HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-25, Page 1_ BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1896 o* Doient Order of Vnitei 'Workmen, Mils offt nue proeperoue preterite' Assoot- Wog nfloADorjpg N0,000 2120111b0221 aro pre- sort -time to the public their popular and ewe- omigai vales te worthy men, et the very law rate of about KM per 81,000 nor exeunt. The oWeelimene recompile Puy Death lidalme and &meet a nage 11102'01020 to its 122002210213 saw that ialoHo Amerman Ligo Companies 8009 ,00001 setisfeotory to Ova- ediane, ! ? 110.0T, Atea0l3TRONG, M. W. 1 W. B, lielleat, ..7tectortler ; a., A.. OitleiGHTON,Finattoier, MEDICAL CARD T A. 1VIoNAUGHTON , IvL D. t.r• 8, Ont. neettlence and canoe 111 WISOP'S Moak, corner of eidi and Turnberry eta T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Ph yeioian, Burgeon, Aeceuther, etch. Graduate of Torouto Onivereity Medial Eacuity....Member of College of Physicians sea surgeons Out, enterce—Next door to McDonald & Go., Walton out, DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH rnestreett, sonetzth AND ACCIOUOIIEER, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, lst'Olese /ironer Graduate of the leniversi- des of Trinity (Toronto?, Queen's (limeston) and of Trinity, medical 00118981Fellow of Trinity meetioal college and member of the college Of Muskier& and Burgeons of Outar- io. root Graduate Course in Detroit and Obieugootiec. epeeist attention paid to els- epees of Gye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- eases of Women. i0oosi1tati0n in Msg- ileli and German. M /A.' trilirRAILWAY tAte..i • vinvlwarcEpt, Christmas TT 1 New Year'sti 1111 and "ma,1.r,sos7;‘,...kasommoloommiiseasm' COED:Ay OG11,11213010113, District 110 6. Messes, itteonei and Melon Elected by A echunamen. Last Monday, at 1 p, m. SS.porSLatuto, be, S, Scott took bit place an Beuesels Town Ball ?us Norninatieg Officer to ro. ceive nominations for County Connell District No, 6, comprising the enunice. palities of Brutisele, Grey and Morris, There was a large ettendance of electors present. At __ H, Mooney, of Brave ones, was pro- posed by Geo, Hood and John Elston. A.roh, Hislop, let Deputy Reeve of Grey, moved by Jolla Long, seconded by R. T. Hingsten. W. IL Zerr, Reeve of Broasels, by Robert Armstrong and Wm. Mollie. The hour having elapsed for receiving nominations, Mr. Scott made the rental official announcement. F. S. Scott was chosen Chairman of the platform meetiag an6 by arrangement with the emadidates the speethes were made M the followiug order W. H. Kerr returned thanks or the honor done him in being proposed as a Co. Councillor for. District No. 6, but while for a number of reasons ho would be pleacsed to have a seat with the new Co. Connote alto his experience of five years there, he had no intention of run- ning in this contest as he purposed Gen- teel -mg Brussels Reeveship, and had pleas- ure in resigning in fever of Nie. Mooney •and Me. Hislop, believing that they would carefully and ottpe,blylook after the e01. towage of Grey, Morris and Brueeele for the next two.years, at Goderich. The blueness affair of Huron Go Council had been wisely and economically manag- ed in the past and he believed would be under the new Aot. Few Counties have as effident e. set of officers as Huron con- aisting of Wm. Lome, Clerk Dr.litilmes, Treasurer; John Ainsley, Road and Bridge Commiseioner ; Mr. and Mrs. Frenoh, as Caretaker and Matron of the House of Refuge; W. Coats as Inspect- or ; and De. Shaw as Physician. The salaries of moll of these people were quot- ed. In speaking of the House of Refuge, the arehitect and contractor came in for some oritioism, but the Home was one of comfort and the big family of 62 was well looked after. The proceeds of the In- austrial farm for the Summer of 1898 amounted to the following :—Oats, 300 bushels ; potatoes, 400 bush. ; corn, not all basked •' turnips, 400 bush. ; garden beets, 100 bush. ; garden °tweets! 