HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-30, Page 44 I'HE BRUSSELS POS't
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Local—Geo. Good.
Local --E. Grundy.
Notioe—W. Spence.
Local --S. W, Laird.
Locale—A. R. Smith.
Local—Mrs. E. Rogers,
Local—Ball's Magazine,
Spring Goods—A. R. Smith.
Local --W. Nightingale h Co,
Mortgage sale—W. M. Sinclair.
Reasons—W. Nightingale & Co.
Clearing sale—Scarff & Ferguson.
( be 'fame's Last.
FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1891.
Tna dates of the Ontario Liberal Con.
vention in Toronto have been changed
from Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 17
and 18 to Wednesday and Thursday 18
and 19.
Joerrit Bscx, Reeve of Colborne Town.
ship, was elected Warden for 1891 at the
County Council on Tneeday afternoon.
Ile and Reeve Milne, of Grey Township,
were the candidates, The vote was a
close one staudiug 25 for Beak and 24 for
T. MAowooD, of Mornington Townehip,
was elected M. P.1?. in North Perth, last
Friday, by a majority of 46 over Dr.
Ahrens, of Stratford. The latter defeat.
ed Mr, Hess last Jane by a good ma-
jority. This is a Conservative gain. In
the other elections held on Friday Re-
formers were returned viz :—North Nor-
folk, E. Carpenter, by a majority of 232 ;
Sonth Norfolk, W. Charlton, by 95 ; and
Eget Durham, Geo. Campbell, 63 ma-
jority. It is hinted that a protest will
be filed in North Perth.
$'droll County.
' The West Huron Teachers' Institute
will be held at Exeter on Feb. 19th and
20th, to be conducted by J. J. Tilley,
Model School inepeotor.
One of those episodes that make life
agreeable took place in Fordwich on the
evening of the 14th inst. Thirty persona,
representing the three churches in Ford.
wicb Methodism, viz., Pordwich, New.
bridge and Mayne, bringing baskets with
, them, entered the home of lir. and Mrs.
Hepinatall and taking possession of the
premises fitted up tables for tea. When
tea was ready, however, the objeot of the
gathering was made prominent by the
Rev. J. W. Pring, calling upon Edward
Cooper to read an address, and James
Fallis to present to Mr. Hepinstall a fur
overcoat as a token of esteem and eon.
AexoAn Mnnxixe.—The annual meet.
ing of the members of the MrHillop Met -
cud Fire Insurance Company was held in
the Town Hall, Seaforth. There was
not a very large attendance. The retir-
ing directors were re-elected and the
other officers of the Society are the same
as last year. From the auditors' report
which was read and adopted, we give the
following particulars : The policies uow
in force number 1,706 ; amount of in-
surence in force, 32,480,365 ; increase of
policies over previous years, 59 ; increase
of insurance, 696,810 ; premium notes on
hand, 364,817 ; increase during the year,
32,715. There were 658 polioiee issued
during the year, covering an insurance of
3985,825 and secured by premium notes
to the value of 325,075. The assess-
ments collected during the year amount-
ed to 33,898 ; and the losses paid amount.
ed to 35,075. The year closed with a
cash balance of $240 in the trettilury.
The total aesebe of the company amount-
ed to 358,367 and the liabilities are 32,.
900. The artditore also make mention of
the clean, accurate and methodical man-
ner in which the books are kept.
Perth County.
Huston, a poetodioe in the township of
Maryboro,' has been closed.
The Wallace Cbeeae and Butter
Manufacturing Co., (limited,) present
the following returns for the season of
1890 :—Total No. of lbs. of milk received,
2,170 162 ; total No, of lbs. cheese menu.
featured, 107,044 ; total received for
ohee e, 318,270,92 ; total paid to patrons
and shareholders, 314,727.92; average
time per lb. of oheete, 6.233 ; average
lbs. milk per Ib. cheese, 10.96.
A gang of swindlers are now et work
with a new wrinkle. They offer to paint
the roof of your house for 65, and when
they conte for payment they present you
with a bill for 365, adding to the nu.
tract forty gallons of paint and oil at
31.50 per gallon, which yon never
thought of when making the bargain,
Yon sign an agreement and yon are
caught. Remember these fellows affee.
tionstely, but avoir) auv business sola-
tions with thein.—Stratford Times.
