HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-3-6, Page 5Lon 6. 7891 THE BRUSSELS POST F. Campbell then exhibited a number of Amy Spinet. Scoond ohtas-Arthur Furls• magic lantern viols col:Eo'ning Bev, wy, John Robertson, Willie Oliver. Sr. o11n wealoy and Itis wonderful work. part 2nd-Florsnee J. Coates, B°I1la -•---- - — T- := The reverend gentleman gave Bonin very Conten, Jobe Kemp. Jr. p,ut 2nd . • interesting cute uoneerning the early J,noas, '].'homes 1lamlltan,'Emmanuel ',,metres*,•1, Ihistory of the 1llothodls ehoro11. The Ouhd. Port first-•-A•fary Duke, Alun Revival ser+'ires ,ere being held in the o[Inir of the Methndiet chnroh, Ilrueae e, find, Nolo Oliver, George Dobson, L,„•ed Ilretln•.1, char 1•, conducted by Rev. W. A. Robbins, of Smile, Leat Suntley Ilov. J. Livingstone preached from the life of John Wesley in the morning, and Cement!' enc!' MIe hodisnt in the evening. The officers fur rho present year in connection with the Porth Co. te. H. Convention are; -Rev. Mr, Campbell, of Listowel, President ; Rev, P. E. Nugent, of Mitchell, let Vioe.Preeidene; Wm. Honed, of Listowel, 2nd Vioe Pr, silent; Iiamo Hord, of Mitchell, 9,•o,-Treas. ; Lxenotive Oemmitt.el, the Ministers and Superintendence hl Sunday Helmets in the comity ; Miinote Secretary, Rev, A. Henie roan, M. A. Atwood. The next meeting of the 'association convention will bo held in the utter of Stratford. .A.twOO(1. A concert is to be given under the e0 piece; of the Epworth League on Fri. day evening, March l3Lh. Wee Forrest, of thin place, gave an address on "Literature” 1)e the Perth 11. 0. C'.1 tuition held I„ Listowel g,,1. On Tuesday night Rev. Jt' tit. Yates, of eight members. kneel,le.egiel Le rl 111 old. to )u a.1h roe ed the r I mete o ioa cue inoumbrnt of St. Albans church, d. liver- er, to wet k the ed a lecture 1,, the agrioullurel hall oil baud and faithful wie, the children ton, Bout', is gaining ground with the intern - "The Jesnits, their origin and history," whose attitude is far from eevorent, gent OIOO4Ore of tide ridiu,g. Wo are At the reg,.lar meeting ,d Elena Conn matte rip 11 line plot Ire. As a stilly fromlooking for a full vote for Dr. Macdonald oil Ihr' contract for the town. hip priming imineetio life 1, will o,mp,u'e levor,tely and 0 repotilht» of II ,milt ni a 001'10u4 for 11+01 was awarded to Tho fico Pub. 'lith the beet work, front thio artist's victory on the 5th. tithing Iloueo at the stone rate as lust easel. Mee. Reid will exhibit 0 very year pretty laudecape, pert of her summer's The local directors of tho world's DLit The numerous friends of Rev, Robert work. It rept, fultt4 a cottage at Lomb. in Chicago Ih:,v„ begun suits against a Henderson, of I30ytield, in thio locality, ton M11Ile, nestling; enmgly i1) its sylvltu lathe no tuber if subeoriber, to the :dutch will le gratilled to know of the ere„ t ellrrunn lingo, firs. Reed het 111 0 enn111 WI,', love not pied their aaeeseneete. ' . still ifs. attended 1110 labors aiuue his nICIIllati0« O')d:!sco1. and 111( 110 to tin cbar.e of 1311 Reil ie X01,11 BethanyMthe Presbytery of Huron Scene:. 11ar0t1r.-Tho following le the r eight moths ago. Dnrinu that time be report of junior depe•tment of Ellie! `� has received 50 into membership ; 44 on public Behoof for the month of Feb. profession of faith and 12 by oortilicate ruury :-dr. Second class -Juba Lind- J. 8 J. L I V I N G ST O N E Of these 40 were received in Beylleld and say, Alio.. Davies, Eru!Aimed, It!Aimed, Norah10 in Bethany. Duwd,ll, Jawad Poeblue. lliddlo Second have 1000 bushels of first growth wt, "reeu„v eel ea ng a WWI et • "f teanl1.