HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-9, Page 6BOOKS
At rt15 '�Coa 'rices
"Anne of Geier6tein," by Sir Walter
Scott, 70e., now 40e.
"The Country in Danger," au episode
of the French Revolution, 70m, now 40o.
"Aide to Prophetic Enquiry," by
Newton, 35e,, now 25o.
"Missionary Problem," $1, uow 75o.
"Keble's Obrietlan Year," 70o„ now
"Snored }Teams," $1.00, now 75e.
"The Blockade, or Siege of Phafs.
bourg, 500., now 30c,
"Wonders and Beauties of the Year,"
80e„ now 50e.
"The Postmen's Bag," 000,, now 50o.
Wordsworth'e Poetical Works, 70a.,
now 40e.
hie Thousand Genie," by Talmage,
500„ now 40a.,
"The King's /Ieesenger," 75e. now 40o.
•'Charms and Counter.oharms," 60c.,
'tote 300.
"The Peoples' Common Sense Medical
Adviser," $1.50, non; 75c.
It ie our wish to reduce our stook of
bogks, and we purpoile from time to time
giving a list of such.
Druggist, Bookseller, tae.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as foilews :
Goma SooTa. GOING NORra,
!Mean. Mixed 0:20 marl.Exnrese..... 8140 u.u1. I M1l nil 8.06 p.m..
Mixed 8,56 p.m, Express ...... 0:46 p.m.
Pal ch ellts.
A chief's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
ATTEND the Fa}'merst Institute. •
S. Runes has gone to Owen Sound.
2 can's potatoes wanted 60McCraelren's.
8. Lemon, of Toronto, Sundayed ih
Miee Hisw.Aitn,: df Hirriston, is visiting
at S. Fear's.
MARTIN FARROW, of Blneve.le, , is visit.
his son this week.
1tlss, DONNELLr,Of Port Huron, is visit.
ing her parents.
ALhts. Ssortst was borne from Toronto
for New Year's day.
Gena and silver watches, beet in the
market,at Jas. Jones'.
D. Mc1i;ENzzs, wife and son spent the
holiday's at Teeswater.
H. CAVANAGH, of C&liforoia, is visiting
his blother,•D0. Cavanagh.
Mns, W. B. Droxsos and daughter are
visiting old friends at Toronto.
S&RareL bargains in jewellery during
the holiday season at Jas. Jones'.
Bins. A. CURIE, sr. has been quite i11
with La Grippe but is improving nicely
Tau: grain and pork buyers have moved
back to the American Hotel owing tothe
lire at the Queen's.
from an extended visit to relatives at
Burk's Falls on Monday of this week.
UNrosr prayer cervices were held be-
tween Melville and Knox churches on
Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
SERVANT girl wanted at once, A per-
manent place and highest wages to a
good, experienced girl. Mts. J. D. RON-
Pba(ac school re -opened in Brussels on
Wednesday, the staff of teachers consist-
ing of Principal Shaw, Mi BS Taylor and
the Misses Abraham.
elms MZONrE O'Cosxoi aesieted in the
musical and literary departments of the
program at the Presbyterian tea meeting
at Gorda laet Friday evening.
Tan School Board is asking for tenders
for 50 cords of green stove wood as the
tender accepted a few weeks ago has
fallen through owing to inability to get
timber expected.
J. kikfrd L ta`S..Lia MUST JAN. 9, 1891.
We have deeided to Remain in Brussels for, at least, another your. Through the earnest solioitatians of our
numerous customers, coupled with the unfortunate losses of some of the merchants here, we have changed our ideas
of leaving Brussels at present. Our terms and prices will be, as they have always been, Below all Competition on
any lines we' carry. Our credit customors will be accommodated as heretofore, all accounts falling due on October
1st of each year. No dead beats need apply for credit, Ale our Prices aro too Low to our good reliable customers to
allow dead beats goods for nothing,
If you, are one of those people who think merchants who pay their debts at fifty cents on the dollar can sell as
cheap as we can you need not come near us, as we cannot afford to pay clerks to educate know-nothings. We do
business on business principles only, and if people require anything more they will have to go elsewhere for ft.
