HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-16, Page 7JAN. 16, 1891 t, 3 rst>"rxt g env THE BRUSSELS POST Ihtyee; crystal set, Miss MoI'lwan ; address. Bev, A, Y. Hartley also esaid a plush cushion, Miss H. Boll ; orystal set, few wards, whittle were received with Mee. Caldbiak ; tahlo cover, Mrs. Mo• 1131a"th. Mahon ; silver pickle oruet, Mr. Mo• J�. 11, Shane's health le vory poor. Ewen ; silver butter dish, Mr. Kaiser ; P. W. Tanner is removing from Blatt. Next Monday the new Council will be Worn in, Three oars of logs wore shipped to Witigham chair;fautory by J. Denholm of this place. The local Conservative Association elected the following officers for the current year:—John Wilford, President; J. W. Bell, Sec. and Trees, 111ts, no. JCurrie ,• silver butter Minh, peals of ktnghbor and the loudest sap• plumes, The financiers are very satis- factory, being up to full omit of structure ancl about $100 over. The old (Murrill tehle clout, Mrs, Wm. Work ; pair votes, has been sold. The homes shed will be Ales, Jos, Lowman ; fancy tetpol, Mrs, moved to the pew building, The 13Iuo- D, Livingstone ; pair vases, Thomas vale Methodists are a credit to the Guelph Conference. A.twoo(t. A. new harnoas shop hes been opened here by H. J. Pope. Jas. Currie, of Walkerton, has appren• Mood himself to his brother, Goo. Carrie, to learn the tailoring business, Hon. John Dryden will address a pub• lie meeting at Atwood on Friday [evening of this week, iu the interests of Dr. Ahrens. 1i.. K. Bell, who has been employed by the Bide Iron Works Co., St. Thomas, for the past year, received a letter from bho firm this week to the effect that his sorviees are so well appreciated that they will give him $10 per month of a raise during 1801 if he will eonsult to remain in their servioe. We. Hall accepted of the offer and leaves of the loth for Port Arih„r on business for the firm. Success. 1;thltl. Miss Jane Jury is home from Toronto. A feed) supply of the beautiful tae encouraged the disheartened. Mr. Sharp, sr., has been vory sick for some time. He was 89 ,years old on Christmas day and has been a very healthy man during that time. The other day J. Oober was running the planer when the piece he was plan- ing slipped and he out his index finger and smashed the nail on his little finger. Chas. W. Willis, who has been in the employ of Simpson & Son for the poet two years, has disengaged himself and is now open for a situation into. larger town. 0. W. fe a good fellow and we welt him success. 8, of T.—The following officers were elected in Ethel division 8. of T. for the next quarter :—W. P., L. Eckmier ; W. A., Reta Milne ; R.8., Emily Holloway ; A. R. S., Mary A. Elliott ; Chap., J. ()ober ; 0., H. Dobson ; A. C., Maud Annie ; I. S., Mand Peebles ; 0. S., W. Whaley. A farmer, who lives about three miles out of town, came to the grist mill with some wheat last Sunday. He was sur- prised to find that usually active plaoe till quiet. He went to the miller's house and was informed that it was the seventh day of the week. 1Ia aecounted for the loss of a day by not working on election day, and made baste home to have liis good lady rest from the ordinary duties of a Saturday. On Monday one of David Milne's there - bred oohs (bo keeps nothing else at pre- sent) presented him with twin calves, all doing well. This is the third suc- cessive year in which Mr. Milne has been thus favored but by a different cow each tithe, in frust twins are growing quits mon0tonons. 11e las now 41 head of cattle, 10 horses and 14 Loicoeler sheep. lir, Milne has disposed of four females and three bulls this Winter and has a good supply yet of both sexes. tfiletnlorth- The Huron Medical Association held its annual meeting, whic't was very sun- cessful, in this town on Tuesday. After discussing natters of interest the follow- ing wore elected officers :—President, Ur. Bruce Smith, Soaforth ; Vice.Presidont, Dr. J. R. Armstrong, Fullerton ; secre- tary, Dr. W. R. Gunn, Clinton ; petho- logista, Drs. Graham, of Brussels ; Ellie', Brucefield, and Wood, of Mitchell, The annual meeting or Mailoob Chap. ter was held on Friday evening of last week, when the folluwing uthoers were stented for the current year :—W. D. Duff, Principal Z. ; J. Hunter, 2nd Prin• rips.l ; T. Fortune, 31:11 Principal ; F, G. Neelin, Scribe E. ; 