HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-27, Page 1ru, Volume 18. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1891, Number 87. Brussels Colxncil. arnt'IAI, Milt'r1Nn. .A. spooled insisting of the village Court - en was held on Feb. 12th, a full Couneil present. The following aoeoautt were rendered : Mrs. Brent, charity, $ 8 00 F. S. Scott, ineuranoe, 41 00 Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded by Jno. Amens that ubovo accounts be paid. Carried. Moved by W. Ie. Stewart, seconded by J. M. Molmosh that an order be granted the Collector for $80 for following taxes remitted : Geo. E. Cooper, $4.00: Airs. Meadows, $4,00 ; Poll tax, $22. Carried. Moved by Ino Amenb, seconded by It. Ross that H. James jr. be appointed caretaker of the Fire Engine and hose at a salary of $00 per annum. Carried. The meeting then adjourned. 11E(+MLAlt MEETING. The regular meeting of Brussels OM] oil was held on Monday, March 2nd, 1801, the Reeve in the chair and mem- bers all Present. The minutes of lest meeting were read and passed, The following accounts were presented for payment :— Gotta Pemba Go, Fire Dept., $438 44 Mre. Blashill, charity, 5 00 R. Henderson, Fire Dept., 8 05 H. L. Jackson, Band. 40 10 .m e. Belly. et. improvomente, 1 00 Wm. Denbow, et. Improvements, 1 25 Thos. Stewart, " " 7 00 Mrs. Wallace, charity, 1 00 H. Williams, et. improvements, 2 00 Moved by Ino. Amenb, seconded by J. M. McIntosh that the foregoing accounts be paid. Carried. Council then adjourned. SPECIAL MEETING. A speoiel meeting of the Council wan held on Monday evening. Members pees. rent—Councillors McIntosh, Arneut and Ross and Reeve Graham. The following accounts were presented -and, on motion of R. hose and John Ament, wore ordered to be paid :— 'T. Kelly, Treas. eatery, sec., 94$ 00 Jae Rose, Collector's salary, &c., 10 00 0. Y. 0. Kirk, Auditor, 8 00 J. N. Kendall, Auditor, 8 00 The Auditors' report for 1890 and ab• strut of same wits examined by the Beard and was accepted, adopted endithe abstract ordered to be inserted in Tint Blme>;iae Poe'r onmotionof Councillors elcIntosh and Ament. Tudor,. will be received for scraping street, up to 80th inst. Couneil then adjonrned. Washington Letter. (L'rom mi• Regular Oorespondent,l Washington, March 18,'01. One of the greatest difficulties the Demeorate will encounter in the organi. -zation of the House of Representatives next winter will bo due to the fact that -the Southern states are no longer in the ,majority in then party as represented in •Congress. There are some Demoerate who hold that the time hes come for recognizing the northern preponderance both este the eleotion of ohief officers and the constitution of the leading nom. mittoes. Theses new departure men are found in both sections, although natural. ly more numerous in that quarter which has been heretofore left oat in the or- ganization. A report ie circulated, 'wbioh perhaps has no sufficient founda- tion, but which illustrates the situation, to the offeot that the Representatives from northern Democratic districts will insist that if a southern Speaker be -chosen he must frame the great com- mittees in the interest of the states whose industries are more nearly eon- •ce•ned with the subjects in ohargo of these committec:e. In other words, the custom of promoting the highest Demo- -yet in Committee service to the chair Inauship must now be snore honored in the breach then the observance. A Southern speaker, according to the alleg- ed program of the northern Democrats, would bo under obligation to set aside the southerners and devolve the honors and responsibilities of leadership upon northern Democrats. It is one of the peculiarities of the situation that there can be apparently a0 reciprocity of honors, ete., in the event a northern Speaker is selected ; he would be, it eeeme, trader this notion of the domina- tion of the majority section, obliged to give the chief chairmanships and oohs- mittee places to northern Democrats in 'preference to those of the south, Thie is perhaps the most striking single feature connected with the organization of the Fifty-second Congress. The Deet of publlo funerale.has increas- ed largely daring the last few