HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-16, Page 9JAN, 10, 1IR0I, THE BRUSSELS POST. 7 THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE, A Now Year`s Story. ny'IVA- BIM, 1)ovn on Illy luck 7 Well, I should say 00. Draw ulnscr to the fire and lot uta toll you how that luck Di mtged, No, it's not very long story—have this great, easy chair, nil boy, and I'll spin von a yarn that won't put you, to sleep i1( span of the warmth and com- fort around yon. Pretty well fixed 7 Well, . -b •1now,hn,ha,Nnt yes—plenty al of br'u u c 1 tt a y , l Y much like uiy quarters live years ago tc.dny —but beat's ,just where my story begins. Aowii nu my hook. I look back in 0 sort of wonder at thole time when 1 was n tele- graph and out of 4youngand oar int iotel7ton ll 1 employ•Mont. Not tht I wasn't head and shoulders with the cleverest of the lot—but 140 I 1111Na said, I was out of eulploynluntand —"down on my look." There hadn't been so cold a winter as the ono of which I speak, within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. The wind out like a sword, the cold penetrated the very mar- row of one's bones ; the sun oast a sort of yellow glare that looked bright enough to make a follow feel that he ought to bo warm, while this deceptive brightness by its real gharacter chilled ono to the hcarb, 73y night the stars Ming in steely glitter in a wide ex. pause as soft as velvet and as cold as—as—. I give it up, old fellow, there's no expression at command that ern convey to you just how cold it scented to me to bo. Perhaps it was because I was down on my hick just then, and wore n top -goat of rattler light weight for the season, bemuse my feet wore clad in thinly -soled shoos and my hands gloveless. Be that as it may, I think I have sufficiently impressed upon your mind the fact that it was not at all sultry on that particular New Year's day, that saw lie alight tram a west- bound train in a far western state. I had l itis frau the office that same cod credentials t ]s t had reinoved the to make place for a poor relation—old front others—to be sure, lent the position I sought to occupy seemed al- ready well supplied at each and every point where I had trade an application. The cast was filled to the brim withood operators —I would go west, I decided and seek my fortune in the old Dick Whittington style. In every considerable town along the route, therefore, I had halted and sought employment. 10 none had I, as yet, footed n place ; and discouraged, cold, hungry and forlorn, I entered n second-ebass tavern in the little Town of Fordham—some twenty miles west of my last night's stopping place. I had a very little money left now—one bill and n few silver coins being the extent of my means—and I felt that, unless some- thing soon same to change my luck, I should start Out and walk until benumbed through the snow that lay like a winding sheet across the wide prairie land. It's an easy death; and I did not think the Heavenly Father, who soothed so far away and indif- ferent to the silent cry of His most wretched of children, would in justice, punish =for the suicidal act. It was quite dark when I reached the im1. The stale glittered like diamonds in the cloudless expanse and noises sounded clear and shrill in the cold air: The street lamps flickered in dull, yellowish gleams here and there along the stool street of the little town, and the ono big lamp that tried to force its feeble rays through dusty panes of glass over the door of the cheap hostelry matte the darkness outside seem even the more gloomy. I entered. Hoo there was warmth and light, at least, and that pleasant bustling confusion consequent upon the preparing of the evening meal, while savory smells of delectable compounds came with delightful persistence to my famishing senses. I ate supper with the rest—Heaven only knew if it was or was not to bony batmen! —paid for a night's lodging, and found I had not enough money left to allow ins to go on to another town should my sonreh hero prove a failure, Pretty black outlook,: eh? At my inquiry I was directed to the only telegraph olii:e in thepinee, and my teeth