HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-20, Page 44
New Advertisements
Looals—T, Eleteher,
Jersey Bull—O. A, Deadman.
Chicago, Milwaukee tie St, Paul
Our own preparation—O. 4. eden,
. .
lie 'tir:t15$c15 'Vast
3141?. 20, 1891.
NOMINATION in South Grey for the VOO.
alloy in the Local Legislature on Wed.
needay, April lst, and polling on the 8th
if there is a contest.
Tug Dominion VotersList should die
This ie not only the opinion of Reform-,
ens generally but the sentiment a somes
of Conservatives. There was something
in keeping it booming as long es the pat.
renege went to the Conservative printing
offices at top notch prices but wben the
Government undertook to do their print-
ing at their Bureau at Ottawa, the sup-
port of the pap fed prose was withdrawn
and now they advise that it be hung,
quartered and divided. The Clinton
News -Record expresses itself this week
as follows :--"Tbe impolioy of printing
ethe Dominion voters' lists at Ottawa
"has been fully illustrated by the bane -
"Hug manlier iu which ulnas and places
eta residence are placed on the existing
lists, The Dominion lists should be
"printed in races in the re•pective rid -
"live, for the sake ot accuracy, if they
"did cut something more them i pres-
ent, It is also unfair for the Govete-
"ment to use public capital in unveil -
"don with private enterprise ia the print-
"ing line, those engaged in which do
"more p .blio work gratultons'y than
"all other classes oombmed." You
will observe that the list has been got out
in a "bungling" manner.
Jas. Snell, of Hullett, nits sold his
trotting mare, "Ley Fleettoot," to Win.
Morrison, of liellett, for $870. She is
!Aid to bevel et record of 2.35 at four
sears old.
A. meeting of the South Heron Farm.
erie institute will be held at Bruceileld
on the 2711, Mete and will be addreseed
by Prof. Dean, of the ()Marie &dent-
algre;ion MoKi lis,
mother ef Mrs. R, Racieliffe, Gotierich,
died en al areh Oth, at the advanced age
of 02 yeare. Deceased had resided in
Gocierioh for some thine, and was in very
fair health, notwithstanding her old age,
until aboot two months ego, when she
tools to her bed owing to abed fall, which
resulted in her &nub. The remains were
taken to Fort Erie for interment.
'Vhs Lucknow Sentinel aaye :—A peti•
• hoe will be eireuleted in the village in a
few days askin the railway company to
run the roort•leg train from London
through to Kineardine, instead of waiting
at Wingbam for the noon freight. This
change would be a great convenience to
parties having business in Kincardine,
and could also bring the reed's here two
or three hours sooner than at present.
Kincardine and Ripley are also getting
up petitions.
The Toronto Mail in its notes on the
opening of the first session of the Ontario
Legislature states ;---111r. Garrote, who
euocet ds the former Provincial Tenser-
er. in the representation of West Duren,
spoke vigorously in seconding Mr. Tait
turbo moved the address in reply to the
speech from the throne) and made a most
favorable impression on the House. He
appears to be an able, practical man and
a 11 ad worker. He has the look of a
man who has good eyesight for a flaw its
a deed or a turn in the mareet,
The Clinton New Era says err—Dr.
alacdounld, M. P., Ewa throe, passed
south on Saturday lest, on a visit to itis
fa tle r in 1..'.,, Nel! II, FS, of Tnekersznith,
(near Itruceittedd Ma Ross has the
honor of being one of the oldest voters
the county, buying cast his ballot in the'
first e union, when the counties of
Middleeex, Perth and Huron were in one
group, and be has performed the same
duty at every subsequent election. Mr.
Ross oan give many interesting re.
miniseences concerning the difileulties of
pioneer voting, and states that at the
first election for the group of counties
mentioned, the voting was held openly
in Geduld), for a week and matters
were se lively that is was necessary to
bring op the "Regulars" fr, m London,
so as to maintain order,
Sidereads badly drifted.
Wm. Crooks is very little better than
at last report.
klarsden Smith has been on the sick
list this week.
