HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-27, Page 8t HH illi l; SSE1.,S YOST
Afeeadman'e Baking powder,
1[leednitin's Anti -billows Pills, kr the
Liver, &e.
13ibadman's Iron Pills, to Improve the
lttmdmnn's Cough Bnlm, for Coughs,
Colds, &e.
S7t'ndmnn s Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry
for Coughs, Colds, &o.
:Sllendman'8 Worn) Powders For Children.
.Cto ctmee's Worst Powders for Adults.
limzrdmmn'a Condition Powders for Stools.
efeetrhna&'s Toothache Remedy.
eteadman's Wart Remover.
lenglinenie Ringworm Remedy.
SVeadtnan's Hair Renewer.
Any and all of our own preperati•ns
seta Guaranteed to do all that is clai.nted
for thorn ce money refunded.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
t4 t. THanat EXTENSION W. 0. & B.
?'rains leers Brussels Station, North
Atari Oout11, as follows:
r;oixo SonTn. GoiNe Non'tx,
USD. 8:51 tt.m.' Mixed 0:20 a.m.
0S9prefe 11:45 a to situ' 00)0 p,m.
Waled nitO p.tu. 3 eereas urns r.m,
.o cal ;•.stns gte ns,
A ohiel's amang ye taking notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Goon Friday.
Enures Sunday.
Molise Fair next Thursday.
Gee the snow off the sidewalks.
Sueron5N8 is a thing of the past.
Mime pans, $1.00 per dozen. B. Gerry.
Num Wednesday will be the 1st of
Tn OTECT and clover seed et Geo.
QLovee; Timothy and garden seeds at
Hese Huron Spring Show at Brussels
ort Friday, April 17.th.
Trtsorar seed, Alsike, mammoth and
ea clover seed. Geo. Good.
TEE Poem is as good as a dozen letters
O;avour friends away from home.
A GOOD brick house to rent or sell.
.it»ly at the woollen mill, Breseals.
Hotta Fair at Brussels on Thursday of
next week, April 2nd. Dont forget it.
To Ruse. -The house lately occupied
ler W. J. Fairfield. Apply to D. MC -
2'1n:as was no service in Melville
ftbeech last Sabbath evening as the pastor
=Bet Craabrook.
Bev. R. PAM was preo:dhiug at Atwood
,'gest Sunday. The reverend gentleman
sill o8iciate at Trowbridge next Sabbath.
Worn is in progress fitting up the
miecs for the new Bank. Messrs.
and Pugh have rebuilt the
Heater Jose has been appointed care-
kaker of the Fire Engine, hose, &o., at a
salary of $80 per annum. lie succeeds
Ai* father.
Ifaosr.-On Monday, March 23rd, one
Aar driving glove. Any person finding
Woe same will please leave it at Tao Pon
eleelhlishing Reese.
/Ease week was enumeration week at
fttitnpostoffce. It's a elution the amount
of mail matter that passes through h Brus-
cals postoff inward and outward.
iezNT Bnos. have already sold their
'entire eat Of staves for this season to a
Wiliktceburg firm. They have an on-
smete; supply of loge in their mill yards
i5tie winter.
G. T. R. and C. P. R. tickets to Mani -
G dtc, British Columbia, Washington Ter.
eatery, Oregon and all points in North.
meet Territory. T. FLETCHER, TOWS
:1.'Snket Agent G. T. lf.
THE ladies' satchel and pocket book
satysrtised a week ago in '1'ns P"eT was
Aimed Ly members of Thee. Whitfield's
7510n4. 12th con., (rue. The owner
woo Miss McArter, of Morris, who WITS
we/ pleated to get the lost articles.
COAILeurioN,-In the list of presents
and the donors of the same handed to
ttss editor Of TEE POST last work, hi con-
vection with the china wedding of Win,
eliisthill and wife, the names of John
Wynn and wife were omitted. They be-
ttetlged to the party who ole=anted the
• e tea set.
Otte of our citizens had a oloek that
gffe Son. Oliver Mowat "would not go"
mem took it from the shelf and started
Ow the watchmakers. The whole length
egthe journey was rendered joyous by
tale continual rtrilriug of the said time -
Otte, Dee, to the amusement of pedestrians if
urea the proprietor.
