HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-20, Page 8rte, i� rc t�' �. L rca 5'�' MARc11 20, 1891, ON, OWN - PR OP k.RA9IO TS. Deadmau's Baking Powder. Deadlnan's Anti•bilieus Pills, for the Liver, &o. Deadmau's Iron Pills, to Improve the Blood. Deadmal's Cough Bain, fol' Coughs' Colds, &o. Deadmun's Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry for Coughs, Colds, &a, Deadman's Worm Powders for Children, Deadman's Worm Powders for Adults. Headman's Condition Powders for Stook. Deadman'( Toothache Remedy. Deadman's Wart Remover. Deaaman's Ringworm Remedy. Deadman'e Hair Renewer. Any and all of our own preparations are Guaranteed to do all that is claimed for them or money refunded. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Sorra =N EXTENSION W. G. & 8. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GorNa SOLTn. Gon.0 Sonars. Mail e:50 a.m.Mixed 9:00 a. Expressxpress 11:48 a.m. � .m Mail 3:00 p.m. Mixed 0:55 p;m. Express 0:45 p,m, rota.' Nan Pins. A Chiefs among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Rousse all sizes. Geo. Good. TusanAT was St. Patrick's day. WIleo about the Band reorganization 7 TIAfoTET and clover seed at Geo• tanker's. CLovza and Timothy seed at Mc- Cracken's. MONTE:LT Rorae Fair, Brussels, on Thursday, April 2nd. W. H. MoCsaassa is shipping a oar of potatoes to Olio this week, A Goon brick house to rent or sell. Apply at the woollen mill, Brussels. Arnoso gallery will be np iu the apetairs of the southerly store to be built by Mrs. Strachan. THE Vanetone property will be sold by public auction on Thursday afternoon, April 20d, Capt. Strettou, auctioneer. "Bonne late than never." The Bazaar fashions for March have arrived. Call and get one free. Alex. Strachan, A ata of stock wits shipped to Iloutreal oo Thursday of this week by A. 0. Dames. Several cars of grain were also shipped to the East. Tas annual Spring Show in connection with the East Huron Agricultural So• eiety will be held at Brussels on April 17th. See bills for particulars. Tau PosT will be sent to new subscrib- ers for the balance of 1891 for one dollar, in advance. We want to add 100 names to our subscription list during the month of March. Bauesnns Royal Tempters of Temper- ance are invited to an entertainment fn the Presbyterian church, Walton, under the auspices of a sister moiety there, on Wednesday, 25th inst. J. G. SxsNE i8 asking for tenders for hie proposed briok store. The building will be 30x60 feet with a oommndioue dwelling upstairs. Tenders received up to next Tuesday evening. "How can we gat more good from the reading of the Bible" was the topic of an interesting address to the' Y. P. 0. A,. of the Methodist church, last Monday evening, by Rev. S. Sellery. TENnsss are being asked for the con• veyasce of the mail from Brussels post - office to the depot and return, on and after July 1st. Tenders received up to April 240h. The contract to extend over four years. TwENTx-Two Cars of brick have been purchased by D. Lowery, of Brussels, from Drew, near .Harriston. This large quantity, together with brick seottred eleewhere, means no small am0nnt of work ea soon as Spring opens up. Mr. Lowery is a pusher. "IT's an fd wind that blows nobody good." Now we are all the very latest style and not laughing at each other. The fire cleaned out all those ancient byes moues, so say the brand new stock of ]lata at Strachan e. Spring will soon be here, boys, so when you want a new hat dont forget the new store—one door north of Pepper's dreg More. STATION AGENT Roes, of Brimfield, L, H. & B., formerly of Brussels, drop. pad dead on Tuesday of this week, The body was brought to Brussels for inter- ment on the Thursday noon train. Mrs. Rose and family will remove here,we understand, as they have property in hia place. The cause of Mr. Rose's death is said to be heart diseare, This is an hast' Otte. L. r Faros Tarn.—The success of our last word finning contest, just closed, en. mumps us to offer another Free Trip arontld the World, or its cash equivalent to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt the same forward and back. ward, such as "Pip" "Bob" "Haunah." The contest cleans May 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest yetiest lists received, , tl Contest is open to the World. Every. li one sending ten words will ga rize, getp Nearly 1200 won prizes in our recent oma- t. test, Bales and sample paper 12 cents, in together with a large illnstratod cattle i /ogee. Address Bell's Magazine, Grillia, a Ont,' e Woo TnnvE.