HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-30, Page 5JAN. 30, 1891
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l"lIStritt IM%•
Cleat ntTr. (,Ac, •
V, Gramm is getting in a eeppty of
wood for his lime kiln,
Whorl is the Foresters' ball or concert
that has been talked of going to material.
Prof Baker, 'r the boneless Yankee,
gave n aeiihition to a full house in
Tuolt'8 Ball, last Friday evening.
Chas, Raddetz, who served his eppren,
tioeship at the bleollemitbing with. J. J'.
Willietns, of this place, left on Monday
for Detroit, where he will push bis for.
tune, Charlie is a steady -going young
man and will no doubt succeed.
It:;'1 t lie.
Joseph Carter returned to Calgary last
Reeve Hamilton is a tending County
Oounoll In Godorioh this week.
The regular, monthly cattle and horse
fair will be held' hero next Tuesday, Feb,
The annual meeting of District Na, 24,
1, 0. G. T., was bald ill Blyth, on Wed.
aesday, the 28tH inst.
Large quantities of logs are continual-
ly pouring in Grey, Young it: Sparling's
saw ut,:1 yard atld'to the mile' ay etatiou
this weelt.
Wveeeetetee r•
Geo. Allen, employed by the Canada
Yaolfio Railway in Markdale is home on
e visit. I3e 18 to be stationed in Tees -
WHO oAN BOAT IT ?-0t1 Saturday last
Dave McBride teamster for Smith, Mal-
colm do Gibson, brought to the saw mill
the largest load of logs that has ever en-
tered thetewn, there being 2,848 feet of
green pine in the six logs ,comprising the
load. The pine was brought from Wm.
Perguson's, the above firm havutd
bought his entire swamp.
The Royal T. of T'a concert on Friday
evening le•t was a complete anooeso and
was largely attended. The hoststhat
poured in from the surrounding villages
was duly -milted and appreciated, and at.
tests indisputably the interest taken to
advancing thre,ceuse, The Glee Club's
singing was fair, though's "flattening" in
the chorines was noticeable at times,
Messrs: Gray and Beek acquitted them.
selves in such a manner that the audience
were almost in raptures betimes. Mrs.
T. W. Gibson's solos were finely render-
ed, especially the gong "Retie's' letter"
as it drew down the house. Mise Sara
Brown, aa' accompanist, tilled the hill
very creditably. The Fordwiob orches-
tra played agreeably at times. They
have a good violinist in Mr. Young,
:[:tilt r 1,
Reeve Milne is atteeding County Conn -
ail this week.
Mrs. D. Badgeley's father and mother
spent Sunday in town.
Reeve klilne was defeated by one vote
for the Wardensbip.
Big bargainsgoing at Simplon R Son's
prior to receiving spring stook.
The annual meeting of the Presbyter.
ian (thumb was bold on Monday evening.
Quarterly meeting will be held iu the
Me:itodist church next Sunday at 11 a.
The good sleighing of the pest week
has made business quite lively in this
Mr. McCnrdy and family have moved
to town. They will oaaupy a house kelt
east of the school.
Service was held in the Presbyterian
uhuroh last Sunday evening, the sauna.
1101)0 being administered at 1.1 a. an.
Mise Louie Sherlock and Aaron Cober
are attending the Listowel High sohool,
They come home every Friday night.
Mrs, Henry Keyes returned home hest
Friday after having spent a month in
New York and other American points, •
If you requite womens' or childrene'
elutes call at Simpson's see see the var-
iety table. Your choice for one dollar.
Big bargains.
A tea meeting is being arranged for by
the Methodists, to be held in their church
on the evening of Feb. 12th, A. grand
tee and program may be looked for.
Rev. B. A. Sherlock gave an address
on Temperance last Sunday evening and
at the clone of the service a petition for
total Prohibition was largely signed by
members of the congregation.
Mies Mioklejohn is visiting in Kinloss.
Mr, Moore, of Toronto, spent last week
with relatives on the 8th son.
