HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-25, Page 8M INAS
Tan PORT gives the upwg, Are', you a
subsnrjller 7
Puma school closed on Tuesday for
Q s Christmas holidays, to regutuo en Mon.
day Y Januar' 4th..
4.00•104"3"1" suis hoadquarbers tit ani A =men sohooi reports and other
hawnddImatter ugcrZateuaIrapd tnioo tnsat ltbfs iesna
FI. E, and
Our stuck 05
reply Nonsense and we have Moro
to ehow thorn now. Deerything
ked in plain figures and such a var.
for old and young, teachers and
or afitgte, We cannot enumerate all We
1 ltava toad yon would never have the
7patlonec to read it if we did, go come and
see for yourselves.
DEAD . d Mod LL
M,� (� c A ,
lereggfste, Optioians and Booksellers,
'trains heave Bruesele Station, North
anti anvil, as follows:
Gozww Seven. • GomNe NORTH,
sx....., 9,g1 elm. I Jinxed....,, .". 0:44 mm
6:U7 ja,m, { Afatl 12:52 p.m
'brat 11.eix)5
miners among ye traria' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
MY Christmas.
eleighing livened up business.
oalendar fiend is abroad in the
Horse'. Fair on Thursday of
s and New Year's day are
.renomination day next Mon -
seem 2 to 1 o'olook.
ONDAY was the shortest day in the
, their being only 8 hours and 56
uses daylight.
•-ens' Institute meeting in Town
grease's, on Tuesday, January 5th.
ions morning, afternoon and even nig.
!um Salt Works is receiving a good'
.re of wood although the rueb will
ty'commence until after the holiday
Aeoomattegbire'of pagkr was added to
lair weekly output of TBE Post this levee.
Yon can aid ❑e in keeping on the upgrade
t by a reoommendation to your neighbor.
W1r+LIE ADIENT, eldest son - of Philip
• Amens, while playing with a blow pips
in which was a finishing wire nail It
inches long, had the miefortune to ewal-
wthe nail. He bas felt no bad results.
3Aoxeoo; jeweller, has an engage -
,t at'Belgrave on Christman evening
en, accompanied byMrs. Jackson he
HE bontrfbato a n
umber of violin seleo-
net at the Methodist. Sabbath sohool
as entertainment.
Tin Poem ie subscribed for on its
merits as a newspaper, and is looked for
and read with pleasure by every member
of the family. It is not taken merely to
,i. get rid of an importunate canvasser, and
l.`, when received thrown to one side. Tan
P is the best read paper in this section
covers the whole County of Huron.
i SKr �.Pni1NE.--Bruesele station 000-
died the following ell wm sh"
• • shipments during
g p rug
' ?peat week to the oarrying trade of
G. T. R. ;-2 ears of oheese from
rtseele and Walton factories, to Len-
ore England. G. J. Brill was the ship-
er.-rioer of cattle to Toronto and a
ay of hogs to Oollingwood by Mesere.
gg & Dames ; 5 oars , of salt from
tcrpriae Works. -5 oars of peas to
rtimed by. Messrs. Beaker & Vanstone,
the usual way freight. The last
need gentlemen have a oar of dressed
greedy for shipment.
(l;,•*,•EnANOE.-At the meeting of the
*glee last Monday night a good Tem -
pence program Wee rendered ae fol-
. Wt. -Prayer and praise service led by
,1f,<drry ; solo and chorus, "Have
erage my boy to say no," Reg. Pletoh-
e n& League ; solo, "Turn your gteeses
avnii„nys. Miss Ella Funeton; read.
dg (Declining a treat," Mre. N. B.
Gerry; i018ip quartette, "Fight for Pro-
hibirioa," Fretl«,.Cilpin, Hilton Hunter,
Oleve Bilin, Leslie Kerr ; reoitatation,
"Cue a5many," Mies Norah Meanders 1
rio, "Down in a licensed saloon" Misses i
laseiexud'-.Bella Smith and Rev. 6. J.
Olin; quartette, 'Savethe boy," Miesee
azole 3anple and D. D. Herr and Rev.
'11in axed N. B. Gerry ; reading, "Mar.
aid to a drutfkard," Miss Minnie Mo.