50 bush. ; garden parsnips, 25 bush. ; onicele, 15 bnah. ; apples, 19 trees, 40 be:role ; hay, I ton ; corn fodder, $ acre ; beans, 12 bushel?) ; cabbage, 1,000 head. Brief reference was made to the finances of the Go. and the probability of greeter reduo- tion in Co. rate owing to good sale of de- bentures and mortgages by Co. Teeasurer and Barrister Prondfooll. As to the new Co Council Act, he believed it should re- ceive a fair and Impartial trial and judg. moot passed then as to its value. For himself, he would not have objected to each municipality hawing a representative at the Co. Council. Important questions would come up for consideration but he expeoted Co. Counoillors Mooney and Hislop would take wee of No. 0 and he wished them success in their work and now retired in their favor. Kr. Mooney expressed thanks for the honor done him by his mover and second- er ; also to Dar. Kerr for withdrawing from the field and the kind things said by him toward Mr. Hislop and himself, end thereby electing them by acclama- tion. PM had been particularly fortunate iu acclamation elootions. Thought every- body should feel au interest in Co. Coml. oil matters. After giving arguments pro and omits to the new Act, 118 went on to speak of Go. finances. The Go. debt was 5240,000, with debentures of 575,000, and after paying would have a surplus of 59,- 000 toward meeting 565,000, our present Go. debt. The Co. rate will necessarily come down. He would try to do his best for the Diehl:let and the County at large. Mr. Armstrong, "You look after Morris anyhow." The epeaker said ho had and would do that. It was doubtful if this Northern part of the Co. bed received fair play as compared with other portions of the Co. Hulletb had received over 58,000 for bridges and Grey had contributed toward this sum §400. A.s Morris was in a gra- flax positioa to Grey, he bad taken ad- Vautage of the Act m collecting for Morris bridges. Expenditure of the Go. should not increase. A hospital is proposed 30 Clinton owing to that town having a leg - thy of $10,000 left them for isontte piablio enterprise, but he would oppose the Go. building it as be would prefer giving them a eagerly grant. Reducing the Go. Con*i. oil will bring oath member into more vita touch with the taxpayers. Believed ill paying a fair salary to each Co. official when they Jo their work efficiently. Did not favor increasing salaries now. Thanked the eleetora foe electiag by acclamation auci would endeavor to dis- charge his duties as efficiently as possible Wished tin present the oomplitnents of the canteen. Mr, Hislop said he felt a litele nut of pi:twit being returned by aceltunation as Co, Connoillor for Dialect No. 6. He had boon in the township Commit for 5 years, two of width he luta also been in Co. Connell. Thanked Mr. Key? for Madam; SD election by acclamation pos- sible Thio was ate more noteworthy as ho (Kerr) WAS looked Imola as one of the best members of the Co. Commit. The new Act has wrought many &lenges and for the fleet time Grey, Brussels end Mor- ris meet together as a Disteice Believed the Co Connell Act was a good ono, and while them might be defeats thought it would prove an advantage. The enlarg- ing of the conetiLueney broadens a mitn. Wo 1008 often afraid of new laws, but the record proves that the municepal laws of this Province have boon a, emcees, The Co. Council of Huron VittLS composed of a set of eensible mon. The Connoillors fees last year amounted to $2,000. Expendi- ture cannot reasonably come clown much lower than at present unlese %penny wise and myna foolish 1)01(031 is adopted, De Between all Stations in Canada • SINGLE FIRST...CLASS FARE Good going Deo. 2,4th and 2533, valid for return on or before