chattering the more now that Iliad in some degree become robust accustomed to the warmth of the tavern atmosphere and felt the contrast of the out -door air all the more keenly, I walked briskly along the street. to- wards the littleg:wudily painted depot lying upon the northern boundary of the town. I need nob linger over my disappoint- ment. Theo was nothing there for me ; and, although the operator in charge was eivil and really kind and polite, I saw that Inc thought he had a good thing and secant to keep it, and I, for all of him, might whistle down the wind. How I envied him his cosy nook by tog great, red -hob, cannon stove, I leave you, old boy, to conjecture. With a fire like that, good money pincod regularly in my pocket—I fear my Mem of Heaven about those days would have tallied with juke such a description. Half au hour later I was back at the tavern. The cold had increased, if such a thing were possible, while I had lingered within the telegra th office at the depot, but that, again, might have seemed to have been so by contrast. Taking a candle, my host piloted lie to the roost allotted the on the second floor back, aod, fivo minutes later, chilled in the very fibers of my material be- iirg I crept in between sheets so white, so cold that I shuddered to look at them Long I lay there awaiting the warmth that cane in no great hurry to my shaking hulk, and when at last I began to faintly acknowledge to myself that breathing under the bed-olothing Was, after all, a pretty good sort of heating " apparatus," I hoard something of which I have never since thought without a most uncanny sensation overpowering me. Distinctly, clearly, delicately, several tiny little ltnooks sounded on the head -board of the bed on Which I lay. By this timo the whole house was a -bed and there was that intense stillness of a bitter (told night—a stillness that could almost be felt brooding over all things. My quick ear caught too sounds, and, lilco all well-trained oxperione- ed operators, I began to amuse myself by making lettere of the tiny ticks. I remember smiling to lnyself—for as yet the noises meant nothing to me but the cracking of the wood of the boil on whi011 I lay shaking and shivering, though begin- ning at last to recognize a sense of lagging warmth about to overtake me—I remember no smilingto myself, I say, when I managed los oltoutA,T,A, L,which know w meant nothing at all. All was still after this, and 1 was just al- lowing the senile to fade and my features to take upon themselves their wonted look of soberness, when 1 heard again the ticking upon the head -board of my bed. Lazily listened and spoiled away at what seemed amusingly like tho sounds to which my trained oars wore moat accustomed, A, 1, A, L --there it was again --•but this time it Was followed by abhor sounds unheard be - fora. Slowly I began to clearly oomprchoncl that therm were veritable words 1 was spellino out 1 ,Slowly the conviction seized upon me that it was a bona lido message I was r000iv- ing'frotn whore, front what, heaven above only know 1 With 1n The , \\ dl1 m•orytntltursense swallowed up in the tinct limen—hall(, lie answer to Ing mus• sense n( bearing, and tills lust 81001ned to its I nagf was clicking away, 'Poo epcll•bouid, dined tonins, I evened again the whole of that four -times -repented nnlonagc, NN hat were the words? l'in arming to them, "Long bridge Bowe, Wire Georgetown. delay fatal. Saul 414.01." Sounds litre poetry, doesn't 1t? luau I wasn't thinking about, poetry then, illy boy, as 1 lay wit 11 that onus0lnns, intelligent Pre - mimeo Licking out (111tt message to me. A.le first ---for all it made 1110 " mop" at its most uncanny style of dolivoralee—I rebelled. What—gel out of bed athis unconscionable hour of tete night- junta into ulothos 4h.nt were only ton likely to he by this time froz- en fast to the (Moirupon which I had !lung then --dress myself and go down that lout;, air to the white street through the stinging telegraph office at tho depot? And for what? To be laughed at? " Saul Natal," indeed—try brain must be turning with the colt!