HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-9, Page 44 rHE BRUSSELS POS1 :IAN. 9, 1891. New Advertisements. T.Jogal--,A.. Currie, for sale—A. Speir. Local—IL Dennis. Books—G. A. Deadmae. Hay for sale—Thos. Pepper. Annual ineeting—R. L. Teylor. Annual meeting—Alex, Gardiper. Boa found—Pon Publishing House, Our Manifesto—W. Nightingale te Oc. 61.1).e $ritsstls FRIDAY, JAN. 9, 1891. SEISIRISY Home, the returning ofeoer for North Perth, has issued hie proolaut• &Won, announoiug Friday 16th as Pomin- Delon day and the 23rd as polling day. Nexe Tuesday evening Sir Riohard J. tetrtwright will address a public meeting in the Agricultural Hall, Wroxeter, meeting to commence at 7:30 o'clock. An euergetie local Committee have the preliminary arrangements in hand and they are preparing for a big crowd to hear Sir Richard dismiss the Trade ques• tions of the day. Many who have heard him iu the past will be glad to again have an oppontunity of listening to him. How is it that every Grand Jury meet- ing at the county town present strong pleas for a House of Refuge in Huron County, yet when members of the County Council attempt to even ask for privi- leges to secure to necessary information to thoroughly understand the matter a fell stop is put 'to the proceeding by a stubborn vote. We hope this very im- portant question will be kep. before the people and that the oppoeitioniets will at least have the fairness to allow the facts and figures to be placed before the in- telligent, charitably disposed electorate. THE Pose congratulates M. Y. McLean, of the Huron Expositor, on his election to the position of Reeve in the town of Seaforth. Mae. will make s. careful legislator at the Council Board and will not take a "bath seat" at the county par- liament. H. G. Hearin, of the Seaforth Sun, was also elected to the town coun- cil. Editor Bryan, afthe Luoknow Sen- tinel, was saved the bother of an election by having 'the iubcdf placed in his hands for 1.69e "hy AttelarneAion. The news- paper men b'eve as good a right to innni. honors at anybody else, if they de- sire them. Ws are pietteedif; noticethat the cash system of doing business is slowly win- ning ite way in Brussels. Every busi- ness man believes in it and rants and rears abeut the folly and toes of the cre- dit plan of working, yet we appear to emit alters to do the experimenting as to the Teal benefit of "Pay as yon go." Whet will a man who does a ;ash busi- ness be etwved ? Loss of goods, money, tim^, werrry and bad Viands. Surely if there were no other reasons these shou'd seam, Business men can sell cheaper, if doing a each trade and eensequently it will be a saving to the customers of a good many dollars in a year. WE urge, as we have done before, the necessity of an iuquest being held over Sunday evening's fire so as to arrive at the tads of the mese as far as possible. We are aware that some "big heads" pooh.pooh the idea but if witnesses were examined, evidence taken, and twelve ins o permitted to bring in a ver• diet, some satisfactory resale would be arrived at, we have no doubt. The re. peeked fires in Brussels do not tend to elevate us before the eyes of the world, more especially when no proper steps are taken to ascertain the cause of the des- trnetion of valuable property. The in- surance companies have their eyes open and are taking stock of this and other uot to our ad- Meitland Whitely, a native of Gode. rich, mid A graduate of the Oetarlo Col. lege of Phermaey, has located in Ching°. The postponed annual Meeting Of the Wrug/ est Huron Conservative Aelation will be held at Smith's Hill on MondaySan. Jan. 12, 1891, Be. Geo. Richardeon, pastor of North St. Mathodiet thumb, Goderleh, is the possessor of a ouriosity in the shape ofa walking cane made in Palestine from oak grown on Mount Hebron, T. 13. Bewicshaw, of the Commercial hotel, Exeter, had a three months old pig, weighed 65 pounds, roasted and put on the bar, on Christmas day, and eaten by a few hungry customers. The members of the Luoknow Cale. donian Society intend celebrating the anniversary of the birth of Scotland's bard by a grand ball and supper in their hall on the night of January 28. Robert Miller, Wrotteter, has jnet corn. plated his task of distributing 116,000 ties various points along the line of the Canadian Pacifio Railway. The work has occupied about two months, and has given employment to a large gang of men. At the annual meeting of the Peoples' Cheese Coineany, whicht was held in Gorrie, the following officers were elec- ted :—President, S. Greer ; Sec.