HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-20, Page 5MARCH 20, 1891 THE BRUSSELS POST outil now boon regularly organized into mission band. Vole leaven the Auxin. William Manning has gone to Ninga, one having been added Inst year. Ono Manitoba, this week, J. T. Pepper, of ienlribteinet for the year eau $000 ; of Bout-gels,a, on liedhim. that amount $20.41 ; was raised bythe W. Potton lane rented his farm to T. girls $26 by a life memborshipfee, $32.80 at hroo On n'ntr the thank-offering byenvelopmeeting,I21, and the remaining $ by rho old,m members of the Auxiliary, including donations from friends. We also sent clothing valued at $30 to the Northwood, and paid $2.10 for freight expenses. levy with a membership of thirty.one. The band, whiob held their first meeting Feb. 25th, begins with a membership of twenty nine. We have six life members, Heffernan for a term of years, J. A. Yong 1once. will occupy the n Rev. J. T. LeGear, formerly of Ethel, who is now stationed at Lit Molle, Illi- noin, le much pleased with hie new babi• talion. The remnine of the late Robert Lookie was brought from Toronto to Etho1 star tion on Thursday of this week fur burial at Cranbrook, 131.0 IAA . On Bnndity morning Bev. 14. W. Hughes, Rector of Wingliau, officiated in Trinity Church Blyth. A juvenile temperance lodge has been started in connection with the temper. anus order of this burg. On t4Iotday evening in the Methodist chnreh the pastor, the Rev. W.F. Camp. bell, delivered a lecture on "The wadding %'i ,alt ,sewn. Good butter is a very searue article just now, The next regular horse fair will be held in Winjlnan on Thursday, March 211tH, The Dominion Jubilee Singers (the old O'Banyouu troupe reorganized) gave a grand concert in the Methodist church, Wingham, on Monday evening last, Maroh 10th. The question, "Resolved, that Fire is more destrno'ivs to life and property than water," will be debated at the meet. ring." Bentley i g.Sunday evening about 10 o'a'oolc mg of Anchor of Hope Lodge, I. 0. G. On '1'at their ma -ting to be held of Tues - when chief Davie was on his way home dayavenins 21th inst. ho observed a female loitering around the 'Inlay lire hall. As goon as she ()aught glimpshe Salvation Army people are glimpse The their new barrnuks, on I Edward of him the moved elf. He followed her street. Theo building will be 80x50 tet, but she was too float for him, and he un - and will all bo nest, ns a barracks, except fortunately coming in contact with some 10 feet at the back end, whiob will bo clothes lines, she got away from him, need as a r. eidenee for the officers in but ono time he got close enough to her charge. to know who Site wag. The sane ill• dividnal bas been noticed for some One Wzt 1 ton. ,Andrew Aitoheoon, eheeae buyer, left puast t sualrhour of thetnight forthereets one oft her Mr. Morrison, of Bromfield, wag at the khc al 1 conlntry. ist week annual hastens. trip to an sex to be ant. It is generally believes P,esbyterian mange on Sunday. that iter intentions are not any too good Tho A. 0. U. W., have precured a fall John Bamford wan olar,'e ( by ncalnm• talon to 011 the vacancy in tho 1•ullin and that our authorities ahoaid,colt Tato sot of bassos and now look quit gay. School Board caused bythe Meati of the Did our correspondent, in reference to this matter ere it is too late, the oyster supper, advise a change of late 01 ,law Little. sensoring, or what was it 7 Paid Ilrvny has disposed of hit store Rev. D. Forrest and Rev. J. Ross par. property on Main street, t'1 .1. S. Gee, of posed choosing pulpits last Sunday but Newry, for $1 103.01). ;1l.', Goo will rent Mex. Sharp and Thos, Bird loft for Toledo on Thursday morning. Some. body says "Will ye no come back again, Sandy," Bottom., RSronT,---Tho following is the standing of the pupils. in S. S. No. 6, Morris, for the month of February :– ciao -- clans Grn. Beilhy, Alf. Tlns'ull, ' Florence Lawrence, Fourth olas0 Mel. ' inda Clegg, Maggio wateon, Ira Parker. Fourth Junior–David Russel, Joseph Oampbell, Wm. L,wrenoa. Third --Jas, Watson, D. Allison, Jos. Parks, 1euan3 Senior–John 11081000, Maggie Boilby, Chas. Lawrence. Second Junior–Gen. Lawrence, Lawrence, Sarah Russell, John Megill. Part II --•D. Halliday, Mabel Watsol and Thos. Corbett, DI:1111o.