We buy produce, and will allow only the cash Valu° for it, as Our tow prices will not allow any loss on produce
we handle. Customers dealing with us can rely on getting three-quarters of their goods at the same Price that
other merchants pay for thein, and, at tho same time, we will protect their interest on any line of goods that they
buy from els on our judgment in making their purchases from 08, as to quality, value, etc., ate.
Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous Year,
we remain,
W. NIGHTINGALE & Co., , Brussels.
JUST received 50 fanny cups and
saucers to give away with tea at George
WHERE'S the curling club this winter 7
lOEeoie Fite ,,an is visiting at Luck -
'2'.. MoOnsn•ie home on a visit. Mre.
MoCrae bas been ill.
Mae CnARk CREIGHTON spent New
Year's day tin Luoknow.
MRs. Ronrseos, of Alpena, Mich., ie
visiting friends in town.
JNo.2200,ACXso and wife, of Blnevale,
are visiting friends in town,
H. DENNIS and Mies Edna were at To-
ronto several days last week. '
Tne School Board did not meet last
Friday as there was not a quorum.
BES001PUL -silverware presents to be
hads`by calling, on Jae. Jones, jeweller.' ,
Mmess MAooxz and. Sarah McCrae are
off on a holiday visit to friends in the
.0. D. STEWART has gone to Owen Sound
where he Will take a course at the Bed.
nese College.
Miss MART SAMPLE' arrived home. this
week from her millinery situation at
Comber on Monday night,
F. Denman and family have removed
to the 50 acrefarm recently purchased
by him intGrey township.
GEORGE, eldest son of Jno. It. Smith
is a little "under the weather" but we
hope he will soon be all right.
Mitt J. H. BRowiras, daughter of
Postmaster Farrow, and daughter, of
Chicago, are home on a visit.
Hama HEWITT has taken a situation
with a jeweller in Chatham. He is a
smart, steady going young man and will
no doubt succeed well.
Tun mink boa advertised in last week's
Pose was brought to this office last Mon-
day. It wee found by Alex. Bryan near
Jamestown. Advertising pays.
J. GoLLEx, O• S„formerly partner with
3.11. Warwick, V. S., hes purchased the
practice of Veterinary Ridd, of Wing•
ham, and taken poeeeesion of the same.
TUE•DAt Wm. Blashill disposed of hie
house and lot on William street to Jas.
Menzies, of Grey township. The prioe
wee 5690. Possession will be given on
March 1st.
As will be observed from an advertise.
mont in this'iseue W. Nightingale has
decided to remain in Brussels for another
year, at least, and will pu.h bbeinese as
usual at the old stand, Garfield House.
A enemas asking for an additional
mail eaoh day. east and west, on the G.
T. R. ie being largely signed by our resi-
dents. It will be forwarded to the Post.
master General through the hands of
Dr. Macdonald, M. P.
Ie you want to see the largest and best
esortment of Dress Goods in Brussels
o to Mrs, E. Rogers', the Palace Store
R::heir styles aro the )lowest and the
rices very low. Nice fashionable goods
slow as10 cents per yard.
Tsar revival services in the Methodist
Introit have been moving along nicely
Chis week, and have been largely attended,
ev. J. A. McLachlin, M. A., of Wrox•
ler preached on Monday, Tuesday and
tVednesilay evenings and rendered good
RoBY. BLACK, wife and children, of
orris, were in town ou Thursday. Mr.
lack called 00 THE POST to express his
thanks for the recovery of Mrs. Black's
link boa and to acknowledge the honee-
y of the finder. Bob. believes thoronglh-
y in advertising.
LOTT'S LtrORV,-Thu attention of the
ublio ie called tothe tact that Levi Lott
arms a first-class outfit of good drivers
nd new, comfortable buggies. Every
ttention will he given to those fever*
with their patronage. Stehle just
est of Dr. (iraharu's block, King et'eet
ive him a call as his rates will be found
ithiu the retail of all.