' aughton : duett, "Sleeping on guard,"
lies Lizze Sample and N. B. Gerry ;
[dress, "Temperance" Rev. S. J. Allis ;
torus, i'I'm hiding, but please sir don't
.df,' Erect Gilpin, Hilton Hunter, Cleve.
Ilia and Leslie Herr. Miss Minnie
;aNeoglaton, who presided, read an
cereatiug letter from Miss Nellie Price,
I,3Gleneoe, formerly of Brussels,
atcltens Are to the front as usual with a
fine display; of Obristreas meats and the
attractive decorations, both in the show
B doors acid outside, and rosettes and
v1 onenetaohed to the exhibit pre;
•c'i�eelelting appearance and made
le purohase more largely than on
any 00000i000. War, BLtonxr, show-
ed 6
howed.6 two year old heifers fed by 'Geo.
err, Morrie ; a 2 yenr old heifer fed by
I -s lex. McDonald, Grey ; a 2 year old
;heifer fed by Jno,Barr, Morris ; a fine.
bog purchased from Station Agent Hoyd,
Ethel ; 8 smaller ones fed by W. Blasb-
N1 ; 2 lambs fed by Jno. Smith, Grey ;
turkeys, geese, sausages of all kinds, head
0hee'so, Sim, &o, A.--SUSIE'e display in-
. ,aluded a' 2 yenr old heifer red by M. 31.
,atdiif, Morris, that dew = •d 600 pounds 1
tee year old heifers fed "v Laohlin Mo.
nil, Grey, eaoh dressed, 510 pounde ; 4
gs fed by Alex. Bryan, Morris, and A.
actio ; lambs bred by Jno, Boddiek ;
usages, `bologna, haggis, white and
aoit puddings, head cheese, mince mat
al, grass, ducks and smoked meate,
, WALRUS did not attempt an exhibit
lie year awing to not preparing in time,
lint had a good display of beef, pork,
poultry, sausage, puddings and the like.
,file will be an older' hand at the business
next year, when he will follow the ex.
'm le of hi rotherbu a
p s brother butchers by making:
Mrs, Maddook on the 10pound Cbriebnrae
tifWtt"reoreai Wu+mat oatr has opened up aaQon-
feotionery shop in the Stretton bionlc in
the store formerly mutinied by 'Mies
Lowry, milliner,
A aoLLY bevy of boys and git'li from 8.
S. No, 4, Grey, were in tewn last Sabur.
day for several hours. They were halt,
ing their photos taken by H, 1i, Brower,
Poemolrlrioe.--Bruseole poebof0oe will
be open for the reception and deliverance
of mail matter on Christmas day frons
9:80 to 10 a. no.,1,30 to 2;80 and 6 to
6:80 p, m,
A TORONTO subscriber in renewing for
1897 says ;-We have taken Tnn Pow
now for a year and it is just nice being at
hone to read it. We would feel loot if it
did not reach ns every week ne Mre, .=
thinks it better thaw lettere written from.
lenuesems dealers are well to the front
in exhibits of new cattero, /Os doubtful
if a finer dieplay,Woe ever Been than that
made loot Monday. A number of sales
are reported and it is not to be wondered
at when the choice was so large and ex.
eellenb, Bruesele carriage makers lead.
Fon Cnnrararos.-One of the best and
certainly the longest remembered present
to send to distant friends as a Christmas
gift is TED POST, One dollar will pay for
it up to let San, 1898, and for this small
sum your distantones will have a weekly
budget of Huron news for. 57 weeks.'
Call in or send in your names and dollars
without delay.
HYtroaolre-By notice elsewhere it will
be observed that Mies Jemima, youngest
daughter of William 0. Newsome, Queen
street, Brussels, was united in marriage
to Albert W. Stewart, at the residence of
Mrs. McIntosh, sister to the bride, an
November llth. :Rev. Mr. Love tied the
nuptial bow. May their future bo pros.
perces and happy is the wish of THD
plaint to the Reeve on Tuesday against
several youths who have been making
free with boxes of fruit in the freight
house. If they make' good the lose and
promise better bebavlour they may get
off this time bit if not the law will likely
have to table its course. Mr. Kendall
Saye he has repeatedly warned these
youths to keep away from the premises.
le is hinted that the Municipal and
Trustee nominations next Monday may
result in acclamation elections and there•
by save 825 or :$80 expense. All the
present year's Connell are reported to be
in the field and among names mentioned
as possible candidates in case of election
are George Thomson, lobo Ament, J. D.
