HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-30, Page 6S
A PARADIstE /It Tk7.E FAOIFIO, or less iumnunition, and the capture of these
five gluts practically disabled lave of the fee-
- -
i'#ne!4'prllliufc 6tory of new It Wait Round. tient, The neon where out in the tickle when
the raid was „ass, and, of some titcii•
In the year 1850 an Euglishulen whe had wives eonitl make no defence,
'leen a resident of New Zeeland for ten That evening llnrlte emit uwrcl to the
yyears suddenly blossomed.ont its an inspired Belied tea that they meet come in and sign
!ender of nun. His name was Benjamin a paper repudiating theirlemler, orhe world
Marks, and he Wee anything bat edneeted treat then) as eiarontents and dangerous
1A est' power "1 '.'l1
•na d refined, His idea wast se top r 11 ey tit 1 ail to a met, and that
and place for himself, but be was 00 good nt night I heard Markt: plmudng with some of
dissembling that no one mistrusted this on. his men to commit murder. Tho situation
til too late.. iSy visions, prophecies, and is one which has many times existed. A lot
downright lying he induced sixty -live peo- of people go away by themselves to escape
pletoset out with like insettrehofaperadise avarice anti oppression, and aro invariably
on earth. A. brig called the True Blue car. the victims of some of their own numbe.
Tied the crowd away, and I was an appren- Starks teemed the other half of the 100nley
Siwe on the brig. She had conte out from back, and he wanted the other (notion to
pingland several years before, and had been humble itself, I heard them planning that
sailing between New Zealand and some of next iiay they would ambush Baker and
%he islartda to the north, The clay we left shoot him down without warning, and it
1'overty Bay I was 15 years old, and a stottt wan hoped the rest of the party would then
lad for my age, come in.
Tho $ret stop the made Wall San day 151011d While Marks had made a dog of me, and
which then had about 500 inhabitants. beaten n,0 on the slighest excuse, I was not
There was neither law, order, nor decency watched o' nights. The chain and clog bat;
xemong them, but Marks managed to keep also been removed.
Shia fact from his people. From a trading
schooner there he got smolt information as
induced him to change the course to the
:northeast, and we bre away 10r the Paunlotu
group. This group takes in, large and
.small, about 2,000 lands, and includes the
Marquess, Society, and Cook islands. It is
sen a direct east and west Iine between
-Brazil and Australia, and is from five to
Shirt degrees south of the equator.
Y 1
We had sixweek's sailingafter leaving
Sunday Island,and there were
quarrels among the elect. Many would
lave returned if possible, and had not Marks
poseeseed a peculiar personal magnetism the
troubles would have been more disastrous.
One morning
dead ahead, and before noon the people lied
'forgotten all their differences and were
happy again. Tide island is down onthe
.newer aborta as Tube'', but for mealy
years was known as Paradise. We came
up with Without 2 o'clock, and Marks and
others were roved ashore for a visit of in.
apeetion. The island is thirteen utiles loo
• by seven broad, but a mile eV so At either
end is low and swampy and covered at high
water. There is also a large marsh on the
eastern shore. After a day and a half spent
in prospecting ,&larks decided that the is -
and would do. It was finely wooded,
had many springs and creeks, and the land
'radually rose to a plateau high and dry.
lying so.neat' the egpatnr tbe•o.wes scarce
steed of clothing, -anal 'winter would be
ltnown only by three or four weeks of
1t took un abort a week to discharge cargo
and get ready to sail, as some of the sailors
lent a hand to help build temporary shelters
for the people. When the ship had been
cleared and everythiug was ready for saying
good -by, the Captain of the brig, whose
Dame was Dartwood, who had been reeasoi-
ablykind to me,ordered me into the yawlwith
another of the crew to pull him ashore to
deliver a bundle which had been forgotten.
Inoticed that the boat had its mast and
sail lying in her, but this feet had no sig-
31iSeauco to me just then. The people hood
settled on the rising ground, amilefren the
landing, and as we reached the shore I was
instructed to carry the bundle to the settle.
went. I started off very briskly, and in the
AT MID01tn1T
on this night 'crept out of my brush hut and
warned Bttker of what was in store for hies.
He Warned all his adherents, and the result
was murder, just tete sante as if I bad let
Marks carry out lois plans, Next forenoon,
as one of our party, named Redford, was
rkulking in the woods to get a shot at
Baker, some one
put a bullet into him,
ac iIdwass :Ant with anoto to say tht
de could bring in the body.
