HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-13, Page 37A.11i('lI 13, 18{)1 TEE PRU'SSBLS POST.
u Wellmat ma :outer day fromLate Foreign c1 vaasn thnwUtoofmftudnuy
Curious Fasting Case.
Ingenious Vagabonds.
A native Y, M. 0, A. has just been form
ed in Bombay,
The total savings banks deposits in Prussia
on Jan, 1 were $773,000,000
Greater Vienna, according to the °ensue
of last December, has a population of 1,33'2,-
A bride in Germany was recently mar-
ried iu a dress of red and white, the colors
of her husband's regiment.
Monte Carlo is very dull the year. There
are two tables less, than last year, and the
crowd about those in ploy is not gay in any
In April, on all the railroad lines to St,
Petersburg, waggons will bo placed with
special appliances for the transporting of
111'0 fish.
Tbp Victorian Railway Counissionecs
have decided to lit the whole of thorailway.
rolling stock in the colony with the 'West-
inghouse brake at a cost of £200,000.
Russia has the largest royal fancily of all
civilized conntries. On Jan, 1 the twenty-
seventh living Russian Grand Duke was
born. The Russian Grand Duchesses
number eighteen.
Jan. 31 was the anniversary of tke•bronty
betweeu Hussite and Japan, by which Rus.
sten eitizene may own real estate im the lat-
ter country. Duriu g that year Russian
merchants have estahhlishcd large faeto'ies
in Tnitio and in several other eines in
One million and a half mon work it, the
real mines of the world. Of these England
has 311,i,e00 : United Stairs, 30(,000 ; l;cr-
tnnmy, :545,(100 ; Belgium, IIi,1,001) ; France,
90,0111); Austria, 110),(X10; tussle, 4.1,1xt0.
The world's miners of metal number 4,000, -
The lliuister of the Interior at Athens has
received a telegram stating that out of forty
men working en t30 road between Densit.
same and '1 ripolibza, in the Pnleponneses,
with the object of open¢ng communication
with the snow -blocked villages, fifteen have
been frozen to death. The reemi vier were
removed in a hopeless condition.
Two hundred and thirty.four Gorman
papers having petitioned for reduction in
the rate for press telegrams, the Emperor
disposed of the petition by a eurt note on
the margin to this ed'cat. " The present rate
is not too high ; the number of useless tele-
;trarrs published in the newspapers alon-
dautly proves it."
It is not generally known that every im-
portant factory in Russia is opened with
divine services. It »nay be of great interest
to our temperance friends to learn thee on
Jan. 19 a great brandydistillery was opened
near Kazan, ora the borders of the Volga,
with services conducted by the clergy of
that locality,
A magistrate in •Ceylon, finding that a
witness would persist in prevaricating and
tailing lies, ordered the culprit to be then
and there ltaadeufred and ton-tonuned
round the village as a liar'." This summary
'nethod of dealing with perjurers has not
mot with the epprevnl of the Government
of the island, and sen official enquiry is to
be held into the ease.
Sultan Abdul i'larnid of Turkey has be-
come a finished German scholar since Em-
peror Willtam's visit. He has studied the
language with such zeal that he can now
talk to the German Ambassador with very
little help from an interpreter. The Sultan
much admires German poetry, and some of
Heine's verses are being translated into
Turkish at his desire.
A correspondent .of the Shr•lifeld Daily
Telegraph, writing from Wodoltga, on the
Murray River, upon the subject of the latest
Australian pest—the locust visitation --
makes a most interesting statement. " If
the scourge continues another week," he
says " there will be no grass left. Sheep
have already gone down in three days from
6s. to 3s. a head, and I am told they will
drop to le"
The oldest man in the world lives on the
Republic cf San Salvador. Michael Solis is
of Indian descent, and claims to be 180 years
old, his statement being eapportecl by all the
aged inhabitants of Bogota, who declare
that they knew him as a centenarian when
they were little ehil,b'en. This American
Methusaleh has always lived very carefully;
eating only once a day, and thein taking
cold food of the most nourishing description.
The Italians have got a new carbine which
can be fired at the rate of 200 shots a min-
ute, It is the invention of Lieut. Cot, an.
officer of the Bersaglieri,-and has net with
the enthusiastic approval of General Cioid-
ini. This new carbine does not weigh gait')
3 kilogrammes • its calibre fs less than that
of the Lebel rifle ; and the soldier armed
with it can fire, as already stated, 200 shots
a minute without moving it from his shoul-
An official rotten just published on the
influenza epidemic in Austria, which lasted
from the llth November, 1889, till the end
of January, 1300, states that there werenine
hundred and thirty thousand four hundred
and seventy-eight certified caste, and two
h , eight ht hundred and twee : it •tne
thousand 6 yt,
certified deaths through the disease in the
Empire. The total number of cases inolud.
hug the many nob recorded, must ham far
exceeded a million
The town of Wanganui, in New Zealand,
bad a ourious and alarming visitation lately,
People in various parte of the town began
to fall suddenly and dangerously fit, and it
soon became evident to the local doctors
that some irritant poison was the cane. of
the mischief. 10 was eventually discovered
that a large quantity of tapioca, Which had
been received from awholesalo firm in1nno
din by a couple of Wanganui grocers, was
strongly impregnated with areenf0.
