HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-13, Page 1if r ( Volume 18 Conte !intervene' metal Last 9w held in the the canton Wesley. un diel' in Se/118u eel :14th verso service and was given 'Wesley, seeration \ he was se His indust) without w eminently liberality k life he was His power crowning a (8) His deg tela mphant In oonneo in the rite given as foll Wesley's," life of the religious lif Rev. It, Pa In the ev ley's work the 60th oh It was shot church, the the world, 1 000 member of nearly 30 great rexui Some of the of the Met out, such a tablished cry i from almost revived the (c) It had to moral, hen movements the 18th and centuries, important u the theology tete °Chine distinguieh3 were emelt emphasis it points of the regeneration the duty ant having a 00( patience. (•2 talent of t methods. (4 fellowship iu 11e The follow with 1 N mte ea centennial se Jobe Wed Converted first elethodi the Foundry, The first viler was held Jan of seven min John Weal an average of and wrote 2 March 2nd, 1 British Me bers, 2,897 Schools, 129,' and 982,888 The Church /termite. American churches, 31, frit church mem number over number !Hole, churches, 7,8 members, T Church of tine loges, 0uivers of learning, \V valued at $7 reaching $7,3 °My $692,47.1. the beginning niiimep t -roam Canadian tees, 3142 to lenders, tend 9 church me,nb 28,411 officers dtty School property in There are 12 amount raise $220,020. Tl other educate ees 'and prof uates. Thor heralds of th ada. One o Methodism in the several Dominion in Methodlleb Oh A foot of gr fel growth of Canada 511105 , Canadian Co l' M. E. Confer At the time o' preecbers,of D,) of Loud There wore 3 bees. Today forams, 1;31 21313,808 mein 51111 As far back loner traveilin the neighborh service in a d\ Thee. Joheeto but owing to land the seed° !lies located i were small. first regularly the head of th thud'', !motto elle 9011 cot: o as n dwo11ing. SIPS old school Waters!) !Onto -wards in the St,, incl also i Dick on Tait; very 0)1OCeeaf Mr, Acneh BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 1b, 1891, Number 33. nary of MethoIlsm, x ,drat hbwth entad of °ming ap1er vu vith is sole ng ! ey ieters. ey tlyodiam 385 765 t)0,17(e Meallodism d Doe Deal m o f came f tgholn on, 2 b1 n Ttev. old nhoth u1 place of worship, nes a non rogation they were boing imaged Decub from "post 10 pillar." A ha1P gore of land Nas pro- oared from Thos, HnUtdny, en Elisabutb St„ nnar the 0141 wend i fthe , and parsonage built, and ]n the following year a bee was made and timber got out for the church, which was to be 86 ft, square. 13. Gerry had the contract. On q Y gammen( of the people being poor come time elapsed before tho blinding wap completed. The following was the board trustees; -T. and H, Roe, J'. Walker, B. Ames, 3. Whitfield and B. Gerry, The subjoined list of memos will only have to be given to trmxhen and revive merry scenes in connection wibh the old Wes. leyun Church. Aftor Rev. Mr. Cyano carne the following rev, gentlemen- Hough, Robson, Hanna, Webster, Brie. Johnston, a 1 rt to Davey, Stafford, Hay hare(, Harris, Chappison, Smyt.7, jStvedn Sellers; which brines us down 0o the present, In (los early days 1Vleegrs. Roe, Hall and Dick rendered elisotive service as loowl preachers noel as the Ainleyville circuit was then composed of Johnston's, °liver's, Jackson's, Walton, Whitlleld'e, Hunter's, IIetehIuson'e and Gage's ap. pointments there WAS no small amount of work to be done. According to the custom of the Methodist church class meetings were commenced auc! Thomas Hall and B. Gerry were appointed lead. ers in the °hurahhere. In 1866 an organ was placed in the otlurci7 Mtge Charlotte Pearson taking the position of organist, and a choir established. This interesting part of the service was kept up, with an occasional interruption, ever since. It has been under