HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-18, Page 7'k a3H, VARYTg ' FRoly AU4'I"kita
Marlborough east tweeity thousand.
A eyed wave of extreme severtY is
providing throughout , England: anti
several deaths oe tramps and others
from exposure tp the weather are re-
ported, Skating is freeC-Y indelgod le,
d t h s that the Can-
adian , Gazette asserts that enquiries
Made in the hi hest quarters failed
B T. $ $ E L 1.1.x.
giPI •eat,Acar•91a l 1,1r1 tlespeeede^ Prot) , , Great ll.
A London cepa o says A t b uuulte i t 1 e 4k Miniver etrttte-.
tUN'QI a 14'hi4r a P141id or the �leilii
u led to ' extensive It r •ilie:et 1
prpc lttaIn about Vetted
Own teuntry, disclose
ally • l pocleeoaten on t11d part• of teen, and in Vbiliteti or nevhlry-,IteS 1Pei"iee alba the Chttiese-An Aneblenl
(311410 ltrltala, the Wilted State(, and tee Duke and Anahea6 -of Yi ark ftp yea eon TIole in a Vhsiu none. i41..51Rrn4•ie, i,L`U„ the
All Parts of the Gine, Gondeased and Canada Next year, For the first time in the bistory of- A des at h front Lyndon A
,assorted PAO Wetting,
The anyiea ei Lora i an has p u o on on says:. -
for ca nal Th 1r t t Guardian nays a the state of Geozgiaa'" to won hundred constables raided the Batten,
CANADA' Stan ubona\iu1 ,no11epauishsGovernment been lruntoc1 and chased down by brood- l,ezg C'ub, on Casnvell road at an early
Part Arthw haxllor is frozenove1• with reference to the detention in,Ouba mounds, hour on Sunda mornin and arrested
of Richard and John Beatty. residents This woman is known as Mattie one hundred and' fitly 'mesons, arrested
Belleville Mid 10,uirt'hs,• 1 nae' •ia o
and 1 deaths during Novomher,
A gain elevator, to cost §500,000,18
to bo ereetod at l�ingston, has
The Montreal Cotton Company
deolared a quarterly dividend of 2 per
Dr, It, J, Woods, late of Toronto,
died en Tuesday at Vancouver, B.C.,
of pneumonia,
John Mills,, a keeper in the Kingston
PienitentierY has, fallen beir to an es-
tate of $140,000 lu Scotland,
Moway andthefinances l e is conn a e rather
bad play
ing plans to relieve the pressure,
Mr. John McKeown County Crown
Attorney of Lineoin, died at the Hotel
Dieu hospital, Kingston, yesterday,'
The Ottawa Free Preis advocates the.
abolition of the Aot exemptincivil
servants from the process o garnishee,
The medical staff of the Ottawa Gen
eral Hospital ]las resigned Ln a body,
accusing the directors of not keeping
The young Galician girl who v,•as
stricken with smallpox in Winnipeg
died on Tuesday night. There are no
• uew cases.
A number of the employees of thh
bC. een discht shopsrgedr there is tno work
for, them.
The Keewatin tris Power supplyelectric
reeking transmuted a dist-
anceIn 'Vinnipe�g,
ance of 130 miles,
Mr. Harry foster, a brother of the
ex -Minister of finance, fractured his
skull by falling down stairs atMoncton
and diad in a few hours.
The threatened split of the High
Court of Quebeo Independent Order of
Foresters into French and ' L'nglish
seems to have been averted.
A young mom named T
was 00-
' oP h
cidentally killed a law days ago m the
Lake Dauphin country by his
thers, who mistook him tor a wolf and
shot him.
Mr. A. D. flint, assistant post-
master at Breland,Man., shot himself
through the headwhile handling a
Medea revolver in kis office, dying in
a few minutes.