3. Smallecomhe, Seethe N. ; J', Avery, Treasurer ; A, Slommon, Principal Sojourner; J. Ryder, Tyler. Mrs. Alexander Love, of Seaforbh, died very suddenly the other afternoon. She complained of feeling unwell, and asked for a drink. Her daughter want to get it for her, and ou her remise she found her mother unconscious, and in a few min- utes she passed peacefully away. Apo- plexy was the mese of death, this being the second or third attack, and she had not been well for some time. She had reached the good age of 78 years. Her husband has 1)050 deed some years. She was one of Seafo•th's oldest residents, and was moll peel deservedly esteemed by all who knew her. 39.11 or -rise. Miss McDonald, of Guelph, is visiting icer sister, Alrs. 1C. McKenzie. W. Sloan was at Blyth ono day last weak attending the marriage of his cis• tees Goo, MoArter, of Wingham, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with relatives on the 8th eon. The annual meeting of Knox church congregation, Belgrave, took place on Mouclay afternoon last. Jas. Robertson, of Belgrave, leas re. Iurned home front Algoma where ho has been working in the lumber woods. Some talk of holding a meeting of the East Huron Farmers' institute at Blue - vale for one day, some time during 1891. We regret to hear that little Clara Mooney is still dangerously ill with favor but see hope a change for the better tvi11 soon set it. David and !ldan Smith, of Manitoba, returned home recently to spend a month in visiting relativos and friends on the Oth con. lltnruralnersre---An interesting event' took place on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 31st, at the residence of Arch. Taylor, on the h eon., when Mr. Taylor's Mean, Mfrs Maggio Montgomery, was united in matrimony to Wm. William• eta), of lir essel's. The neromony was performed by Rev. 300, Ross, of Bene - sols, and was witnessed by a soreot num. her of relatives and "old folic" of the neighborhood. The briclo wee wailed on by bliss Bate McNamara, of Leadbery, while R. Williamson noted in that capit- ally for the groom, In 1110 evening; 0 social hep was enjoyed by the young people of the vicinity, The following is Part of the list of presents received by the lariat -Lemonade set, Mr, and Miss Williamson ; bee set, Mrs. McNamara ; half doz. fruit dishes, Jas. Ireland, jr. ; half doz, table napkins, Mrs, N. Currie ; pair towels, Mrs. Montgomery ; )able cover, Mise E. Smith ; pair towels, Mrs. McLean ; bible, Mrs. (1%ev,) Rosa ; mom. foster, Mre, C. Williamson ; fruit dish, Mrs. A. Williamson ; combination plush ease, Nelson Hayes ; pair blankets, Mrs. A. Williamson ; five dollars, a friend ; butter cruet, Miss Hodgens ; crystal set, Misses B, and M. Livingstone ; pair towels, Miss Welsh. Wbns Irani. Union services were held in the various churches last week. Last Sunday Rev. J. S. Coiling, of Luuknow, preached anniversary sermons in the Methodist church here. A number of our citizens attended tine politietl meeting last Tuesday evening at Wroxeter. They say Sir Richard Cart• weight gave a magnificent address. The people of \Vingham were shocked on Thursday of last week, to hear of the sudden death of C. W. Henderson, who had conducted a ih•y geode business here for some years. For memo time previocs to his untimely death he had been in the employ of Bennett & Sons, dry goods merchants, Jackson, Mich. nut before going to bed on Wednesday night Mr. Henderson turned on both burners of the water gas stove, but lighted only ono of them, thus allowing the gas to. esnape from the other all night. The next day he was found dead in his bed, having been asphyxiated by the gas. Vern Mon. John and Flora McDonald have return. ed to their schools after the holidays. The milk routes for our factory will be let on 'Saturday 'afternoon of next week, at 1 p. w. See advt. Mr. Pyper and wife visited Walton Temperance Lodge on the 0th lint, for the purpose of giving instruction. Last week being the week of prayer meetings were held in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. On Wednesday morning the comfort- able brick residence of Edward McNa- mara, Leadbury, was totally destroyed by fire. The furniture was not saved. We have not hoard how the fire origina- ted. Rov. W. ()Hewett, 7. S. Welsh, G. Grigg, W. Pollard, Mrs, Neal and Mrs. Berry will represent the Methodist Sab- bath school of this place at the County Convention to be held at Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. A. 0. U. W.