HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-16, Page 2GRIPPO
Grrptlora successful journey aetosa it on a sound asleep. I c looked yintently, •
best a�iot 110 hal over e t of foul five.t Monument, 10 Por Memory- kneeled on 0 nu 1010s or
1' vor • ON A CONVICT SHIP, ionisers, blit it wits (Moldy soon 11101 thole LITTLE DOG>,AITxPUL,
tiny le •oho, he was road to vote this the to king 11) every detail, for he believed that — !was also a conspi{atty. Not one of the Buren I
y 1 v r seen, I'IO stoup he Iva,: viewing 1111110081(0 home as leen a9, TllpITlln; :hillntures on 0 Voyage to 050 1)0' 111((101'0 1181(11(1 111'0 14 11100, and the guns
„. „ hull piny, or ol•hers were found to have
E 111 TWO PARTS AND A LET- firatonone foot and then on the other,bolul• els new maater. i beau tam tenni a 1101 'rho fi"111lnto about,
Ona urlhl ell n(at 11
A TALE ing as ileal as he dared that Ito might lose I As 110 watched, the uhfld's lila' Patted n
TER, a 8113110 of 1'0111e17h1a1700 14114 et 113 111'80 di4ya Ill lbllgll411(l, 81'11081 I prison -
1111 illhlllten, Ilinl'in vh+oh tulle 111(1 shG'(;r011,and.
0 11 y' 1 t o 0 prtsan It meal's 1 I t 1 tluroo hwuds
fair ltanng, n ulndur.4lu (la y fits e, t els wore killed, In roturu lhny 1 e( salol o
ante ti mouth, 1 4 w mid then froth T 111111 hand in the row. >,t 11411(, L;uglintil, n uu)utuuelt has been °rout•
�..� Clothing of what WAS going inn. eoashum4 y dreamy ' Or l'eCC v0a a sun CIIC 0 fii'dt 111811 NWCOIII 111.1 ea, lLnl
lie 11(0110 into ria in sheers, which seemed every now and 111081 his Draw coubragte<1 1 II I l ttC k'll l f I On Helvellyn, in Ole eo1nty of Gunther•
pv EVERY MncALrtNE, 1.0 "shunt themselves," Its he afterwards with a frown of some more eolith+conscious.
PAII,T I. 1onlid1( to lassie, t last Marco began, nose, It was a mystery to Grippo why the friotls.
Il 'lite !'•
IIL t, IUII 7'IH 8 110 181 1110 ('(.111'1110, lilt 1111 1,nll I 0 <
Ifo is 1U°rofore qutto 0(11 k11001 --Its 61tu very 1' 'sI go oI1 00810 One l0c'lu l Ill0 On ell to the memories
i 8.1fo . 1(8
winding up the rope, and Grippe ran w1111 110110 umete1 sltouid smile and brow of0)5118110(1 tla 01113 whit luaus lits 111(0117 can the Huck and hn0)111d me 11811 Hud (meting.' lnan was kill l Y g
A leafy English lane, lost In the ,1i8tanoe outstretched handl quite at Max's foot, natoly, lint he wase most Wolin.I
be, of 11111 high ern"n 011 thin ridge 11181 'vias
q I oious, and tl'hel 10111110 to the eanvieta haQ g ob J
111 011111:014011111g 118`11 •0(0)•18 and al (111st of „T1111t's ally 1" ejaculated Max ; " it's, ed to wrinkle his own forehead ;there 75x6 In foi'ioor 1'1)1)•s, before penal Colonies 810 8111 ). 1 110.\'o PCtLH[11l till 118118\•0 1 was :standing Edge 1.0 the summit, The (log, a
l + green a thrash swelling his velvet
o •811 +i penny. I wish reit were such a strange suffocating foeliu • in the air. Clulu eltnw, rough halved Gurria(, was his
arching b•north 181 1 1 Y y fi g were attendee tran0pnrtuton mount ,!need hors chs ro"1 00 that I mi "ht nut bo y' .