years, an .increase ter ie advance of the neceeeitiee 'of the case. Great scandal has been raised by the publication of the expense list of some of the congressional funerals. That it should take $50,000, 970,000 and le some instances 9100,000 to bury a member of Congress is simply preposter- ous. It is a waste of the public thuds for which thous who are responsible should long ago have been rebuked. This extravagance le charaeteriebio of no party or Rouge. It has crept in unawares and ns sanctioned, if sanctioned at all, by only the fow portions who have ebarge of such alleles. It is strange that there hae not been a cheap overhauling of I. hie ,alt's of aocoutets by the committees of the (eve lioness who have control of ex. penditures. The trouble has been that few patio men care to make a fuss about such things because it might, if ventilate ed, result int a severe meting out of popu- lar displeasure, The people themselves Bela hardly believed what hes been ub- lisbed 10 the newspapers, they have thought there meet he merely some miss take, emu exagget ation, the liguree worn go lame and the' items go nnneooesary, at least an the quantities cottsnmee. instance, hew is it possible without official voutherd to confirm the foot, 00 credit1.etory that wines and dinnere cost up inti the theneande or titan it speeial troth wee indispensable, It ie to, be hoped that AO false delicacy or senti- mentality will operate next winter to prevent a thorough inquieition into these funeral junkets that have become the disgrace of Congress. The Republicans have lost, including the Illinois eeat, five eenatorsbips this winter. The others wore one in New York, one in Wieoonein, one in Keno* and one in Sonth Dakota. They will gain ono in California by the death of Mr. Hearst. The net gain to the Demo- crats and their allies will be four, but the reduction to the late majority of the Repnblioans will be eight, leaving that party with a majority of six in the next Congress. This will be a 'close shave' for the Republicans and will, with the overwhelming Democratic majority in the Ileum of Representatives, force upon that party a policy of great caution, facing as it docs a presidential eleotion in 1892. A great deal hes been gained, since an early and amicable settlement of the nal` fisheries dispute is *meetly desired by both the IL S. ttnd Groat Britain, in the a0ceptence by the latter 01 the Amerioan ofrer of arbitration. The letter of Lord Salisbury to MinisterPannoefote its, in effect, an official rebuke of the alaenliets, some of whom have endeavor- ed to embroil the two kindred people in war. The settlement of vexed questions by arbitration is the modern way, and it is at ones more rational and more civiliz• ed.. Jtreusets Sehoal ROMA, A special meeting of the School $card was held in the Council ohamber last Friday evening, Members present—A, Hunter chairman, H. Dennis, T. Far row, W. B. Dickson and R. Is, Taylor. The minutee of the last regular meeting were read and adopted. The following accounts were read :— Smith, Maloolm & Gibson, pine..91 1 75 W, H. McCracken, brooms and brushes 4 40 R. Rose, poste*, stationery, &o8 77 Thos. MaLeuchlia, wood 72 75 Moved by W. B. Dickson, seconded by II. Dennis that the above accounts be paid.—Carried. Moved by el. Dennie, seconded by W. 13. Dickson that the Secretery be author- ized to borrow $200.00 from the tempera. tion of Brussels er Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, to pay ealaries.—Oarriecl. Moved by H. Deuais, seconded by R. L. Taylor that S. Hfndes have the con- tract for splitting end piling the school wood for the sum of $10.00, the wood to be split to the satisfaction of the Board and piled in the shed.—Carried. Moved by R. L. Taylor, seconded by T. Farrow that the Secretary do cause to be published in Txz Bnusszrs Pose a notice calling /the attention of parents and guardians of all children between the ages of 7 and 13 years within this section to the law regarding the attendance of such children ab school during the year and that be also send special notices to the same effect to the patents and Beard. Fane of children who have not observed the law in that behalf during the pest year.