Wm. Kerney is teaching school it the
eastern par.t of this protinee.
laerer ha. I Ball, of paranto, is vi, it -
Mg his grandparents for a few weeks,
Mire. Robt. Drown's nrietioo 0411' 3043,1
largely aiteuded mid go al pries were
Olathe,' fo scarls.
1. 1.. • •• :i I i•
inflammation but is now on the mend,
33 are eted
'Thos. Stritclian, jr„ who tverit re,
c9ntly has dropped into n 'iterative posi.
tion at Lartee 0 Landing, 13. C.
r. Park lilt thmar iiti ea th
greund 0,1timaiier large barn widish 113
pr.11.0; i.0131111..11tt rext smuttier.
J110. Forbes, sth con., is quite ill, and 6
Toe city of New Orleans stands in a
most tmenviable position at present on
actionnt of the deliberate murder of
eleven Italiaus by a mob headed by a
lawyer named Parkerson. It appears
the Chief of Police Hennessey Wag shot
down in that eity and after lengthy
trial the persons arrested were Steele to
get off. To preclude the possibility of
them regaining their liberty and also to
aveoge the death of Henueesay, the
prison was visited teed the suspects were
shot down like doge. ['here is likely to
be trouble over this lynch law business,
it ie said. Parkerseu low reactive 1 the
folio .ving torte. perm w1.11.0 to wino from
a member of the Mati I. society : "Katie
warning.--Yott are a deemed man and
Gd Almighty ti menet stye yoti. We base
it sworn. Our cmirtelea yen murdered
tied will hill e n your
Yee will be poisoned. The
stiutto will du for the rest,"
The alontreed Witness speaking of this
outrage says : beastliiie,s of do
New Orleans betel -1.1.y is ghown the
record of the wounds. One corpse hal
no ese titan thiety.six. Such was the
end of a timid fellow who waited to liee
an honest life b .1 had peen frightened
into the Mal r. It see.es to b . fully re-
cognized on ell Ikeda that the ruffia;
will not be brought to justice. Mean-
while, the barbarous vendetta called
lynch law goe Mt unchecked. Wu ireed
the other day of the hanging in Emu milty
of a woman whose male relatives were
obnoxious to the lynchers, being suspect
ed of poisonine, and of the arta p1 of
certain Scandinavians to punish in the
same way a suspected adulturer—per-
haps, if the °rime was proven, the beat
exense an Wand husband and his friends
could breve. The Italian Minister at
Washington immewliat sarcastically
ep eke of Italy as u civilized enuntry„
veer derientely mplying that there may
be question ate to whether the country to
whit r he is diterl is obe or not
Whatever may be said in thin respect of
Italy and the c wary which claims -
these murderous Sicilleine for subjeots
burr. need to assert the olaim,—it 01.11
hard/y be denied Mid parte of the United 1
Stares are still uncivilized. In judging I
Italy's feelings at the present moment a
Amerlotus have need to consider what
wotild be their own under like eiream•
stemma. Supposing a party of American d
sailers tried awl acquitted by the Dalian f
courts bad been set aeon and butchered F
Prince Napoleon is dead.
A aye months old anughter of Bernard
Shrone of Chicago, was suffocated Mon-
day by a pot oat filet MI6 sleeping in the
cradle with the baby.
site for the national home for
Printers at Colorado Senates has been
sal eted. It is the deeire to have the TOWNSHIP OF GREY
wore fer enough adviteceil to lay the
MAR= 20, 1891
)01' TH1S(—•
eorner eioue Aray 12, G. W. (ankle'
birthday. FOR THE YEAR 1890.
Alice Williams, a rebut and enueoular
W01111311, that oho is a obammon
female wrestler uf the world. She ralisit
at the Pollee Gazette office, New York,
with her manager, Capt. Graham, who
posted a fin feit of $100 and issued a chal-
lenge to any female wrestler in the world
to wrestle Alice Williams for hoof $250
to $1000 a side,
In a Berlin cafe coffee is brewed by
eleolrioity. A platinum wire passes 111
spiral threugh several glue jars, the
ehotrioal eurr, nt quickly rattling the
water contained to a boiling point, and
the coffee is thus prepared in the view of
everyone in the room • then a small
electric railway transmits the coffee to
the several tables, so that the guests may
help themselves to their
The emigration of Russians to Brazil
has taken on extraordinary proportions.
