HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-30, Page 8I tit, I O U SS,EtLS 1'US'11
JAN, 00, 1891,
At Reduced Rates.
"Sunday Magazine," $2.00, now $1,85,
"Scottish Pictures;" $3,50, now $1.75,
"Aesop'e Fables" (Iergo edition), $1,15,
now $1,00,
"Dombey and Sen," by Dickens, 20e.,
now 15e.
"History of British Columbia," $4 50,
now 63,50.
"The Aldine RecIter," $1.65, now $1,85,
"The New Testament Synonyms;" by
Freuche, $3.75, now $1.75.
"The Canadian Anthem Boot," $1.25,
now 00e.
"The Rifle, end how to use it," OOc.,
now 20o.
"The City Youth," $1.00, now 750.
"Lite of Quenu Victoria," $1,60, now 75o.
Druggist, Bookseller, etc.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :I
Gyula SOUTH. t,,0INO NOH7n.
6:.50 a.m. Mixed 0:20 0.nt
F,Xpress 11t45 a.m.. Mail Via lint
Mixed ...... 8:55 p.m. 'Express .,, 03Li p.m
Pnrat s 1tcnis,
.A. ehiel'e amaeg.ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
Maes LILT VAxsTONE is ill.
Mae. S. FEAR is on the sick list.
CARNIVAL this (Friday) evening.
JAMES DREWA, was in town this week.
A. Hoorua was in Toronto on Tuesday.
Comm, meeting next Monday evening.
Hones Fair on Thursday of next week.
Feb. 5th.
FOURTH Division Court on Thursday,
Feb. 26th.
H. J. WHITLEY, of Wingham, spent
Sunday in town.
MRs. CLARE and daughter, of Clinton,
are visiting in town.
Reeve Gnew at is in attendance at the
Co. Council this week.
NEW boots and shoes arriving for
Sprint. A. R. Smith,
MANrroee excursions parties will c )10.
menne running on Feb. 24th.
EVERYTnca'O new in Gent's Furnishings.
Large stock. A. R. Smith.
Robb. Burns spent Wednesday and
Thursday of this week in Blyth.
()venom will be sold at 25% ofl as we
must have room. A. R. Smith.
MRS. GEO. LOVE, of Rarriston. is visit-
ing her daurhter, Mrs. Alex, Wilson.
Two young men wanted to learn cheese
nicking. Apply to S. W. Dann, Bras.
Geo. HAIST has bren carving up his
hands in the machinery at W. P.. Wil-
son's f'tnndry.
A semen load of young people drove to
Wroxeter last Friday evening to the Roy-
al Templar's concert.
W. A. Oexercx, formerly of Brussels,
is reported to be very ill at his home in
New Westminster, B. C.
NEW Spring tweeds, new worsted coat-
ings. Alwass first to have aur Spring
geode in Brock. .1.. R. Smith,
Geo, E. RRAne1AN will have a number
of horses to sell or exchange at the Brus .
eels Horse Fair next Thursday.
Na old goods are allowed to enter our
shop at any pride. Everything has to be
new and fashionable. A. R. Smith.
W. T. Docxeme, Traselling Passenger
Agent of the C. P. 11., was in town on
• Wednesday of this week. He's a hust-
Mas. J. HEBnou, of Stratford, (former-
ly Mrs. A. Webster, of Brussels) has
been dangerously ill at her twine, we re-
gret to bear.
Pnrrrloxs to the Senate anti House of
Commons praying for Prohibition are
bein; largely signed by the residents of
Brussels and serrnnndulg distrait.
DayeeMAlt156,--The undersigned is pre-
pared to attend to the weete of the
ladies in dressmaking. Residence near
the school house, Mechanic street, Bros.
sels. Mao. TOn1aotL.
A et(50105Ea 10 THE Poor in Manitoba,
in remitting his subscription for 1891
says :—"Tour paper arrives here every
Tuooday evening and I can assure you
its coming is looked forward- to with the
greatest pleasure by us a11."
Our. advertiement in another column
will ohenge each week, It is for you to
see our style of doing business that sve
advertise and we trust you will pay some
attention to our remarks as it will be as
much to your interest as to outs to know
one advantage over our opposition mer-
chants. W. Nightingale & Co.
LOIT'e Lsva ae,—The attention of the
Public is called to the fart that Lecl Lott
peeps a first -elves outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
him with their patronage. Stable just
east of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give Lima ell as his rates will bo found
within the reaoh of all.