—sounds like a highly improbable name, doesn't it? Pooh 1 I'm deluded— Then ft began again—six times in all was that same message repeated ; and et the end of the half a -dozenth time 11000 001 of bed, into my harness, and half way to the depot before I had fully realized my whereabouts. As I ran 1 boat my hands and shivered and shook like an ague patient. A gibbous 11100!1 Wall riding now across the blue -black sea of Heaven and a ghostly light illumined the earth. Ino short time I was admitted into the brightly -lighted little office, and, sinking upon a chair kindly set out for me, I gasped : I beg—your pardon—for this midnight —invasion • but I was obliged to send—a message—at onto—to Georgetown 1" "To Georgetown?" politely repeated my brother operator—though, to tell you the truth, my boy, no one would have called us Latin brothers at that particular time 1 "Sand it yourself?" he asked, trying to a o strapg tyawn at its birth. Y 1 rr gasped. He please . I If—if—youp t gave me a word or two of instruction, and turning to rho instrument I, laid frigid 1101,10 upon it. In a short time I had tick- ed out the mysterious message, and turning to see how my new friend was taking what hemight well deem a rather unusual mode of proceeding, I found him with closed eyes sound asleep in his ahair in a nosy corner between stove and partition wall, I let him sloop. In a few seconds—at least so it seemed to me—a reply came from Georgetown, the purport of it being that an engine had boon sett down ahead of the train just made ftp there to see if the re- port 1 had wired were true. The next quarter of an hour was anything but an agreeable one to mo I can assureyou, even although during that period I found myself lhanrolri More than I had been able to thaw for several days past•. I told myself, candidly, that I was all egregious ass to have ever believed that the pure fancies of my evidently softening brain were aught to be relied upon ; that did I delay the train.dispatcher by such a bug -a -boo story for naught I should, and rightly, too, be considered a proper subject for a lunatic asy1(11111 that there probably never had been, nor ever would be a " Saul Natal ; " and that take it all in all I was worse than a senseless fool—a brainless idiot1 And here to interrupt my not by any 11100118 pleasurable musings lay new friend awoke with a start and came towards me. I vacated his place before the instrument and took the chair he had ,just left. 1t was a "Polly -wants -a -cornet'" played by two -- and those two strapping young fellows just then in altogether different frames of mind. " Cold night," said tho youthful Lacono, loaning back in his chair. " It is," 1 answered hits truthfully ; add- ing, " may I ask you a question or two, sir?" " Certainly. Ask what questions you please." Is—is "—and my voice trembled—" is there along birdge between here and George- town ?" " No." The mercury of my already crumbling eon. mit went down at once out of sight. " No, my friend, you've been misinform - el" (I should think I had 1). "There is no sort of bridge et all between this station and Georgetown, but sono throe utiles beyond it is the longest bridge in the ( tate." "Ah 1' I gasped—You see that was all I could do, old fellow 1 " Unsafe, too, I'm afraid—though the road doesn't want it generally known, I should say. Wants to prop ib up in some sort o' fashion to aye expenses of an out and ant new one. Mighty bad policy, T say 1" tither of us, to move, see listened to the re. emoted call for 11110 entre, "Answer it, friend 1" breathed young Nnttol has reply, at last. Whereupon I sent book information that I was road to reeolvo a message from Georgetown. 'I lie) it carte. ('1 icke try—elicit—el ick—cllekutty—slick• obty.