In Lifland and in Kurland Russia there
are more than 6,000 blind persons, 60 per
mint, of whoa are between 50 and 00 years,
!Steps are its 0' ofgtaken Rim society tto establish intelligent
Asylum far the blind poor. There will bo
throe diviaione in that institution --ono for
young persons who know a trade or 0611 play
on any musical instruntont, the second for
8(1011 (15 have learned no trade, and the third
for the old anti feeble whose blindness is in-
A meeting of sono four thousand mutat
plotted was hold in Ebanburg recently a-
winch iC was unanimously resolved to peUi
time the Senate to mance every possible effort
to meet the tlietreee caused by the scare:By
of worst. With this abject the Sonato is re-
fettasted to tom ton emergency late prohibit'
from State funds, and to supply in schwas
rlaily a hot meal for those children whose
pJ's now distributing 10,4(10 melds daily,
The now Anetrhut Coinage has stirred up
race nota ggoniom already. The florins bear
on one salt the Emperor's bust, with the in.
scription, " Francis Joseph, Austrian Em-
poro•,° and on the other the donblo-headed
eagle arid the words " King of Hungary,
Bohemia, (lah((ole, Su." The .f egyars are
offended at Hungary beingput in an utfericr
position to Austria, and demand that the
name of their (many should be ineeribed
on the salve eide rue the Imperial effigy. An
indignant deputy has raised the question in
the Hungarian Parliament, causing much
Two ingenious vagabonds sneceeded the
other day in robbing a bank at Pyrmont—a
euburb of the New South Waleseapital—by
the old plan of representing themselves to
be officers of the law. They called myeteri.
ously upon the manager, told him they were
detectives, that the bank was about en be
robbed and that they had been specially sent
over by the police authorities to protect tine
place. The manager waa also told that the
robbers were desperate fellows, and he was
advised to look out for his own personal
safety. So be retired to a secure plaee
after hiding the sham detectives behind the
eounter, when, as a natter of course, they
helped themselves to all the money they
could lay their hands span, and decamped.
A curious instance of fasting hs reported
from ROakivitz, Silesia, The sem of a car.
punter named Ranthal, 90 yeses of ago, was
refused a second supply of pudding on
Christmas Day, In revenge he swore he
would never touch food again. He left the
lounge and since then until Friday has wan-
dered about, living on water alone. On that
day his parents, becoming alarmed, com-
municated with the Local doctor, and he, in
consultation with others, had the young man
put under chlorea:tem 'Vhi'e he was in an
nnconscions state, two caps of milk were
poured down his throat. After awakening
ho ate a hearty retell. The youth says he
kept himself alive by drinking water and
sleeping only.
A peasant In the government of Poltava
had his child christened, and the officiating
minietor hennaed on the boy the name of
Judah. The father was highly displeased.
with that nacre. Without saying a word
about it, be invited another minister to
christen hi. bey again. This tiers he was
more feliciaions, for the child got the,
eupltonioueagppellation of Leontin. Shortly.
afterward the Church took notice of this
ease of dseiale christening, and reported it
to the Archbishop of Kiev, Other eases of
a similar' stature, In which priests had be..
stowed prejudicial nines on children against'
whose parents they had a grudge, same to
the notke of the Archbishop at the same
time. idoreepon his Eminence issued an
order that parents should be allowed to
choose Eames for the children. In cases'
where the parents leave the choice of a name
to the priest, the latter oust submit, ha
elmiee,to theirapproval.
The island of Krakatoa, which was Mown
almost to pieces by the terrible seismic out.
buret inthe Straits of Sunda in 1883, is mow
said to be aecovering its lost vegeta:rine.
About half oft he island was tern away and
dropped into the sea by the oarthqualte,and
what was;left was overwhelmed with lava,
stones, ashes, and debris of one sort and an-
other, to the complete destruction of ,every-
thiag in the shape of vegetable life. The
island hes, however, just been Wetted byllir.