- anthems, Mrs. Gilpin presided et •the Dien. -It WW1 6 wetter of eget:Hee to organ. After 1110 meetwg closed the malty e1) Wednesday to 1011x') ') that 6 0110Ir was eery hospitably entertaluod at old resident in the person of John Rob. mime, 0.111. 19, 11,11 pltee0'l away. 110 wee upw.irde of so yeare 0f age. Tbs funeral takes place on Friday afternoon at 2 o'oluck, The interment will be made at Bruesole cemetery. An obituary will be peblisb,u od 1)1 the next iso of Tun Post, A. gentleman named Whel•laufer, of Michigan, purchased the well known stallion "Ohallenger” from Laohlin Mu - Neil, 10th eon., paying about $1,0110 for him. The horse was delivered .,t Strat• ford. no wee a good one and was a great prize winner i1) the show ring, 11 r. Mo - Noll has b• en in the horse business for about 22 years and has owned some ex- cellent animals in that time. Ile hue one yoeng horse yet, "Challenger III," a very promising Dolt. i very suaneeefnl meeting of the Ro• forte Committee of this divisi,m was held ie Duke's sehnul on Saturday at I p. r3 itepnrts were heard front all pert): of the the Iu)tne of W fnekoan, Tho fallowing Loin Monday's Torn.lto Globe rotors to a son of Adam Beed, of this township t -A. vary large number of ladies and gentlemen, artists, aonnoi0• thus, dilettanti and patrons of art, re. sponded to the invitation of G. A, Reid and wife to visit their studio in the longe Street Arcade on Saturday after. noon 01)¢ evening, and view the paintiugtt whioh they propose exhibiting et the Royal Canadian Academy on March 0111. Mr, and Mfrs. Reid will have a dozen pia 0 es on exhibition some of them the ohoieest of their works. Mr. Roid's new worts, Family Prayer, which b,Ls just been completed, will be a oommaudiug feat"re i1) t e ac8Jomy, It rettreeents a family grotto engaged 310 devotion before beginning the inhere of the day. It will appeal with irresistible force to tltoeo fa,nitier with the cue erne of oonetry life i1) the Prnvin"0. 'rile 110114 •1101d nonaiets $1110 •(110 W1)1••11nude r God's bled tug has very chalet) studies of I Class-Liz.l:ich,,rdeon, Blowier Dookett, Y3lIr$'CEE :AM 14e D 3eli.; t•avaa. Lucy Cameron. Jr. Sec nut (*lass- me Tee 1ltreande-Last Friday the Lady Wbelpton, Telma lioCallnm, Z,,obar a 1 True Blue Ledge of this place held an eleCallunl. Part 11. Close - Maggio entertainment. Supper was served in Davleo, Sandford Burto.l, 314ith lILIue, the Orange Ball after which the norm. Mae Milne. Pert 1, Senior-Jno. Peeb'es, 1 t tb Foresters' Flaih Iloward 'McAllister, Maud Duckett, Janos for farmers in the viuiuity of Brussels, who intend redoing Flax during the oom• log mason, which they are prepared to deliver 111 quantities to mit flax growers. Llan bo got at the Brussels Flax Mill. petty adyutnec o o LL DO:krct, Wil ie 'Jl,mpl,me. Pare 1, 33 Corr of Brussels, teas appointed cud given out at $1.50 per bushel, and chairman end kept the au lie, r0 we 1 in Juufar-•Edna aeynard, R', teliffe Whal on the tumid theme. Order amity to e3- hantl. The following was the program : bun, d.ggio Venlig, While Peebl s. Mees sure a supply. Speech by rho cbeirmen ; sen0 by D. F. A. Seems :x, Teacher. McGi B ev. 11. Godfrey : inatrnnlolGai mime), 'larch is a lion. ell i t) 3 P' R X 10 N; Messrs. David and Rirney; song, C. 1310- On Monday Mat David Campbell, of 417 cleft, ; diedog»'•,131, aro. 1''e11 and IIar- the 17111 con., G;ry, Tredve.' a4 telegl•dul ' \Vint be paid, if of good growth, henwested risen e Ili • song "diem .Malmo " \V. from Aum Arbor caning that his sou , le proper Season and de leered at the Pr»vtre• ; sou", W ItfuC,MeL' , reet11 ; iu-trnmeutol music, by 11. 