the obacge of Maws. Gerry, Harris, Watson and Herr, with Misses Ella Morias. Lizzie Harris, Mary Movies and Sheriff and Mrs. Gilpin as organists. At present the choir is tom posed of :-Misses F. E. Barr, L•tttie Hill, Beside Moore, Iva Walker, Melissa .Farrow and Ettie Ward, soprenos ; Misses Minnie Moore, P P. Herr and Annie Smith, altos ; T. Moore, A. Ilood, - T. Hill and W. II, herr, tenors ; Dr. Cuvau lgb, 17m]aon Gerry, Ed. Hill and W. Smith, base. The mamborahip is largo and is divided into seven classes with Rev. J. L. Kerr, B. Gerry, S. Fear, H. Ball, Geo. lingers, W. IL herr and fifes. J. L. herr as leaders. The new ahurclh on Bing 131,-wns created in 1870 and cost $1.1,000, Mr. Burns, of Brant ford, had the oantra°t. Tho church is a neat nu ! onmf:,rtnble building 42x7' Peet, with n good suns basement, which ie used for Sundae Salem! pnrposos and tveelrao1vyoaa. There da also it gallery 'lung the front of the buiitling. The eta:ware is not volt free from Mb:. The old oburoh property was di•pnse,l of to Peter Tlsonlps'nt, and 0 brick Cottage ad Dining the new cherah purchased for a j 1 parsonage, When the union was con• pnmmated between the Wesleyan and New C°un0xi°n bodies the letter came to the Wesleyan clench and united Its the Methodist church of °'nada, The Now Connexion church was disposed of some time ago. In e,o,nection with the union the unitedonn gra"ahio7 came into 6 Pos' cession of the cemetery, lj melee south of Bru=sola, containing 8ji acres of laud and a very suitable place for a leurying ground. Tho plob is boing • tapidly filled, proving to us the mutability of all things earthly. The goers of service are 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. ou Sunday, with a• Y.P. t7. A. meetingml Monday evening, of whish Geo. llogers •is Ptesident ; Dr. 14IoNaughtent 2nd Vi°o•Pres Miss n d lYltea ie tthirteen Mamie Moore, Secretary -Treasurer, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, Bible Claes Friday evening and choir pretties on Saturday evening, LI looking bank to the establishment of this church in Brussels very few of the old members remain, prominent nmongsb the few, besides these already nulled, is old Mrs, Ainley, who has always been noted for the deep interest manifested in t1e earrying out of 0vecy good work. The ministration of Revels. Hough, Davey, Harris and Smyth will he !remembered, especially an a0oo5°t of genes ful revival -Nevins, Since the settitlg apart of tile. p Ainleyville mission Revels, Thomson, felly, Ml`swell, Allan, Schram, Well, wood, Hughes, ll,Fs0 moll, Legate, Iiop. kilts, Maitland, Botvorg, Brandon, F meth, Rogers, Kerr, reuse and Jamieson have supplied the ,place of junior lniutabet's• The Bible Christian denomination, the New Connexion and the Episcopal Melillo. diets also did good work in this R saetlo1) in the 50113' eottlemonb of Grey and Morris townships. Thirty years ago a Sunday School was oommenoed ants line been sustained over singe, For over sixteen years B. Geary had chnnne of it and rendered services that will never' be forgotten. He was ,. suc°etdee by D. Watson and W. H. Kerr. G'. L. Ball, now of Toronto, ens oleo enpeldutendeu0 for a year. At the •prey. iron nt time naeltlio , 001100' le nineteen oraaeeon g . 1 Y t /ought by Rev, S. Setleey, Ray. R,.I?nal, J T. Pelipe», Geo, Rogers, Dr. Cavanagh, Dr. Holmes, 3. .Cool(, W. Rorlrliclt, W. Mooney, E. R Nielson, Mrs. Gilpin, Bliss MoTNad9 hton, Miss Minnie Moore, !!Slee hinter, , Ml s H0 mes, M155 Baw4lu• Dyer, Mes. J. L. I{err, Mrs. Dobson and (E Kerte olisr foe17 11Tr�nvI'o eaeluesiagal It attendance of scholars runs from 176 to 225. 