The German steamship companies have
bad to organise w Bootie!. service for the
trans ()nation of Russians desiring to
go to Rio do danerio. The Russian
(sovernineet hee been concerned ta this
movement and leis established a system
of atrveillanee upon the German frontier
to diode it. In this way severed hun-
dreds of woulddre emigrants have been
arrested and forced totem Meek.
Tbree crates of English pheasants ar•
rived in Puthlitml, Vt., on Saturday,
consigned to Dr. W. Seward Welih's
Shelberno farms. They were charge
of a gamekeeper, Mere will come semi
and in the spring es inertly as possible
‘1. 15 te • limy will be pieveuted
from flying away by wire netting, Dr.
Welrb intends to stook his estate with
these birds. Ile has signed gains louses
ofmany of the farms adjoining his 3,000
acres. The birds came from Glehehn.
The story told by Harry J. Ferguson,
a bell -boy in a hotel in Chicago, to the
effect that be had been kidnapped front
his home iu New York State when b
years and that he had fallen heir to
e80,000, has lent to unexpected develop-
ments. A widow, living in a fashionable
quarter of the city, claims the boy as
her son. She says she was divorced
from A. J. Ferguson, the lad's father, in
New York, and moved to Chicago, where
she married a 01811 named Norton, since
decerised. She picked Harry out of
group of boys as her son, and ie further
prod of his identity mid her knowledge
of it described certain marks upoe his
body, -dm also related to the lad a mem
ber incidents in his childhood which
he did net remeinirer till she celled them
to hi, mind.
IVIS')' !lynx
'1110 following N.40 offirial 131111.00 -0
• .:31,trel) It6
atitimmeeti by the Retentive -officer
Te balance on band from last
C. Michaele taxes for lot 81 44324 10808 7208
Bank"'Of H8 amilton for note for
4 months 1500 00
Wm, Spence, engineer expenses
collected 5 00
Wm. Ilfehlabb, ou account of
collector's eliortage 100 00
C. Michael, on amount of soh
lector's shortage 100 00
Wm. Spence, engineer expenses
collected 2 00
J. R. Miller, balance) of License
money 1889-90 02 90
J. R. Miller, part payment of
License money 1800-01120 00
'McNabb and Michael on collec-
tor's shortage, proceeds of
aleLauchlie estate 150 45
Co. Preeteurer townline grant181 18
Co. Treasurer collections for
townehip to April 30, 1800, 140 03
McIntosh & el eTaegart, et est
on deposit 5 94
Bank of Hamilton for note 3
months 800 00
C. Moline], on moment of col-
lector's shortage 25 00
alarabb & atiolistel, on account
of collector's shortage 80 00
Bank of Hamilton, Wingliam,
interest on deposit, e7,000, 215 00
IN in. Spence, enguther expenses
T. Kelly, 'Xreas. Brussels R. II,
award 120 85
U"efosir Hdraarivney,taxTretts. Elma,
5 54
D. McDonald, collector north
D. McDonald, uncollected taxes 7070 73
north division 130 71
J. McNeil, uecollected taxes, B
3, McNeil, collector S. division, 04701,2 n0,2
Government Bolted grant 407 00
County school grant 407 00
Roads and bridges $ 1004 06
Gravel 311 39
Odium salaries..., ., „ .... . 8110 00
Charity 2-17 03
Money borrowed 2450 00
County rates 4221 07
Printing 60 75
30 44
Postage and etationery
Expenses under Ditehee and
Watercourses tkot
R. R. Coupons
Interest and Commiselone..