4d' IL1 Cors. For flax grown from this seed ii ape•^ln v, ry s1) •. ,»r o 1'' Play tli 1 rix 800 Ins fit for threshing. 1 II t L t tri l r the 1 needy, t esers David end lee. a •e any night 1I . Gam,3heil was. n yon') • 1,11+ ; 1-0114:, W 11. lir('rrlr ; tern . Gaml.bo 1)t moo sten• 01 o 1110, .1, hell- ; 0"115, 1), iticGi1 intern. body home 613.1 ,,niece with it alt �W d. Wo will ')loo runt a number of 01)0,1 aoJ flet to for rho purpose of growing fl Shane ; 11 11,0 by p0 M1r. Hughes, s, of Campbell hal died 11'1) ,,. ,I r1 'Ole a ", num1� meanie, "111-s Alnlory ,.0 the time "i ;metal;metaldiapn,il»te11). iu 1, ldv h t ]'.:+;, .j. LI i ,B i' ('bions questi-n," Ml. 11er. hem ; 1 , ,13, ao.l nl.,,l fly .LII we .1 It ,.), a n. 11 1).''t W. Sham: t d,alogu,-, -'1la ter of the sit some two years 0:o and had nut been muton." The Lardy True Blue Lodge, of home -ince but purposed paying a visit "Vi, (11 111, WW1 pro=gm'. A e n•dinl invi- t3 hi., 411 -Hume Neon. Cilia feet given tatiou was ;deem t., ell present by tlio - his snider dent:h double lor09, Chet, loan to attend the Or:tittle demon• . Comp ell and reality have the yin pttthy sttuti'n at Brussels 1)', July 19111. of all in thio bereevemellt, espeilially as Illy,. Cleat tel! Is 1 , n vary ieu.n' teeth of tie 1)u;_ tel' 1)1, health, 'Thu funeral takes place on Fri. Mt,'eloDonald has disposed of his bee. clay 012 P. m• hering business to Wullingtou 'Martin, of ! Last Monday Cy01)log Dr. IIo'mos ad- dressed the electors in the so',00l hones. Luck„oty. Brsyn eeeKeneie, who has been laid rip . Rube. burg aloe who wee vote , tM the fur 0111110 11111e w are abut to s"e, is able ,'tubi, 00110,1 131)1)33 11r. 13'I- ,', who laid• ed the N. 1'. to 111e shies and 1t-ry Lirn• tobe genttnil lem,mgmimed Cott in hue opened : malivally dopiotod 1110 present a?) uesul north of : a beet tont shute store one boot' elicit of the U. S. lie pointed to the Miss JL Pnsh'ss trio;„•Int. ' formate 111 clue vioi-,icy w'h' had grown The tri al curt 314 m+lull for 1141 y000 j ('31).1 011 00 100 N P. Arhlt. I11e1wp, th- for t110 Netdnnd'o um), was played on . 0001 0peakur, -aid that 11.1030 teeners i\londge lost:, between rinks sti pod bythrough fruu0lity had saved nluu••y in s lite of the N. P„ not by it, aid. Mr. B..IVi)Isou and ;John Dius', y, end i•esul1 11+0u3p urr,lt;3ued tau present government richt: 1 00.41', eligible for reelete'i.14, ort 1111 a vie are* for 1411. Wi Leon's Bink by beeeues 1)i p1'0ia 0x11' ha,3.4iluM. Lle (Melt eired by "Yu ng'1'astoall” ; 3 0131013 0111 ux. L'tvpr[et0re Brueeele Ilex mill. W. IBIRIGHT, Manager. A.t.ft'r#'[ON SALE )OF( Farm Stook and implements, tlr. Goo•go Kirkby, mute -moor, has receive I 11 1111.110.13 from the un$erai4u- od to Bel be p'ibae )Llleti011 at Lee 1, eel. A, 'L'nruberry, 011 Wednesday, Mar. lath. eommeonhlg at 12 o'oloc1, noon, the fol- 10A'..11g v:Llea1lu *ropily, viz. ; L reds tweet MAN 1 aged mare; 1 regieb»rod