HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-27, Page 44 New Advertisements, Notioe--R. Ross. L00a1--W. Dines. Locale -B. Gerry. I ...al -1' fleabane 1oeal-1)r MuKe,vey, L' eoe ie-Mrs.1.0. l0o:.ers, Ceetroiline--J. T. Pepper. Deg poet- Mrs, Greenslade. Perm for sale -Wm. llabk i rk, Varna for eale--1'erguson tiros, Local -Powe Publishing house. Abstract--I3russele School Hoard. Millinery --W. Niglu legate ce Co. Auditor's report-•ViUage of Brussels. Dissolution of pnrtuer'.bip-Roberts Lk; Plum. leleLeod a System Renovator -J. T. Pepper. 01)c 3t rus5cis " l: ' t. FIUID i J , MAIL `37, 1891. Tent School Board is doing right In in• eisting on the regular attendance at school of all Children from 7 to 13 years of age. If parents or guardians are careless or heedless in tide very important matter the Trustees are legally bound to see the taw eufoaced. 'rat: Puss b:,eks them up in this move and hope they will bring every offender to time. Tut: C;tnudiau Nation says :-There are four pnesibl,l dostiniee for Canada : 1, Ooloaiel llepende',ee ; Lnpe'inl Federation ; 3, Ant:•fie:en Annexation ; 4, Na'ionitl Independence in elliniew with (creat Brit.,iei. The first, as a per- manent destiny, le impnsiblu ; the Dec• and is impracticable; the third is un- desirable ; the fourth le full of hope, and Will yet hare right of way. Tim executive committee of the West. ern Dairyman's Association met Thurs- day afternoon of last week in Toronto. Hon, Speaker 13.dlantyne presided, and theta were present :---C. E. Chadwick, Ingersoll (Seeretary) ; John Geary, Lon- don ; Robt, Cleland, Listowel ; L. Cas- well, Ingersoll, end A. F. McLaren, Stratford. It was acceded to £ouud a new dairy school itt Tavistock ander the, charge of Adam 13e11 f, r expurituentnl mud educational purposes, where cheese makes and their patrons stay receive instructions without chary. The fret. ideut, DIeeers. Melawee a..1 Cleland were named a4 a r curates to slake all arrangemeets. lour milk inspectors will be al,peuute.l 1., be tine proseobors in e'pry u, lir intik io t;lit:evil . with. TILE Provincial liecwcce report reooe^_t- ing the openntion of the liquor license Nays. during 1890 shows an Imreas„ in the untnLer of licenses granted during t.he1•enr, 10 1887.3 the uumbcr „ranted I3II4 1,585 ; in 1888.0, 2,485 ; in 18+1:1 90, 3,0Q9, The Provincial revenue derited from the lie-euscs is a'so inc:tettsed, the t9gures being for the three years named respectively :-.3201,519.451, :;239,511.53, and 3307,281.53. Thr. municipal revenue far the carne yen's ea :--1887.8, 9150,• 070,80 ; 188811, 9130, 297.70 and 1380.90.I` 43207,953.45.. The inereas, i* attributed to the repeal of the Canada Tenperauoe Act in the different Innniuipalitios. The flees collec'ed during the year unwonted to 521,078.20, as compared with $18,- .151.63 in 1888 9. The number of prison- ers committed for drunkenness during the year 1800, as compared w;th 1880), shows a decrease of 221. Tito auonntc coilected on cement of licenses and tiuce, including the sums imposed by nnuuicipal by laws, with the ditties do. rived from vessel licenses, were; -18.97.8, 9395,950 ; 1888 0, 31711,855 ami 1889.00, 9080,060. This evidence, thangh a long time coming before 6164 lteblie, is good unci sttbetented evidence that the Scott Act was the moans of curtailing the con• sumption of intoxicating beverages, Tne, Interne -none -1 RoyalTemplar says :-Tile elections are over and the parties are buoy counting noccs. The prohibitionists are in this count. They were not in good fighting trim for rho contest. Their orgatizetion was little better than no organization at all, for general political purposes. They did a little guerilla fighting, however, and they moist have surprised themselves with the results. Notwithstanding the lack of organization, lack of plan, leak of leader- ship, prohibitionists ttseertecl themselves in this eleotton as never before in the history