HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-13, Page 5it MAlt011 13, 1891 THE BRUSSELS POST 1rwrrs:lan;rmaxalvv Jobe Isaac of Drayton, formerly A sou Id Adam Douglass' left this $1.C11)5, I station agent here, and Gilbert Lome, of Wee Ellen Campbell, of Detroit, was Listowel, wee r bee on elecilot day . -- .. i plumping for Dr. Macdonald, Y1ort 11'evire 1',ntccvlos.—Election day passed by Albert Shafer intends starting for � quietly. Dapul y Returning ..SirnOffrrler,o wutlbed dnasi alL 1i i. . un'inosdn, ld this weak, Menni1/g es poll clerk, Chris, Ilayumrd AL's. to b A'Ior twold, who bat bion i and Robt, Barr were serutieeers for Dr., confined to bed for 1100 troika past with br'onehibls, is, we are glad to report, able to sit up again. Slime the elucbio,s everything sooms to have put on its business air and the people are jubilant over Dr. Maudonnld's etootion and inorea0od majority. Wm. Bake', who has resided on the 12th eon„ Grey, has leased and taken possoeeion of the Hngh Campbell 50 sore farm near this place. We weloome him to our midst. Holmes and Wm. Lille mud J. A. Young looked after the interests of Dr. Macdonald The ballot box at 5 p. m• showed the latter to have 0 majority of 31 at this division, a pain of 3 over the former election. 'to the evening both political partite united to securing Burton's Hall, where they received the returns from the election battle Hold. Operators Spence and Gillies handled the "lightning" in the most approved manner. 'The crowd did nob disperse until abuut 1 u'0louk. 131nteve'1 '.. The village is never dull, and promises to be livelier than ever. Oar citizens contemplate getting up a band, which will "drive dull care away," Quito a number left this week for the Northwest, amolg them John Hawkins and bride, and Peter Af°Ewan and hie bride. All join in wishing them long and suet:we:101 liven in the west. T1io entertainment this week in the Dominion jubilee concert on Saturday evening. It Is tergely advertised end the troupe comes with mealy press and per- sonal testimonies to their excellence rand nmunioal ability, It comprises moon persons, everyone of whom has auhievod seethes and won a high vocal reputation. F.ein:Fate' INSTITUTIi.--A meeting of the East Ilurou Farmers' Institute will be held in the Foresters' I1e1I, in this plate, nu Friday, 20th inst., commencing at 1 on:leek p. m. Adrlresses will be deliver- ed by some of the leading farmer's of the riding, A. public entertainment will be held in tho evening at whioh a literary and musical program will be given. The public aro cordially invited. Mist ltrono Master Willie Smith is on the sick list this week. Onr sew mill wan forced to shut clown as the well has °eyed in, thereby slopping the touter supply. Miss Janie Williamson, who has been visiting in Smith's Falls for some months past, returned home last week. There will be an entertainment in the Metho list church on the teeing of Good Friday for tbo benefit of the Sab- bath school. Olt I Say ! wits there .s large crowd at the oyster supper on 'Wednesday night and bad the oysters a good flavor ? We should prescribe salt all round, \Ven. Biomes has disposed of lis hotel to a nom from North Easthope, who takes possession at onoo. The emu paid is said to bo 5:3,8 0, whioh is at g ootl tlgure. Why did not those Drnesels fendes whose horse r m away stay whore they were (,steal of starting to walk home ? It is said Walton 10 a magnetic point for one of them, win. Nel, with his usual entorpriae, secure] the s'rvinee of a anlnpe'ett operator, in the person of Miss Bella NIe- Kibbin, in order dint he might be able to give the etect•iu't re urlu a Tmmrsdee evening of law week. The young people of the Slothodiot ohnrch purpose holding a octal at the ro 120, 00 of Thos. Williamson, on