—elicit—and we know that bridge hart fallen, and that men and women and child. rot were saved front atato indescribably Y horrible 1 n • u 1)CBLC 0 you n sl Iori d almost1 ]n t ler, 1 0 Y T i' ) l n m Lltat ? Now myself with j(y l pen hear will ,you deny that what is it, man 1" " Soul Natal --my father— (lid that 1" " What matters who did it," I replied cheerfully, "so that the thing (0101 4101(0----" "Butz he has been dead seven yearn 1" It wile 111y turn to feel lay senses reel. With asnmthered cry of astonishment I full into a uhair—gas ing, In the silence that followed the call for the office caste again. This time Solomon Natal responded ; and when the uliekln ceased he handed me a long white strip of.papee, the dented sedum/of which told a tiling to mo as unexpected as to have been led to believe that thosilvor stars of Heavenwouldfall fromtheirplaoesfn the sky and turn themselves into coin 1 The passengers of the R.Z.X. Road,to whiohwae attached a private car containing the presi- dent of the said road, his family andseveral other officials out on a holiday jaunt, had torte up a purse by which they hoped to sig- nify in same shall measure their gratitude to " Saul Natal," who had sent the mes- sage that saved thein from a fate horrible to contemplate, " Special engine," the mes- sage ran, " left round house 2:03 with pack- age." As my new friend turned to speak to me the whistle of an approaching engine smote our ears. Like a bunting eye her headlight born down upon the little station, and In a few secondsmoreSolomon Natal Was called out of his ofo•t be greeted with deem from engineer and trusty messenger—ohoere that went echoing up into the vaulted dome above, while the celestial planets, like eyes of angels, looked down upon the scone. Another whistle, and wo Solomon Natal and I were alone. " Forgive me for receiving it," he said softly ; "I knew they would never under- stand. Hee, man, take your gift from—my —father—and may God bless yotl I had a pretty (lard time trying to make young " Sol "—as I have ever since culled him—understand that he would be obliged to receive half of this generous present. And, at last, when I left town, he, though never quite satisfied in his quest:ioningmincl as to the justice of the procedure, left with me ; once wo are partners now—have been ever since we invested that gratitude money in our present lucrative bushtose. Do I really think it was Sol's father who sent my mysterious message? Old fellow, I don't know. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Last year's crops 10 Italy were the largest for many years. The Montana Legislature is in a badly mixed condition. All paver aurrenay in Uruguay is to bo redoemoa by July 1. Belgian trade returns for the past year make a very favorable showing. Tho South Lanark Farmers' Institute meeting at forth were very successful. Rev. John Gomloy, rector of Trinity Church, Simeoc, is dead. A gif t of 0,000 has been anonymously pre- sented to the Montreal General Hospital. The petition and cross -petition in tho Muskoka election case were dismissed by the 00m•t. Germans and Portuguese aro disputing over the ownership of the coal mines ml the Rovmma district, Last Africa. Railway strikers at Glasgow who were evicted from their quarters by the company engaged in serious rioting. The Hocholaga, Kingston and Brantford cotton mills are now running under direc- tion of the Dominion Cotton Mills Com- pany. Th'e Canadian Paeitie decided not to agree to the proposal to raise grain rates from Manitoba to the seaboard, and there will therefore be no increase. " And do you—have you ever—did you know"—you see I was too excited by that time, my boy, to pub a question—the answer to which would moan nett to me—point blank—"was there evor—to your knowledge —a person around here by the name of—of Natal, ?" "Natal? Why, that's my name, man 1" Ab this I jumped from my chair as if hurled from a catapult. " But Saul Natal ?" I cried. The very same. Letters of introduction from friends of mine or nothing of that sort ? Would be pleased to receive Hien " "No—no—" I managed to say, anything of that sorb. But if you are Saul Natal, yet say you al's---" " I certainly have that honor." " Then why did you play mo that joke on the ]lead -board of ray bed i" "joke—on—the—head—board—of your bod?" With this to banked briskly toward the groat iron poker beside the, stove, and, grasping it, kopt his eyes the while firmly fixed upon my own. I read his thought and didn't blame him in the least. Yet I was bound to air this mysterious matter further. " Yes, sur," quoth 