--An interesting debate was held in Barrie's school hoose on Wed, noedny evening of this week on the sub. j, of : "Resolved that Ireland has pro. dnr.0d grouter men than Scotland." The question N„s ,wall (11,00010,1 by tho spcalc.'rs on both sides, the affirmative bolus lad by Jno. Bain, assisted by Wm. Sloan, ami the negative by Wm. Bryson, assisted by Wm. Porde and Malcolm Bloch. At the clone of thediwenssion the chairman, A.. Hislop, after sunt ming up, in nut able manner, the points snored by the respective oile4, gave his (Ieeili= ill favor of the negative, A vote of thanks was then tendered the clutir0110 and the Meeting was brought to a can•,".Another debate will be held in Mr. Black's school house on 'Thursday evening of next week when the sill i. et "Resolved that capital punishment should be abolished" wid be discussed, 10 13. Mrs. Jas. AloOallnm, of the boundary, has been seriously ill. A. Odell has moved to the farm vacated by Thos. Gilgan. Thos. Roo, of the 14th con., has recent. ly sold four very Ono horses, realizing a good figure therefor. The framers are busily engaged in taking out the timber for Harry and J. Donnie' barn, which they intend raising during the early slimmer. J. S. Hogg, of Loadbury, has perches - ed .t spicy little driver, and "Old Bob.,” who hos done such good eervice during the past, will be superauuated. John I(ornigan and his daughter Minnie visited friends in this township while Aft'. IKarnigen was attending the Presbytery meeting 10 Seaforth. Thos, Gilgan and family have removed to Ribbert, where Mr. Gilgan will re. tooth, du01ug the semmer with lois brother who has, of account of i11 health, been incapacitated for hard work. Geo. Laird called on his friends in Vt•miio•op prevo"s to his departu00 for Dal;oto wherein: bolls a lucrative p0si tion. 1I. anent a Few months lit the Stratford leu ioeso Co lege, and e,ys lie feels hlmsc'f more eomp00 1(1 for hio do.ties. T.e, rhereles were poorly attended last deli . ,t11 acing to tho stormy ,v,lath• were prevented by the inolemeney of the the property, and intends remaining in weather. Rev. D. Forrest was ab Brussels o1 Wednesday atlondiug the funeral of the late Mrs. rUayoroft in the absence of Knox church paster. Tom Brown, the Seaforth auctioneer, is round again with a bankrupt stook. Toon is quite an auctioneer but nothing to what ho in ELS a ]adios' man. Fifty-five dollars Incabeen collected this year for Walton Branch Bible So. oiety and a few collectors books are out yet. This is a great improvement on last year and speaks well for the local meetings held. This is tha third year of operation. Walton Council, 1184, R. T. of T., will hold an open meeting on Wodn• 8day evening of next week when a good pro- gram of readings, rooita'ions, temper - fume songs, etc., will bo p'esented. The mectiug will be held in DetT'e oh (roll. Colpo one, cone all. Mr. Jones, 01 the 'loyal, gave a ball .m $1.2,000 or $11,000, and assets m nniallly Monday ev::ning of this week when per- the same. \bout a month ago a clinttel -1.. rr,m Brussels, Searn•th Bhrtd, leer eu-eenvgiven byMr. Iti3,N to At Newry. This town has been considerably ev• cited over the late Hess Ore and it i; currently reported if everybody pots their deserts they will board at Kingston for a row years. As the mise., train for the south on tho G. B. it L. E. Ry. was shunting in the yard bore on Wednesday afternoon, of last week brallemat J. L. Sanderson got his he drawbars andnd caught between