Miss Pennock, telegraph operator at
Langdon, N.W.T., had her ',legs crush-
ed under a train. One was amputat-
ed, and the young lady is in a very
critical condition:
The Dominion fisheries Department
has promised a supply of salmon eggs
to the Hawaiian republic, to see rf the
Canadian fish will thrive in the waters
of that vicinity.
of Ii1Itlsh Columbia, '\ bite, end 0118 immediate cause Int!:
ng many \roman:
NnLhing is known in London offlojal arrest teas the attempted murder of a :Phare is much interest around aot-
eircles of the rumoured intention of
keightiag Mr; Laurier on New. Year's white man named William Afasoa a ter Lr the London Times, sinned
h 1 ld you h tin the suburbs oS
visit cials. was
r olio instruction given to meriese
Ata meetlegg of the British Tmeile I I ne introe t it was soon f e
'r'ila 0118 Duke of Devon- g • •e
day; but those;.ia a desire that e t lou re, mato an Fashioned Patriot," explaining ;he pat -
vi t Dnglanil and become acquainted home Georgia i A
with too Brutish Minister, and aM
immediate 088805in of Mason youths, IIs tells chow not only the
• i'n d that
hit 4 bay,, but the air's, in the United
shire said that he believed the Imperial he was only a tool of
Federation sentiment was growing, bat
that tee idea of free trade wilbie the
Empire 'bad not yet ince with a hearty
League on Fri Y Mettle 'V
and the object of Mason's atoms) e
murder was revenge.
Mason's brother bad, testified against
Mattie 'White in a criminal proceeding
against her, and it was the brother
who was marked out for assassination.
The negro made a mistake in the dark-
ness and shot the wrong man,
Mattle White is simply an exaggeTat-
' ds giving a Christmas dinner to ad type of the depraved white peep
The Mfssopri National Bank, Herten
City, has collapsed,
Mrs, Henry 'yard Beecher is bed -rid-
den from. the effect' of a tall.
The Salvation Army, in St. Louis in -
At St. John the Pullman Car. Cora -
piny. won a suit brought against it
for injuries alleged to have been a sus-
tained by a passenger owing
coldness of a car.
At Rat. Portage a Pagan Indian who
shot his foster Lather, Chinking hirci a
wendigo or evil spirit, was found guilty
of. manslaughter. Judge Bose sentenc-
ed him Le six months' bard labor.
Mr. Sllaug neesy, vice-president of
the Canadian Pacific railway, denies the
truth of the report that his eine was
endeavoring to '-ease the Buffalo and
Lake Huron Branch from the Grand
Trunk railway.
Mr. James Crawford, an elderly Eng-
lishman who went to Manitou; Man.,
from the United States recently, was
frozen to death on Monday night, while
walking to 1118 son's farm, Lour miles
from Manitou.
t d States are drilled In giving a militagy
salute in the sthoals to the Stars and
Stripes, and suggests thee the same
system be introduced into British
schwas, The letter has been produced
everywhere, and tbe Geobe warmly
supports the idea adding:—"The
Union Jack stands for more than the
Star Spangled Benner, recalling a
long and glorious past,"
England may soon see a great rail-
way strike, The Amalgamated Socie-
ty of Raifavay Servants has beenpress-
ingthe companies to reduce the hours
of work in certain grades ot ;labor,
sudh as those of the signalmen, who
work 00 hours a week, ind;uding every
third Sunday, for 27 shillings. The
London and North-Western Company
replies by sending inspectors in plain
clothes among the men asking for
pledges not to strike or to support the
'three thousand pergons, who lino in the hills about Rome, Ga.,
The window glass manufacturers of called the Lavender Mountains, She is
the United States have r
of the exposure she has incurredin.
SLC h reorganized
about rlmeLeen years old, yet
and in spite
both the old associations,
By ea escape of .gas intwo houses
In Rebury, a suburb of Boston, on Sat-
urday, three persons lost their lives.
A strong effort is being made in Buf
falo to prevent the contractors for pub-
tic works employing Canadian labor.
President Cleveland has purchaseda
house on 00tr
00th sheep, New York, in
addition to a home in Princetown, N.J.