Dk,n.ixrNo.-The undersigned is pre- int
pared to attend to the wants of theI
ladies in dressmaking. Residence near C
the school house, SJsabania street, Brus-
eels. Hes. TvsNarLL. R
R. L,ATHERDA,u )Hakes a specialty t.5 c
upholstering and guarantee., his work to
wear. No shoddy, .Having served an s
apprenticeship In this line he thorough-
ly understands his work.G
CURLING, -A meeting of tete Brussels 13
outline, club will be held at the Central
Hotel ou Friday evening of this week, at 21
7:00 o'clock. A full atteudanee re. t
quested, IL DENNIs, President. 1
JUST arrived at Mrs. E. Rogers' a
choice assortment of new 800050ies suit- P
able for Xmas. Granulated sugar 13 lbs, k
for 51.00 and everything else equally a
low. li'y our lovely 35o tea, cant be a
beat auy where. h
Wine BRIeAon.-A meeting of the e
Brussels I7,e Brigade will be held in the G
Council Chamber oi. Wednesday evening w
of next week,eommencing at 7:30 o'clock.
A let'. e atlend,inet requested as it is the f
election of officers, &a,
A. CURRIE, Capt.
A Georgetown oorrespe ndent writes t
The J. I), Ronald engine came to hand r
on Tuesday afternoon and when weighed r
tipped the scales at4000 lbs, It is a' a
beuty and has a ane record. Our oiti.
?ens are now looking forward to a test, el
(IBOWE XMAS Goons, --Coln and silver R
,watclin, clocks, jewellery, silver plated t'i
were. A full lice at very lots prises. L
Gold. wedding, gem and keeper rings,
watcl. chain~, . 0httries, gold lockets, rr
br000lles, ear -rings and everything in the N
jewellery 1ino.suitable for Xmas preeent6. m
1'. rri.' ons%, Jeweler. ti
Mits. J. Bent arrived home last week
rem a visit to her home at Monkton.
et• father has resigned his position as
hessemaker there to take a more lucre.
ve one at Tilsonburg. The family will
emov5 there i1) a short time. Mr. Nar-
is jr., who has spent tome time in Brits
els, will also go.
Iaymen—Il. Wllliame & Son have
lair new livery running in t'ip-lopstyle.
enable. speedy horses, new comfortable
go and attendant comf"rts guaranteed,
militia can be suited with quiet horses.
Live and let live” in our motto, ,Bo-
!ember the ]dace, Mill street, Brussels.
pedal arrangements made with ootn-
orohd men. 1t you want a rig any
me call on us. 1H.. WILLrnaie & Soa.
A 4700 corra"n 00 its equivalent in cash
will be given to the ),,'rson detecting the si
gree feet number of errore, (words wrong- p
iy spelled or misplaced] in the December a
issue of "Oar Bomoa." In addition will u
be given 0,10 cash priest of 0200 each,
fete' of 5100, eight of $n0, "ten of $25, b
twenty -ave of $10, fifty of leo, one bun. 5
Bred of 02, and one hundred and fifty of b
$1., distributed in the order mentioned in w
tutee and regulations, which will be sent A
with it dopy of December late en receipt
Of 15 cerate in tta'tkpe. Special oath•
prizes givef.awdy albtost every flay dor- b
ins cempotition which closes February 5
1st, 1691, Address OUR Boxes Publish. t
•ittg Co.,. Brookvillfi, Canada,
'inn 1, 9, 3, 4, 5. -The Canadian Fite.
do Weekly is out with another grand
rise competition to increase Je ciraul-
tion, in which 300 valuable prizes are
tiered, This is no pilule or trick, and
repuree ne searching in diotioenries or
ooks of any kind. .It is Ingenious but
impio, and has never before been offered
y any paper. A elhild of eight may
in as easily as a college ptofeeeor.
mom; the prizes are bicycles, tricycles,
100 detail, =furniture, silverware, watches,
ewellery,snthtmer' tours --prizes for meth
eye and girts1 SOO in all, Scud ai wee
dents for sample Dopy with full par.
iouliirs and lite of prizdn to 0 Adelaide
80, W,., Toronto, Ont.