Deo. 26111, or Deo. 81st and Jan. let, valid for return on or before Jan. 2nd, 1897. ' Senate meet -aim Fare 05119. stne-itttrd Good ping Dee. 23ed, 24th and 25th or Deo. 80th, 31st and Jan. 1st, valid for return ou or before Jan. 4111, 1897. SCHOOL VACATIONS. tangle First -thus Fero and one -Odra • Good going Deo. 31.131 to 24th, valid for retnen on or before Jan. 11th, 1897, on • presentation and surrender of standard certificate. J. N. RTINDAIL, G. T. R. Agana Brussels. belltuee debt is 575,000 yet. An 13nglish firm purchased the debeatemee and en ad- vantageous mule was inade. The Co. Treasurer end 33arr18ter Proudfoetc re. ceived 51350 for their expenses 1(0 10111318016 in carrying out this lnishmes, but they [deemed they hail saved the Co. 51,400, so that even then 1D00ey ME towed. Over $40,000 will bo paid in 00, taxeli. but the Oce °mica only. control about half of that; A compeeeson with 8.870 shows 3110.3 3310 mammals in expenditure is largely in mattere outeide of the con. trollable expenditure of the Commit. Mr. Ilielop said he was grateful for the honor done him and he would do hie very best to distil:large the duties in the inter - este of this Distriot. Owing to the retirement. of, Mr. Kerr the Nominating Officer declared Metiers, Mooney and Hislop °looted.. by acclama- tion. The Chairman thee called on Warden Strachan, who spoke warmly on the abil- ity of the past Co. Connell and showed their Willingness to treat all municipali- ties fairly. Did not think the new Co. Couneil should cost as moth as the old. 16 men can efficiently perform the duties and he thought the rednotioe would prove a benefit. Hoped the Act would work well and expected each representative Would look carefully after the various municepolitiee in his District, There were advantages in attending the Go. Council, but believed township affairs would be as well looked after next year as ever. Depety-Reeve Kirkby, of Morris, and Deputy -31e800 Turnbull, of Grey, were also asked to speak as old Co. Councillors, but in their modesty they detained to take the platform. They are likely re. serving their orations for menial* nom - Motion day, whish cornea next Monday, as both are candidates for Deputy •Reeve - ships in their respective townships. LEAVING I BRUSSELS TILATTGIITEll • ece • Harness, Boots & Shoes 11/fust 138 closed out by Jinn- ary 1st as I have pur- chased a business elsewhere. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT ONCE. ••• L 0. RICHARDS. GROC3ERY "W J McOracken• Desires to call the attentioneot the pew plc of Brussels and sue' ()ululate (annay to the fact that be has opened up a . Cholas /V e w Stook of Christmas Oroosries, In Om stand recently vacated by W. H. McCrea en, qk New Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Nuts, Candies, &a., iee, Oatmeal exebanied for Oats. A sbare of Public patronage will be much appreciated by limn, was the Conservative candidate at the lest election ia East, Heron, and epthe at a nutther of meetings liar.Feee row MA 0. speaker at Walton at his re- quest, es his throat tailed him Owing to five weeks' campaign. Mr, 1Therow had :Velma at Walton to oblige him. It was a moderate speeele He did not reoolleot his asking the etcetera to vote for 1111 0. At Brusselo his appeal was short and ambit lergely with Peovingial politics. not eee ltle. Farrow at proteat meet- ing, nor was he at the meeting last May in Gorrie. WEE at Township Hall, Mor- ris, meeting. Mr. Farrow's interruption was 0,3 1(130 close of Mr, Keer's epeeth. Mr. Blair asked biro to have Mi. Farrow speak, but he declined. He !spoke at no other meetings as far es he knew. Mr. Farrow spoke at Goreie and declined the nomination. Jas. Bolgar, Morris, was Chairman at Walton meeting and remembered Mr. Farrow speaking at it. IIe oothpied about 45 minutes, including repeated in. terruptions, and