So far the Southern Pacific has had
no trouble. from snow, but Northern
Pacific trains have been delayed some-
Floods are doing grew, damage in
Wisconsin, and causing intense bard -
ship to the people living in the river
Luther Greenman, his wife and four
children are reported to have bean
burned to death in the destruction of
their home fire rat
e Perry,
The United States & Hayti Telegraph
Company have laid a cable direct from
New York to Hayti, which is now open
for business to 811 South American
points. t
The comparative statement of the re-
ceipts and expendituxes of the lTnited
States duringthe month of November
shows a deficit of more than seven mil-
lion dollars.
About six hundred persons living in
Milwaukee were poisoned, some serious-
ly, by bread obtained from a baker.
It contained anemic, and it is supposed
the poison was put in the bread. by
some enemy of the baker.
'It is stated that the federal Gov2
eminent has decided to follow the ex-
ample of the Grand Trunk railway, and
henceforth purchase all the goods re-
o thInterc onial railway in
Arrangements have now been perfect-
ed by which cattle anti sheep from the
Dominion of Canada, for export from
Boston, may be entered and examined
at the frontier ports of St. Aebeeesand,
Island. Pond, Vermont.
Burglaries of •country postoffices are
so frequent and daring that Major
Sherwood, Commissioner of Dominion
Peelce, has suggested eo the Postmast-
er -Genera: the advisability of adopt -
Mg the reward system in vogue in the
United States.
The Railway Committee of the Privy
Council has issued a final order for
payment of $CO,0110 to the Hamilton &
teli:ton RoadCompany, inextinction of
all its rights. Hamilton, the county
and to pay eequ1. p ofortionswof theuny
e l
Ex -Empress Eugenie is visiting Wind -
sot castle as the guest of the Queen.
A Christmas gift from the English
people to U • Si Ambassador Bayard is
being mooted in London.
It is rumored that the Queen may
visit Ireland next year, daring the cele-
bration of her long reign.
Chas. Cushman, the only brother of
Charlotte Cushman,
t e e e t Ameri-
can actress, tiled
half savage life, she has a certain kind
of wild beauty. Der complexion is fair,
her eye clear and keen, and she has re-
markably beautiful hair.
She is the daughter of. an old county
officer who died several year's ago,leav-
ing a widow and six young children
Mattie being the oldest and about twelve
years of age at the time. Her mother
bore a very
and finally became insane from the ef-
fects of evil life, and was soot to an
Mattie got a home in a respectable
family by the name of Harbour, hue she
showed her vicious
ning away and taking up with . well -
to do farmer, wh ohad a wife and chit-
dreat of his own. She was only about
Telegraph advices from the com-
mercial agencies of Messrs. Bradstreet
and Dun in New York are ot the kind
usual at this dull season. The recent
spurt of orders has been filled, and
trade generally is quiet, while there
is an under -current of activity cones
quant on the usual Christmas require-
ments. The failures are small for
November by comparison with those for
the month of October. What is
b O5been sbroben up,aandsloweel combine
mli Hees
are expected to prevail. The general
volume of trade is only moderate, and
no special activity is expected in any
part of the country this year, Stormy
"weather has to a certain extent inter-
fered with the distribution of goods
The dry goods trade is dull for this
time of year.
Dr. Jameson was removed from Hol-
loway Jail in an ambulance and taken
to a private sanitarium in one of the
suburbs of London.
It is expected that those who were
sentenced whiz Dr. Jameson for the
Transvaal raid will be liberated from
prison before Christmas.
It is stated in London that U. S.
Ambassador Bayard has decided to de-
cline the proposed Christmas giftsug-
• gested by the Daily Telegraph.
It is understood on high, authority
in London that the Laurier Govern-
ment will cordially co-operate, in the
scheme of I1nperia+l defence outlined re -
the Duke of Devonshire.
Nolwithslanding the enormous sums
the African nuaidnalres arespcndiug
on stately residences '[n London, they
cannot get admission into clubs and
tectal circles where poorer people are
The exporters and manufacturers • in
London say that their trade with
Canadian firms 'who import dry goods
from the Ctd Cduntry is not nearly tip
to that of termer years.
,Ambassador Ilayard stated leis belief
that before his departure from England
some permanent .arrangement of arbi-
tration will be arranged between Eng-
land and the United States,
thirteen years old at that time, but she
soon acquired a name that made her a
terror to the community.