—Carried. Moved by W. B. Dickson, seconded by H. Dennis that the Secretary do again notify the parents and guardian's of all children within the compulsory school going age who have not complied with the school law as to Bending each children to school the requisite number of days during the year 1890, to personally attend the neat regular meeting of this Board to answer for their default.—Carried. Board then adjourned. Oasestdiatiau Neon.. St. Pauls °lauroh Palmerston has a new bell. The deadlock in the Kingston City Council hes Loeu broken. Three flouts of the Y..21. C. A. build. ing fu Muntreel gave way Mo city. The local option by-law was dofeete:l in Tilsotbort1 on Friday lest by 0 ma• jority of 41. C. P. (Miele) is the Liberal candidate for the vacancy 01 the Nuva Scotia Leg- ielatare for Antigonish. At Dorchester an elderly lady named Mrs. Bone was etruolt by an express train and instantly killed. Jas. Kane, a Belleville hostler, Whoa his wife Monday by *ebbing her t0 the heart with a carving knife. Julius Sorivor, Liberal, was re-oleobed to the House of Commone in Hunting. don, Que., by a majority of 261. At Walkerton Tueeday Donald Mo- Leod of Kincardine Township was sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment for barn -horning. The bankrupt stock of McLaughlan Bros, & Go, Montreal, teas Bold at auction Tuesday, for 65:t cants on the dollar. Mr, Eowlan, who resigned his seat in the Senate to become a oandiclate for the Commons in Prince County, P. E. L, and wee there defeated, has now been re -appointed to the Senate, J. Tait, Manager of the 0. P. R. tele- graph at Winnipeg, was onhia way home frost attending the funeral of his father at Mitchell eta Saturday, when he was intercepted at London by a telopltune message, conveying to him the sad in. formation that his mother was on the point of death, and he hurried beak to Mitchell . d sad aooidout happened ab Cutters on Saturday afternoon, which cost young Richard MOCJrae his life. Ile with a number of boys, Marl ucaasion to Dross the railroad' track near the sbavo factory. A sap lorded with steeds 'stood on the spur,. and to local train was at the station, and was going to take this oar with it. The oar stood quite near the bunting poet at the end of the epee, and in cross. ing the track he educed one hand on the post and Otte on the buffer of the car, and was in ilio act of epeinging acrosa when the engine, with Dight cam ahead Of it, struck tltie !ceded oar, and weight the be$ by the: knees between iho post and the buffer. He was tm ' m ediatoly taken to hie hook and footers were Called, bat he df1 not scam to regain propose oonsoioa0nees or etrength, but grgduaily sank, tfutft &boat hait.past ton o'olonk when death ended his suffering ale ,yoangesb son of Alex. McGras, cot stable.was aged fifteen years, and tb London clergymen have shielded to en faros the rule against Sunday funerals. Two Teeswater gentleman have par chased the elsatric light plant in the village. Rev. Wm. Morton, a sunerannuate Methodiet minister, aged 74 has jus died in Hamilton. An effort is being made to have Hop worth made the connecting point of til Grand Trunbc and the new line to Owes Sound. Southampton is making application t the Ontario Government for a grant t improve the mouth of the river for eh entrance of boats. The Indiane of the Saugeen Resent suffered to great loss in lbs burning of MI Methodist mission ahnrah at the radial village. The fire originated in the obim ney. An effort will he made to rale enough money to erect a new fine brig ehnroh during she coming summer. A toting girl nttmed Jennie Atkin went to Hamilton late Tuesday on the H. & D train from Dundas and asked a young man standing at the station to direst her to a hotel. He took her along MaNab street, enticed her into an alleyway and attempted to criminally usenet her. She succeeded in getting away from him, and told the police. Wm. Hunter, of Brampton, aged 75 years, was in the act of taking water from a cistern when he suddenly fell for- ward and in striking the ice received in- juries which caused instantaneous death. When found the body was completely subme' ged in water, but a medical ex- amination brought out the fact that death was not