of Cainde, The leaven cs certain. ly working, end the indepetdenee tuned. fasted means a dead brei tt with the old particle, sooner or Liter, if the question is not made a direct issue. In almost every corlstitusnoy where a member who voted against prohibition, sought t'e•eloo- tion, he £otmd that ho teas deserted by it number of party friends, who either ro• fused to vote or voted for his opponent. While the Libetuls are disgusted with their failure to every the country, and (Annervetiven are dieeppohlted over their serious !ogees, prohibitionists who under. etancl the situation, are Wearing a safe. lied grin. Wo have macle remarkable gains, and the politician's extremity is our opporttmity. So far as Ontario is dencerned, we have kept the matter troll in hand and arc able to give our feeders a peony reliable report of the results, We have trusted to friends in the other provinces to work them up, but we are not yet iii reocipt of details. The °lassiil. I'HE USSELS POS'1 cation which we maks is, 90 It rule, based Perth. County. upon direct carroepondeuee with the ! oandidetcs, but in a few cases we have depended upon the advice of friends. If there are not scone errors it will bo very strange, and we partleglar4y request our readers to notify us et once if they de. teat a mistake. No doubt some of the men classified tie prohibitionists lntvo thus far shown n0 ucbivity in temper- ance work, but they have promised to vote right. Others elassited as antis may have shown public sympathy with the cause, but they either voted against prohibition in the last Parliament or re. fused to Bay they would vote for it, In the last test division on prohibition in 10 the House, the Ontario ropresentati. yes were divided ue foliows : '28 for ; 53 against); 9 did nob vote. Of those who voted for prohibition, six were defeated in the election, viz t Boyle, of d:fonelt ; Cook, of L. 9110005, who left his own ttonstituency and coutestr43 N. Minces with Dlr. M00arthy ; Dickenson, of Carleton ; Platt,of Pt. 1:d ward ; Waldie of IIalton ; Wi'san, of Lennox. Boyle, Platt, Watdi° and Wilson were defeated by pledged prohibitionists. Co01t'5 eon- stitueucy is now aepreeented by ;Ate Spohn, en equally gond tempasucce man, The only possible loss to that of Molten - gen, of Carleton ; We have no rethtbte ad- vice with regard to 1L•. 1 Deigins, the nte10 ihetnber for that ('n. (if {Luso who voted against prohibition, ten aro alnmlg the slain of the contest, viz: Bell, of a,ddingtnn ; Cargill, of 40. Mural Oar'1- ing,of Loudon; 0eiliett, of W. Nst'. timutlterl.'tud ; Meson, of North Perth : McCnlla, of 1'eel :)'nttere,n, of Essex; Porter, of \Vest heron ; Smith, of 8, Ontario. No nese than eight are defect- ed by men who will tote straight for prohibition, and the other two WO 1 10 not able to olnazify. Huron County. A new telephone office has beau opened et Hensall. A general meeting of the members of the D'Iol(illop Instu•ancs Co. is celled for the 28111, Thomas Manson, of the township of Pullet ton, lost his dwelling house by fire on 1Vedneedny of last week. The mutual concert under the auspices of the Exeter hire Companies was held in Drew's Hall an Friday evening 'March 20th. A new hotel is to bo erected shortly by lli T'ylrc to replace t e p usent •Kirk• ten Hotel. 1 fie brick mid stone are al. leanly o11 the. ,1 ,1111,1. Dickson C Son, of i!.0 C1otlerie.'.1 wool. on mill, Ease started the manufacture of rag onrpet in isildirion to the regular , business done by them. (eor:e Anderson, of Exeter, is the • possessor 01 41 111'011,1 of chickents, thirteen ill {number, which were hatched tact week. They cru a'1 living and in a thriving 0oalitiou• At the semi-annual meeting of 411. - 'Huron' Football Chub, of Seafurth, ou e'ridny evening the following officers were elected : -Hou. Pres„ 13. Jamieson ; bon. lit vice.pren., 0, E. Jackson ; hon. Sud vice.pree. G, 10. Croswell; errs„ Rr- 1V. elertdint ; tiee•pres„ Uwee) Anderson : Becrntttry, W.l',ende'gast; captain, G, 0. Dewar ; eounetllo•c -11. J. Ch•nnvford, J, W. Living«tote, 1V, lleDo,ald. At a largo mud entbnsiestio meeting of the Deaver Lacrosse Club held in Sett - forth the following officers were elected for 1 :-W. Il. Hamilton, President T. 0.111l1 emp, Nice -President; W. DIo• Dougall, Captain ; G, Bethune, Secret. ary-Treasnt•er ; 0. 