,SILVERtt'Alin, watches, •looks and jew-
ellery at Jae. Jones'. Big bargains.
SEVERAL Brueselitee attended the Tem
penance meeting at Walton on Wednes-
&WELD PLETCHER will, attend the
Listowel , High School this 'term. Be
will oome home every Friday night.
Etter Honer Agricultural Society will
holdits annual meeting on Wednesday
afternoon of next week, 14th inst., in the
Bruesele Town Hall.
Tag annual meeting of the : Brussels
Conservative Association will be held in
R."L. Taylor's office on Friday evening
of this .week, at 8 o'clock.
THE Salvation Army is arranging for a
banquet here on the 21st and 22nd insts.
Staff Captain Sweetman, Ensign McGee
and � neighboring officers are expected.
],AVID FRAIN, harness maker and ear.
ria{ a trimmer, ie 'engaged tit 'Owen
Sound for the present. Mre. Frain and
the 'children are in animate, however.
REV. FRANK SWANN,,of Auburn, will
preach in the Methodist church here
next Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Sellery will be
at Blyth preaching missionaries sermons
on that day,
Alms Draws, who was so ill at her
sister's (Mrs. W. Kneehtel) in this place,
died at her home in McKillop last Sun -
tiny and was buried at Brussels cemetery
on Tuesday afternoon.
COUNTY Sunday school Convention will
be heldin Brussels on Wednesday and
Thursday, 21st, 22nd. The first session
will commence' on Wed'y afternoon in
Melville church, Look out for the pro-
gram and melte up your mind to attend.
A anion choir, composed of vocalists
from the vari54s churches, will supply
appropriate musio at the eveningseeeione.
Birt has all the necessary nhaohinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a "way that will insure satisfsetion.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 43-05
HOOD'S Calender for 1891 is out and it
is certainly a beautiful produotion of the
lithographers' and printers' arta. The
subjeot represents three children playing
instruments, and the positions express-
ions, coloring and general finish make a
meet charming pf08000. But to be ap-
pre1iated • it meet be seen. Ask your
druggist for Hood's Sarsaparilla Calender,
or send 6 cents in stamps for one copy,or
ten cents fortwo, to C. I. Hood & CO.,
Lowell, Mase.
NEW MARBLE WoRRe.-The firm of
Johnston CS Cochrane, stone cutters, Seo.
has opened'out are prepared to illi all
orders for monuments, 4ombstonee,
markers, fences, 40,, in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfao-
tion guaranteed in eyety ease. Don't
place your order without calling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
Tins regular meeting of the Y. P. C. A.
of Melville church was held in the base-
ment on Monday evening, Dec. 29th.
The chair was occupied by the Hon.
President, Rev. Ino. Ross. Miss Bella
Livingstone, Jno. Duncan and Jno.
Grieve were elected members of the As.
sooiation. The President of the Aa5o.
elation, J. B. MOLa.uthlin, introduced
the subject for the evening viz. : "Bible
oharaotors,".after which it was discussed
by the members of the Association,
L, 0. L. -The following officers were
elected in connection with Brussels L. 0.
L , No. 774, for the current term :—
James Bowman, W. M. ;
David G. Smith, D. M ;
13, Gerry, Chaplain ;
S. Plum, Reo.,Seo, ;
Geo. Cardiff, Fin. -Soo. ;
W. R. Mooney, Treas. ;
M. M. Cardiff, 1),r. Cer. ;
Matthew Wileon, Lecturer ;
John Mooney, lit Committee ;
F. Mooutuheon, 2nd "
W. M. Thuell, 3rd "
S. Waite, 4th
John Wynn, 5th
Sinuous Fine.—Litat Sunday evening,
about 0:15 o'clock, fire was disoovsred in
the stables belonging to the Queen's
Hotel. Notwithstanding that the alarm
wet sounded and the lire engine soon
taken to the river the flames spread so
rapidly that the building wan almost
ooneumod beft•re water was thrown. To
matte matters item the doe colnmenoed
in the part of the building where Capt.