OrotrrtttNr has been made that some
peen and boys, who should have known
Sterner, were breaking the Sabbath by a
diet" game of curling at the rink last
akeeday. The complainant says the pub.
Muwili'hevsthe names if the offence is
repeated. So they should and the per-
meate/he have no more regard for the
1J9s sbeth than this should be taught the
tame laid down in the statute.
Nese that Spring is approaching our
uessdmits should see that the many
Pustttiful shade trees adorning our streets
eme protected. They have cost the vfl•
tiers considerable money and are duly ad.
meta by our ',Otters. People who dont
USW any better than to He horses to
arm or allow the young trees to be
Urea or barked will bo taught a whole•
mew lesson by the authorities, Let all
roar residents take pride in keeping P,rae•
rabbit! as good Shape ea possible.
ifferse,-Last Friday no old resident of
know passed away in the person of
Aare* 14. Grundy, at the advanced ago
tvitailiyyears, Re had been ill for about a
lieneiteroreLs. grippe and its oonsequen-
oesrt. The deceased wee been in Iceland
waitetemeto Canada in 1882, taking up
1Ma aesidonoe at Napanco from whioh
)rulers he removed to fina leas Ahout 28
yaws ergo. fie Melongre,d to the English
adtdcch. ]14f'e, Gcubdy and 11 ohildren
aturvevohi.n. Niue children were in et-
$vrwbnteo at the euueral on Sunday. Bev.
Colling,AgtiPhl tsfethodist mi8ieter, oolt-
t4ifn0mff the tervioe. The subject of this
truce fps. the father of Mefferd, Be
41weritiy, 0. 3f1IIeseis.
THIS week our Milliner's fere hard at cork preparing stock for our Grans. ,spring Opening. Otr
Stock will be more Attractive this Season than previous years, owing to our increased trade
in that portion of our busiuets We are determined to give our customers to larger and still better
selection to choose from, and for workmanship and durability. We claim to Lead in Stylish and
Fashionable Millinery, Tn 114o11rning Goods we can save you 40 per cent,, as all our Crapes, com-
prising Samuel Courtaulds & Co's best makes, which we bought at 60 cents on the dollar, are still in
st ock, while other stores have bought theirs on four months' time and a,t regular wholesale pries,
You eau see plainly that you can save two dollars on a live dollar hat or bonnet by buying it from
us instead of those .stores that bur goods regular on four and six lnunths time.
row' Obedient Sowards,
W. NIGHTINGALE & Co., Brussels.
Pans mixed paints. B. Gerry.
Ctovon, Timothy and Garden Seeds
DAISY barrel churnsfor about h
price. B. Gerry.
SEE the Auditoria abstract for Brusse
oorporntion, 1890, in this issue,
Me, Huwr, a divinity student, preac
ed in St. John's church last Sunda
C. W. HOLLAND, of Port Huron, Mich
formerly of Brussels, was burned out o
Pus Ironstone mill and real estate wi
be offered for Bale by public auction o
Thursday afternoon of next week.
Bo: wanted to drive a team and d
general farm work for 6 months. Appl
to W. INt2Es, fol 24, eon. 5, Morris.
ED. R. GnuNnr holds the Grant situ
tankard for this season in eonneotlo
with the Brussels Cutting Club corn
2 LOADS of Royal Templets from Brus
sels attended the open Council held i
the Presbyterian ohuroh at Walton o
Wednesday evening of this week.
NEXT Sunday being Easter, in tit
morniug Bev. Mr. Sellery will take "Th
resurrection of Christ" for his theme
and in the evening "The Golden Rule.'
THE question of using an organ in con-
neotlon with the Sabbath services will be
voted on in Melville oburah next Sunday
and is very likely to be carried by a large
Ixsosen of sweeping all the refuse no
the streets our merchants and shop keep•
erg should burn this rubbish and thus
add to the cleanliness of Brussels. A
word to the wise should be sufficient on
this point.