caused by drowning, but reealted from a wound found on the head - A colored lad named Harry Brood, of Sbrathroy, quarrelled Saturday night with his father's housekeeper, a colored woman named Mary Smith. She order- ed the boy out and it is said fired a couple of revolver shots at him, without hitting him, but it caused him to leave the house, after which he commenced throwing stones e.t the windows, when the woman fired again, hitting the boy iu the leg. No arrest has been made yet. A earl case of stealing cams to light in Leamington last week. A young lady has been canvassing the district selling pictures, aid in the course of her travels *lied at the house of William Beattie, of the Ridge. Shortly after she left a purse contaiuiag $50 `was missed, and suepinion pointed atrougly to this girl. Constable Prosser was made acquainted with the theta, and when the girl was spoken to about the affair she at first denied any knowledge of the missing money ; but afterwards admitted having taken the same and offered to refund $80, all she had left. The matter has been settled. Mre. Quigley, sister of Arthur Day, hanged at. Welland, Dec. 1800, 1890, for wife murder, who was with him at Niagara Palle on Sunday, July 2701, 1890, when he pushed his wife' over the precipice near the whirlpool, and was a witneseagainst him in his trial, died at Rochester, N. Y., last week. On her death -bed she confessed to her mother that sheeted incited Arthur to the mur- der, and' had helped him to commit fit by aiding filen in pulsing his wife over. She held Mrs. Day's dress skirt over Ler face and pushed on one shoulder while Day pushed on the other. Wesle'y'IC. Warner, a well to do farmer, :living on lot 20, con. 5, ',melon township, together with his two daughters, Clara and Maggie; aged 16 and 9 respeotively, were killed Saturday evening about 5 o'clock at the C'v', P. 1.v. crossing on the first side road west of the city. They were struck by the esst-tepid express, death being instantaneous. Both horsee were hilted end the vehials enmeshed to atmos. Tho train wee stopped aid the bodies conveyed to O'erguaon's under. taking establishment., of Loudon, where a coroner's jury viewed the remain+ on Monday. Aspeaiti oar wen ran out to the scone of the saddest Sunday after- noon by the 0. P; R. The ap- proach to the crossing la a vary danger. 000 one, anti towel within 25 feet of the brack•it is impossible to see a train suing eaeb. The jury held au inquest on Wed. nesdeyevening, A sad feature in son. neation with the lamentable affttit' wee the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Warner had held their silver wedding oehebration the previous evettieg. Deoeased leaves a family of tbree'ohildren, two of whom ere sons, Saturday afternoon a most melancholy affair occurred on the town line between Oaradoo end Meboalfe, about six miles from Stratitroy, by which a young men loot his life at the hands of a neighbor and relative. An old feud had existed between Robert Murray, of the 10th eon„ and Wm. O'Rowe, of let 2 in iho same concession, over some Government drain that rang through their joint properties. On Seturday afternoon last, as Mr. Rowe wad baliting to 1Ir. Herring at the owner of the town Niue and Illth eon, of Metnette, Robert Murray and hie wife drove np on their wtty home from Stratb- roy, end with an oath Itlnrray said to Rowe that if he did not get out of the way he wo d ride him down. This ho did, running over Rowo and throwing lam in the ditch. Blows followed, iu whish it le eaid that both used clubs, Rows apparently getting the woret of it, and bad to be helped to his home, sunk) half mile distant. Word wessubsequoub- ly brought to Strethroy and a (Marge 01 asgravatod assault sworn oat. teeniest Murray, wlto was afterwards bailed out before P. M. Kahle, himself in $400 and two other sureties of $100 each. At 1 o'oloolt Sanclay 018 0109 Rowe died from the remit of his thinnest aitd a [second *errant was sworn ant against Murray, charging lura wit0 murder. An ingticet 0680 opened Sunday efternoen before Coroner Lindsay. Bee. A. S. Thompeonr W. W. tleotfe and A. Thompson being, dopnted to hold the poet medians, After inspecting the body and hearing eo1iee reli