Warwiok, V. S„ W. Biaebill and Jas.
Fox. For Trustees we have heard the
names r'f Jno. R. Smith, A. I. McCall, P.
Scott, J. J. Gilpin, W. F. Vanetone, A.
M. McKay, bun. MoBain, P. Ament,
G. F. Blair and D. A. Lowry.
There are four Tem/tees to be
elected this year.
CIITTINa 022 READS. -Train Master
Ferritor, of the Grand Trunk,' was over
the W. G. & B. last week, calling at Brue•
eels on Ssturday. It wan a Bort of a de-
oepitating trip and among those who re•
emitted notiue to quit was Angus Smith,
operator and baggageman, who has been
here for the past 5 or 6 months. Mr.
Smith proved himself to be a most oblig-
ing and eflioient officer and his removal
ie regrettedbythe nbliogenerally.How
the . T. R. xpects Statin Aget Ken-
dall to attend to all the duties both in and
out of the office is not plain to us nor do
we think it will be in any way satiefao-
tory to the public. This plan may be
thought to be one of economy but no one
mao can perform the combined offiuee of
agent, operator, baggagemau, freight
agent, &o., and do it right.
DIED. -Saturday morning at 10 o'olook,
after a long illnese, William Bright, for.
merlyof Brussels, passed away at the
home of his parents in Arthur village.
From a cold contracted, lung trouble set
in followed by consumption and although
the beet of medioal attendance was pro.
vided and a trip to Florida taken, where
the patient epent a Winter, all was of no
avail as to restoration to health end be
gradually faded away. Deceased was a
stout, hearty youth when be first became
manager of J. & 1. Livingston's`flax bus•
incase here and by his genial manner and
square dealing made many friends. He
married Mise Weeks, of Belmore, and
she with a little son survive. The body
was brought on Monday from Arthur to
Listowel where interment was made on
Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of
the Odd Fellow andIndependent Forester
Societies of which Mr. Bright was a
member in Brussels. Mre. Bright and
other relatives have the sympathy of
many in their bereavement. The foneral
was largely attended, 20 Odd Fellows
driving from town to pay their tribute of
respect to the deceased. brother.
school oloeed on Tuesday the pupils in
Mies Downey's Department, which has
been under the management of Mrs. N.
M. Richardson for the pant three months,
presented the latter with Ian MoLaren's
masterpiece, "The Mind of the Master,"
On the fly leaf was written : "To Mrs.
Richardson, with best ivisbes'and Christ.
mac greetings from pupils of Room 1I,
Brussels Public school." The following
address was reads by Ada Ross odd the
presentation made by Mildred Scott ;-
Ales. _Richardson
DEAR TDAoosn,-Now that the time has
Dome when you are to leave es and the
pleasant associations wltiol, have joined
us for the past three months are to be
severed, we feel that we would like to
give you some slight token of our regard,
in order that you may not forget us
when you are no longer with us, Please
aooept this book as Delight acknowledge.
ntent of tbo trouble end eare you have.
had with us 01000 you same among us.
We all join in .heartily wishing yon i0
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
and hope that yon may see many of
them. Signed for the pupils,
An Ross,
Mmnnnn SCOTT.
Mrs, Itiohardson'e reply wits moot fitting
to the occasion. We have pleasure in
bearing testimony to the efiioient work.
done by this lady. She seems to have
epode] qualilfentionefor the work and is
what people commonly call a 'thorn
teacher. Mfee Downey is expect od to
regain° her oId position ft
i on a or h lariat..
the lab
man holiday
Emu sneak thief vieltod Oouneillor
Seeker's residence ono nigllb bait week
and stole a Quantity of tollew,
MSS, lea, Mnurgeon Was thoughtful of
the Aditor'e wants and or Ttaeeday loft
at our eauotnm 1j dozen fresh eggs.
May her hens, depict!, geeee and 4urkoye
lay every day in the year.
300. R;-rei:illt hoe completed some very
Elmo panelound plaques ;n plaster of Paris
pranged, in which the nicely moulded
figures sloud out in bold relief, 'Rile
worst is well done and Mr. Mollie de.
serves oredit for it.
