HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-25, Page 7Duo, 25. 1896
lntereeting Items About Our Own Country,
Great Britain, the United States, end
41I Parts of the Glebe, Cendeneed and
•n:usortedfor Bary Reading.
St. Thomas clergymen have formed a
Ministerial Ansooiatioa.
fthe Pinterr fety ral neal oil r Petroluei•ruck on
The building permitsranted in Lan-
don amount to 0357,000 for the year.
Mr. Oliver Tett of Hamilton is re-
ported to have fallen heir to $500,000.
Senator MoOlelan has been appoint-
.ed Lieut -Governor of New Brunewiok.
There has bean a. discovery of gold-
bearing quartz et Stony Mountain,
The de osits in the'Government sav-
ings banks for Noeeinbea were $244,000
and the withdrawees $201,000.
Prof, Robertson wants Canadian farm-
ers to go into the business of shipping
canned butter to India and China.
The Ogilvie Company Sent another
special train with flour for Australia
to Vancouver on Saturday.
Anti-toxine is being used with great
success in the London City Hospital
in the case of diphtheria patients.
Messrs. Hoffman and McLellan of
Berlin are negotiating for the par -
abase of the St, Thomas Street Railway.
The ratepayers of Guelph will vote
on a by-law to raise $20,000 to provide
for the city furnishing its own electric
Sir William Van Horne denies the
truth of the revived rumor that he is
about to retire from the Preaidenoy 0f
the C. P. R.
The young son of John Neil Wilson,
of Ridgetown, narrowly escaped being
burned to death. Oris night-dress
caught fire tromp, grate.
The Dominion Govcrilment is being
strongly urged. to repatriate the Can-
adians who were recently induced Ito
emigrate to Brazil.
It is not expeaLed that the next ses-
sion of the Dominion Parliament will be
called for the despatch of business be-
fore the end of March.
It is announced in Ottawa that a
commission will forthwith be issued to
enquire into the efficiency of Indian
schools in the North-West.
The Dominion Government will be
asked to interfere to prevent the bar-
barous practices which prevail among
the pagan Indians in the North -Wast.
Archibald McGowan probably fatal-
ly injured Margaret McKenzie with an
ase at Cbarlotteiown, Py.E. 1. He has
been placed in an asylum to await trial.
Judgment bas been given against
Arthur E. Butt, and in favor of Ade-
line. Ferris, at St. John, N.B., for $2;
500 for breach of promise of marriage.
l b-
is goingtoVas
Hon. Mr. Fisher ,
ington to sae what modifications can be
made of the quarantine regulations be-
tween the two countries on horses and
Two more cases of smallpoxlavebeen reported to the health officials in
Winnipeg, one on Sa.Lurday, and the
other Sunday. This makes five cases
in that city.
The appeals of the Dominion and
Province of Q g
Quebec against Ontario
concerning the payment of Indian an-
nuties have been dismissed by the
Privy Oouncil.
Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia, at
the annual Wainer of the Ottawa Gar-
rison, repeated his declaration that he
was favor of the annual drill of the
entire militia force.
Itis stated at Montreal that the Do-
minion Government has taken over the
Bale des Chaleurs Railway, which will
hereafter be rum in connection with the
Intercolonial system,
Mr. J. 6. Larks, the Canadian com-
mercial agent in Australia, states that
the trade with that distant colony is
greatly hampered by the want of trans-
portakion facilities. I
Frederick Small, the contraotor who
pleaded guilty to defrauding the Ham-
aton House of Refuge out of e100, was
' sentenced by Magistrate Jells to pay
a fine of $400, evhich he at once paid.
The Montreal Council has revived
the project of buildings viaduct from
St. kienri to Bonaveuture station ata
cost of $1,000,000 to carry the G. T. R.
tracks and do away with level cross-
The Winnipeg Grain Exchange
Council has arrived at the conclusion
that with a properly equipped boat for
crushing ice navigation at Fort Wit -
linen could be lengthened for two or
three weeks.)