3. J. Ball is Secretary, Dr, Holmes TT. frill, Librariaans easurer end e Bessie A choir under thors e e management of Dr. Cavanagh loads the singing, Miss Tillie I%necbtal is the o'• uonilt, W, FL McCracken was the Re- tdhhg Steward for a great ninny years and represented Bratiels Methodist church a targe number of times at the * 7listriot meoEln e, eke. He is the Teens. Disc of the Trustee boated at nye preset- time. Dr, Holmes !s the Secretary of the Trnatoo Board. -----------•— Thursday afternoon Geo. Prsntiss, a well•todo farmer, living beer Beowes• vino, worst but 10 Lia barn and deliberate- a ontliOut heed revshotn with g �er, Pre through revolver, ]' w and voted in the Morning, seed was not thought to be en way deranged. He ybadntl tont• y y ! y ed his farm and pill*hated a residence he llro\amsvtllnLintebding tctakothingaOAsy t r stew vill ,... ELECTION RETURNS. No. 28 14 48 10 No. 211 09 21. 5 •--- -•--- -- 199 1118 vii Maj. for McMillan. , 1 Tro(nausau'rn,-- No 130 65 64 0 r No, 31 JO 1J 1byv N°• 1t2 105 29 0 No• 33 80 26 0 — ...... 346 108 1 Maj, for mom' !WI Wel Total votes polled„ 1843 900 55 Maj. for McMillan865 woos nnt:ox. Tho following are the figures for West Huron as far as majorities aro oomeened, as reported on the evening of election Pi day:-- Cameron, Porter, Ashfield 151 Colborne 70 Clinton 12 Godarich 0(1 W. Wawanosh 111 E. Wawsnosh 108 Godetioh township 167 — MI 107 Maj, for Cameron878 The °Medal returns were made on Thursday of this week, too late for this issue. The following are the returns for North Perth, ea given in last week's Listowel i3tandard, ahotvdn" tym munimi nl ma- p joritiee :- Hasson Grieves Grieves Listowel 18 01 Ellice ington 18 3 Stratford Logan i 2° g Milverton 21 — — 39 115 Majority from Grieves 78. Hasson hada majority of 200 in 1887. caarnacox sonoss. Hutchins, Conservative, has Ot1111 2 of a majority in North Middlesex. Ur• Tasbo save he has 3t in for Mi'.Ma Groevey when Parliament meets, Mr. Reith f.rfeite his $200 depose( in South Huron. It serves him righb, Finance Minister Foster was not de- inset' as reported the night of the else- tion. Mr. McNeil was elected in East Banc over Bonner. The first report was vice versa. A recount is ordered in South Went- worth for Settarday to decide ebether 0arpenter or Middleton will sit for that constituency. A recount of ballots in Brome having resulted in a tie the returning officer gave the casting vote in favor of Dyer (Cog,), thus securing his election, Two elentions aro yet to be had Hunt - ington, a Reform stronghold where vet, ing will take place of the 28rd inst., and Algoma, which is safe Conservative, the ditto of which has not yet been an. •nbu cecd. The official declaration of the result of the election for South Huron was made at Seaforth. The !allowing aro correct returns :-McMillan (Lib:, 1,996 ; Weis- miller (Con •,) 91)0 ; Reith ('Tad. Ref.,) 55, Major!, y for McMillan, 8uo, The otSslal count of the returns in North Perth took pleas on Tuesday. At polls the deputy returning officers had neglected to malts Any certificate as to the number of votes polled. In one poll there was no certiloate of the num- her of votes g written over twice, thew making Crit d1fii. cult to say what the meant The re- Y y turning officer refasecl to make any dealer:vino and adjourned the proceed• i11 Ka for one weak, - tented by Mr. Longb. The report, after a slight change, wee adopted on motion of Meow. Lough and Robb. In the evening a public meeting was held in the Town Hall, at which Thos. !'arrow presided. The program con. sistod of vomit and instrumental music), readings, 4ableanx, oces and a routers Mr, Tilley on Success in Life."" He spoke purtioularly to young men, im- pressing the fact that suoaoes depends on (1 labor ;(2)perseverance ; (3)self re• I } P lance, and (4) oharaotar. On Friday business was resumed at 9 a. rn. The election of oftioers was pro- °ceded with and resulted as follows : - Yves., A. 1I. Plummer ; rat Viae•Prea., M• Black ; 2nd Vice -Pros„ Miss Hlllen Sec.