Toasts wishing to see Jno, J. Daly &
Co., of Guelph. personally, to learn their
terms for advertising farms and terms
for selling &a., and for loaning money,
oau see them in Brussels, at the Queen's
Hotel, anytime 00 Wednesday, April let.
Tut: Auditors' report for 1890 show+ tt
balance to the credit of the Local ac-
count of $557.74. The purchase of the
new hci a hes made a big hole iu the say -
plus, however, but it was a wise expendi-
ture io the interest of the people general-
nd 81st, and every Tuesday during April.
leaping berths free. Excursions to
ritieh Columbia, Washington Territory,
logon, California and other Pacific
oast points, running through to Van-
ouver without olrnnge. Tickets and iu•
°rotation, T. FLc'rcutna, Town Agent
. T. 11.
THe well known Ronald Works, of
russets, are now mannfeeturing a liglit•
r grade of Fire Engines for small towns
od villages whioh will do equally RS
ood work as the heavy engines with
hie exception that the volume of water
ill not be as great. The price will be
onsiderably below the usual figure ask.
d for the large machines. This last
et will remove a very obstinate obstacle
om the way of more than one tnuuiui
Lliby wanting efficient lire protectiou at
small cost,
This is tut Easy Eine.
Farm TRIP.—The success of our last
ord finding contest, just oleee,i, eu.
urages its to offer another free Trip
onnd the World, or its cash equivalent
the person sending in the largest list
words Spelt the came forward and bash.
ard, auoh as "Pip" a l3ob" "Hannah."
he contest closes May 15. Three daily
izes for the three largest lists received.
ontest is open to the World, Every
e sending ten words will get a prize.
early 1200 woo prizes in our recent con-
st. Rules and sample paper 12 cents,
gather with a large illustrated oata-
gue. Address Bell's Magazine, Crinis,
TEN -QUART stip pails 10 rents 0101.
at Gerry.
Jen received, 5 Bttrrele Dntoh S
elf Onions, ler sale at Cleo. B•wastt's,
Tett robins and crows have arrival 1
is considerable numbers, end the bluebir.
are looked for.
1. A Stu of e:nigrateee greets Iva, eliippn
y to 1-Iartney, Mat,, by John Stnitb, t
Morris, on Tuesday of this welt.
'1`tna mantle goods have arrived et bits.
u E, Rogers. They are really very pretty
and yon should go and sea them. Miss
11 Moore, as usual, is ready to ecke.Spring
n orders in this department.
TEE eleven Saugeen Indians and
o Squaws camped in D. Stewart's bush for
y some time have gone northwa'd. They
were here for the past three months
er making baskets and selling them.
n WE understand that the partnership
heretofore existing between Messrs.
Roberts & Plum, as general blacksmibhs,
bus been dissolved by mutual consent,
n The business will be continued by Mr.
n Plum,
GEonre T1raueox, grocer, disposed of a
e two.year-old hulf-bred Jersey heifer to
e Wm. Tsylor, of Grey township, for the
sum of 050. It meet pay to raise this
' kind of stock if they can be Bold at the
above pride.
F. S. SCOTT and D. Stewart were busy
last Wednesday afternoon surveying and
laying out the proposed new pnrohase to
the Grey Branoh Agricultural Fall Shote
ground. That's right, get the matter
settled as soon as possible.
lr you want to sea the largest, cheap-
est and beet assorted stook of Drees
Goads, both black a:ld colored, g" to Mrs.
E. Rogers, Brussels, You can see all
the newest styles and get every informa-
tion its to the tat' -et s'yle of trimmings,
elimlxrut,-miss 1leare, of Clinton,
has rented the store in Smale's block,
one door north of A, 11. Smith's, and
will open up a fine stook of spring and
summer millinery, laoes, &a, as soon ns
she can get her dis: ltty ready. Look out
for her announcement in tho next issue
SEALED Tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to Monday night, the
SOth of Marah, for the Bumping and
cleaning of Tarnbarry street from the
south side of the Town Hall to the north
end of the Brussels bridge, scrapings to
be placid where directed by the street
ooumittee and the work done to their
satisfaction. R. Gantntar, Reeve,
SOUS contemptible eneaks visited the
Salvation Army barracks lest Friday
night and tore up the flag, burned books,
nearly destroyed the drum and perforat-
ed other "Woks" that would unsure them
comfortable quarters in Godorioh jail for
6 menthe if they are found out. It's
Rhone time an example Was, made of a
few of the hoodlums who imagine they
own the town. If this is not done spend•
ily the good name of Brussels will be a
dream of the past.