The old W001041 regained her reason
after a year or two and was set at lib-
erty. She came back and took up her
abode with Mattie in a one -roomed log-
cabin in the Lavender Mountains. There
the two held high revel. The place be-
came the headquarters for a number of
tough characters until the people could
stand it no longer, and both women
Were placed under arrest.
The mother was released and died
soon after, but Mottle was sentenced
to the chant -gang. Out of pity for bar
youth and friendless condition she was
allowed to remain in the common jail,
and was afterwards released 011 8 Prom
ise to reform. Soon after her release
she took up bar old habits and was
again arrested, and after being con-
fined injail for some time was tried,
convicted find sentenced to one year
The man in the case paid his fine and
escaped the chain and stripes.
Mottle had a big time while in the
chain-gang.Her associates were the
toughest white men and the lowest class
of negroes in all this mountain region,
she being the only white woman in the
prison at the time. She found mean=
of escape from her cell at night by rata
ing Ti plank on the flour, and would 50
out and attend the mountain ,franca
that are of frequent occurrence ea that
region. She would
Bens all ni ht,anll,
just before day
where she would be found next morn-
ing sleeping as innocently as if nothing
had happened.
At last she was detected, and when
the superintendent asked her why she
came back she laughed at hire.
i' Why, Yon must be crazy l" she said•
"I have a better bedhere, and more
to eat,
would • not come bank."
cabin. 1'd
be a fool
Along m September some benevolent
people learned that she was the only
white woman in the chaiu gang and
they interested themselves in her be-
half and scoured a pardon on her pro-
mise to reform. In a week after her
release. She was back at her old tricks
and was surrounded by a gang of the
worst characters in that section of the
The suburbs of the city began to be
infested with
and the police and county officers were
unable to do anything with them. Hold-
ups became frequent, and the same ne-
gro that shot Mason answers to the de-
scription of the principal in many of
the highway robberies. He and Mattie
are believed to Nava been the ring-
leaders of the gang, and the officers
think that since the arrest of Mattie he
has been hiding iu the hill Several
of the gang have been arrested sine,
Spain is fitting out a flying squa-
There are now thirteen thousand men
on strike in Homburg.
Princess Elizabeth of Lippe is dead.
She was sixty-three years of age.
The Porte denies the reports of re-
cent massacres at Diarbekir and Khar-
Cuban rebels attacked the town of
Guanabacoa, near Havana, on Tuesday
and burned a part of the town.
Arrests of persons suspected of being
concerned in plots against the Govern-
ment continue in Constantinople.
A cyclone, accompanied by heavy
floods, has swept the eastern West
Indies, causing great loss of life.
Sir E. J. Monson, the newly appoint-
ed British Ambassador to succeed the
Marquis of Dufferin, has arrived in
The Paris police have seized at the
Gars du Nord large packages of a
manifesto by Prince Victor Napoleon.
The Hamburg employers have refus-
ed to aabmlt their difference with the
striking dock laborers to arbitration.
A11 the harbor laborers at Hamburg
Committee, and throughout i s aidto b
general strike
Gen. Porfirio Diaz, who was first•
elected to the Presidency of Mexico in
1870, has just been inaugurated for
Lord Rosemead, Governor of Cape h
the fifth time.
Colony who has been suffering from her apprehusion, and the Lfuxrs
that there p a regularly o o[fie edgang
of mountain banditti, with Matti° at
the hent, 10111th has been causing all
the trouble in the neighborhood..
When young Mason was shot down
all that saved his life was the fact that
the bullet struck his suspender buckle.
He was badly wounded, but was able
to give a general description o•f the u d
Aro. Fixed, p .
South cr--
can Nervine.
neyoncl Doubt the Greatest Medic;.! Discovery
of the Age.
A Discovery, Based on Scientific Principles. that
Renders Failure Impossible.
union. Refusal to give the pledge has
:ed to several dismissals, Another bit-
ter struggva is feared.
The poen state that burglaries have
been so extensive in the west of Lon-
don during the past few months that
the thieves gut away with no less than
£00,000 of prunder.