ANNUAL Metsxiio.—The annual meet.
ing of the Eima Pirmors' Mutual Fire
In•uranco Co, 'vas held at Atwo nl on
Tuesday, the 13th inst. There was a
large attendance of members. Mr. Loch -
bead was called to the chair. The Sea•
retary read the auditor's report, which
showed that the company had petioles in
force at date amounting to 3677,379 and
held unaeaeeeed premium notes amount•
ing to 330,618.92 and that the receipts for
the veer amounted to 3685 01 and die.
bursenients 3170.51, leaving a balance of
3214.80. On ;notion made and carried
the auditor's report was adopted. The
retiring directors were Wm. Shearer, J.
Donaldson and Thos. I1. Gibson. Be•
fors the cicotion of of0oere took place the
Seerebary said ho thought it would he in
the interest of the company that another
director should bo appointed for the
township of Mornington and tendered hie
his resignation ae director to ronin, in-
stead of inoreaning the directorate to
twelve menmbers. It was agreed to ILO,
coot klr. Gleland'e reeignatnon, and, on
motion made and carried the retiring
members were re -.looted and Jas. Grieve,
Deputyrcevo of Mornington to 811 the
vacancy caused by Mr. Clelanrl's retire.
taunt. Atter a friendly disoneslon on
various matters in connection with the
working of the company's business and
passing of voice of thenlge the meeting
adjourned. The directors elect then mot
for organization. All the members pees.
rant excels Mr.1.1othwell, Wm. Shearer
\vac re-elected President, Jas. Donaldson,
V. P. ; Mr. Cleland, Seo..Trees. ; Wm.
Keith end John A. Turnbull, Auditors.
Applications for ineuranee were received
and avicepted amounting to 318,750. T.
L, Gibson presented a claim from James
Crawford, of Ellice, for etaalg of straw,
which was burned through accident or
oareleeenees of his children. After care-
fully considering the matter it was agreed
to allow the eum of twenty dollars in full
of claim. Meeting thou adjourned till
first Tuesday da Margit next.
'1.11s following is the vote ae far ae
majorities are eonoerned in the North
Perth election
Magwood Ahrens
Lietowel majority.. 7
Wallace 169
Elora. ., " 74
Mornington.. " 48
Milverton..., " 8
N.Lasthape• 385
Ellice.. .. ,.. 67
Stratford.,.. 22
388 342
Illagwood's majority, 40
Cn,ueLciiaan ewag.
A soup kitchen is to be started in
The Manitoba Legislature is to meet
on February 26.
The Winnipeg Electric Railway was
opened Tuesday.
The Clydesdale Association has decid-
ed to hold a horse show on March 11t11
and 12th,
The London city oounoil's inaogoral
meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.
3. A. Murray.
Reeve Pugsley, of Richmond Hill, was
elected warden of York County et the
meeting of the Oonncil Tuesday.
The anneal dinner of the Employing
Printers' Association was held Saturday
evening at the Bonin Hone, Toronto.
A deputation from Ottawa waited on
the Ontario Government.Tueeday to :ask
a charter for an electric railway in that
Madame Frenette, of Cape Sante, Que.
bee, has just presented her liege. lord
with twins, being eight ohildren inside of
five years.
Owing to want of work, many Ottawa
families are suffering from deetitntion,
and a movement has been made to ex-
tend them charitable assistance.
Mies Nein, corresponding secretary of
the northwestern branch of the American
Women's Missionary Society, preached
at the Metropolitan, Toronto, on Sunday.
John Hislop, treasurer of the township
of Animater, was shot dead early Tuesday
morning by one of two burglars who
broke into his house. The assassin has
not been captured.
A letter from Missionary Settee, who
ie located on Lake Winnipeg, states that
wolves attacked a band of Indians on
the east aide of the lake, killing and de-
vouring many of them.
Joshua Matthews, foreman blacksmith
for the Farr carriage works of Sarnia,
was stricken with paralysis on Saturday
and died Monday night. He was e5
yenta old, and leaves a wife and four.
One day recently Geo. Plant cub down
an elm tree on W. Hinde's farm, Ninth,
that mesnured at the bulb 20 feet 15 in.
around ; 30 feet up it measured 16 feet
4 inches. The tree wan sound from top
to bottom and will make a fine pile of
In miter.