the speech might have been repeated on any platform without offence. He did not remember Mr. Far- row asking the 02o1 ore to vote for M. Dielleneen, Mr. Farrow, the responeent, was then called. "1 attended the Walton meeting. After tea I met W. F. Nanstone and went with him to Walton at hie request. Would not have gone otherwise, Mr. Denman told 1210 Mr. Dickenson was poorly with his throat, and Mr. Dielrea sou urged nie to fill the gap, and / aid. Do not know how long the speech was. It was chiefly statements of progress on Canada and the postoffices from '89 to '93. Am an Englishman and delight in the progress of the country. From my store -keeping experience I showed the difference in prices. I showed. my Eaton 52.90 suit. I did not mention the name of either candidate. Made no unfair comparisoes'nor did 1 intend making a party speech. I had no intention of spooking at this meeting, but did so at the request of Mr. Dickenson. I had de - alined earlier in the campaign to assist. I do not think it was offensively partisan. Owing to Sir James Grant's haling to get there I spoke for twenty minutes. Did not denounce the Liberal party, and made no appeal to the °teeters. Was at the coramittee.room twice. Rendered DO assistance and gave no advice. If I said what Snyder swore to I said it as a joke. Offered a reward. of 550 to anyone who could prove that 2 canvassed a vote. No one ever came to claim the reward. Was at Gerrie meeting in 1894, when a Conservative candidate was to be brought out. Had heard my name might be pro• peace, so went to object to it. Five or six were mentioned. I declined in a short speech, and 2 considered myself out of polittes. Was not at Gerrie meeting last May; attended no meeting in Brus- sels as to revision of the voters' lists. Was not at meeting asking for protest against Dr. Macdonald, M. P. Don't remember being scrutineer at the Mao donald-Holnees election, but acted for a municipal election. Had' been asked to do some canvassing for Conservative party, but detained even to influence some of my relatives, who voted for Dr. Macdonald." • Mr. Farrow's Case. The examination into the charges against Postmaster Farrow was resumed Wednesday morning of last week at 0.30 o'olook, taking up charges 5 and 6. Thompson Snider, 02 100088818, related a conversation with Mr. Farrow at the Conservative committee room prior to the last election, in which Mr. Farrow canvassed him for his vote. P. S. Scott, of Brussels, knew Mr. Far- row and had heard him speak at every thiction for yeara. Heard him sp.eak three times on the political platform since being postmaster ; twice in the 1891 elect. Mon and once in 1896, the meetings being at Brussels and Welton. He had seen Mr. Farrow in the Conservative Com- mittee Rooms and heard him speak at Brussels. He referred to the increase in the expenditure under the Mackenzie Government and the advantages of the N. P., and the economy of the then Gov- ernment. Mr, Farrow, Mr. Blair and Mr. Dickenson were the speakers. It was Mr. Dickenson's mooting; there were no joint meetings held. He coneidered it a strong party speeell ; never heard him deliver anything else. He closed his speech by asking for support for the then Government. James Ferguson, of Grey, knew Mr. Farrow and had heard him speak on vari- ous occasions ; once iu the last election at Brussels before the nomination. His speech was much like that delivered by him on former ocoasions and was one- siaea. •"MAL 1,10,0Naoltert W. F. Scott, of Brussels, knew Mr. Farrow and had heard him open Mr. Dickenson's meeting. He spoke for 30 minutes, in which he praised the Con- servative party and denounced the Lib- erals. John R. Smith, of Brussels, had known Mr. Farrow for lieu or fifteen years and heard him spealeseveral times, the last time in Brussels at the leteoampaiga. It was a Conservative