throat 11111( an ecstasy of sweetness : lwe- m monkey 1 would show you ell terry IIS couldn't 0011 what, it tuns, but he hadlever 'everything that WAS vile, V10iou0, nod Mutt 11,1111.1'the rota, bcompanion, and WAS fnnud welching o•or
R r
light falling oil a olden June day, and not chance I got, and stop playing With molly a1n105t a mind to resign his liberty ; to rtm ;horrible, 111 man u•uul(i have done butter Cu 6 thing 117(1 been done the rvw,4n)a tbruo months afterward. She
a'breath of rind to rook 1110 tree tops whore noddle Ids," he added! under his breath. , bach and hide ill Metoo's pocket 08100 MOM. sift before wing aboard the ship which 118101 1\'011, ns T 0811(1, the 11000 bach and the had given birth t0 puppies that were found
the thrushes were calling to their metes, llo looked at the owneref this desirable corn- The air of the roonh, whuoh at first had I to convoy 1181 to Au01)' 010. and a great I)y' Lho liluo I got m�y 611 daarl by n birth
her th10 [t 15 believed teat end
first there was no sin of living being pinion 1011(1 a sigh Of envy. se05101 clear enough, clad bsoome anti: ogcdy' 111011 ' 111(1 001(1811 511141) O. It 11)00(11 Ill 8011/100 gang 7Vna'5'lld with exultation, '1'110 (1101111 .11(8(11111. 11•y bits of t•&CI't''ll sheep not
Al Ii • in al • form save that of the birds Ips i b y 1' 1(0 blue and thiok. St stretched 1110 0 veil be• y
or of lit y G;n't you Dome up to my hoose ' Ivory swum of the lvord, that the man was r°°Sher portion demanded that Weary °nu!unfeermently found 011 'OW hills, 1'110 mill-
iremthe leaves t but presently, emerging p108entl asked 01418300. "I believe I can tweon Grippo and the sleeping child. Then 1 to be. used 110 n dumb brute of the lowest Who was 8101 with Chant abound be Utttohm'od' i rivet was probably caused by a fake atop
from the vista of green, a man appeared. He buyyour monks and our bard • urdy," las if drawn aside by an invisible hand, this I ardor, He tens Lo bo underfed, overworked, !blit Small uud 1tiH three or iota lientmu4nte I daring a hall she in, as the man, Charles
was of medium stature and slight of build. he dded doubtfully. y" M. Uncle Tank is! misty curtain remelted, and Grippo oould .Idokod culled, I(0'rod and driven to some Put 11101)1 clown, I think the first 1(108. of 11(01 Gough, was returning to \\'ythmurn, whoto
Riofaca 11(810 1000iug, with large dark eyes, most awful) good, and he promised mo,jnst'see again the burl, the shaded lamp, olid 1e\'OL' tad for which ho could be shot (10)0(1 0011101v ous to go tt ed at St, Paul, hav 111e lodged, from 0 fishing excursion l at -
and hail of deeper hue, which hung in 11110k the other dtay,a foxderrier ands knife. I'll the little master asleep. But the snitocnt• The idea was to strdko toner to the heart of ing previously scuttled the ship, a u, 11110 tteldale. The dog (110(1a fou yours akin,
curls low int his gree. He walked wearily, tell him I'd rather have a hnldy.gurdy and a ing small continued ant increased, until, the orlminal classes, but it noted just the gape Place to anoth0r plan, 191e t 11(1(1 to ward
' Ui int with the
and weaned footsore; and no wonder, for )Monkey; if it's all the same to you-'pleaee, !somehow, Grippe was reminded of a great Although tlCod Cha or bo atul aglotd to oast m s
be had tramped a good fifteen miles that clay Mr. Organ grinder," remembering his man-' forest where Marco and ho wore travelling t L t filly nlaroneod cont nets. 1 l
in the hot lou with a pack and hurdy-gurdy mora just ing the nick of time, I once upon a time, and where great beds of
strapped upon his back, " What is it you say ? Pasta i Buy I charcoal were aflame. Yes, this WAS the
The lane looked inviting, and so, boo, did Grippo 1 No, not for a thousand lire. Ho 881110 80(18at1011, brit what ecnld cause it
a shadowy tree with a carpet of moss is 111y brother, my mother, my little ones 1" here 1 Grippe oould not toll for again the
stretched beneath. The weary organ•grinder Marco exclaimed in one swift breath, usinglenrtain of smoke wan drawn, this tune den -
unstrapped his burdens and let them fall all the terms of relationship which his limit- ser than before.
with a sigh of relief at his feet. At the sante ed English suggested. " Grippe and I are! All 1 it was growing light mein ; soon he
time 11e spoke in a tone of oonflrling cam- far from home, my little master, He is the should be able to see. But, the light? In tiny
plaint to an indulgent listener. ' onlyone in this dark count( who remem• tvoves and flickers it ran along the mimeo
"Here we aro !" he said wearily ; " get borHeppe or (mkt waist, or the water- Iof the wall, sometimes shooting up for w
down, my good Grippe, get down 1 This as nnelons,or the grapes which one may have for second, and then dying away again, as if m1
been a hard day for poor o13 Marco 1 What the askingin in suns Ital certain of its own strength. Gathering force,
with my lame le •,and soarce a penny's worth There ere tears in Asarco's dark eyes ; I the flame grew brighter, lapping the louver
of bread to put nmy empty stomach, itis a but whether the memory of vaiaahadeeor of panels ot the door ; in miniature lakes of
wonder I didn't lie down and die by the., the water -melons had called then! there it fight it played along the polished surface of
roadside. There, sty good Grippo I There,' would bo impossible tojudge. At all events, , the floor, with, meeting with the woollen
my only friond,getdown, get down 1 Yon,at 'with a conclusive gesture ho opened Ins resistauoe of the carpet, ,ib retired again:
least,are none the worse for the journey." ample waistcoast and his mniti•relhtion then, stealing along the painted surface, new
this was uttered rn the sprang to is breast.
some Southern tongue. i eau fence now being dismissed, e
contrary. loug 1 the cont t5 In iC •' '110 Captain, Cin' 3CntOr. 8(5)1-
severes sentences, crime steadily . 070101, and six or seven hands got no
e did not tet out to discuss the adventure.