Rev. Father Hercule Clement, former.
ly a Northwest missionary, on Sunday
started to walk from the residence of the
p.rieh priest of St. Gabriel de Brandon,
Quebec, to the neighboring pariah of St.
Felix de Valois. Au engineer of a freigkt
wain saw hie body on the track and
stopped his train as quickly as possible,
bat not before the engine had struck the
prostrate form. The rev. gentleman
was found to be quite dead when picked
On Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock
the body of an unknown man, apparent-
ly middle-aged, of German descent, was
discovered lying on the traok of the W.
G. & B. road about three miles from
Palmereton. The remains were horribly
mangled. Word was telegraphed to Pal•
mereton for some one there to look after
the body. It ie supppneed the unfmtun•
ate man while walking on the track was
etruok by the midnight express, as the
body when found was perfectly cold and
covered with sleet.
John Giles, a well-known character in
13agerevllle and vicinity, was brought
before Justice Porter Monday night.
Two charges were brought against him,
one of stealing a robe from Alfred
Secord's cutter in the Methodist church
sheds a week ago Sunday evening, and
the other of ebealin.t a, robe from Ws,
Hodge's sleigh in the Baptist church
shed last Sunday evening. lie was fame
to gaol to await the next Assizes Giles
confused to having stolon the robes and
admits having stolen several others dun.
ing the season.
A telegram from Stonewall on Sunday
night said that airs. Sntuliffe, of Shoal
Lake, was found by her husband lying
dead on the !lour of the house with a
bullet hole over the right ear, and the
gun, with one barrel discharged, at her
feet. Her husband says he was out in
the barn at the time of the occurrence
and beard the report of the gnu, bat
knew nothing of the affair until apprised
by his little child. Police have gone out
to investigate whether ib is suicide or
murder. Shoal Lake is 25 miles north•
west of Stonewall.
Judgement was given in the North
Bruno election case in Toronto Saturday,
uneeating George, the Coneervative mom-
ber•eloct, on the ground of corrupt
practices by him•eif and agents. Justices
Faloonbridgo and Maclennan, the judges
in the case, however, stated that he
should not in their opinion be subjected
to the penalties and disabilities usually
placed on candidates in such canoe, leo
having stated that 11e paid a certain bill
for the hire of rigs to take voters to the
nolle without knowledge of its tree con-
tents, but they could not overlook this
on the ground of ignorance, as if they
did it might open an avenue to the pays
ment of all sorts of illegal bills on the
name ground.
An avalanche at Iflorosta, Italy, des.
trayed eleven houses and killed nineteen
A Parisian mob raised a wild riot over
Sardnu'e play, "Thermindor," the plot of
which turns on Ilovolutinn incidents,
During the past ton days m number of
stock shippers have been arrested and
fined at Kansas City, Mo., for shipping
logs and cattle together in the same
Another report that Robert Bay Ilan.
Ilton is living under an assumed n01110
0o010s from a man in Philadelphia.
The eavaog bank of Wichita, Ks, fail.
eel to open ite doors Monday morning.
Liabilities about 331,000 ; assets, Mt -
An exploeion 000urred in the colliery
of the Fred Coke Company at Mammoth,
Pa„ Tuesday, by whioh 110 miners were
The first stake was :riven and the
first spade full of earth turned Tueeday
on the lake front at Chicago, opposite
Harrison street, in connection with the
World's Fair. Some p'operty owners
whose residences front on Lake Front
Park threaten to bring injunction pro•
oeedings to stop the work.
Morris Council Meeting.
The newly eleoted members of the
Municipal Council, namely H. Mooney,
Reeve ; C. A. Howe, Deputy Reeve ; and
S.Caldbick, Geo. Kirkby, Jae. Procter,
Counoillors, met aoaordine to statute at
the town hall, Morrie, on Jan. 19th, and
eubeoribed the necessary declarations of
office and qualifications. The Reeve
occupied the chair. Minutes of last
meeting for 1890 where read and adopted.
Moved by C. A. Ilnwe, seconded by Jae.
Proctor that Wm. Clark be re•appointsd
olerk, at a salary of 3125 and that a By-
law he drafted to that effeot. Carried.
Moved by 8. Caldbick, seconded by Geo.
Kirkby that Jno. Watson be appointed
Assessor at a salary of $80.00. Carried.
Moved by S. Oaldbick,seconded by Geo.