-Treas., A. $°Ott ; Executive Com. mince-Messre. Musgrove, Lough, Mo- 1 Faun, Shearer and Cowen ; Delegate to Ontario Teacher -e Association, D. Robb, t I, P. S. ; Auditors for 1801, Messrs, Lough and Turnbull, The Treasurer's report was rend and adapted and showed a L:Llanae 011 hand of $6.80. Mr. Tilley gave an example of big method of teaching reading with a class, fle held that the prompt and correct recognition of words is the first require• meet of reading, and that pupils should be taught the word as a whole before taking up ire parts, Miss Abraham then took a lesson in history iv$h a class. The subjoin matter of the lesson took the form of a story which interested the pupils very much. She frequently referred to the maps, and et the end a complete outline of the lag. son appeared on the blackboard. Mr. riche then gave a talk on the difficulties he bad met with owing to oareleseneea in making up the reports. Some of the mistakes were ludicrous in the extreme, of the constitution ruse The d to the referred to the Exaoutive Committee. Mr. Musgrove then gave his method of teaching, "How we ars Governed." He allowed how to pot the pupils to under. sated our system of government, by di, ratting their thought to their maniai- pality. Discussion by Messrs. Lough. and Blackwell, followed. The committee on resolutions present- ed the following report: It°solved that the thanks of this In. stitute be tendered to theca who kindly assisted at the entsrtainmeut given last evening, and to the chairmen for the admlrabte manner 10 which h0 thvcharo ed lain duties, Resolved that a vote of thenke be tendered the council for the use of the Town !Hell, Resolved that a vote of thanks be teudavad the trasLses for the use of the school and also the teachers for their courtesy in connection (viten the Rese°da- tion, - itesolvod that the thanks of the Inst!- lute be given the retiring officers for the m,mner in which they have des- charged charged their duties. Resolved teat no action be taken in the matter brought before the Institute by the Waterloo Teachers' Asso0latiou, Resolved that this 155 itute reoom- mend that $100 be raised by the county for each school therein, n, and that s forth• er sew of $100 be raised by the township council for each sobool, and that the leglelattire grant be distributed on the basis of salaries and oertifiaates, The Association adjourned to meet at the call of Cho Executive Committee and by the Doorkeeper of thi form you that the dm nouen in thforegoing Set aro sul order, The orowded con rooms makes it neoeasary tc as coon a9 convenient." As man of the member ferrod their quota of backs mitten rooms, many of th preempt the appearance of printing o weeks, altoOssone Within menta have been sent out that a shower of more or to volumes ie falling upon th and long-suffering voter ii. of nue aountly, ; Since the almost For otter g Capt, Isaac Bassett gradual under the watchful care am vision of Daniel Webster t11 been so many changes as to Senate as are arranged t when the Fiftysecond Gong a thing of life and antivit 1801, is some months an average statesmen believe time by the 'padlock,' as used to put it, if there is 1 . a front seat in the political will never be found in 01 whatever may be had for t his to a certainty, Ordinar never more than two or 1 changes to be made at the ment of each aeseion, but ne nob going to be of the ordin so those who were not lost it are preparing to secure available locations. The adjournment of the E day as a token. of respect Senator Wilson will neoessil more haste on its part in bh tion of Mao appropriation b been vivo day S t Saturday y sion a n b day of Saturday t Bion can be held on Sunday. an innovation, and is now co' sulutbly nenlyeone, Of' the 1 tion bills only one, the Army ly become a Iaw by the signature. The mortality in the 51st been exceptionally large. Ti member of the Congress d night. In the death of 1 