Pinar evi the. aaee et Stealthy 01 %ncyee ay. % Stealthy Y e, Tho Lucknow minietore have formed o an aso:iabion. • Greenock (mute' pays ice auditors 91 eaoh. Cheeley pays them 113, Over 50 earloade of p-ttatoes have been shipped from Winnipeg to Kaus,te City, St, Louie and Cllloego this month. The t price in Winnipeg was 80 eents a bushes. The British Columbia Legislature has d passed a hill making illegal the sale of t liquor o'tobttcc0to minors. At effort wits made to malt snail sales legal on an - order from the patents, but bbc amend. s ment was thrown out. t A large area of the lower part of Belle- ville, Ont., was Lloodel on Tuesday, and o much dainage was caused by the rush of o ice from the upper portion of the river, e Mnuh injury wee aooasioned to stoops of merchants stored in their sellers. e The dispute between the village of e New Eambur.: end the county, with roc peot to the Huron street bridge in that village, has at lest culminated in a law e snit. The action will not be tried in the It county but at Stratford or some other outside pleas. The cirouitof the Canadian Trotting . Aeeooiation for 1890 hits been definitely settled and will include Ridgetown, Lot - don, Woodebock, Simone, Aylmer, Lis. bowel, Guelph end Hamilton. Lt the tvholo circuit about 910,000 in purses will be offered. The first meeting will be held at Ridgetown On May 21th. The Alert Lacrosse Club, of St. Marys, hold an enthusiastic meeting at the Ontario house to organize for the coming season. These officers were elected :— Honorary president, F. P. Riddell ; honorary vine, John Walsh ; president, R. A. Ramsey ; viae.president, W. A. Maclean ; secretary, H. R. Sharp ; treasurer, George Robinson ; oaptain, George Smith ; committee, R. H. Moir, George Spearin, 1Z. MOInt"re, Oherles Smith, 'fames Dormer, A. Dusty, J. 13. Thompson. L. S. Drown, to large land owner and fruit grower on Pe'ee Island, who is also postmaster of Pelee Island Beet, earl the fertile island whose fame has gone abroad because of its vineyards ie in neei of people. Its population is now only 700 souls, and there are upon its 12 miles of length thousands of acres of the most frnvful land in the world unwork- ed. Within the last three years Mr. Brown has drained 5,000 acres of marsh lance and added to the area of arable laud by that meth. Althottgit Pelee has become known as a grape -growing island, it id admirably itd•tpted foe general farm- ing. at the Assize Court ab Walkerton Tussle), before Justice 19'alconbridge, Donald Melee jt'., of Kincardine town- ship, was tried oe the charge of burning the bans and ontbuilding s of Sylvester McKim, of the sane place. Great in - eeriest was taken in the treat as the winks neighborhood is in a state of excitement because of incendiary fires, no lees thea 5 barns having been buruee within the last two months. The chief witness was Angus D. MaLe ed, who testified to hav- ing stet the prisoner leaving the premis- es just as the fire was getting headway. The ease aacapied nearly the whole day. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Judge Faleonbridge asked McLeod if he had anything to say why the sentence of the court should` not be pronounced upon him. He replied that he had not. Elis lordship; in passi'ng sentence, said : "The jury bave found yon guilty, and I have no reason to disagree with their conolueion. The creme of which you are convicted is one so'daugerous and appal- ling t0 the community in its possible consequences, that I fee'1 myself (sailed upon to inflict upon you, young roan as you are, a heavy penalty, in order that the community may learn that although justice is slow, yet when ib strikes, punishment is heavy." Ile thereupon sentenced McLeod to serve 14 years in the Kingetou penitentiary, Tho young man was qnite staggered es, the son0enc', and his father, en a.m.