1, " on the head -board of my bed—and not an hour ago." " Where?" "At the Golden Gulch Tavern." " Whab, if you will be so kind, was the purport of this elleged message 1" his oyes still fixed upon my face. "It said, ' Long Bridge down. Wire Gcorgotown. Delay fatal. Saul Natal.'" "I say, my man, you aro dreaming or else you ware—excuse ane, but did you have the ool cheek to Dome down hero and telegraph that outlandish fool of a massage from Illy office?" Cool chock ? I was cool all over 1 You can't think I got out of bed at this time o' night—and thabnig hbtheaver coldest —and some downforrho love of the koro thing, can you, my very dear sir?" J ask iron- ioally. " And you accuse ms, Solomon Natal " What?" I shrieked, ",I asked," and he took a firmer bold o the poker and began edging around behind the stove, if you had the consummate brass to Wire the nanepf Salomon Natal--" rr Hold, sir, I01111Saul Natal—S, a, 0, 11" And as I spelled the Hama rho poker, with a load metallic ring, dropped to 6'0 floor, while my auditory wlliLodacod and wide- eyed, fell heavily upon the chair neatest at hand, , u " Saul Natal," he gasped , aro you sore, man?" " I hoard it ticked out six several and ells. Blessed Promises, Whore are time violets, whom are the (11110100 And all their lovely sight flowers that fra- grant court were keeping A few short months ago? '1 They have hill among the grasses, And over them oho winter wind the winter snow Is heaping. Where ane the birds that sung from green, sun - brightened branches? IA search of warmer olimo0 they've gond: from cold andfrost a -flying; Where aro the loaves that docked the trees that throng the forestal Blown hero, blown there by oruol blasts, alas! they're dealt or dying, But ring, bells, merrily t it is the Christmas Day, When, remomb'rinblessed promises, sail hearts forgot their pain, And say, "returning spring Will ) the birds to sing, And leaves 01111and ;towers stooping now will wake to life agabl," Where was the Christ•Child.born? In a hum- ble stable Whore wnet-breathed kine, their groat brown eyes in wonder turning slowly Upon the slreng0 guests, behold a light from Heaven shilling. Above their hands and straightway know them holiest of the holy, A palace was that lowly place and angels there assembled To lordly sing triumphant songs of love and Ponce and glory, And bow before that manger -throne. And many, many ages Shall every Ohl istmas-Day repeat the sweat and wondrous story. Then ring bells, merrily 1 it is the Christnnas Day, When cane most blessed promises with our dear Saviour's birth, Of sins to bo forgiven, Of woolens guides to IHeaven, Of hope of life beyond tho skins to rill who cdVvoll on earth: M,t1t0AnwT 15000011. Many a 01100 suffering consumptive has had reason to bless that valuable prepara- tion, T. A. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. Every druggist sells it, whilst the otlioo of the company 1(b Toronto, Ontario can boar witness to the daily increasing demand for How g.Iloautilut Flower was Named, An old legend tells of two lovers, walking by the river ]thine. J'hc lady bogged lies suitor to pluck a little pato-blue flower, growing on the bank. In doing so, he fell Into the water, and was drowned ; but, while slnkiu:', he theew the flower to her, and cried 1 " Forgetdne-not I" Thousands of wonted will never forget what l)r. Pierce's Favorite Proscription hue done for /Non, It to prepared specially to 011 re them die. elastin from wllic11 they alum: suffer, and often. in silence, 1'at1(01'Lhnn consult 0 physleian— asP eriodic'1t 1l mins , prolapses, weak bulk ) sae P and all uterine troubles. Purely vegetable, and tj,l Lrttole, rl to give satisfaction In every case, or money refunded, "That settles it," an the Chicago girl said, as she put Iter foot on the pavement. The Good Old Tunes, "'Poon tones were good, Merchants eared not rush For any other faro, Than Johnny cake and mush:" But now times have changed, 011d the plain and simple fare of the forefathers is done away with. Patent flour, and High seasoned food, and strong drinks, have taken its place, and as a result, dyspepsia, impure