The Reeve and Deputy were attending
the County Council this week ab Godo
Henry McArter, tinsmith, of Harris -
ton, spent Sunday among fries Ts on the
7th 11118.
Another Sunshine home is being re-
moved. That town is gradually diminish
ing and becoming beautifully less.
Sunshine Lodge, 0. 0. le have sur-
rendered their charter and disbanded.
The members will go to Brussels and
An entertainment will be given by the
pupils of 5. S. No. 5, in the course of
two or three weeks. Loot( out for parti-
culars next week.
Ino, Bowman, Ord line, lolled a cow re -
(wetly that (reseed 050 pounds. Very
few beeves dyes. a0 emelt oh absuvat this
season of the year.
Morris is to lose another of her fair
ones who rs soon to unite her fortunes
for life with those of a ottizou of a neigh-
boring town. Pariiculars later,
The infant daughter of Al. Cole was
buried on Monday, the pause of death
being inflammation. Tho aympabhy of
their ]nary frionde is extended to the
sorrowing family,
The teacher engaged in S. S. No. 10
for 1891, 1'. Burk, of Elena, has been
compelled to resign bis position owing to
ill health and hae boon ordered to take a
complete rest, The school was closed
far several slays,
There will be a debate in Bar'rio's
8611001 house on the oveei» g of 'Tuesday,
Feb, 8a8, between three gentlemen fo001
town 'and throe of the country boys.
Subject, "Resolved that repro Wartime
Lion can be gained from -travelling than
from leading,"
LIBt 1"riday death visited the home of
1,Iatthew Williau, 20d eon„ and tools
away the f1r00 born, Wil(lam Andrew,
aged 2 months and 90 daye, The little
fellow had oily hem ill for a few days.
The funeral tools pique on Monday after.
noon. Mr, Wilson hue buried his moth.
or, father and Bun inside of te meth.
Ifo, Mrs, Wileon and relatives are well
deserving of the sympathy of the Ootn-
John and I'111en Smith, 'tram neer
10•110110,11, ale (tilting at John Clegg's,
Rleherd Armstrong, of the and line, is i
at preaont nursing a -sora hand, witiob he
aoeidentalIv cub with a saw.
I711iobt ',Thynue, formerly of Morris,
but who has been in Snotland, Bonth
Dakota, for about tee years, i0 in this
vicinity visiting relatives. He bee rent.
ed hie farm in Defeat and deed not in.
tend going back again, Poor mope for
a smeesslon of years have put the moat
of the farmers fn a bad way,
Wilma'hr, nn .
The atone and latices for the new E05.
Bah ohurch are being laid on the ground,
Jae.. Angus brought into town a hugs
owl which he lead poisoned. bus owlehip
had killed a oat at Mr. Angus' back door.
A grand concert will be held in the
Town Hail on Friday , evening of this
weak for the benelt of Miss Billingsley.
The Wingham Branch of the Le,dy
True Blue Association is gaining rabidly:
in members. The ladies claim to be able'
to keep a secret as well tie 15 mon can,
The annual meeting of the W. L. M
S. in connection with the Presbyterian
ahuroit, of Wingham, was held recently.
The officers elected for the ensuing year
are : Mrs. Dickson, president; Mra.
Wightman and Mrs, Ross, Viee•Presi.
dente ; Miss MoQuerrie, Secretary ; Miss
Little, Treasurer.
The annual sleotion and installation of
ollioors in commotion with the Anoient
Order of United' Workmen, of Wingham,
took place when Dr. Temlyn, the P M.
W., installed the following gentlemen in-
to their respective offices :-Wm. Smyth,'
Master Workman, John Forster, • Fore.
man • Goo. Moffatt, Overseer ; II, 0.
Clarks, Recorder Thee, Bell, Reoeiver ;
John W. Walker, Financier; G. Petbiok,
Guide ; "Wan. Foston, J. W. ; W. Clegg,
0. W.
• CiraiV.
A great many are suffering from bad
colds just now.
Jno. Shiel is getting material on the
ground for a large bank barn which he
will put up next Bummer, -
The sawmill men are getting in a good
supply of logo. Although the sleighing
has been very thin so far.