THs Qrsaxs.—We are instructed to
state that the repairs to the Queen's
Hotel are advanced to such an extent
that next week the proprietors will be
prepared to entertain and accommodate
the travelling public) as in the past.
Driving sheds will also be put up at once
and ME soon as the material can be got
ready a large barn will be built to re.
place the one burned a few Weeks ago.
Tun Kincardine Reporter gays;—"Kin.
cardien curlers visited Wingham a few
days ego, and were defeated by one or
two points by Ilreesele and Wingham.
'You are quite co lout Bro. Reporter
about your ourlers only being defeated
by Wingham by '2 shote but your state,
meat in reference to Brussels is far from
being true. Did you hear what the wore
wee ? If not we take pleasure in inform
fag you that Brueeels won by 1IaETEEti,
yes, 19 shots. The Wingham 'Times
epet4ke of the match as follows :—After
the Wingham and Kincardine tnatah had
been concluded, e match was played on
tete same tee, between Iruseule and Kin.
oardine, in the Ontario Tankard comp°.
title", The Brueselt men being fresh,
went info it With 0. vim, end defeated the
1(iueardine club with a large Majority.
Some of the Reasons why you should Deal with Us.
Iirn carry the Largest and Best Selected Stock in Brussels. 'WE buy for cash and pay all expenses.out of our
cash discounts, while other merchants buy on time and take their expenses out of you; we take our expenses out
of the wholesale houses. 110E are always open to buy a bankrupt stock at a price that will save our customers
40 per cent. on all goods they buy from us, while other stores aro buying goods on time at regular prices and acid
freight, boxing, electric light, street watering and other unnecessary expenses, that we do not ask you to pay on
what goocls we sell you. IV's do not ask you to buy any one line of goods from us, like some stores in this town,
and have to run all over for any other lino you want ; we carry all the lines that a general trade calls for.
11.E take your trade always ata loss to us to oblige you. ti`l'ls give you what goods you want on credit, providing
you are to be trusted and are honest. Customers who feel that their judgment is not to be relied upon as to
quality and valve can always depend on what we recommend to them, and we will make right any goods mis-
represented in quality by any of our salesmen, or saleslady, thereby protecting any lack of knowledge on your part
as to quality and value. YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS,
Smoot, Board will convene on Friday
evening of next week.
THE best stook of mourning goods in
town at A.. R. Smith's.
Mies IDA Peceoe, of Wingham, is visit.
ing Mrs. R. G. Wilson.
MELVILLE church received fifteen new
members last Sabbath.
lona TAIT has been away on a holiday
visit to friends in Galt and Ayr.
CALL and see our new Spring dress
goods and prints. A.. R. Smith.
A sncoND daughter has come to the
home of Rev. G. B. Howie, Ph. D., Tor-
Mess MAeosE MOLAUcaLtx, of New
York, is visiting her cousins in Brussels
and locality.
A new pairs of long boots left. Will
be sold at a big reduction. Boys' eoltd
leather from $1.25 np. A. R. Smith.
Roar. LEATHEaDALE, Of Coldwater, has
oome to Brussels to (ears the furniture
business with his unnle, R. Leatherdale.
Mn. JAcseoN and wife, of Marion, Ohio,
and J. W. Donald, of Baker City, Ore-
gon, are visiting at R. Maloolm's this
Rev. Ma. Benue, of Harristo n, preach-
ed in Itoox church last Sabbath. Rev.
Mr. Crombie is expected to supply the
pulpit for the next two Sabbaths.
Tar, shops belonging to the W. T. Hun-
ter property, in Bruesele, will be offered
for sale at the Queen's Hotel on Tuesday
of next week, at 1. o'clock, by Capt. Strati -
t0131.11. SCAM, of Scarff & Ferguson, was
in town a few days this week assisting in
the clearing sale at their store. He is more
than pleased the way the goods ere
THE Kincardine Review records that
Sammy Smale says that he °leered 5831
in oue week in Wingham as a doctor.
Sam. must be a hustler, 1'e had not
beard that he had turned medico,
THE Wingham correspondent to the
Huron Expositor says in speaking of the
recent curling matches :—Tho Brussels
club is oomposed of young men and a
smarter lot of fellows is not often to be
seen on the ice.
TUE Salvation Army have a jubilee
billed for Tuesday and Wednesday of.
next week. The musical musketeers
consisting of Staff -Capt. Griffiths, Capt.