Tree%, the director of the Botanic Garden at
Buleesorg, near Batavia, and that geurloman
cow reports the reappearance of plant life
on the island. He counted eleven different
species,of ferns and saw a few scattered
lioweriatg;plauts in bloom. He ateribubes the
revival to the agency of birds, or the wands
or Omelet}, currents bearing seeds, for the
Isbell& is quite uninhabited, and all vestiges
of original vegetation had been deotreye(f,
arenas are ill want. The relief committee
Oriental Corns and Ornament+Found atter.
0 Thousand Years ortouceatnteet,
Last week the papers contained news,of
the finding of a hoar(' of Oriental treasure
trove is a case in the island of Skye, off the
northwestern coast of Scotland. Further in-
formation on the subject has just been re-
oeived here. Among the treasures are seven-
teen Oriental silver coins of the class known
as antic, about the size of a florin, and
minted atth° time when tate seat of the
Mohammedan Caliphate was at Cute or
Bagdad. These are also fifteen silver iugoto,
out by an axe into lengths of about half en
an inch, besides persot)al ornaments, Of the
latter the largest is o tare, or neck ring,
twelve hellos in leng"h, formed of a circular
and tapering rod of silver, with hooks at
the ends, There are also fragments of a
Iarge penannular brooch, formed of a solid
bar of silver a geometer of an inch thick, with
punched ornamentation on both sides.
There are also portions of two thin bracelets,
one of them ornononted with rows of marks
made by a punch with four dots in the field,
and another with marks of a circular punch.
The Cnfic ooinsare especially interesting.
Around the oateramnargal they bear two lines
of inscription in the old Arabic character,
and within the eirole'the distivativofo'mula
of the Mohammedan. faith, Being difficult
of decipherment, it isatotyetpossihletogive
the details of the time and the place of their
mintage: but there is no doubt that they
belong to the early portion of the tenth pen•
bury, and era probably from the mints of the
Samasside and Abbaseide'Caliphs at Bagdad
and Samareand.
The archaeologists are trying to account
for the curious fact of the exiseende of these
Oriental treasures in a cava of one of the
isles of northern Scotland. The time o :their
ooneeallnent, 1,000 years ago, was that in
which Use Vikings and see, rovers were he
the height of their glory. At this period
there was much eonimetelol intercourse be-
tween the Asiabio eouutrios lying to the east
of the Caspian Sea and the countries border-
ing on the Ballo, the route being by the
Volga to the north of Russia, The Vikings
were traders as wall as plunderers, and when
they could not plunder they traded, always
strsvtng to convert all booty into silver,
Which was then the x111100 5(1 median of ex-
It was in the way thus indicated that the
Hattie Vikings got hold of the silver oof,ts
and jewelry from far Asiatic oountrioe, The
long shipe of these rovers Wore then sweep-
ing the North ,Sea, turning into the Atlantic,
aud operating on the wort coast of England
and Scotland, as well as on the Irish coast.
They were especially 0otive at limos in the
region of the Hebrides, and it was clonbtless
some one of them who buried in re oavo in
the island of Skye the treasures that have
been found after a thousand years of eon-
I'ronoh statesmen aro desire us 11 fntrothho-
fng more athletic games mnomg their school.
boys, and a reward of a thousand francs has
been offered for the invention of rho most
suitable pastitno,
The 51'eParty Who gave punted the Delta
orate Site,
01 the cruelty of the 'l'nrkielt grandee,
Defterdar liey, who married a dangler of
Mohammed Alt, numer:ou t anecdotes are re•
rated in Egypt. He had, it is said, a tame
lion, usually lying at the font of hie divan,
which, although mild toward its master,
was eutioiently farocinun to terrify his
visitors. Sometimes he allowed it to worry
Ids slaves, eelliug it off, perhaps, just as It
was about to kill the wretches.
This savage, when governor of the delta,
piqued himself of the simplicity and prima
themes of his rummers and Els entire free.
dem from European habits anti notions,
During the period of hie command in the
upper country a soldier' robbed a poor
woman of a little milk. The woman, not
foreseeing the result, laid her complaint
before the bey, who demanded her to point
out the culprit, This being dote, the
soldier was ordered to be lad upon the
ground and his body ripped open, The
milk being found in his ssonmch, the bey
paid the complainant, and, dismissing her,
observed :
" The robber has been punished.; but had
he been discovered to be innocent the same
punishment, world have awaited you."
It was the custom of this barbarian, who
always moved surrounded by the terror of
arms, to ride abroad accompanied by a num-
ber, of mamelukes (or domestic: slaves),
each of whom carried a thousand sequins in
his girdle, that, should he he compelled to
fly, which, considering his decided hostility
to the pasha, was by no means improbable,
he night still be provided with money for
his immediate use. During the Syrian cam-
paign six of these young men, dreading the
effects of his ferocity, examples of which
they daily beheld., made their escape, and
took refuge in Ibraham's cautp. Being dis-
covered, however, they were immediately
apprehended and conveyed back to Cairo.