Who in this section have not seen the
star of Bethlemea. It ie visible is the
eastern sky every morning.
The petit:me that are being presented
in the different churches tor the total
Prohibition of the liquor traffic are being
largely signed.
There is another wedding on the•carpet,
this time it is a bachelor. If others take
the hint and follow suit it will be gaits
lively for a while.
Harry Douglas, son of Adam Douglas,
of the 15th oon., had the misfortune to
out hie foot badly with an axe while out
chopping one day last week.
A tea meeting fa to be bald at Roe's
church on Tuesday evening, Feb, $rd.
Revds. Torrance, MsLaaghlan, Sellery
and Pant have been invited to spank.
Frederick Oxtoby, of the 9th con., bas
purchased the 50 acre farm of Conrad
Bernath, being part lot 29, 10ti1 con.,
Grey. There is a comfortable house,
bank barn, orchard, tee. on the premises.
The pride was $2,700. Mr. Bernath
gives up possession in March and will
likely locate in 11thel, Ile has been a
resident of Grey for the past 33 years,
living on the farm since 1805. Mr. Bor.
each will have a sale of stuck, ,2c., in
A matob game of foot ball between S.
S. No. 1 and Uranbrook, played on the
grounds of the latter on daturday lo -t,
resulted in a more of I to 0 in favor of
the home tealn. The visitors wanted to
play a half hour longer, but the gallant
liax-mill men refused. The game was
wall played, both teams doing some fine
work, and it was so closely ooutested
that it only lacked five minutes of the
hour when the goat was made. It was
oounbry against village. If it sad been
strictly sohuol against school theca
would have been a different tale to tell.
House-Wdmenve 0311 P11898N'rAT1oN,-
On Friday evening, 23rd inst., there was
quite a gathering of young people at the
residence of C. and Mrs. Bowen:nen, to
give them a house-warming in their new
home by the Maitland in S. S. No. 1.
Good music being supplied by Ed. Fox
and A. Steins, the company went in for
a good time and all enjoyed themselves to
the fall- A. collation was served at 12 p.
an., after which au address was read, and
a purse containing a sum of money was
presented to Mr. Bowerman as a token
01 regard from his former pupils in S. S.
No, 8. Then the dancing began anew
and w•aS kept up till afaer 3 a. in., all
putting in a merry 011110.
1,1t'T ne GATna1t IIP 'inti F1A011ENTe.-
Thie command has hien more than
praotioally d-monstreted for the last few
years by a few feithfnl lady workers of
the 12th con., in the neighborhood of
Schoot Section No. 1, tubo formed them-
selves inw what is now knows as the
"King's Workers." The object of which
society ie to utilize any oast otl clothing
members or friends of the order are kind
enough to supply. As Robbie Burns
pate ic, they, "Um: the multi olaes look
amteiat tis wool's the new," and when
they have a good supply they send e box
to Toronto where they ere there di3Ori•
bated to the poor. The last box was
sent to "The King's Daughters" of that
city, the President, Mies A. D. Woteun,
sending the folluwiug reply t-"141iss
Bohm, Seo. of 'King's Woreere,'-The
Silver Cross Oirolo of King's Daughters
wish me to thank you for diem for the
box of clothing you sent to Toronto.
Mrs. Ilarvie, who is a member of our
'Oirolo,' knowing how nmoh we required
Wet/tine for our work planed en our
hauls the garments you sent for distri•
butiou. Tae lust thought that moms to
me when I stow bhe worst done for the
'King,' was, how much treat one Chris.
