HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-2, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Local -Mrs, Walker.
Albums -J. T. Pepper,.
Thanks -G. A. Deadman.
Looal-Montreal Witness,
Lost -Pose Publishing House.
Basket Found' ---Rev, D. hottest,
Card to Iileetors--Elias DieIman,
Cardof Thanks -A, letenig and Ceo.
bac mods o,st,
FRIDAY , JAN. 2, 1891.
Taff elections to Jill the vacancies in
the Legislature for North Norfolrk and
South Norfolk have been filled for Fri-
day, Jan, 23rd, nomination a week ear-
Esesx CONTns, one of the leading towne
in Essex County, has passed the Local
Option law prohibiting the sale of liquor
Jn that place. There was over 100
majority in favor of this now law.
Dn. Aunts of Stratford, and Mr. Mag.
wood, of Mornington have been selected
to contest the North riding of Perth in
the Doming Provincial election. The
first mentioned gentlemen defeated Mr.
Hess Iast June but the election was set
Tns millenium will surely soon dawn
now. The signs are surely favorable as
far as Stratford is oonoerned. A year or
so ago the Aldermen and Mayor wore
lighting like Kilkenny oats but at a re.
cent meeting of this august body the fol-
lowing complimentary resolution was
presented :-
Ald. Davidson moved, seconded by
A1d, Ubelacker, "that the thanks of this
council be tendered to the Mayor for the
dignified manner he has filled the posi-
tion for the current year and for his
courtesy to every member during the
same period, and for his nntiriog efforts
in everything pertaining to the city's in•
tereets," at which the aldermen all smil-
ed and chipped their hands and passed
the resolution unanimously.
TEE Presbyterian churches in Canada,
the general conference of the Methodist
(thureb in Canada, and other churches,
have taken action in the line of petition-
ing the House of Commons and Senate
for a law prohibiting the manufacture,
importation and sale of alcoholic liquors
for beverage purposes in Canada. Peti•
tions to this end are already in circula-
tion, and all members and adherents of
churches, sixteen years of age and up-
wards, will be at liberty to sign them.
It is requested that publio meetings be
held in each oongregation and com-
munity, when the question of the pro.
hibition of the liquor traffic may be die-
onased and iufortnstiou Riven. Rev, ll.
L. Brethoer, Thorold, general secretary
of the standing committee on temperance
of theM, thud is eh r and h.t ut b a
d flet ll
Stiles Prager, Springvale, Upper Stew.
Melte, N. S„ co .vener of the permanent
committee on temperance of the Presby-
terian thumb, have charge of the work.
Over thirty thouraud petitions will be
sent out to the different clemooiinabions.
This is Ibe most extensive movement
that has yet been inaugurated fur taking
the sense of the Canadian people on this
vastly important question, end will re-
sult in a closer estimate of a public
wish than anything yet done in the
same direction. Tile committee have
every arrangement perfected for a
thorough distribution, and the petitions
will be presented to parliament in suoh
shape that it will be difficult to ignore
them. It is expected that upwards of u
million names will he received. Interest-
ed parties not in receipt of petitions can
secure them on application to either of
the above.
Tun extra mail service on the W. G.
it S. is being taken up quite earnestly
along the line, The Kincardine Review
is speaking of it says ;--We observe that
the people along the lines of the Grand
Trunk Railway from Ptlmet'ebou north
to Southemption, and also to 1Viarton,
have for some time been strenuously
agitating for better train and mail servioe
and as a result of (heir efforts they have
sooueeded in obtaining an extra mail
daily to and from Toronto and the east.
Why the Southern extension from Pal-
merston to Kincardine has been allowed
to remain at one mail train each way wo
eennot understand, but we have reason
to believe that this portion of the road
has been left in abeyance tidbit some
move is made by the section of the publio
interested. Now if the small towns and
villiages to the North have beet accom-
opated in this way, surely the same pri.
vilege should be accorded to the larger
and more important centres which oom-
prise the stations along the lino of rail.
way between this and Palmerston. We
have now ono mail each way with Toronto
and the east. That going out is decidedly
inconvenient being by the early train in
the morning which leaves I1 impossible
to reply to letters roosived the peovione
day. Tho section of couulry through
which the Southern extenddon 0f the W,
G. & D. Iiy passes is essentially a grain
manufacturing and banking section of
the province, Listowel, Brussole, Wing.
ham, Lueknow, Ripley, and Kincardine
are very important centres. A mail to
Toeanbo and along this route, going at
0 40 a. in. from Kincardine and one re-
turning at 11 p. m. would be an incal-
culeble boon to the ousbomere of the
various hanks Riad the mercantile we.
muuity generally, By Ibis means al.
ways daily return communication could
be opened with Toronto and all inter.
mediate points. In feet the oonvenionee
ooald be hardly over estimated' Letters
received from the east by the trail of ono
day could be readily replied to by the
following morning, and letters sent by
the 0.36 8, m„ mail could. receive at
answer the same night, In many ways
wo think the demands and requirements
of the community make thie additional
ae oniodation necessary and it would no
doubt largely increase the post office
business. We think the matter should
be agitated with vigor all along the line
and we have no doubt that if) the matter
is properly Rad energetically represented
to the government the Postmaster Gener-
al, with his usual regard for the public
interest, will readily Recede to the re-
quest. Now that this extra mail is al-
ready established as far as Paimeraton
the 011 miles intervening between that
and Kincardine could, we thick, with.
out difficulty, secure what we suggest.