filly 010111,; 2 years ; 1 ge,ding riei11) 2 veer, both sired by "WL riot" L co 1 a merrily of 11 binds' *vial 'natty u¢ the '113)03 ()nee, viz.: '3113 t4• The Cauadi In ;Jewellers' Guide sew;- sot acnl t110.10i the T 1>11 )nei,Is1 I9ugl 1),t "R. Ii. 1'xnstoue, London, has die hpear• fn a ma cher that would leave 1)0 (10.1131• i1) 1 heifer in calf ; 2 farrow 0'1011 ; 1 oleo 1•10111>4 011014 ; 4 st Ore mum 3 'mere ; 2 ltd k, me- lu,1 suddenly. His liabilities stee1'o Emilia; 2 year.. ; 1 heifer owning 2 are el '10)1, Ino his 11-0010 nil, Vnnotone the minds of any thinking Person. Dr. i years ; 3 spring colts 1 1 calf 4 mouths alis i1) bnsmess in IVineham for there Holmes teas then cadet upon. Tho Ur. old ; 32 well bre 1 1hrope1ire ewes all practically said thus Sir John's govern. yon uµ sheep, all supposed to be in lane) nsl. r•„rl' to 11 thorough b ed Oxford.doem re e ; 1 011 S,, imelay Feb. 214, Andrew, thlethorough brad Oxford down ram ; 4 fall Mathten year old son of a1k Gray, of thea 011 to choly that L`reo l'ru.lu wunld runt e pig.) ; geese, 1(10130, turkeys, and over 60 the * cry. Said Neuters not 1)03' hen. all young ;eel priuoipally well 110'4 tote”, It peered with what might have 1)u of filo duty uule00111031 wait import* (egharud : 1 lalnbel wa4;•,n nearly rsow ; been 11 serious n111411eu1, Ile and soon ed goods, but 1)c ono ,d the m110on0 11.11' 1 hay rate ; 1 p lir of bo 1.sleighe ; L boys w»re )10 (n) at •1149, All(1)1 barn, in 11111) to ex 311110 how Lha mount,13311'' 0111130 buggy ; 1 pur110nd cellar, nearly tvhuu by lona mEans 03 1, Gray heel ere were pretuu.ud 1f 11e farmer did 1101 )]1)w ; 1 reaper ' 1 Toronto mower ; I 01,0 of he linos of a piGuh furls 1)0 i •Uo , t twee of Steak -tido none mannfeetur• . (Lentil tied orn,l ,frill 1 r1) ky It ice wk0 ; hie feet, The toric struck him near the - o i) 110 riot Lha Dr. (mime got into L )1mv ; 1 s'; of wooden harrow.) ; 1 fen eye,„Le 01,13 h,..,-,tr cert i1re ,61.1 and glanced rip t4 l)lu . '12:11, ,i.e•"tiu,l brok•' rip after giv. mug mill ; 1'Maxwoll' turnip cutter' ; 1 want, did not iujnrn the op, Lu env )«[, uuuut f t„1 0rt of deublo toruses ; 1 sot single Iler- ex enc, nosy 1)y years, and only "ettled 111 Landon 1 meet wuifd try to get Frei; 'trade -11e• forwers uunld not ge it --and thea event 1” OA -I'll,. Alex. Cameron is s,mewhltt improved in health, East WeivaI0911 Spring Show will be held i0 Be.lgrave on 7bursday, April 10. Mr, and Mrs. Heathen'', of Wtheebsr, were the uo010 of George Johnston on Stiuday. '1'11)' al street of the anlitm•s' report for chi • wahehip may be read in auather column. Ar pr„ sent there is a greet dont of sick nese in thio neighborhood and there has been a number of detth0, Wm. J. Juhnstou 11a0 purchased the Dullnn a farm on the 1st con. $3,0.0 wee th' p•Me paid for ie. Frank Wood, teacher at the Stone Sated House, was Visiting at '4r. Item. 0ay'0 on Saturday and Sunday hist. Mr. Benh ougb, of Bolgrave, visited the Methodist Sebbath school ab Sunshine 1ast, Sunday and addressed the pupils. Sant. Bettye and eon, of Illinois. are at presoob visiting at fen. 33. Rattail's, o1) the let con, Geo. Rattan io Sam's father. Peter 1\1clewen and bride purpose starting for Manitoba next Tueeday, where 11101 will melte )heir ]tomo for the preemie. 