Stratton's horses and cows were tied
tad despite cdorls to rescue them 5
horses and 4 cows fell a prey to the
flames. Otte horse was got Out hilt Wes
sa seriously burned that it was found
neeetsltly, to kill it owing to the way it
was burned, lead the fire been ''confined
to the barn and sheds, as it was hoped,
it would not have been se bad but such
was not the ease, The frame additions
to the rear of the Queen's caught tend the
Ste noon Winked its: way t}hdtr the roof
*hero it was impostible'airthoat to get at
it either inside or out. ,When it slowed
itself in He the ttvo lines of hose Were
brought 10 play on it after sortie delay
and the devcurieg element got under
control. Not, however, until the roof
and a large portion of the upper fiat of
the north wing of the large building was
badly wreaked. The furniture and fit.
tinge had been removed and some of it
very badly damaged. It was feared at
one time that the whole struoture would
be destroyed but the night was calm and
the deluge of water on the floors favored
the extinguishing. How the fire origin.
aced is not known but the general im-
preeaien is that it was purely accidental,
perhaps from a matoh, diger stub or the
like, but it is only sbppoaition, as far as
we know, On Tuesday Dr. Hea, Inapec-
tor of the Western Asserance Company,
paid his official visit and on Wednesday
a settlement wee arrived at. The Hotel
wag ineured for $7,000 and on this
amount 5802 was allowed to put building
in repair ;. 5475 was paid for barn and
55.10, for damage to adjoining house.
There was no insurance on the furniture
or contents of barn. so that (Japt. 'Stret-
ton's loss is a serious one. The repairs
will be attended to at once ,and the barn
rebuilt us soon as possible. The Fire
Brigade came in for considerable ad.
verse criticism as to hose, and manage-
ment of the same in playing on the fire.
As the fire bell rang as people were get-
ting ready for oburoh the services were
thinly attended. Some were withdrawn
COUNCIL MEETING. -The regular meet-
ing of the Village Council was held }net
Monday evening, Reeve Graham inthe
chair. Oounoillars Ainley, MsIntoeh and
Stewart present, Minutes of last meet.
ing read and passed. The following ac-
counts were presented :-Mrs. Blashill,
charity, 55; Mrs. Wallace, charity, $8;
Mrs. Williams, oharity, $8 ; J. D. Ron-
ald, Fire department, 5102.90 ; F. S.
Scott, election expenees, $20.50 ; Fire
Company, 570, Moved by J. M. Mo.
lntosb, seconded by]W. F. Stewart that
the foregoing acoounta be paid. -Carried.
Oouncilthen adjourned,
A. O. U. W. -The following officers
were duly installed last Friday evening
in oonneotion with the Brussels Lodge,
No. 138, A. 0. U. W., by Past Master J.
R. Suriity
M. W., A. McKelvey, M. D. ;
Foreman, A. Koenig ;
Overseer, R. Armstrong ;
Recorder, W. H. Kerr ;
Financier, Jno. Shaw ;
Receiver, Marsden, Smith ;
Guide, A. Hunter ;
I. Watchman, Geo. Burt ;
O. Watchman, Angus Lamont ;
Auditors,. A. Hunter and A. Kosuig ;
Representative t0 Grant] Lodge, Past
Master Jtmuig
A Nova, Or'rsu.-We note that the
publishers of 'The Dominion Illustrated'
have originated a pian by which over 53,-
000 worth of prizes are to be distributed
among the subscribers to that paper,.
subjeot to their correctly answering sim-
ple questions on the current contents of
eacih number. We learn Viet the first
prize will be 5750 in gold, the second a
Heiutzman piano worth 0000 and that
the rest of the many prizes in the tom•
petition will be of nu unusually costly
and valuable nature. They aro also
offering a second series of prizes for the
hest specimen of type -writing, open to
type -writers all over the world, We
have very much pleasure in noting such
liberal offers from our leading illustrat.
ed journal, and hope that all our readers
will take advantage of them. We under-
stand that on receipt of 12 cents in
steams the publishers of "The Dominion
Illnetrhtted" (Sabiston Lithe & Pub, Oo„
Montreal) will send a sample copy of that
journal with full particulars of the plan.
