HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-1-2, Page 3JAN. 2, 1891
Medal SC11oe1 Ecl lIilntlons.
The following caudidetos who at,
tended the Model SehoOle in (coda•
rich and Clinton were awarded oar•
tifioates by the Bottrd of County
Examinant ;
Augustine, Ohara Andrews, Wm.
Halle, Etta Boyd, Satenel
Hatton, Ade Coulter, Edgar
Harvey, Lizzie Dalton, Jamas
Keefe, Annie Danamy, Alex,
Kelly, Jane Bugler, Curl
McOormac, Nellie Harrison, John
Magee, Josale ['Jennings, Henry
McConnell, Minnie Johnston, Albert
Magee, Hannah Riokloy, Wm.
Morton, Lexie Moran, John
Parsons, Marion Moldrow, Robert
Ross, Annie Robertson, Albert
Rusk, Bertha Bellows, James
Sillars, Dolle Thomson, John
Strachan, Lizzie Tiffin. Albert
Vallance, Bootee
13eL1 11no, Jessie I3urke, Thomas
Cash, Edith Forsyth, Thomas
Oargill, Maggie Glass, Geo.
Oawpbell, Emma Hertly, Thomas
Downey, Emily Jarrett, Thomas
1i1der, Jennie Sarney, Wm.
Fortune, Clara Herr, A.. Wm.
I ortuuc, Barbara McGregor, Daniel
Gilbert, Annie McCallum, Duncan
Holmes, Harriet Reid, Jag,
Holmes, Henrietta Snell, Thorne.
Jenkins, Eva Todd, James
Leslie, Minnie
McFarlane, Isabella
Pollard, Grace
ltutisoll, Lousy
Townaend, Fanny
Wallace, Amelia
Resolved, that in the opinion of
this Board the Model Sobool term
ie too short ; that the candidates
should do some preparatory and
general reading after obtaining the
nonprofessional certificate and be•
fore attending the Model School,
and that it would be better for both
the public echool teaohere and their
pupils to have the now teachers eo
ter on ther duties in August instead
of in January as at present. There-
fore, that the Secretary request the
Honorable the Minister of Educe.
tion to change the Modal School
term eo that It may begin' the no.
mud Tuesday in January and close
the second Friday iu June ; that a
course of reading be prosoribed for
entrance to the Model Schouls, to
onnsist of 1+itolt'a restorer on
Toaohing, a good work on Canadian
History, a good work on Pengliah
Hietory, a good work in Englieb,
ouo of Shakespeare's playa, and.
ouo or two prose authors ; that an
examination on tide work be held in
December ; that the papers be pre-
pared under •the diroctiou of the
Education Department, and the
answers read by the (Jaunty Board
of Examiners The change in the
Model term will cause the now
teachers to begin their work iu Aug•
C(I OTIll\I} FOR .1 IiOOMIi.
A yoiir ago hast New Yettr'e, writes
e, correspondent, a vary amusing
event ocenrred in my poultry yard,
where I had a flock of seven gesso,
which I was planning to keep
through the minter. Thiel morning
I fed them as usual, giving theta two
querte of corn taken from a herr( 1
in the shed. During the fnrenoou I
had 000laeiotl to pass through the
farmyard, end to my dismay found
the old gander stretched on the
snow, apparently dead. The geese,
too, appeared unusually dumpish,
as if other deaths might be expected
In a short time.
Annoyed at the loss of the gander,
I resolved to make tete damages as
light as possible, and so picked him
up, carried him to the Louse, and
proceeded to pick off hie reediting.
This done, I loft his body at the
back door to be carried off by one
of the men.
In the middle of the afternoon I
heard a most unusual honking and
squawking in the barnyard, and ran
out to see what wad the matter.
Matter enough, surely 1 There
w'ne the old gander whore I had
stripped and left for dead, strutting
about lunette tlio geese, who had t'e.
covered {nem their mottriug'e sluiihl-
ity, nod evidently didn't like the
novel nppeeranee of their fernier
"lord and master." Tiley were
abasing the poor, 021100rieg, naked
i:00(01.0 about the yard, giving hint
spi entl pecks at every opportunity.
I laughed till the mare came at
the eon:demi sight. Then i caught
the poor creature, carried hila to the
house, and clothed him in rod Ben,
nel, which I sewed 00 He tees a
funny looking gander.
The geese lilted hit) 1it111, better
than before, and pecked and chased
him eo badly that I Rapt tho uufur.
tunato biped by hunself for a few
&rya, till he bad become a title 1(0
custolned to his red Ilenuel plumage.
After that bo had little di(tlenity in
reeovcring hie former dignity tont
Whet had 0.ce'l the seaming
death of the peer gander was swot
apparent. The tui-e'd •:.0a, in ,lip
corn barrel. One r.l' liie Ruin Lib.'r
era, au excellent f,,1l,t1, s t,ve it, tt,
muco in three or f„nr ut•'otn.
would have "a lit la 1:1 • nl e 00,1
time,” RS be expre•i,rd it, had luddeu
biairn;llo 01 ohls!;ry, (2111, which hu
intended to celebrate New Your... it,
the corn barrel over eight. The
oorlt came out, the On, tawte ehoaped
and saturated the earn, and my uu•
fortunate geese had the "little bit of
a good time."