1Tay 2100504110 attend them. It is said the Township Oou,uil will Manmade a note and very deMeath' 001ni0ition to the effect that the question of s '1111115 off doge from the A tessor'o roll will be left until Court of RueisioI. Jelin Geddes, wino and family, of Port. deo La Prairie, Manitoba, etre at vas 1)t v10111)ng relative, and friends on the let eon, Mee. Geddes was a former resident or ,Norris, she being a daughter of Henry Mc Vary, 14evo,n1t+1) elem.-••lost .Monday even. ing a Wins end literary entertainment was held in Jackson's church for the benefit of the Sabbath school. Wm. 26ok0on performed the duties of chair d G Alex odor Ilan in a very eatiofaotory manner. _ tainod by applying to Short addresses were given by Rev. W. (3ptlk+DI)a yid Duo. ke, third Jobs h tss..- ayotanco hryLsxrY .t O dt 5,1,1 and Rev. D, Forrest, of Walton, NI3uw000t,e P. A, and W, R. Item, mf Bruosele, RnV, w. and nless•.�-Armin Dower, Livzie Duke, 1 26. ar the Quem, Dr4. Slaodo,3- 111,1 tied 11.11 moa and ih vote of tlu,uks to bleu unear.mau. 1 r O'03A. TOwllehip Gouttoil haft Monday at Oraubro'lt. Rubt. Liielsay is teaming his trade with helm Llolunter, blaoltonllth,of Ethel. 0. forte 10rite:I belie trout Donohue. ter slaLtluo this week. lie hao to be uat'e- tel y, 1, beetNee, of bks roacuty brukuu nn, b. Win. Biehup, of Boechville, and hie son 111.[0. Wer/ here tuts week re1ordine their votes for De. Macdonald and .Free 1're, le. e he wheel in 13. S. No. 6 wap closed hts1, l'uneettey and leeiriay the the t anter was alteedmg the Euet 11111'00 Oboveu- tio11 held 111 Brussels. Dr, Holmes spoke to a small audienoo fn Dulte's school ou 'Tuoed'y after' good This polling oleos aid give a majority for Dr. Mactjotield, Jobe Dunbar arrived home from Waehingtou Territory loot wo,1. 11e is greatly t ken .1p w1 11 tho West and thinks It is too 1010,0e for young Olen, The football Match wbieh was to have Henn played last Seem dey between the perils of S. S. Nos, 5 and 0, Grey, was pus potted on aou0nt11 of the inclumenoy of tit weather. Thos. Gibson, M. T. P. and Thomas Straollan opoku i1) favor of De, 2laodon• old tet tlolesworth last 1'ridey evening, while Wu1. (liege upllulrl the pulley of the Co«sm•v,tttve0, Jobe t0wart,161,h code sok' an elltl10 colt to an Annorivan buyer 1001 week for the emit of $220, The p11 0 01 0 0 01' offered :vlr, Stewart $70 efttra 1f he would de* liver the 111111111b1111 0.,io. 330 daulinod the latter oiler, Sunool, It11rn111.--/Allo following report shows the standingof th0 pupils in the different classes of 9. S. No. 5, Grey, for the month of February 1• --Fourth olas0- Mary Alox10 er., oorgina a , s ')hes chains, lurks, mat le, grind :Moue, cross out sate, workbench, and other arti'•tos toe numerous to men. tion, Moo a qulhnbhty of hay. The sale will be without reserve us the proprietor is Doing to rout his farm. TsnatO.--A11 sums ..f $5.00 and tinder cash ; over that amount i) month • o edit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A des. emto or 0 per cont. will be allowed for. 00 'It en aeerht amounts. Goo. Know, F. 0. WIIIGII'r, Auctioneer, Proprietor, ENTIRE HORSES AND [AM S s,ii L r, The subscriber subscriber offers the following Well-bred Animals for Sale : "Cadiz" (6504), Vol II ; "Earl of Breath/thane" (6700), Vol. II. These horses are 13 years old ; heavy draught, "Latent Chief," 0 years old, heavy draught, One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im- ported sleek on both sides ; heavy draught, "Prinoo of