Maryland and the eouu0ry lc and upright Senator. — Servitors ins( Knnrtny in the Churc,1 1' Ii vessels• sir Jana wet stave a "(aching or 80 in lite Neil r"arlloment. a _ There has bean a wide divorl puce in the summing up of the results of the D°minion election last week, all the way from 12 Co 46, There is shun a more or lase uncertain( until the official rename Y are made. In taking a survey of the field the result appears to be something like the followtug :--- Min. Opp. Ontario 46 44 (uaobeo 20 34 N°vw S°o4ia 10 5 New Brunswick 12 4 P. E, Island 2 4 Manitoba 4 1 N, W. Territories 4, 0 British Columbia fi 0 _ _ Totals 117 135 Conaorantive majority 2 1 ty 7 ),AST HURON. Macdonald llolmes, BENT11,- No, 1 68 57 No„ 2 44 13 -- — 102 100 Majority for Macdonald 3 Bergsma,- No, 3 89 58 No. 4 79 el — — 168 112 Majority for Macdonald 46 Gear,- No. 5 69 60 No. 6 166 67 No.7 91 36 No. 8 59 30 No. 0 77 66 No. 10 72 62 — Majority for Macdonald 186 496 31U j Y Howlak,- No. Il 57 92 No. 12 64 02 No. 13 61 101 1.o. 14 70 8't No. 15 ., . 92 71 No. 16 fit Gli '— -- (398 484 illi orifi f ] y or Holmes 86 Mounts,•-• No, 17 ((7 08-_ _ No. 18 ,.. 71 48 No. 1.9 59 02 No. 20 78 75 No. 21 61 77 — — 339 :310 MajorityforMacdouald.. 29 Tunxs?n1111,- No. 22 , , , 63 52 No, 23 117 68 No, 21 97 72 — 277 187 Majority for illaadonakl.,Dp Wtvnutar,- + No. 2i) 48 49 Nt, 25 46 14 No 27 37 iia No. 28 70 58 195 179 Majority for Macdonald.. 16 W1No.a2Dn - 62 117 ^- Majority for Macdonald..25 ltsoaryxuaATIox. r Macdonald. ,ry* :, 'Myth 102 100 Brussels 1e8 122 Grey 996 310 Hoviek ,.,, ... 898 484 Morris 809 310 Tutnberry 277 197 Winuhem 1.95 177 Wroxetee 62 139 ____- memorial sorviaoa wore Methodist church celebrating vial of the death of John 1 the eatabliahment of IlYetho. Canada In 1701, Rev, Mr, e(eb, 11017 chapter and for his text at the morningof e most interesting diacouree on the nharaeler of John 1) As a ChrieEiau his coag its perfeot. (2) As a preacher scud only to Whitfield. (3) 7 was almost if not altogbth,e, parallel (4) He was pre. a manto ma of prayer.(0)l p y Hie new no bounds. (G) In social oueerful and Viva0i,°a.(7)and orxanisabiorl was one of the tttibutea of his thmraoter. th %vas not only peeeefally but • hien with the Sabbath school moon short addresses were mita :-"The home hie of the George Rogers ; "The college b.ys, " T. Farrow ; "Tho 1 of the Wesley's as men." II. the theme was "Wes- end influence," bo.ed upon of Isaiah, 22nd verse. :-(1) That the Methodist largest Protestant °lurch in 90,000 ministere, 8,800,- s, representing a population 000,000, was only one of the of Wesley's work. (2) results of Methodism outside Lodes( church were pointed I : (e) It awakened the Es- °ra]h� of England, rescuing it total spiritual death. (b) It old Non.00nvormist bodies. do chiefly with the great evolent and philanthropic which marked the close of Cho beginning of the 19th d) Its teaching has had an ed striking influence upon oP other ohurahea, notably 11351501. A few of the features of Methodism ad upon. (1) The sp. Mal Inas given to the salient (lospeJ, each as the need of the witness of the Spirit, privilege of every believer' S0101114, hippy religious ex. Tha utiliz )tion of the lay he rhumb. (8) its revival Its provision for Christian the class meeting, monied aTa27vTtca. ing statistics will he road t in rvloea connection with these was born June 17th, 1703, NIay 2IGh, 1739. PI1e it scale( was organize. at Y g London, July 20th, 1890, levan Meblrodis0 Conferetea nary arta, 1714-eousietiog preached 42,800` sermons,, 15 a week for over 60 years 00 volumes. He died on 701 stag 606,427 mem- ministers, {3,026 Sunda Y Sunday School teachers, Sunday School scholars, Sae over one million ad• Methodism has 59,711 ministers and 1,989;810 bers, while the acieerents thirteen millions. This les 0,4°0 colored Methodia4 00 aliniste/•s and 582,513 he 'Methodist Episcopal United States has 143 col. Ace and higher institutions itis buildings and g grounds 689.