Brookenshire, Lieut. Emma Lee and
10iah. III will be here.
$50.00 will buy a windmill, derrick,
sbaftinge and guy wire that post me over
$00.00, only used one month. Outfit can
be turned bodily. Most be Bold within
10 days. Also one limber wagon, whiffle.
trees, neckyoke, plow and set of iron
harrows. E. R. GRUNDY, 13 assels.
Mns. Joins 11. SHIM, Ar;hie and Stella,
of Brandon, Men„ are visiting relatives
and friends in Brussels. The north-
western climate evidently agrees with
them. It is about 5 years since Mr.
Smith and family removed front Brits.
sels. They are greatly taken with Bran-
don and its surroundings.
Mao MARBLE Wouie .—The firm of
Johnston ce Cochrane, stone cutters, &re
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &o., in a workmanlike
manner and at living priced. Satiefao.
Mon guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without redline on them
and seeing their samples and usaertain-
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
CteadNo.—The final matoh in the
group for the western tankard was play-
ed here on Friday of last week between
Bruseels and Wingham, Brussels win-
ning by 88 shots :—
P. Scott, H. W, 0. Mayor,
0, S. Scott, W, Patterson,
J.'1', Ross, J. Noolancle,
S. W. Laird. skip ,..^.B J. °Insley, skip 10
W.V. Scott, D. Sutherland.
W. Thompson, J. Patterson.
D. C. Rhea, A. Mitelloit,
A. Cm'rie,sldp.,.,,.,.25 S. Lieut, slip 10
Total 58 Total 20
The veteran Referee Inglis, of Wing -
ham, was in attendance. Although he 13
70 years of etas he can hit the'T about Sa
often as the best of them. Brussels'
(curlers are now entitled to go to London
to oompete for the tankard,
Mess LILLA O'CONNnit eang at concert
at Blyth last week. The Standard of
that place says —Mise O'Connorle ging-
ing brought forth comments from all parts
of the hall. The correspondent of the
Clinton New Eta affirms that "The treat
of the evening, was the singings of Miss
O'Connor, of Brussels, who visited Bl with
for the flreb time. Her first solo, 'The
song that roadbed my heart,' Convinced
her hearers that she was a splendid sing
er, which they testified by a hearty re.
pall, and she replied with 'Barny O'Ilea,
The audience really enjoyed Miss U'Cdn'
hoes singing, and she will be sure of a
hearty welcome when she returns to
Blyth," Froin the Blyth itemsin the
Goderieh Signal the following ie °lipped
"Mier) O'Connor, of Bruesele, welt
known as ono of the best soprano einem%
fu Huron, was on hand." bliss O'Con..
tier Will go to London in a few weeks to
ging at tt.concerti
Mree Moxroostenr is visiting her sinter,
Mrs. W. F. Vanetone.
LAST Monday forenoon Rev. S. Jones
presobed in Melville church.
A coon selection of Oourtall'e crepe to
select from at A. R. Smith's.
Mtge ANNIE Rrvtes has returned from
a visit to her sister in Clinton.
Two hundred boys' and youth'e now
suits' to choose from. A. R. Smith.
W. H. MoOnecam s is away this Week
with his third car of potatoes to Roah-
MRs, GEO. HowE, Georgie and the
baby are visiting relatives and friends at
G. A. Coot, of Brantford, was visiting
his brother, J. T. Cook, for a few clays
this week.
SEVERAL care of lambs ware shipped to
Buffalo this week by Joseph Clegg and
Jno. Roddiok.
FOR Bale or will trade for wood one
new gutter, good and durable. Apply at
I. C. Richard'e harness shop.
LAsr week the plate glass in the Strat-
ton block was pub in place. The build.
ing present a very neat appearance.
W. J. Gonnox and wife, of Orangeville,
were visiting ab Rev. R. Paul's this week,
Mr. Gordon is a brother of Mrs. Paul's.
Rev. W. Stall!, of Harriston, formerly
of Brussels, was here several days this
week assisting in the revival services ru
the Methodist church, Mr. Smyth is
deservedly popular.
THE City Mutual Fite Insurance Com-
pany of Loudon, Ont., has discontinued
business. People having their property
insured will do well to make a note of
this and look up their policies.
JAMES HE n, tseoN, of McKillop, who
has been laid up for the past five weeks
from a bad out in his left foot, is able to
get about a little now. We hope he will
continue to improve.