Kirkby that Richard Johnston be ap•
pointed Auditor. Carried. The Reeve
appointed 0. McClelland second Auditor.
Moved by Jae. Proctor, seconded by C. A.
Howe that Thos. Laidlaw, Geo. Hood
and W, J, Johnston, along with the
Reeve and Clerk be appointed a Board of
Health with Dr. Godfrey as Medical
Health officer. Carried. Moved by Geo.
Birkby, seconded by Jae. Proctor that
the following amounts be paid ;—Me5in.
non & McMillan, lumber, 37.18 ; W. H.
Herr, printing Financial statement, 33.-
00 ; A. Cahlaron, supplies tp Murphy,
32,40; Jas. Hays, keeping iaeane ta•
digent, 31500 ; Misses Exford, charity,
$10.00.; remission of dog tax, A. Soptt,
31.00 ; W. G. IQioholeon, 31.00 ; Quinton
Anderson, 31.00 ; Wm• W ilkinson, 51.00 ;
Jae. Spiers, 31.00 ; Mr. O'Connor; 81.00;
H. Mooney, Finanoial statement, 142.00 ;
Wm. Clark, .posting Finanoial statement
and nomination expenses, 56.00 ; Jae.
Gibson, acting as feaceviewer, 31.00 ;
Jno, Mooney, collector's salary, 585.00.
Carried. Moved by C. A. Howe, second-
ed by Jae. Proctor that Bylaw No. 1, 2
and 3 as now read be adopted. Carried.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on the 23rd day of February next.
W. CLAM, Clerk.
Astonished Ups Stomach.
Mre. Osoar M. Spurrier, of Mount
Airy, Md., began cleaning house on
Monday and placed her 11 -months -it'd
boy in an adjoining 100171 on the iioor to
play while she worked. Once in a while
she looked in to see if be was safe from
harm, bat did not notion that he pulled
off the table spread with the sewing
basket 011 it. The little fellow swallow-
ed paper, buttons, teaks, and even took
pins from a paper and swallowed them
without complaining. The mother later
on discovered what lied been done. She
examined his mouth and found nothing
in it, uud felt euro that he hod not swal •
lowed anything until at about 6 o'olook
in the evening the child cried with pain,
and omitted from its mouth a number of
buttons and pine. A doctor was sent for
and he gave the child an emetic. With -1
in thirty-six hours the .little fellow'
emitted 66 various articles. Thev bad
to keep moping the little child almost
constantly, mud he bore the pain heroical-
ly, hardly crying. He slept quietly
Tuesday night and it is thought the
worst 1s over.
Here is a list of the things he swallow-
ed t-18 pine, 4 needles, 8 tacke, (tinned),
7 wade or partioles of paper, 2 wade or
particles of muslin, 8 China buttons, 1
vest button, 4 pearl buttons, 1 shoe
button, .1 piece of bark, 5 pieoee of pork,
1 piece of feather, 1 piece of match, 1
shank button, 1 braes trousers' button,
2 pieces of ohips and 1 piece of wrapped
There was great rejoicing by the Con-
eervatavee over the election of SIr. Mag.
wood. It is said, however, that a pro.
teet will be entered.
The vote here last Friday was a rever-
sal to that polled last June, Ahrens
majority here on Friday was 6 against
Hess' 9Iast Summer.
Thos. 1MoCauley and Alex. Sanderson
a few days ago, out 6 cords of 2 ft. wood
from a fallen true in two hours, and S.
MoOauley split and piled it in the same
A little girl, daughter of Mrs. Tremain,
widow, had the misfortune to trays her
arm broken while playing at the public
school a few days ago. The fracture is
said to have beau caused by a boy strik-
ing the little one's arta with bis band.
A oouple of youths from the west end
of the town made their way into the
Congregational ebntclr one day recently,
through the cold•air duct, and proeeederl
to do what mischief suggested itself to
their depraved minds. They appropriat-
ed a miseionary collection, amonnting to
about three dollars, which had been left
in a cupboard, and before they left they
set fire to the music stool and organ,
which was damaged considerably. Itap•
pears that the boys afterwards quarrelled
over the spoils, and this is the way they
wee 5 found aut. They were summoned
before the Police Magistrate, bub were let
off with a warning, their parents agree.
ing to make the damage good and rester.
ing the stolen funds.
A man by the name of Craig, residing
at Arthur, was ]gilled au the brach be.