blood, and diseases of the stomach, liver and lungsare numerous. This great change has led one of the most skilful physicians of the age to study out a remedy for these modern llheaoes, whictl'110 has named his " Gold- en Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce in this remedy has found a euro for Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, 1,t its early stages, and " Liver Complaints." Bright red cloth theatre jackets trimmed with black astrakhan and gold braid in mil- itary fashion. A Hundred Years to dome. Wouldn't you like to live until the year A. D. 2000, just to sea the people and the n r ]I Who knows but world generally � you might, if you observe the laws of health, nd keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in full action. The best medicine known for this is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They aro small sugar-coated granules, but powerful to cure ; produce no nausea or griping ; easy to take, and sure euro for biliousness, con- stipation, headache, and diseases produced by an inactive liver. A convenient vest- pooket remedy. Pendants of Florentine mosalca set with pearls and diamonds, are one of th'e late sty- les in jewelry. Easy to use, pleasant and agreeable, is the verdict of all who have tried Nasal Balm for Cold in the Head or Catarrh. A trial will convince you of its merits. If a courting-matah is not declared off it must end in a me. "Tho proof of the pudding is the eating of it," Try Adam's Tutti Frutti Gurn for weak digestion and be convinced of itsgreat virtue. Sold everywhere lc. Several jewelers are already busyingthom- selves manufacturing jewelry emblematic of the year 1891. One dose of Dr. Harvey's Southern Iced Pine will instantly stop a severe fit of coughing, Dr. Koeh intends experimenting with a view to obtaining a cure for diphtheria. The 118011 Surgeon Of the Lebon TI odicol Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may bo eon - suited other in person oe by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them. selves nervous, weak au exhausted, who use broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, had dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, elnicslolls, look of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, sweating of the organs, dizziness, specks bolero tli0 eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye life and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of !tearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with rat Annx otROLE, oily looking skin, etc., aro all symptoms of nervous debility that load to isanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension very funotion wanes in aonsequen00. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address forbook on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M, V. LUBON, 50 Front St. El, Toronto, Ont. Books sant freosealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first,pain about the breast bond, etc„ can positively be cured. No euro, no pay. Send for book. Address M.V. LUBON, 50 Front Street Bast, Tor- onto, Ont. " Why did the soprano leave ?" " She said tho preaching interrupted her oonver- sations with tho tenor." Love, like men, dies oftener of excess than of hunger, Nasal Balm has cured oases of Cabarrli when daeters failed. 1L is tete greatest Catarrh Remedy of tate ago. If you ago troubled with this disease give Nasal 13ahn a trial, Excessive sensibility is only another name for mot'bid self-consciousness. Reconmetuted to Salrefcrre. Gibbons' Toothache Gum. Price 16 °amts. "A long life and it merry ono. --- A qufclt death and a happy ono— A pretty girl and a till° 0110— A eel bottle auto another ono," A. P. 535. WATSON'S COUGH DROPS, Aro rho best in the world for the 11100811 and chest and for the voice. Unequalled, .ia 'S_ 'VY_ stamped on oo011 drop. 0niUo il0adredOptnMCbin anile ,100 stases, SOOTHING OAN81N0, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Clore, Failure Impossible. Arany no called diseases aro elmply s inn tome 01 Catarrh snob t s Load• tr sella partial deafness, losing HOMO of Cla W 16 a db 1(10, 00 breath, hawking