A Gneer SriLLtteo MATcu.-The great-
estspel:ing rnatoh on record is that
offered by Our IIomes Publishing Co„
in which they will alra•d the fol•owing
netenifieent Cash Prizes ;-Oce prize of
0:11)0 ; o e prize of f,2"O ; two prizes of
9100 ; font• prizes of $50 ; eight prizes of
$2.; ; twenty prizes of 010 ; fortyprizes
of 50) ; one hundred prizes of eft ; and
two hu,dred of 01. Those prises will be
awarded to the persons sending in the
largest number of oorreetly spelled words
found in the advertising pages of the
February number of Our homes, in
which no letters occur' but those found in
the sentence : "Our homes is Unrivall-
ed as aHome Magazine" Speoiat cash
prizes will be given away Saab day and
each week dining this competition,
whioh °loses April 25th, 1801. Send 10
Cents in stamps or silver, for a sample
copy of the February number, with rules
and regulations governing tbo competi-
tion. Address, Our Home Pub. Co,,
Bt'ockvillo, Ont.
Cns4txc.- On Thstreda evening of
last week the rinks shipped by Jas. and
1). C. Ross played the Jest draw for the
Granh'kilver tankard. The latter was
snccessful, the score being:
W. N, Mn0raeke", G. U. tinnily,
12. N. Barrett, '1', lydgar
P. Scott, re. Dennis.
a. Boss, skip 5 D, 0, lees, skin 11
The winning rink played off on Wednes•
day, when the four players were pitted
as follows
1-. 11. ttrnndy, 'r, t:dgte•,
D, C. Moss "1 B, 1)euSis_.., ......,, 11
One more contest was required yet to
decide who was to hold the valuable
trophy. Old curlers would have nee their
stoney 0n ibir. Ibone, but in the bwo-
handed game, with (our atones ean]t, bit.
Grttndy canto to the flout by a husky 8,
and was declared the winner. .J. Roes
nod FI. Dennie performed else Onerous
dntie of master of oererttoniee for the
last match. The pro5ecttstion of the
trophy by ]tire Grant .has given leo small
amount of pleasure to the menbers of
the Brussels club, and they appreoiats
very highly Mr. Grant's kfndaese in rho
gift of the handsome =skate/. Mr,
Grundy will hold if; for a year, when it
will be wenn:tod for again,
Oeree.•Oil Thursday 12th inet, the
dere messenger 'galled W. A. Calbick, a
fernier resident of Braseels, te hie long.
home. I•Io died at the residence of his
brother J. A. Calbiok, New Westminster,
13 0,, whither he had gond with the hope
of 1wnefttilg his wasting health, The
istnorel took place on Setgrdcty, btareb
B. 10th, muter the direction of the Odd•
fellows, of whioh order the deoensed was
tt a member for many years. Rev. Mr,
Robson oonduotsd the ceremony. Mr.
Oalbiok camp. to Brussels about ten
le years ago from Gorlerich to take the
management of F. 0. Rogers' ealb well,
'I a position he contit, ori to 1111 in a most
satisfactory manner until sickness pre-
vented him working. In his earlier
years he had been interested in the oil
be.iness in Bothwell and locality. The
deceased was a man who minded his own
bneiness and by his straightforward
dealings found friends wherever he went.
Mrs. Calbiok, two daughters and one son
survive him. It ie said the family will
return to Ontarto and make their home
in this Province for the time 10 come.
They may rest aesared that they have
the sympathy of all their Brussels
frieuds in the heavy bereavement.