Wo believe that the increased business of
the Post Ofliue besides the manifest con.
venieuce to the public would amply repay
au extra expenditure which this service
might entail. We recommend that the
publio petition at once for this and we
have no doubt of the result.
Will McElroy met with an accident
by the turning over of a load of hay. He
came in contact with the rack in trying
to save himself receiving some injuries
which it is hoped will not prove serious .
R. Sellars, one of the municipal oandi-
dates, has taken a novel way of can-
vassing the eleotors. Being somewhat of
a poetic nature he has rhymed out a
string of verses, appealing for support,
which he le having distributed among
the etcetera.
Monday a large number of the rate
payers of this village met in Industry
Hall for the purpose of nominating can-
didates for municipal honors for the
coming year. It was thought by scene
that the municipal election here would
he a very tame affair. The nominations
are :-For Reeve, C. Hamilton and N.
H. Young. For Councillors : Jno. Wil-
ford, F. W. Tanner, F. Metcalf, James
McGee, A. Taylor, A. MoNally, R. Sel-
lars, S. Gidley, W. Montgomery, W.
Public schools open on Monday of
next week.
Mrs. James Duncan is visiting relatives
near Lindsay.
Willie and Harry Mooney are improv-
ing nicely, bat Ida and Clara are still
quite ill.
Jno. McCutohson, who has been in fie
west for some time, is home, reaching
Brussels on Saturday.
Last week a Christmas present was
received by George Smith, of the 8th
line, ie the shape of a bouncing baby boy.
Santa Claus knows what he's about.
The people of Teeswater expressed
their appreciation of T. A. Reid's services
as reinct u
i 1 A of the public school by pre-
senting hon with a gold -headed cane and
1111 address.
Mrs, Wm, Johnston and four children
and Mrs Jno, Johnston and three child -
tee arrived here from British Columbia
on a visit. They have been iu the west
for the past 4 years.
A number of Reeve Mooney's neigh-
bors and friends macre him a Christmas
box last week by going to his bush and
cutting up a good pile of wood. It was a
very though tf e l act and in ooh appreciated
by Mr. &Looney.
Next week a four days' meeting will be
held at Jackson's appointment. %eve
services will be held each day at 2:80 and
7 o'clock p. m., except on Monday, when
the meeting will bo held in the evening.
The pastor, Rev. W. F. Ose pbell, will be
assisted by neigltbe ing ministers. Rev.
ilea, Irvine preached la.t Sunday.
At the nomination last Obonday the old
Connoil was re-elected by aerlamabion:-
R. Armstrong was nominated for Reeve ;
J. R. Miller for Deputy.rseve, and W.
Isbistor for Councillor. The three gentle
men declined nomination. Speeches
were made, and the township affairs
ventilated, by Messrs. Mooney, Arm
strong, Howe, Killeen Proctor, Caldbick,
Kirkby, Isbister, Thos. Wilkinson and
Jno. Coulter. The chair was occupied
by J. Elston
Scxsntott ENTalmTAINtiaNT•-The an-
nual entertainment and Christmas brae
which was held on the evening of Deo.
22nd was a decided success. Although
the roads were anything but good yet
the ehnroh web filled to the door. After
the usual preliminaries the chair was
taken by Mr. Hood who gave,I as usual,
a very nice address to the children after
which the report of the school was read
by Mr. Stubbs, who explained the work
of the school very clearly. The program,
whlcit was a very lengthy one, was
carried out to the letter, with the ex•
ooption of one or two of the little folks
who were carried oil to the land of Nod
very early in the evening, The Sunday
school is to be complimented on the
musical talent of its pupils, the singing
being all that could be desired. But
while oonplitnents are going their
round we mush not forget the outside
talent, we refer to Miss Godfrey and 0,
McLennan, of Belgrave, who each gave
very nice solos, also to a gentleman who
came all the way from the Queen city to
give te speech (as he called it) upon Sam,
Slick, the clock maker, which was simp-
ly nothing put into words and it as
nothing still. If that is the sort of
speeches made in cities the sooner meth
things aro clone away with the bother,
People had better remember that when
thsy stand before a Sunshine audience
they are expected to say something for
the benefit of those who are listening and
not to show how ranch or how little they
know. After the program Was complet-
ed the usual distribution of tandiee and
presents off the tree followed, after which
the people dispersed well pleased Wibh
the evenings entertainment. Tho amount
collected at the door was $20,60,
Win, Sanderson, of Wee/tater, killed
two hogs barely eight months old, whose
dressed meioses made 681 pounds of
--.. ssoecarassteimrn. res utnema msm nt rrm
JAN. 2, 1891
e Admire Opposition
.,..t A ND •
Under No Conditions will we Budge from
Our Position in
A._ IR,. MIT,
Opposite Central Hotel, - - Brussels, Ontario.