The year 18110 has proved a rare
har,e.;t L.) 1.,.: company promoter. It
11 ss..up,i .Lac el11,710 of shares in
dirt rtut have been off
to the pee.- during, the past eleven
months, being the Highest amount in
several) years past.
The Commander -in -Chief, Lord Wol-
seley, speaking on "Modern Armies"
et Edinburgh, said he believed that
the Chinese were designed above all
races to be a .great mintary and naval
conquering people, and he added that.
if he was •given a free hand and
allowed to select English officers as
instructors, he would undertake to
raise in a couple of yeare a great Chi-
nese army, which would be invincible
in theEast and hard to beat in Europe.
An extraordinary incident at Oxford,
which has been the talk of the week,
was the ducking of the author ofan
article in the university newspaper
Isis, attacking the dean of Christ
Church. The writer was seized by
Christ churchmen and was taken to
the town quad, where he was ducked
and copies of the paper were burned
The editor of Isis only escaped a duck-
ing by reason of his delicate health. It
is announced that the writer of the
article was an American. The dons
have interfered, and will send him
down. He is reported to be returning
to America. The name of the person
referred to is not given.
Sir Tattoo Sykes, the well-known
Yorkshire baronet, advertises in the
London Times that he will not be re-
sponsible for his wife's debts. Lady
Sykes is quite prominent in racing °,t-
ees. She was at the bottom of the
resent row between Sir Totten Sykes
and Lord Marcus Beresford, the for-
mer, for a time, refusing to take over
the famous mare Lafleche at the
sale of the late Baron Hirsch's stud in
July last, after Lord Beresford, at the
instance of Lady Sykes, who bad
given him carte blanche, bid up to 13,-
230 guineas for the mare, and had her
knocked down to him at that price.
Sir Tattoo, however, relented later, and
agreed to pay for Lafleche.
The solicitors of Edward J. Ivory,
alias .Edward Bell, the alleged lrish-
Ameriran dynamite conspirator, have
obtained a postponement of his trial
for one month Lo enable them to com-
plete their chain of evidence in behalf
of the prisoner by the arrival of wit-
ncsses, depositions„ eta., from New
dropsy, will undergo an operation rn
a few days,
The Minister of Marine in the
French Government is opposed• to the
proposal to include $40,000,000 m the
naval estimates for new men-of-war,
The Government has decided to re- This opt
new the charter of the ]lank of gra who had shot bmi,
b'rence for 24 years. The select com- up the clue em which the crime was
enittee opposed all schemes for a State traced t[to\ces heel, ini}Jei old haunts in
bank• the mountains and she might have been
In the event of the Hamburg labour pursued for torahs without beingcap-
not being settled by arbitra-
te 4ured heel not the bloodhounds ben re-
tion during the present week, it 1s like- sorted to. After along chase the hours
i'y that the Germa'u Government will rim her down near the u7
ramshackle old
intervene. but she lived in. She climbed a tree Lo
A divorce judgment given in Paris escape the dogs and grinned. at the
establishes that the wito of a aivo ce Sherff and She obeyedoseande told
to am-
endteal gambler is entitled to down.
and to the management of her chit- taro is hackcoie jail now nnc1, apparent-
dren's prattly. - Shly is in excellent spirits. The worst she
Great 13riGoiirhas advanced and the anticipates is another turn iu the chain.
Egyptuln Government has acce3lted
the sum of 4500,000, to be repaid Into gang
tbe Egyptian treasury to meet the ex- i
wises of the.Saudan campaign. BLACK DIAMONDS.
A mass meeting of the Farmers',
Union was ' hall. In Lyons, France, at , Is coal really so clear, Grumpy? asked
which the dealers in salt meats resolve his wife, to bo one of the pro
ed in favor of the exolusion of Amer- I Dear? It's come to
icon pork, products in view of the fall, Ikeon minerals.
eye era s.on 1 Oello w ut catrrying it in
in the price• and see the h
of swine, t e doesn't put any of the
A tat' i Gy k t,'.
a 4,
titin Government hat if they decide 'o THE VATICAN A COLD PALACE,
Lord Cromer, ale, 'gen nuggets n is par e
Cairo, Lias offialally informed the Egyp-
t advanced
London Daily Mail says that rho ropay to the Caisse 81 the dltvinglo-� The Vatican is the coldest palace m
The Rome, because of its immense size—1,-
the et o f the r castle in honor of B an expedition, h Groat.Britain will
the visit of the Prince and Princeas of Egyp
,Wales to the Duke and Duohess of rotund the amount.