--"Some people are won. a tiering 11 the Editor of the Godorioli al Signal le going out of bnainess owing to to the appeeranre of the following edver. o tfesmont ; -' For sale, —If you are arm • fe tewnpistuing the purchase of a windmill a tl first-class one can be lied cheap for oasis, o H .Apply at the Signal office.--l3nuseete in Peer." "No, dear 1 We are going to son. 11 b time Waage at the old stand ; but wo m b will trade the tvinc]milf with you if you le ti Will let us bane that baby carriage Which le sonic time ago you advertised you bad m no. use for. Seer—Signal, Yon are too 01 lets, Mr, Mad., as Bros. Eolnree, of Olin. it aj ton, and Colwell, of lvIitehell, have ell. tfI1•+ ready opened negotiations for the (ion - f Veyatltt0, An Men jaunting ear would snit you better, however, eo iia t0 enable yeti (o tile all the bhjldten tit at ma,, E feel to -day that we hero one of the Largest, Cheapest and Best Selected Stocks jn tho County, comprising all the lines kept in a general country store. We endeavor to buy goods suitable for the people of this community, We always make it a point to purchase Good Sound Goods, and sell them at the Lowest Possible Price con- sistent with a living profit. We know that we have advantages to piano goods before you at a less price than any other merchant doing business in this town ; it is therefore as lunch to your advantage as to ours to do your trading with us. We want you to call and get our terms and prices before making your spying and 81211113162 purchases. If we then cannot offer you inducements bettor than other merchants doing a commission business can, we do not expect your custom nor your influence. Business now is dono on business principles only, find it's valve that tllo people want, and it is with that idea in view we want your attention directed our Way this coming season. We are determined to put prices down so low as to more than satisfy some of the merchants, who have been so anxious to get into business here, that thele is n0 xnoncy to be macre, but much to be lost, and that experience is sometimes dearly bought, which, no doubt, will be the experience of some in this town before many months to come. Men with a few hundred (dollars i11 business cannot sell you goods as cheap as we can, and the sooner they find it out the sooner their grasping experiences will be gratified. (' YOUR OBEDIENT S t-tW NTS, 1.77 ALEt Crown, Timothy and Garden Seeds Thomson's. Jen received, 5 Barrels Dutch Se Onions, for sale at Geo. )3 sx a's. CALL and see Straohan's Blank Dre Goods, a nice selection of second moue ing as well. Something real nice. A PEW people will have to be taught lesson about trotting over the bridge. le apraotioe that should be stopped, rigl off too. G. T. R. and C. P. R. tickets to Man lobs, British Columbia, Washington Te ritory, Oregon and all points in Nor west Territory, T. FLETCHER, Tow Ticket Agent G. T. CENsos.—E D. Chamberlain, of Blyth has been appointed census commiseione for East Huron ; John Torrance, of Va na, for South Huron ; and Dr. Case, Dungannon, for West Huron. The wor will be oommenoed at once. The 0071 miasionera receive $4 per day and th enumerators $3, MANITOBA SETTLERS' TRAINS: -March 2 and 31st, and every Tuesday during Apri Sleeping berths free. Excursions t British Columbia, Washington Territory Oregon, California and other Pani coast points, running through to Va couver without change. Tickets and in formation, T. FLETOuER, Town Agen G, T. R. LoTT's LIVERY.—The attention of i5 Public is called to the filet that Levi Lo keeps a first-class outfit of rood drive and new, comfortable buggies. Ever attention will be given to those bn•orin him with their patronage. Stable jus east of Dr. Graham's block, King street. Give bim a nail as his rates will be found within the reach Of all. OWING to the snow blockade the stage to Gerrie was unable to proceed on Sat- urday of last week. T. Thompson work- ed his passage to Seaforth, however, and arrived back in reasonable good time. Mr. Thompson deserves credit for the capable manner in which he is doing his work, and we haps a renewal of the eon. tract Will give him something worth while for his trouble. AN trooeE.