Messrs. Harry Murphy and David
Spicer fell through the vault while
working on the ruins of the Sparks
street fire at Ottawa. Spicer died m
a short time and Murphy is not ex-
pected to recover. ,
Nightwatohman Eastman of Welland
was attacked by burglars whom he
was attempting to drive from Brown
Bros'. liquor store and beaten insensi-
ble. The burglars escaped but failed to
blow open the safe.,
John Bertram, the driver of the Lom-
bard street fire steamer,at Toronto,
fell from his box while going to a fire
on Sunday afternoon. The rear wheel
of the heavy engine passed over his
Bead, killing bin instantly.
`Miss Ethel Smith, of Toronto, was
presented with the Sanford geld medal
by the Royal Canadian Humane Asso-
ciation for bravery in clinging to the
boy and baby Galbraith when wrecked
on Strawberry Island last July.
The boiler of a threshing engine at
work at the farm of Mr. 'Archibald
Ferguson, Yarmouth, exploded. Mr.
Alesaaider Forbes who owned the en-
gine, was struck by a frying piece of
the boiler in the back of the left ear
and instantly killed. Three other man
were injured.
An investigation will be held by the
Fire and Light Committee of the Ot-
tawa City Council into the recent ex-
tenseve Sparks street fire to ascer-
tain if there was anything wanted in
the management or appliances of the
fire department.
The Ogilvies intend to erect early
next year a new elevator at Montreal
with a c,apaaity of 500,000 bushels, and
another in Winnipeg with a capacity
of 150,000g,
bushels,maaial their total
elevator capacity for Manitoba wheat.
4,500,00. bushels, ,
Prince Charles of Denmark and his
wife are going Ito Copenhagen at the
end of the week for Sha first tine
since their wedding,,
gr lite Clyde seamen and fireman have
one out on strike and are ondeavor�
lag to Inevent the sailing .of the An -
Ober and Allan Zaino stealmers.
It le understood that Waal, the open-
ing of Farliaulont the ataileals velli *'Please, darter, lease to come and sea,
atter* al bitter attsupon Mr. Cham- I This merry (Meter,
berlaiaa far Lis Transvaal policy, Wby 'granny stares so still at me,
And paint a word to sayl
(A Beeltatfon.)
The Queeu will leave ,Windsor' cas-
tle on Friday for Osborne, where she
will reeeivo a family party flaring the
will reeeive'a family partytd•uring the
ObristmeS holidays.
A colliery lbws, been flooded near
Abernant, 1n the south of Wales, and
one +handreil and 'twenty men who were
in the mine had a race for their lives.
Six of them were drowned.
The British army is to be Strength-
enol with; eight new battalions of In-'
featly and eighteen new batteries of
artillery of four guns coca, and the
avalry force is to be reorganized..
Sir Edward Lawson, . the iPrinoipal
proprietor of the London (Daily Tele
graph, entertained the Pri)1eglof Wales
and a large house party at his coun-
try place In Buokingb_amehire (last week.
The Birmingham Post of Wednesday
confirmed the report that an entente
has been arrived at between the pow-
ers, and that a large fleet will be mo-
bilized near the 'Bosphorous, and
Turkey forced to carry out' reforms,
Mr.Gladstone bas been afflicted with
frequently occurring attacks of short-
ness of breath since last Thursday.
Tae doctors attending the ex -Premier
state that there is no cause for anxie-
ty, but it will be necessary for Mr.
Gladstone to spend the winter, itt
A thinly attended cpnference was
held on Thursday in Landon of those
favourable to the reform of the fis-
cal policy of Great Britain. Mr. Low-
ther, who attended, advocated a duty
on grain, saying that the British far-
mer must not be ruined either by for-
eigd or colonial competition.
Col, John R. Fellows, New York Dis-
trict Attorney, is dead.
At Butte, Mont., a uiub of Cuban
sympatherizers is being organized to
join the insurgents in January.