( men, who had stein by him during hid brie!, seemed to be almost unable to watllt, but tried to fol ow hie sen when convoyed to the cell, Nor tlasese t :Keele,s-. Moosomin is organizing a Board of Trade. Epizootic is prevalent among horses in the Rapid City district. Seeding operations are being pushed' with a vint in many places. Business is reported brisk at the Land Titles office since the elections are over. The Oren* Grand Lodge of Manitoba stet in Portage la Prairie on the 1800. Lumber dealers on the Lake of the Woods have formed to combine to advance prices. The Union Bank at Carberry paid out $41,000 for wheat checks in one day recently. The eying meeting of the Alberta Turf Aseoolation will be held at Macleod on May 16th. Ovet four 'meted thousand bushels of wheat have been marketed in Coleraine tip t0 date;.. W. A. Define, of the Bents of Montreal, Brantford, has received orders to ge to Regina, N. W. T. The Dominion Geminate* is sending out small pelmets( of tree seeds to those in Manitoba who applied foe them. The Kergcey Menot•ial Committee has decided to erect re monument to this de. ceased statesman itt Si. John cemetery. The tlonr mill at Pembina and the grain elevator et St. Vincent are being taken down to be reproved to Grand Forks. A movomenb is nn foot in Morden to start a Young Men's Conservative 9seo. elation, On the same lines as the one just started in Winuipeg. On Sunday, I11a0Ch 22nd, Masers. Cross. ley and haunter began a seeks of revival soviets in Vancouver, preaching in tete varlets ehttreliea iii succession. Most of the feathers in the Dclurttine district who lost their entire sop by hail last year have ueeure1 seed and are get• ting ready the their spring work. During the recent storm in Alberta, Mrs. Arbiter Cove lost her way on the prairie, but tvae happily honed by to eeetehtng party seine bonne afterwards. The Provinaiel Committee of the Young Urns' Christian Association have fixed the dote of the summer institute at the Lake of the Woods "for July 2•110 to A.aguet 7th. A Glsiohen N. W, T, telegram of March e0 says :—"Seeding is now going on in this vicinity in full blest. Mr. Telford has oomneneed seeding on (}unn's farm." Robert Plewoe, an Ontario miller, has decided to aooept the offer of a free site and exemption from taxation at Calgary, end will proceed immediately with the erotion of a ilour mill, Lands of the Canada Northwest Co, are reported by Mr. Strath to be selling freely since the beginning of the year. The sales show a great advance over those of a simiber period last year. Ata emu t meeting of the Regina Town lounoil a recoletiuu was adopted to the effect that evidence of the tree of intoxi. mists by Myth employees would be good an9 sufficient reason for their discharge. A. peculiar accident happened the other dee, to T. Flood, of Eartn,-y, Man. He was ottying a horse in its stall to take it out, when two of his tinges became en. Mangled in the shank, and, the horse booking up, they were cut off as though done by a pair of scissors. It is said that J. N. Kirohhoffer will be the Conservative candidate in South Brandon, and W. A. Mtiodonald the nominee of the same party in North Brandon at the elections for the Local Parliament of Maniteb.e, which may take place some time during the next year. At a meeting in Portage constituency held at Elm River on Monday night, there were lively scenes. W. J. Cooper, who was speaking against Zion, Mr. Merlin, got into en altercation with one of Martin's enpportere, named Smith, Cooper slapped Smith's face, whereupon the latter threw a pail of water over Cooper. The meeting, which had been called by Conservatives, broke up in disorder. W. Washburton Pike, an Rnglieh ex. plo sr, has returned from the Arctic region, whets he has been the last two years in search of musk oxen and buf- falo. His perby underwent terrible suf. feringe in their journey, being lost at one time for fourteen days without any food. The weather was fearfully cold, and they were made ptin fully emote that in those regions fo six months in the year the sun never shines. Pike was fairly sue - easeful in hunting, brining home the skins i•1 over fifty musk oxen. Pe.eple We 1/110W, Mies L. Oliver is home from Toronto. Minn Annie Rivers is improving in health. Oliver Smith was in the Queen city tide week. Rev. S. Seliery was in Kincardine for to few days last week. Miss Marshall, of Blyth, was visiting at Wm. Blaehill'e for a week. Mrs, Bell and Cherry have gone to De- troit -where Hr. Bell is employed. A. McKenzie, of Tseswnter, was vieit- ng his brother, D. McKenzie, this