speech. • Thos. Miller, W. H. Kerr and G. F. Blair testified that Mr. Farrow WOE pees- 'ent at a Conservative meetingiu the Township Hal, Morris. Mr. Dickenson and Mr. nutty represented the Con- servatives and Mr. Zen: and Me. Blair the Liberals. Mr. Farrow was in the audience and interrupted the meeting by questioning the speakers. In the afternoon A. Hislop, Deputy - Reeve of Grey, testified to Mr. Farrow being at the Walton.meeting ; his speech was law, and had 0028001108 10 the N. P. and other politica questions; it was not an trefoil: epee& from his standpoint. For the defence the first witness called was B. 33. Stnele, who said he was, and always had been, it Liberal. He attended •the Liberal meeting at the Queen's Hotel. Four men kicked against the resolutions passed. • He objected to Mr. Faerow's ais- missal, as it W01.11d. DEAD the removal of tho postoffice. Ile only told Me Bather of the meeting. He wee au applicant for the position and made a oopy of the resolution out of his head that night. Allan Cochrane, Morris, hail obarge of the Conservative Committee Room, Bees - seta, diming the last election. Saw 2310. Farrow three times in ten days ho took no part in the work there. Thought he was careless, tte an ea Indianian, and hi- aotive. 13. Gerry, Benssele, President of the Conservative Association for Fast Hawn, had superintendence of committee room in Brussels ; SOAV Mr. FOMEOVP at rooms twice, but he took no (made pare . Mr. Denman WES recalled. He said he was of the impression now that air, Fate row was not at the protest meeting iu the American Miele of which he testified Tuesday, and wishe6 to correct the state- ment. He did root remember Me. Farrow beteg at the Garlic meeting, and would not MOM! that Mr. Faerow was a speaker there, Goo. Banker and W. F. Venstone, of Brussels, said they were present at the protest mooting- 'Pie. Farrow was not there, aor did they vemernber his being at a meeting to look over voters' lists. Mr. Venstone said Mr. Yarrow was nob 0.1 1(110 • Convention at Gerrie on May 11. Wit. miss went to Walton meeting and took Mr. FartOW along, Heard Mr. Varrow's speech and did not think it offensively partizan. • 4, L. Diekonson, bee:aster, of Wing - *W. 14. KERR, Prop, remember who was the other eorutineer, Don't remember Mr. Farrow being there. There 010,5 110 arvinent. Barrister Lazier returned tharate for the nonYmey shown hien ito for good order shown. Did not know What the result would be, but as fee as he was con- cerned the deoision wonla he given on the evidence produced. No pelitioal bias woeldinfluelage him in arriving at eon - allusions Did not believe in Govern. latent offidale taking 91103 111 elections =- opt to vote. Ho had been grossly maligned over the lash election by DOM - papers, and while mealy editors did what was Square Many others did not. Be hoped thie investigation would be taken as a warning for time to come. ThiEt waS 1118 &St ViSit to Brussels and he hoped it would be the last on any such miesion. TO THE ELECTORS OF moreRtS, LADIES AND GANI.L122020,—.1 have lately been asked by ewes& of the eleotors of Morris if I intended coming out at the approaching municipal eleotion. I now make this public? 'tette-neat, that, if spared, I will afar myself as candidate for Councillor. Trusting that by doing so will meet your approval and allow me a seat at the Commit Board. • Yours respeotfelly, JAMES BODGED. Morris, Deo. 21, 1890. 