A, mous of Brussels Qdd Fellows at-
tended the funeral of the late D. W.
Geddes at Bdlgrave last Sabbath after-
noon. Deaeased'died at Vancouver, B.
0., his remains being forwarded to Wing.
ham in the pare of a brother Odd Fellow,
Lase Tuesday the Reeve sent John Me -
Allister to the House of Refuge, 0110on,
for the Winter. The old gentleman is 73
years of ago and ie without home or relit
ptvee ep willdintl comfortable rjuarter0 at
Clinton ' until Spring opens when, 15 he
ohooeee, he may agaut try to earn hie'
living at hie trade ee carpenter. No one
aoaompaniotl Mr, MoAllleter. Ile tools
the necessary admission oerbifieabo from
the Reeve himself.
A MATE wee held in Priooipal
Oamoron'e room Friday,, afternoon when
the 'question of whether England, Ire-
land or Scotland had produoed the great:
eat men was debated, K. Coseley and
Mies Josie Buchanan upheld the Dmereld
Tele ; I. Gerry and Geo. Buchanan de-
fended the honor of England ; and D.
MaLauohlin and Fred. Wilson oared for
the land of the thistle. The epeeohee
were well put and the defence 1n each
case was first•rabe. A committee: eon.
Misting of Principal Cameron, Misses
Dora Smith, 5, V. MoLauchlin and Sam.
Orerardecided that the shamioolr and
potato were etill king.
Exnearnaoi SOMA . -Some , time ago
members of Melville church Christian
Endeavor undertook to aid Missions by
adopting methods outside of fbeir regular
occupation to earn money. On Tuesday
evening a social was held in Melville
oharoh school room to hear Abe various
experiences In attaining the desired ob•
jeob. The pastor presided and after the:
opening exerciees the roll was palled and
each member responded by relating their
experience. Hare is a sample of the
various modes :-]fasting neckties, mak•
ing short breed, horse hire, keeping
house, picking .apples, house oleaning,
baking bread, bottling honey, sewing
carpet rags, sawing wood, &o. Miesee
Mare Rnee and Jean MoLauchlih wooed
the 'Mise snub told in a poetic strain of
the "Eveoitig with Scotland" and; a lemon
pie baking. The total financial results
of the effort amoanted to over $32.00.
Of this amount 525.00 will go to Foreign
Missions and the balance to Home Miro
alone. During the evening Misses Annie
and Minnie Stewart rendered a pretty
duett, "The beautiful stream" ; Princi-
pal Cameron sang "Twilight" in good
voice and Rev. Jno. Ross gave a brief ad-
dress on. the worst of the Missionary So-
ciety. Refreshments were served, after
which the audience was dismissed after
the Doxology and Benediction.
Is WAS A Soocses.--Despite the very
inolement weather T. A. Hawkins' o0 n•
Cert last Friday evening drew a large
house, over 100 reserve eeats'beiug teicah.
The program was a worthy one and each
performer did their part in both a pleas.
Mg and capable manner, so that few oo❑-
certe have excelled this one in real merit.
The following wee the program :-Piano
duett, "Golden Clouds," Misses Norton
and MoLauchlin ; solo, "Battle of Stir.
ling," Miss Annie Stewart ; duett,"Harp
of the Winds," Misses Hill and Rose •,
choral `blld
a a "The Miller's
Wooing," 14
ROMEO! vo; duett, "Only Thee," Mr. and
Mre. W. M. Sinclair recitation, Mise
Belden ; piano duets, "Scotch and Irish
sire," Mrs. and Mies Thomson ; comic
quartette, "Where are You Going," Miss.
es Hill and Rose and Messrs. Rose and
Hawkins ; onmio eong, "Cruelty to Ani-
mals," encore, "The Doctor," T. A.
Hawkine quartette, "0. P. R. A.,'
Misses Hill and Ross and Messrs. Hawk-
ins and Ross ; deett, "I Know a Bank,"
Misses Hill and Stewart • recitation,
"Becalmed," Mrs. Silas Jackson Swiss
quartette, .The Mill," Miasma Wilson,
Hill, Stewart and ROSS ; male quartette,
"Sootoh Laaeie Jean," Messrs, Sinclair,
Jones, Straohan and Cameron ; comic
duett, "Tell Me Gentle Stranger," Miss
Ainley and Mr. Hawkins ; piano solo, T.