Private post -cards, larger than the
official, cards, were authorized by Con-
gress at Washington on Wednesday.
Samuel, Rosenbaum, aged 00, shot his
wife and Tues-
day. at Rdchestar, on Tues
y. Body are probate' fatally injur-
The .Kentucky' Court 01 Appeals has
refused a new trial to Scott Jeolteon.
charged with the murder of Pearl
At Dunbar, Pa. on Tuesday an earth-
quake startled the people, The shock
was felt in several of the surrounding
T. L. Lewis, secretary of the Ohio
Miners' organization, predicts a gen-
eral • miners' strike as the result of the
Pittsburg meeting.
The fire foss of the United States
and Canada for November amounts to
60,211,800, The total loss for 1806 will
bo about $115,000,000.
By a vote of 104 to '7 the United States
House of Representatives has passed
the bi:d prohibiting the sale of intoxi-
cating Oiquors at the capitol.
A frenzied man, crazed by his wife's
death, h, bw'ied his teeth in an officera
arm at Atlanta City, N. J. The arm
wild have to be amputated.
A sensation has been caused at Au-
burn, Ind., by the discovery that Dan-
iel. W.Fair, the retiring treasurer of
Da Hsfib County, is 013,500 short in this
Mrs. Walter Castle, who was convict-
ed of shoplifting in London, Eng., has
undergone a surgical operation at
Ph'aeadel2Nhia, with the hope of being
cured L o herIlllafation.
The Buffalo wholesale dealers say that
Canadian dressed beef is killing the local
trade, and complain that the twenty
per cont. tariff is not enough topro-
tect them from Canadian competition.
The Albright a& Wilson Electro -
Chemical Company of Great Britain
have closed a contract with the Ni-
agara Falls Power Company�, and will
move to Niagara Fells, N.Y. ,
Theophila Le inane, a French-Cana-
dian, and his wife, who have dived six
years in New York, have been found on
the verge of starvation,. Le Wane be-
ing out of work. He is an architect and
a painter.
Secretary Olney has received a mes-
sage from Senor Andrade, the Venezue-
lan Minister to Washington, stating
that the Venezuelan Government has
accepted the agreement reached by.
the United States and Great Britain
for the definition of the disputedboun-
At this time of year the condition of
trade everywhere is only of a holiday
nature, and the activity in various linos
is usually of a transitory kind. The
break in prices was expected, and is
not considered of more than passing
consequence. Tice coming holidays and
soma doubt as to the action of Con-
gress are the ostensible reasons given
for an ordinary quietness hi trade just
before Christmas. Talk as to crop con-
ditions bore and abroad is wild and var-
ious, but the opinion of conservative
business men is that good prices for
grain may be expected to endure. Gen-
eral trade is quiet, and the labour mar-
ket is for the present again depressed.
No positive change in business condi-
tions is possible until we are well into
next month,
Herr Ernest Engel, the German sta-
tistician is dead at Berlin.
A despatch from Bombay states that
the bubonic p'ngue is spreading every-
A large deposit of coal has been
discovered at Codrgy, on the west
coast of Newfoundland.
The Spanish Government says tbat no
reforms for Cuba will be discussed until
the rebellion is completely crushed.
The (amino which threatened the
whole of India, lois been partially
averted in certain districts by the re-
cent rains.
Fourteen of the crew of the British
ship Peer were drowned in thewreck
of the vessel on the South African
The French Government bas decided
to abiotiish time penal settlement at New
Caledonia, The convicts will be sent to
Madagascar instead,
It is reported that the Magus of
Abyssinia has ceded to Russia a small
stretch oe coast between Obok and
Erithrea as a coaling station,
The German steamer 'Salter, ,with a
crew of 0.0 mon and a large number of
passengers, foundered off the coast
of South Africa with all on board.