—The following is the lis) of officers elected for the current term in connentian with Walton Lodge A. O. U. W., No. 305: —NI. W., A. Gardiner : F., Joseph Howitt ; 0., Jos. Shannon; Rec., Donald Campbell ; Phe„ Wm. Neal ; Receiver, J. S. Welsh ; Guide, \V. J. Carter ; I. W. Coo. Grigg ; Pnys., Dr. Graham ; Ropresenbaliva to Grand Lodge, Robt, Blair. R. 8. or T.—Walton Connell 388 R. T. of T. hold an open lodge in the 12etho. dist cherish on the 7th inst. Visitors from Winthrop and Brussels sister lod:ed wore present and aided very nmet- 0rially in the progrann. The following prog am was rendered and reasy nnns- ber was so go el that, as we mould not adermatcly describe them, we think we had better pees by emelt without coon. went :—Instrotnental, Miss iliums O'Conner ; reoitation, Miss Janet Ram- say ; song and chorus Miss Williamson, and oltnir ; reoitation, John MoGavin ; trio, Misses Williamson, Pollard end W. T. Pollard ; recitation, Miss O'Oon• nor ; song and chorus, Miss E lie Mc - Gavin and choir ; song, 111'. McLeod ; speech, Rev. 3). Forrest ; song, Wm. Scott ; reoitation Mrs. Thos. Jackson ; song, Miss Hate Wilson ; speech, Chair- man ; speech, J. B. Morrison ; rending, Miss Belle Molibbiu. Although the ehurcb was full yob the very best order prevailed. A uolleobion amounting to 90,88 was taken up. Rev. Wm, Otte. well, S. 0., ocoupie1 the 01)110'. 3131,fcvaleo. John Johnson, who has been ill lately, is now recovering. Everyone is glad to hear of liis returning health. A number of Dur townspeople and young men went to Wroxeter on Tuesday evening to hear Sir Mich. Cartwright. Conductor Snider preaches in the Methodist ohuroh next Sabbath) at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. J. Scott, 111. A , mauves the pulpit at 2:30 p, m. Rev, A.. Y. Hartley is going to BOlerav0 next Sabbath as a deputation from the Presbytery. His pulpit will be ocoupied, in his abeetlee, by Rev. G. Law. The following particulars aro talion from the ennead report of the Bluevale obsess factory for 1800 :—Am,•unt of milk received, 8,089,050 lbs. ; nmonnt of cheese made, 284,881 lbs. ; average lbs. of milk to lb. of cheese, 1084-100 ; av,tr- age priee sold at 9 48.100 ; Dost of mak- ing, with supplies furnished by Con e- pany, including fuel, boxes and drawing milk, $1.02 per hundred ; cost of making, without boxes and milk drawing, 54e. per hundred ; average cost of drawing milk per gallon, 7.1 mills ; amount paid for printing, $14 ; amount received for 'Aare e w 1. The Listowel Hight school re -opened with an attendance of 185 pupils. Fidelity of this week ie nomination duty, for North Perth and the following friday aleobion, The Odclfellows gave a concert for Ilia poor of the town, in the Methodist church last Tu esday evening. John Watson has dispoeed of hie Awl{ of groceries to J. S. Bowman, who has had them removed to his store. The annual meeting of the Listowel Beekeepers' Association will be held in the Royal Hotel, Listowel, on Saturday, Jan. 17, 1891, at 2 o'ulook p. m. Rev. D. Doak, of the Baptist eongre- gation, tendered his resignation on Son- dny last, to take off, at 00 the last Sun- day in Jun. Ile goes to Sinnroo. The 23rd session of County of Perth S. S. Association will beheld LiListowel on Wednesday anti Thursday, Feb. 1811) and 10th, in the Presbyterian chinch. The Emma Wells Concert and Comedy Compauy will appear in the town hall, Listowel, for one week uummoruing Jan. 29119. Theirengagemeet is in uutn,ee- bion with bho Town Band. Miss M. Draper, daughter of - George Draper, of this town, who has been teaohieg in the Hitched Publio school for several years, has resigned her position and will remain at home for the present, owing to the low abate of her father's health. It is now upwards of two yea re since Mr. Draper 004 first taken ill, and for a good many months past he has not been able to leave his roost. Itis ailment is dropsy. fie re a'. Township Council next Monday. Alex, Grant is borne from the North- west. 3. M. Robertson he in London this week. He left on Tuesday last. Mr. Jeffries is holding public services in Jamestown each evening of this week. This week Jno. Whitfield, of Michigan, was visiting at his old