01a1n nes tot another, for the very proof
was before me when I saw how mei)
Mid boon sent to us, 1 will write and
tall you whore bice olohh08 g0, already
We ]lave Riven some away, soh waiting
until Xmas. I like your name, 'TM
Ring's Workers,' that is what the 'Nimes
Daughters' really are, we do toll we oan
in Iiia name who did... much for rts and
through Itis love •brought us nn1t0
His household. I pray the Icing to
bless yon 111 your wont of love for flint
and ills pool'. 1 alien be glad to hear
front yon any time. If yea wish for any
information 1aga0rling tits wont in Toron-
00, or if 1. eau help you i11 any way I will
be glad to do so. I ant yours, in ilia
name ANN111 D. Wessex, Pres. Silver
(Rosa C dole of King's Dueightubs." Tho
Mtge( Workers will bo pleased to have
additions to their membership an(1 will f30 -\T
a1 (000090 08 aiiiultof ole Icing from friends (,,j ,..... (, , , .L 2_,.L LII1) .Y
1111011(18 for distribution, PE
Giving up Business in Brussels.
underelgatel will keep for eerv100, on
el 1 Lot 27 0cn, 4, Dorris, a Wore'bred 13erb-
ablre boar, Terms ,11.00 to bo paid at. acne
e1 service witb��,,prrivilege of returning, If
necessary. 1(101!..el(1) ARMSTRONG,
24.6' Pxoprlatpr,
uo1 r)lgned has service a 0081 puronDur
had 01111 keep for 20,00, zo nd& Dur-
ham bull on Ne lot ea, of servic1A. h $1,50 to beOnt attimece service with 11ti-
vilogsntr0turaln if ageossarSs
34-Bm ONO, CURRIE, Proprietor.
"illorganST f Glen 41)1150 " it an 7atin),orted
cow. She took tird prise at the Toronto Io
dusbrlal Exhibition, and, it ie said, should
have had 2nd. For :tanner particulars ap-
ply at my Drug sod 13ook Store. Brussels.
0, A, DEAD .IAN.
present 8815p55011 thhe liisp roved arae white
Morris,ito w]iloh'it li cited ouugl,er0'ot %cur
al etoken, 01144file privilegthe htobhrn
lag if necessary. Pedigree may bo 0000 up-
00 n f neeetiva, 1 0115011)1 0.1CIis e
1301 Proprietor.
STOCK U lei. SF111 CPIt-The13 �u:Illraigtmd has0 r
rRiREDUCED $5.000.00
Before March ist, when Stock will be taken over by our Successors.
bred Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr Snell, and
also an Ohio impported (tbester White, one
trove imported 0001 on bothr sides us Pbte
hag took 3rd prise at the Industrial Fxbibi-
iton,'l'oronto,1800,10 a Walla of 17, and also
Srd at the Western Fair ina class of 15.
Terms, 02,00, to bepaid at time of seryice,
with privilege of returning If necessary.
15 -ti 8. WALKER, Proprietor.
Our Desirable and 1'ell=Assorted Stock to be Offered to the Public. Appymeg' TURNBI7LL,
Mechanic Street.
088BreNEn hes eeyaral Seed Farris f or
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Towuehipe
of 87.Norr16is and Grey. F. 8. 8C('T. Brussels.
at Less than. Wholesale Prices.
Our reason for Giving up Business in Brussels is that our Stratford Business leas Doubled since
starting in Brussels, and we find that we cannot afford the time to look after
a Branch, therefore we have Disposed of it.
We herewith submit for your inspection Price List of some of our Loading Lines, which
shows Actual Reductions :
In Black and Colored, Plain and Fancy.
1F.-'1TEl,L"%' 'arm RED U CED.
25 Pieces Melton at 8e., worth 123c.
83 Pieces, an Assorted Lot, worth from 15o. to 25o., all at
One Price, llc.
Every Piece of Dross Goods Reduced as follows :
20o, Goode for 18o, 30c. for 22c. 35o, for 95e.
40c. Goods for 98e. 500. for 373e. 75o. for 56c.
Soo. Goods for 65c. $1.00 for 750. 41.25 for 800
'25 'lobos. Dress Patterns ab Exactly half Price,
Mantle Cloth at $1 00 Sale Price 750.