The Daily Columbian. of March
18th makes the following reference to the
decease of Mr. Oalbiok :-After a long
illness, W. A. Calbiok, brother of our
esteemed citizen, J, A. Oalbiok, died
yesterday afternoon. He .came from
Bruesels, Ont., less than two years ago
for the benefit of his health, but the
change, although it prolonged his life,
did not save it. Consumption was the
cause of death. During the short period
of his residence here, the deceased made
many warm friends who will sincerely
regret his death, and will warmly
sympathize with the e5tioted family in
their great sorrow. By special rrquest
made when Mr. Calbick realized his life
could not tact long, the deceased will be
buried with Oddfellows' honors, of which
order he had been a member for many
years. The funeral will take plane to-
morrow afternoon et 2 o'clock from the
residence of 1. A. Calbick, Clinton street.
LeceUlu.•-Lest Monday evening Ref,
James Livingstone, the popular Metho-
dist divine of Listowel, delivered his now
lecture on "Imagination," under the
auspices of the Young Peoples' Maack -
tion of the Methodist ohurcu, Brussel!,
It was a treat, and the audience was
greatly interested while, for upwards of
an hour, the reverend lo°turer dwelt on
hie theme. A number of splendid reci-
tations were rendered, as illustrating the
points of the lecture. Mr, Livingstone
is commanding in person, has a rich;
powerful voio.s and is a meet agreeable
speaker to listen to. A vote of thanks
was given the lecturer on motion of Post-
miteter Farrow and George Rogers, The
chair was occupied by the pastor.
SrorterICAL,- The Provincial Repose
concerning the working of Ilse Liceuee
feat has been received, and from it we
make a few extracts that may be of in-
terest, The total number of hotel
Roaming in operation in 0991) in Rum
was 100, neatest 1)14 in 1870. There were
eight shop licensee iesued in the same
year, agatnet 21 in 1879, The proportion
received by the province, for fete, fines,
&o., in Baron in 18811 was $7486.60.
There were b poreoes sent to the Gam
rich jell for rlrut1snnose in 1894, against
22 in 1880. The report of the Deaf and
Dumb Institute at Belleville chows that
there are 10 inmates therein from the
county of Ikon. From the Inapoetor of
Prisane' report we find that to 18911
17 pet -Mona were eerie to the didd'eet
aeylumo of the previinoefrom this county.
The toeal adtnistione into the a0ylams
from this cognty since they were opened
wail 483, and of this acether 117 aro still
WnrcnT.-In Brussels, en the 24th Met
the wife of Mr. John Wright, of a
Musuaove.--In Winghatn, on the 14t11
inst., the wife of Mr. A. H. Mus-
grove, of a eon.
B,tTEatAN-AloDttnnuD.-fn Stratford on
the 18th inst., at the residence of
Hugh Nichol, by Rev. Mr. Stewart,
Joshua O. Bateman, to Miss Chris-
tina, youngest daughter of the late
John MoDermid, both of Stratford.
GauxhY.-In Lnoknow, on the 20th inst.,
Andrew R. Grundy, aged 79 years.
Foanes.-In Grey, on 'Mara 22nd, John
Forbes, aged 46 years, 6 months and
15 days.
Loxn.-In Elma, on the 17th inst , the
beloved wife of Robt. Long, aged 59
CinSuoiar.-In Elma, on the 18th inst.,
Mary, daughter of Walter Chisholm,
aged 10 years and 0 months.
»v cTsors :5.tax X14.
Teven,tr, Whiten- 31st. -Farm 810cic,
implements, &a., et south half lot 20, oon.
7, Morris, Geo. Iiitkby, alta,. Francis
J. ibbnoaughey, prop,
FnttAy Aram 3no,--Perm Shoclr and
implements, lot 4, con. 18, Grey. Sale
commences at 1 o'olook, Jno. Roddick,
proprietor, P. S. Scott, auctioneer.
THunsnrt Arum 9Tx.-Farm, stool(,
implements, see., lot 2, oon. 9, Grey,
5 ale commouoee at 1 o'clock, W. Richard-
son, proprietor, F. S. Scott, auotioneer.
1u di'te10 lZ 6 TIE.A.Z0MI:fPX,23,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls,,,
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes .,,,,,,,,,,
Ray per ton
Hides per ib
Salt per bbl., retail.