1''. Jackson, sen., honorary President; 12. Moshe, let Veto• President ; (4. 1•%• Crewel?, 2nd Tice. President ; Omar Nei), W. W. 7Irerdttl', P. Freeman, with active officers, Mauag- ing Committee. L, Beatty, of Varna, 11,11,1 Editor Holmes, of Cliet on, uud their respective lawyers were in (10,10010h last week, the two farmer 111110, :ging a preliminary ex- itlninat3On in a suit for !that ettat'ed by 1[r. Beutty 0301101 the publisher of the New Fon,. 1t will be remembered that the libel arose nit of n communication in the paper referred to regarding a etre tried before the Varna magistrate in which Mr, Beatty tras the de£euduu,t, The ease will he tried at the fort homing assizes. One night recently while a Hallett farmer w118 drivieg ]tome from Clinton with a horse and cutter, the horse be. 011100 unmanageable, and throwing him out got away from bin, What it came le the railway track it turned up on it and ran along the ties, passing safely over it long open bridge and at the next cross road it turned o19 end lauded in trent of its own stable little the worse of itsmishap, now it managed to arose the bridge is the mystery, bot it 00ver- theleee did so. The Corrie leidetto says :-I1 is our painful duty this week to record the do utile of George Strong, which took plu0e on Monday evening .last. Dir. St0Ong was one of the early settlers in Howiok, and has filled the position of treasurer of the township for the last 23 years. The cfe0ea804Rvae a member of the Dletbodist church and a true end devoted Christian. Ile was in the 8011) year of his age. His remains were itttereed in the Gerrie cemetery on Wedneeday afternoon with Orange honors, of which order he was te member. He was loved and respected by all who knee him. William Dempsey of Clinton was tried and committed to Gorlerich jail for cane. mibting rape on the wife'or Sam Barr, a reepsetebfe fanner of the .110th eon. Goderich township, 1; miles from Clin. ton. '.Cho woman has been c•az3' f.n' a number of years, and the iediguatio, there is very strong against the prisoner. Marr, it is said, caught the man in the not, and besides giving him a good thrashing held llirn et the point of it r0 - velvet all might lung until ho was able to secure asetstaneo from the neig11bors, who at one seat for (ionstabe Wheatley of Clinton mild had .Dempsey arrested. The follosvin3,( lire announced as the eenetle eon/misdate/re in tide dietriet North Perth- S. S. Fellers Stratford t .oath Perth -Geo, Levol'eage, Carling. ford, The night watehme n at Mitchell gets 9250 per 01)00111 and the 0119 00110641114 $100, The everltge attendance at the Collo gist:: loetitu'e, 636'4)teed, during (Pea t•uary was 225, There aro 2118 rut nils o' the toll, The Firat Presbyterial) chard), St Mitr,ys, extended 4 unanimous will to the Rev. T. A. Oosgru • , .1 Port Rupe, on Tuesday. A sacred ooncort will be given by the Whyte brothers St, Marys, w the Pres- byterian Choral, on Tuesday evening, March 31't, W. F. Thompson, general merchnnts, of Millbank, has assigned to 0, 33. Arm. strop.", of London. Assets and liabi- lities are placed at $8,01 0, Thomas O'IIagan, whose literary nl1ilitiss are recognize:1 and remembered in Canada, now fills the editorial chair of the Duluth Daily Tribune. At the Mitchell town Connell the fe1- loviug resolution 14118 pa8001.1 :-'shat the constable be instructed to strictly carry out the by-law referring to ohi111- reu of 00bocl age who pithy truant end to make an example or any who art re- bellions or incorrigible, John Anderson