and 40. LLIIL °ie. Itto a ralat Poling rotadOd with hfety, uta, I1 you are Ld sylsd with. any at them OT kindred 000 101010d 100P hoyour 114Y0 10,0,0 00011('il lN9e,W e In JJ, w ro, n bottle nt NAssa near. a warned IP 0W,a, neglected lord to hood ginner+ In oa d d tot. lowed by , oesold bin all d death. Nleaa Amar , sate by an ro)olpxte pr ell0cnnts andd1ost 000 onddreattol para (no cents andd1.00) Ly widrsmn,g FULFOBD & CO„ Brockville, Ont. KEEP yoR AND ON THIS "THE DOLLA` KN/TT/NG MACHIN MANt)t'AoroRoP',8Y ..CREELMAN•BRO,s G OFlGiTOWN.ONT, 'roll$ AOy1 rr0r8£Nr 18 Fon 000 l r1S 0000:.ek $199 00/0 t AND A a AN T AICSP.00L IS ALL PARTICULARS 11101 dp�p .Snarl at n n b,r n 1101,11 nn'1"r1.1{ ¢ V nod o v saki,' 77nonwl. Titin mu* Is a s,rtn an�l rad,.al c � and porfuatly uv Anu•r. nen used i1(. 1 •ss s. nn in uri��� �Vgpipgr�`��,pppp, hnr,n, J g��{Ii T'.rP , t war enc i to. u e e) aratiun. 1, t t c F r Iry amp EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS !'n neve.. cases whore other remedies have filed. a re: Can for sonalnDs0 free Imola is : 1 want the n Bl inn to be its n recom- mends fo Ian. f4 doses gnu lath. trial, and n radical caro ,.fn•a r I, i, 4 Give Expo.' ew and s CarLal,,, f r Address j���J■ E Past u lice Ar Y iso CU 14. O ROOT IM. O., 188 West Adoluido Et:. Toronto, Ont. VALUABLE PATENT ON PENIIOLDER recently granted for sale Addrots, IN, VENTo,tg' UNION, Toronto. ATARRII CURED FItEF, for testimonial after euro. Address ')'IIE GERMICIDE f -.,Toronto,Ont. `ew. a0D.Oreo. C, tl SMCh0ICF1ACL, CA,NV rtMn.63 Niagara 8e,lluR lo,N Y. lt~j' MALTA PAMPHLET —Sickness cured, Ill beans preserved and life prolonged by )r,a,Wittord kludge Groat Hygienic Discovery, "Exrlea" con raining authors statement eon• corning It, free. C. U. Pomeroy, General Agt., 401 King Strout West, Toronto. 3usiness Chances. N EW 1ermaMoin Mimine nGrWaritNNe oFor.thTh.- TOWN SDkanG, Pt&na', .Ry., St. Pati Minn„ or J. M. HUOKINS, Toronto, Ont., for Hooks, Maps, &c. ARTIFICIAL LsRS For Circular Address J. DOAN &i. SON, 77 Northcote Ave,. Toronto. Mond nn•w.oma stnntp f rrsalnples tend st Ifmtens0ee me nt iJnaha 10111 Ineb t u rigor taps in ensure If yen mention thin paper R DOMINION P' 11718 CO, 362 and 364 St.,TOmes 1trr+et, Montreal, S3 0 0 12 D RATTRAP`CO GOOD HEALTH IiOW TO NEEP IT; L',uly erphnnea in the IlNA1,7'll eerie alt. •,,,1 ,r,mnrl• r•n,nl„eneetn th.• 1)0. TAA"1"d Ao'rk1MAL10NE AST HMA_fllT ED never 1(1111; send us )'or'r1,EnddT E•OA. TR O OS ly�illOOmni1 tlrria;l ROCHESTER, N. Y. R FREE 'LEATHER BELTING Olt value In the Dominion. F. If. DIXON & 0 Makers, 70 King street East, Toronto. 63fSond for Price Lists and Discounts:VA ERGETIC Agents Wanted 111 000,1�j\municipality, ladies or gentlemen. E, 3.. Movosit & do„ Publishers, 00 Yongc Street, Toronto, Ont. SAUSAGE CASINGS. Importations of finest English Shoop Casings arriving weekly. Also small American !fogs' Casings in lots to suit PpA1IK & 80N, Toronto. Tea Cllnnisters. Decorated Tinware, Lithographed Tinware. Coffee and Spice Tins. MACDONALD MANUFACTURING CO'Y, 011 Imre street Bast, Toronto. WHOLESALE TO3ANIDISTS. MONTREAL Manufacturers of all ltiadoDolnoskio'Cipars, including Celebrated Crusader and Hero Broads One trine is »n•,r ttieo far continual 1 0. The Rod Rh•er 011)100011 Nortil THE Dakota outgoes flno induunmoet to now 00011,00. Close to markets, schools, churches, etc. Write to F. RE Sl'. Paul, ;thin.. or J. 1YI. ffIICKII.l1S Toronto, Ont., for maps, books, 000. CHESTER'S CURE. The greet Canadian Remaly, for the euro of Asthma, I3ronchitis,Caterrh, for Coughs, Golds, hoarseness. For solo by all Druggists. Price $1for large, and50e Inc small box. If your own druggist has not got it in stock, remit 01 by mail and you will receive ono box, prepaid by return. Address, W. E. CHESTER., 901 Lneatlnhetiere Street. Montreal. Ptso's Remedy for Catarrh Is Rae Dost, Easiest to Dso and Cheapest. A MD RD TURKISH DYES EASY TO USE. They are Fast. They are Beautiful. They are Brilliant. SOAP WON'T FADE THEM. Have 'YOU used them ; if not, try and be convinced. One Package equal to two of any other make. Canada Dtnneh c 411 St. Paul