Here they wore commanded to appear before
their inexorable lord In the great hall of the
palace, annexe they found htn1 encircled by
a manlier of blacks, armed with drawn
swords. Theyy were not long iu lemming
their fate fie commanded them to take
every mane sabre and int tack each outer inhis
presence, unOlive of their uemlarshould fall
prombeing life and a thousand eegains to the
Weber. The mauneldtes obeyed; ranged
]tnnsalves three and three, thud, having
been trained to the nsa of arms, and unit-
ineg aloin with courage, fought desperately,
shedding their blood like water, while the
lOefterdar sat calmly of his divanen,joyinr
the spectacle. At length, after along end
sanguinary -struggle, one only remained the
victor over unhappy companions, lia:•1.enel-°
ed and bleeding in every limb, he raised his
eyes toward his master to receive the prom -
Ind pardon, but at this moment the bey
gave the nod to one of the blank slaves who
stood behind the victim and the bead of the
mamelteke immediately rol.ed along the
On another occasion two of his military
slaves, quarreling, drew their swards in his
presence ; at which his anger being kindled,
he commanded their heads to 11a, stretch off.
The mamelnkee, however, mindful of the
fate of their companions, resolved to sell
their lives dearly, drew their pistols, .and,
aiming at the head of the tyrant, wereabout
to rid the world of such a monster, 'when
the interposition of other of life slaves en-
abled him to eseape into the harem, Reck-
less and desperate, knowing escape impos-
sible, the mamelukes, now jotted lay several
others who all had wrongs and insults to
revenge, pursued and besieged him in hie
private apartments, where, Inst for the
speedy arrival of a party of soldiers from
the citadel, he world have paid the forfeit
of his innumerable barbarities and crimes.
With this assistance lie succeeded in repell-
ing the assailants, who, in their turn, were
shut up and besieged in one of the narrate of
the palace forming the powder magazine.
Here they held out during several days,
fighting desperately, but at longtlt, finding
their number decreased, std being entirely
destitute of provisions, they set fire to the
powder and blew themselves tip with the
tower in whici they had taken retfuge.
44ypn1alxetl try Swindlers.
The astonishing adventere of a very well-
known YVtntl laxly with 0,10 diaauoud ven-
dors in Perla las jmpt come to the knowledge
of her friends. Even the most experienced
travellers confess themselves au -ouzel at this
latest dovelo »anent of fn Fie Poteienne, It
was in the Hotel 0---onepleasant morning
not so very long ago, and 41:0 young woman
in question weir enjoyhhg to the full her
Dolts,-aud-roll•sleep, as the French say,
when something seemed to compel her to
emerge from dreamland long enough to open
hcreyes onher dalatybed. °bomber. Whit
saw was enough to stake her shriek ten
times over; but she didn't, Surprise got the
better of horror as she saw leaning over the
sides of hot hod tufo old worsen, hideous,
yellow -skinned and !took-nosed—very eager
old women withal—each holding
in her withered palm, a,d each pouting from
het skinny lips an Incoherent torrent, uI
supplications—which eeetned half threat—
that la belle would bey her wares, How
dial they get there ? Who were they ? What
diel they want '? And, oh, where in the
name of wonderful Paris even did they get
so many btillhants'3 If there were edger
questions than these which rushed through
her still somi•somnolent brain the young
W01110,11 didn't allow them to alarm her.
It was still the ninetosu(h century in the
,Xn doSteele capital, even if these harpies
did look like ghouls out of the " Arabian
Nights." At last she managed to auderetaud
each of her hideous hags still clutching at
one of her wrists as they proffered the gums,
that site had the honor of receiving a visit
frorn tura of the agents of it certain well-
known diamond house in the Rue do Sot,
bonne11011 that the bargains they were then
and there ofexing her were 00 very seductive
The Oan and the Milk; or, the Wanderer's
Twenty-five yea's ago, a boy living in an
Ontario village was sent for a piu,t•of milk,
He hid
The can
A stone,
His course
To the
Nearest wharf
Shipped es
A cabin boy,
And wont to eea.
Years passed hy, and by all Ifs anxious
friends mid relatives he was given up for
But he was not dead.
In a faraway and foreign country he li v ed,
and by well -directed energy amassed vast
wealth—a common thing, by the way, svath
The other day he returned.
He stood agalm•in hie native village.
He found the can where he had lad it,
lie ,prooured a pint of milk.
He went to his old familiar boyhood's
,none, eutured, and In a hesitating and
troubling voice, said
" Father and mother, hero's your milk,"
$i0 MRS given warm welcome, but he
noticed there was a change in itis parents'
appearance : they had not the old familiar,
iso questioned thein ; explanations fol.