A 'despatch from Caracas says that.
public opinion has triumphed, and that
Venezuela will wathbold her eonsant to
the arren ement entered into between
Lo'r'd Salisbury and Secretary Olney,
The British steamer, Castle Eden,
from Sierra Leona with 000 African
labourers for the Panama canal, has
arrived at Colon, Columbia, a number
of the labourers suffering from small.
We lives down yender wbere the waves
Ocoee howlin' up the shore,
And rants and roars and rips and
And won't tell what it's for.
We baint se stylish as folks thinks,
No matter what they says,
Pot beaps al snow sleets through the
i These windy winter. days.
And then we don't get "stacks" to
Although there's lots to drink,
But too much water and no meat
Keeps 'granny, thin, I think.
Still Granny's game and never ones
For little things like that;
She only hangs her head and sighs,
Till I feel mighty 'flat.
For 1 love her wrinkly foetid.,
what's left of her . ban.;
And when I sees her bothor'd,
It's more en I can bare.
Last night the man came for the rent,
It war'nt very much ;
He left with granny's last red cent,
And poor dead grandpa's watch!
Then granny sesm'd to kind of faint,
Lands, how she hung her head,
Then, lookin', up justlike a saint,
She anril'd at me and said,
"Ole Billy, boy, I'm goin' far,
Yes, very far away,,
Beyond the highest twinkle star,
To spend my Xmas day."
She said a heap of 'real good things,
'Bout flow'rs, and figs, and dates,
And lova, and peace, and angel's wings,
And shinny golden gates.
And she call'd me "noble Billy,"
But like a great big "sap,"
T bawl'd out soft and silly,
And blubber'd in bar lap•
She strok'd me till I fell asleep
And last of all I mind,
Her kissin' me slap on the cheek;
For she was orful kind.
And in the night I dream'd a dream,
It warn't nothin' bad,
Ter frighten yer or make yer scream,
It rather made me glad.
I dreamt that me and Granny Griegs
Was sailin' in a boat,
When all at onat two big, wild pigs
And a buntin' Billy -goat,
Came skitin' down the river bank,
And in the water flopp'd ;
Lands, how that goat did buck and
And how that river chopp'd I
Then each wild porker pok'd his snout
In under that boat's keel;
And tumbl'd me and granny out
Just like as it was real.
Then just as we were ig,in' to sink,
Them very same wild hogs,
As quick as you could say "twink,
Turn'd into two black dogs.
And one straight up to granny swam,
The other steer'd for me,
And (gentle as a little lamb,
Them dogs appear'd to be.
We cuddled 'em about the neck,
And tan 'd with all
our might ;
But, still, they never splash'd a s
And didn't bark or bite.
Then all at onct, you'll hardly think
As how it could be so,
They tnrn'd again .as quick as wink
To swans as white as snow.
So me and granny clam' right on
The middle of their backs,
And, lands, you bet we soon gotwarsx ;
The feathers was in "stacks."
You've seen white clouds asailin' past
The full moon in the night;
That float so feathery and so fast
And get so full of light.
Well, slicker far than even that
Them swans they sail'd along,
Their feet a keepin' time as pat
As if they sing'd a song.
You've seen them crimson colors when
The sun goes down to bed,
And all the sea a glitterin'
With shaky streaks of rod.
' Well, somethin' sort of like to that,
The river kind o' linolc'd;
As if it was a pearly mat
Laid winding ways and crook'd.
We sailed along for hours and hours,
Till bye and bye the nilgtt
Friel ev'rythin' except the f cw'rs, '
Which kap on 'gettin' bright.
Then ale at cant, as quick as scat,
The flow'rs got a face;
Then, stead of flbw'rs, angels sat
In ev'ry flrower's place.
And, oh, we seed such fancy things,
It seem'd a fairy land,
Where all the harps had golden strings,
And sounded like a band. c
And best of all there grow'd right up
A. great big Xmas • tree,
From out a great bag candy cup,
With suthin' on for me.
And soon an angel hollor'd out,
"Come forward, William Griog,"
But though I pui4'd and yank't about,
I couldn't novo a peg.