(140 Duel esduwmdtrts wh rod debts ave Numberlef lm de rs•faon1„ 1416,006, What u meg- 1 for less than a oeubnr t has 1,718 Millie - nal preachers, 6,108 clafl.., 46 female leaders, 288,868 era, 3,178 Sunday Schools, and teachers, 226,060 Sun• cholera Value of churn. the Dominion $11,697,491. annual conferences. The for alcmissions east year was so l colleges, year and re.aluti4ue, lie toaal7. InteliLessors, 8,157 college grad- are about 700,000 ad. Methodist Church in Can- the notable events in Canada was the event: Canadaof bodies in the 1884 under the name of the arch. oat moment is the tvondor• the Methodist Church in 1828: In this year the ;forme° separated feom the of Cho IInited l37ate 0 separation there were o'0 Rev, E. Evang, D. is the only survivor. distriota and 9,U78 mem• tllere'aro 12 annual coo•The 01100 11 1,748 ministers.; a` asst s msrliooTasr. as the year 185E an magas- f yninister used to call iu sed of Renewals and hold a veiling house, belonging to n. on the 12tH con, of Grey, the extent of the mycelia reel condition of the fam• Ellie section Gine f thegatherings Isane Crane was the appointed minister and e mission Wee the old log 1 es Bunter's chetah, on 1 Grey; It else served him I'coaalring wee held in 1'e 1 enne noes otand'e after. Orange Ball, on Mill n n hODan ewnod h a Mr, y St, I'`ollowmg up a revival titaotingholdl7v ,r re mea c,. held l ,. 'v' Grey Council nfi _ Coanoil met at Zimmor's brodk, March 2nd, pursuant nle11t. Members alpreemie Milne. 'Walter Oliver, )Cep the their. Mumma of last read and approved• Applic Savage for liberty to peewee; labor o° side road bocwees 16, ton. 3, iustead of on the Moved by Gtwar,l Bryan, Thos. Ennis that the statute lots lel and 16, on 3rd and 4 granted. Carried. The Audi and abstract of township 1990 teas laid ou bbo table, examined and finally audited Moved by 1Vm, Brown, s Thos. Ennis that the Audito adopted and that the abstract ed in TOE Baossehs Pos'e for Carried, Bylaw No, 4, 18 and dispose of original al road of side rood No. 4, lots between the 8111 and 9t11 cons, three times and passed. Th goy applied to have aide road ices 1.0 and 11, opened up 801i and 9t11 eons. Moved by pis, seoonded by Wm. Brow Reece be inatruutad to notify son, G. T. R. engineer, to hay eery culverts made at reilwa Carried. Moved byEdwa seconded by T. Enolthat th instructed to go round to pound keepers appointed and mance the deolarahion of office Moved by Wm. Brown, seem Bryans and carried that th accounts be) paid feud ,5`E plies to the Lagan family, $ Stewart and Jacob Kreuter, e salary as Auditors ; John FIei ing ditch on IIowick boned John 'Miller, keeping tVm, 111 digest, five months, $40,00 ; gravel, $11.28 •' Thos. Ennis Logan family; $3,50 • Jas (travelling at lot 32 roue 14, $ Cuthbertaon, gravelling on ei mon. 13, $1.65 ; John Dongbe ling on side road. G, .con, 18, McNair, expenses on towushi and postage for 1890, $18.4 then adjoutnad 4o meets uiu Hotel, Ethel, on Tuesday, th of May next, as Court of Rev Assessment roll. Wet: Srsxo ' Washington Letter. (From our Regular otnzoepoadent•1 tVnehinL'tan, Feb. 87, 'ol• The notion of the Senate on the World's Fair items of the sundry civil bill par- y takes of a somewhat cheese paring char. ecter,,and is suggestive rather of a pm- pone to belittle than promote or humour- age the great icternabiocaI exhibition w tioh holds its aborter from Congress, ,o wino • h the faith of the Government is pledged and in wInotl the honor of the Government is ver largely i.volved, •y h y While oxt, avegwuoe i° the management may properly be condemned, fhb Senate does not seem to tally realize Ole m :gni- nude of the undertaking, the immense amount of work to be done within a limited period, or