Of the thirty men, seventeen hadone
with Baker, but five of these were without
firearms. Marks had lost a man, but the
extra guns made up for it. After the killing
both sldee declared war, and both were
anxious for further bloodalled. Tlse women
and children lcept to the houses, while the
mon scattered over the island and )Hated
for each other. 1n the coulee of u. week
Marks lost four men killed. and two a
womaled. 1Vhilel lived with Marks, it
W110 because I Was obliged to, and I was
tiherefore treated ea a non-comllattatt, .Any
message between the leaders was carried by
me, '
About ten days after the first killing
Marks called me into his house and told me
to get the yawl ready for a trip. The boat
was lying 1n a creek half a toile away, end
before he rupture had been free to: all,
tbongh I had always been taken along to
manage tier. 1larlcs was not a married man.
Iie now praised and flattered me in time
,Iiighest terms, and said be proposed to go
off in the yawl to 901110 other ;eland, tatting
ale along, No one else Was to go, and 1
was not to breathe a word. That evening,
as soon as dark, I was to carry all his iun-.
dies to the boat, supply her with tenter and
provisions, and then beteg word to hien wlheti
all was ready. When night cane he got the
Wren out into the woods to watch, moll took
fronthis house six rifles, all the monov,
the bedding, clock, clothing, &o.
I supplied the boat with forty gallons of
water and a let of cooked and (rash pro•
visions, and by midnight I had her ready.
I hail had a plan of my own ever since Marks
opened his mouth. It was very doubtful if
he meant to take me with nim at all, but if
he did it was more than likely tnat he
woltld throw me overboard when he had
sighted other land.
It was 2 o'clock in the Morning before the
course of twenty aminates placed the bundle tide turned, and then I got into the yawl
In 11 'lark's hands. No sooner had I turned and let bar drif to the west. I was not yet
to go than'1 Was toughly seized, thrown out. of lleariog distance when Marks came
down, and my ankles and hands securely down to the creek and called me.
lashed. Upon demanding an explanation, Men daylight came mid I got a breeze I
Marks replied : was only three miles off shore, and was no
"I gave theCtaptaiu E5 for you, and you doubt seen by all our patty. I held to the
belong to me. It is no use to raise a row. northwest, Having a compass in the boat,
7f yon behave yourself you shall be well and after three days and nights of fair pro.
treated ; if not ; you trill get badly hand. gross I reached another of the Austral group,
led." callers the King's Park, and there foetid a
7 at once proceeded to raise a row with Trader, to whom I related all. After a short
my voice, reviling the whole bnncl after fo'. delay he set .sail for the island I had left,
castle fashion, but they turned to and beat' taking me with him, but owing to the 0011-
1rie until I -was forced to cry for mercy. tatty winds we slid not reach it for a week.
The only object ilfarks could have had it. War bad been rife meanwhile, (darks,
Baker, and three others had been killed, two
W0111511 and two children had been wounded,
and the entire party now prayed to be taken
off the island. Arrangements wore made
with the trader, and all were loaded up and
carried to one of the Navigator islands,
where some of them aro still living.
buying me was to snake ma his slave and
drudge. The Captain did actually sell me
• for a E5 note as alleged, and in after ge , r y cars,
• when I got him into court in Wellington, it
cost him E500 to settle matters. After being
• licked into silence, I realized that my best
way was to endure what I could not cure.
The brig had gone, and if did not take hold
with soma show of spirit Marks would make
life unendurable. I expressed sorrow at my
conduct, promised to do better, and was un-
tied and put to work.
A11 the houses were to be erected on one
flue, facing the south. That of .Barks had
already been bognn.
IT WAs THHEFCHlten 001850)01
there, and one could lie out atnight withonc
Do Children Pay 9
Does a tiro.year•old baby pay for itself up
to the time it reaches that interesting ago ?
