alert ° Brussels, Mar. 01,1)1. - - . MISS TIOARE Invites the. Ladies of this town and vicinity to .Call and Inspect her stock of New Hats and Bonnets FLOWERS, 13.113B01)1S, LACES, die. Show room open after Tuesday, April I1 -h. MALE'S BLOCK, BRUSSELS, one door North ot 0, Re Stnith'e, irf you Want the Local and District News Subscribe Now, RECEIPTS. 31XPENDITUIIE. Cash on hand at last audit....$1067 80 Licenses Rents 2011 84 . 130 05 Provincial grant 149 00 County grant 04 65 Arrears Ems non-resident taxes, 82 94 Poll and dog tax 74 00 Insurance refund (Howe & Co) 202 10 Interest 79 60 Part principal on mortgage100 00 Amount levied on roll 0243 80 $8585 07 Salaries Cheri by Street improvements Fire Department Band Printing Miseellaneoue 84 20 Election expenses 'J 50 Vetere' List Court 22 82 luxes remitted and uneollected 107 84 Registration 5 10 Feel, 018.95; insurance, 5138,73 157 70 town hall 105 40 Board of Health 10 00 Ceunte rate 351 00 Railway ratt 260 85 Coupons redeemed 1854 00 Seheol account 1964 05 Amount to balance 1717 SO $ 361 00 187 75 070 09 254 08 50 00 45 15 ASSETS. Cash on hand, local ace.5557 7! Special acs, By.laws.. 075 30 County school and It 11. 181 76 51717 80" T 2000 00 Fire Engine and hos.. 401.0 Do Band ieetruments • . , 200 00 Hay scales 150 00 Howe mortgage due '94 4,000 00 Howe Insurance acc't'2117 40 Mortgage on real estate, 0513 MI Amount to balance18093 le $32086 80 11038307 LIABILITIES. Out-elanding aoripons maturineS 300 00 Treamirerei and Collectur's 80 00 Afeeliett tee. 1 i,s0itnl 25 00 Railivay agile 232 80 Debenture debt '12200 00 Sellout equivelent 142 00 532986 89 W", the undersigned Auditors of the Municipal Accounts for the Village of Brussels, in the Comity of Helen, hereby certify that the foregoing state. ment of the receipts and expenditures am well as the /MOW and liehilities of the said Village of Brussels for the year 18(10 is correct, and thee we find a cash balance in the bands of the Treasurer of 01717.80. Ducesims, .Mar. 201.13, 1801. 3, N. KENDALL, } aAentrous, e Y. S. KIRK, -- IN' ADVANCE, SECURES- THE P MI ME - T6, Balance of 1891. -num:, Putt sm VIC1111, a a 10,4,11,h:0,4 has rec‹.Ntly purchased curl will keep Inc servloe it replan Iva Dur- ham min on N 0100105, eon, 0, 1\lerris. T01411/1 $1.0 to he aid at. Moo e/ tweet() with mi. vies° returuing If unonaserv. 21.3111 .IND, 01315M, Preerleter. TEEMS OF 8EBVICE or my Tinnioncnianuon aluisri. BULL - One Cow, 92.25; 2 Only s, $4.00 ; oews, e1.50 /mob, t,lb the property of 0110 I/017011. A discount 0( 35 ear oeut• will be deducted when paid at the time of service. Jersey (lows 92.00 (moll extra. O. A. DJOADMAN, Druggist, tte. TIVT.MOVED LARGE' WHITE YORE - SHIRE BOAR. The nedertemete 3001 keep Mr not -Woo this present emeriti Cho /unmoved largo white Yorkshire pig 'tlsatty" on lot gn, 801.1. Morris, to which a limited number of sows will ha teem. Terms Wee to be pate at time et Berviee, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary. Pedigree may he seen Up- on a p pilau tion. 11011Eld' N10/10L, 151.1 Proprietor. TWO PURE BRED PIGS FOR SitliVielt.-The undoralgutal has re. uently pfirehfired find km* l'sr Sondes Itt North half Lot Ob, Con, 7, Morris, Nue- bredSour, bred by Mr. 0m11, mud also an Ohio improved Chester White, one yene oh], brae by 'Pimp. Cleorgo, Putnam, from Imported stook on bOtal hog took grd prim 48 b318 Industrial nxbihi- iton, Toronto, 1030,In a class of 17, aril also ged at the Western Fair is a class of 15. T )'ms, 81.50, to be Pitia Itt ttmo of iterylee, with privilege of returning neoeseary, 18-11 S. WAL.N.111/1, Proprietor. Half the Virtues --HOF(- ST. LEON Have never been Told. 1 -- Bead this - Joy FOB PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad. When I stooped could scarcely straighten up; felt miset able. For three months I persisted in a free use of Sr. Lvov WA'rgn. It was the oup of joy bo me; brought relief, par excellence; painp, stifling, etc. all gone. Call at my offioe, 1 will tell far more about the value of St. Leon. W. Dreams, Empire Laundry, 828 Queen street Wen, Toronto. And this- 13ILICHJS ILEADACRES CO. I had rheumatism in my knees and migen, bilious beadatthes, etc, every few weeks. Mr. Higgins, limpire Laundry, urged. me to try ST. LEON 111i11Orta Water, 8 dia, And it sot mo 00 right ; headaches and pains all gone. My wife mud three children also usn it. Wo all Mal St, Leen Waiter verst good and healthy. J. T. S. Atannuieg. Watch- maker and Jeweller, MG QOM] street west, Toronto. A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED. Geo. Good, Agent, St L,,nt Nine oil nerier Ca' y, St. Le I chle• Buggies ! Buggies! Buy your Buggies from - D. EWAN And Save Money. I am building a largo number of the Best Buggies, 'which are to be sold At the Lowest Prices over offered to the public. F, -cry - thing about them is First-class. The very Best Standard Wheels, and the Workmanship through- out Guaranteed. 0117 Determined to make a Big Slaughter On Prices this year, I havo sold a largo number of Buggies during the past 5 years to many of the leading mon of this section and SUITOR.11 ding country, and 1 Durpose to keep up the number and double the quantity, Call and See the Rigs and Get our .Prices, Don't buy a buggy until you soe my Stock of Choice i3n5gies. tepairs in Wood work and Iron done at Rock Bottom. Prices. Painting and Carriage Trimming done at the very Lowest Bates. Iforseshooing Done with tho Bost Exporionco ami Attention, as in the past. 1111014 I3LISINESS. D. EWAN. %op opposite Queen's Rotel, %assns.