policy, 11091" choice. The long boatwas lowered, provid-
over, hen
to toll you an adventure. ed with sail, oars, food and water, and the
\Won fifty or more 0000 18 were reedy then Dave named were sent adrift without
for Botany Hay the transGoveport
the 110(81(1 hire bei( harmed Bya pocket compass which
sailing vessel to trans ort then, I have g
00011 them go in fifties, P d I have seen 215 one hif thorn carried landedey sto101 a ooe two loys
on board of one ship. A 110051)010 ship was for s
later,! but wet a on itnd add 1)1010nthsrbefore being
taken off, I wanted to go with them, bot
Small refused mo permission, saying that I
had been so kind to him that he felt it his
dot to reward me. All 0110 others also
This us the inscription :
11EN11A'r11 T1101 SPOT WA0 ,MOUND IN 1805
11IS DOG WAS STILd, (CARDING 11100)51(110100011.
I climbed Cho dark brow ot the :nighty Helvel-
WOIOSWOST1I 1111001(05 IT IN 1118 1,110..0 ON
FIDTho dog 1111011 was still hovering nigh,
Repeating the some timid cry—
Tins dog had hocn through throe months' space
A dweller in that savage p200o.
, x w
HOW 00)111sh0d hero through such long time
Ifs knows who gave that love sublime.
And gave that strength of fooling great
Above all human estimate,
fitted up between looks as a prison, the
space being divided off
II0 IRON 00,111111(00,
and every twont men wore in charge of a y me end I ]tad 0110
captain—one of their own number. The lot apo -e very aindly to n
were in charge of a surgeon appointed bymortification of realizing that5 was the cat's
the Government to go with the ship. In all paw by which they had taken possession of
matters affecting the convicts every man on the chip. Before goingaway the Captain
the ship was bound to obey the surgeon. sought to argue with the men, telling them
The crew had muskets and cutlasses dealt what the consequences of their act would be,
L . Indeed,
stand guard as the various gangs were he would never have been allowed to go oil'
brought On deck a ie exercised. .
Alth' • soft accents of P ods of flame appeared, and a long line o£
his U � t �j out to them and a certain number had to but he was hooted n t T d od, 11811 for Small Ix MEMORY OF T1[n'e Lovlc AND STnENaTlror
S tl While le he was I Th d' U ' d' d tl fllokermg fire tva9 established. FEE{.1N0 11(10 STONE is Itlexe'ri0n.
speaking two black eyes shone out from a 011ades of evening acting somewhat after the lits had occupied but the shortest pose• p 1 t 1 If the in the boat. 1800
pocket in his tattered jacket[ while a grave' manner of a drop -curtain Max bethought bio time and to Grippe, watching from the surgeon wlisa thorough man he got his con- F, P. G.
II. D. 10,
As soon as the longboat had left ns and
and aged-lookingface was raised sympathe- himself of the distance he was from home, window -still, it had seemed scarce a second. signment" through good order, but if he the dead had boon thrown overboard, SmnIl
tieally to his. Then Grippo, glad enough to and also began to recall 001/15111 tales bo had Ho wee but n monkey, as we all know, butt wasnot; there was sure to bean outbreak of called all the people together and made a
The monument was suggested by Miss
be free, olunibrd quickly out of Marco's pock- heard 1011001'illn5 1110 unreliable society of something told him that what he saw was a malignant typo which sometimes curried off s ceeb. He appointed ids officers, stated Francis Power Cobbo, and 0110 81'118 (11(10(1 117
et, jumped down, and ran along the ground, organ grinders and their kind Moro perilous, and that 001110 one trust go to the half the lot. 1 know one ship to lose forty- teat he proposed to steer to the 810(10, and completing the design by the 108. Jai. D.
glancing int every direction. He evidently especially
wag •he reminded of thea¢ as s o g P 01111 every one aboard could 001101rler hint- 12alvneley, vies( of Crosthwaite.
thought two '00000(10 811fld010111 11010 to bo- Marco tontuluod to growl into lila w+4lstoo(t (i o them (haven of
come accustomed to any place.
He wore a jacket that had once been
red, and gay with tinsel braid and bright
blue facings, bite now was chill of hue from
frequent use. However, little silver buttons
shone and jangled as he mode quick darting
movements from side to side. He oould not
go far in any direction, for, although he had
travelled quite comfortably inside of Marco's
capacious jacket, be had also been securely
attached to his friend by a strong thin
" Hullo there I Whose monkey are you ?"
greeted him as be ran, from an unseen
speaker with a childish voice.
" Pests I" from Marco, who ejaculated in
much the same terms no matter what happ-
pened. " Where aro you?" he added in his
best English, by way of alluring the voice
to take form and come out from its hiding -
Grippo said nothing, but, running the
length of his chain, stopped short opposite
a holo in the hedge. There his beady black
eyes were met by a pair of soft gray ones,
whose expression made ono think of a note
of interrogation.
" Monkey, where's your hurdy-gurdy ?"
the v0100 continued, "and do yon know any
tricks ?'
Grippo understood, for he felt in his
jacket pocket, whore there had been no
coppers all that day, ran swiftly towards his
master, scratched at his knee with an im-
ploring gesture, and flew to his place on top
of the lnirdy-gurdy, ready for his part in the
Cu510nlay pelform¢uce.