Sometimes I think not. I thorghtso yestor-
day when my Own baby slipped into my
study end aorubbecl the carpet and his best
white dress with my bottle of ink. He was
playing in the coal -hod ten minutes after a
the least inconvenience. A ocrtatn numbt c1em1 dress was pat on ltlm, and later in the
tveretowork etthe houseewhile others clear. day he pasted fifty cents' uorlhof lostago
ed laud and planted clops, and even the stamps on the parlor wall, and poured a
children (1 years old had tasks allotted then. dollar's worth of tho choicest white rose
While ell were busy no one had tune for
grets, and think it was fully six weeks be-
fore I received a hint that. all
was net Batts.
factory. Every but was now completed foul baked leaf of celre, and was found in the
the crops planted, but the people had come middle of the dining room table, with the
to see that they were simply to make au sugar bowl between hie lege, and most of
easy living. They had no use for manners, the contents its his stomach.
Ho has already cost more that 8100 in
doctor's bills, and I feel that I ant right in
nttributing my few gray hairs to the misery
I endured while walking the floor with hint
at night during the fire, year of his life.
What has he over done to pay me for
that ?
Ah 1 1 hoar his little feet pattering along
worked and obeyed. His arguments were to out in the stall. I hear his little 'apple of
go without dispute. Had he not descended laughter because he has escaped from his
to trifles the people would have borne with mother, and has found his way up to my
. him, but by and by he wanted to dictate in study ata forbidden hent', But the door is
i even the smallest things, and one day there closet!. Tho worthless little vagabond can't
was an awful row between all hands. Fists get in, and I won't epos it for him. No, I
j; and clubs were used and many were injured won't. I can't be disturbed when I'm wrnt-
and the result was secession. Thirty per. ing. Ile can just cry, it he wants to ;1
sons withdraw from the Marks government won't bo bothered ; far--." rat, tat, tat,"
and set up for themselves under the learner- go his dimpled knuckles on the doer. I sit
ship of a men named Baltet', They demanded in aflame. ' ` Rat, tat, tat."
half of everything, and tho hhurka faction I sit perfectly still.
had to grant it or bring on another fight. to Pane."
Time, m three months from laming in Na reply.
Paradise " wo had ri state of affairs " 1'0850, papa."
owhich would have disgraced al African vile Grim silence,
Ingo. "'!booby Cum in ; poem, papa."
Ile shrill slot collie In."
t, My papa."
I write nn,
" Papa," says rho llttievoice, "I lub my
pasta ; perm lot baby in."
1 an not tinito a urate, anal throw open
the door. in he cones, with outotoctched
little arms, with shining eyes, with laugh•
ing face. I catch him up in my arms, and
hie warm, soft little arms go around my
nook, the not very Olean Ii'ttle cheek is laid
close to aline, the baby voice says awoetly,
ti lob my papa.
11oe0hepay ?
Well I guess he dons 1 iso has cost me
many amens days nail nights, He has
cost :no time and money and solf•sacrifice.
He may coat me pain and sorrow. Ho has
cost much. But he has paid for it all again
and again in whispering these three little
words into my ears, " I luh papa."
Our children pay when their very first
feeble tittle Mdse fill our hearts with the
mother•loveandfatler.love that ought tweet
to fail anion all earthly passions.
Do your children pay f
perfume out of the window, " to see it
Then he deg oat the centre of et nicely
• dress, education, or money, While they
had no taxes to pay or laws to oppress them,
they had no deeds totho land, and whatever
Maths said must be obeyed, He did not
take on autocratic powers until all neees-
sary work had been accomplished. Then he
proceeded to show himself in his true spirit.
He was to be boss and idler, while all others
,Marks had treated me fairly well up to
the time of the split. hIy sympathies were
• with the other party, and learning of this
he tied me to a tree and whipped 01e until
fainted away. He then riutined me to a log
for a week, and when I teas released be fora.
ed me to drudge from daylight to dark,
•Ono day I ran away bei the: north end of the
Aland, and for two weeks 1
1<E01 (MBAR eF TIME slag
Who were hunting for me. S lived 'on wild
fruits and roots, and was enjoying myself
immensely when caught. Marks gave mo an.
oilmen boating, and I was now set to work
With a chain arid. clog attached to my right
leg There ilad been no fighting between
the two governments after the first olash,but
the truce wee full of amlety, Marks was
determined not to dividetlrethronewlth any
• body, And after waiting about a month in
hopes to 500 the Baker faction return to its
allegiane0, he began to plan an aggressive
campaign. Under his drreetien a raid wee
made one afternoon on the Ileuses of the
• Baker faction, and five Mee were soourod,
h ;on in the colony had a rifle and more
A Oluoken Thief,
T.nNnoS ,man, 22,• -Goa Donnelly wan ar-
rested in a barroom by detectives of Lon.
don the other morning fol' stealing chickens
from Homy Peters, The birds were taken
some time in the night, the°Gap being bt'ok-
en open, and when the detectives heard of it
aeon after trine o'clock this morning, they
went up and found a trail of feetllcre lead-
ing from \1r, Peters' premises to Donnelly's
house. They also found bier netts covered
over in the house, so their ease is regarded
he a pretty straight 0115. llonnetly was
Duly released from the Police Court an Fri-
day, where he had been bald en a charge of
hounebt'saking. He was brought before the
Pollee Magistrate and remanded.