It was an amusing yet pertinent
tetnperttuce lesson to the man, and
it was six mouths before lie again
indulged 'hie appetite. I wish .T.
mould write that he completely re-
formed, but hereditary taint and
habil were too strong to he thus
overcome. The gandrr wore his
flannel bait ell winker, and was
spoken of ever after a., the "red -
flannel gander."
11IItLlit,i A. N 11N.
The landlord of the village tavern
had told Farmer Woks that lie had
a tramp at the barn who wanted
work anti would work cheap, and
the farmer went out to have a taut
with hint.
'Look a here,' began the agrioul•
turiet after soma general talk, 'we
twist oume to a fair understanding
before we kin eat the price. You
are to git up at 4 o'clock in the
'Anead work till I tell you to stop.'
'You'll sleep in tbo barn.'
'I'm willing.'
'You rat in the kitchen.'
'A11 right.'
'You are to call me Judge when
you speak t0 me.'
'I will.'
'.'un ere to call my wife Lady
I'll do that, too.'
'Whatever I say goes, and that
without di•pn'e. There must bo no
talking b wit,'
'N», ,ir.'
'1 22,(1(1 to be treated with as
lunch rt'0peet tie if I was the 1'roei•
tient himself,'
'I set..'
'If any one is around you are to
take off your bat to me.'
I will.'
'Now, about the wages. I'll give
you $4 per month, half in cash and
half in store pay.'
'That's all right.'
'And you are to work Sundays
and holidays if I any so.'
'And you won't be allowed tea,
coffee or freeli meat.'
I don't want 'em.'
'Well, that's all I think of. Hold
on ? Did I say $4 per month.'
I meant just half of that.'
'Very well
'And. all etore4pay,',
'All right.'
'Well, 1'11 mill in about two hours,
and you he ready.'
I wondered that the tramp yield.
ed every point so humbly, and when
the fanner lied gone I asked hien
why he heti done so.
'Booanee I'w tired of life and
want a good place to bang myself in.
He's just the kind of a man 1 like
to make trouble for,'
Ile laughed as bo said so, and I
bad no idea be was In earnest. Next
morning the farmer came into town
with hie team on the run, and as
he halted in front of the inn he
Balled out;
'Get the Coroner and a jury and a
coffin and come along for that tramp
hue hanged himself in the granary
with the lines off my Sunday
harness 1'
Rev. John ILloMurry, D. D„ a
veteran Methodist clergyman of
Novo Scotia, is dead.
Yerex, who was connected with
the celebrated hull less oats business
around Belleville, has been arrested
on a barge of forgery at Bremen.
Prof.Ii, Ramsay Wright writes
in a very hopeful strain from Berlin
to Vico Chanoollor lotulock, M. P.,
as to the prospect of good resulting
from his trip to iuveetigato the Koch
A sleigh load of 22 young people
broke through the ice on Rice Lake
early Christmas morning. They
all got to shore, but one of the
young ladies died from the ex.
posure, and others are in a critical
If one wishes to cool a bot dish
in a hurry it will be found that if
the dish is planed in a vessel full of
cold, salty water it will cool far
more rapidly than if it stood in
water free from ealt.
Alt work front the smallest go Lire size
dorso In a ICI'sl•/.•tass moaner.
of nearrlenees, I2l'., as rtennOnnble
W. J. Fairfield.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village I'ro-
perty at
6 & 6',- Per Cent., Yearly..
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when 1'('.luirc'11.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
To the Public
After a business experience of
13 years in the Butchering Busi-
ness in Brussels I desire to ex-
press my best thanks for the
patronage of the past and ask
a continuance of the same for
the time to come.
I desire to call the attention
of the public to the fact that I
have Removed my Place of Busi-
nese to my new Brick Block,
Opposite the American hotel,
where I will keep a Choice Supply
of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &c.
Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry
and :Elides.
G,I V 3+. MID ,S.
Wm. Blashid1,
12- l;ilTounn.
J'i'acticett TT'%r.1c':; err/, i'
l I
..,'.1 .1.,,. tad•' C
'tilt' ill-1+vats
'BOLD AR) .so:.. ,Ci ,eve
Sidver ;-'lateen Ware
from Established and Reliable dialers
fully warranted by u',
Clocks of 17t('
_Latest Design,,.
1'. L0. 1,.,1 liken.,
LANES i;1.11 I afig.
IJItOce ars,
Leusulsca, &C.
toirAiso a fall Line of Ymtnis and
Violin Strings, tkc., iu stuck.
\, rt.-rnsorer of Marriage Licenses,
T. Fletcher,- Brussels.
Calls the Attention of the Public
to the Filet that he continues to
turn out First-class Light and
Heavy Harness as usual
Nothing but A 1 Steck used.
Just to Hand a Splendid Stock
of horse Blankets, Rugs, Robes,
13 ells, Whips, &o., tire.
.'1 Largo flange of Trunk:,
'Valises and 5atchole kept con-
stantly on hand, anal ;told at
Reasonable Prices. N,1 Shoddy
Shoat them,
. Special attention p to the
Manufacture of dorso Collars. -
Repairin; promptly chondral
to. CALL IN.