H. DENNIS, harness maker, who is ever
on the alert for the latest novelties in his
line, has purchased a tip-top sign in the
shape of a horse's head. With tete
bridal upon it nothing could answer his
purpose better.
Ota eveuing recsnly the members of
the Methodist church choir were hos-
pitably entertained to an oyster supper
at the residence of Jno. Hill, 91h con.,
Grey. The sleigh ride and visit was en-
joyed very muoh by all.
OAatervAL.—The managers of the skat-
ing rink will hold their ssooud grand
masquerade carnival and races on Fri-
day evening of this week when the whole
rink will be thrown open for skaters.
Prizes—Best character costume, gent;
best character costume, lady ; best
comic costume, gent ; best Mini° cos.
tame, lady ; best dressed boy ; best
dressed girl ; men's race, 8 miles, silver
cup, volae 5'1; boys' race, under 14 years.
1 mile ; best lady and gent skaters to.
°ether. A handsome cruet, valued at 55,
will be given as a spectators' prize. The
prizes ere ou exhibition at H. L. Jack.
son's jewellery store Admission—Gents.
15c.; ladies, 10o.; persona in approved
oosbumes, 100. This will be one of the
best carnivals of the season.
and specifications for the proposed Amer-
ican Hotel, to replace the one destroyed
by fire, are now in the hands of A. Koe-
nig. The building will be white briok,
two stories high and will occupy the
whole frontage of the lot, an arch afford•
ing ingress to the yard, sheds and stab-
les. The main building will be 46x82
feet and the wing 82x130 feet. There will
be 23 bedrooms; 2 parlors, 4 commercial
rooms, 1 psblio sitting 0coin, ander, sit-
ting room and office combined, the two
lather having plate glass fronts. halls 8
feet wide will run through the ebrucbure.
There will be a space of about 2 feet left
between the Amer scan and Mrs. Straoh.
an's block so as to admit light and air to
the bedrooms in the former. A com-
modious verandah will run along the
front and arrangements will be made to
take in all baggage ab a side entrance. A
gravel roof will be put on. The contract-
ors are to furnish all material and the
work is expected to be completed by
August lst, Tenders will be received up
to February 10th. Mr, Koenig and hers.
Strachan had end) policies in the Len.
don Oity Mutual Co. which are yet un-
settled. The company is giving up busi-
23O e5".
BIw'rtttus.—In Milton, on Jan. 10th, the
wife of Mr, Brothers, of the Milton
Reformer, of a son-
_.._.... _.... _._.
.. _.. ..__„_ . _._, ......._..._
Docsor—CeszMont,—On Jan. 20th, at
Vittoria Cottage, Broseels, by Rev.
R. Paul, Mr. Hugh Docket, of South-
ern Manitoba, to Mies Eliza Oaee•
more, of Morris township.
Mxxssn.—In Winghatn, en the 18th inst„
Maggie, daughter of Chas. Meneer,
aged 8 years and 8 menthe. "y
WIt.Neae —stn Morrie on the 28rd, lust.,
William Andrew, infant son of Matt,.
bow Wilson, aged 2 monthe and 10
Dewsox.—In Elma, on the 16th inst.,
lane Dawson, relict of the late Joe.
eplt Dawson, aged 77 years, 5 months
and 22 days.
AUCTION' 6.AIef76-
WEDNESDAY, FED. 4th. Of farm, farm
stock and implements 012 lot 12, con. 9,
Grey. Sale commences at 12 o'clock.
Geo. Kirkby, auct. Wrn. Hebkirk, prop.
8:_R'rI6651I.,6 MARJ1C=T6.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Wool, per lb.
87 90
86 89
40 45
30 41
59 60
14 15
18 00
4 50 5 00
60 50
5 00 6 00
500 560
4 00
1 25 f0
60 75
40 50
18 20
Good steers, well fatted,
950 to 1,100 lbs 58 40 E3 75
Fat cows, heifers and
light steers 2 75 8 00
Light thin oows,heifere,
stags and bulls 2 25 2 80
Stockers 2 00 2 40
Bulls 1 78 2 50
Fancy steers, 1,500 to
1,650 lbs '1 25 4 50
Extra graded steers,
1,800 to 1,450 lbs 3 90 4 00
Choice steers,fat,1,100
to 1,800 lbs 8 50 8 90
Hoge 8 60 8 80
Sheep and lambs, mixed3 60 3 80
Dressed pork 4 00 4 25
EAST Beene°, JAN. 28.—Cattle Re-
ceipts, 24 oars, all consigned through, but
market feeling strong for good grndee ;
common dull. Sheep and lambs—Re.