The young man discovered that, though
the good people were still his parents, the
change in then' personal appewranoe was
read ay aceounted for.
Shortly after this sudden and mystsreus
deparbore from (home his father died, and
his mother married again. Then his mother
died, and his new father married again,
Thus on his return the wandering boy
found the dear old home as 110 had left
it, the only difference being that the had a
new father and a now mother.
Verily, troth is etreatger than fiction.
Love's Byes.
Two leveller eyes', any, eon there be,
That try (heir (eve to !tido from plot
But orbs that spears, their secret gives,
And toll that there true love still throe,
Ilcr words in sllvorn 1ipplo, flow,
Melodious, softs', si Dot and low ;
And 1Colian accents 1111 the air,
Breathed train lilts of her most fair.
Entranced Immo on that sweet face,
Adorned with ovary gift of graoo •
Dano Notaro'e lavish mood was then,
To make hnh10 so admired of along
levee that speak 50, ore you close,
Make this hearth nonce renesn ;
,And say mem day we nuc than be
' Through all time anti eternity,
'rill then thorn eyes shall haunt me still,
Beering me on through every 1111
And ;tattling stars they'll be to oto,
Drawing nu over near to Otto.
Toronto, J. STRAouoee Mofrai laR,
etc: had sae not already as many diamonds
as she coeid use. What is more, she began
to les, tree feeling of intens, horror at her
surrouis8iogs and aversion to the physical
presence of the ha'py-liko diamond brokers.
When she came to herself and described
what the hideous oil diamond tnerchants'i
!tad done, her maid assured her sloe load leen
hypnotized, and advised that the police'
should be called in, But, after all, there
didah'tseem to have been any great newton
of berm done; none of the young welnan's'
money was missing from her portemonnaio
OS the -dressing -table and her jewel case in
tthe.tray of her trunk had not been tamper.
ed with. Beside„ all that there was the
,handful of diamonds the hypnotho page had
left on the bed. Examination showed
ceniokly enough that the states were yellow,
uneven and faulty, The stamped paper in
which they were wrapped born, the name of
a diam nd-house of which everybody has
heard. It was easy enough to go and ex-
plain that the young lady didn't, really want
the diamonds after all ; that in the dint
light of her beclrootn, when they were so
mysteriously exhibited to ler without even
" by your leave."
HEY HAD 50010t100 SW015 14A$DSOSIER
than when viewed later on fn the calm, clear
sunlight, and that besides and above all it
was an outrage demanding legal redress,
tint two of their disreputable -looking old
diamond vendors should force their way into
the bedroom of a guest at the hotel and in-
trude upon her privacy so shout:hagly,to
say the least of it 1 This all was done, with-
out delay and without ocher result than the
calm announcement by the Frenchman that
his agents had received from Mademoiselle
a written receipt for the atones, with an ex.
plioit promise to pay 5000 francs a month
for stent until their total price, 45,000frau cs
had been paid ; that a bargain was abargain
and Mademoiselle, having bought the stones,
and received them, must pay for them 1
" The trade is male, eel Pend that was the
end of it 1 The hotel people expressed polite
surprise that any one should have bees able
to enter Mademoiselle's apartment while she
slept and her maid was within ear -shot. If
Maclemoiselle said so, they believed her of
course, but as the lock showed no signs of
having been forced, and as
had been committed while they regretted
the whole affair, whet could they do? Re.
course was next had to the Consul -General's
office, where the gentleman in charge ap-
preciated the situation keenly, and was en'
raged at such extraordinary, debased and
dangerous methods of plundering his fellow.
countrymen. That some hypnotic influence
heal been exerted by the two women on his
fair young countrywoman there could be
little doubt, since the reaotiol had left her,
in a da rigorous condition of nervous collapse,
Yet ea no personal violeuoo had been offered
her, no money or property taken from her
and no direct threats made to her, it was
exceedingly di lilcult to see how to take help-
ful action 10 the case An eminent lawyer
was retained at a cost of 9600 franc, and
after racking his brains for a way out of the
bargain, after acicnowledging the hopeless.
ness of sectoring redress for the hypnotic as-
sault and insulting intrusion, he discovered
that the two porta:Mar old women in que5.
tion had n0 Blease to peddle diamonds, and
that therefore the sale made through them
was null and void, and the promise to pay
45,000 francs must be instantly returned to
Els client on her surrender of the diamonds,
all of which was done.