week, James McCracken, who is attending ohool at Stratford, is home for his Hast- e holidays. Mies Kate Dutton, of Stratford, who as been visiting Mrs. Deadman, goes home on Friday. Gus, Goebel, of Mitchell, is in town. He has sold out his livery and talks of oing into hotel business. R. M. Armstrong, mill-wright. who tae beau in Winnipeg, for several years, s now employed in Toronto. Ross McGirr, whc has been in W. igbtingale & Co's. store for some years, eft on Tuesday for Harriston, his old home. W. Bennett, of Montrose, and R. cnnelt, of British Columbia, were visit a,rtheir sister, Mrs, J. T. Cook, this Aire. Roble Elliott, of London, for mer- e' a roeidonb of Brussels, died at her home last month. She was a sister of hos, English, now Chief of polies at ttlgary, N. W. T. Miss Lily Mors, of Toronto, has been aid up with a very sore arm. The rouble appears to be with the bone and he ie mow under the care of to physician. Ye hope she will soon be better. T, Fletcher and family have got nicet- y settled lu their dwelling in canneotien with the store. Geo. Thomson has taken os00ssioe of the residence purchased rem Air. Fletcher oh William street. Jas. H. Young, formerly of this place, tae been appointed a magistrate for the nullity in which he resides in the N. W. '. He had a little experienoe in that Ole in Brussels while filling the position f Reece, He should fill the bill. D. A. Smale is attending a nodical nstitute, in London, undergoing treat. eat from experts in connection with he celebrated Koch lymph. We are leased to hear that ha is progressing tvorably and bopss to be permanently need. W. J. Fairfield sad family removed on hoeday of tide week to Bolllountain, here Mee, Faiennolde people reside. Ma airfield is growing grate wenn and it ill only be the matter of a few weeks or Maths before cotsuntpbiou will have accomplished its fatal work. We observe by the Winnipeg Puree revs that J. R. Grant, formerly of russets, has been elected Grand muster 1 the Winnipeg Lodge of Perfection, No. A. F. ta, A. 141:, Afrr. Grant has *beim 1 the 82nd degree in Masonry and is an tthoueittstio adherent of the "shears and suspense' The Toronto World of Monday eaye:— Perey Solteltield, the clever home fielder L the Toronto Lacrosse Club, will not port Murray* bltte jersey the cornice; anon owing to his promotion from his resent position in the Standard bank ore tr, Brunie. Thee Mr. SoholIeld'e me will be severely felt by his fellow. ayere is 'stetting a fact very mildly, awever, the foetunssetIMAMS cents* o made eeeoudasy even to else prnmotton one's native city or one's favorite and atiotial pastinie, " blr. $ iholttOld oat shed on Tbttredity seenin " of this week y the tnem`bees oohs ohne. R. L. Taylor and eon wars in le sed.) on Tuesday. 101rs. John Barnbitl is visiting her daughter at Atwood. J. R. Smith was away in Iiamitton HIM week for a few days. le, A. Martin, D. D. S., is spending to week or two in Bruesels. W. 11£. Sinclair seas in the County town tbie week for e few days, Miss McLean, of Ripley, is making her home in Brussels for the present. 0, E, Turnbull, of the Galt Reporter, was home for a few days this week. He appears to like the plane well, Miss Aunie Young, of Moosomin; N. W. T., formerly of Brunie, Ices been engaged as school teacher at the Clare public school. Her old friends here wish her guesses but hope she wont under- take to thrash the big boys. On Thuesday morning of this week David Shiel had the misfortune to fall iu his bed room and *reek his heed against the bedeteed intiic'.ing a out on ids fees and head. As the old genbleoan is 91 - years of age a mishap of this kind toll, upon him. Wm. Tufts left London last weep for Vancouver, B. (1,, where he will reside in the future. Hie son, Andrew R. Tufts,. will depart for the Pacific coast with the remaiud„r of the fancily in two or three weeks. Mr. Tofte was a resident of Brussels at one time. The Atwood Bee *ye :—"Wm. Harris and family, of Monkton left this week for Brownville, Oxford Co„ where Mr. Ber- rie takes charge of a cheese factory, one of the best in that noted dairying aunty. Mr. Harris is a eho*emaker of twenty years' experience, and it goes without saying that he has the business