100 rooms.
Pi:es Cured in 8 to 0 Nights.—Dr.
Agnew's Ointment w1:1 cure all cases
of Itching Piles in from 3 to 0 nights.
One application brings comfort. for
13:ind and Bleeding Piles it is peerless.
also cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema,
Barber's Itch, and aIl eruptions of the
skin. 35 cts.
Sold le .,. A. T7eeddman.
. I
1t ; l/ /iiiytN tliillll\.
Tr, t' mrtt-r of rood hcal'h te^tpor- :
1-1••'" tr. I u - i:.:h rays blv suttees-
fvI fer tit,.: , er.t. u never be last-
ast-Pt ur,• i 1 8:0,00 111101111 soon know
whether tit, rt -eh they are using
is rIn,! i 1 .cleetlt in their ex- I
pa 1-1 0. -. them up for the day i
cr r H -s • that is getting at the
rent'n 11 -ease and is surely and
er: r t _ .o 'nee
+h:. rid are literally
C -d �•'
o 11 oII^an . er•Ire. They
ere: not ' 1tas a nine -days' won -
1 • i 1. 1 exp: rienced men
size—t en , 1 ,: this medicine for
h . one re=ult—they have
1 that -ut claim of perfect cure-
tiqualities cannot be gainsaid.
ieat el: ao.it•cr of this medicine
•11r" x,-c.�•'edee that the
0,0 of all els: "o is the nerve centres,
r' tinted at the base of the brain. In
th'n belief 81; had the best scientists
^•1 nedical men of the world
c ''13'. 1115 vu^ct.y the same pre-
rn?e the ordinary lay-
-er•1 recognized' this principle
1 •ri• ago. hlv,rvone knows that
1 , ,"..ase or Intone affect this part of
uman system and death Is almost
Injure the spinal cord, which
medium of these nerve cen-
11,1 1•aralysts is sure to follow.
. -a•.• le th, first principle• The trou-
Human nature is so constituted that
all see and judge better in the affairs
of other men than in their own.
ble with medical tr. 0 rs
ally, and with nearly all medicines, is
ti•eat the erase
that may be diseased.hat they aim simp,o St•ath .00111.05.00
Nervine passes by the organs, argil im-
meclately applies Its curzt:ve powers .
to the nerve centres. from which theorgans
00 reeve body
flu,d.The nerve •centres
healed, and of neoesill the organ
which baa shownthe oit..•are, evi,enee
only of 1, rangement Is ha.-.eu. Indi-
gestion, nervouenees, :,.11 avershed
blm,d, liver con-plr. nt, 011 owe their
oil' in to a f eranpe0.er" of the nerve
centres. Thousands heat' tesliinony
that' they have been cute3 ofthese
troublt e, even when they halve become
so desperate as to bafi=e the skill of
the most eminent physicians, because
South American Nervine has ,gone to-
oheadquarters and cured there.
The oyes cf the world have not been
dleoppointed in the Inquiry irto the sac-
cese of South American i'lervinx• Peo-
ple marvel, it is true at its "onderful
medical qualities, but Yay i,i,ow be-
yond all question that 18 does every -
tiring that is claimed for 10 It stands
alone as the one :Teat certain curing
remedy of the nineteenth century. Why
sh, uld anyone suffer distress and sick
ne <' w hile t:.is remedy is practically
at their :lana ? _
Sold by Deadman & Mcvol1,
gulps Europe/41 alt shipboard to Keep
11e 01,11518 ,n .bsraees.
The roles regulating the conduct of
seems may appear somewhat drastic,
bat it is needless to say that they are
necessary in order to insure good gov-
ernment' on shipboard. A few of the
more important ones are as billows:
For quarreling, or provoking to quar-
rel, he forfeits a day's tray.