ad it tei'riblysmashe awbarsand1 d. The hand was bound up, and he then left for his home in Stratford. Some of the fingers and a part of the hand were emaohod almot to a pulp. It is Bared. that the band will have to b amputated. John Riggs, general mer011ant, Loeb -o- wed had a meeting of his creditors (t few days ago, 101(0,11 Henry Barber & Co. were appointed to iuvsetigatu bis affairs and report, 0t a meeting hold ,Monday. The liabila.ies aro estimated at abnm e e 1 l'liutnn (net to have a "o ,d time, and 1[el.: iron for :-,t1,000,Lis understood he they had it. It was the intention to will ,•llcr 1' c 011 the dollar, secured. have In it no Friday bit wormy Buss Duct.–I he following is n list , f weather hall prevente I. It is said one the insurance- and the companies inter. young man ,vvmv,,ry11.110 dj8iLM)Ointed eatod:–.Western$0,000, Lancashire e,• berm •e' 1 t p1 ,n. mon'. ''. ho was Wed North neon $3 02,1, (mord, u( he 1 (/211, 1e. 1. Ansoeiation ;3,020 Eastern Er. NOTE 1IVEblro't. o0reospoulcnoe $3,0211,Manehester$2,300, N rah 111nlslc The e's ament of the Lord's supper was meeiv0,1 from 1Valtnn thie week it 'Mercantile $1,000, British American will be dispensed in Knox church next signed "A subscriber." We keow of no ?4.1,130 T•„ei on bac clings end maoht- HnbhntL. seenper00n. We m--sthews the gen nino' u,:'v,$30,200. On tonic ---North British IT. White, an old resi,l^lit here, lint row mantel 111 0 cry inatanae ,n• we (aleph ,C Mercantile $1,1033, National $2,1110, re0din in Micelle to, has I ecu very ill 1-,,,,,e,,,,,,,,, of 0onlmnnia•011010 ' Royal Cion .,than $2,11011, Phmnix ;,3,01)1, for some time. ('itiaeu- $1.750, Uui,oi $1,600, Commr•r- tvut. ,hiller, tailor, who has been sick Id 01•••44. Dial Union $11,0'0, City of London $2,' most of the winter, 18 still ,cry ill. We David Smith end Adam Sholdiee, o' 600, Caledonian 4:1,600, Petit' on stuck hope soot to hear of his speedy recovery. this townehip, left for the west this $111,700. The totol ,mount of inleura c.0 Rev. D. R. McRae will attend the sex: week, o1 blildi"g0, machinery and stook is mee•inp of Ella General Assembly of the The O'lls nymnt Troupe Jubilee Singers $10,0,0. Presbyterian church to be held m Bing• gave a annnert in the Methodist aluu'ah, ston. Belgravo, on Thursday evening of last !'here are 10,000 MOS of ha gripe i11 Mrs. Wm. Gordon and Airs. Robert 00.1,)1. rllThereolia. Gordon, left Brussels on \V^Jnosday fo 3ames Bolger left on We h osdsy for Neepawa, Mom., where Choir husbands C wess Ltiv•r, \Ian., and Alfred Button are located. We wish them prosperity in the west. An old and well ki,ovn resident passed away last Monday in the person of Robt. Leolcie. He had been making his home with his son-in-law, J. F. Stewart, at To. Tonto, and had been ill for some time. The old gentleman was a resident of this locelity for a great many years, being one of the pioneers a"1 w•ag as whole soul. ed,grnisl and neighborly it man as could be fomid, Mrs. Leckie died a fey years and while he was attending to tis cttlP tet Mr. Leckietramped on Mr. MoOuey's ankle injuring ego in Grey township, surviving children are John, Wm„ Mts5 . it so severely that he has been laid np Shinntm e , Mre. Oa'row and Mrs. Stew since, splints h,tvfaa to be put on the in - art. The body of the deceased wen in - I arnd member. terredhere on Thursday .afternoon of and William Cllenean for Brand n. They were ticketed by J. T. Pepper, 0. P. R. agent of Brussels. Some -folks say the Bnshflel l lnstoffice will be abased shortly as no person( will bother with it at the Rotary allowed. Postmaster Newcombe and family will remove to Newark, N J. in the Spring. Last "gnuclay a Jersey bele ngi'.g to John Mooney got, a pieta) of turnip f st in its throat. Tho veterinary wa caller, HYDDNEar.