home in this township Mr. and Miss Middleton, of Durham, are visiting with Miss Maggie McNair this week. Will. Hill is hone from Regina, N. W. T., on a three months' visit with rela- tives and friends. He likes the west well. We are pleased to that Thos. Pepper, who has been bothered with a cancer on his Hp, is improving now and it is hoped it will be permanent. The anniversary services of Trow- bridge Methodist church will be held on Sabbath 18th inst. Preaching et 10:30 by Rev. Jas, Livingstone, of Listowel. Miss Eli A. McNeil left for Goderioh Collegiate Institute on Saturday last, Miss MoNeil has been n successful stn. dent in the past and we Trope her efforts may be Drowned with success in the future. A Wallace township correspondent says :—Mrs. T. Aloock, Grey township, 11110, during the plat week, been visiting friends in Wa'Ince, she being the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0. Wtdeuha'ulner, on Imes, and spent New Year's with her nuns, Mrs. D. A. Patterson. Dree. •On Monday •• afternoon .lira. Thos. Vodden, of the 5111 eon,, died after a brief illness of about tiwo weeks. Sbe was a daughter of the Mats Robt. Ross and was united in marriage to her now bereft husband in Oct. of 1880. She was 20 years of age. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon at lemma ceme- tery. The election of oil -leers for 1801. in con- nection with 'Trowbridge L. 0. L. re. stilted as follows : W. J. Toghen, W. M. ; 'Thomas Jackson, D. 31. ; 0. W. Orisons, Treasurer ; Arobibald Tughen, Chap.; Joseph Johnston, Ree. -See. ; Widdis Jackson, Fin..Sec, ; Zlobert Oli• ver, jr., Lederer; R. Johnston, D. of O.; Committee, W. W. Mann, Fred, Adams, Wm. Thompson, J. Furbuey and Stephen Willooto. s Rev. W. H. Laird, pastor of the Fir -t Methodist ohuroh in Hamilton, formerly of Elm street ohntnh, Toronto, died sod. denly Sunday of heart disease. Oo Thursday morning of lust week the bares belonging to Peter McLeod, Lake Range, were destroyed by fire. It start- ed in the straw stack abont 3 o'clock. On Saturday morning at 12:30 the barns of S. McKim wereialsu deetroyed. All the stock was burned and the loss will he very heavy. P,ot11 buildings were incur• ed in the West Breve M. 8'. 1. Co, This makes the seventh fire that has occurred to that section during the past year. All but one of these were insured in the West Bruce company. It is, undoubted. ly, the work of an inesudiary, lint who the guilty party oe parties are it is din. miltto find out. Other formers in that neighborhood are in a state of terrible anxiety lest theirs will fall a prey to the torch of the fire bug. 4'1'itAN1:111, tl1'1/t►S)ht). (Continued from Supplement,) It was a year and a week since COSMO Monis hal come to his tin- wbey, $458,81. A meeting or the shags. timely end—a group of Merl were holders waaheld on Wednesday, when a standing about the hearth in the lively noses ensued. Hmnkiu room of a Club in Pani Danmsrotr, — The new Methodist 6 church was dedicated last Sabbath, Aral' listening to the remarks of a Service was conducted in the morning by Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Stratford, President of the Guelph Conforeneo. 'Text, John C, and 811, "Search the Scriptures, &e." In the afternoon Rev. 11. AIo(,luarris (Presbyterian) occupied the pulpit, and proaehecl a tine d150013 s% and Dr. Grif- fin again in the evening. All the ser. vices were highly appreciated and the attendance was large. Ou Monday even. ing an entertainment; of a very en,jovctbie eheraotor 0110 given. The choir of the church, ender btu loatlorehip of 'f. J. rl)a }ole Mean tllrs Dennis, Putt• Denman, did their part in the matter of utneio, while 010 Misses leers and 1130id i1100';" furnished 0010s, rendered in a very '01 Oet11'«'-•-"wlu(1 nlh'•r stidow' euperi0r style. Rev. lir. Livingston'•' should 1 001011 l •—sir.-st• ?' of Listowel, n.lsn nenbrtbuted 'two solos, '1111 I --bra haven't yon 6111,1 ?' 301)1011 10010 very well received. I. r, Griffin gave a most interesting told in. 'lfoltt'd- what, r struetive address, fall of wisdom and '1Vhy--rusts s the other iltan`3 sparkling with wit. Asir. Livingstone wife,' none ate 1. 'Sha aria Ross- peased everybody, his splendid appear- braver were tutu:ltt1 this 11111ming 1' twee fund highly cultivated mnsiaal voice adding much to the effect of iris masterly gala xs11 1 large awkward man with very yellow gloves and very small egos—'Ah 1' he was saying --I only got here last night --wet for a sctunper. 