the peculiarly trying mud weighty responsibilities that devolve upon its executive officers. For the special services which have to be. render. od it its no more than just thee spode' solnpensatiou be given. The energies and abilities rogolsite to conduct an en• terpriso of this ll,nd to a sneoossful issue must be more than ordinary, and are en- titled to more than ordinary pay ; and on an 00aasi00 like this, the first in our history, international as well as national, a great Government can afford to be generous as well ae just. We marmot af. ford to run on narrow -gagged and j+ural• m001058linea. It is also to bo rogisltod that hi whittling down tint salary fund the Senate should bays so underestimat• ed the value of the services of the lady managers ab to provide that they should be compensated for only one meeting during the present fiscal year anti one in the next. It is iu the unsure of an in- 51(11 to those ladies to °lasslfy them as meetly ornan7ent,tl appendages to the Exposition, instead of the useful, heed- working, influential auxiliaries which would certainly be if given an op• about p010usity. 11451 (110 8)11 as amended large are practically moa noltated tram Y p y p discharge of the important duties 'The wh]mh blye kava been seleatod to pelforlu y ew7oerning which they aro patriot!. in narnost. As the atea]On. approaches )r0aCh0a ing. cloth,other effort is being to clear 0115 jumper! the helow coked storetooma of the thousands endinga doaihmsnte which have ammoniated ated with more or iDas rapidity during the the two years. .It is estimated that each the member has hndlabout SUO volumoa coo. with to him during this Congress et library, its aggi'egnto, of neat) 10books, K°nfuid Thorn aro some thouea ds till midis- gates, and the nlembbrg are being next np to take them away. Each the has received a printed lid of the due him, a0o5m nehiedmonced. by the owed little note horn So erintendent p to tt...co, the OlNeitint elle erie& Of the P n _ Beet IluroYl Teae11$Z'l Convention. 2,037 (0 2 ) 1,7 0 - Dlwjorety for Maodouald 808 `There were 9 rejeote9 ballots, ' SOUTH kI(TRON, Af Mn. li lei -, :rot4u Ravi"".",- No, 1 80 42 3 lla', for Waigmiller 12., - J IIA!:,- ' No. 2 89 21 `2 Aro. 8 102 66 8 110.9: 80 39 1 No. 5 25 13 1 No. 6 55 1.1 0 No, 7;, 48 813 13 •-- — - Maj. for Molrlitlau,. 1.03 181 10 lreae flvlas•-1 - No.:8 60 23 8 No. 9 91 19 U No. 10 48 32 0 No, 11 u9 23 0 No. 12 ,. „ . , .. , , 35 80 0 No, 1g 40 gl g No. 14 .... 56 30 D — - 874 15!3 5 Maj. foe McMillan,. 219 "'No. '11- No. 16 .... ,..,. O1 11 0 No 113. 30 21 0 faeulby No, 17 02 14 0 leo. 18 62 ]9 2 eepetttion P' reel '47 4 IVo, 20 27 21. 1 4 sults No. 21 .,,.,.,.,61 1'0 No,22 31 18 q child Nil 1.18 111 teacher Maj. for ID[citlillalh2U3 atimulnta Sa,,,,c, 'rtr, dtthnntlty, No, !3 l)1 88 2 favorable No. 24 05 .11) 0 bio. 25 56 61 2 ,_: e , 201 168 4 of Mu ..or R101klillau,. 41 ]'L See:gm:v:.•- tion N0. 21i .,,,,,..,, 04 40 0 Itod, iN,, ori to n r t --`-" t The regular annual meeting of the hast Baron Teachers' A.asoeiation twee held in Oho Public eol7col, Brussels, on Thursday and Friday, Peb'y 26th and 27th, the President, Mr. Taylor, of ` m -ester, in the °heir, The mimeos of the previous meeting' were rend and approved. The following committees wore then appeinted, viz.:- R° )Orrin {- 1 Messrs, Lowery, McFadyeh and Sheerer. General Bnsinese-Mbeare, Shaw, Wood end lung, Resolutions- Mestere. Blackwell, Louth and Robb, At the request •of the West Huron Towhees' Assoodn4ion, J. J. Tilley brought bored the meeting a matter dhaoussed by them regarding a change 1n the method of distributing the grants to Public sohoole. He thought the present movie of apportioning the grants 001101 to highly Daunt eaohaxed t7asehiol d sug'V "tied that a depend on the gttwlit]°atnous of. the teacher and the expenses incurred in keeping up the aohool. The