aeipbs, 40 care ; market depressed on
a000nnt of heavy arrivals ; prices closed
10o. to 15c. lower, and the indications
are of a downward tendsuey, as a large
number of western and Texan sheep are
to be put on the market this spring ;
pelts are at a discount of 5 to 10 per cent.
loot from sales of a week ago, and it bolt
extra sheep to bring 55 to 55.15 to -day ;
only two loads of Oanedas were on offer,
those sold at 55.05 to 50.10, and had been
held over for two days. Hogs—Receipts,
28 oars ; market lower ; Yorkers, 58.80
to 58.85 ; pigs, $8,70 to 58.80 ; {medium,
$8.80 ; heavy, $3.85 to 58.90, mostly
58,85. 1,11 sold bit closed weak.
Quantity of Good Hoy Inc Sale, Pries
$5 per Tomer will exoluthggs for farrow clews
or young stook. THOS. PEPPER,
Lot 5,005. 0, Grey, Brussels P.O.
kJ run of the undersigned, lose. con. 0,
Grey, three white snoop, on or about the
10th of Doc. Owner Is requested to prove
uroperty, pay expenses and take them
away, 28.2'1 JAS. FE11.SUSON.
of the undersigned, lot 25, eon. 8
Morris, on or about Doe. 15th, 1808, oue steer,
mitred in color. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and tape
bl.n away. 28.4 DAVID M00RE,
_L BY give notice that any person or per-
sona found trespassing or hunting 011 my
tpromises, South 1 lot 1.1, eon. e, Grey, after
his date will be punished no:milliug 50 law.
08.8” Will. 140tT'OERLL.
Grey, lan.17,'01.
slimed is leaving Brussels ho requests
that all accounts due the late firm of Turn-
bull & Balluutyne bo pail by (lush or note
on or before l''ob. 1st, 1801. or they wilt be
placed in other bands for collection. 28.2
Ha Jan. 17,'01. TA8. A, TURNBULI•L,
Lost se Tbeday, July grd, on
the street in Wrozetmnor, a Darpol 03 bills,
amounting to $5502, and a promissory nuts
drawn by -John Sanderson in favor of Jane
Walker ler $000. dated ,lune 541, 1088, and
baying a payment of 5010 atdur0ed on the
back tt3oront•, dated. April 11th 1800, A ro•
hard of $25.00 will be -paid fur the recovery
el the aMnvo, or for pleb information as will
lead thereto. All parties are warned against
negotiating Oho mho ro mentioned Mote, the
sante laving Moen 1a5t.
Wroxeter, Joty lOth,'00. JAMB WALICEIt,
Thee will be sold by Public Auction at
the Village of Ethel On Wednesday, the With
Day of February, 1001 (if not sold before),
Afty aaroe of land, being west half Lot 23,
OOtOesslOn 1I, township of Grey, There
are on the premises tire good wells, good
orchard, good bank barn (10x50) and a geed
!rhino house. Well forced. There will alto
be 0010100 soros, tieingg. Lot t8, Cob. l e, G ray.
Ahead 80 name cleared, balance well timber-
ed With 'minable timber, 'Terrell Ivosy.
For thither partiothire apply 30
WA . 0AN1E1,, Plattsvlll'e i', 0„ Ont.
TAsit Norton that the Muideipitl Council
of the Corporation of the Township of Groy,
in the County of Huron, intents passing a
By-law at the next regular meeting of
Council, to be held at Zimmers' Hall, Cron-
brook, on Monday, the Second day of March,
1801, for the purpose of closing and disposing
of the original ,diowanee for road on side -
road number Four, between lots numbers
Twenty and Twenty.ous, and between the
Eighth and Ninth Cosetoslone of the mid
Township of Grey, and all persona whose
land might be prejudicially affected thereby
will please take notice and govern them-
selves accordingly.
WM. SPENCE, Clerk.
Dated this 2201h day of January, 1801.
Village Property.