"°Get down, you brute 1 " from theweary
Marco. "Get down, I say l What a fool
you are ! When will you learn that the
little masters never have a penny in their
velvet pockets ? "
What a ' cram' 1 I have, I say," from
the lusty voice on the other side of the
hedge. " I have two -ponos this minute,
and I'll give then! both to you if you will
tell me your monkey's name and let !him do
his brinks."
Marco was tired, but the pence were not
to be despised when night was approaching,
and his only bed the one on which tie
eat. He got up lazily and went towards the
!,pair of gray eyes shining through the open•
lig in the green.
"His name, little master? That is 00011
told. I call him Grippo; but where I got
him, far from here '—and Marco look-
ed as though ho could see miles away—
" they matte it longer, something like
Agrippa. But that's noteasy to say; Grippo,
I call hon."
"Agrippa 1" repeated the child, some un-
comfortable memory stirring, suggestive of
achooi.rooms and governesses, those un
welcome aids to learn 't•, Max had shown
a sturdy resistance to is knowledge con-
tained in books ever since his first strug-
gles with his picture -alphabet. He had
then summed up the whole question,
so far as lis was concerned, in an outburst of
childish reasoning: "Fob was lettere made
for? Fob was I made for? Fob was books
made for? And fot have I to do with books ?
"I like Grippo best," he emphatically re,
plied to Marco's information. ' I shall call
him Grippo, and hero's your penny," he add-
ed, thrustinga brown dimpled hand through
the hedge, The owner of the tante twinkl-
ed a pleased assent from his beady oyes, and
seizing the penny with more !haste than good
manners, dropped it into Ms pocket before
you would have had time to say " knife,"
Here the child seemed to think some ex•
change of confidences called for, and volun-
teered his own brief history in 0his wise 1
"My name is Max—Max Harcourt. My
father is a soldier out in India, and he can
fight like anything I My dear mother is in
heaven ; and I live up at 110110,11 with Uncle
dock and granny. Well, Bask lives there
too, but she's only a girl, you know ; and
now," he added, getting back to the main
point,. "let him begin."
Hearing this, Grippo ran in all haste to
the pack which Marco had thrown upon the
ground, and began pulling out a long rope
attached to some narrow strips of wood.
This appeared very interesting to the pair
of gray eyes, for they hastily left the peep.
hole 111 the hedgo, while their owner shout-
ed back, "Hold on, thoto I don't begin I'
Wait till I come round,'
Presently a boy of about seven years, clad
ih the costume of a miniature sailor, appear-
ed at the opposite end of the late. Ho stood
at &little dl5tan00 frrm hisnew friends, and
watched the preparations, while Grippo,
running the length of his chain, canto in a
friendly way and stood beside him.
Max was on the tiptoe of expeotaney.
This was almost equal to the circus he had
boon to in the spring. There, too, he had
seen a rope stretched, and a beautiful area.
tore in short skirts and spangles venture on
tL perilous journey across t, Tho question
'Which now agitated Mao Wad whether the
feat could be 150001111111010(1 without abort
Skirts (15191 spangles. lie watched with some
anxiety, fingering his rameking penny, and
wondering if he woro bound to make the
transfer 111 00,00 the performance failed.
4x had seen 0110 won•
ors of that rope brought to a conclusion by
g rescue. This.ch kin smoke 1 Grippe him -
Marco solf c u1hed • he couldn't helpit ; but with
certain words that sounded very strangely to thick pattering fent he flew across the space
the ears of au English boy. ,which divided him from the child, sprang
seven conv[ots out of suety -Iwo, and with
the crew.
Tho ship Silver Queen, Capt. James, Ind
contra° ed to carry out 128 Botany Bey con-
" Well, goodbye, Grippe," lie-veniured, upon the bed, and laid his cold thin 11.1(0 on sects, and this was my second year aboardo
and before taking a final leave made ono the warns cheek of the dreamer. her as an apprentice. A day or two before
more bid for the possession of the covotod' Max stirred, but did not wake. Clrippo we left England I reached my fifteenth year,
namesake of the dimly recalled Emperor. took stronger nle0anres. Ho slapped. 0110 land WAS a pretty solid lad for my age. As I
If you'll bring hips up to the Hall bo- pink eh0ek with all his small might. Max remember the lot, about fifty were 80ntono-
morrow, to show Uncle Jook, I'll give you rubbed Ins eyes, but did not open them. Tia
the jolliest tart you ever tasted outside of room was now unbearably hot and stifling.
Italy. IT. get Stacey to snake it thiole," he Grippe knew that there must be no delay.
called back. 'Caking one of the child's yellow curls iit his
Grippo sighed—at least, be looked as finers. he pulled with all his strength ; nor
though he did ; he was thinking of biscuits, ilia he stay at that, but in hoer desperation
began to nip his soft slosh with repeat-
ed pinches until Max awoke with a foment
of Taut.