The same punishment is inflicted on
the man who carries a sheath knife.
It he brings spirits on board, he loses
three days' wages.
For every smoke indulged in "below"
he forfeits one day's wage.
The same if he neglects to put out
lights when ordered.
It the lookout man falls asleep, his
nap costs him two clays' pay.
If the conk has not dinner on the
table at the stroke of the clock, It is
a matter of one day's pay.
And for not being shaved, washed
and cleaned spick and span on the Sab-
bath he loses a day's pay; also insolence
to master or mate 111e5118 one day's pay
lost, and striking anyone on board
doulue that amount.
While for attempting to smuggle a
few pounds of tea or tobacco or a gel -
:on of rum he loses the wages of a
whole month.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.—South
American Rbuurtlatio Cure, lot Rine.
1 o 3 das. It Neuralgia, action upon aures
system is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at once the cause and the
disefirst 11050greatlybenely efitsIpo disappears.
Sold by G. A. Deadman,
Sorrows ate often like clouds, which
though black when they are passing
over us, when they are past become
as if they were the garments of God,
thrown off in purple and gold along
Heart Disease Relieved in 80 Minutes.
—Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart
gives perfect relief m all cases of Or-
eanio or Sympathetic Heart Disease
in 30 minutes, and epoedily effects a
cure. It Is a peerless remedy .for Pal-
pitation, Shortness of Breath, Smother-
ing Spells. Pain in Left Sidle and all
symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One
dose convinces.
Sold by G. A. Deedman.
When lions and tigers bring forth
young in. Captivity the greatest caro has
to bo exorcised to keep them for sev-
eral days in the. dark and undisturbed
as otherwise the mothers will almost in-
variably destroy their cubs.
10 cts. Cures Constipation and Liver
Ills,—Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are the
most perfect made, and euro like magic,
Sick Ifeadache, Constipation, Bilious-
ness, Indigestion and all(, Liver Ills. 10
cents a vial -40 doses.
Sold by G. A. Deadman,
Most of the large towns in Franco con-
tain workmen's model dwellings, or
tenement houses, which have been dig-
nified with the picturesque appella-
tion of barracks, but none of these have
attained to the colossal proportions of
the "Freihaus," situate at Wielden, a
suburb of Vienna. This building has
1.3 courtyards, and accommodates 0,112
pereons belonging to all classes of
society. Ouo 7005tmail is specially ap-
pointed to deliver letters to the in-
mates, whose correspondents have to be
careful in put on the eovor not merely
the Christian name anti the surname
of the addressee, but the number of
the yard, the staircase and the fiat,
if they want the letter to reach its
irate Papa (as the look strikes two)
Ain't Mary's fellow. gone ye l
ay Lha, ho judge by the is
length of h
The deepest hole in the world has
been bored in Silesia. It has reached a
depth of 0,530 feet, and passes through
83 beds of coat,
Insurance against nonemployment is
an accomplished fact in German. Work-
men who have resided two years in the
city of Cologne, and are over 18 years
of age can join the sooiety. The sub-
scription is . threepence a week. If no •
employment can be found for a mem-
ber during the dull season half a crown
per day is paid to kiie if Inarrieci. one+
and seveupenee if single.
Relief in Six Ilours.—Distressing Kid-
ney and Badder Diseases relieved in
stx hours by the "South American laid-
nes, Cure, This now remedy ism, greiit -
surprise and delight on account of -i
exceeding promlamess in relieving pain
in the bladder, kidneys, back and every
part of the ruiners, passage in male or
female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it aannst immed-
iately. If .you want quick relict and .
cure this is your remedy.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Over 1,250,000 acres of the earth's sur-
face is devoted to the cultivation of to
Tray Fever and Catarrh Relieved in
10 to 00 Minutes --One Short Puff of
the breath through the Blowersup-
plied with each bottle of Dr, R'enew's
Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder
overt he surface, of the nasal.passitgcs.
Painless and delightful to tp5e. It re-
lieves instantly, and permanentlyeureg
Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Ileadaehe,
Sore Throad, Tonsilitis, and Deafness
Sold by G. A. Deadman. . r