A. Hawkins ; comic song, "Wedding
Bells," encore, "Mre. Mo0arthy'e Party,"
T. A. Hawkins ; chorus, "Awake /Lolien
Lyre," 14 voices ; . "God Save The
Queen." Misses J. MoLauohlin and O.
Norton sated as pianists/. The ahorne
was composed of the following voices ;-
Soprano, Mrs. W. M. Sinclair and Misses
Ainley, Wilson, Ross and Stewart ; alto,
Misses Moore, Ross and Stewart ; tenor,
Messrs. Stroahau, Jones and Sinclair ;
bass, Messrs. Rose, Cameron and Stew.
art, • The proceeds amounted to about
Business Locals.
ALL the ohoieeat fruits of the season
at Thomson's. '
SUITS made to order at M, Richardsons.
Cheapest place in town.
OANnres and nuts ss oheap as the
oheapest at Thomson's. •
A LAno: assortment of plain and'fanoy
china and glassware at Thomson's. -
GET your buggy repaired, trimmed or
new topped at Jas. Walker's, Brussels,
Sun the new steel buggy dash at Jae.
Walker's shop. Mao a patent top, the
beat out.
WANTED, -Any quantity dried apples,
(3o„) roll butter and poultry. SsLve,
Win gham.
THOMSON'S steep of groceries is large
and well assorted with 'the finest goods
in the market.
IT le needlaee to nay that Jae. Walker
bee the best style of cutters and at the
lowest price on the market.
' 'PUSHERS WANTED. -Any quantity good
tarkeye wanted, dry picked, undrawn,
head and feet loft on. Alec dressed hogs.
Backer & Vanstone.
Timm hardest salve warranted full get
without breaking, as I have a new, safe
and fast way of setting eams. T. Mo -
Gregor, saw tiler, Brussels, Queen St.,
Wi aro giving the beet value in
berme; ever Loffered inlet/easels. Spacial
attention given to collars. Repairing
promptly and cheaply done, S. Donnie'.
son, Dennis' old etand,
Hewes Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowele and make your head clear ae
a bell, 25 ots,, 00 ate. and 5100. Bold
by Jas. Fox, druggiot, Bruesele,
ST4 ND4.W,,D B4N I 0. ' C f ,ID,, ,
ASSDTti, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,004,000
CAPITAL .(Authorized) . ' $2,040,400
anus in all principal points in Ontario, Quatoe, Matritotta, United States dd irnptand.
32'tIA'S6, °1Tokb° Ihr.V13 CJA.
A, General Banking Business Transacted, Z'armera' Notes Disoonnbed,
Drafts Issued and Collections made, ote all poiobs.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.80 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
tivery facility afforded Customers living at a diatanoe.
Snix.olt a Oure, the great cough and
croup cure, is in great demand, Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
cents, Children love it, Sold by Jau.
Fox, druggist, Bruesele,
BARGAIN Ors'gnpn,-That .eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnbermy street, Brussels, will bo die•
posed of below oost, Very easy .terms.
Write for particulate to JOHN HAROnnavue,
174 Queen et, West, Toronto,
Ooeeuir Yoon Dooton.-If he advises
Cod Liver 011 we recommend- Wompofe'e
Taetelese Preparation. You can't taste
the oil ; all you taste is wild cherry, 'and
that's good. What you get is flesh and
strength. Cures coughs, colds and
wastive diseases, JAS. Fox,
B m Chemist and Druggist.
READY Fon Wrorna,-A visit to the
large new show rooms in connection with
D, Ewan'e business, Brussels, will con-
vince anybody that he ie in firet•olaee
shays to suit the public in outtere of the:
neatest and most fashionable styles 'and'.
finish and at prices to suit the pocket.