Seeing the room ablaze around him, and
Max's invitation to Ills new friends bore catching sight of the unnatural apparition'
fruit somewhat prematurely in Marco's for- astride of his shoulder, Max added shriek to
tile brain. If he 00111(1500 a bit of eheeee shriek as he sprang from the bel, clashing
and some bread for his pence at the nearest Grippe, aside. Flying to the window, he
public, why should 110 not anticipate the cried 111 an agony of terror :
young master's hospitality by making him- I "Uncle Jock 1 0, Uncle Jock, conte
self comfortable for the night in one of the quickly 1 Conleend. get Max ! Max is burn.
outhouses belonging to the Hall ? I to ! Please, please be quick --quick !"
Innust confess that this expedient was not His shouts soon aroused the household,
a new one With this homeless wanderer, who and even penetrated to the shed where Mar -
frequently found himself with no other roof eo was jest awaking to a sense of Grippo's
save the 11001'0110 above him. See was not absence.
averse to a dry bed, however, when it could' THE LETTER
be easily procured I
Later fn the evening, when in the dusky "To Major Ames Stanley 1100ron't, '1117
light 11(0 seemed 01(1y a shadow among the Leicestershire, ehc., Pools/l, India.
lied taken, and soon cane 11n sight of an old• g(ileo 119 to stay, and I hay my knife with 2
Maxfashhad. fledsquthe Hall.
(fromansint, u'11to 1'ladz and I (10V my fax terrier too. I had
Chex had l aped the smooth
In front and to em becos I was 111 the fier. mane is to stay
the right lay a smooth green lawn, hmk-eu too and be uncle Jock's moddel he says he
here end there with bright blooming flower• is bulifull, not grippe you kno. he saved
bads and drooping trees. Behind, and a my life I mean grippe for of he hadn't pulled
little to the left,stretelted (L long row of low- my Hare I woad hav been Birned to a
roofed sheds and outhouses. The former, SRindoa, eods lucky ran away from Liz'bebh
merely as a shelter for various farm that clay and made his al(quaint0nz or the
sides,ntents, hero enclosed only on three house wood hav been Mimed to another
sides, Towathe rds
o m I Soinder. I know all about le lulu Madre
Towards these Marco male his way with- and Beppo & the watermellons they grow in
out attracting attention. Entering the first, Rolle and are to eat grippe doesn't sleep with
he found it contained some farm wagons 1110 bows unole Jock says 2 monkeys in n
and ploughs, which would serve to shield me beero 1 boo many but I lou grippe and
hhn from tattered
eyes, and no ho coon had room when I grow up if you don't mind my not
one his tattered blanket and was rowdy for being a soldier I shall grind the musiele
the night. while he picks up the pence. Uncle Jock
This ld murmured. my good G15p11 b, tern will is very well excop where he Hnrt His Hand
do," he pedg01\dne11 hotter is f0 when ho came threw the birning door to
than a damp hedge -row and an empty shim- get grippo and me that knight and granny
ach." f0 11011 Duly She had to go to bed from Frite,
Go esomrindmd his jaws and twinkled she says housemaids are a tryal, Essie is
his oyes, 111101 meant 10 monkey language, well too—girls allays is and I re0a10
dark tree trunks, he followed the path tux i "DEAR PA1A,—Uuolo Joolc says that
" Where you ere, dear master, is home to
mo ; " so he jumped into the warn nest Mar-
co's pocket made for hint, and he too was
toady for the night.
Marco was very tired, and before long the
uncertain shadows of the trees had woven
themselves into olive -groves and orange or.
chards. Tho lawn melted from tawny shades
of green to a shimmering turquoise sea.
The tiny heart beating against his own
ceased to be that of his grave -faced daily
coinpa1io11, and Beppo'e !lead had come to
nestle in his arms, while a baby voice lisped
" bab1o."
Marco had left his hard bed and had
travelled by way of dreams to his own South.
ern home again.
Not so Grippo. Intim first plane, ho was
not as tired as his master, for he had been
carried in hind arms all clay, and besides,
he had woiel1 to think about. Ho was won.
cloying if this was the little master's home,
an(1 if Uncle Jook would really buy him and
the hardy-gurtly. He hoped not. It would
be a bitter thing to part from Marco, and
ntrangely enough the little plaster had not
spoken of buying hill. ; yet of what use was
the hurdy-gnrdy without Marco? Then First housemaid (who has never had a
Grippo having nothing batter to 111in11 love•)..'• Sure at'phwatdoes Mieebedoin'
about, began to wonder nl which of these all the evmdn' whin ho mimes to 008 yo?"
rooms with the double windows the little Second Ilousennaid— Oh, the Turk talks
master miglhtthen besleeping, and, although luv of 000r5e an' he always laves 1110 under
he blinked vary hard, he really couldn't the imprissioh that his mustaslh is the stiff -
make it out. ; est wan 11ver incountered nn mo life."
Finally, he thought 11e would slip out from
under Marco's tired hand and look about a
little, He was astonished to find how easy
this was, for Marco had unfastened the con-
fining ria and olhah3 from his wtfs0 before
Bat by t.ho ti M+
" Your cdutyfel son,
" P. S—grippo is well too.
"P,P.S.—Ma'colikes tarts verymutoh. "
A Dirge. •
thou 71111 ease thine heart
01 love and all its smart,
11honsloep, dear, sleep:
And not a sorrow
Hang any tear on your eyelashes;
Lia still and eloop,
Sad soul, until the sea -wave washes
Tho rim o' the sins to -morrow,
In eastern sky.