Sheep skins, each,.,....,
Lamb shins enoh
Wool, per lb,
1 00
4 50
5 00
5 00
1 25
1 01
1 00
5 00
0 0')
5 60
Ear METALS, MAnet 25.»-Cattle-T11e
market was steady and lime with 04.15
to ';14.05 offered fur good 900 to 1,050 lbs.
butchers' cattle ; prospects fair for rho
balance of the week ' common to good
springers, 01,50 to $8 per owl. ; verde
steady, at $4 75 to 8.50 for common to
fair, and $4 to 4.50 for heavy fed. Sheep
and lambs -The offerings were light and
the market ruled with a good demand out
outside ordot, and all were sold. Eastern
repo'•ts were unfavorable, and it was
only owing to the limited supply that
to•day's prices wore obtained ; values
ruled firm for sheep and 10e to 15e
higher for Jambe ; quito a number of
;lipped lots aro doming ; sales ranged
from 04.75 to 05.50 for 00=0011 .40 good
lambs ; good emelt quotable et 55:76 to
06,157 common to fair, $4.50 to 05:50 ;
lambs, fair to beat, $5,75 to $7. Hoge -
The market wee twelve and excited et
10e to IND advance ; the supply am very,1ieht diving the day,only tWo cere on offer at the opening, but a foie
More carne to bend later, and there Were
eight loads en sale at um,
Chicago, titlwmOtee 1r e',1, Paul lL''.
L'leotrie Lighted and Stearn Heated ties•
tibuled Trains, with Westinghouse Air
Signals, between Chicago, St. Paul and
Minneapolis, daily.
Electric Lighted and Steam Boated Ves•
tibuled Traine between Chicago, Conn
oil Bluffs and Omaha, daily.
Through Vestibuled Sleeping Cars, daily,
between Chicago, Butte, Tacoma,
Seattle and Portland, Ore.
Solid Trains between Chicago and prin-
cipal points in Northern Wisooneiu
and the Peninsula of Michigan.
Daily Trains between St, Paul, Minne•
apolisand Ramses Oity via the Hedrick
Through Sleeping Ones'
daily, between
St. Louis, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
The Finest Dinning Oars in the World.
The Best Sleeping Cara. Electric Read-
ing Lamps in Bertha.
6,100 Miles of Road in Illinois, Wiscon-
sin, Northern Michigan, Iowa, Minne-
sota, Missouri, South Dakota and
North Dakota.
Everything Pirst•Class.
First•Class People patronize First -plass
Tioket Agents everywhere Sell Tickets
over the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway.
THE1 £CIfiE'S CC9.UMT13.
in Brussels; yellow in color; had
leather strap around his nook, Oho owner
will be greatly obliged to have it returned.
or its whereabouts made knows. Any per
son returning the dog will be suitably re.
AIRS. GREENSLADIE, gbh Cum„ Morris.
D155(14UTt11N Ok
The partnership heretofore existing
E hevillage oundersigned sln under the itruo name
of "i0obotte b Plum,' has this clay beau dis-
solved by mutual consent.
8, T.
Wittiest( : Enmesh M. PErpna.
All the liabilities of the said firm will be
pail by the said Samuel Plum, and all no.
remits due to the firm w111 be collected
by him.
Dated nt Brussels March 20rd,1501,
To Parents residing within the limits
of the Brussels School Board.
Notice ie hereby given that tbo Public
Schools Act, Chapter 40, Section 210, requir-
es that the parent or guardian of every child
thirteen years of ago yearshcause more
to attend a Public School, or any other
sebooi le whioh elementary instruction is
'given, tar the period of one hundred Clays in
each Public School year, unless there bo
Mune reasonable excuse for nnn•ah1eutluue,
By order of the Brussels Public school
Board, R. BOSS, Seca usury,
Being South half Let 27, con. n, Morris,
100 acres, nen rly n11 cleared. Good be ildf nga,
fine young benrh,g orchard, Immediate Sea.
Session, Busy Terms, Apply bo
11- Solicitor, ,fa„ Brussels.