He also has a stook of sleighs on band
ready for the Winter. Intending per.
chasers should give him a pall and there-
by get well suited and save money at the
same time. Mr, Ewan is there to do
EVERYBODY READ Tnre. -During the
coming season I intend making a special-
ty of buggies and will build Single or
double buggies, phaetons, and rigs suit.
able for doctors, liverymen, farmers,
pleasure seekers, &o. The Iat;eet designs
and improvemente will be utilized and no
such display bas ever been witnessed in
Bruesele before. First-class work and
Bret -class material• with close, prices to
suit the times will make it possible for
everybody desirous of having a new buggy,
to secure it. See Jae. Walker before you
I can wifely recommend Wright's Liver
and Stomach Pills from personal expert.
eoae, having been troubled with pains
in the stomaob after eating for some time
and one box of Wright's Liver&Stomach
Pills effeoted a complete cure. I can
highly' c' commend them to give immedi-
ate relief.
(Sgd.) E. N. Revur, Danville, Ont.
Dou G
o fool with cheap purgative ur alive . pills
when you eau get a medioi❑ethat re-
moves the cause of siok stomach, pain in
the bask, sick headache, indigestion etc.,
that goes direct to the seat of the trouble.
A eomplete treatment is 50 Dents, with
full directions, and can be obtained at
Jas. Fox's drug store, Bruseele. Sample
box sent on receipt of six cents in stamps.
The LeRoy Pill Co„ Toronto, Oan.
Don't Headaohe Powders will ours that
splitting headache. Safe, successful,.
sure. 95 cents a box.
mowers _
G rero1Dn5,-In Brussels, on Deo. 21st,
the wife of Mr. Edward Grimoldby
of a son.
Heys. -In Seaforth, on Den. 8th, the
wife of Mr. 12. S. Hays, barrister, of
a daughter.
DE'wen.-In Enna, on Deo. lltb, the wife
of Mr. Wm. Dewar of a son.
lvfanuomt.-Iu Newmarket, on Dec. 18th,
the wife of Mr, H. E. Maddock, mer-
chant, formerly of Brussels, of a son.
'_'2.E ms E0Ztni ..
STEwanr-Ntsweoata.-At the residence of
the bride's sister, Nlre, McIntosh,
Trout Creek, on Nov. 11111, 1895, by
Itev, Mr. Love, Mr, Alfred W. H.
Stewart, of Trout Creek,' to Mies
Jemima A. Newsome, youngest
daughter of Mr. Wm. C. Newsome,
of Brussels,
GEDmte.-In Vancouver, B. C., on Deo.
80, D. W. Geddes, aged 41 years•
51cKseme.-Io Goderioh, on Deo. 11th,
Mra. McKenzie, relict of the late
John McKenzie and mother of Mayor
McKenzie, Wiogharn, aged 93 years
and 1 month.
BEmNns.-In Walton, on Dec. 10th, Wm.
T. Beirnee, aged 7 months and 23
BRIGHT.In Arthur, on Deo. 10th, Wm.
Bright, formerly of Brussels, aged 29
years, 10 months and 8 days.
DitxxlsoN-In McKillop, on Deo. 18111,
Jas. C., son ef'Thos. Dennison, aged
• 20 years and 9 months.
Alton, -At Loring, Parry Sound Dig-
trict, oneDeo, 10th, George Avery, of
Brussels, aged 08 years and 1 month.
Homees.-In Clinton, ou December 17th,
1896, Frank Watson, sou of Robert
Hnhnes, aged 1 year and 6 Months.
1000. Apply box 101, Bruesele P. 0,
for sale at a barg,tia. Apply to
W. e. mccAACEBtr,
MANOR for it new miles, cow. Apply
to A. HORNIG, Absalom] Hotel,
Piga for eale-2. sows 8 menthe old, ale°
1 boar same ago Oat be registered. Apply
to. A. 1iAYMANN, Urrvnbrooit• 28.3
orlon will
1 a be pair for 8,000 or
floraedeschar rt,tobe
4ellredthie Whiter at the ENTERPRISE
V 1'oys.ab bouxo by supplyinginneaott
amaseMente. We have aao variety of
Santee and amongst
a lduo1with other games mombinoa,.
allt level,. B 11EADADM,AN.&,MOUAC,L,
Dru,g•sts,Booktellers& Opticians.
trained,good'atze, extra gentle; Sold
with or without baryon sed top buggy,
sleigh and robes. All in prime order. Less
than half prion, 0E0. D, B.ONAr 3 ,
arera2uestod to be settled "wifbont
fail on or before January 0111, after that date
Interest will be added and placed iu other
hands for collodion. WILLIAM GRAHAM.