—Surely we have an ex. ease sufficient to free US frim criticism if this issue is not gotten up as bright and newsy as usual. We leave on Wed needay morning of this week for the South tc wear off the weariness, anxiety and nervousness of the moat elections and an event which mars, or ought to occur, in every man's lifetime—getting married. If our readers will deal'Ien'ient- ly with no this time, as probably a few errors may 000ur in this issue, we will promise not to do it again. We will now be in a position to accept anything in the way of palatable vegetables, wood eto., on subaoription.—Blyth Standard. at Mumma,Mumma, Florida oranges, pickles by the gnat, maple syrup. Geo. Good, tt EVEexnoDx go to Straohan's for rubbers. Dont la the children get their feet wet ea going to sohnoi for the small cost of a u• pair of rabbets. J. J. Yoram' has pnrohaeed the house a and lot on Queen street belooging to the It eetats of the late George Haycroft, It is 1t a comfortable place. Jams DARE, of Grey township, and i- Adam Sholdice, of Morrie township, r. shipped a oar each of stook and emi- th. grant's effeote to Manitoba on Tuesday. u 15 passengers were ticketed on same tram. Or course the ladies remember the ✓ beautiful prints Straohan bad last year. r. This year they are still prettier and so of very cheap. ,Every lady should have a r nice sateen dress and something pretty a• for the girls too. It will be worth your e while to come and see them. EnooATloxnL sermons will be preached 4 in the Methodist oburoh next Sunday. 1, In the morning the topic will be "Eda- o cation in relation to the individual,' and fu the evening "Education in relation to Ho the State." A sealed silver collection is Van asked for on behalf of the Educational • Fund. 5. Ir you want a good pair of boots or shoes for yourself or any of the family e go to Strachan's new store. They do not to claim to give yon good boots for nothing, drive' but will give jou the very beat value for y yonr money and are not afraid to mem- g pare anality and prices with any 11onse G in the trade, OBIT.—Last Monday morning the split of Mrs. George H'tyoroft took its flight. For several yettra she had been failing. As the disease—consumption— made progress her strength left her so that for months she was confined to her room at her father's residence. The husband of the deceased died about two years ago of consumption. Mrs. Hay - croft, accompanied by her sister, visited Kansas andpent several months there in the hope of restoring her health but very little, if any, benefit was derived from the trip. The subject of this notice was the eldest daughter of David Rosa, of this place, and was united in marriage to Geo. IIaycroft in the year 1880. Mrs. Haycroft took a great interest ie church work and was to general favorite with all who knew her. Two children, son and daughter, are left to the care of relatives, The funeral took plaoe on Wednevday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and other relatives have the gym. pathy m- pathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement. Rev. D. Forrest, of Wal. ton, conflated the service, assisted by Rev. S. Jones, Goon Move.—Last Monday evening a meeting of those interested in winding up the now defunct Caledonian moiety,, and the Driving Park Association was held in the Council chamber, peeve Gra- ham in the chair. F. S. Scott presented n5 bank account allowing the amount fn and to the credit of these organizations to be 55711. After talking over the wint- er for a time the money was disposed of a very sensible rummer by the follow. ng resolution :—Moved. by Jas. T. Ross, econdsd by A, Koenig that the Treasur. es of the Brussels Caledonian Society nd Driving Park Aaaoaintion pay ever 1 monies to the credit of these amities the Grey Branch Agricultural Society n condition that they purohese and nae en0ngh land, with what they own, tat a half mile track may be bnilt there. n, and agree to make a lease to a Defy. g Park Association to be formed so let the said DrivingPark Aeaooiation ay build such halmile track, said Geo to bo at ant annual rental for a notional term of yearn—Carried. A eating of the Direotora will be called at ace to take action on the proposal and is to be hoped the matter will beefier*. ably settled in tite neer future. John Loolde bas given hie figure for the land prepared to be pnrohased, With the ax. tea 8 or 1.0 wares our 'Show gtotind would tnk0 no second piece in //teen County. THE POST •WOCLI LINE To SaE —.