040r bo Viennah and 13erltn--•sort of farewell, y'k,row, before 1 lay my, NEW 11AISINS ANI) Cl'liilllN'I'S, self clown at the feet or the sweetest itilo widow that over lived, .iJy the bye•—ita just a year ago to the very week isn't it ?' g oaring eels' STRACHAN'S. AH through January and up to Removing into Flew premises our Whole Stock will be offered at a Great Reduction. Autl more particularly the Balance of our Winter Goods, comprising Dress Patterns, Wool Shawls, Blankets, Hoods, All Wool and Union Flannels, Men's and Boys' Underclothing. Caps in Seal, Beaver and Litlnb, Canadian, Scotch and Irish Suitings, Pantings (a Fine Range). Hosiery, Gloves, Wool Shirts, Knitted Shirts, Wool Muf- flers, Cardigan Jack- ets, Ready-made Clothing. few ends of Cloakings Less than Cost Price, We want to Reduce our Stock as much as possible before Removing so you can Depend on Bargains in Every Line. Cooper & Smith's Boots and Shoes IN STOCK, AS USUAL. Grocery Stock is all New, Fresh and Meal We hare some Special Lines in 'T. Our 30 -Cent Tea can't be beat. Try it. Present Pi'entises—MSS En2poi°iZtrm, Br'Zts,sels. Alegi .,, r.frac Sole Agent for the `Little Giant' Broom Holder. Pall aha 'Winter Trade o. 1890-91. STOVEA� S. -We have one of the Nicest Assortments �7 JL V B p of Cook, Box, Parlor and Coal Stoves ever exhibited in Brussels, and they will bo sold hT 1Z� .s ONlllfZLl!1 P1s.YCE 0. Our `doge' Cook Stove Leads the Vail. LAMPS. --A Largo Stock of New Lumps and Lamp Goods to iIaud. Special Attention called to our Handsome Range of Hi.NGING LAMPS. They are Dandies. Gi'anitoware, Cutlery and Shelf Goods always it Stook. OUR TINWARE IS FIRST-CLASS. Goods not in. stock Made Up at Short Notice. NICE STOCK OF SILVERWARE ON HAND. People can Save Money by trading 'with us. Ballantyne && Wilton. BRUSSELS, ONT. )C44:111 7 ( FOR ALL KINDS OF C4.13JOCERI_LI S. Ile hits Just llectivod rt Large Stock of Fine CANDIED PEELS AND NUTS, AND ALL KINDS OF CANN111) GOODS. Geo. Backer's is the Place to gest the Cheapest and Best Teas, Su ;ars and General Groceries, .1 LS() ALT, KINDS 01? CROCKERY 1I'OR. SALE, l'rodoee ot` all kinds taken in Exchange for Goods, r oqttesm PHOTO S. TINTYPE 8� 4 • For • GO • Ccuis. All lrurit from the Smallest to Llfeslee done In a 11rs1•e,oss manner. 00 Itesldenees, kW., at Reasonable ilates. W. J• Fairfield. Gallery---Stretton'sNew Block. MONETt TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loam on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. To the Public After a business experience of 13 years in the Butchering Busi- ness in Brussels I desire to ex- press my best thanks for tho. patronage of the past and ask a continuance of the same for the time to come. I desire to call the attention of the public to the •fact that I have Removed my Place of Busi- ness to my new Brick Block, Opposite the American Hotel, where I will keep a Choice Supply of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, S;c. FAT CATTLE WANTED. Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry and Irides. GTP1C tallE A. CA.L.L.. YOURS TRULY, Wm, Blashill, 12- BU'rcinon. P$ES, FLETClER, i.'rrrr'frrttl 11.41 c /tin ti iter (1ii(1 •i(rfar'irr. Tiapki 4 the public for y,t,t faeore and support turd tvi.ttir'4 ,.thtl to secure your patntua:;:, ice Ore opening out Full Linea in GOLD AID SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware. from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the La test Designs. JEWELRY I Wnnnrxe Rrxos, LAnIEs Genn Rmas, 13aooc)ne, Eanitmes, &c. t_•=c Also a Full Line of Von n& and Violin Strings, dm., in stook. X. U.—Usurer of Marriage r,luenars. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. H. DENNIS Calls the attention of the Public to the Fad that he continues to turn out First-class Light and Heavy Harness as usual Nothing but A 1 Stock used, rust to Ilam a Splendid Stool of Ilorse l3lltl.ikct9, Rags, Robes, Bells, Whips, &c.., tic. A Largo 11010119 311 trunks, 'Valises and anlelnils kopt con- stantly on band, and 'Sold at 'Reasonably Prirt s. Nr, Shoddy abort them. Special Attention paid to the Manufacture of deist. Collars. Repairing promptly attended 1 to. (int. 18, Il. DENNIS.