and James Murray cut and drew out for de...he Late, of Blatt - shard, one bemired and two cords of Wove wood and 3300 rails within the bast 14 days, besides walking to work 11 cites each morning said hank again at night. This wood wait all taken otl j an aura of bush which belongs to Jahn Barr. Thu lnerutgentent of the 'Methodist ;sabbath scho'I, 41. ZDlurys, some time ago iuntitutod e it Ilarc•el,' fn '1114141 rho 111 uibera of the school 100.5 supposed M place n cunt for each year of their age. On being opened it W:04 found to COutnin the 517066 of 1.4, whish amnnnt wil, be applied to rim billeting fund for the new school room, On Tnu day 'Toa. Ilieh-rds, of St. Marys, was found lying on the rued with the sleigh and load of ashes on top of him. He was rescued 5101 taken to Cltns, Hterrilt's ,eatdetiae in an nnoonsctons cucdition. II5 bits afnoo 09311114043 con- sctonsness, It seems he was Wanting alongside the load when tt upset on hint, Hie face and chest are baldly bruised. We regret Itis our duty to ohroniole the sodden death of Lewis Kirk, of 1i.irk- ton, who dropped dead on Friday even- ing, Mb inst., tvhen returning bonne from a silo which he bad attended that day. His son 40155 with hint is the rig feud they were near his own gate when he expired without a moment's warning; or without making any complaint. In the morning when he. left home he am. peeved as well and hoalty 08 nsunl. The editor of the Mitchell Advertiser 0,130 :--" efrs. Gilmore, an American 11013', lectured in the town Ilnil on the subject of temperance,under the auepiees 1 or the W, C. T. IT., Inc fair audience and gate general satisfaction, a,thongh suns. or no think that we do gtt lectured enmigl1 by the fair 1,,e0, 100 rofnr 10 the ! baelmlers of 00,11 t '- Shame of you, situ. Cotwul', for casting any eetleotiutt on the gentler sex. We would not he 'm'prisca to hear of ye 1 end.lenlybe. caning hacd beaded, While coupling cars on Tuesday morn- ing at the freight shale Stretford, David Cellaton, it spare rnndu1or nn the G. T, 11„ mot with an a0cideet 40111011 will pro- bctbly prove fetal. 1ltevlug been for some years it yar.unac, lie was assisting in tlt5 yard, where there was a shortage of men, and had just made 1130 last coupling for the might when he tans aunglit between a ear and the •I,ed platform in such a way ns to crush hint terribly. His collar bone and several of his ribs were broken, the ends 0f two of the latter penetrating one of his limo. He is still alive, but there is not much hope of bis recovery. A handsome recognition of the long, native effective political service of one of the moat prominent veteran Liberals of North Perth, henry Deering, J. P„ of Mornington, was hale the other oveting. About 100 people assembled at his resi- dence, and Dr, James Johnston, of Mill- bank, another champion of Liberal principles, having boon called to the chrt(r, an address was read and Mr. Doer- ing presented with an excleedingly heed. some and costly gold.heaclocl cane. He responded in an appropriate speech. Tames Grieve, the talented and pro- mising Iltenlbee-5l5et for North Perth who so nobly redeemed the riding -the first Liberal repreuoutatt'ce eloolod since COnfederatian, 41(15 present and made a splen<lid speech, which teas receive ceith hearty applause. A number of other ad. dresses 4vere given, and the Company titee sat down to a, sumptuous repast. The remainder of the evening wits spent 10 p'easent social intercanrso and amuse - news, Abstract Statement R. ROSS , Tretsar'c>'`, Brussels Sc;laoo Board. 