�7410R SALE. -J. G00) SOUND
horse, eight years old. suitable for eith-
er road or farm ; also buggy, cutter and
equipments. Would exchange them for
young Rattle if suitable.'
18-tf • JNO.:ROBB, Brussels,
The undersigned offers hie comfort-
ablecottage and i sore of land on Tmnborry
street Brussels for sole. On the premises le
a good well, stable, fruittreoe, &o. Forpiiog
and terms apply t',
1.ef ALEX. aloLAIJOIrLIN, Proprietor.
DERMIO-NED has Fevers] good Faroe for
sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. P S. Sb OTT,Druseels
VI near Brussels. Groat bargain. Lob 7,
0on, 0, Grey toweshlp, Go0drbuildlegs and
archerd, we11 watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming. Poseeselou given. next Marsh.
Apply to AV. •H. Ii31010, poem. Publishing
House, Bru Beals, or to TH 01$AS HERITAGE],
London West.
1'FARMS FOR SALE. -- 200
aorea-Ooneteting of Lots 18 on the 7011
and 8th Oonoessisne, Township o1 Grey, be-
teg 1•mile (000 the VIllage of Ethel and 55
Miles from Brussels. 40 items of Fail .wheat
sown and nboat. 80 acres under grass ; 00
cores cleared on each. Perms of payment
easy. 84: A,' MCEELVEY, M, D.,
-100 acres of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, 1s offer-
ed forsale at alerts price. The property is
North 'Cast } See.10, Typ. 11, Range 4, East.
There 3s a house on tbo premises and some
breaking done. For full particulars as to
price, title. &a„ write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR or
204f Brussels, Ont. '
Consisting of the South and South
of the North l of Lot 96, Oon 2, East Wawa -
natal. This is an excellent stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water, Itis
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage cf Blyth. A largo part of it le under
grass. Buildings and fences are ina fair
state of repair. Bae terms of payment will
'b 11 Melly For all
BLAIIR Barrister,3 Brussels,
1,3 Town hip of at excellent
100 aeras, must be 5, Csold at
once inorder to close estate of deceased own-
er. The lot be nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, large or-
chard, 3} miles from Cranbrook, is ander
good cultivation and le a very desirable ppro-
Pertyindeed. Apply to RIOHARD 1tIfT-
OHELL, Bruseole P. 0.' JOBE 014T0FELL,
on the premises • or A. S3 ONTP,R, Brussels.Dated Sept. logs, 1803,
the Township of Grey. In order to
close an estate the West half of Lot 20, Oon.
7, Township of Grey, 50 aures, is offered for
im,00diato stile. On the promisee area good
frame dwelling with kitchen, Jia„ also two
frame berns,ood water, orchard, &o., and is
close to the Village of Ethel. Soft is of the
beat and farm is 0011 feuded. Apply to
ALEX. el0EELVEY, tr, D„ Bruesele 1 `VM.
Af00ELVEY, Jamestown ; or A, HUNTER,
The eligible 400 novo farm, composed of
lots 10 and 17 in the 10th con., Grey township,
Baron Co., and 60 acres, part of lote 10 and
17, 11th Dou., belonging to the Robert Brown
estate, le offered for sale to wind up estate.
Ou the first farm is a good steno house and
largo bank barn, necessary onibuildioas, or-
chard, &e. Farm well watered,• well fenced
and in good state of oulflvatlon. About 80
mires of bash, 42 of which is hardwood. Ou
the 80 eon farm there is a house and barn,
orchard, and about 8 acres of hush. Farms
sold jointly or separately to snit parabaser.
Possession giveniu.tha Fall. Farms are on-
ly a mile from the village of Oranbrook,
whore aro school, churches, post -office,
stores, &o„ and 85 miles to the thrivingmar-
ket town Brussels, Per -further partiulars
its to prime, toms, .be,, apply to
JAMES BROWN, rEkon tors.