The pleasure of love is in loving. We are
happier in the passion we feel, than in that
we inspire.
A'R'ondcrrnl Discul'o'ry;WItieh'80111 Dement
Thuoano0n oft tttrerers.
The civilized world has recently been
deeply agitated over the announcement that
Dr. Anoh, an eminent German physician;,
had discovered a lymph for the cure of con-
sumption. This discovery has been herald-
ed throughout the world, and is looked upon
as one of the greatest achievements of mod-
ern medical s ileuce. Of equal, if not greater
importance, is a disco •et'' nl
1 ode bya well-
l -
known Caundimn druggisn, which, whsle it
does not pretend to cure consumption after
the lunge have been affected, is offered with
every confidence as n preventative of that
disease. Medical testimony bears out this
statement that more than two.thirde of the
cases of consumption, occurring in the
country annually, tare of catarrhal origin,
The trouble begins with it cold in the head,
which the sufferer treats us a light matter,
and too frequently neglects. This in time in.
variably deveiops into catarrh ; the mucous
membrane becomes thickened, inliantmedand
hardened, and there is aprofuse discharge of
watery and poisonous:natterfromtlte nostrils
or else the poisonous secretions becon1e clog.
gad and hardened. In either case the breath
is inhaled over this poisonous matter, and pro-
duces baleful results. The inflaunoation
gradually extends to the bronchial tubes,
and thence to the lenge, whieh,, already
poisoned 011d weakened by the foul breath'
inhaled, are ripe for that dread disoa%e-
cunsumption, which ends in death. A
remedy that will prevent these disaatrons
caneecinenees nest be regarded as a boon to
mankind, and, as already stated, such a
remedy has been discovered by a Canadian
druggist. There is no oast of cold in the
head which it will not instantly relieve and
permanently care. Do not, for an instant,
neglect a cold in the head, far by its prompt
treatment, yon will prevent its developing
into catarrh -the second stage on the road
to th grave. If, Lows' er .catarrh has al-
ready developed, the use of this great
remedy will prove egnsdly beneficial, as it
affords speedy relief, and will effect u ea'-
tain cure, ev011 in the mestaggravated cases,
if persistently nsetd, 11 removes the more.
tions, frees the clogged nostrils, and sweet-
ens the breath, stops the inflammation and
thu ' aves the lunge and prevents the disease
developing into consumption. This great
discovery is known and sold throughout the
country under the name of Nasal Balm. It
is a positive and certain mire, and the thou.
sands of testimonials in the hands of its pro-
prietors prove that it 0. all they olaim for
it. Itis sold by all dealers; and every suf
feror from cold in the head or catarrh should
nee it,
A genuine article of merit for heentify.
ing the teeth and sweetening the breatih.
Adam's Tutti Frutti Gum. Sohl by all
druggists and confeetioners. 5 emits.
Twenty.two thohsand ,deaths oeoerred in
0nn.temala from smallpox from April up to
1 e;ntembe•.
Recommended to SulYerers.
Gibbons' Toothache Gum. Price 15 omits.
Youth is a blunder ; Manhood a struggle;
Old Ago a regret.
];very bottle of Dr. Harvey's Southern
Red Pine for oaughs and colds is warranted.
Canada Forever,
We are pleased whon we can reacted Cana.
dian enterprise, backed by sterling worth
and character, and this we do in calling the
attention of our customers to the handsome
illustrated send catalogue, of the Steele
Bros. Co,, Toronto, which 05011 excels the
splendid one of last year, their premises aro
immense and their business n«tlonal. They
offer the latest novelties in Flowers, Bulbs,
Vegetable and field Seeds amongst these
wa 0ot110 Steele's White Clave Oats, an
astonishing cropper ; Campbell's Now White
ChaffSpring Whe
at,whichism highly recon
mended theLx a hoe t 1I" un Ottn a.