Have you ever Compared our Clothing with the Other Kind P
But got hold of it ; turned it inside out, and outside in ; pulled at the seams; looked to see how each seam is run
how the buttons are on ; the button holes worked ; raised up the collar ; turned the sleeves ; pulled out
the pockets ; looked at the linins, and,saw all the hidden things.
It takes More than Clothing to Constitute Clothing.
It takes Trimmings, Workmanship and Honesty.
At Goderioh about midnight on Christ-
mas eve a young man named Donald
McIntosh went to a hoose occupied by a
Mrs. Carey, a women of questionable
character, and tried to gain admittance,
which was refused. He persisted in
trying to get in and refused to go away,
and after a time a boy about 14 years of
age, named Bedour, who is said to he
visiting at Corey's arose from bed and
went outside to get McIntosh to leave.
After some conversation between them
McIntosh drew a knife and stabbed Bed.
our severely in the breast. McIntosh
was arrested Friday morning by Con-
stable Yule and brought before Mayor
Saturday, but as Bedour is lying iu a
sribioal condition McIntosh was remand.
ed for eight days. Bedour, whose father
was recently sent to the insane asylum,
is a resident of Port Albert, in this
eomaty. Melntosh is a resident of Gotta -
rich, and is rather intemperate in his
with goodarrg nU well
andL ;table
Apply to
Mechanic Street.
nunar0NEn has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, iu Townships
of Norris and Gray. F, S. SCOTT, Brassels.
\i Being South half Lot 27, con. 0, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
about 20 acres Fall wheat in ground, Easy
terms. Apply to W. ill. SI,NCLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, .r0„ Br1seels.
scriber offers his 160 sore farm, being
Lot 16 and West half lob l'i, Con, 14, Grey, to
rent. Be tweet 80 and 00 acres cleared. For
further particulars as to Tont, terms, 80.,
apply to PETEit SINCLAIR, Proprietor,
Cranbt'ook P, O. 18.4
nansaavnn offers for sale the north
cast quarto re/ lot 28, concession 0, Morris
County of Enron, containing 60 acres. me
land Is of first quality audio a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and under -drained
t6 acres cleared. New/tame hoes0, 8 rooms
milk house with .concrete walls, 2 walls
good barns and shed orchard, eta, Eight
acres of fall wheat. Thiedesirableproperty
adjoins the corporation of Brussel, Suit-
able terms will be given . Title perfect.
00- Seaforlh P, O.
Money to Loati on
Private and Company
J. C.IIeffor••nalx J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent,
Ethel P.O,, Ont. „Lf
Notice to Creditors
Pursuant to en order of the Nigh Court of
Jnstioe made in Chambers on Monday, the
set day of December, 1800, in an action of
the British Canadian. Loan and Investment
Company vs. William Tindall and others
the creditors of Benjamin Tindall, late of
the Township of Grey, in the County of
Duron, farmer, deceased, who died to or
about the month of May, 3880, are, on or be-
fore the Twenty seventh Day of December,
1800. to send, by post, prepaid, to FunrxwTou,
0000, W,anmAox & 0lncnoxer,n, Solicitors,
No,1 Adelaide et, East, as the City of To-
ronto, their Christian and surnames, ad.
drosses and duseripbiou, the full particulars
of their claims, a statement of their tie -
counts, and the nature of the securities (13
ally) held by them ; or, iu default thereof,
they will bo psrmepborily minded from
the benefit of the said Order, Every credi-
tor bolding any security is to produce the
sante before me, the undersigned Work in
Chambers of the said Court, at my Cham-
bers, in Oegoode Hall, in the City of Toronto,
on 1110 7th Day of January, 1801, at 10:20
o'clock in the forenoon, being the time ap-
pointed for adjudication on the claims,
(Signed) F. AILNULD1,
Clerk iu Chambers.
Dated the 01d day of Deoambor,1805.
rant '10811
'rho niov1mrnb rot' heisting the Canadian
t,g on the schnolhnueee on anniversaries of.