matter ryas referred to the comittee on resoiutiono. Mr.Tilley their addresser the Asaooia• tio11 oh the subject, Plinuiples of Edo- cation."lib geld that principles are of uoraunEliatanoe than f Lode of toanh• h, d w o follow nabnre's late in educating the child. The four principles netieed wade (1) mind and they moa t rise y are 1 sae depeiidenn1n7Clit physical p p mental ;(9)a the faculty grows only by exercise of that the ; (8) porfeatton fn ly1 •• ' •• 1 and mental - action can be secured only by Duel •of the note {4. menthe notion '°ally not only produces d0V0�OplDerib but re. in the acquisition of kuowtsdg0, every He warned tetwhere •agatesb felting a overs too much. It 1s the work of a of to select the kind and amount of work ; to direct the child's efforts ; to last lieu to greater afore when in and to mance orcumsttulmes uyg 101 iearning. The able address its Wal. highly,approeiated by the toadied r'esedt, p The roll Hall showed an anon a br)bated, d nee stirred 49, triombor After the reading Ofa hutnotons soled- do0unsonts in the fsaotuh dialect by 3. G. Mo. tb!lotving the report of the °Otnmuttee ap• 1 ,,,ca a to .t,•s wt : , .:a"rs ,, .,. ,s_______,, J. Rose Robertson, of 4b Evening Telegram, line given the Lakeside Home. for little the Colvsjsetonb Boma for sic on the island opposite Toronto D. W. hark t@ Co„ of Woodt 66 organs on board the Wel Steamer Iowa, which has 1 The i°strumenbs wore full The vessel sailed front Boston 1 pool Feb, 10th. After lbs thaw on Fob. 26 Bedding, who lives in West for miles from Arthur, bonged of beautiful pe rob. 26 another large one tut wero fn fine condition. y n , While a ,your g son aP Jas, North Aldboroogb, was In play bllildl'ei in lila father's from the boar' upon and 4011 ageenet a e Neal gash . n 1 i John Morden oft 1 inns thi Dawn, orb Patrons of Induatry in sill Comet of Norfolk started 1 a memberah] Of ;1,509 P a great omuuty lodgof g the whale c0 cabinet will IgoeehiRtld 1•ee3sprepare weep, and amtiv0 proper( work of the evasion will Ttda understood tie Will meet oh Wednesday, enable the Homo of Cemenon flpeakmt, And the 'Formal one l ata tht000• take plane the following day, Theme to in- s not erased jeot to your Iitton of the remove them s Laub Crane be the 50mr o latter now a miniature the past few bags of doou- by mail, so s5 interesting e unoffending every section 7 days when ed we m page i penetrating ere have not goats in the ° take effect reae becomes December, 5y, but ten e in taking hart Smith boy virtue in synagogue he Ie rear, and he asking is ivy there are gree seating commence - t session is ary variety, 1 the shuffle the choicest ante Toes. to the late ate all the a considers - Ile. It has iontin05 the o that a see - This is not lsidered ab - 8 appropria has aotual- President's )°egress has e thirteenth. ed Tuesday lr. Wilson, 55 an able seting. lotel, Cran- to adjourn - except Mr. Dept Reeve. in I • were atine of lit his statute lots 15 and concession. seconded by e labor for th moue. be tors' report a000iuts for thoroughly by omit -mil. eminded by rs' report be. be publish - two weeps. flI, to close all for 20 and 21, was rears Th. McGee - 2, between between the Thos. En n that the • Mr. Hob - the newts. y crossing_ r11 Bryans, a Clerk -be Lhe several ]lave them Carried, seem by E. o following Ste • sup - 5,00' Ales. soh 10.00, bele, clean ary, $1,00 ; ullin, an in - (M. Welsh, supplies to Minnie, 8.12 ; Ales. de mad 6, rty, gravel. $21.49 ; A. p business 1. C..uncil at Barton's 0 2601 day ROY, of the >t, Clerk. O Toronto $10,000 to m children, k children took, had Ten Line (sundered, •insured. or Livor Herbert Lather, picked a nsies; on a picked. Main, of ing with been, Ile some hay >y ,knife, gh, aeieer of wooks in. CII lodges, also or - 110 dela• linty. at Ottawa Moue for be corn. at paella- Aprf12;1; a to eleot ulag will