FAnatans IxeTrruTS.-The annnnl meet•
ing of the East Huron Fanners' Institute
will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels,
on Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 121.11 and
18th, when the following gentlemen will
be proeent and speak on the subjoins
named :-F, C. Greeosidee, V. S„ of Our
tario Agrloultural College, let, "Our
]horse and horse markets," 2nd. "Ilere-
dilary Unsoundness in horses ; T. Ray-
nor, 13. S. A., 1st. "L15oot• life on the
farm," 2nd. "Feeding of live stock ;" T.
11. Baas, of Mitchell, let, "Frauds and
humbugs in horticulture to be avoided
by farmers," 2nd. "Varieties of apples
to cultivate ;" Robt. Armstrong, of
Morris, "Who pays the duty 2" ; D,
Robertson, of Gray, "The plessnres of
farming ;". C. Mollie, of Morrie, "Oul-
tivetion of the turnip ;" A. frislop, of
Grey, address, On iiboudny evening it
pttb]fo meeting will be helcl, 5omnspewg
at 7:30 e'elouk. Addresses will be given
by Mr. Greeusl(les on "lvdncation of the
horse ;" DIr. Raynor of "tduoation of
farmer's sons ;" Mt'. Reese on "2110 far-
mer'efrnit garden," Vocal and metre.
mental musle will alae be given by wee).
known talent. The first session of the
Institlhte will commence at 1:00 o'olook
on Mobility. Eleotion do/doers for cur•
rent year tho tame afternoon,
Onotioii:—In Brueeels, On Ow 6th inst.,
the wife of Mr, Andrew Orozior of a
LAIRD, -40 Bruesele, on 119.e. 20th, 1550,
the wife ot'ittr. Samuel Laird of
eon, '
HOLJi8b-BOWI.I:TT.--At the mange, Wal-
ton, Deo, 24th, by Rev. D. Forrest,
Mr. Robt. Holmes to Miss Bertha
Howlett, both of MoKillop:
Moot-JoaNsroe.-At the residence of
the bride's father, Dea. 24th,. by Rev.
D. Forrest, of Walton, Mr.. James
C. Moon, of Huffish, to Jane, fourth
daughter of Mr. T. Johnston, of Grey.
SHEARER-NswesreoiiG.-At the resid-
ence of the bride's father, 16th con.,
Elms, en Christmas Day, by Rev. A.
Henderson, M. A., Mr. James Shear-
er, of Toronto, to Mies Jennie, daugh-
ter of James Newbrigging.
CLELAN0-NEWBRIGGINa,-At the resid-
ence of the bride's father, 16th con.,
Erma, on Christmas Day, by the
Rev. A. Heederson, M. fA, Robert
Cleland, jr., to Miss Christina,
daughter of James Newbrigging.
nesday, Dec. 31st, at the residence of
the bride's father, by Rev. A. Hen.
derson, 8111. A., Mr. John Vallance,
je., to Miss Ella' M., youngest daugh-
ter of Jamas Duncan, all of Elma. '
LoNDEsnono0GN-Dicx.-At the residence
of the bride's father, Deo. Slet, by
Rev. D. Forrest, of Walton, Mr.
Wni. C. Londesborough, of Tucker -
smith, to Mary L., eldest daughter
of Mr. lames Dick, of Morris town-
Cones. -In Wingham, on Deo. 2810, Ger-
tie Maud, daughter of Walter Coats,
aged 6 months.
WI,eoN.-In Morris, on Thursday, Jan.
1st, Mary, wife of Wm. Wilson, aged
68 years and 21 days.