Douglas," u road or carriage su111ioo, rl0illg 8 years ; imported. One Ilettvy Draught Moro, 6 years old ; imported ; with foal. One (10110dian broil Mare, heavy draught, rising 5 years, with foal by 'Mir Dido. One Mare Foal, from imported stook o1) both silos. Ono Golding, J years old, heavy draught. leerlxnlbn,r, Taa)te will bo made to Responsible Parties. The above mentioned stack may he seen, pedigrees secured 1111il prices ob. 014' rrival - NEW SPRING GOODS AT MRS. E. R O G- E R S'. DRESS GOODS, In this department, of course, we Take the Lead. No lady should buy a dress without seeing' our very Nice Stock, consisting of all the Novelties of the Season, more especially our Black Dress Goods, of which we keep the Largest Stock in the County. We also carry a Large Stack cf Crapes, Gloves, Prints, Ribbons, Hats and Bonnets, in fact Every thing required for Mour'ling Purposes. PRINTS. Our Prints this season are certainly the Prettiest Styles we have ever shown and the 2rices very Low, and AVE may say \sithont boasting, that our whole stuck this season will be the most attractive ever shown in Brussels. lli a azo. Mantles, Miss Green and Miss Moore will be with us again this season The former is going to the millinery openings neat week to pick up all the newest designs. We will give due notice of our Opening days, which we intend shall supersede all our previous efforts The styles in bats are very becoming and very pretty this season, the principle triminilgs.to be useC being flowers and ribbons '.s.01 R WeF 'A,d' E e E V a We have now a Large and New Stock of Choice Groceries, consisting of Fresh Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines, Peaches, &C. Granulated Sugar 13 Lbs. Air $1 00, also 16 Lbs, of very nice I,i1x'ht Brown Sugar for $1 00, and Everything equally 6 1) ULL 1!'013, SLRVIOB —THE • nndereiaited hes recently pmrnbas001 slid NO' Ins<p 0‘.1' 11',33 e1'. reristnied haw bull bull to tv 1. lot 00, eon. 5. tlorti0. Teru,0 411.00 to he paid at tune of nervine with Fele vfloge of reture1uu if eseeesary. 2 5510, (11/11 MB, Proprietor. rl"tjIPj) PRIZE 7.0E101I TO IN. nusmnrnr,.-410 dawn of n1y,Jer0ey Bull "Morgan of Glen Duaot" Is an imported cow, 0110 book srd prize at else Toronto In-. euetrlal Deblblttoe, mud, it In sold, eboul3 have bad 21)11. kor further pahtinnle,re ap- ply ply at lay Drug and Book Store, ISruseolo, G. A. DEADAIAN,` JM210VEI) LARGE WU1TE YORB- 1 SHTIRE BOAR. The nndereigued will keep for service this ppreeeet swoon the improved largo white Yorkshire pig "heady" on lot 28, coI.0, Nutria, to w13,ob a l,mitod number of Bevil will bo taken, Terms $1.00 to be paid at thn0 of e0rvioo, with 113e privilege of return- ing if neu0n0ary, Pedigree may be 0000 UP- 0anpltoetipa, 100(33111T 1310f101:p, 'Ott Proprietor. ' l' WO PURE BRED PIGS FORs0IIVICE-Tho undersigned lips re- cently puruharod and win keep for Service et Mirth half Lot 03, con. 7, Morro, it Jute - bred Berh"111re Boer, bred by Air. Snell, alta also ,1)l ratio inmertec 1 holler White, one .tr old, law„ by 11,111, GeOr4)', 1'ntua.41, iron„ Imported idioot on both sides. Phi') bog tool. 9x0 prise at the Industrial Rxbi.bi- 1ton, Toronto, lean, in a 011,00 01 17, era glee 3r1 et the Wntte -o 1"air 111 a class Of 15. T rind, 311.01, to lin pni.1 at Ilene or eervi0)', 04111, prwilopo 1)t :elm nog If 000casary. 13•tf li. W AI.I:Lr!