Oraubroolt P. 0,
Undersigned will keep for service on
1Lot 20 Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Solceted,”
Chicago 1 air A Terme, 5100e totrbe 0101,0
at •the time of service with privilege of re-
tumoi0g if'Oceeaeary, Pedigree may be eeeu
on appllcation,
R0131'. NICHOL.
undersigned will hoe, for service on
Lot 00, Con. 0, Morris, the beep
English Berkshire Boar, Captain Joltn.
Psis mother is a full sister to the let prize
SOW at the World's Fair, Pedigree will be
blrodOOmd en applientinn. Terms -SIM to
op01,1.et cline of service with privilege of
returning if seeossery,
14•Uin - JAS SPEIR Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 17, Can. 4, Morels, the thole' bred Tani-
worth boar, - iting George," purehasad front
II, George & Spee who got first intro fortheir herd at Guelph Gat stock .Show. The
dem of "Bing George" won first prize at the
Show, London gpland, Hlo e wee Mi.pIorted std `weiEnsir
ghed 760 lbs, .Tm'me $1,00 to
be paid 00 tiun°: of sorvloo with privilege of
returning if neeeaaa• . Pedigree 6 d 1ao
man ,
s ou a ilioatiOM '
SUNG 40 tP Proprietor,
Doo Vis, J.896
The Holiday-- Whirl
Finds us fully prepared to 011'
the biggest aild most diverelfied orders
thatonr Onstomers ottn give.. Our usual
stook df Drugs, Perfumes and Toilet ar-
Holes is increased by Ghe addition of many
Gibeautifulfts,Sueh noveltiaes0100 ouitabledisplleray Ohrieietmasworth''
dropping iu to see even if yen do not wieh.
to purchase. To save time in the rash
we have compiled the following list of
Games. Please keep it for reference :-
Lodi Hefr, Nations,
B]oyole Raoe, Ocean hues,
Halina, Flips,
Fisli Pond, Yacht Race,
Derby Steeple Obese, Bagatelle,
Lotto, Jaok Straws,
c, Fort,
DrCriumketmer Boy, Roverei,
Oheohees, Dominos,
Parcheesi, Oroquat,
Strange People, Ifraotiou Play,
Flags, Logomaahy,
Authors, Old Maid,.
Cuckoo, Home Tennis,
Messenger Boy, . Keeping Store.
Crokinole, $1.00 and $1.25.
Aroh Orokinole, 4 games in 1, for 51.00.
Xmas Cards and Booklets.
Books and Bibles.
Toys and Dolls.
Photo., Sorap and Auto Albums.
Buy early and get the Best' at
Fox's Drug store.
• Solioitorand Conveyancer. Collett -
,tious made, 0llioe-iraoetone'eHloak, Bras -
Bele. 21.0m
• Solicitor, Uonveyanaor,No tory Pub-
lio, &e. 001oe-Vaoatone's Block, 1 door
north of Oenlral Hotel. Private Funds to
1` • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderieb,
Ont. Ofitoo-Ilamtlton St., Opposite - Col-
borne Hotel,
VVff• lolieitor, 40. (late of Galsow &
Proudfoot's OOios, Goderioh.) Of13oe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stock a specialty. Orders left at Tmo Poem
PublishingEtouse,Bru creole, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
• EEn, will sell for bettor prtoea,to
better mos, in ase time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything.Dates and
orders eau always be arrangeat this office
or by pore oval application.
Who hoe bad 25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
terms. Sattefactfen guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at THE POST Publishing House.
19.11 Auctioneer,
1., • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dieeaaeo of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge •eurnberry et., Brussels.
Iesurero4Marriagemacetsee, ()Moeat his Groaery, Puruborry etreet. Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. U. McKay te Co'a hardware store.
Ladle s'aud ollildroue hair outtin g a specialty
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
51,00 to 51,500 and allows 34 per tient,
interest, T, 5Altlt W,
87.8m Postmaster,
Iestet of MAP1'iagl Lioe11ses,
li00'No Witness Required.
T., irLETOHHR, Brnssele.
sek T ,
ellork of the Fourth Division Cour
Co, Reran.. Conveyancer, NotaryPublicLend, Loan and Insurance Agent,. •Funds
minded and to loath Cnllootiuns made
(MOO ht Graham'sllleek, Brussels
lessonspupils either on
Piano or erne, at hiedum Room, opposite
the heat slice,Brussels,Vlesson e also
qlen years experience iteechhtg.Perms