But wilt thou euro thine heart
01 love and all Its smart,
Then die, dear, die;
'Tis deeper, sweeter,
Than on a roso-bank to lie dreaming
With eolded oyo :
And then alone, amid Cho beaming
Of love's stars, tholn'tt moot her
In eastern atty.
Mike DM.
ed for manslaughter, the sante number for
robbery and burglary, and the others wore
made up of forgers, embezzlers, incendiar-
ies, and so on. Them wore two in the lot
who had escaped from the Bay, and finally
found their way back to be recaptured, Talc•
el as n whole, the lot was salt t0 be the
worst one ever sent out, and the ship 0111(ied
an extra officer and four extra hands. The
prison part took up one-half of the space be-
tween decks. Every morning and evening,
when the weather would permit, twenty men
at a time were allowed to 001110 tip for ten
minutes' exorcise. There wore six gangs,
and every man of them had leg chains on.
There were temporary ladders to descend
tbrouglt the hatches, and at the foot of each
holder was a pen in which 0 sentinel WaS sta-
tioned day and night. Tins the convictswere
always under a watchful eye.
Boy like, my sympathies were with the
convicts. No matter what they had done,
the idea that they were going off to a lilfng
death settled the 110tter with ate. The dis-
cipline of the ship was very strict, but I
found several opportunities to show any good
will. Wlton on duty below I passed them
to1ac00, gave them the 110WS from above,
of Hiles. Every convict gong had its loader.
The leader of this one was a man named
Harry Small—ono of the escaped Botany
Bays who was being returned. He was a
quiet fellow, intelligent and crafty, and
when 110 Saw that I leaned his way he one
day asked me for pencil and paper. I gave
them to him, and he wrote a note which I
afterward delivered to a sailor before the
unset.. I did all this out of pure sympathy,
having not the slightest idea that there was
any wrong in it,
Nothing whatever °centred on the voyage
to the Cape of Good Hope. All the oflicere
were agreeably disappointed in the behavior
of the convicts, which was so exemplary that
not a man had been flogged or imprisoned
in the black hole. I heard our Captain say
that it was almost as tine as making 0 regu-
lar voyage out. I said nothing whatever 00 -
self a pirate and be hanged to !lin. Tho
men eheere(1again and again, and by an
hour after meridian everything wee running
smoothly. Small enforced the strictest 415.
airline, alld the two 01 throe convicts who
growled about it
\PEER 101.•0011ED DOWN
with promptness and vigor. 1 was assigned
to the cabin to wait on the captain, and our
cook and steward had to do duty as before.
Shall knew something of navigation, and
ho had e01110 smart sailors with him. IIc
had a ivhole ocean to himself, and the chart
sheared him that the nearest Bind to the
north, after passing St. Paul and Amster-
dam, wen the ChaStos Archipelago, in tho
Iudinn Ocean.
For the next twelve clays little happened
of interest. Then one Clay, about 13o013, we
sighted iL Dutch brig on her way out frons
Java. 'l'hesailm51c01' had mauuf0otored(5
very fair piratical flag, and 1.1110 1105 im-
mediately run up mad our course changed
to cut the stranger off. When signalled to
heave to he lost 110 time, being scared half
to death. He had a crow of seven men, and
no resistance was offered. Small sent a boat
load of armed Wren to take possession, and
as it happened to fall calm 90011 after
the Drafts drifted tIgether, they 11010
lashed 10 that position for the next
thirty thous. 'Ilse brig was full of
coffee and spices. Small took what Ile
wanted out of her and then scuttled her,
while hot. crow were sent adrift in their own
yawl. Had the brig been 0011 or a better
sailor a part of our large force wonitl have
eei0010 her en a 1011d01'. Some of 0111 men
hero for killing all the Dutchmen, but Small
dooided 011101wise. Ho 1105 a man averse to
bloodshed when it could bo avoided.
Proof Positive,
Tramjp—I understand shat ao pocketbook
containill ( $20,000 has been found on the
going to sleep. 'street an you have got it here, I lost
A rapid thought formed itself in Grippo's it Police Jnat[oo —You ! What proof have
brain. Why should 110 not mule the wall you got that you lost it ?
and reach the room whore the little master, Y ,
Tramp—This big holo in my pocket.
perhaps, lay sleeping ? He knew blue WAS
vett' curious and not to be oomnlendod, but
he yielded to an impulse we call irreoistblo,
and began climbinfo as fast as ever he could
towards the second row of windows.