<, Proprietor. Half the Virtues T. LEON Have never been Told. Read this— JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains iq•'G'reaet and 11idneys for years w ry bad. When 7 stooped could scarcely straighten op; felt mise able. For three months I pe,sieted in a free use of (3 ,.I.s' x WATna. '111 was the cop of joy to me; hi ought relief, par excellence; 1 ate , seitlh,g, ole. all gone. Call at my..of13eo, I will tell far more about tbe•value of St. Loon. W. Hreo,Ns, Empire laundry, 823 (keen street weed, Toronto. .I,i And Ibis-;.-:, . • BILIOtI� HEADACHES CO. I hod venue:Asset le ray krtoos and fingers, 1,I 111,11,, Uo,ui',vLo.. etcevery few reale. \Ir. 111133) -. teeter: L,.0 ,dry, armed tn." O. try hr. 1.11 ',VA ter. I 1i.1, mud 1t set me all right; I,eadlobos nod Value all g0u••- NIL ,. lie :w,., that.. 0ediet,-n .140 use 1t. We all tion 01., 1„•gn R'.a,"• ver, 13»0.1 ,,o11")thy, .1. r, 14 1*.n,•n,»N. Ir•t, rand Je,'eiler, 310 Qnron Street vest, Low. Toronto. +7 9 V -]2J 1 q S �_.'�, iA Ft1ESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED. '-' V Geo. Good, Agent, We will do the fair and square thing with everybody, SS Lean Mineral if i'ler Cey, St. Lean, (Zea, whether 1111111, vol ail or tt child. u OGau an Buggies! Buggies i DSTr1mRICE For One lVtonth Only my Entire Fall and Winter Stock of Fine Pantillgs, Scotch, English and Oanadzein z7 , . Tweeds, 'tench and Enotlsll Worsteds, &c. —WILL DE OFFEJIED- 1 Cash 1 am not advertising this Sale because Ober merchants are advertising reduced prices and bankrupt stock, but this is our Annual 0 st Price Sale, which I held every year, to make room l'or Spring Stock • and for the Benefit of my Uusioin•ars. Call and Examine Goods and. Falces! And 1 will convince you that this is No Ilumbug. Here are a few Quotations: Scotch & Ent,rilsh Tweeds Worth $2 00 " 1 75 ” 1 50 cr 125 1 15 c1 Reduced to $1 45 4t 1 80 1 00 95 85 4c rc 1t Canadian. Tweeds Worth $1 10 Reduced to " 1 00 11 90 " 75 I1 95 41 11 tr 75 70 65 50 45 Double -Fold French 'mad English Worsteds Worth $ 4.50 for $8,00 Worth $4.25 for $2,75 Worth $4.00 for $2.50 1.1 8,50 " 2.25 " 8.00 " 1.81 " 2.50 " 1.65 A Few Pieces of Fall and Winter Over'ooatings at a Sacrifice. FINE PANTINGS A SPECIALTY. Tweed and Fine Worsted Stripe Panting, worth. $2.10 for 03.00 ; $2.25 for 01.50 ; 62.00 tor $1.00 ; 01.75 for $1.45 ; $1.50 for $1.123 ; $1.00 for 75o. ; sac. for 60o.; 75a, for 50e. t 50c. 130117}0. These are only a Few of the Many Bargainw. Ed. a Dunford, Brussels. Buy your 1Jmr;;ics from D. E'A AN 01 Ana Save Money.. I am building it large number of the Lest Buggies, which aro to be sold at the Lowest Prices ever offered to the public. Every- thing about them is First-class. The very Best SIandard Wheels, and the Workmanship through- out Guaranteed. 1 am ,9etermined to make a BIg Sfau;111er on Prices this year. I bawl sold a lunge number of Buggies daring the past 5 years to many of the leading men of this section and surrounding country, and 1 l.ui'pose to keep up the number and double the quantity. Call and See the Rigs and 8et our Priees. Don't buy a boggy until you see my Stock of Choice Buggies. Repairs in wood work and Iron done at Rock 13ottotn Pricc:l. Tainting and Carriage Trimming done at the very Lowest Pates. Ilorseshoeing Pone with the Best Experience and Attention, as in the past. 1MEAN 7BUSINESS. D. EWAN. Shop opposite Queen's Hotel, BIt11881131119,