,,ted el•mds in 0111' 1030,1y Is spreading rapidly
throughout the ltotuinitttand evoking the
hearty approval of nil 11411'ietie citlxuna Al.
re kit r, tn'pi re
1ms,lune its Shay, in 111hning Onthis n0,7011007 1,
by awarding 1 handeonli' flog to mtu school in
each ('aunty of Cohn in, but the number of en -
entries from all part a Of the Dominlon no to
how flags run he obtained by other schools has
determined tha publishers of TOE 1085,19t8
to offer a handsome
0f best. hunting 11 feet long Ir0g0lnr urine 9101,
Dasa premium 00171113511' yearly subscribers t.0
the IV SEMI IlMJ'3li t at SIAM or eight new
yearly subscribers Le m9O1tIl.t',l.E' I0t1'IICA
at 85 err 01111111M,C11.a III 0,n, Lica of .1,
subscription le .Daily rounlnag for 1,01'111
Wee k Iie3.
1131, rrhonl In Ihn 1)0million ought f a have
n nnt)emrl flag, and this offer prnslnls an on.
perlunily for each 010 wining 11, W011011 eclat,
and 33101) little trouble, Dot those who
re interested In getting a flag for their school,.
,1 ,1 -
home: join In gutting111/ aclub, and \flit,,. sub.
1 ribers get full yah,e 1'00 11 0'r money in the
beet newspaper in the Dominion, the wheal
obtains lin, Ilag 0101391 On ('001'.
I'he 3V'NLE1411 I11EPIli6, has recently been
enlarged 10 twelve Angus, and islma 101000.
&ruin, 1.110 best weekly newspaper to shade,
while Inn tepnLatloo of'rUIIl I0Aal1 ra11'irt1s
as ti301uading miming journal of the Isonli0-
ion is wall known,
Send for s;Oopta collies and special clubbing
lick•, and go in for tt flag for your Srhnnl,
Annlrtres 1'851. 110If PUCE, Tot an to.
New Raisins !
New Currants
Camila Pools and Nuts of Various Kinds,
Splendid Aeeoito:tent of Candies
for Christmas.
A lisle Range of Crockery.
undersigned will loop Two Thorough -
Brod Berkshire Boars for Sorvioe on Lot 11,
Oon. 2, Elroy. They are both from imported
stook, Terms 81, to be paid at time of ser.
vice, with privilege of returning if necessary.
20.4 A. SHAW, Proprietor.
7707sbat1AB,-Tia dam of my Jersey Bull
"Morgan of Glen Duet" is an imported
cow, She took grd prise at the Toronto In.
mown' Exhibition, and it is Raid, should
have had 2nd, Fax fruitier partionlars sp-
iny at my Drug and Book Store, Brhssels,
1 SHhIuo BOAR.
The nmdorsigned will ]coop for servioe this
present season trio !reproved Italiewhite
Yorkshire pig 'Ready" on lot 2,con, CI,
Morris, to which a, limited 010001105' of sows
will bo taken. To 'ms 11.00 be be paid at
Ohne of servioe, wile the privilege et return-
ing if nuoessary, Pedigree may be soon up -
On applioatiolt, 10733/317 NJ OECD,
0013 Prop'ietor,
SI;IIVTCE.--T le undersigned has re-
cently parchnsod an 11 will keep for Service
at North half Lot if , Don, 7, 1130178, a Pure-
bred 13e1'ksllnw Boar, bred by Air. Snell, and
also an Ohio humor DO Chester White, one
0800 cid, broil by Phos, George Putnam,
from 'inverted oboe t on both sides, Ibis
log tools 8rd prise at the Industrial lu'xhlbl-
ilou, !lorouto 1800,1 1 a elites of 17, and also
8rd at the*ostcrn fair in a class of 16,
Terme, lI,00, to be paid at time of sorvioe,
With privilege of r0 ming if 11000ssary.
Dn. f X 'CL &I116tJ,
M.D., M.A., L.C.P.S.O., M.O.P.S.M.,
The Scotch Speeica list,
Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Die.
eases of the Brain and Nerve, .Dis.
eases of the Heart and Lungs,
and Diseases of Women
positively Treated
J0o rimes 30050nA1110, Listowel, says
ll m :--
"Aftor spending ay money and property
to no purpose on medical mon, for what
they termed a hopeless ease 01 consumption,
D1, Sitiditlr cured mo."
114.11 hfans l"mwoxe, Woodhouse, say's :-
Mien all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured
m o of Obs,"
D. Itonrnoso.t, Carleton Place, says -
"Dr. oiuolatr cored 010 of Catarrh."
GED. ltowa:0, 1115011, says: -"Dr. Sinclair
Mired mo of heart disease awl dropsy, when
all others failed.."
Diaeuses of 1'ri.vage iVa.im'c, brought on by
folly, Dr. dineiair certainly Clow,
nua,.ovt1toltbora Free.
PrdZy, Jan, 80th, '91.