Wed• uosday, eleroh 18th. There will be an mile pug am. Pro vols to be do. iiorri . The farmers are getting ready for staple sugar making. A debate is of the tapir at Barrle'e school house next Went oedi,y evening. The subject is "Whether has Ireland or Scotland produced the greatest mon," Hurrah I for Erin. dein back This township is evidently g on its old record for Conesevatfsm or else it would not hevo given a majority of 30 against a well Irmown ammo. ter of that party last week. Last week Wnt. Balmier moved to this township from near lletfryn, He has purchased lot 22, con. 1, paying 112, 150 for it. As Mr. Banner 1010 hard working, steady going mac he will make vory noticeable improvements in the property before long. 'Pile pupils of S. S. No. 8, Morris, will hold a public entertainment in the Town Hall, Morrie, on 'Tuesday evening next, 17th inst. A good progrean will be pre- sented, rinsing with a grand tableaux, untitled "The Queen and her Colonies." Admission 100. All are invited. Acporreen.--.Last Tuesday the last act in the Morris township T'reasurer's do. falcabions was on the boards at Goderich before Judge Doyle. Jas. Newcombe was tried for the enbeeeletnent of town• ship funds ettrnsted to his keeping, SA treasurer. 13. Wilson, banker, of Wing. ham ; Reeve Mooney, Deputy Reeve Howe, tovuehip Clerk Clark. auditors McClelland, of Belgrave, and W. Laid• taw, of Ayton, Grey Co., wore called upon to give evidence. The prisoner was ac- quitted and returned to his home. Lawyers Campaign and Holmes defend- ed Mr. Newcombe and Crown Attorney Lewis appeared for the proseuuliou. 'VPin>e hfr in . Ms. herdsman, of Wingham, was re. liovsd of a gold watch and chain in a Hamilton crowd the other day. W. Willis, who was engaged with 14. C. Sperling last year in the egg peeking business, has just returned tram a visit to Manitoba and the Northwest. On Sunday last the Rev. Dr. Shaw, of Toronto, 1leeistant Secretary of Molho• dist .\fiesi000, preached ' Meth:miry ser• uunr; in the Methodist elnireli here, tit the nswt1 honl•s. The saw mills of Arch. Fisher, of Paisley. formerly of thin town, were but•ne,l a few days 5130, entailing a loss of epwarls of 11-1,000 Mr. Fisher has the :empathy of leis mins f fends in this t'll'-Snlay, Hiram Lennie.), who e:o'riod 0u the blacksmithing and cart -legs melting in town for many years, Inc purchased hie bridlea's farm in East Wawanosh, and intends to remove shotly. Ho will con. tie ee leis 1,,siueee in Sewn. week tot' Kelame, Washington 'rorritor3r, herhereoenein Donald Iest week ttis g the therepwere over one hundred rige in the funeral pro- ueaaion last Friday, thus ehnwing the cement in whioh the dereased was held by the community at large. The Musa of his death was hemorrhage of the bowele. Dineen le A:; 01.1/ P1oNt1011 •–.On Wed- needsy, the dth day 0t March, John Roberteon, eon, 13, ono of the oldeet resithis life 01nthe adVmnoed 5440�of 0 years. Ills death was very unexpected to the com- munity, es he had been about as usual shortly e of his demise w�elheart is etroub trouble. d He was born near Blair Athol°, Perthshire, Soot• land, in June, 1810, and mane to Canada in 1817, Ile came to Gnelph, where he engaged as foreman with a business firm fora number of years, in the meantime taking up land In Fullerton township, Perth Co. This he disposedvof, and 'tame west with the tido of emigration that wee moving to the Huron tract, and took up the pr000ut farm in this town• ship 80 ,years ago, ami some few y51010 later was married to his now bereft partner, Ile was much respected by all who knew him. Ile was a Reformer, and bolutigeo to Ito old I'lstelalishe,l Mirth 01 Scotland. He retained his faculties to the mol and died Su the full aseuranee of faith, life rennins were interred in