Thoroughbred White Flint Corn,
spoken of by The Rural New Yorker'
and which yielded 130 toms of Ensilage per
acre ; M irpeo's Extra Early Potato, the
earliest out, They will for only 25e. send
post-paid lib, of above oats, or wheat, or
corn, or 4 11). potatoes mol a copy of the
catalogue. Semi now, it will pay you, or
send 20c, for catalogue, wldiuh may be
deducted from first order.
The Head Surgeon
Of the Lttbun Medical Company is nov
at Toronto, Canada, um' lnay bo con-
sulted either in person or by letter on all
arcade diseases peculiar to man. Men,
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them-
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
aro broken clown from execs or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms ; Mental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality', loss of memory, bad
dreatns, di:nneee ofysigbt, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peeldiar sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
muscles, cyo licit: and. elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposite in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak aood
flabby muscles, desire to sloes,, failure to ho
meted by sleep, constipation, rlclinos of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex.
citabiltty of temper, sunken oyes surround.
ed with LEADEN 0111o,F., oily looking skin,
eta, aro all symptoms of nervous debility
that lead to insanity and death unlessourod.
The spring or vital force having loathe
tension every function wanes In oonsequenee
Those who through abttso committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured. Send
your address for boost on all (lichees peoolair
to man, Address M, V. tUBON, 50 Frost
St. E„ Toronto, On. Rooks sent free sealed,
itoartdiseaeo,thesymptomsofwhieh arefaint
s olio, purple lips, numbness, palpitation,
skip bents, loot dashes, rush of blood to the
head, (dull main in the heart withbeats strong,
rapid and erre alar, the second heart beat
quielter than the first, pain abouttlhe breast
bone, etc„ eanpositively be cured. No cure.
noay. blend for book. Atl'lreoo M. V.
LU1piolq, 517 Front dire. I J'.•;• t,, • rami,,
The Bird's Narrow Escape,
Doctor," said the lady, anxiously, " I
have sets. for you toot) ff you can't tail me
whet to do for 011y poor little canary, It
1010)10000111 _ ---•"
' 1 ant not a bird doctor, tnadum," the
physician interposed loftily.
11 Don't you know anything about the die.
elms of catmint 1"
"b'lost emphatically I do not,"
" You will ems! me then, doctor," she
Raid," if I call it more experienced physician.
I should be afraid to let you preserilie for
the poor little dear."
Like a Good Oonuuitum
is life, because everybody must give it up 1
13111 you needn't be in a hurry about it 1
Life is worth the living 1 To prolong it, is
worth your untiring effort 1 Don't give up
without culling to your rescue that grand
old family medicine, Dr, Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Marty a worn out ex-
hausted body has it made over good as new 1
It strangthens; builds up, invigorates, aseinl-
ing nature, and not violatingit, Cures
liver disease, iudigestion, land all blood.
taints and hmnot's. Sure and lasting benefit
guaranteed, orrnoney refunded. All drug-
Kings are nothing but men ; and all men
are equal.
A boy fstood on theburning deck,
Unwisely, loo, 'tie said,
For,with th rho fast
n led. n r
approaching flu no
H1 elders '
His d quickly ile
So, many no 9 in peril Red.
I.: mindful of their tato,
Till, step by step, Orlin Death comes on
And then, alas ! too Into!
Far wiser, surely, would it seem,
When Ms approach we Roe
With "Pierre's Pellets" well In hand
''o vanquish old "0. D."
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets have remarkable
poser to correct all physical derangements,
thus warding oft disease that would surely
follow. Purely vegetable, pleasant to take,
perfectly harmless ! With a little fore-
thought, they'll be a present help in time of
need -cheating the doctor and robbing the
grave ! As a Liver Pill, they are unequal-
led, Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take.
One a dose as a laxative, three or four as a
oathsrtic, Tiny, sngar•coa•ed granules, ho
vials ; 25 eente.
It is it good deal easier to pleaee God than
is to please some people.
With health and beauty laden,
A rich and priceless thing.
• To woman, pale and wasted,
Bfy precious gift' br;ng.