-Treits., Wm. ; Seamen, Edwin Sperling ; Directors, S. Greer, Edwin Sperling and David Bradeook. Recently the London Free Press told of a man who heel lived 55 years con- tinuously on the one farm. The Sea. forth Sun stated that James Lannon, of MoKillep, has been on the farm upon wbich Ile was born for 53 years. Hp at this end of the vineyard we have a man who has been 61 years continuously an m on the ane farin the person of Alex. Taylor, of the Huron Road, Goderioh township, and we verily believe he heads the procession for length of years on the old homeeteed.—FInron Signal. J. B. Williams writes the Gorrie Vidette as fellows :—"As there are a few people in this vicinity who would like to know bow I succeeded with the new var- iety of potatoes whith I brought from New Orleans two years ago, I woeld abate that I brought with me 10 oz. ot seed, from which I raised teat year 25 lbs. of firet•class potatoes, out of which I plant. ed. this year, 1890, 17 lbs., from which I raised over 10 bushels, by measurement, off a piece of ground one rod wide by three rads long. The potatoes are first. class in every rasped." Ceerey. Mies Lottie Hill and Ed. were visiting relatives in Fullerton last week. Mr, and Mrs. Bowerman and Edna aro nicely settled in their new home in S. S. No. 1. The only champ in in municipal matters is election of Thos. Ennis as Councillor for 1891. John MoThenchlin, 12th con., purposes erecting a brick residence naw summer on his ferm. Miss Ritchie, who was home for bee holidays, returned to her school et Fer- gus on Tuesday. Mis.1 Mary McNair, who spent her Xmas holidays at home, returned to her school in Stanley. A number ot people will take in the lecture in Knox church on Monday even- ing nest, Jan. 12th. Mrs. P. C. Duncan, of Brandon, Man., is horse on a visit. Mrs. Duncan is a daughter of L. McNeil. A. jelly company essembled at W. Reid's on the evening of New Year's day aid enjoyed Et very pleasant time. F. J. Bartley did eot take the salmi in S. S. No. 4 as annonnced but a Mr. Johnston has been engaged for 1891. The East HF uron armers' Iustitute will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Mendes end Tuesday, Jan. 12th and lath, • A. large number of the farmers of this township will attend the East Huron In- stitute in Brussels next Monday and Tneeday. John 3. Ball has been quite ill with soiatice and is now under the care of a physician. It is to be hoped the means used will relieve the trouble. Mrs. E. J. Mthrther, A. McGuire and 3. Lowe, all residents of tne 5th and 6th cons., are on the sick list. It is to be hoped they will soon be convalescent. We are pleated to notice thee Edward Hill took the highest marks in Inspector Robb's division of Huron County et the recent Entrance Examination. He is intending to take et, 81d class teacheref work in which we hope be may be equal. ly successful. James Dark, Robe. Cordon and Miss Hislop took advantage of the exnursiens to the East and are now here from Man - orI itobaon a visit. Mr. Dark says there is negiected work and it is ventage. We know of &twee where after owtiill relbceebeur nimprovement iu the west. 1 Na eepawin the course every fire there is a thorough enquiry of a =nalan. is two years sInce made and the first cause, if possible, as- certained. Rs high time ib was done here. In this couneotion we would like to see e. properly constituted salvage he was home before. PREMNTATION.—The Montreal Witham says of a Fortner wall known resident of Gray township 1—Jetnes Smith, the gen- ial heed miller and millwright ab Gould's corps whose business would be to oversee City was presentee on Christmas Eve with a oomplimentaey addrese and the saving of geode and direst Om work handsome gold heeled cane by the em. ployeas as a token of the oriteem in which he is held by them as a foreman. Mr. Gould, who was present, was pleased to see the good feeling existing among his people, and =pressed the hope that it would long tontinue. ton SOttle approved lean, and also the ap• pointrnent of a polios or constable force to gutted property placed on the public thoroughfares. We are sorry to know that some people lose all eight of "Thou shit not steal" on occasions of this kind. Perlutps at the meatieg of the Fire Brig. Me next Wednesday evening this matter could be talked over. Ceder and system wi h recognized leaders would work a wonderful improvement even amidst the exeitement and confusion usually wit- neseed at a fire. Let ata get down to something practical, Huron County. Time. Tipling, of Clinton while out shooting, bagged a tidbit that bad four well:famed ears—two in each side of the head. Charles Baker, of Wroxeter, took four geese to market last week which tamed the males et a total of 71 pouncle, dmesed weight. He also hes A inose not yet led to execution rejoicing la a weight of 22 pounds. The Leelthow Sentinel says : The workmen ate busy this week ereeting the poles on the streete for the electtio light wires, and ip a few days more the vthlegs Will be Illuminated by eleetricity. tar SteWart, of the planing inill, has pine nhnned ths plant and will furnish the poseee item hie Cede*. SUN= WEDDING.