Brussels cemetery, a large number following then there. His wife and all his family, four sous end one daughter, survive him to mourn the lr,° Of a faithful husband and ever kind father. dohs Mallon, of ,nwer Wanghmn, whn voted to church purposes. Every one is has been -uttering from a claimer or rho invited. lover lip for the past twelve 010011ls, oft A large number of relatives and friends last work for the Londolm Floapitel assembler) at the restriction of des (Metes, to sec whether an optlration um be per- formed that will peov0 0. portnanent owe. Button & Peasant, of the chair factory, in addition to their chair malciug Masi. mess, arc now turning out large quern• titles el maple - 1'ulldre, whioh they are . Thoth rslopping to rollers: in the manufathe Old cture t cture sof clothes mandato. Geo. Payne has disposed of the British Hotel, formerly owned by 15. P. Sim- mons, im- 01ons, to Alen. Orr, of Bellmore, i took possession Wednesday. John Pat- te•aGn, who has occupied the hotel for the pest year or so, tvo nnderatene, in• tends living privately in town, for a time, at least, Joboon uppen inted 04 m delegeteL to O. L. to a n end bitesuiffolted fre om t ut eleven strum aettre nd George Kerr, accompanied. by Ids sou, George, left Leeknow lawn week for Brantford, whore he lana purehnse,l a large business of gents' furnishings, hate, caps, etc. As Neil McIver, soeoul eon of Neil McIver, sr., of Godoricb, 1000 coming home from school the other clay he hod hie foot run over by a wagon and badly broken. 51 happened that, as the little fellow was riding home in Den. Camp- bell's wagon he dropped his ruler, and in trying to get it got his foes under the wheel. Dr. Whitely had the foot attend- ed to, but it fs feared that it will have to be taken off at the ankle. of McKillop, on Wednesday evening, 51• rah 4th, to witness the marriage of his oldest daughter, Miss Jeakeon, to Wm. Crawford, of Portage-la-Pretrio, Alan. The marriage ceremony was p0 • formed by Rev. Mr. Musgrave. The bride reeeivod many beautiful and msofnl preeonte, winch testify 10 the high es. teem in which she hi hold. AIr. and Airs. Crawford left for Manitoba on Tuesday Met. AaalntN'r,—Leet Friday Mrs. Denoen Campbell, who lives with her s -,n David, out. 17, Grey, went to visit her son Jas. MuKillop township, end slipped on the floor, felling and breaking her eft leg at the ankle. AL's. Campbell had it ntutl u1 sting of the Provinoi.tl Grau Lodge of 0,1,1io West which will be hold in St. Thome,' on the 2.lt11 inst. He will else attend tho annual meeting of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Blaok Knight; of 1'.relaud, whioh will bo held in the antro place, ou the 23rd inst. 0t1te:1. Tho 131blo Society collectors, Misses Davids and Milne, Bemired over 014.00 for this good manse. 0u election day our old friend W. Shoup, w110 is past 88 year's old, recorded his vote anti appears to he in firsb.olase 11003th fund spirits. This week Conrad Bernath and wife became residentc of Ethel, moving into their lately purchased property bought roundly- from A. W. Penabaker. We with them many yoars of happiness in their new bore. Wm. and Jas. Elliott purpose going to Manitoba in a few weeks. They will take a oar, containing lumber, &o. for a house, stook, implements and other 11se0s0ariee with therm. Mr. Elliott jr. will continue to make big horde near Neepa\va. The Listowel Standard says:•—Wm. Woods, liveryman, and Mr. Wilkins, commercial traveller, Karl a narrow es- cape from drowning on Friday last while driving in Grey township near Ethel, through a culvert being washed out and the road submerged for some diebence over whioh they were oompelled to cross. Both vehicle and occupants were plunged into the water, and had it not boon for 'd. the aseistance of Mr. Wilkins, "Billie" Weed* might have boot drowned, - i o.uiv i i eit16I,.