That made the angel rippin' mad,
incl in this book he wrote,
That, thin' as I was so bad,
I'd have to ride the goat.
Then all at onct the dear old swan,
Stopp'd toastin' at my toes;
Aud 11.ke it bullet from a gun
Up m the air I goes.
And down I comes soon afterwards
A straddle of a goat;,
It was the same old ppiece of goods.
That chas'd as in ilio boat.
He jolted suthin' horrible,
And, though it was .a dream,
I1 got so hautr'd unbearable
I waken'd with a sureaan.
Bnt, even then I didn't feel.
As it I was right wise; •
For granny satso cold and still,
,And steel with, both her eyes.
And I hates 10 sae her botlanx'd,
Its morc'n I can bear ;
For I levee her wrinkly foretd
And what's 1eft of her hair.
Now, denier, do please come and a
Thismerry Xmas day,
Why gunny stares so still at 1
And -Sint a weed to sea!
1' 013 T.
a ; NO USE Ole rf'i5 LEOS.
Declare Could riot Help Rim, But Two
Battles of South American kidney
Cure _Removed the Disease''—Tho
Story of a 'inguina Farmer,
Kidney disease can be cured. Mr.
John Snell, a retii'etl farmer of 1Vina-
hula, Ont., says; "For twoears I
suffered . untold misery, and at times
ooaid net walk, and any standing po-
sition gave intense pain, . the vault of
kilns}y disease, Load phyefaiens could
not help me, and I wee continually
growing worse, whiell; alarmed family
and friends, Seeing South American
Kidney Cm•e advertised, I gr'as ed at
It as a dying man will gra,sg aD any-
thing, : Remiltt-before hall a bottle had
been taken I was totally relieved of
pain, and two bottles entirely aural
nee." To cure kidney disease a ligurd.
medicine must be taken, and one that
is a solvent, and can thus dissolve the
sand -like particles in the blood.
Sold by 5, A. Deadman.
Iceland, in the North Atlantic ; the
Isle of Man, between England and Ire-
land ; Pitcairn Island, ,in the South Pa-
eific, kava full woman suffrage.
Almost a Fatality But for Dr. Agnew's
Ouse far the Heart—Strange Story of
a Narthevest ,Lady;
A death to be tlireaklled is that .from
suffocation, and yet this is one of the
usual phases of heart disease, Mrs.
J, L, Hidliea aL Whitewood, N. W. T.,
came as near this dengea'ous point as
need be, SIM says: "I was much af-
flicted with beaart failure, in fact I
could not sleep or lie down for fear
of suffocation. I tried all the doctors
in this section of the country, but they
failed to give me relief. A Local drug-
gist a'scammended Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the heart. I tried it, and with the
result that I immediately secured ease
that I dial not know before, and after
taking further klrtsee of the medicine
the trouble altogether left me. It is not
too mutt tosaythaL it saved my life
SoldG. A. Deadma
S byn.
Miss Manyseason—No, Mr. Bloom I
cannot be your wife, but I wall be a
sister to you.
Mr,. Bloom, youthful adorer,—You aro
very kind, and I know my mother will
like that arrangem int. She has often
said I would have been a better man
if I had had an elder sister to look
after me.
Not a Financial, But Worse, a Physical
Wrecks -Past: Doctors' Skill, But Cur-
ed by Scutt Mnierieah' Nervine.
Prostrated by nervous debility Mr. E
Erret, lumber merchant and mill own-
er of Merriekville, Ont., was forced to
withdraw from( the activities of busi-
usiness. He says: I tried: everything in
the way of doctors' skill and proprietary
medicines, but . nothing Aped me. I
was influenced to use South Ahnerican
Nervine, and I can truthfully say
11181 I had not taken 1180:f a battle
before I found beneficial effects. As
a result of several bottles I find my-
self to -day strong and healthy, and
ready for any amount of business, where
before my nervous system was so un-
dermined that I could scarcely sign m1
own name with a pen or pencil. I
say,feelingly and know' g 1 get a bot-
tle o
gY knowingly.,
tie of this wonderful medicine:;
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
What do you mean by shoving me like
ihat1 asked the irate passenger of the
street car conductor.