Mantle Cloth 1 26 " 85
Mantle Cloth 1 50 $1 00
Mantle Cloth 2 00 1 25
Mantle Cloth 2 50 " 1 75
Mantle Cloth 13 00 " 2 00
iblantle Cloth 8 60 2 25
60 Yds 22 -in. Pure Silk Black Merveilleoux at 75e., worth 41.00
35 Yds 90 1 25
15 Pieces Colored Merveilleoux at 75 " 1 00
1 Piece Black Gros Grain Silk at 75 was 1 00
10 Pieces Colored Silk Velvets at 85e-, Regular Price 1 25
100 Short Ends of Fancy Trimming Silks and Velvets suitable
for Trimmings, One Third Off regular price,
25 Pieces foulard Skirt Lining at 5c., worth So,
15 Pieces Twilled Skirt Lining at 7e,, worth 100-
1211c. Waist Lining for 9c. 15c. for llo, 20o. for 15.
25e. for 18e.
40 Pieces Print at 83., worth lOn.
75 Pieces Print at 10 " 14
20 Pieces Sateen 15 " 20
25 Pieces Battens 18 Regular Price 25c.
215 Pieood Gingham at 5o,, worth 100.
10 Pieces Scotch Ginghatn at Ou., worth 160,
50e. for 3730. BOc, for 40c, 750, for 65c, 41,00 for leo,
'l Dozen Yatisi Corsets at 960,, regular price 41.2.7.
10 Dozen et car regular $1.00 Corset.' at 76e.
6 Dozen of the Celebrated Bonanza Cere00 at 50o., worth 70c,
1,0 Dozen of our 500. Corsets ab 11730.
5 Dozeu Naluelees Corsets et 20o. per Petr,
15 Dozen at 17o, per Pair, Begnlat' price 25a.
4 Dozen at 20 " " 80
5 Dozen at 80 " " 40
10 Dozen at 873 83, 0, 93 inch " 50
, 2 Dozen Fine, Plain and Ribbed at 50e., worth Iii.
-In Cikikh'en's Casbinorc Hose wo have Time Full Lines in
all sizes, which wo will Reduce 25 per cent.
At 1.233., 16c„ 20c., 250, and 300, par Pair; Regular prices 90c.,
25c., 300, 1150. and c10°,
15 Dozen of our 111 25 Quante at 97c.
10 Do0On " 1 u0 " 78
7 Dozen " 75
Dome " 50- " 10
5 Pieces Cretonne at 12}_c,, Sale Price 100.
5 Pieces Cretonne at 15 •' 11
3 Pieces Cretonne at 20 " 15
2 Pieces 52 -in. Table Linen at 3.5c.,
2 Pieces 54.1,1. 'Cattle Linen at 18
1 Piece Loom nemesis at 30
3 Pieces Pine Damask at 38
1 Piece 72.in. Cream Damask 05
All Cream Cloths with Borders at 77w ,
All Cream CIoths with Borders a' 00
Regular price 20e.
010131) 50
Reenlat' priau til 00
'• t
7'2 -in. Twill Sheeting at 23c., Regulus: price 30,'.
23 Yds. wide Sheathe; 25 " 1115
93 Yds. wide Sheeting 80 11d0
2 Yds. wide Twill Sheeting at 27o., Ropier price 35c.
23 Yds. wide Twill Sheeting at 82 " 40
93 Yds. wide Twill Sheeting at 87 " 50
15 Pieces 36.in. Factory at 7o,, Sale price 1131.
10 Pieces Heavy Factory at 8 " 8
20 Pieces Heavy Factory at 11 "
10 Pieces Heavy Factory 10 8
10 Pieces 40 -in. Fine at 193 0
COTTONS at Go., 70., 80., Oo. and 10o.;' Regular prime
80., 9c., 100., 1230. and 140.
20 Pieces Shirtings, fast colors, at 7c., were 100.
20 Pieces Shirting., " at 9 " 323
25 Pieove Shirtings, " at 10 " 15
10 Pieces Cottonade at 17c., Regular price 25a.
16 ],Pieces Cottonade at 20 " 80
5 Pieces Cobtmlade at 25 35
123c. for 100., 15o. for 123o., 20o. for 15c., 2.0. for 'like
10 Pieces 26 -in, All wool Grey Flannel at 17,3„. worth 25e.
7 Piooes 26•in, ted C " " at 20o., " 30o,
22 Peces Assorolors in Plain, Taney and ,Military Flee
nets, worth 1(5c. to 40o., all ab one price, 20o.