-011 Wednesday of Inst Ude seek, being brought from Toronto week Adam Smith, of the 0th con., and nn the afternoon train to ,Ethel. Mr. Miss Annie, eldest dangh er of iInub Leckie wan in his 81st year. Hanna, .f the same lino, were united in marring., :u. 1) Igra• e, by Rev. 111r, Law. Atwood. Miss Maggie Hanna 'vas bridesmaid, aucl David Smith noted as groomsman. Next Tuesday they will remove to Dete- rmine, Manitoba, where they purpose making their home. ENTSAValINnONT. – The entertainment p,00n by the penile of S S. No. 3 in the Town Hall, last Tuesday evening, 00(10 a gral.d suove0s. Notwithstanding rho bad roads, tho Hall was packed full. Allan Spoil' performed the du'ies of chairman in a most acceptable manner. The beet of order was preserved, and tho long pro. gram of •16 pi000e was excellently render. ed. Follo,vhng is the program:–Inetru. mortal music on the organ, violin, dulcimer and harmonica, by Mince Wherlocwand Sharp, and E. McLennan, A. Steart, T. Bird and D. Smith ; vocal music by the pupils, Misses A. Wheeler, B. Stewart, Ella MoOrackon and Sarah and John Currie ; recitations by Hilton Ontrir, John Currie, Herbert Mitchell, Jan. Monne, Russell Wheeler, Jesse Burkholder, Martha Currie, Posey Mitchell, Ann Mitoboll, Elate Mitchell, Tom Burkhobler, Tillie Ellis, Bolla, Henna, Mary Jauo Olark and Margaret McMurray ; lectures by Tao Gook and Willie Love ; dialeguoo–"True Charity," by Ann Spoir, Lizzie McNeil, Linn AIe- Arter, 1Vlartha Corrie, Jane Miller and Elam Mitchell ; "Unjust Suspicion," by Janet Spoir, Ann Mitchell, Ann Spoir, Tillie Ellis, I,iz0io A'IeNeil and Mara, Alituhell.1 'Wonderful Eggs,” by 'Will Wright and Sam iiloOracksn ; "The Dal key's Double," by John :Kerney and Willie 1400 ; '' A Tough Boarding Mateo," by Lennard Russell and T. Burkholder ; "'Catching the Train," by "Mae A. Clark and Goo, Love ; "The Dualist," by jots. and Wm, Kerney and Sas. Yottill; "I'/orel and .Lady `.teazle," by Kiel Annie Miller and Ed. McLennan ; "Togas Jones," by Mies Ella McCrankon, MiGs Maggie Aie. f,enmtn, Edmund McLennan, Thomas At the flax meeting on rho 7111 inst , Young Coulter was installed as director instead of Robert Morrison, rosigeod. Tho whole season's flax ---65 tons –was sold to J. tett J. I,tviugetn0, of Baden. The CompauY formerly disposed of the manufactured article to Ameriotn buy. ors, bol, it was thought that they could do as well If not bettor by turning it over to the Messrs. Livingstone and got their money promptly in return. The date for the North Perth Farmers' Institute has boon foxed for Tuesday, March 241(1. There will be an afternoon and evening session. In addition to prom- inent local agriculturists, who will dis- miss important farming subjects, Prof. Shaw, of the Aurienitural College, Guelph, will deliver several instructive addresses on topics of interest to the farming community. The soseionc will be bold in the Agricrllturel hall. A. mus- ical program is being prop010(1 for the owning meeting, W. F. M.S.–With feelings of gratitude to God we close the sixth yoar of our work ae an auxiliary of tho Women's 1 oroige Missionary Sooioty. We desire to aokno ledge the hand of God in the steady progress wo havo made year after year, knowing that He alone can open( tho heart of His people to help femori. Hie cause. We have boon trench 05001117 - aged by tiro tokens of sympathy wo have received from many in the oongregatimn, shown by voluntary offerings from time to time during the year, as well as by the hearty response to our appeal for thank- offorings at the close of the year. We elesad the year with a membership of thirty.eight, ntalucifng those who eon - tribute rogniarly by envelope but do not attend our meetings. Sinop then wo • Have orlianind a Mission band of the yuan:; gale who have in the past been rumbas of the Auxiliary, and have Rept their oontribations separide, hot never McLennan and Dr, Dinemoro, 1'�AJ1.,i,F'o LINE 1'ojal. ,fail Steamships. OUP ExeuRSIONS to EUROPE r•o1TNIanTI,Y examine mine 0100)[ POItTLAN[I int Ii,LIkAX, • To DERRY 011 LIVERPOOL. C 1150 R•1 TES, 2(411. 