Because I believe that when you see.
a gpod thing you should push it along.
Thousands Who Dread an !Attack of Ca-
tarrh as Winter's Cold Approaches—
Yet Catarrh Can Be Banished Un-
der the Magic Touch of Dr. A•gnew's
Catarrlst Powder, ,
This is not a dogmatic statement,
strong as it may seem.' Leading mem-
bers of Paellaaneut, the most prominent
clerian,gModien st,heBaptistp and 'Roman
Cathol'ic churches, have borne testi-
mony to the effectiveness of this medi-
cine. Mr. Jahn'MacEdevards, the pop-
nlee purser of the Canadian Pacific
steaaner "Artl albasca," is one who was
cured Ica intense suffering from
ca'thaauhal troubles by the use of this
medicine. Good Samaaitna like he has
ever since reccimvrended it to any who
suffer. Head off an attack of catarrh
by having this medicine at your hand,
Sold by a. A. 1sa aiman.
Man coanet'h often to a time
Whose woe he scarce can speak,
When bitterly he mourns that dime
Ho wasted just last week.
Terrible Suffering of an Elora Lady
From Bhaumatism—Fifteen Years a
Sufferer, But Cured by Two Bottles
of South American Rheumatic Cure.
No lien can describe the intensity of
suffering that may come from an at-
tack of Rheumatism."Por fifteen
rears," says Mrs, John Beaumont of
pllora, Ont., "I have been more or less
troubled with rheumatism„ which took
the form of pains in my beck, often
confining me to my bed, and rendering
me part of the time wholly unfit for
my duties. At times I suffered so in-
tensely that 1 could not turn in my
bed, and the disease was fast seething
a point where both myself and my hus-
band had become thoroughly discour-
aged of recovery. A. friend recommend-
ed South American Itheumatic• Cure
and after the first bottle, I was able to
sit up, and before four bottles were
taken L was able to go about as usual,
and beau been in excellent health
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
McKinley is another. of the long list
of American presidents w113 ware. not
college graduates.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure all
raises of itching piles in from three to
six nights, One applicationbrings
Si'or Mad and bleeding piles
a aurea rYY rl it
1, ,lay the z,Iundxedei, Those Who 1-I
Been '
.tired of .Dire DiscL.sc 13y
South r�111wI`10E]T1 l"Tc.1";V1i1G,.
o41P1ivete.1 1 it
Where Ciller Medicines Have Faded. and DDetorS l3CLPI
• l5L'ai ionnl eii the (.ia:ieii'.f iyoti'.i Clll'L', This
G eat 1-)isco1 .'i'y 1 -las Pi'ovo: a
GolIrtine lJ fells of Lift.
Tao ' Seine Verelet Coiner Fro= Qui and N oang, l:inle Gad Female.
l,lell and Poor, and Frons, Ali Centers of tae Dominion.
If it is t:. rase that he who .mattes bottles of Nervine, end can tt•uthtully
two blears of grass grow whore only say teat I am a new 1nnt."
rine held ;; ., : a before Is a benefactor A shrewd observer "f itan n
has said : " The hand that roe
of: the race•, whet the peeitien to he.cxedla moves the woty:!." Ii
ii'(o,ald `1't r"" rl:o lty Itis I,now portant it is, then, tett ho.
,a, r. t - , i: -es of life and health strength uhould- bo made 1.1
1. tlettl;th 810 re „
he mothers of thin eauatr
Ltd naticipat:on ofla"Country..
c''''''4'1.'114'1.'11 h"A:...a, prevatleu:': Is men of Canada are ready by.