—Last week the ail - von wedding of Jno. Hillier and wife, of Goderich, former reeidents of 1st eon., Grey, was colebreted in royal style at their home. Eifty.one poste were pros. ent, among the number being Joseph Coombes, sr., and wife • Joseph E. Coombes, wife and eon Itos. Cull, wife and eon ; Geo Coornbes, wife and two daughters Wm. McKelvey, wife and soil ; and R. H. Cult, of tins township. The evening was very pleasantly spent with recitations, (singing, social chat, At twelve o'clock an oyster supper was served and the party separated for their homes after wishing the genial host and hostess many years of wedded bffee avoir pact the golden anniversary, The follow. tug handsome silver presenia were given to Iffr. and Mn. Hillier :—.Tee eervice, 'Horton Bros, ; carving knife and fork, Boyd Bros. ; cake stand, Jos, Coombee, sr, and wile; butter cools, las. Cult and Wife ; butter cooler, Jno. Rosen and wife ; sugar howl, aoo, coombes and Wife; butter dieb, G, Crich and %vita; cruet dud, 3. 11. Phillips and wife pickle cruet, 3, 13. Coonthes and wife ; pickle cruet, Wm. McKelvey and Wile; p!ekle ornet, A. MoDonald and tette ). Plokle tweet, R. Cott ; peppily and mit cruet, Jobe Hodge; napkin rings, Jae, Haundere and [4011. Wm, Bebarriell Imo rented Lot 0, oon, 1 from the Cute Bros. for thie year. Mies Lizele MoLauoltlin bas gene to the Clinton Collegiate Institute With a view of preparing herself for a teacher's certilleate. We wish her success. Terree—Last Wednesday morning Hugh youngest son of Thomas and Eliza' beth Smith died at the early age of 22 yeara, Hp had been ailing fpr the poet three years with diabetes and although poorly at thnee was seldom Off work. The day before Christmas be went to, To- ronte, accompanied by his sister, for a visit bub Wall very poorly while there. They arrived home last Saturday and although able to move about on Monday he gradnelly sank until his eyes were althea in death. Hugh was happy spirited young man and better than all when he saw eternity eo near he knew the "rod and the staff" were there. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon ab 2 °Um*. Interment at Brussels cemetery. The parents and other rela- tives have the sympathy of the 00031111111. ity in their bereavement. Smoot, Eincenne.—The Annual settee' meeting held in S. S. No. 6 was quite a lively affair. After the preliminary exeroises were got through, Wm. Hall wits nominated for the office of Trustee, but after the lope of some time Maloohn Lamont was nominated also, as BOMB of this present thOb•Illt it was no use turn- ing out old friends for new ones. So before a show of heeds was called for, (as they knew Usher this time) Mr Pol- lard demands a poll, he being Hall's sec. ender. Ackhurst Taylor was appointed Returning Officer. Many of the zealous supporters of the first nominee acted as scrutineers, lawyer, constable and con- ductors. "Ah then was harrying to and fro and gathering in hob haste" lest the poll should dose and one be left till too late. At 4 the poll was closed and after the named for eath candidate were care- fully counted, the aoore stood 27 to 26 in favor of Mr. Lamont. Grey Branch Agricultural Socleil. The annual meeting of the Grey Branch Agrioultaral Society was held on Thursday afternoon of this week, A. Stewart, President, in the chair. The auditors' report was read showing a balance of 8369.92 to the credit of the Soeiety, and on motion of A. Koenig, seconded by Jas. Ferguson it was adopt- ed. Moved by D. Stewart, seconded by A. Bonnie that the old Board of Directors be re•eleoted, viz :—A. Stewart, President ; Jas. Ferguson, Vice President Gardiner, Jno. Forbes, Wm. Pollard, A. Koenig, W. H. McCracken, Thos. bfe. Lemehlin, Thos. Strachan, Thos. David- son and Wm. Watson, 'Directors ; A. Strachan and F. S. Scott, Auditors. Carried. The question of enlarging the show ground was discussed and the fol- lowing resolution presented :—Moved by A. Koenig, seconded by Jas. Ferguson that the terey Branch Agl. Society agree to purchase 10 acres more from J. Leckie on condition that $600 be reoeived as gratuity from the funds of the late Cale- donian Society end Driving Park Asso- cintion, and that the Grey Branch agree to fence said ground and hold it subject to future lease or other arrangement with a Driving Park Assooiation, should Buell be formed.