Government drain
Side clram, Con. 10
Drain, Cons. 5 and 0
Drain, con. 1
Unoolleoted taxes
Corporation tax
Arrears of taxes collected
Board of Health
Hall rent for Ditthion Court .,
Taxes Remitted
Meehan law suit
Local election
Mtltlieipal election
Selecting Jurors
Wire fences
Cost of safe
Error in assessment
Refund of dog tax
Registering births, marriages
and deaths
Uncollected dog tax
Trustees school tele
10 00 Menielped school grant fer 18811
Government " " 11 1800
Mucicipttl" 1890
77 00
420 00
00 95
140 00
125 00
24 50
398 40
145 21
148 71
28 00
24 00
19 00
1 00
20 411
4053 62
501 00
467 00
467 00 For Berths and all Information apply no
Money to Loan,
Vonoy to Loan on Farm Pro
perty at
.10 fl)ES:1' Zie.1/271i;
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, ,oc.,
2511“filil Columbia
1-1 il4 CaTON
Drag',Ofa anti Clafforrvia,
3.1,000 13 '. 00. 1 I 11. Fridara,
f; ;11111111.
:MARCH 20111, •
1891 APRIL Ord & 17th, 1891
MAY let,
it minfog• hrouleil 45 Vonetwrrr
Without Change,
Total $18860 34 J. T. Pepper,
Betel= on hand 152 22 ACIENT,
`Rotel $19012 00 Total $10012 5(1
Balance on hand at last andit..$ 152 22 R. Re debentures due 17tb Sept
Dee by Collectors sureties....
Bank of Hamilton, Wheelie -in,
deposit rear ipt
R. It, award, Dreaels
Township of Elma,11m in
Real estate being let :30, con. 16
Atnentit of non resident 011.1 un-
collected tax lin Co. Treas.
180 02 1861 $ 7000 00
Government drain, 00318.113 and
7000 00 18, 1011 years to run 007 34
107 89 Drain, con. 5 end fl 4011 00
22 16 Side chain, 011. 310 ,,.. 700 01
010 02 Drain, con. 1 78 52
have 1000 bushels of first growth
DUX 'Oki fat ltid ltd re,
for fanners in the vicinity of Brussels,
who intend raising Hex during the com-
ing eeason, which they are prepared to
deliver in quantities 10 1.2111 flax growers.
Ono be got at the Brussels Flax Mill.
Feid given ant at $1.50 pr r end
on the usual terms. Order 111 en-
sure a supply.
For I, lux prowl] fr. 1128 t 2311
books for er llectiou 013 15
. 1'..1134,4
Asir:111.11,— 11,71'.le.x1.130 undersigned Auditors for the Township of Grey, certify that we have
Tour I V0 ta, V unlined the Tiertraireee aceouuts fur the past year and the vouchers be.
' hul,-.113.1,1.15 CA,11.1coN. Pol3T1.1',. neue.1 longing thereto and find the same correct.
1 61 03 14-1
2 ......... ... O:1 /4
:1 1 63
1 511
111 27
6 1233 111
hie fri, ed. are anxious about him. We
Meer to i.0 11610 10 report a change
for les 1%-14e4.
ii,lay .:.aili,,,, Sardy K(iiitet' and 'Mr,
Vo.i.lsi intend meeting large bank barns
next summer. Sandy will likely build Iti
more 1, o beim e long.
A m. etitie 01 111, Biot Huron lsarntera' . '1'-i
frietirette will be held in Bluevale en Fri. 1,,
day, 20111 hist. Tlie oftieers uf the III- 11
stimite in this section aro put ing forth 14
every effort to make it a big seocese.
White owning frotn Li -towel James 001.2O11/011 Tow:Mile,—
Soot!. met 301111 a 1.eri0118 accident. It 14 52
seems his horse shied and throe hitn out Lf;
of the cutter his head striking against a 17
stump and when found he was iuseusible. 18
Latest r eports say he is linprovittg. 19
The Atwood Bee -.aye :—Ifred Of.tob (10133,11ION,—
removeci his family this week to his farm 1.10 48 40
iu Grey townslnp, near Ethel, where he 91 17 41
purpobee making his home, air. Oxtoby 22 132 47
23 108 '20
24 51) 34
93 ell 5:)
96 38 31 72
(1.11.001e414, -
' 7 1'3 5) 113:1
i 8 '3-1 41 70
9 75 70 11.3
le 1') 42 31
72 • 03 135
71 1411
03 121
47 100
90 143
1 73 114
30 112 113
80 70 120
52 77 129
and family made many warm and. las.