:rt 1 ;.e a s. .,,et,ufactor? Let
c:tell of the benefits that have
them through the use of aouti,
al., sn i ala lir ren clown and are can Nervine. Mrs. N. Anna'
ru•,r - h "t.,t n t: ,• use of SouthAm- Orillta, wife 01 the eel aorteut)
i _..., a Nei -vino it re their opinions on Gable Society of that .town,
are e.eemet. John I:oyer, banker, of for six years from nervous pro�
i i nc tn i .ii made himself a Medical assistance did not 1
1... 1 ut 1., d 5.'".5"P'11 50,^.11 yee'ra 01 over- all," site says, " I' have taken
V <•4
.At rP=.a t he felt his ease was of Nervine, and sax truahfa
l e e•
:or the bust Physicians had
a 1 him lied. Pie tried Ner-
ti,c,a d there ore Ids words -:"Iglad-
ly *ay it Ncryine cured me and I
Inti v
S' ' sa v
is the ono medicine that.; rias,,,,
a cure in my cane." 1.11" John
^n for. 40 •sa, a. .
woody has be..y, i
la m::Lh
tsl c z song and well as ever."
jo Fleshree-s and s
a1.t..1 •7;a, of Meaford, was cur id of lotted tgree-score years and ten.
years ago iter system suscd ted °.
neuro! of the stomach and Bowels ere shock through the death
l:y three betties of this medicine, Jas. daughter. Nervine T'as recomm
Sherwood, o: Windsor, at 70 years of day again stron,g and hearty.
She perseveringly .took 12 Iiott
age, suicred from en attack of partial, medicine, with theresultthat she
s,s. 1 is life, a t at ate, was despair-
ert of. But tour bottles of Ner✓ine
ave him back his natural stf.ength. A
victim' of indigestion, W. F. Bolger, of
r enfi tSays Nervine cured inc
dreds of women suffer from impov
ed blood and weakened nerves
vitality," says Mrs. 7. 'l+:allis, o
Brampton, ' :condi tb hb' b forsaken'
of mer
which seemed incur -
m s stem. 1 was unable to re-
arde, ladhad battled all forwent. tae- net from any source until I commented
thcda and cPorts." Peter Eason, of taking South American Norville. They
Paisley. lost flesh and rarely rad a results are most satiafactnry--greater
clod right's sleep, because m: stomach far than I could have honed for," It
trouble. Ile says : "Nervine stopped came within the way of Mrs. 11. Stan -
tate agonizing pains in my stomach the Teton, of Wingham, to treat tinder t
f alt day I used it. I have new taken 'best physicians, both in Canada
.two bottles and I feel entirely relieved !England, for heart disease art '^•
anti can sleep like a top." A repre ous debility, but she failed to i
scmtative farmer, of Western Ontario,. relief. "I was advised,' she se,
is „fr. C. J. Currie, residing near Wind- take South American Ivarvine;
car. His health was seemingly cam- must say I do believe that if I
pletely destroyed through la grippe, 1 not done so I would not be alive
1'o medicine did hire any good. "To day."
three bottles of Nervine,' lie says. '1
ittribrte mf restoration to health and
strength." :either man or woman
ren enjoy life when troubled with liver
a c was the sentiment
and f o W. J. r4111 91e well-
knowt a hailiF of Bracebrifi e. "I was
i') bad." FAY'S he, "that one of my
Newspaper space Is too valuable to
permit of further additions to these•
earnest words of testimony from those 'i(
who know just whaa they are t king
about. In the common lansua of 1i
the day, they have been there, a d art : p;
speaking from the he t•^`-'•" a esu':-',''
P e ar z
g s1rEi
r more witnesses here speak lraa�� �-;
medical 'ndents said that I was their counterparts by the hunch
dying, but. thank God 2
am not dead not only in the province of c ata
et. Irons i1 c drat few doses I tools
of Nervine 1 ea---•;enced to feel bat-
ter, anti a.n to-da:v restored•cornpletely
e, my 11- al i •'alth." A resident of
but in every other section of the Doan
ion. South American Nervine Is bas
on a s..ienti'lc principle that mal
a cure a certainty,' iso matter holy d
the + ^e Froviuces, In the person Aerate the case may be. It stripes
r,^ 5, atiZICP. of Sussex. N.E., says : "Fur at the ncrve'centers from which 1)a
twelve years I was a martyr to indi- the life bi-ad of tine whole system.;
tier, constipation and headache. Is not a medicine of patchwork. b.