• -A. W. l'an0balte', who has boon a resident of Ethel for malty ears, has purchased his brother So: l's farm, near Ilespolots and will re - nue ti e- nueti there about tho end of Marob. W. Patton and wife, the parents of Mre. Panuhaker, will also remove to the sane locality, having rented his properly here, The removal of then Iwo highly rsspoot• tel families from .Ethel will be a groat boas to able locality. Tho Proebytsrian i olitnch particelnrly, mvill mine them. B Mr, and Mrs, P'enabakee woregeod WOOL Ms hi every good cause. Mr. 1:'anitbitker bas Noon in ILI% McAllister's store hero fur the: past 8 0' 10 years. this was leorgely the cause of bio nn• fortunate ",ccident. As she is 07 veers of age it is fantod the shook will be more than she mut boar, alth sigh ohs has been nnrlLterrre- tained he• lt,ier°gand memy a wonderful manner. C rfis'. Township auditors' abstract foe appears in this issue. A social will be held at the residomoe of Jno. Hill, 1)tb con., on Friday evening of thio week, Chas. Williamson, who has beso ill for soe,o months, is slowly improving, WO are pleased to hear. Franufa Ennis and Mr. enc Arida Shaw, lath con., aro going to try their fortune in the fur west. We wirh them su0aers. Jno, and Alex. Davidson, of Afotniug• ton, were visiting et U. MoFacldoa's 12th eon., this week. They were old neigh - bore for many years. 5. J. Ball is away at Toronto on a holittay visit. Mr. Ball's health bas boon greatly interfered with tide winter from scmation, and we hope this change will completely restore him to lois usual vigor. Rumor says the 51h oou. is to lose one of its fair ones before next Christmas. Afiss --•— is going to unite her fortunes for lifo with those of at resident of tt neighboring township, Perticelms later. Albert Whitfield, 12bh con., had the misfortune to got hie right leg broken, below the ankle, by the upsetting of a load of hay while driving into time barn. The ae0ident happened on lho 26111 of February and Mr. Whitfield is now mov- ingabout with the aid of °rota tes. At the recent sale of entire horses at Thug., Motauohlin's the splendid horse "Ayrshire Stamp" was tnu'ebasell by J3mmavual Oleer, of Morrie township, et the low figure of 0800. Rho half t.mte'ost held by Mr. A1oTemehlin in 'Studbook Chief" was 14014 to Mr. ]::Corton for 3751, This animel is now the property of the well known horsemen, 'Linos t& Morton, of Sonl,h llmrotl. Ah•, AtoLattoblin ]las two tiptop horses yet to 011 and ho will give groat bargains in 1110511 as he pun- I tt). CATs. 1N. poets going out of tho entire hose • eusi- I ness, 1800 MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. s.i'i "'e' r.1L`Ct J.C.11effernan,, S.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel -P.O., Ont. ito,f 1SJ Ur FLET TER, :Practical Th'CL,Ghrina h r a17, Jewel-ay.- Thanking the public for past favors and Ruppert and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening ont Full Lines in GOLD MO SILVER WtTCHE a. ergusori Mni iiitallida SUCCESSORS TO SCARFF & FERGUSON. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Mak era fatly warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs. 1 .. 23 Piee:s of Best Shirti.11gs at 12?e., worth 1.Se. 10 Pieces tlelt\y Cottonades at 20e., regular price 25e.H1 100 Pieces very Wide Fast -colored Prints at 12,.'1e , a,'.f �i�l eVirtues worth 14e. - 1 -Bale Ileavy Factory Cotton at 7!i'., worth 9c. 5 Dozen 4 Button real French Kid Gloves at 30e , worth 7:5c 5 Dozen 4 Button real French Kid worth $1.00. 25 Pieces Colored Ribbon ut I3 e. and 20c. and 30c. T..3ULI, P011 i-L1tVI01E.