'11 1 knees in this locality who wi h
them lohg and uontinued prosperity,
Li the 11-4 of simeauftn studeats in the
University of Maryland the name of
%Aber]. J. Whitfield, formerly of the 19t14
on., appears as a, hemmed 400ist, having
he affix D. D. S. The our regret we
1080 18 that he will likely continue to
practice his profession under the stars
nd stripes.
Every week the colonist trains bear
way some of oar worthy 50110 1111(1
aughters who go lc, seek homes and
fortunes in the far west Last week
01111 3244018, Wm. Douglas, Geo. Shaw
nd sister were among the number and
there purpose going shortly. May
emcees attend thorn all,
Social, --1 good time was enjoyed at a
social held tie John hill's, 10th eton., on
Tuesday evening. &Indeed seleeti OAS
0r0 given by Miss Lottie Hill, Mrs.
Campbell, the Misses Kerr, A., Hood, Dr.
Oavanap,h, and the Hill be:robbers. A.
reading was given by A. Hmtd and
speeohes by Rev. Re Paul and W. H. kte-
Creation. Rev. Mr. Sallery presided as
The worst snow storm of the seams
prevailed in this section on Friday and
Saturday lest. The snowdrifts attained
immense proportions in places. Roads
wore blocked and traffic generally sus-
pended. At the them of writing this
week the elements are atilt very boister-
ous, roads and lanes remain blooked and
people are in a state of eiege, so to speak,
If this is it forerunner of Unrestrioted
Reciprocity ie Huron wo have already
had enough of it.
by 1 Neapolitan mob, what a volcanic
upheaval would have followed. Mr.
Blattaee vaeoringe astont slaughtered
seals and seized contraband stammers
would be as noteing compared with the
hurricane of rage that woels1 back the
demrted tor vengeance by the heaviest of
Huron County.
Goderieh harbor is swarming with
young fish, apparently of the herring
1,37e s000ncl the motion. "The Code.
rico Stu should drop the 'Ananias' busi•
11es8 now ; it is not only stale, but it is
an insalt to 01,1 of its onn party.
Several packages of snail matter were
reached 18 01101011 poet office last week
the uontents of whims were badly damag-
ed by fire and water while in transit on
the New York Centrist Railroad.
During the year 1800 the Conservative
papers in this county did not receive a
greet deal for government advertising,
though the amounts to the different, ones
varies eonsiderable, as these figures, from
the Anditor Generel's report shows :---
Clinton blows 11,41ord. *IMO ; Exeter
Advooato, 8-1.81 ; Exeter TI1M034, $4.7,01;
Goderielt Star, $35.19 ; Seethed) San,
$8.16, and Wingluon Advanee, 83.48.
The Toronto Globe of Wednesday e
says :—A telegram was received at Police
Ifead-quarters Tnesday from Gorrio to
stating that Henry Wright and Frank 6,
Williams had Stolen 8500 from the d
former's fathee. It was thenght they
had departed for Toronto, and P. C. Ile.
burn, who was pelt on the hail, Weeded
the two men Tuoulay eening.
por000afly admitted the takingf
money, $137 WSW felled in yorteg
Wright's pockets.
1.,1eneral Nos-vra.
tr011alty MB the 80ch anuiversary ot
the birth of the Pope. Ile was crowned
ope on March 3, 1878.
Five thousand studonte in the Unitea
tatos have signified their willingness to
ngage in foreign mission work,
Lord Daffodil will be imitated int, rem
01 111. Andrew's `University on April
When be will deliver hie rectorial eel.
tress to the students.
One of the princes of hulls recently
had made at Paris a bed worth $25,000,
Ole oanopy is supported by leer materna.
tic female figures that wave fang to cool
the air, The mattress is a huge miket'
hex, which, when one lies upon it, plays
opevatio aire.
122 S - """"` a A RI:111P FE
Feb'y 110114, 1891,
STOinor .1 rs
deem, illumine; I '
27 05
2,13 91
29 '74
80 0133
124.1, Watv.tgosu,-
31 82
39 82
83 117
114 58
Totals 2100
Maj. for Cameron879
— —
To the Electors of the East
Riding of H1/l'017
To thee() of you who supported me
during the ieoent contest I desire to ree
turn any hearty thanks and to explain
that corning late into the field with a
yothrs' list by us sadly neglected
my defeat was 0 foregone conolusion.