14 The evening session am not open until nearly 9 p. in., when Mr Blair prooeeded with the cross examination of Mr. Far- row. "My speech at Walton was made up of Mots gleaned from Hansara, Blue books, postottee reports, &o., but had made no epeeist preparation. Looked upon the interrupting as a little pleasant. ryon their part. I said, the current opinion in the wintry was that if duties were taken off by Canada and maintained by the U. S., it would be detrimental to this country. I was against the Govern- ment on their close going action over the use of boo maw envelopes in my officio. Don'e remember saying that I could not express my opinions 111 30 minutes at Brussels meeting: Did amt say muoll about the Dominion. May have compar- ed the Mackenzie regime with the Co11. servetive party. Dirl not speak hardly 90 militates. Itty declining to do canvass- ing was not altogether Clue to my position as postmaster, but partially from having so meth office work. Did not weigh the question of my taking part in °imam matters. Did not canvass Mr. Snider. He could not have claimed the reward I offered as he had no vote. I was at a meeting at Gerrie when Hon. Clark Wal- lace was there. I was nominated but de• clitted and offered a few, remarks in so doing, but don't remember whet I said. Can't understand how Brussels Herald said at another meeting in Gerrie that I made a spirited speech. Thought I had no business to be harrying Dr. Maction. tad. The change of Government was partly my reason for not attending the Protest meeting. After Mr. Lauriee'a Sbs- iivorouoe I would not haveactively en- gaged in politics. In 1801 I had a vote on the Beer property in Brussels and did sot need a certificate to vote. Remember Mr. Flint tuna Dr. Macdonald being bore on Good Friday, lint don't mind using unparliamentary language in speaking in Mr. 33ttekee•s office conceruing Dr. Mac- donald. Moved frith the former post. office on account of my health." J. J. Denman swore he asked Mr. Far. row to attend a meeting 511 Speit•au's school house but he clooliued te go as he said it was too far. Alex. Ross, Depaty-Postmaster had been in the office for 4 years. Mr, Far- row attended to business 108 regularly 135 usual during election ctunpaign. All pasties 015038 110131(021 alike at the oftice. In politics I'm a Liberal. eetteneled "jollilleatioe" tatted the election iu honor of Dr. Macaoutuld's return. Mo. Farrow clid not bring me to task for it. Thos. 13loconfield, Brussels, was (1. scrutineer at Holmes-afeedoettld election along with Mr. Hingstou. Mr. Farrow was not but he took my list while I went to dinner, Remember seeing 1V. DI. Sinclair and W. F. Scott there too on the smile day. Don't know who the lletnen• ing Officer was. P. letelienne, was con- stable 0,1( 1110 same booth. R. T. Hingston remembered the Holines•Macdonald election. Was seen - timer at Glipin't office. Geo, Cooper was leetureing Office. Me. Farrow was not a mutineer on that occation, Don't • Fourth Division Court. The regular sittings of this Court was held oo Wednesday before Sage Doyle. The following was the docket 1— Gillies & Smith vs. Lang et al—This was an action on a promiseory note ie which the County are garnishees. Judg- ment reserved. The Mercantile Collecting Agency vs. J. P. Fisher—Judgment by default for plaintiffs. Watson vs. Highbine—Hay garnishee. Aotion on promissory note. Judgment for full amount of note and $22 from garnishee. Williams se. Stirling—Action on se. count. Judgment for plaintiff. die, /403-Cillep, 001181 1310. McLean, Tether. District No. 6, inoleding Brussele, Grey aed Morrig—H, Mooney, of Morels ; Mad A, Hislop, of Grey, eleoted by ae- elamatioe. District No. 7, iecluding Winthane, Blyth, East and West Wewenosh—Thee. Taylor, Alex, Stewart, D. Pattersoa •and R. Currie, of Wawanosh ; • and John Hanna, Winghanue District No. 8, ineluding WrOxoter, Turnberry and Howle1t-13. 