Snell, the object and such the mission of
wotuan's valued friend, Dr. Pierce's Favor.
i10 Peesor. do
p I n. Don't let unreasonable
prejudice prevent you from sharing the
health and beauty proffered, in good faith,
by One moat excellent Remedy ! None of
the almost countless weaknesses and dia.
eases peculiar to women, but that readily
yield to its magical power ! :Manufactured,
recommended, sold through druggists, and
guaranteed by the World's Dispensary Medi-
cal Association, Buffalo, N.Y., to give satis-
faction, in every case, a• money paid for it
cheerfully refunded.
The physicians of Berlin assert that their
practice has fallen off 25 per cent. since
Keoh'e operations began, and consequently
they demand from the Go•ernineat free
All the druggist sell that well known pre-
paration T. A. )LOCUMS OXY(4DN1ZED
and no preparation for lung troubles ote.
deserve% to be better spoken of, Consump-
tives 00111 now take heart for at the general
office in Toronto Canada can be 10000 the
highest testimonials that wore ever given a
similar medicine.
Tho Czar of Russia is one of the greatest
old buolt coIleotors in Europe.
The constant exposure of children render
them particularly liable to cold in rho head
and catarrh. Mothers do not neglect the
little 01105. Nasal Balm was speedily cure
Basal Balm has aro equal as a cure for
cold in the head and catarrh. .Aro sufferer
should be without it for an hour. Procure
a bottle ail give it a trial. Sold by all
It is much easier to reconcile au enemy
than to conquer him ; victory may deprive
him of his poison, but reconciliation of his
A.P. 539.
ATARRA CUTLET/ FRED for testimonial
,t{�y niter cure. Address THF, GIOI0MLOIDJE
CC Tor
onto, Ont.
C. ,'� g
i, e, PIG _nary rl? lfnntc fte0. 4. It. M1ICMICF[A6L,
pEt tl�ser 11010, D.e1N10;ln,uac•00unn1e,N r.
posse's, abbouts W'onlen boys, erny/-
gpBj{ IyBI, whine, 00,001 Arms wail 101,000 por-
L AJ r[ Rats perlllansntl 1
y to laud out
;'niers at A0L' a HI 1'10,l.ilnx 2100
to 9 cant ntaulp. AunN'rs Hlntnrm, Box 1,400
',Vs al's prssarodtofurnish Derry pickets,
Tree Cagy Pot Labels etc. (Tags and labels
oto printed and waterproof and trill last till
the the tree bears), at the very lowest palres.
Write us for prions.
TARBOX BROS.,laAdelafde 5t. A'.. Toronto.
r� i (l
SUlY LJ UUUl71,C1• 11��J. iJ(
Aro the boot in the world for the throat and
chest and for the voice, Unequalled.
YZ_ 311 2"_ W. stamped on each drop,
iypfy99�g�9C ryry�p •,L gtle ia� '+yp 1900.3 '010 .oar 11
CL.i t1F E,P dl&..sP'lrill HoV9 Tn Awl; i•rf
1t0ALT111112f1'RIt, ;ir0,000um0n10o, enn,roaw0rrl'1r1,0' (510,"
editor. br,JNrl.1-!, 17VO. s^5•utfe lo, Nett Vnrlr,
. li3L'0 01 1:'A:411'lL.0il 1' - Soulawes vutwd,
health 1mtersB Brent
life prolonged by
r.A,WtlfordtaininGreatI•rioglrnirlllent Discovers,
"Ex1•n,0" rm,taln(ng10001hors atatentem con-
40lRio gStiwt11'toai,'lonPomeroy, General AgG,
Pfso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
.Best, Easiest to ileo and Cheapest,
001;111" W4Il 4dp 4,1III ib la01100,
SOOT INO, 01.88N01NC,
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible,
Morar Mottles disown Ametmr('
,ymptomw 00 Qatnr04 arc, os 000
so4p Cartlsl 5,nMw h5008 cmc of
1,ned lout brantb, 0 akl,8g wed spit.
Itos, ,005000 500004) 00ollnp l dc•
)lacy, oto, ft yon wen ernublod with
any of them or Modred
PiOmn,e 40 00lrs0a.,nll,
Linevoeneb, wbo,4ar4
pnuuno warnedIn Woe, agted
0008 le head tonia In Catarrh,
lowed by ooneumpptlun and death,
aosaa n10p, 1,roll by 0011 drog�0is
or w11100 62/4.00)
past fd on1.5001000!
pdco@0 o,nta uu0100,0 i by aadreedar
Brookville, Ohs.
JAN. 30, 1891,
Tett ('eosnisot'lrs,
Dercrated Tinware,
VoIrec told Spice Tins.