Good Wishes under
Jawline—Happy Now Year 1
During the next two weeks we sighted
only two sails and they 90010 far distant. I
think it teas on tho twenty-ninth day after
the =puns of the ship, and we were well
up to tho (lhagoa, when a sail was made out
on our port quarter. This was about 9
o'clock fn Cho morning anti amen sent aloft
declared ]ler to be an Indianian. The
regular track of those vessels was to the
west of Madagascar, up the Mozambique
Channel ; but this one plight be going to
call at some of the Eastern islands. No
sooner was her character made out than all
was rejoicing and excitement on board our
ship. The arms were got out, grog served
to the men, and everybody was 1mpattont
eurrocl. I meant among the convicts. It for the Indianan to coupe on. She came
afterward transpired that there !vas an pacing along ata good gait, the wind being
excitement among the crew forward. The fair, and she was within half a mile of ins
sailor to whom I had delivered the note had when Small hoisted the black flag and sig.
secretly declared to his mates that the nailed her to heave to. This was 110101y
surgeon had predicted an outbreak of fever accomplished when a dozen men cried out in
after leaving tllo Cape. Tho consequence chorus that tllo stranger WAS not All Winn -
was that seeon of then deserted at Cape mat at all, but a corvette and a moment
Town, and'tho same number of new hands later she flow Fr011011 colors and began to
wore shipped. I could never see where Cho drop her gun -port covers.
sailor had any hand in it, but we certainly For the next fivo minutes confusion
lent bythe exchange, We lost seven Eng-
.081 tome on our deoke. Tion Small
g (reigned p
110100(1, while those who filled their planes ha lea down the black flag and hoisted the
wore Portuguese mud half-breed Detohnten, English oolors and dipped thein in oolnpli-
and as dirty 5 sot los you over saw aboard a Imam, but the Frenchman mild see over a
I tl C stood to the south.
Soldier Dogs are Tra hied,
It is now about throe years since the Ger-
mans begun to train dogs for outpost service
in time of war, the first experiments being
made at Lubben, in .Prussia, and Elsass.
The dogs aro all of the sante breed, a breed
not thought of very highly amongst us.
7.hey are Pomeranians of Spit0Os, mostly
white in colour, but occasionally grey, the
grey ones being chosen when posstblo, ow-
ing to their not being so uon0plcuous. Our
Spitz dogs aro always faithful so long 08
they are left at liberty, but once they are
chained but little dependence is to be placed
upon them, and the salve peculiarity die•
tingsiahes the breed in his native country.
Each dog wears a light iron collar and
pouch for letters, but he is never tied up or
led by a string. Hie education is very care-
fully attended to. 110 is taught tosmcll out
0 F renchanan o' a Russian enywhere, and to
know tlhedilrermwebetween foreign uniforms
and that of his 0)1'11 10110. Lay certain .
551111ds and gestures he is taught to give
his master notice of his discoveries,
and he has to run from post t0 post svithlet-
tci's in his pouch, besides looking up the
wounded and struggling of the regiment to
which be belongs. Es'ay company has two
or throe dogs, so that "the regimental clogs"
number a couple of score at tho least. And
these dogs always go out with the advance
guard. A strange sight it is to see a Ger-
man regiment on the march with the clogs
behind the bawl, each looking as important
es if he oarried the proverbial field marshal's
baton in his pouch. Tho clogs are always
stationed with the outer ring of sentries.
As soon as a stranger is noticed, off goes
the dog to investigate. A good long mai
gives bion the characteristic odour, end back
he comes to report. Should anything sus-
picious be noted, away goes the dog skirting
the hedges and woods 10 search of an am-
bush. When the information is complete
the report is written on a slip and placed in
the pouch, and the dog harries off to the
rear office in e01nnland. The dog -drill like-
wise 11101nden the proper behaviour after a
battle—the dogs being taught on the St.
Bernard principle to discover and s000011 •
the wounded and watch by the dead.
ship. hundred men running about on our docks,
In leaving the apelvos of . and he know that something was wrong.
oast for a hundred miles, and then laid the He came racing np, and passed ns olose
oourso straight for Point Davey, on the enough to hail and ask what was the trouble.
southernmost 021(1 of Tasmania Land, this Snug answered him that we wore an 0mi-
coursoboing only two points from due east. grant ship, and that the blaolt flag was a
In this run, clear acmes t1 Indian nd1 0
ian 0aan oke,
we should pass a hundred miles to the south (Tho aorvott0 ran ahead, lotted up, and
of the island of Sb. Paul. That and Ams- fired a un for us to heave to. Small ordered
tordam island are the only two within BOO all sad be set, but til mon were hardly
mules of the course. ' aloft before the corvette sett a solid shot
I was 081 guard below for four hours every over us and brought Small to his senses.
other day. 011 each occasion Small asked As 80011 as our headway was checked au
me for the run of the ship. I could nearly armed boat's crew came aboard, and the
always give it to Mtn, as I „heard it from fact that we were a ,Emv1Ct ship was at once
The Zanzibar Anti -Slavery Decree.
The text of the decree promulgated by the
Sultan of Zanziber prohibiting Mosaic, pur-
chase, or exchange of slaves has been pub-
lished in a parliamentary paper. In a letter
forwarding the document, Colonel Enan
Smith, her Majesty's Consul at Zanzibar,
says:—" The decree was published late on
the afternoon of the 1st instant, and on the
morning of the 2nd instant the Sultan sunt
his officials and cleared out and closed for
ever the six houses in which, es I. under-
stand, the traffic in domestic slaves has been
hitherto quietly carried of by recognised
native brokers. The brokers themsolves
were warned against a re•exorcise of their
former occupation, under the pain of severe
punishment. The Sultan's decree has, of
coarse, caused an immense amount of die -
maiden among the inhabitants of Zanzibar.