8. Cook, Howlolt ; T. 33, Sandees, Wrosetise ; and Robt. Iblilloo, Turnberry. People We Talk About. lerofeesional Third -Claes Teachers. nepOit of 11111ron County Board of go- amlnors% The Board of Examiners for the County of Huron met at Goderich on Dec. 19th. Present, g. E. Torn, Chairman; G. Baird, Secretary ; 33 0. Cheswright and D. Robb. It was decided that after 1896, that certificates be extended under Regulation 87 (a) for one year instead of two years as heretofore. The following oandidates were awarded Professional Third Class Teacher's Car. tifioates, valid for three years 3— Principal Cameron will' holiday at Luoknow. Bliss Els" Mitehell is home from Sea - forth for bee holidays. Miss McInnis, of Grey, was visiting with biles Henry in town. Miss Lida Crooks is visiting her siter, Dirs. S. Y. Taylor, in Paris. Ddre. Fanston and Mise Ella are viait- Mg with relatives in Listowel. Barrister Blair and wile will eat their Christmas dinner in Goderich. Misses Sarah and • Ella Clode have gone to Trowbridge for a visit, Jas. Maxwell hos gone to Kentuoky, where be will apend the 'Winter. Miss Rine Hunter is enjoying a holi- day with friends at Trowbridge. Mrs, R. K. Ross and children Christ. massed with relatives at Ligtowel. H. W. Farrow, Railway Mail Clerk, was home for s few days this week. Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Mies Ellett Oliver will Christmas in Toronto at J. Leckie's. Mr. Humphries and wife, of Toronto, are the guests of James Jones and wife. Mrs. 51.0. Wilson and Frank are visit- ing relatives at Woodstock and Inner. kip, R. J. Barrett, of Ingersoll, is malting a visit with his brother, R. N, of Brus- sels. T. A. Hawkins assisted in a church entertainment at Belgrave on Thursday evening. Mrs. Kcenig and children are enjoying the Xmae holidays with relatives in Mitchell. garrister Prondfoot, of Goderich. was in town on Wednesday, attending the Division Court. Mrs. 0. E, Turnbull, of Guelph, it; visiting in town. Mr. Tarnbull 15 ex. pintail on Friday. Miss Olere, Jewitb is visiting at Mitch- ell. Reuben Jewitt isholidaying ab Elim - villa Parsonage. Miss Dora Smith ig home from the Model and her brother Prank front Sea. forth Collegiate. Miss Myrtle Nott, whaling been attend- ing Fergus High School is home for Christmas holidays. W.B. Ballantyne reported this week from Emerson, elan., which point he reached safe and sound. Councillor Leatherdele and Mies Liz- zie spent last Sunday with J. Londes- bore' and wife at Seaforth. Mrs. and Miss Slernmon have gone to Hibbert, Perth Co., to spend the Christ- mas holidays with friends. F. Lovett and wife, of Clinton, were visiting Dirs. T. Ha,yoroft and other old Mende in Brussels and locality last week. Robe Green, who has been (Meese mak. ing at Peterboro', is here on a visit. He thinks of seeing British Columbia next Spring. Will. Sohwantz, of Goderioh, has taken a position itt the Dry Goods store of J. Ferguson & Co., Brussels. Mrs. Tufts is also giving a hand during the busy holi- day season. Mrs. Jas. Kerr and daughter, of Man- illa, Iowa, are melting a holiday visit with Wm. )loss and family. Airs. Kerr is a daughter of Mr. Ross and is well known in Brussels. Harry Dickson, formerly of Brussels, was united in marriage to a North Dakota, belle on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Dielsson is a druggist and a son of Robe Diokson, now of Detroit., J. Y. S. Kirk, who has been ill for sev- eral weelce, is still confined to bed and is hardly so well, being troubled witb at. tacks of °ramps across the stoma* and bowels. We hope be will soon be better. E. R. North, B. A., was presented with an ornamental ink stand by the pupils of his Department of Brussels Public school last Tuesday. llIre North will spend u portion of his holidays here be- fore going Dast to his new position. Our sympathies go out to Editor Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, and wife in the peenliarly trying time they end their family have been having of late. On page 6 of this issue, under Clinton heading, we refer to this subject and since that item was set the little boy has died, the funeral taking place on Saturday. LADIES. GE:MEDD:T. Beams, Vinetta