It 15 Slvnply a 'l0'o1't111ess and Overgrown
The Meant Carmel air ship, invented by
a man 1100155 Pennington, has turned out a
prodigious failure, Tho faot was announced
that the air ship would ily from Mount
Carmel to Chicago, but the inventor thought
bettor of it sad reached its destination on a
freight train, Now the machine has been
turned loose 'di a largo building, whore the
public is charged 25 cents to go in and see
tilts "air shin" float. In the mitre of the
room is a, ol,'etrio battery, from which a
wire earryieg the motor power extends to
the air sltih, which floats slowly around at
the higi, l of abort 26 feet above the heads of
the speete tors. 'Cho Chicago Times says the
machine looks like an exaggerated bologna
sausage, ,id it is evidently far from what it
was Dias n' d to bo In a taut$, or oven in a
3011t1013 o. itwoulclbeentirely untnanagge.
able, Tho nosy sums up the merits and de.
merits o t h. ,.enttrivance thus :
"It inn..•:1 newly and vaguely, likea cat-
fish in 8,ia, 11 of refreshments. A snore of
spectate ills wide.open mouths watched
it. It Al,milt' a toy about 30 feet in
10nggelt , :1.•1„111(tg about five pounds. It
ootild 1 ,,;tAr 1 to the floor by a piece of
cotton . 1 was a very onc-herso fake.
Barnet ,gad grow tired of it fn a week,
and s, 't it- plaoe by a woman with
Mor i .•11 hni dalte notoriety for fame, and
Would e as l,• ?marked for their vines or
follies than not bo noticed at all.—[ llsop.
Wh ' death, '! It ie 8 resting from the
vtbrai , , 1 of reimatiou, and the swayings of
desire, +''q1 upon the rambliftg thought,
and a .un ferns the drudgery about your
3J*1, a \0'lsieb we Would Remember
Concerning' the 13a'lll find 118
illi, /lnitnnl,,.
Thor, is only one sudden death among
women to every eight among men,
New York, 1'aris and Berlin all together
have not so large an area as London.
At present there are 218,000,000 Calho•
lies in the world, according to the figures
furnished by Rome.
On June 0 the meth is farther away from
the sun than at any other time.
Tie country hoe 1,000,000 miles of tele.
graph wires --enough to resell 40 times
around the globe,
Vf the white population in America 8 per
cent, is unable to either read or write,
Farm lands in the United States, taking
the country as a whole, occupy only 259
501,0(n every 1,000.
To complete their growth, the nails of the
left (land require Dight or ten days more
than those of the right.
A healthy adult, doing an ordinary
amount of work, will require from ten to
twelve ounces of meat a day.
England has more w0111011 workers than
any other country in proportion to popula.
tion; 13 per cent. of the industrial classes
are W0111011.
A grain of fine sand would cover 100 of
the ltnnllt0 scales of the human skin, ar-d
yet each of these scales in turn cover from
3(10 to 500 pores.
From 00,000 to 100,000 hairs grow in a
human scalp.
Nine hundred and fifty submarine tele-
graph cables ace now in operation, most of
them in Europe; their total length is over
09,1100 miles.
The Goddess or Chsulee Invoked by 31r.
Stan ley In Arriea.
In a little speech to the New York Press
Club Saturday tven:ng Henry 11. Stanley
In Central Africa it was not the fashion
to indulge in after-dinner oratory and he
was eonsreptentiy somewhat otlt of practice.
Several times in bis career he had been
compelled to decide in a moment what course
of action to purs0e. In his first African en-
terprise he found laimseif stiundecl oil au
df04.01111 island without friends and tvithont
money. This carts nineteen years ago. He
had to decide in m moment what .0 do, and
he determined to go on, He raised a loan
of 00(30,0011 in a few hours by paying $3,000
premium, and wont ahead until after a lapse
of nine months, he found Livingstone, the
object of his search.
When he reached the spot where Living.
stone lead turned back he wasagain confront-
ed with the necessity of instantaneous
decision. He was in a quandary. If he
turned back he would stamp hie enterprise
with failure. If he went on he knew not
what world happen, He held a consultation
with his lieutenant, awl tholatter suggested
that the matter might be settled by tossing
a coin. He accepted the suggestion and
tossed up a.rupee. The coin decided against
going on. But Stanley was not sattsfled,
He tossed again, and still again, and each
time the coin said that Stanley should not
go en. nen he had recourse to long and
short skews and three times this divination
declarecl that the explorer should turn
lint he was still not satisfied to go
back. He thought that something mg
Joust be
the blotter with the rupee and the straws,
and so he cast aside the prophecies of both
lend went on following the course of the great
river until lie found whence it came. When
he reta"ned to London after this expedition
he found the Geographical Society debating
whether it should Balt bine a pirate or give
him a dinner. It finally decide.t to give him
a dinner,
Just Stop and Consider 'What May lin peen
in Sixty seconds.
"Don't fret. ('11 bo there in a minute."