-rile Grey Brauoh Agricultural Society act promptly on the offer of the Caledonian Society and Driving Paris Association— A young, pushing gentleman appointed as County Attorney for Huron.—Lees talk about the 'mid flag" and annexation and a hustle mode for Canadian Indepen- clence.-Phe one -man -one -vote principle adopted in this country.—The Senate abolished so that the enormous amount of money spent upon it could be put to some useful purpose: —Prohibition. -- Long credit wiped out of existence.—'un early move made for the next annual celebration in Brussels on Dominion day. —All the old bachelors marded or -else anmpelled to pay a yearly taxse-A funeral of the cranks. Dren.—Death's dread summons Dame suddenly to Wm. T. Lowe, of the firm of Lowe 'Bros. & Keene, 41 Colborne street, Torooto,'oh Thursday afternoon of last week. Mr. Lowe had eaten a hearty breakfast in the morning and up to that time had been in bis usual good health. When donning his overcoat to go down town from his residence at 5 Metcalf street, he felt a pain in the back of his head. Itis coalition rapidly grew worse, and two physicians being called it was discovered that a blood vessel had burst and the brain had become so suffused with blood that no hope of the unfcrbu- nate geutloatan's recovery could be en• tertamed. BC died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and his funeral, which was private, took place Saturday. Mr. Lowe was in his 33rd year and was tt very popular bnsioess man. The deceased was a brother-in-law of H. Dennis, of Beanie, and leaves a widow and one eon 0 years of age. Mr, and Mee. Tennis attended the funeral. Asingular fatality seems to have recently marked the course of the firm of which the deceased was a member. Mr, Berman, another partner, died about a month ago, Buo. IiOBR'e BAux OABRIAGE,—Tho Blyth Stamford says:—"Some months ago Bro. W. H. Kerr, of THE B1MSBDIs POST, advertised a second-hand baby carriage for sale. He was polled fun at little by Editors of the Wingham Advance, Atwood Bee, Clinton New, Era, and Mitchell Advertise', and it woe sug- gested that he reserve the baby carriage for future use, which we have good reason to believe he did. The interest has cropped up' again recently. Bro. Holmes being blessed with another ad- dition to his household, the 1300 has it flint be should be the recipient of the carriage, Bro. Holmes turns it over to Bro. Colwell, of Mitchell, and fa low minded enough to use a wheel. barrow. Bro. Colwell will probab'y wear it out, au his honsebold members away in the 'teens. Bro. Pelton, of the Bee suggests that Bro. Holmes and Colwell remove to the North west and start a colonization ationoy, The Advertiser goes for the Editor of the Bee in this manner :-'We accept the itdviee of our Brother of the quill, as we believe he is endowed with it kind spirit, but wo would augg{,eat that this quill driver stop I:i5 "Dalton" US, and goes to some colony Where he can get himself a partner for life, for it is nut good for man to live mute, and besides, be is pinlug for a holptnate to (baro his joys and aSHlet in banishing his troubles, Some dear girl (Agfit to take pity aril marry him, Sem ing in which direction bis wanderings have a tendency.' " We still own the baby ca'riage but mvy find a customer le Myth during 1801, if other newspaper mei don't object. We wlah yon much joy, 13re. Irwin, and wi0 expect to hear Crew you again, Tux Pose apologizes for intimating a week ago that the baokbone of winter was broken. We world not be surprised if the old fellow had three backbones, all in good repair, judging by Friday, Satur- day, Sunday and Monday. We are no bettor than Wiggins as a weather proph. et. Lemons.