810 and -100, single; $tall. 'F to Locatand ion No CA'rrr,.a 0101(,011)1). INT r laattP1A •rhe, Outward 820 ; Prepaid $80 Steerage 00 Leweei Mates, Accommodations Unsurpassed., At.plt4' to f2, k A. ALLAN, Montreal, on W. II. I%HAIR B1, AGENT, BltosslLs. Extensive Auction gale Mill Property IN BRUSSELS. In order• to wind up the Estate of the late Wat. VANsroxe there will be offered for sale by public auction at Brownie on I'11111RRSD,Y, Al'I1IL sell, 1808, At 2:80 o'olook P. al., the following valu- able property, viz.: 1st. Ono of the most complete Roller Floor Millleheainonlgoo b together wthand Mil, Two knowwelling iag Ii a ae 'Into, Water Power, &¢., known as the National Roller Mills. ^! ud. The Illicit Stores on Turnberry St. ppknowng� as the Vanstono Bleak, with largo 1000. Goo ,irgenertl storoulii occupied by Ie S Naylor iaw.tiI , Sinclair, law 00100, and the mills, in gpo et�10 0f ofltivatiOnoast of 4111, TI10 1.3,lakl011oe an corner 0f Fiera atroot, occupied by W. To, VaustOno, Otto, Lot, 830011 foot, on corner Turnbe'ry eau Market streets, whir% MIS been usedas a marble shop. nth. Tho boattifel residence and grounds of the late Wm. Vanotcue, 24 sores, ou the Ayer 1,0000,10510 lawns mud trees. Alt the 011000 Vr0porty is in good repair and noa'ly new, Title rorloot, and will be sold on ea8y torics of payment. P0008000,1 eon he given May lot. If not Bold, the pre. )rorty will be leased for term of year,.. Por fnrther llartldtlars apply tlo C l3.'' 1N Gl1NT ;' (l10ot:eters. O.,tT, S'Uu5Tr0N, Auetiouum'. New Goos! Go and soo MRS. E. IIOGERS' splendid stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods just arrived. '1 hey are worth looking at, and we feel a pleasure in showing them, even if you don't buy, We have (tomo Pretty New Goods as Low as We. a Yttrd. Our Prints, too, are the Prettiest seen for Many years past. We make a specialty of every line of Mourning G-oods, of which we keep a large stock on hand all the time. Our Courteous and Obliging Milliner, Miss Green, will be here - next week to commence t110 spring season. Our grand Millinery Open- ing will take place shortly, of which we will give due Notice. E. _ROGERS. $PRhI .�n�'O TIP ALA. sFR'iG, To Br, Graham's Plock, Opposite E)UU8BII'S Hotel. Our New Store is Central, Well Lighted and Convenient, and I will be glad to see all my old customers and as many new ones a, may call All will be made Welcome. The past week has been a busy one opening, unpacking, marking and getting into order the purchases for another Season F trade. Our Assortment is Large The Styles are particularly Attractive The Prices are Low, and the Values are .Exceptionally Good. We have bought a very Large Stock of the celebrated Lybster Shirtings, every piece warranted Fast Colors. We are also in receipt of a large consignment of English Prints and Satteeils —all New Styles —Gray Cottons, Pickings, Pillow Cotton, Sheetings. Cottonades, Dress Coeds, Gin gbams, Cashmeres. Cashmer- ettes, Lusters Enbroider- ' les, Etc , Etc. The late fire destroyed our stock of Hats & Caps, so we open up with Everything New in this Line. Call and See our Electric Hat, the Latest Out. We have just opened 35 Cases of Boots & Shoes, so we can supply everyone with this line of wear. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES. ,A very Fine Line of 35c. Tea. Try it. These goods have been bought in the best markets at the very lowest prices, and will be sold at a small advance on cost, for cash or trade. Our business for the past year on the cash or ready pay System has been very satisfactory. It enables !1s to sell on a much smaller margin, and is better for both buyer and seller. We have not attempted in this advertisement to enumerate the many novelties and attractive articles which wo have to show ; neither deo we (quote prices ; the space is too limited. All are invited to come and see them. New Faces will be Made Welcome. Old Customers will be Cordially Received. Remember the Stand—Graham's Block, one door North of Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels. ALEX. STRAOHAN. D ULL ICOR SERRVIOE.