But, my friend, a minute means a good deal
notwithstanding you affect to hold it of no
consequence. Did you ever stop to think
what may happen in a minute ? No, Well,
while you are murdering a minute for your-
self and one for ole, before we get ready for
the business we have in hand, I will anus,
you by telling you some things that will
hart!) aen meaein10010 averwe.
e shall he whirled around
on the outside of the earth by its dmn'na l
motion a distance of thirteen utiles. At the
stone time we shall have gone along with the
earth on its grand journey around the sun
1080. Pretty quick traveling, you say.
Why, that is slow work compared with the
rate of travel of that ray of light which just
now reflected from that mirror, A minute
ago that ray was 11,160,000 miles away.
In a minute, over all the world, about
eighty new bora infests have each raised a
wail of protest, es if against thrusting ex•
ist0nc, upon them ; while as many more hu-
man beings, weary with the struggle of
life, have opened their lips to utter their
last sign.
In a minute the lowest sound your ear can
catch has been made by 690 vibrations,
while the highest tone reached you after
malting 2,228,000 vibrations.
In a minute an express train goes a mile,
and a street oar thirty-two rods ; the fastest
trotting horse 148 rods, and an average
pedestrian has got over sixteen rods,
Each minute, night end day, by the offi-
cial reports, the United States collects $639
mud spends $461. The interest on the pub.
lie debt was $06 a minute last year, or just
cxaotly equal to the amount of silver mined
in that time. The telephone is used 595
times, the telegraph 136 times. Of tobacco
925 pounds are raised, and part of it has
been used in making 6,673 cigars, and some
more 0311 has gone up in the smolt° of 9,202
But I am afraid that you will forget that
We are talking about a minute, sixty seconds
of time, No? Well, thee, every minute
000 pounds of wool grow in this 00untry,
and we have to dig suxty-one tone of anihra.
cite coal and 200 tons of bituminous coal,
while of pig iron W0 turn out twelve tons,
and of steel rails three tens, Inglis minute
you have kept the waiting fifbeeh kegs of
nails have been made, twelve bales oC ootton
have boon taken from the fields and thirty.
sit bushels of great have gone into 149 gal-
lons of spirits, while $66 of gold have been
dog from the earth. In the same time the
Mated States mints turned out coin to the
value of $121, and forty-two acres of the
public domain have boon sold or given
Love's Telegraph.
If you've a saerft for me, Tad,"
Said Judy, as she bent her head,
" whishper it, me hearty I"
Then, with the ,pose of ono intent,
A dainty, nunk.rinnmed ear she bout
To'rcI 1Ir. 'Ted McCarty,
Whisht l° answered Tod, "it's not yer
Ito tvouthu' for me aaorit, clear,
IVs to yet heart Old ehpako it,
An' so't:nay :qquicker go, be half,
Oi'll shod it down be tiligraph
$0enes on the Island in Bohrinio8ea
Where Fur -Bearers Rule
the Root'
Pribylov a Great Pl; oo for Mammal Atter
the Breoaing Season in
Warmer Viraters,
Each Plereo and SYarl!ko :tate the P
lace!..,• 01' n Score el• .0301'(: Sleet{ and
Oenure Wlyes.
The controversy on the Bebring Boa gree.
Cion still wages. Our sealers go 001 to the
fisheries and defying Yankee n oioera sent to
protect the Alaska company, they take the
valuable mammals right under tho noses of
the gun bolts, and clapping on all eel/ speed'
for Victoria where they land their valuable
hloanwltile we hare appealed to the
United States Supreme court. At this there
is much wrath, but Salisbury laughs and in-
quires, with touch feeling, '" What's the
!natter, Jonathan ? Can't you trust your own
Supreme Court, if we are willing to?"
slut," rejoins the sapient Blaine, " will
you agree to abide by the Boding of the court
whose decision you invoke?"
"\Cell," says Salisbury, "let's try it and
SW. 'oVs can keep up the diplomatic eon.
tention, anti if your court decides wrong,
then will bo time enough to inquire about the
next step, dou't you know'"
For twenty years the exclusive" right tri, .
kill seals has been vested fn the Alaska.
Commercial company, but het year a now
company cane to the front aid anode a
better offer for the privilege, which was
accepted by Secretary eVimlom. The agent
of tltu gorerument is Charles .1. Goff, and he
allowed the new company to !till only 93,-
000 seals, on the plea that if it killed 100,000'
es formerly, the seals would soon be ex-
terminated. But as no females MVO' 100)0
killed, and as the surviving males are
polygamists to an astolishiugextent, and as
1nore competent experts than Coll' declare
that seals ere rapidly increasing, the
opinion and the reason given for redacting
the harvest must be taken with a good deet
ghost of the seats are killed on the Prffty-
Iav islands, but they winter farther south
and spend much of the year going and Dom-
ing on the surface of the great Intervelting
ocean. So it is easy for poaching vessels to
intercept them and slay them by wholeoale,
and if all who wish are permitted to club.
the silky mammals while swimming in
Behring sea to and from their northern
breeding -grounds, the whole of the interest.
iuet race will soon be exterminated.