Tho subscriber offers her house and
lot, corner of James and shoots,
Brussels, There le a comfortable ltousu,
good stable, splendid. well, &a. an Um,re-
misos, 1 sore of land, For further portion -
Jars as to price, totme, &n, «poly to
11148, WM, MO0IILLOIIGII:, Brussels,
1. derslgned offers his valuable 100 acro
farm, being Lot 12, 000. 0, Grey, for sale.
There ago 85 name under erep, balance
timbered. There is a good orchard, wells,
sem on the promisee, baeudee log hones, bank
barn, &o. Will be sold on reasonable tams.
For prise and full partiotllare apply to WM.
BABKIRN, Brussels P, 0„ Or Jona BruATrm,
Seafortll, Ont, 0741m
-'Otte undersigned llt•uln'ictOle
offer their well losetet farm ccutaiuiug Lop
titres, bol ug Lot 0, Con,10 and Lot a, Con, 11,
fir ay township fax sale, Thum is it log
house, good elltbnitdiuge large orchard,
water supply, kc, nn the premises. The
property is only 11 ❑sills from tate thriving
Village el Brussels. Veil pa•tiou] IN as to
pries terms and conditions of rile may be
aselrtaln0d ou appilentlen to
87.1! FERGUSON BEDS., Teeswater.
r'p0 LENT Tl3Ap DESIIt-
AnLE property on 'Ourubot•ry street,
13rnsssle, owned by the estate of the late
The R,DtlMord, bring about 0.( auras of baud
with good frame dwelling, barn, statues and
driving sh e11, loco 0011 with pump, also gond
orchard, Wilt be rented for throe or five
Year to agood tenant, iulmediato nesses-
eion can be giver. ninny to
14 C. DUN11OR1,
nr k, Merchant 1'milot,Brussels, Ont,
34.1for liuN'r1on,iv
D. Court Clark,
•1. nsnscrian °.¢ere for sale the north
oast quarto r of hot 2B, 00110500iel tl, Morrie
Cennty of Buren ,°outalning 00 acres. The
land is of drat quulily attain it. high state et
eel Ovation, well fenced .and uttder•tlSajued
ietfllir00 cleared, New frame bOnaoywltli conbrote walla,' 2k wells
moron of 1LtlaWheat shed, d elk' bre. H
able propertyi
:dicing b tie iltbe. l 0n Of Thieves/ebb, 9Ofti•
bly berme wJJA,Af38g113111FVFJ10Whet ', ,
gt Aeet3rtlt P., 0.
MARcii 27, 1891,
7Me will bo found ,t Reliable Melody for
Ili tho ordinary diseases of children, snub
as indigestion, Sour Stulnieh, 0011-
stli)atiott. Wind Uolle, lleethhtg
roubles and many other rile -
ensue common to children,
Pnemitite no J. T. PEPPL+'R, Brtrssens,
As lb Spring Mediaiuq to Purify the Blood
nee As aGotu ell Medicine nee 1.'EeIEIt'e Brow
12411 AND WILD OnsnaT,
-)ABic b'Ole 014/0530 AT(-.
Pepper's Drzca Story
Ono door South of Straeitan'e Now Starr.
1\1 ,:IN'POSH t£ MaTAGGART,^
Trasa4aet o. Geta.eral Sctxtleiiyg
Canadian aucl United States Drafts bought
and 0011,
Interest allowed on Deposits,.
Collections made on favorable feats,
Canadian Agents-MEf5EANT's BANN. 01,
NewAPXcrlt A'rsnts-Ttr1'onrnns arm THAD
I e Solicitor and
Mils Slade, Oalee- Oouveynrrerr. Games
sols. CnuOtOn o's1{I01, tiros.
S1 •ani•
]b1. OLIR,
• SolloitnrSIN0anvoyaAuoak, Nott:v pub•
lin, Ste, OOMoak, ock, I dr m north
0! Peppers Drug Stores Private Funds to
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoo t,
riohd Bursters, Bolioltors, Godo.
.Cu. On300s—Brussels and 8o00fortli, Arcs,
sell Olfee-Up-stairs Over Bank. Money
10 Lonu.
11, 0 01,50e, w, n,ntCBsoN4
A It, TAYLOR 13. C. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, ko., of the arm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, &a„ Maumee Arcade, Toronto.