—TRE –Undersigned has recently nurqba00d en. kelp 1,.? sa(;ieooreuist.,o,1 Dar. ,tam bull on N 1 lot 48, eon. 6. Morris. Tonus 81.00 to be paid at time 01 sorvice with prl. vilogue of returning if necuaoarr. 24.88 300. 0111110(101, Proprietor. P SERVICE OF I 1 I D( T ']9lt1V b O L1i,V (, )>" 1V Y 1G. B • TI1QItO1 f113RI.D ER F - J S ,1 BULL.– One 00w, 02.20; 0 (lows, $4.00; additional cows, 21.10 enol,, all the property o1 one porton, A dllcouut o1 10 nor mint, will be deducted when druid a4 the time of servleo, Tol'eey Cows 8-4.00 each extra. G. A. DP:ADMAN, Druggist, ,to. IMPROVED LARGE WRITE 'YORK, SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service this present oeasou the improved large white York third. pig "handy" a, let 28, 000.0, Monis, to which a I.mited number o1 sows will ha talcau, Terms $1.W to he paid at time of service, with the privilege of return- ing if naoeoaary. Pettigree may be seen 1.1p- 00 applloatiou, 18013LRT 1410110L, (311 Proprietor. rpwo L'UBBE BRED PIGS FOR 11 $TkViC]s•,–The undersigned loos re. Gently purchased and will keep for Service at Norte, half Lot 20, Oen, 7, Morrie, a Pure- bred Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr, Snell, and also an ((1do imported c 1leater White, our year old, bren by '1'hpe. 0corgn. 1'utaw, 1'108 ,mpnrtod se a lc oa both rides. PI,to hod teolr era , 0(1 at the Industrial Toronto, til,, 1030,10o,a ceras el 17, aro also •h•Q At the Wo,tarn Fair in a class of 18. 01-00; 1,1 be paid at time of service, with privilege 01 returning if necessary. 10.11 5, WALBRIt, Proprietor. Half the Virtues —)alc (--- ST. LEON Have clever beer, Told. ^T Read this— JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad. 1Vhen I stooped oould scarcely straighten up; felt 'nisei able. For three months I persisted in a free use of ST.14:027 WATER, It w9.0 the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par excellence ; p0100, stifling, oto. all gone. Call at my office, I will tell far more about the value of St. Leon. W. Hlcorus, Empire Laundry, 823 Queen street west, Toronto. And 11130– BILIOIIS HEADACHES GO. I bad rheumatism in my knees and fingers, i.illour headaches, etc. every few weeks. Mr. Ilig,;i'o, I•:uipire L sundry, urged me to try RT. Ld:eN lliuernl Water. I did, and it set lime all right headaches and pains all gone. My wife not duce children 0(01 use it. we all dol ht. Lr nn Water very good and health 0• T. S. ANUNeOoN, Wat¢ll- iLakcr al. J , 1 illi (00en street 1Lst, 'rcrunta, A FF[ESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED. Geo. Good, Agent, .1'i Leon Jlinernl Hitter Co'y, St, Leal, Qac. Bugles egg lett Buy your 1'r.gg;i's from - D. EWAN - And Save Money. I am building a large number of the Best buggies, wbich are to be sold at the Lowest Prices ever offered to the public. Every- th;ng al out theta is First-class. The very I3est Standard Wheels, and the Workmanship through- out Guaranteed. 1 ant ,Determined to make a Big Slaughter cn Prices this year. I havo sold a large number of Buggies during the past 5 years to many of the leading men of this section and surrounding country, and 1purpose to keep up the number and double the quantity. Call and See the Rigs and Get our Prices. Don't buy a buggy until you see my Stock of Choice Buggies. Repairs in Wood work and Iron done at Rock Bottom Prices. Painting and Carriage Trimming done at, the very Lowest Rata, Horseshoeing Dur with the Bost Experience incl Attention, as in the past. 13313 AN BUSINESS, D. EWAN. Shop opposite. Queen's Hotel, B1H18813Ls.