%%men Gow nasion and Listowol, by a lo•
comotiro on Monday night of last wools.
The deceased, who was somewhat deaf,
had been in Palmerston during the after-
noon of Monday and started off walking
along the track t0 vieit some friends on
the 11113 eon. When found on Tuesday
morning he was terriby mangled, parts
having to be shovelled together. He was
conveyed to the township hall, Comore.
town, where ail inquest was held by
Coroner Nichol, of Listowel. 'Pte
theory ie that be aid, not hoar the train
approaching, owing to his deafness, or
that lie had fallen partically between the
stringers of a bridge at the scene of the
occident and while half stunned wee run
over, A brother of the dead man removed
the body,
JAN. 30, 1891.
After about Twelve Years of Success in Business
all my Stock was Burned on Nov. 22nd.
Had made up my mind when Starting Business.
again to handle nothing more than Clothing, Gents' Furnishings and Boots & Shoos,
but being in the City last week buying our New Tweeds and Worsted Coatings,
and, after I was through, happening to step into the Best Dress Goods , .
House in the City, and seeing some of the most Beautiful Dress Goods
• and Prints just arriving from France, Germany and
England, I could not resist buying,
The Dress Goods were so Handsome I
The Prints were. so. Pretty !
Now we can Sell you those New Goods Cheaper than •any other Store .
in Town, as our Expenses are much Lighter.,
We Cordially Invite Anyone Wishing
New, Bright, Clean and Fashionable Goods
To Call at our Store, Opposite the Central Hotel, and look through, as it. is a pleasure
to show New Goods, whether you buy or not.
as ®
We have everything as before, with the exception of Millinery and
Groceries, which we do not intend to handle while in this shop.
All through January and up to Removing into
new premises our Whole Stock will be
offered at a Great Reduction.
And more particularly the Balance of our Winter Goods,
comprising Dress Patterns, Wool Shawls, Blankets,
.Moods,. All Wool and Union Flannels, Men's and
Boys' Underclothing, Caps in Seal, Beaver
and Lamb, Canadian, Scotch and Irish
Suitings, Pantirigs (a Fine Range),
Hosiery, Gloves, Wool Shirts,
Knitted Shirts, Wool Muf-
flers, Cardigan Jack-
ets, Ready-made
A few ends of Cloakings Less than Cost Price,
We want to Reduce our Stock as much as possible before
Removing so you can Depend on Bargains
in Every Linea
Cooper 86 Smith's : cots and Shoes
Grocery Stook is all New, Fresh and Clean
We have some Special Lines in f '„
Our 90 -Cent Tea. can't be beat.
Try it,
Presemb ,Prer;'aises—i ;' .E7npot''turm, BP114 'eZs.
Alex. traehan.
Sole Agent for the'Liitle Giant' Broom Holder,
8)}11ij1fit;+af .fi
The Scotch Specialist,
O1' vox-tONTO,
(1,80102.157' 8015 ME TanATMnliT Ow
Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Dis-
eases of the Brain and Nerve, Dis-
eases of the Heart and Lungs,
and Diseases of Women
positively Treated
go:ATHAN 13VBOHAHT, Lletowe7, sage
"Alter spending all my money mud property
du 710 purpose onmediae! men, for what
they termed a hopeless 0885 of oouenmpbiou,
Dr. Sinclair cured me."
Mns. Ataux FunnoNO, Woodhouse, says
"When all others failed, Dr. Siuolair anted
we of lite."
D. ReltafTeoN, Carleton Plano, says
"Dr. Sinclair cured ma of Catarrh."
000. Rowan, Myth, says :--“Dr. Sinclair
mired mm of heart disease and dropey, whets
all chore taped."
Diseases of Private Neon's, brought on by
lolly, Dr. e'inelelr certainly Cures.
Coaacultctioaa Fres.
—ON --
Friday, Jan. 30th, '91.
--.-)I Aid OFC TO(—
Io 0., :Richards'
To got a Good Trunk and 'Valise,
That's the Place to get a No. 1
S//e��t o1 Light or
: o7Heavy
Oollst x t. 01 1.iipr•elalt,1*.
Repairs Cheep, and Promptly
Attended to.
Branum um TIM Srtsn,—
G1111111111'8 Mock, opposite.
Queen's :Rotel, Brussels.
1. 0. Richards.,