Half of the sealskin sacques In the world
come from these Pribylov islands, lying in
Behring sea 200 miles from the main land.
The two principal ones are mere islets—St.
Paul and St. George—each ten or twelve.
miles long and half es broad. For two
months in true summer of each year the
Aleuts, or natives, kill seals and skin them;
the other ten they lie around in rhe twi-
light, never going to bed or taking of their
clothes night or ,lay, gossiping, eating, and
getting drank on genes. They out raven-
ou^ly, averaging tiro potm<ls of seal meat
pc: day for every man, wutnan, and child,',
in addition to vast quantities of other food.
Up to last year they took about 100,000
skins a year, and the United States treasury,
received $3 for each skin,
In the beneficent or malevolent economy,
of nature and commerce there are twice as
many females as males in the sent somans.
ity, so polygamy flourishes
fn the spring the adult seals come swim+-
sling bark from their mysterious tropical
visit, acaompaeied by a millionof the yotmg
pups of the previous summer, and the llry-
bylov islands are very lively once more, -
lively and reverberent with roars of anger
and of a friendly greeting.
Mostly roars of auger, for every male seal
is the foreordained enemy of toll other male
Beals, and must defend with his strength
and often with his life the position he has
assumed on rho rocks as his partial/AP so.
raglio. Here lie gathers his harem, ono by.
one, and here, in a few weeks, the young ore
born. Some of these bulls exhibit the same
desperate courage and insensibility topain
as is shown by the Indian brave who le
hamstrung and hauled up to a tree top by
quivering sinews. One was pointed alt to
the goverment agent who had survived forty
or fifty pitched battles with as many an.
tagonists and still hold his place, covered
with scars and frightfully gashed, raw, fes-
tering, and bloody, one eye gorged out, and
a fore -nipper torn to ribbons, and yet lord-
ing it stubbornly over his harem of fifteen
or twenty females huddled admiringly
around hfm. The fighting is mostly done
with the mouth. They seize each other with
their canine teeth, always leaving ugly, and
sometimes fatal, wounds
The nate seals arrive from the south first,
and are followed by the pretty little females
sone weeks thereafter. Tho Hon. George•.
Wardn,an, the treasury agent at the Prib -
lov islands, expresses no opinion about, the :
question of mare clausum, leaving that tobe
bythe aeorota of state and settled ry m he
British premier, but he describes this polyga.
my in a very lively manner : "The matured
male seal when he draws up out of the
omen after a six or eight months' cruise- in
water's to us unknown is a magnificent an-
imal. Bold, bad, and beautiful, he takes a
position ht May among the basaltio rocks
which are washed by the surf in storms,
braces bis broad chest upon hisfore-flippers,
steetoles his heavily maned, glossy, undo
luting neck, throws hie tapering head aloft,
mud roars forth a hoarse bellow of defiance'
to the world. He closes with a guttural
growl that sounds like two quarts of pebbles
rattling in his throat, while down the oor-
ners of his throntening mouth, stockaded'
with ivory fangs, droop the long, gray lines
of his aristocratic mustache. Here he takes
his stand, and here hewillmoothis expected.
family h,"
In Janeor todeatmes his multitudinous bride.
The male fur seal is a huge but eymmetrical
brownish bulk of 600 to 800 pounds. The
female is a meek, modest, submissive -look-
ing little creature, averaging about a hun-
dred weight. She oreops up out of the
water with a demure, downcast counte-
nance, the shining !hair neatly brushed
back from ken' pretty little head, and—ar.
rayed le a brown moque, think you'? ,loot
at all, She is a Quakerish looking matron.
in an unpretending steel gray, but sleek and
tidy, withoteba wrinkle to herdress.
" There could not," says Mr. Wartime%
"boa greater contrast ;he, aggressive, fierce,
and bloodthirsty ; she, meek andla, but,
as rumors go, sly audio*,
and were she sole
mistress of her lord's affections would, no
doubt, exhibit a temper ofber own, Com
petition keeps her spirit down, poor thing,
l'l,00ld bulls 0001py their ppro-ompton for
weeks without goin�Y- halo tine water, await ,
ing th0 ar'ival of tine fontalos, sleeppingg osi
the ground and neither eating nor drinking
fro::: wok to wooly. This, however, is bat
preliminary to the longer vigil and iastj
which icontitnues for three menthe after
the are vooft females, When they do,
part they are Weak anti loan,"