well under his control, and has secured for himself an enviable reputation. He wee maker in the Mina Cheese Oo's factory for seven years and served the Monkton - peeress for fouls years with the beet of satisfaction. life will be succeeded in the Monkton factory by one of his grad- uates, Alex. Chambers, of Kincardine, who, Mr. Harris says, is ascend to none in the county. Apart from Mr. Harris' capabilities as a chessemaker, Elm t township, particularly Monkton, loses one of her best citizens. The Bee unites with their many friends in wishing Mr. Harrisand family aontinu al prosperity,” Mrs. James Bell, of Brussels, is a d.tuele- ter of Mr. Flarrie. teniTTths.10. Lt1C,13. "sin see. 1. J. Gmpom's pray ran away on Thurs- day 01 last week on enema* of a holt allowing one side of the slmfbe to fall dowtl. La the rape ane of Beattie Bros. horses, tied On the street, broke loose and took a hand in the opening circuit. Wsr.r.-DIGGING AND Damnme.—George Birt has all the neoeseary machinery for digging and dentin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnbtrry at., Brussels. 48-tf blterES Aix.txs.—A. Currie had in his display a nice spring lamb purohased from John Roddick, Grey, that dressed 28 sounds ; a eyeing calf bought from T. Devidoeo, Grey, dressed 70 pounds end a beef fed by A, Lamont which dressed 600 pounds. Mr. Currie also had pork, mutton and sausage. W. Blashill ex- hibited a prime beef, fed by John Robb, jr., Morris, that dressed 700 pounds. He also had his usual quota of other meats: Brusselitea need not want a substantial meal on Easter Sunday as far as the meat supply is concerned. Our knights of the cleaver ars always to the front. ANA now the time draweth nigh when' the thrifty hence holder will expend live of his eoori hard delimits in the seed store. Then as the sun w meth warns and the busy little weed maketh him bend his look he will lay in tt 971 erop of rheum - miens and eel10(0:0 far eye. winter, Before the b:uhny rl:eys of Jen-, begin to shorten, he will have had police const snits with 00411 and sttttdfy of his neigh- bours, boasting filo ownsrehip of poalbry energetics enough to hustle far a laving. Anel, finally, as the white boar frost of autumns settloth ort the limp green grlss, he willihave sixty canto worth of scraggy aabbapa and some green tomatoes, which the milkman will scornfully reject as a gift to his bovines. A BaUMMFluoo oorrespondentin speak- ing of the decease of station agent Rose says :—Last Tueeday, T. Rose, who etas been station agent for fifteen years, died very suddenly. He hod been ailing for se , short time with some affection of the heart, which had prevented him working, and on the day ill question he gut up feeling very much better. He went to station, and while conversing with his sou about some tickets, dropped into a chair and instantly expired, Deceased was it member of the Methodist °burob, end the very soul of honor in all business transao'ions. He leaves a wife and (1 children. Funeral sereioe was bald at the house of Wednesday morning, by Revs, James Walker and J. E. Simpson, and the body taken to Brussels fur in- terment. "Are the late examination held at the University of Meiryland, in D.titftemee, we Mod that one eel's= ad friends 3, t, Martin and R. J. W,titfield, of Brussels, tt a di Canada, d credit t t1 ,, o themselves and to their coiuttfy, Me. Mersin taking third place as a theorotfdal man in a plass of eaveety. In the competition for prises our Monde of Canada rank first, cetrry• ing with them evete, prize of worth. Mr, Whitfield carried off a fine solution of dental !Grope and honors on the most dillienit work in dettbisbey, while ItIr. Martin stappad o0mplatcly to the tote - moist rank and Carried off a valuable den- tal etgiue also the latest intpravod vol. lionise. Ole 1.000 also awarded a Its asci- brit oll modal and 1 e o s al sent inttum- erabls. The competition was vary keen but Mat•tie's good judgment, keen eye and steady hand Yoram) every oppon. ant and even dazzled the sena* of the judges thomeelves. We °minae help. Onvying the indomitable conrago, qn- blued prineililes and merry eolntetlauoos of oar tattedtan follow studeute." A. Pel.tttw 5101thtie et- All:settee,