Surra. -In Grey, on the 7118 inst.. Hugh
Rowe, youngest son of Thomas and
Elizabeth Smith, aged 22 years and
2 days.
DlchtsoN.-In Clinton, on Dec. 8100, 1890,
Elsie May, youngest child of the late
Chris. Dickson, aged 1 year, 7
months and 17 days.
Santa. -At edisisequoi Cottage, London,
on Deo. 27th, Charles Russell Smith,
brother of Mrs. R. L. Taylor, of this
place, aged 30 years.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Barley ,,,,,
Peas. ,
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton ,.
Pork .. .. •..
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Wool, per lb.
87 • 00
87 47 90
39 41
50 60
Di 14
16 00
4 50 5 00
40 00
5 00 6 00
5 75 5 83
4 00
1 25 10
60 76
40 50
18 20
BELS and Got'rle, a Wise' long ninth
boa, Tito finder will be liberally rsWat'ded
by lnyviug the same at the o1Hoe 01 Tun
Pas'P, Brussels.
twee• Walton and Brussels last week.
The owner may have same by proving pro-
perty and pp0yhug Par this notice by calling at
Tan PoeT Publishing House.
56 oar Tquantity wilexxf ahrllt goyfor farrow (was
or young steak. 9200s. PEPPER
Lot 5,000, 0, PEPPER,
P. 0
t etas,–Tho Cheese Fndto•yDirectors
\veli Meet at the l'owte Hall, lirhssala, 011
o'obloltd V.ri 1, ti tett Oat; ter awing 'el ullllkt fo
the iueoining season,
Gb)0. 11a19WAB, 'President,
..ca. The annual meeting of the Liberal
Conservative Aseooiatlon of Brussels will be
held at the Secretary's Omen on Pridlty
Evening, the 0th Inst., at 8 o'clock sharp
Lmpertant hue -Incas, 1t. TAT LOU,
04110.BAl41Cl6tt, President. Secretary.
NN CAD ME]a1'IN(x,---___
.C.1 The annual mooting of the Utast 70010n
Agricultural Society will be hold in the
Town iTe11, Brussels, on Wednesday, Jau.
nary 0150, 1501, at the Hour of Ono o'clock
p. m„ for the purpose of receiving the lrl-
nat ate] mart for 1800 ; electing Moors and
directors for (ha year 1801, hind" trknsuoti"g
such other husineee mammy mune before tee
mooting. AL10X, GAItDkleent, President.
2t/ Lost au "h '
). 0 1 to ata ,Tely.
July on
the about Wroxotor, a nook s of bills,000
amauutug to Sit and a promisso00 tete
drawn by John Sanderson In Mk,
0f Jane
Wetter for 8000, dated ,luno 0th, Min and
haying it payment of 81110 endorsed on the
baoktherentt,ddtdd Apr0nth, .1583. A re-
ward of 31'23.00 Tent be paid rent the roomier,
of Me %boyo, or fqr such lef0rmatton ae will
lead thereto. All parties are warned against
n 515016ting the shove mentioned note, tee
seine luvlug boon Wet. lveo ¢fern duly 1.Stltrl(1e. J81411 WALI(E1t.
••r� T•—AN--yD^^- --�1
Pepper's Drug Store,
Graham's Block. - Brussels.
'.L'xexxa,act ay Q'e=eixal. +M. amIcin(,
OnondieOnand Ualled States Drafts bought
cud sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits, .
Collsctfone made on favorable tering.
Can'arlian Agents -Menominee BANK 0E
New Yorlr AgenLO-farron0eas AND TRAD
• Solicitor and Conveyancer, Clones-
tions meds. 011100—Vitustono's BIn01t, BARS.
Osla. 24 -Bur +.
• Solicitor, 0ouveynuoer, NotaryPub.
lift, dee. 011ice-Firallaot'e Bleek,1 pt.,rettle
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
(Late with G arrow & Proud foot, Gode-
riah,) Barr,alere, Solicitors, OonveYssears
&a, Of(isee-Brussels end Sesforl.11, Bras.
sale 011lce,Itogers' Block, Main' St, Mouby
to Loan,
R. 5.HOTe. W. B. DInneen,
A M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, &o.,.o( the Row
01' Taylor, McCullough & Burns. Barrister•
8oliolturs, &e., Slauning Arcade, Toronto.