To thou of you who opposed me and
through nth the Governont on noonnir
of the "Free Trade" cry allow nol to re-
peat my argument during the campaign,
viz That Unrestricted Reciprocity with
the United States without tariff uni-
formity against the outside world was an
13lbol' imPusaibilitY, with a, uniform
tariff it became Commercial Union aod
was a toetnotts but sure road to political
absorption, meanwhile doing us infinite
mischief. As to the soundness of this
view 1 oommend for your consideration
Mr. Riake's letter,
To all ref you 1 wish a healthy,
proaperoes and happy future in this our
own Canada, with the opportunity at
some day not ter distant of marking your
ballots for
Yonne eincerely,
Goderiob, Meech 12, '01.
25 Pious of Best Shirting at 12ic., worth 15c.
10 Pieces Heavy Cottonades at 20c., regular price 25e.
100 Pieces very Wide Fast -colored Prints at 12ic,
worth 14c.
1 Bale Heavy Factory Cotton at 7ic., worth Oe,
5 Dozen 4 Button real French Kid Gloves at 500,,
worth 75e
5 Dozen 4 Button real French Kid Gloves at 75c.,
worth $1.00.
25 Pieces Colored Ribbon at 121e. and 15c., worth
20e. and 30e,
Our New Goods arc Coming to 1110111 Daily, and by the
1.6th inst, we expect to be able to show the Most Com-
plete Stock of Dry Goods ever offered to the
people of Brussels and vicinity.
Remember we take pleasure in showing goods.
Ferguson & Halliday.
Will 1.3,3 paid, (0 ,0 ((id growth, harvezded
in tamper Season and de ivtied et the
flits Mil, 01. 0031 to; fit for threshinit
We will 1110o ruit a number a 411.3
fields for the pave's(' 1,1 41303011(11 flax.
J. k J. IITE!,(45o10.,10
Proprietors Brussels flax rein.
W. /3III0111', Meunier.
FOR 8..d LE.
The subscriber ( Ma's the f flowing
Vell.bred Alli3.1311i8 for Sale:
(9504), Vol. 11 ;
"Earl of Brendalbane" 0709), Vo). IL
These horses are 3 years old ; heavy
"Lagen Cbief," 0 years old, Limey
One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im-
ported stook on both sides; beevy
"Prince of Delights' " a road or carriage
anthem, rising 8sr ars: imported.
One Heavy Draught Mare, 6 years ma;
imported ; with foul.
One Canadian ',red 10s1 -e, Navy arerght,
tieing 5 34111113, 311111 foal by 113side.
One Mare Veal, from imported Mock ruse
both Miles
One Gelding, 3 years old, heevy &aloha,
t&'Iniutar., TH1011$ Will be mule to
Responsible Parties.
The above mentioned stock 10111y be
seen, pedigrees secured and 944 1(05 ob-
tained by applying to
A. 3"5P0TL,
M.D., af.A., L.C.P.S,O.,
The Scotch, Speeia
TonoNT 0,
01140411.DIT 1,0a 44011 TIVIIATMONT
Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Die -
50o55 of the Brain and Nerve, Dia -
e0505 of the Heart and Lunge,
and Diseases of Women
positively Treated
J0NATI1AN BUNONANT, Llatowol, says 7. --
',Atter speeding all my money and property
to 110 3)11111055 on medium! mon, for nhar,
they termed 14 1101101005 ease of consumption,
Dr. Sinclair aurae. me."
*,ns Manx Pnimone, Woodhouse, says
"Whim all others felled, Dr. 8111e3e1r 50304
mo of eta"
33. ftennwrsen, etwleteri 0031014—
"Dr, 8inelale Corea 31143 or Ottlarrli."
Ono, Itoeven, thee, 00r3,i.1 1-."i.34, Sinde Ir
531150 035 of heart disease mut dropsy, wham
all others failed,.
Diseases of Private Nature, brow/Tit On klj
Ally, Dr. drinoinir orris lolly Citre*.
Friday, April 24th, '94