Little bylittle, the felling is making itself
apparenamong the Aruba that Its provisions
assure to them more than they had them -
solves really expected or hoped for. They
aro, however, beginning to understand that
the entire abolition of slavery and the omen•
oipation of all slaves must eventually
be the inevitable outcome of the de-
cree should its provisions be strictly
carried outs but they hope that such a
result will nob bo arrived at for many
some of the officers. We had bean outa apparent. Half cur number were transfered fate to do thebost thin the at may belpoei11le�for
week when he asked mo about the inland of to the corvette, and twenty five Frenchmen thou under the circumstances. The fear
St, Paul. I had an old than on whi011 it put aboard of the Queen, and thus conveyed of a compulsory general emancipation has
was put flown as uninhabited. He meed Cho latter returned to Cape Town. The pa580(1 away for the time being, and their
how close we would run to it,. and that I cook, steward, and myself wore exonerated foolingof present relief la so great as to
find out, if possible, when we wore at the from all blatnc whenput on trial, but Sinal! nhinl 50 their anxiety for the future. The
nearest point. Had I been older I should aid five others 7voco banged, and every
not have been deceived. I was only a lad— other man whose sentence had boon les
and a green ono at that—and, es I told you 111011 life had it extended.
before, I felt a deep sympathy for the con-
*CZ.. ,Ittenwor
heard L•lte (;a tato say to too ailrgeall that
'Nail Superstitions,
condition of the entire mass of slaves now
possessed by the Arabs within the dominions
of Lho Sultan of Zanzibar' has boon so im•
monsely ameliorated by tho provisions of
the dooree that I can now scene reason what.
ever why they should any lolgee forst ob.
j(i( joists either of oompa50ion or ofitlteeferonee
wind I ll should be pposiLc St
Cho win lee 110 s Hou c a, 'Cho followin rh mos aro still a oke( un
P001 by noon next day, 10')10 Wim (lid holt! g Y P on 1110 Barb of the many well intentioned
and at 10 o'cloalt next forenoon 1: went on many parte of too country reapeoting suet humanitarian societies who havobitherto in-
clot. below, and at orae gave Small the thus the nails, some clays being =under t 00 11118 themselves o1 on 1110[( behalf. Add
This was ver easy, and uicker then a 01cl Goggins—(verydeaf)—Ha ? nuws, 1t teas just al leen( later when more lucky than others for this opera -
to 011{s that the slaves may note look for-
y y g y tient— Ward to the future emancipation of their
wink Grippo had crossed the wlndow•sill and Jawkins (ahoutmg)—Happy NOW Year I A FIs115 nhour ons I " Out them o1 Monday, you curt them for children.
stood looking into the root( beyond, gg Old Goggfne—Avenue !lore? Why no, t ' 1. them 11
so he hastily ran along the stone lodge which 11 alb the wholes p wealth r
The Best WO/ Oat, l t 1
next of his loft This, too was unsatisfno• Y sequence, 111(081 buoy <h(1 succeed m con Cu for nows ,
But here he did not find w pat the sou hit it'0 half a > ock wast. ammlg 0(1010081, and Lhoro was a row o c 1s C1ut them on Tuesday, you cut thorn fo
Tho orders of tho
connected the windows, until ho reached the officers wore sob at c e lance, ane, ae a ooin
tory,, for he found the windows closed, and "How clo you manage with your wifo when mantling obodione°, it was deemed bust to
so with the mixt and the next, Grippo w1u0 you go Immolate nights ?" do some flogging to overawe the convicts, Cu
findinghis exploration monotonous, ha per- " Easily enough. 1 dont go home, Four mel who wore supposed to beth igload•
severed. ore wore singled out, the entire lot were Cn
Presently he ewe to ono will& at ood
Dii 01'ent DBo'ree>1 of Tem lei'ataTe, mustered eh duel(, (51111 pro(l:y some, Na 1
nen ; he dirt not hesitate to matzo a n 1 1015011, sheduptotlhe�' ratings fforpunishment, Cu
rapid survey of what lay within. A shaded 13 ley Inco, plen9ant day, Bailey." 7.bo first blow 91rnet Nyasa, signal, x11(1 every ,
night -lamp burned on a table near the head 13tiioy---"Nos, here, but I toll you it's convict, uttered a shout and sprint, fora Gtt
0 them on Wednesday, you ant then!
t them on 'Thursday, a now pair of
t then on Friday, you ant them for
sorrow ;
tthen on Saturday, see your truelove
L thou on Sunday, the s:vil Ono will ho
be with you all the week,"
" I; 81((81 ••v 1e L(1 ohrrise to 0110
of the bed of which Garp•, c r4t1.1 ,, '011:10)1 scold clown 00 my house, weapon, I( NA a, p i
The 'Features of'It.
There was snob yearning in her eye
I thought 010'(1 no'or my love cony.
Such fondness dui her arts clia01080
I vowed she'd neer turn up her nose.
13111 When 51100(55 arts did 117
For ln0 she'(i no rosponeivo " eye, '
And when again I did propose
Sho snubbod me with the warn; of noes.