8 Pieces White L'lannel, 25u. fur 10o, ; 800. for 22o, ; 850. fm
95e. ; 40o, for 1300..
10 Pieces Op0rtt Flauuol et 20o., were 35o. and 40a.
10 Pieces German Flannel a0 45a.
10 Pieces Shaker Flannel at 10e., aero 193o.
ti Dozen Envelope Back Shirts at 80o,, Regular prime $1.00.
4 Dozen of our $1.50 White Shirts at 41.16.
10 .Dozen Gents' Ties and Scarfs at 85o., Regular prime 50o.
15 Dozen Gents' Ties at 40c., Stile price 26e.
50 Dozen Gents' Linen Collars at 15e, each, all styles.
6 Dozen Gents' Wool Mitts and Drawers at 8730., worth e0o,
5 Down Cents' 0. Ii. Shirts and Drawers et (10o., worth 850,
10 Piooes A11 Wool Tweed at 255.,
8 Pieces All Wool '[weed et 40e
.i Plows Alt Wool Tweed et 505
Regular price 1011.
" 7100
.111 500. Lines Reduce? to 1173e.
A11 75c. Linea Reduced to .10u,
111 95u. 9111108 Seduced to (101,
111 61.00 [,ince 13odu00(1 to 750.
All 41.23 Lines lledndod to OOo.
All $1.50 Lines l(edneed to $1.10,
The Lamest Assortment of Goods in the Count to Select
� from
A.s we clo not intend to repiace anything when sold out, Eaw)y Buyers will haVth the best
Assortment to So'l,:et from.
..) Being South half Lot 27,eo0.8, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared, Good buildings,
about 20 acres Fall wheat In ground. Easy
terms. Apply to W. 8f. SINCLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, An., Brussels.
scriber ottani his 16O acre term, being
Lot 16 and West half lot 14, Con. 14, Grey, to
rent. Between 80 and 00 mares cleared. For
further particulars, as to rent, terms, dho.,
apply to
P O ER SINCLAIR, Proprietor,
n8na1G88n offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, concession G, .atoms
s1nd isofirst n a hightateof
cultivation. well fenced and under -drained
:5 acres 0leared. Nee/frame house, 8 rooms
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells
good barna and shod, orchard, etc. Eight
acres of fall wheat, This desirable pioperty
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able tel ms will be given, Title perfect.
SA5158 01t1EVI.1, Owoor,
86• 00000 a tr P. O.
•ob • Foss- . O • Ceetrf 1).
All Work from the ?in/al/est to Life stye
(10)80 111 a drat-L'taee manner,
of Residenlex, Etc., at Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
Gallery-Stretton'sNew Block.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
J.C,IIeffernitn, J,A.' oung.
Valuator. Agent,
Ethel P.O,, Ont. 2 tf
The subscriber offers the following
Woll-brod Animals for Sale:
"Cadiv," (5504), Vol. II :
"Earl of Breadalbaue" (0700), Vol, II,
These horses are 8 years old ; heavy
"hageu Chief," 0 years old, 1100ev
Ono Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im-
ported stool: on both sides ; heavy
"Prince of Dolt ins," a road o1 ,:a :lags
stallion rterug'1 years; imported.
One I.leavy Draught Mere, 11 years ol,l;
Imported; with foal.
Ono Canadian broil Warr!, heavy draught,
rising 0 years, with foal by 11,'r auk'.
One ,flare Foal, from ireperto:l 01,1,.11 „n
both side,,
000 Go'ding, 3 years old. heavy drt 1131111.
t 'Lnnnt r, Teens will be made to
ilosponeiblo Par tics.
The above mentioned atoek may be
seen, pedigrees seeura,t and 111)0011 ob.
tainod by applying to
S , otoi'i+ Iflti:,
20. l3Iu's32tra P. 0.