'..'111 .;Clog H0 ,''0 Eae(, Toronto
V�.t9RM -` Ch000�teq ,S
��tn iaeGB
47 ram
lmof& m ocold ey phydtlooy 1. Beteg in the
formol (Andre ;t oerrefuse aro ploasanttoths
testa, es11 oalte ;toyer ricins a ehouolaloLeer coven.
Requires t&Ite no Cher. So Ask for ere.
all a net ramie no mbrr. Bold vre!•ywtl,ore,
2e cauls a mics,
IOoOSNOA Medicine Co.. Mon fres
AGilt,'re should drop everything an sat
TAL14tot1'S Lurk 010 Outueo, omitted,
"Pram Betior to't'hrone .. Over 000 quarto
pegoe; 4001 lllustratlone from groat paintin s;
and a kanoruunlo picture !n colors, ton foot lit
length, at Jerusalem on the day of Crucifixion.
Sold only byaubsor!ption. Exeluslro territory
to agents. Address, for terms, wlt. liu1oda,
Publisher, Toronto OM, _R
s•ed th, o-ueu
oLnmpLrou,aplea i 1)
bud nelt-tnusuure p
recently granted for sale. Address, Ix,
YENT0Re' ONION, Toronto.
Business Chances.
NC'+/ l0a or nnorc along the Groat Nnrtb-
G n ern Rltihvn - in Minnesota, North
TCWNSDakata 000 t 1taua, Write F. t.
U t7tYhtlnoy 0 p RtT A 6 N N
Ry. St Patel Mine or d N. 1317CRINS'
Toronto. Ont., for Books, Maps, leo. '
'THE nDow eteaoR,ttogrrsaI. tlvOosVoatvycetmn eNntosrttho
melt flanks. W011 h,
ino:ndn Wien tanto D
m wean re It you E
atestlua this paper
362 and 364 St. James Street, Molttttbal,
Fseed a once nor Fxlra acrrt.r.
and r 0,616 Tr,A. t'h4 remaly k
harmless" s o o . arlous drugs are use. in
lea oa will arnica
1 t It to ewe
In severe cues where other remedies hove deed.
My tenon for rending a (ree bottle 10 t 1 wort 11,0
Iu,ed0e1ne 0o be le wa 060000•
nlut1!oa 1t care ye4 ,a4.
InYcfor a u1a1, .and w radknf caro
Post Ince. Address: pmts sad
FI. O. ROOT M. 0., fag Wits! /demonic St.
oren q
. rvlloole, obu!'chee, eta. Wrlto to E';
RED I Wuitney C p &'J' A G N R
M T t Ont.
Uit. TAH"1"03 Aal11.Y}ALltq lli l
ASTHMA_QDRED never IIb sand na
your addroas, war n•Ill moil trtnl
AOM' E. � lw � Y O
R'1. Paul Intl., 01' J.11t. ihe:9A.I1�TS
Toronto. Ont., [0101 010100'. hook+, ore..
Paralysis, Kidney and Gravel
Nov. Oh, 1500. DEAR
Sin, As you know l was
sorely troubled with par-
alysis for years,; of the
elan • remedies I have
triedthe mineral water
1got from yon ST LEON,
is Head Oyer All. nave
possible relief from drink.
nig the water freely, ante
would not bo without it.
.Also for kidney awl
gravel it Joao proved Es -
se!!! untgnal/0d in my
case. - 1101, SIMSER„
Aultsville, Ont,
AI. Leon Mineral Wafer
Co., Lt'd., Toronto.
Brandi OHdee - TIdy's Flower Depot, 100
Tonga Street.
Mapulacturers of all kindsponeatio Cipars,
Celebrated Crusader and Hero Muds
One trial is guarantee for continual ore.
t els lt:ta :d'
They are Fast.
They are Beautiful.
They are Brilliant.
Have 'YOU used them ; if not, try and
be convinced,
One Package equal to two o!
any other make.
Canada Brooch: 381 SE. Paul Barere, Montreal,
'dridpootarlor5am;tleCardtuu,Boub .,1jnstrsativua
an0La0 . i 1 ...woo
RtALGIA,$0RE TkritOAT, P1LZ$, W0't7NDS,
V010dlntsrnavyaODlxo10100U3, i'rleeseoo.$l,$Llt
VO1D'2EZT1lA0T 00, Ne B &Landau
The Alliance Bond and Investment Company of Ontario Limited,
Incorporated February 27th, 1800,
CAPITAL, $1,000,000, - - - SU'BSCRIBED CAPITAL, $500,000
General Offices, 27 & 29 Wellington Street East, Toronto.