Slone) to loan,
at hi • assurer ofKfarringe Licences, UWoe
Grocery, Turuberi•Y street, Bruesele.
h Ilneasetereoliof A. 0, Siy dGa''dNe eshnr
Ladies' aid a Wldrees hair cutting a specialty
Issuer of
stoner, &o, Q. B., Conveyancer and ,1 oath
Fire insurasce.(15. Ulllce at the Uranotoolr
Yost °Glue.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Oo. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan cud Insure uoe Agent. Feuds
Inve0ted and to lone. OelleetlOne made,
ULloe la Graham's Block, Brussels,
Gate of the Lon05 ,T,h0, - t 10 give lessons attte( and Oroob500k, Pupil of Professor
Fisher and N1•. Harrison en the piano, and
of Air. S. lir Clot in vocal music. Class at
l:ruublooa every Tunid ay, For Lerma, des.,
OPPly at the AleLbodist Pareonuge,F.tuel.
7'eaoher of Piano. Parlor and Pipe
Oren)), Organist in St. John's Ouurob, Brus-
sels, solicits a shore of the patronage or the
music-luvlug people,' Prossols and viotn-
fty. Iustrnations elven at Gunnel, latae,
'1•erues refereeing,&a. may be ascertained
by callhlg al the residence of Mrs. Vendor@
sr.,'oruberry stroet, Brneoete, 7 -ti
lo Vocal Slush:, Piot, Warriing Warrington, of of�nToronds to
Is pleased to gird his ieStl,00rtal as to Miss
O'Colnlor's ability, she having been a pupil
of hes duiLlg her stay h1 Guelph. lua0ru•
1e1WS elan) Jt1010wnl0t, lel pl,uato,h , lson `E Pilotless
N t., hrua.lol5, Mos O'Uvuuor is open for
Commit ltugagomeuls. 06 -
- a�svrxsr i
mi0illete eHall, 01' L. the Pidel ss OxidetaeGas
''teen. 74 Gerrard Street Gast. To it mire.
t�0, ,..lX+1T5
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D• D. S.,
Orientate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. 01'v10E--Opposite American Hotel,
13ru5sos, -
•A--••• • kuottaneer, is always ro
to nd sales of farms, farm stook, &e.. 1 ero nes
cheerfully glues, Oraubrook P.0. bales
may be arranged at Th a Po0T Publieltwg
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer, Sales eenrluot-
ed on reasonable terms. Farms aid farm
Biec1' obi shingl'lo uno, Bhn;seolh or seutto Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention,
to (Indent 50 as
a farmrstooklat res110nitbiu
Priaea. Knowing the standing of nearly
ovary pal•so5I and in a position to hell to
good merits andget good 1,0011r114when sold
°Imo It. Slttisraetloe Roman teed, Give
010 a call. 80. 11' H, 8007T.
W71/1. E. CA.LE, M.D., C. 41.,'J
}fen bcr
i 0t the 01) 1111 oft melte
OleH111%0005d si Onterre in street last
011101 and itesldoaoe.-74falU street East,
c . 0. ae,„ r1.1'., 0.1'„ llilhlburgh, 115. U. P
S. Oat, At Popper's Dreg .Store from 0 to
11,00 a. t0, and from 1:80 to 4 0, n1, At Other
h0utsnifty he found at his residence, form-
erly o0olipied by 13r. B utuhi neon, brill' et,
►T.Honor Graduate of the Ontario
VetmseCollege, prepared to treat all
natans of stcatod alte to 7, coat•
11210x, Pher attention paid
to00( roar,( da050y, 0@11r nrnmot
ou1eh 1o, h,e and Infirmary -Two door%
vo;•th dt bridge, Turnbery eBruasd,