11,E01'e1PT8. To L'alance from 1380 3 1-10 75 " Non-resident fees 7 05 " Equivalent to Government grant for 1889 150 00 " Government grant 1890..., 140 00 " Municipal grant 12 84 11 Legislative grant 16 05 " Municipal asees5mont 1850 26 $28$9 05 To ltttlance on hand Jan,lst,'91 160 58 EXPENDITURE. iby Teachers' salaries 31753 57 " Caretaker's salar7 75 00 Sec,-Treas. salary 25 00 Interest 48 08 " Wood 118 00 " Repairs and supplies 111 57 c' 1'oste,go, stationery and ex- pres5 charges " Balance 0 32 1(00 53 5'3335 05 Wt1, the Meeisipal Audi tore for the village of Brussels for the ear 18004 ger• tify we have examined ante books and vouohorc in the bands of R. hoax, School Baud Secretary.Treaenrcr, and find the same correct and Of eaeh balance of $111)1,- 58 on hand. J. N. ICrvneetl, l =�u(litora, 1 y, s. nim, i ilrescele, ;114, 20,'01. DZnllcu 27, 1891, AUDITORS' REPORT or the ` " .1.l..a e of Brussels FOR THE YEAR 1890. ItEC13IPTS, Cash on hmtd ab lest audit 010117 30 Licenses 295 84 Rents 1110 0h Provinnfal grant 149 00 County grant 04 05 Arrears and non-resident taxes, 82 94 Poll and dog tax - 74 00 Insurance refund (1-Iowe ce Co,) 292 10 Petered 731 30 Pert prmuiped on mortgage, 100 00 Amount levied on roll 0243 80 ASSETS. (11 11 ou hand, local t oo,5557 Special use, Bedews.. 3175 County school and R. R, 181 Town hall Fire Eegin0 and hots' Maud iustrunlents 11' y scales Howe mortgage due '9t llotve Insurance ace 't. 'Mortgage on real astute, Amount to b.clence.,,. • 74 30 Ili 3851{0 07 51717 80 2000 00 -1010 00 200 00 1.50 00 5000 00 207 10 958 541 18003 10 9399811 831 EXPI&NDITURE. Salaries a 361 00 Charity 167 75 Street improvements 970 09 Tire Dopertinent 2,54 63 Band 50 00 Printing 45 10 Miscellaneous 84 29 Election 009006es Voters' Dist Court Taxes remitted and uncollected Registration 5 10 10 Fuel, $18,05 ; Insurance, $138,75 1.57 70 Town Hail 1'1 10 Board of Health 10 00 County rate 351 00 Railway rate 2(10 35 Coupons reckoned 165,4 00 School account 4084 05 Amount to balance: 1717 80 9 50 '22 82 107.04 $8183 07 LIABIId'1'IES, Out.elanding coupons 001(1(ring9 300 00 1'reasrtrer's find tolleetor'c stIl. arfes 80 00 lf00%1.1ioe' Institut25 h0 Reitw119 debt 231 89 Debenture debt '("200 00 8ohnol equivalent 1.19 00 932980 831 "(71'1 the undersigned Auditors of the elnuiaipal Accounts for the \'ilings of VV Brussels, in the County of Heron, hereby certify that the 301500in3 etute• meet of the receipts and expenditures as will as the aseets and liabilities of the said Village of Brussels for the year 1800 is coarct, and that 10.0 find n 00011 balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $1717,80, Beessic s, liar, 20th, 1801. I. N. KENDALL, J. Y. S. KIRK, 1 reel. !Tette. SPPII Q 1°91- _ P SP....I�TSt To Tin .iI r Graham's ) 9 C) Bu1.,L Foil 8l'll?Y"'7 •—T El1, utalerelpnecl baa reoeatly purchased aucl 10311 koop for service it registered Do r. hon buil ou 0(1, Iota%, oou, 6, Mewls. Terms :1.50 to bolaid rat tune of service) with is l seloge of returning if necessary, 04.3(n JNO. 0UI1111L1, Proprietor, TElifvf$ 01+ SERVICE OF MY Quo CONY, $0201; 41 Oows J8900; ndaitnnal 50405, 81,00 eech, 011 the property of ono 800100. A discount of 10 per cent, will la deducted Whoa paid 5t the time of servioo. Jersey Cows .$3,00 neon extra, G. A.1)100=AN, Druggist, ,tn, IMPROVED LARGE W 13'ITJ71"0191C. SHIRE 1330A18, present season theilmproved large a 01111- Yorkshire )lie "liecdv" on lot 00, eon. 0, Morris, b,t which a llm)te,t number of owe w911 be taken, Terms $1,00 to he paid at time of service, with the privilege of return- ing if n000scary. Pedigree may he seen up. 00 application, 40139,11517 elloRor,, 1013 _ Proprietor, riiWO PL',t5E•13R]OD PIGS FOR sl5RVt01(,•--The undersigned hes re. fit North half Lot 4'0,100s.T Moats •i Pito bred net 104150 Bohr, bred by Mr, Buell, amt also an 0010 imcmrted t bester 7Vbltn, one rens old, brad by `i'h00. (scorer, Putnam, from m1))nrtod stook on both sldee, rbcs pop t„nk 3rd 1,)455 at the Iu.1110Mel Tnhibt. (tan, Toronto, 10313,i» Ones of 17, and 0100. )rd at the Western Fair in a elms of 10. '1' -.ries, elect, to be paid at time of service, with c', cv11op0 of r06trn)ng if uaian!ary. 1s -if 8, WA1,I(181t, Proprietor, Half the Virtues --)01(r(— ST. _-_.)OIL(._--- T. LEON Have never been Told. Bead this -- JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years v i;y bad. When 1 stooped could ecarooly straighten 09 ; felt nnise,able. For three mouths I pe,sisted in a free use of S'1. LEON \VcTntt. it was. the corp of joy to me; brought relief, per excellence; pains, stilling, etc, all gone. Call at my office, I will tell fttr more about the value of St, .Leon, AV. BBrooms, 250491 re Laundry, 8211 Queen street weer, Toronto. lad thiw- 1'1l.fUT':1 i1S,t1(A(1 i 4 O), 10.1 rhenctafism in 1,,y ku.e,.coni 1, • 1.,!,,,su , 1 nlabea e, •15. every Jew a l.e• 11r. 110 n s, r;n pirr l,.,u dry, a Prod 1140 I0 u t •1-0. p 1 •0 710 ll) 1 t1 l -r. 1 01;1, n1,4 ,t 1 r*. ! 140 tlie r11 rinet b.. 1,, 11.1 VOW, n11 Di 1f coli' \ly t3,110 1 l tl 1 e r:,i'Ar, n ' 3 �j'1 �onitulte II L• � 3 itlnte, lr r'7'1,"'.4.4 ?,1a.10,,1141_, 1„ u.l 11';, t, t• te\ '06 i and i eait4y, .T, 1', S ,t•1{".G•f1- 11,a1,e1'sod Je4t:%iet', net tem e„ « 11'1- w'•:at, 1'o rout- Our New Store is Central, Well Lighted and Convenient, and I \Viii be giltIl to see all lay old c118tO311c1'8 :and its many new ones as may call All will be made Welcome., --------------- A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED, Geo. Good, Agent, .St J,,10.11irreral 11'ar,/C',i y, Si. On, ({ole, ,. uggies ! The past ween: has been a busy one opening, unpiU'1ii11;9'',; 1. cro l es Inal'killg and getting into order the purchases Buy your Buggies Our Assorfluen't IS Large. The )Styles are particularly Attractive. The Prices are Low, and the - Values R.re Exceptionally Gond. for another season'; trade. We have bought a very Large Stock of the celebrated • Lybster Shirtings, every piece warranted Fast Colors, We are also in receipt of a large consignment of English Prints alld Satteells —all New Styles —Gray Cottons, Tickings, Pillow Ctjtton, Sheetiugs, Cottonades, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Cashmeres, Caslzmr- ette$, Lusters, Enbroider- les, Etc., Etc. The late lire destroyed our stock of plats & Caps, sl) open up with Everything New in this Line. :V (I Call and See our Electric Hat, the Latest Out, We have just opened 35 Cases of Boots & Shoes, so \ve can supply everyone with this line of wear, A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES. A very Fine Line of35c. Tea. Try it. These goods have been bought in the best markets at the very lowest prices, and will be sold at a sinal] advance on cost, for 014.811 or trade. Our business for the ]Inst year on the cash or ready pay System ]las been very satisfactory. 1t enables tis to sell on a 1114.1011 smaller margin, and is better for both buyer and seller. We {lave not attempted in this advertisement to enumerate the many novelties and attractive articles AV11i)'h we have to show; neither (lo we quote prices ; the space is too limited, All are invited to collet and see them, ] New ]aces will be Made Welcome. Old Customers will be Cordially Received. Remember the Stand•--Gralia111'3 pluck, elle door . Pepper's Drug Store; Brussels. North of - D. PWAN _loci Sa.vd Alone). 1 411) building a Large valti1Or of rho Best Buggies, whirl) fire to he sold at the han'l et I'r:ees ever offered to tllo public. Every- thing about thin is First-class. The very hest Standard Wheels, and the Workmanship) through- out (innralitee.l. 1 am Determined to make a gra Slaughter on Prices this 'year, i llav) cold tt large number of Buggies daring the past a years to many of rho leading filen of this section and surrounding country, and 1 l.urpose to Keely up the slumber and double the quantity. Ca!! and See the Rigs and get our Prices. Don't buy a boggy 011111 yoti see 113y Stock of Clheice BBriggles, llep)air8 in Wood work and frcrt clone at Rock Bottom .Prices. Pointing and Carriage Trimming* (lone at the very Lowest plates. I1o1'seshoeitlg Done with the Best Experience and Attention, a8 111 the past, 11111A1( 10115110)585, Es.9 / j y1017 (1p lo'ife Oneon's hotel, i1