A,•reet. Montre.l. ',end postai/or Sample Card "orf Been vi lneruatiorla. PODIUM 1' n10,p+mwiF,3v'f1"a"•• ., -••.a111e,Fa• is 111,00 000,- THE WONDER OF HEALING! CURES CATARRH, RHEUMATISM, NEU- RALGIA,SORE THROAP,PILES,W0'CND$, BURNS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, AND HEM011RHAGEg OP ALL KINDS. Med Internally &Ext.. ' ally. Prlcase0c.51,$i.i? EONA'ZRETRACT CO. New' 0& London Shingle Machines, Lte rzz htll'171i'' t .0 Bold by drugg:-ts :r sent by mal1,lOo. E. T. I)nzoltine, Warren, Pa., Tt s. A. \A,S R � S ]DA\YSON'S rr fi Chocolate Creams, Recommended by physicians. Being in the form of aoltocol ate cro0mtheyare pleasant to tho taste. Children never refuse a chocolato cream Requires and take itiorother.0i'Sold eAsverywherw. e. S0 emus a roc. Dawson Medicine go.. Ilnnlrca AL° enema ontltled`TA .%'8LIMeverything 0110150,, ••Front monger to'l Beene. Over 000 quarto pages ; 900 Illustrations front great paintings; lent length, Panoramic f Jerusalem on the dcolors, y of ruelllxlon. Sold only by subscription. Exclusive territory to agents. Address, for terms, Vvtd. Bumps, Publisher, Toronto Ont. ®SAVER LINE STI: & MSJIlFl5. y, Sailing Woeklybobween MONTREAL and Y LII'Bltl'UOL, SaloonTickots SiO,$50,and 500. Return Tickets, 520, PO and $110`accord ing to steamer and accommodation. Interna diato 520, Steerage, $20. Apply to n, E. 811I1t• IDLY, General ;Tanager Canadian Slapping ct1Leme.1 Agents iinill Towne and dittos >at 4 or to AGENTS WANTED For the Patent PINLESS CLOTHES LINK, A wire lino with which No Pegs aro raga rod. BROcirculars ran. S.,AaStwet, Tolto, ST. LEON'S 11ew Year's Aerostical Wish. SAINT S bould oldacquaintan00 bo forgot 0.h no'er 1 We dearly mind I n ohildhood'sdays, those simple lays, T hose happyillhyslangswn yne lo, LEON L on" 11fo to win, this year begin, E Itch day drink nectar primo O ne cup brings joy without al100, N 0110 beatsSt. Loon fine. WATER. Withstand all quacks, and nnixtltre'sracks A n11 drink St. Joon so ;isera T will gender health and load to wealth, E xpol disease—that's surd. 0f R member Nature's mire, Lath Mills and Bolters Combined. 1(0 WeassouSENFImNCWenbsCo. ® ® IROITne (I) C101400 BUHR STONE CHOPPERS ALL THE HEST 0E' THEIR BIND. Send for now Circular stating maohinory re quired, as each department has separate circulars. Waterous Engine Works Cot, BEANTV012 23_ The Alliance Bond and investment Company of Ontario Limited, Incorporated February 270, 1011. CAPITAL, 51,000,000. • - PRESCRIBED CAPITAL, $500,000 Gonoral Offices, 27 & 29 Wellington atroot East, Toronto. Cres., W. STONE; YIee.Pros., JAS. SWIFT, Kingston; •'. K. ICOL11111 ALD. Chatham. Cnslilor, HARRY VOGEON; Solicitors, McrlIEHSON CLARK ,t.10000111, TORONTO. Tho Company issues Betide guaranteed to the taco valet, Tkoso Bonds aro for amounts -. from $100, and Can bo bought for any number of years, from fivo upwards. Those Bonds aro pay and the investor obtains. guaranteed compound interest at the rate of 9 per cols byinstalments, invested in first, class tool estate sinking fend 1 r :0otad y a i cont. Per annum; midCompany aro o 10 empowered p ofg moot goo Assignees, Cont lorry is Sang ty its under appointment toact as Administrators, courtsors, divlliu , Trustees, anemia' facilities tiesfor the and n Agents of oobtd ,the Assignee by the courts business mess is cals ited. Roving1 �ing al responsi for oho nonmetal Company, of creditors the Assignee on pr erns ettleme is sold aired. 13oin n responsible 1lnnnctal Oompahy, araditora Can depend o1( prompt settlements slid. quick Winding up of any estates they may entrust to too Company, THE ALLIANCE HOND.IND INVESTMENT CO.' OF ONTARIO, LTD. Assignees, Administrators and Financial Agents, 27 and 20Wellington Street East, Toronto. ,�p t'u,a ) .� .,fir t‘t 1)) 547 eiLlt'FI ate a 'lt v0gry' r`r.Si t'd"70"k A 4L'i itsti 10 THE E IOe B dye" 1'1 1 , r,o; ;von. renders that T have a postiivo remedy for (he aim ,all t( tree..', , 1-'g .t, 11, thonlmdsoflmpeleescn000lavebeenper, 01no,• - , :,:I ,1 nen 00,1 MN, of my remedy N110110 thinly bfl ,.1b1 me tllaty Post Dtiire Address. "."4 .Ari'0'0 16$11 ,x''1001,01.00, thou, VtlIt h. it