Money tnluau- - - - ..._
IAT H. 64c0BAQ115N'
Usurer of MarringeLiceose5. Office
at his Grocery, I'uruberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next do0r
0f A, Af, Mci(ay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and eh ildrens hair °tittles a specialty
A. MoNAIR-....._--
Xesnrer M Marriage Licenses, by
arpoiutmset of Ment,-(ovm'nn r, tte,o,nie.
stoner, Se , Q. 13. ('enveyouerr old Lent
Fire Insurance 00. nnicc ut rho t'runhrook
Post 011iee,
Co, Niton. of onvo Fourth
Notarvt Pnoire,
Laud, Talo and insurance Agent. Fudds
invested and to lain. Collections toads.
()Moe in Graham's Sloc It, Brussels,
Late of bbe Conservatory of emigre
Toronto, to prepared to give lessons at
Fishoeraand Mr. R rrisou on ptheopiano,o an l
of Mr. S. B. Clark in vocal music. Class at
Craabrook every Te'edn.v. For terms, ko„
apply at the Mothodiet Parsonage, Ethel.
Organ, Teacher
in Piano,
JohusaChurchclB Pipe.
eels, solioita a share of the patronage of the
tnnsio-loving people of Brussels and vioin-
ity. Instructions given at current rates.
'Perms, references, ko. may be assertainetl
by calling ab the residence of tire. (Moronier., Tarnbarry street, Jimmie.7-tt
1.01 Is desirous of procuring pupils lit
Veen] Music. Prof. Warrington,( of 'lornnto
113 lienee l t0 givehis testimonial RS to Mies
O'41213or'e ability, she having been n pupil
of his during her stay in Ciuulpb. inatrst.
Mental Mesio on Plano,ttOrgnu 111111 Nutter.
'Perms lrnssels, Miss ade known au
innow' is o3'lItl (0r
1 sanm•t Rogsgeo:cott& a,:,•
arnrrTx5TIZ I
G, L. Ball, L, D. S. 'tiros Cable (Ose ad-
ministered for the PCh)less l2 vtraotion of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard 8trsot Leet, TtlsoN'1'o.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario. and of Toronto Uui.
verslty. Opptol-Gppostte Amsriottu Rotel,
o A.natioueot, to always reedy to at.
tend Wee of farms, farm stook, &s. Terme
cheerfully giVeu. Orenbrook P.O. Salmi
may be amiagod at THE Poem i'ubiiehmg
Bolles, Brusseie.
Lieoused Anabloneer, Rales conduct•
ori on reasonable tonne. Farms add farm
stock eingos3eeloototnPnblibfue,rsoar otWale
P. O., will receive prompt attention,
eE ns all Auctioonar I fun prepared
to conduct suing at farm stook at reasonable
prince, 3i110wl ug the gentling et neatly
ovary portico L and 1 11 0 5OSI111au to toll to
geed :narks ,1: 1 get good security tvbou sold
our credit. Satishtoliou guaranteed. Give
mo a null. 110. F S. 8002033.
. , , D, 0. 151.._
Atom too of the College of Pnatatio
and Burg°°ns si Ohtaria by a mlet East, Bales cud 1Zneklonco--Atnht etreot haat,
r',thel, C1tth:'(o,
J A. iotdNAUGHTON, M. D.
• 0, AI„ r,,1Z 0.1'„ %dinbutglr, M. G. P
B. Ont, AL Popper's Drttg Store from 0 to
110)10 a. to. and from 1780 to 4 V. in, At other
hours tray he found at his: residence, form-
erly oecapiel by Dr. B utohfnsort, Mill et,
• lienar Graduate prepared
r of the Ontariosa
di oa ua0y5 College,seti IS 1tropar a to frost all
dfsoasos c3' d°in°stitlattO sterna/it in a nom•
toVerlt manner. Partt,nlar attention paid
to V/1tOrinary dentistry.. Cells pr mode at-
tended to. Office end lnfrm )y -Two steer*
uarbh of brlilge,'I'tnttberry et, Brussels,