A. Aitchison, R. MoIC. Ball, A. Winifred Ansley, Fred. 13ntohart, Agnes Baird, Robt. Clegg, Melinda Baird, William Chrysler, Florence Brintnell, John D. Cummings, Lizzie Clarkson, Frank D. Cummings, Belle Cook, James E. Cunningham, Liz. Couzens, Louis L. Duff, Bertha, Downey, W. H. Fraser, Jessie Duncan, Ames C. Gordon, Christena, Elliott, Wilfred H. Howard, Anna 33. Graham, Melvin Izzard, Minnie E. Guest, Benson H. Johnston, Lily May Horton, James Kirk, Jennie Hawkins, Walter Lewis, Charity Hooey, Louis G. MoCaughan, E. M. McNauglaton, H. H. McLaughlin, 8.10. MoMurdie,Robt, MeNsughton, M. McTavish., Robert Middleton, Lizzie Martin, John 0. Neil, Ella Plummer, S. G. Prootor, Etta Robertson, W. S. Robertson, K. L. Thompson, Ales. Reid, Edith M. Tippet, Wra, H. Beia, Evelyn E. • Treleaven, Wm. R, Ross, Anna Bella Smillie, Jennie Stout, Sarah Alice Smith, Dora J. M. Switzer, Edith Torrance, Grace Turner, Evelyn Worthington, Lou. 2.-0 X (.-2 VOA' Reeve Sanders, Robt. Miller and 33. S. Cook are in the field for Co. Councillors for District No. 8. All are good men, but we would naturally like to see the 1005.1 11305 win. Set, AOCIDENT.—Ooo day last week Vies. Miller, 311 oompany with his brother Robert, VMS °hopping in the bash of the latter. A tree, ready to fall, hone to the stump, and Mr, Miller eased it off with the axe, when it suddenly slipped and the fall weight came upon his left foot, crushing it badly, and dis- locating the ankle. Robt. hastened to the barn to got 12 rig to bring his disabled brother home. Every imitable means was 30100. to save the foot, bat we -under- stand the leg WES amputated at the knee Wednesday and Mr. Miller's condition is precerions. He, with his family, are deeply sympathized with, and if good wishes will aid in his restoration, he thoeld soon hiabetter., ( Minty Connell iionatintiette. Tee following ere the results of Huron County Conceal Nominations, heid last Monday, two to be eleoted 151 each case : District No, 1, includina Goderich town, Colborne and Ashfield—P. Hott and 11. McLean, Goderieh, and Huth airvishit'ititAit/t.2 1d, Dtincluding Clinton, Gods - rich township anti • Hullett—D, A. Far - este,', Clinton ; Jeo. Cox, Goderiela town- ship ; and J. Snell, Hullett. District No. 8, including Bayaeld, Stanley and limy—Goo. MoBwan, Hen. self ; Douglas, Stanley ; and J. Tor- ranse, Hay, , District No, 1, inaluding Exeter, Steph. en and Ileborne—Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, Eima 4.. Mnlnnes, ot Usborne, by acetic,. thmtlist0nr' Dict No. 5, including Seaforth, Tuoltersmith and VoKillop—D. D. Wil- sey' Dent T. E. Heys, Seaforth ; 3331 htur- ADDITIONAT, 23043A.11, NEW:). GEO. T110219021'8 bread van eame to grief one day this week 01110113 30 a run: away. Geo. Averer DEAD.—Wora was received hero last week that Geo. Avery, a well known resident of this looality, had de- parted this life on Thursday, Dec. 1013, aged 68 yeara and 1 Month, and was buried on the following Saturday. Mr. Avery went up to Loriug, Perry Sound Diatriet, about 0.31511059.0 and made his home with his nephew, Ben, Avery. On Nov. 28.11 he wrote to inembera oi his family here Mating that he wee not feel- ing very well and the next letter received contained the sad intelligenoe of his death. Inflammation was the MISS and he was ruble to be u9. the day previous to his damage. Loring is 40 miles from 5. railway and as the etage carrying the mail only runs setneweekly considerable time necessarily elapses between letters. Mrs, Avery died Mar years ago last July. Five daughters and Mete wins survive. Mr. Avery lived on the 16th eon, Grey, for about BO years and moved to Bruesels about 7 years ego. He wee a, very active man for hie years and took special inter- est in hunting and trapping- When the news of his death rectelled here 11 WES looked upen 53 08 &mud but it peeved to he too ate,