—Next Monday evening Rev, James Livingstone, of Listowel, will de. liver bis new and interesting lecture, on the "Imagination," in the Methodist church, Brussels, Boder the auspices of the Y. P. C. A. A oordial invitatiou ex- tended to all. Silver collection. STRETTON 00. CARTER,—This was a ease which come up at last Division Coat and in which after argument of oonnsel judgment was reserved for 10 days. Judgment has now been given holding that the Court has no jurisdiction and the action was therefore dismissed with costa to he paid by the plaintiff. WELL -DIGGING AND Donoiaa—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is peeper - 'ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure aatisfnotlon. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence seared door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43 -If A GREAT Spawn Marta.—The great- estspelting match on record is that offered by Our homes Publishing Co., in which they will award the following magnificout (huh Prizes :—Ono prize of $300 ; one prize of 5200 ; two prizes of 5100 ; lour prizes of 0550 ; eight prizes of $25 ; twenty prizes of 510 ; forty prizes of 55 ; nue hunclred prizes of 52 ; and two hundred of 51. Thiene prima will be a.arded to the persons sending in the largest number of correctly spelled words found in the advertising pages of the February number of Our I•Iomes, in which no letters occur but those found in the sentence : "Our Homes is UnrIvall- ed.aa a Home Magazine." Special cash prizes will be given away each day and each week during this competition, which closes April 25th, 1801. Send 10 cents in etamps or silver, for it sample copy of the February number, with rules and regulations governing the competi- tion. Address, Our Homes Pub. Co., Brookville, Ou 5, CHINA WEDDING.—On Monday evening, March 16th, Wm. Blaebill and wife cele- brated the twentieth anniversary of their marriage. Having invited a large nam. bar of their friends to be present with them on that occasion, their house was 800n filled. The early part of the even- ing was spent in innooeut amusenments, playing different parlor grimes and lis- tening to sweet strains of music rendered by some of the guests. Then Dame the most interesting part of the program— the dieposal of the magnificent supper, consisting of all the delicacies procurable, which, if enumerated, would matte it bill of fare aa long as your arm. Doting sapper Rev. W. T. (guff p:opnsed a suit- able toast to the host and hostess, Bev. S. Sellery followed with a short address, to which Mr. Blaebill responded very appropriately. The following is a list of the gifts presented :—China tea set, Rev. S. Seliery ,tud wife, Geo. Thomson and wife, W. H. Mo0raoken and wife, Wm. BoddIok and sister and bbe Misses Oliver ; biscuit jar. Geo, Rogers and wife ; tea- pot, Miss L. E. Cale ; 1 dor„ fruit plates,. F. 0. Rogere and wife ; silver and giass berry dish, FI, L. Jackson ; cheese dish, Thos. Kelly and wife ; porridge set, Rev, W. T. Olull and wife ; pith vases, Sem'L Burgees and wife; toilet set, Jar. Mooney and wife ; fruit dish, Mrs, T. Maxwell ; butter and fruit dish, Geo, Braker and wife; biscuit jar, A. Koenig and wife; individual cruet, W. F. Vanetone and wife ; fruit dish, B. Gerry and wife ; oespidore, Geo. Halliday ; toilet set, Geo. Jackson and wife ; fruit dish, Dan. Mo. Kenzie and wife ; half dos. fruit plates, Thos. Farrow and wife ;'toilet est, Wm. Ainley and wife ; thecae dish, H. W. Molsom and wife ; individual eruct, R, Leatherdaie and wife ; hall dos, fruit plates ;• W. I', Stewart and wife ; per. ridge dish, R. Wilson and wife ; huff dor,. china plata, 3. Cooper and wife ; fruit plates, H, Jackson and wife ; fruit dish, W. Jackson and wife ; china cup, P, Jaokeon and wife ; salt cruet, Dr. A. C. Sinolafr, of Toronto, The guests depart. ed for their respective homes expressing their best wishes for the future happiness and progpority of Mr, and Mrs, Blaehill, rail Wheat 06 08 Spring Wheat. . , 011 05 Barley 40 45 Crate 48 Paas,... 013 70 Butter, tube and roue,.,, 10 00 Eggs' per dozen 12 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00 Potatoes ., 45 50 Ray pot ton , 5 00 O Oil Pork , . ,. 6 00 5 50 Elides per lb., ..... ,. 