—Carried. Notice to Creditors CIF TRH LATH BEN.TAMIN TINDALL, DECEASED, Pursuant to an order of the High Court of Justlee made in Chambere On Mouday, the 1st tiny of Deeember, 1800, in Ian astellt of the British Canadian Loan nod Investment Company vs. William Tindall and oaten, the creditors of lionjamin Tindall, late of the Township of %ray, Slw county of Huron, fernier, deeeaeed, who died in or about the montb of B10.'11883, are, on or be- fore the Twenty,seventh Day of December, 1890, bit 5012 by poet, prepaid, to Irtmmovrop, 000X, WALIAbf OR & aonouar,n, Solicitors, No.1 Adelaide et. MISS, le 00 City of To. roots, their Dhrtstlen and surnames, ad- dressee and deeeription, the full particulars of their claims, a statemeue ot their ac- counts, and the eater(' of the securities any) held by there I or, in defan14 thereof, they will be permeptort(y excluded train the benefit of the paid Order, Every credi- tor holding any security le to produce tile Name before mo, She UndeVegiled Clerk to Chambers of the said Court, at my Cham- bers, In Osgood° Hall, is the My of Toronto , on tbe Otto Day of January, 1891, at 10010 o'elook iu the forenoon, being tho time ap- pointed for adjudication on the Walnt. (Signed) 10, 0A iner4rli()Iethi ambers. Dated lbs Bra day of December,1 050 GET A FLAG FOR YOUR SCHOOLHOUSE The movement for hoisting the Canadian flag an the schoolhouses on annivereartes of noted eventsin our history is spreading rapidly throughout the Dominion and evoking the hearty approval of all patriotic citizens. Al. ready Vile, empire hoe done its shore 1, helping on this movement. by awarding a handsome ring to one school in ouch county of Ontario, but the number of en- quiries front all parts of the Dominien as to how flags erm be obtained by other echools has deterinined the publishers of TUE EXPIIIIE to offer a handsome CANADIAN FLAG of best bunting.12 feet long (regular price $15), as a preinstem tor 30 new yearly subscribers to the *WEEKLY EMPIRE at 31.00 nr eight new yearly subscribers to ?DE DAILY at 35 per annum, or a propel lion of each. one subscription to Daily counting for FOOR Weeklies. Every school in the Dominion ought to have a national Sag, and this offer presents an op- portunity for each obtaining it without cost, and with little trouble. Let those who are interested in getting a flag for their school- house join in getting up a club. Lunt while sub. scribers get full value for their money in tho best newspnpor In the Dominion, the school obtains its flag FREE Olt COST. The WEEKLY EMPIRE has recently been enlarged to twelve pages, and is now, withoutdoubt, doubt, the best weekly newspaper in Canada, while the reputation of TIM DAILY EMPIRE as the leading morning journal of the Domin- ion is well known. Send for sample copies and special clubbing lists, and go in for a flag for your school. Amminsi TM EMPIRE, Toronto. 0 Christmas and New Year PRESENTS! • • • •OALL AT• — • R. Leatherdtale's AND SEE HIS IMMENSE STOCK. if °uses Furnished from the Cheapest to the Bet. EASY CITAFRS, RATTAN AND REED FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES In all kinds of Coverings, in Stock, or made to order. 33=Di:2,00M SUITES In 'Walnut, Oak, and Elea. Sideboards and Extension Tables IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS. HAND wateK SPEC.M.L7Y. Special Attention is Galled to our Upholstering. —NO SLOP WORK.— After a long experience in this line we Guarantee every . job to be turned out in a Workmanlike Manner. We take no second place in this Department of our business. Try our work. Special Bargains in the Celebrated Karn Organs. DO NOT MISS MENG OUR SPECIAL LINE 01? C leT TR/ H A.T3 All at Very Low Prices. R. Leatherdale. gtial3frit014, 4 .O10n' 13 •••• ...... Under No Conditions will we Budge from Our Position in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-, BO WS) SHOE1JS, AND GENTS FUENISHI Opposite Central Hotel, ••• "'ere Gs. Brussels, Ontario. To THE INTELLJGENT PEOPLE: Have you ever Compared our Clothing with the Other Kind P WE DON'T MEAN LOOKED AT IT THROUGH THE WINDOWS, But got hold of it ; turned it inside out, and outside in ; pulled at the seams; looked to see how each seam is run how the buttons are on ; the button holes worked ; raised up the collar ; turned the sleeves pulled out the pockets ; looked at the linings, ard saw all the hidden things, MET A ITO W" TO t.3" IT ID GM ai.,oriimiva-, It takes More than Clothing to Constitute Clothing. It takes Trimmings, 'Workmanship and Honesty, WE PUT ALL MESE MINOS IN, AND OUR NAME ALONG WITIL THEW A. R. SMITH, 1,1