—THE cUlersigned has recently Imrehnesd imt1(1 wilt heap 11.0' service IL reeletere'd 14,1)- 511 Lull ou h d 111,1:0 ot l 1, 5eu, 6, Moe, Tor0m 51,001010 pail{ at Siwe of x000(0rri0 ,,'Sh 1111- vUea,'1,1 returning if uso0ssary, 01.2m .1130. CIUltlttfi, Proprietor. �r11I]1J) PNTORONTO IN- nnsearnr.,--The da"1 of my Jersey Roll "Morgal of Olen Duuab" le an imported ow. Sbe took erg prize at the Toronto Io- onetriel Jfablblb(e0, and it is said, aboulic have had 2nd. For fa'toer partioslare ap- tly at my Drug cud Book Store, 13ruseelo. G. A. DEAD dab , MPROVI.,'D LARGE W HITFI YORK. SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service this 1ynrseut selaeau the improved le.rgo white Yorkshire pig "Eeady' on lot 20, eon. 0, Mou•IS, i0 which a limited number of sows will no taken. Terms $1,00 to be paid at tIms al service, teitb tis privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may bo seen up•• oe apmalieatiou. 1t013h1RT 1410II0L, L;tP Proprietor. r�'I',VO PURE BRED PIGS FO.8: 5111tVJC1':.-- be undersigned has re - comity numbered and win keep for Seryioe at Nortel half Lot LJ, Can. 7, Morris, 5, Pure- bred Bee hallro Boer, bred by Mr. Snell, rand oleo nn Milo (oriel tee t buster White, one r. 1' ltnanl uN 'ear 1 ,d 1� V A 1,A( Du 1 131 „ r !loth from ,u prtcd nt.lek ,o Iu r I r: rbi- 11ng took arra prize at the Iudustri.tl Sou, Toronto, lone, in a clams of 1.7, Mrd also and at ale Westrru Vas in a class or Si. T. rule, A1At1, to he pare at tilos of n of oleo, with privilege n1 l,•tu,'nin0 if arae: azye l0•tl' 11. WALKER, Propraetor- (--- ST. LEON Have never been Told. Gloves at 73t'., head this— JOY FOR PAIN. 15e., 1vo1'th 1 Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years vary bad. When 1. stooped could scarcely straighten up ; felt miserable. For three months I persisted in a free use of at. Leos Worm:. It was the exp of joy to me; brought relief, par excellence; pains, stifling, etc. all gone. Call at my office, I will toll far more about the value of St. Leon. W. Haemo, Empire Laundry, 823 Queen street west, Toronto. And this --- BILIOUS 1i1'IADACIIES CO. I I bad rheumatism in ray knees and Misers. • bilious headaches, etc. every few weeks. Mr. Higgins, '"pine Laundry, urged mo to try 59., Loon Mineral IVuter. J did. mud it set ale all right; headaches and pains all •roue lay wile and tinoe children ,.iso nae it, We all fad fit. Leen Water very good and healthy. J. T. s. ANDaadoN. \Vatola- maker and .Jeweller, :ate Queen Street went, Tcr,ito. Our New Goods are doming to (land Daily, and by the 16th inst. we expect to be able to show the Most Com- plete Stock of Dry Goods ever offered to the people of Brussels and vicinity. JEWELRY 1 WEDDING limos, Lome; Gear Mites, I3mtoocnas, Bemuses, tee. I Also a Fell Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, a&o., in stock. N, 111: -'lasnrel• 01 Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. H. DENNIS Remember we tale pleasure in showing goods. Calls the Attention of the Public to the Fact that he continues to turn out First-class Light and Heavy Harness ,As usual Nothing but A.1 Stock used. just to Hand a Splendid Stock Ass13Ts, of Horse Blankets, Bugs, Robes, ,, .Bells, Whips, &c., &cr Balance on hand at lest audit. ,5 112 22 Duo by Collectors envetmes. , .. 180 132 Trunks, Bank of Hamilton, Wingban, A. Largo Range of Irll1Ik8, deposit receipt 7000 00 Valises and Satchels kept coal- It, lt. award, Brnastila 107 80 scantly on hand, and Sold at Townshipat of Elam, being rq,nn•,..,.S 22 16 :Reasonable Priers. No Shoddy Atnonnt of non resident and un about them. eeneetedr 4: lin Co. Twee. 613 15 Special Attention Visit(. to talo & d � FRESH BARBEL JUST RECEIVED. R .std . �i l �%) i.I A Geo. Good, Agent, s, F'•t., :S r. Lr,:,, Qvn -LT DIMO R 7' - J='C.)R'rJ? —)0F TOW N S:s I p OF G E FOR THE YEAR 1890. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Roads and bridges S 1964 56 Gravel 311 39 Officers salaries 830 00 Charity 247 63 Money borrowed 2.460 00 County rates 4291 07 Printing 60 75 Postage and stationery...,..., 30 41 Expenses nutter Ditches and Watoreoursee Act R. S. Coupons Interest and Commissions (Meerutnent drain Side drain, Con, 16 Drain, Cons, 5 end 6 Drain, oon.1 Uncollected tome Corporation tax Arrears 11 taxoscollected Board of Health 156 43 Hall rent for Division Court 181 18 Taxes Remitted Machan 111.w suit 1:46 63 Local election Mnnioipal election 5 04 Seleutiug Jurors Wire fences 800 00 Cost of safe Error in assessment 25 00 Refund of dog tax Registering births, marriages 80 00 and deaths Uncollected dog tats 245 00 Miscellaneous Trustees school tux...,, 1.0 00 Municipal ealmol grant for 1889 Government " " " 1890 190 85 Mnniaipal " " " 1800 To balance ou hand from last Audit 400 28 C. Michael, taxes for lot 31 t& 32 con 5 38 70 Bank of Hamilton for note for 1 00 00 •1 months Win. Spence, engineer expenses 5 00 oolleoted Wm, McNabb, on w000nut of collector's shortage 100 00 C. Michael, of account of col- Isotor's shortage 100 00 Wm. Spence, engineer expenses 2 00 collected J. R. Miller, balance of License 112 90 money 1889-00 J. It. Miller, part payment of Licouso m may 1890-01. , 1.30 t0 McNabb and illichael on colleu• tor's shortage, proceeds of MnLauohhn estate Co. Treasurer townline grant- Co. rant-Co. Treasurer collectings for township to April 110, 1890, McIntosh . & u oTaggart, interest on deposit Bank of IIamilto0 for note 8 mouths 0. Michael, an account of col. leotor's shortage McNabb 34 Michael, on account of collector's shortage .. , . Bank of Hami,ton, Wingham, interest on deposit, 07,000, Wm. Spence, onginoor expenses oolleotod T. Kelly, Treas. Brussels R. It, award Moses llarvoy, Trees. film, for •drain tax D, McDonald, collector north division D. McDonald, unaolleotsd taxes no tam division J, McNeil, collector S. division, d. McNeil, uncollected taxes, S. division Government e0ho91 grant County school grant Total 5 54 Total Balance on 7076 73 186 71 0170 02 192 00 4607 00 467 00 A10012 50 'I'otel 77 00 420 00 90 25 507 3.1 1.40 00 125 00 24 56 328 40 1.15 24 1.16 71 28 00 24 00 13 10 78 116 24 00 10 00 12 00 2.1 65 20 00 21 00 8 00 19 90 1 00 25 48 •1953 Sa 601 00 4(17 00 467 00 513860 34 hand 152 22 5310012 56 LIABILITIES. 11. It, debentures due 17th Sept 18115 'S 7000 110 Government drain, eons. 16 and IS, 101 pare to 1111] 507 31 Drain, con. o and 0 400 00 Side drain, eon. 16 7078 0 00 52Dfttin, coif. 1. Buggies Buggies t Buy your Buggies from I'. ELAN And Save Money.. I am building a large nunlbcr of the Best Buggies, which aro to be sold at the Lowest Prises ever offered to the public. Every- tlling .font thou is First-class. The cry Best Standard Wheels, and the Workmanship through - Mt Grin ftlllttled. 1 am Determined to make aL Big Slaughter on Prices this year. I 11ava sold a large number of Buggies &tiring the past 5 years to many of tho leading loon of this stletion and sure ouailing country, and I i.nrpose to Beep up the number and double the quantity. Call and See the Rigs and Get our Prices. Don't buy a buggy until you see my Stock of Choice Buggies. Repairs in Wood work and Iron clone at hock Bottom Prices. Ptailtitlg and Carriage Trimming done at the very Lowest Rata's,. Horseshocing Donn with the Best Experience and Attention, ns itt the past. I MEAN 1;t'SINltS . O. EWA N. Shop opposite Q,1:c31's hotel, B aussma., Manufacture of 1lorse Collars. i' tiro nnciers, ,, , 1 Auditors for the Township of (Tray, 05(111y that we have 1- attended examined the Trcasever's (temente for the past yoar and the vonahors be. Repairing 1 00111L)Y longing thereto .1101 Jird the Salad correct. \i.ux 5'rlinln.w'rwAnaa,'r1 auditors, .Tache H. PENNIS, Fob'y .16th, (8111.