Tre treatment of several physicians is complete and comprehensive in
act Lab me.. I have taken a few application.
Sold by Deadman & McColl
085 Day's String of Murders and Shooting
Encounters is Chicago.
The twenty -Lour hours between Sat-
urday and Sunday evenings were pro-
eific of murdeoa and fatal shooting
encounters in Oliicalgo.
During that time two men were mur-
dered and the mautitlated body of a
third, supposed to have been assassin-
ated, was found. Beside these, three
men were shot and two of them fatale.
ea wounded during quarrels. 'A thud
is dying of aatab wound. Same of the
guilty men are in the hands of the
police, but the perpetrators of the two
most atrocious. ones are still at large.
Tbs rest of killed and dying are :.s
follows: William Johann, bartender in
Le Grand H'otell shot and killed 17
two unknown robbers early Sunday
morning; r
Dominick Gi-1, city employee, missing
since he drew 'hispay Friday, mutilat-
ed body found in the lake.
William Morris, alias Eli, 24 years
old, shot and killed by Joseph Spiegel
at 540 Clark street on Sunday nigdt•
Patrick Casey, cadging -house habi-
tue, stabbed Sunday morning in a
street fights: by James Mciliahon. At
two o'clock on Monday morning the
authorities at the County Hospital re-
ported Casey as dying. 'McMahen laven-
der arrest.
Luke Coyne, dying et the County
Hospital, from a bullet wound inflict-
ed, the police believe, by James Dono-
Jahn Meehan, shot by 'William 'Reeh-
an during christening featitities at
2923 Archer avenue on Sunday night,
lying at his home. lteehlm surrendered
to t:Ba police.
Harry. Simpson, shot in the shoulder
and seriously wounded during. a anal,
rot in a saloon at 3094 Atelier avenue.
Andrew MvCaa shy is under arrest for
rho assault.
The Hamburg dockers' strike con-
ti es,
nu E'
A seri itis uprising of the natives is
reported Lorenzo Marques, Portu-
gaeso S Africa. 'Bee I'ortugnese
and BA ether,
but the urs
five h
dome Statistics from the Trail Cr
Mr. R. F. Mendenhall, the represe
tativo of the Rend Drill Company
Roseland, is authority for the followhs
statistics, showing the extent of til
mining machinery, which has been
ped into the Txail Creek ettini;st
the past year;
Le Roi 40dri]l plant; War Bag e
20 drills; White Bear, 4; Cliff, 4; O.S,
10 -stamp mill, 4 drills; City of Spok _,
4 drills; Red Mountain, '7; +Crown Point,
7; Commander, 4; Columbia and Koot-
enay, 30. In addition to these are many;
hoisting works and mine machinery.
If the Sloe= country be inoluded,or.
the entire district of West Kootenay,
be considered in the estimate, these fig-
ures will be about doubled, as there, arca
be the Skean country fully 45 ship
ping mines, 3 smelters and 6 concen-
The value of the machinery placed in.
rho Trail Creek division Mr. Menden
13111 estimates at $1,250,000.
The men at work in the east shaft
of the California struck the first regular
oro vein on October 24th, It is pyritio
iron with indications of copper. The
vein is not large. This has been ob-.
taiued ai a distance' of 4011. The shaft',
where this strike eves made ,is about'
1,000 it„ 'oast of the shaft, which has
been sunk on the iron 'bat, near the
west line.—The Engineering aria 2'1
tette journal.
Sir Alexander Milne,.who 1
wino entered the navy oaecb4r'q
e 0ldeat admiral, and the
ed the longest , .