Default having been made in the payment
of a certain mortgage, dated the 28rd Clay of
March,1881, made by one William T. Hunter
to the vendors, there will, under po war lof
sale contained in said mortgage, be sold by
Public Auction by Mr, Jamas Stratton,
Auctioneer, nt the Qost&'s HoriL, in the
Village of Brussels, on Tuesday, the aid
Day of February, 1891, at the hoar of One
ordeal, iu the Al tern eon, the following lands
in the village of Brussels, via.:
The East Half of Lot number Ono Hundred
ant Sia, in the said village of brussels,
LWeathernlle survey), and is also the same
number according to the survey of the vll-
lago of Ainleyvills by William Ainley, Esq,
There aro ou the premises a two-storey
frame blacksmith sten, putty veneered,
also a frame wagon shop.
TEna15 of SALE.—One fifth of the purehass
money will be required to be pail at the
time of sale and the belittled wlthiu fifteen
days thereafter. A portion of the purchase
money may be secured by mortgage on the
For further particulars apply to
A. GREENLOES, Vendors Solicitor,
London, Ont., or to
JAS, STBETION, Auctioneer, Brussels.
Dated January 18th, x80.1, 27.3
Villago Property
Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained
in a certain mortgage, whieb will be pro-
duced ab the time of such stile. 14nd Ill pay -
Mont 01 whloh ,lobuli has been made, there
will be offered for Sato by Piddle Anotiou ort
the promleee,1u the said Village of Tonners-
ville, on
Saturday, Feb'y 28th, '97,
Ab the nous' of Twelve O'oloolt (noon) that
valuable village prope't`, 500518t1114 of, all
and singular, those corbr. a unreels Or treats
0f land eel premises, 0h mate, 1"h,g andbeing in the Vilie.ge of Taunol'svilie, in the
Oouuty of Huron and Province of Ontario
beteg own posed of parts of l,nts Four hitt{
Five in the said Village (if Tanneraville,
described as follows, that is to say:
Commenoiug on South street nettle north•
east angle of Lot number Pour, and from
thence running in a westerly direobinn along
South street a d)stauoe of forty-seven feet,
to apoint ; thence southerly at right angles
to South street a tllatauoe of eighty-two and
one half feet to a chill; thence westerly
parallel with South streak to the westerly
:fait 0f said Int nye, twenty-seven feet, to
Christian street ; therms southerly along
Christian streets distnuie of ono hundred
and twenty -tom' feet, to (u print, to the
southerly boundary of said lot live; thence
easterly along the southern limits of Sala
lots four and Ave to the eastern limit of
said lotfour, a distance of ono hundred cud
torte Net; thence tortherll along the east-
erly limit of said lot four a tliabitue° of one
hundred and sixtyeovon feet, to the prose
of beginning.
Alen the northern portion of Lot number
Six hl the Said Village of 'Bunnerevnls, de-
emibOd los follows, that is to sty;—Can•
m en0ing on the corner of South and Chris -
Dan streets at the north -cant tingle of said
lot unto her six, and from thence running in
0 southerly dire0tton along Ohristialt street
a distance of seventy-two feet, to a point;
thence westerly at right angles to Christian
street a distance) of slvtyelx Poet to a point
in the westerly limit of said lot number
six l thence northe"1y along the westerly
limit 01 said lot llltmller six a distance of
eavonty-two foot, to South sheet; thence
easterly along 80511 street a dietnuc° of
sixty -ex feat, to toe place of beginning.
'Upon a 1outlet of theabove described
premises Lame la a naw brick roto) It.0tvt
-ns bba Dain Hotel ; is large n,u 1 cern-
moutons, anti 111,4 tip in a Itl'e•cl es nlan•
nor with bey, 0amplp rooms and other
modern eotVetiettoee, 'There beingonly
one other hotel in the village, Cho alling
hotel has always enjoyed I8 liberal Sharo of
the pubIlopetronat,e; there( le atop a good
driving shad ,and oumfotht.rle stable en the
premium. lobe Village of Tannorsville, In
nitloetfroin the village of Bruseels,t111 m pros
peyote farming 10oaittyy, Vlore Is a Public
school, altttrell audpoetalllae lu bhe village.
Tnnaia no BALE.—Tho property will be
offered for solo subieoc tea reserve bid, and
subject also to a prior Mortgage, the ars
Venders 01 whish will bo glvou to 'intending
tlttlrobnec ut on or before the day of fele
d p i en per cent. of the purchase
money will be required to be paid to the
Vendor's Solicitor on the day of sato, and
the llatauao within two weeks thereafter,
Title Indian utable.
For !lather parblealare apply to
or to VENn03t Smarm.