Pres., W. STON80; Vice -Pres., JAS. SWIFT, Kingston; T. 11. IHOLMES. M. D. Chatham
Cashier, RABAT Y1f.1:0111; Solicitors, MOPIIEKAON CLARK .0 JAR1'1S, TOIIO1TO.
• The Company issues Bonds guaralbsed to rho Theo value. These Bonds arc for amounts
from $100, and can bo bought for any number of years, from live upwards. These Rondo aro pay
able by instabnonts, and the investor obtains gtlartulteed eonponnd interest at the rate of 1 per
cent. per annntn; and aro ospealally-protected by a sinking fund invested In first class real estate
0100111 gas, This Oonmany is empowered by its Charter to out as Administrators, RecotviagB
Trustoos, Assignees, Liquidators and Agents under appointment by the courts or individooaf
Having :vadat facilities for the winding up of estates, the Assignee branch of its business is soli
cited. Being a responsible financial Company, creditors can depend on prompt settlements and
quick winding 0lp of any estates they may entrust to the Company.
01510155,18111851<1000018.0.001)ilivEsTmDNTCO., OP ONTARIO, 0.75).
Aesigntees, Administrators and Financial Agents, 27 and 25 Wellington Strout East, Toronto.
W,� �3" tnll'C'„a. f iG"SI°-t. SOU
� -4a
70 rum % DI'SOER---Please info"nt your readers that T have a positive remedy for
the above na,moddl::+ea.,o, T9yin,ri:veep 11enihonsondsofhopolcetcaseshave been per-
manently cured. 'shall he flla' o.!,•ndtwo bottles of my remade irrtfte. toony of
your reactei no iia Wive "o,tyoni/i:
01411711. her 1v0,1 nanco
d n {11”11.MireInst ire Addreat
t 1.1i, d',, tge 'O3'rat Adelaide 5t„ Toronto, 4rnt.
SA'1�&14•.^:Jl?a+`nttli'f,TFI%ECF,s'T.ism,tr',71J11;�"q,"5C`1�7ke'nEvd�4>,tvri' "- „'
sold by druagl :tr :r sons by rnnn, sib.
II A. T. Rnsettmc, Warren, J'^,, Tl, e, n
For. Circular Address
J. IC) #AN & SON,
77 Nol'tlloote Ave.. TowOilto.
Beat value in the Dominion. F. 10. DIXON 8t
CO., MakeSe, 10ICing street least, Toronto.
t0TSend for Trico Lists and D(scoults,Mt
Importations of finest English Shoop Oasi» gs
erdviogweekly. Also small American hogs'
Casings in lots to suit purchasers.
JAS. I'AStIC 50 SON, Toronto,
it`s inch Copper, New Style,
Several s000ntn.hand iron plate GRIND.
BUS for sato cheap.
Tho groat Canadian Remedy,for the sure of �-
Asthma, Broncloftis,CafloOoh, fr001ughs, Colds,
hoarseness. Per solo by all Druggists. Pride
ttr ggr large, and go for small box. s your own �,
allend yo70 will receive in box,.lprenaiill uhf r
totems. Atldroso, rV., D, L`1LIEWTf,I1,. ,.;. �Makerous Engine
Lagauc(rottore Street, Montreal,
The Universal Verdict
Hero is a sample from a large farmer
Marsden Smith, BBrilissels, Nov
S, 1890 0 "I enclose $63, second pay
hent on Chopper. 1 certainly never
paid for auythmgmore cheerfully than
1 pay for this 20 inch n.L1gg.
"It surpasses lay expectation every
way and is beyond the representations
of your agents. It does seem to irlo it
must require a wondor'ful stretch of
conscience for these iron plate machine
fellows to claim they have the best
chopper on earth. Sorely they never
saw your Standard Mill running,"
[Mr. Smith had an expensive plate
mill previous to alae Standard.]
Keep Your Engine
^r-�tAT WORE.
Shingle Millis,
Chapping Mills,
Lath Mills,
Veneer M,'s,chines,
All Pay Large Returns
Works Co., Brantford, r+d, Da hada