4 00 Salt pa bbl., retail.,,, 1 21 00 Sheep skins, each. • , . ,, ., 00 75 Lamb skins each 40 50 Wool, per tb, , .. , ,, . , . , 18 20 Chicago, Milwaukee .G St, Putti Ry, Electric Lighted and Stamm Heated Veg. tibuled Trains, with Westinghouse Air Signals, between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, daily. Electric Lighted and Steam Heated Ves- tibuled Trains between Chicago, Coun- cil Bluffs and Omaha, daily. Through Vestibuled Sleeping Cars, daily, between Ohioago, Butte, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland, Ore. Solid Trains between Chicago and prin- cipal points in Northern Wisconsin 'and the Peninsula of Michigan. Daily Trains between St, Pawl, Minne. apolis and Kansas City via the 13edriok Route, Through Sleeping Cars, daily, between St. Louis, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Finest Dinning (jars fn the World. The Best Sleeping Cars. Electric Read- ing Lamps in Berths. 6,100 Miles of Road in Illinoie, Wilton. sin, Northern Michigan, Iowa, Minne- sota, Missouri, South Dakota and North Dakota. Everything First -Class. First•Clase People patronize First -Close Lines. Ticket Agents ems -where Sell Tickets over the Chioagn, Milwaukee and St, Pant Itilway. 11¢x=aPzgra,. Sairn—II,LNNA.—In Belgrave, on the 11111 inst., by Rev. Mr. Law, Mr. Adam Smith to Miss Annie, eldest daugh- ter of Hugh Hanna, both of Morris. Inw111—TAu8N.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 1155 inst., by Rev. W. F. Compbell, Mr. W. II. Ir. win, editor of the Blyth Standard, to Mies Mary E. Taman, eldest daughter of Joseph Taman, of Blyth. SIEWART—WAkuI'.IELn.—In Trowbridge, on Wednesday, March 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. James Caswell, Mr. Alex. C. Stewart, of Molesworth, to Mies Elizabeth Wakefield, of Trowbridge. azemm, Lows. -In Toronto, on the 12th fust., William T. Lowe, in his 33rd year. Ross.—In Bruoefield, on Tuesday, 1715 inst., Thos. Bose, aged 61 years and 7 months. Branca—In Trowbridge, on Thursday evening, March 5th, William J. Ritchie, aged 21 years and 4 months. ELtycnoPT —In Brussels, on the 16th inst., Blanche R., reliut of the late George iayoroft, aged 31 years, 3 months and 10 days. FRAIN.—In Gorrie, on February 21sb, Florence, youngest daughter of Al. herb Frain, Grey township, aged 1 year and 0 months. Lecean.-00 the 1095 inst., at the resi. donee of his son-in-law, J. F. Stew. art, 505 King street west, Toronto, Robert Leolue, formerly of the town. ship of Grey, in bis 81st year. A'r7•CTZON' S.A.Lr7a, TnESDAT, MAsou 81st.—Farm stuolt, implements, &o.,at south half lot 20, eon. 7, Morris. Geo. Kirkby, aunt. Primate J. Maoanghey, prop, REAL ESTATE. (!IIOIOE FARM FOE .SALE,— t,) lfoisg South half Lot 27,con.0, Morris. 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, One recon' bearing orchard. Immediate per. SW:191 n. Idaey Terme, Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, 55. Suholter, &a., Brussels, OTJSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— The subscriber often her house and lot, earner of James end streets, Brussel&, There is a comfortable house, good stable, splendid wolf, &a, on the pro. mines,. (ore of land. For further partial. lace as to price terms, too. app fv to MKS, WM.MoO.ULLOUGMI, Brussels, ai l) RENT— THAT DESIR. ABLE property on Turnberry street, Brussels, owned by the estate of the late Thea, Danford, being whoat 81 (ares of laud With 500,1 (rams dttol8ng, barn, stables and driving shed, gond well with pump, a180 good orchard. Will be rented for three or ilVet your to a. good tenant, Immediate imam. elan eau be given, Ap ityy to 17, 0.1)UNFORD, Merchant Tailor, drosses, Ont, or to A, IIbNTr1n, 84•tt Div. Court Clerk. ' :11AR35i FOR SALE,—THE UN- uEncfoErn offers for sale the north 88(555551(55 of lot 28, concession 6, Morale beauty of Huron, c"utainhlg 5e acres. The land Is of first gnalltV and in a high ewe of oultivatiou, welt tended and under -drained OD krheties withNooneram to 1wn33a, 5 vvulle good barna and sued, orchard, etc, Right acme of fail wheat, This desirable property ad Olna th a eo5ttel•etlfn of Brussel(. Suit- able terms will be given , T I 15,9055 (31t1NV50, e881, 08- Seafetth 14 b, c,q,B, Cem•Oynucar-uud Aueot Vire liisuranso (:0, tdliee at the C'n .i,took Poet (linea, UUSM ONITAT .Pepper's 0011clition Powders, Pepper's Pel'fcot Pills, Pepper's Worth Powders. ASK FOR THEM AT Pepper's Drug Stere. Opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels, Ont. 1\FINTOSa & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, 'iretzsoaet a G#exerai Manaklrag 73uo1azeoo, 000a1411 and NOTES'tYiited States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Coile,Gions made. on favorable 1850(3. Canadian Aga,fa_1talauis ar's 11ANE err CANADA, New 'York Agents—I1111'onx0115 AND 77080 rtta NATIONAL CANE. LEGAL AN 1 C 1 YVEY I I41'1. T�� L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Collet, - tions m • ntde ciOGB u—Vaustou,Ls Biock,CBruo- sels. 21.8m5 NAT M. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub lin &c. Oalee—Grahm a'( Block 1 do or north of Cropper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan, DICKSON' & HAYS, rich,) Harrsters,e with rS Solicitors. 10onveyaeeere, Quo, Oilleae—'(ruasals and Seaforth, Bras - sola Office—Upstairs over Bank. Alone, to Loan. IL 8. RAxe. W. n. DICE5ON A M. TAYLOR B. C. L., • Barrister, Solicitor, &o„ of the firm of Taylor, McOunongn & Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &e., Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan, BUSINESS CARDS. 7TH. MoORAOI{EN, • Iesurer of Marriage Licenses. Onloe (finis Gr000ry, Tarnborry street, Brussels.. 1• N. BARRETT, 5011511 01 Tonsorial. ga,t,Eao'o hardware store. Ladies' and cllidrons bail cutting a specialty a. •M °NAIR Intim of Al itri'laga LIeel,ses, by appointment of Limit, -Governor, Columis- aionn• S ROBERT OIJNNINGHAMM1 I1SC1LtNcil, FIRE ANSI MARINO, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the F,nerbb Dtv,slon Court, 00, 'Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Pnblio, Land, Loan and Tnsurnneo Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Colleobloas made. Mee In Graham's n loetr, 13 russets, MISS SI'IERLOCK, Late of the Conservatory of Mesta, Toronto, isprepared to give lessons at Mithel Fisher ' and 1 Mr. Harrison on pil theopiano,0 and of Mr, S. H. Clark iu vocal music. Class at Cranbrook every T,1>eday, Par terms, 40„ apply at the Methodist Parsonage, it5i1e1. MISS -0- Teacher of Plano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Organist iu St. Johne Church; Brus- sels, solicits a share of the patronage of the mesio -loving people of Brussels and violn- ity. Instructions given at current rates. Terme references, &a. may bs ascertained by nailing at the residence) of mrs,Duninrd ar., Turnberry street, Brussels, 7-51 MISS LILLA O'OONNOR Is desirous of procuring pupils in Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto le )110680,1 to give his testimonial iia 00 (flea of ]tis durf,git� erestayl having Guelpin,'aloopupil mental Nude no Piano, Organ attd Gutter.Ter. St„•mPromote, A Ass O'S,knowon nnuoris open i Princess fo Concert ]tngngem en t0. g0- . DEs TSL. ..M1 .977211'=2 S T;Z Y'1 • G. L. ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas 0,1- miuistsred for the P51 ,10ss Idctrastion of Tenth. 74 Gerrard Street Mast, 'Vonore °. 1)I51'v Titee T1 M. CAVANAGIH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the .Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto um. varsity. ora ws—opposite American Rotel. Brame, AUCTWNE'ERS. A RAYMANN, • 4uottnnear, le always ready to at- tend pales of farms, farm stock, '211 Torun elmerfnlly giver. Oraubrook P, 0. Sales may be arranged 01 THE Poets Pubiisbing Boum, Benueels, 1 EOiIG t' I{IIRKBY, ATI Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct- od en reasonable terms. Parma and farm stook a specialty. Orders loft itt Tar PORT 1'01,115h I ugnoltse, fi en swig, or Solt to Walton P, 0„ Will r00oivo prompt attention, LTAVING TAKEN OUTLIOEN- a1) nil an Auctioneer, I nm 11 1'001600,1 to coudiot Sales of farm stook et reasonable prices, I(nOWiog the Mending of Dearly every portion f ant in a POeINon to eel! to good merits and gat good Rea1,1Ity whom 801c1 on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call, 82• 1 S. SCOTT. i{IIEDIOAICARIIS. CALE M. D, C. Y� Member of the Co11eg0 of Ph:vendee. andSurgeons of Ontario by examination Unice and ltoaidence—Main etroet East, Mimi, Ontario, ir A. MaNAUGi9TON, M. I). f • 0, M„ 0,15.0. P., ltdinburgh, M, O. P S. Out. At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to ll•110 a In. and from 1:80 to 4 s. M. At other bones may be found at his rotideuee, farm* arty °templed by Dr. 55 ntohlnonu, Mill St. VETERINARY. TD, WAU{WICii, tR terror g or the Obtain Veterinary dost, is prepared to treat diseases of domesticated animals in 00pa, potent manner, Partienlrir attention pawl to Veterinary dentistry, Calle prornittlY at. tended Infirmary—awn doors h fbrie, Office1br yItrals,