1Bdn1$asatisYiit ls hWr1ee of Jan„'gt,
Wanted 1
A. Boy or Young Man to learn
the Drug Business. k[ust have
passed Third Class or Intermedi-
ate examinations. Apply to
J .
Transact o, O1-enera1 Sanlcirag
NCanadian C
Drafts bought
and sold,
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents—MEnonexr's Bout 01^
New York Agents—IsmonTEns AND THAD
tions made, Cinan—Vasntoiufs Bloek CBrus-
eels. 21.5m
• Solicitor, Convera5eor,NotaryPub-
lie, Ica Ocoee—Grabam'e Bloak,1 doer north
of Pepper's Drug. Store. Private Funds to
((Late with Garrow & Proudfoot, Goat:..telt,
hamsters, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
&o. Offieoe—brussels and Seafortl, Bros.
8010 011100—Upstairs over Bank, Money
to Loan.
R. 8. RAYS.__ A. n, DICESON,
AM. TAYLOR, 13. 0. L.,
• Barrister, Sulleitor, &o., of the fires
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, &a, Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to loan.
• Insurer of Marriage Lisousos, 021oa
abide Grocery, Turaberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McNay& Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and chilctrous hair oittting a specialty
lamer of
•lamer Marrfigo Licenses, by
appointment of Liout,-rovernor, Commis-
sioner, &o, Q. B. Conveyaueer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Office et the Oranbrook
Post OAlee.
Clerk of the Fourth Divtelou Court,
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
invested Insurance
°moo h1 Graham's Block, Brussels.
Late of the Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, is prepared to give lessone at
Nide' and Oranbrook. Pupil of Professor
shor and Mr. Mr. S �H, Clark In isou vocal n must°. Cln'es
of 01
Oran brook ovary To•sday. For terms, site.,
apply nt the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel,
t. John's orlor Church, R us-
sele, solicits a shale of the patronage of the
music -loving people of Brussels and violet-
ity. Inetructione given at current rates.
bytcalling atnthe' residence ofoairs eDunitont
e'„1'urnberry street, 13rusoole, 7-tt
vi Is desirous of procuring pup 110 in
Vaunt Music. Prof. Warriugtou, of Toreito
is pleased to give his testimonial as to Miss
O'Oouuor's ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her Stay in Guelph, Instru-
mental Atuale on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terms Made known on application. Prinoeoe
St., Brussels. Miss O'Connor Is open for
Concert Engagements. 85-
22..22._ DEhTAL,i.____._..
G. L. Ball, L. D, 8, Nitros Oxide tame att-
mtuistered for the Pat:less E %traction of
Teeth, 74 Garrard Street Raab. TouoN'ro.
ID ]F.. N
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S. Mb. S.,
Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Tercets Ifni,
varsity. OstIOn—Opposite American Hotel,
• Auctioneer, 1, re news a
y n. teat -
tend false of Partes, Carta stook, &o, Terms
cheerfully given, Oranbrook P. 0, Sales
may bo arranged nt Tun POST P ubllehutg
House, Brussels
Licensed- Anotionoer, Halos eondu t-
sd on roasouabla terms. Fibrins and form
stook a spssialbv. Orders left et Tint Pose'
P ubli old ng House, Brit goals, or sent to Walton
e. 0., will resolve prompt attention.
lA sitf
h as oto, an prepared
to conduct sacs of fare eboot at reasonable
prices, Iittowleg tho standing of nearly
every person I mm in n position to sell ti,
good marks and got Root. security when gold
ou credit, Satisfaction gIa�nl'Itllbe0d, Give
mo u (lull, 132- _ Pi S, St10TT,
1VI. E. CALE M.D., lI.
C. 1 .3
�� Member -
otttver pC tete
hCollegeof Physicianland dons of Ontario by °Mee 1palego-balu street Ea5t
,1: thel,
• 0. M., L. It. (LP., Ettinburgb, M. 0. P
8, Out. At Popper's Drug Store from 0 to
11:80 a, in. and from 1;110 to 4 p, In, .At other
bouts may be found ab hie residence, form.
Orly occupied by Dr, El utohiusoh, M111 et.
• • Honor Graduate'
of the t' at all
Veterinary ,1l tsetI is Maimed to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals 11 to com-
petent manner. Parttonlex attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, 06.110 breoptl as -
tended to. f)Ble° endIu9rma,y.4,wo i9pors
bort)) tet bridge, 1urnbetry at.,11r4Ieptl;.