HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-18, Page 4Neve advertisements,
Looal--A. Straoitan.
Locale—Jae. Walker,
Looale--T iMeGregor,
Fink PI118—I3r. WI11Iame,
Piga for sale—A, Ibaymann.
Holiday excursions—G. T, R.
The Holiday Whirl—Jae, Fox,
80 Days ab Coet—W. H, Pelton.
Orokinole—Deadman & 11ioCaII,
Perm for sale—Tbamae'Iteritage,.
.& few epeeists-8mitb & McLaren.
A Merry Ifmaa—Deadman de MoGall,'
Ilvory dollar counts—Rorie & Halliday,
Cb.e Mxxtsse1s at,
FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1896.
Tea great bone of contention which
vetoes the oonoert of 77urope'of any quos.
tion with regardto Turkey is Constantin.
ople. All the doge snarl if any of them
so much as snide towards it. We have
little faith in France's soheme for a joint
commission for managing Turkish fin.
anoe, unless guaranteed by a very differ.
entadministration of the empire from
that which prevails there. France natur-
ally wants a European endorsement upon
Turkish bonds, of which she holds more
than any other power, seeing that Turkey
herself is at the door of insolvency. It
is not probable that any joint adminie.
tration would get on any better than
previous attempts of the same sort, One
power willhavo to be made trustee for
the rest. Why should this power not be
France 7 If she bad in Turkey the same
job which Britain has in Egypt with the
good will of the powers she would no
doubt be proud and happy. She has
managed Algiers very well, and would no
doubt manage Turkey very well. Tur-
key's resources would probably have to
be largely, docked, but could be made
abundant to meet her liabilities if well
managed. There is no other power of
which the nations would be lees jealous
than France, and her claim would seem
to be first from a financial point of view.
She is eertainly a safer power to have
there than Russia, to whose ambition
there it is less possible to set bounds.
Turkey in Europe disposed of, there
should be less difficulty in assigning the
other parts of the Turkish empire to coon•
patent and progressive guardianship.—
Montreal Witnese.
"Wi.oxeter .
Thos. Gibson, jr., was in Toronto the
early part of last week.
Rev. 11r. Anderson exchanged pulpits
svithRev. Mr. Malcolm, of Teeswater,
last Sunday.
Mies Alice Walker, of Niagara, is visit-
ing her grandmother, Mfrs. Allison Gib-
son, at the present time.
Barry Nay, eon of Samnel Nay, got
the back of his hand badly out the other
day while chopping in the bush.
A scarf drill by eight young ladies
from Harrietoa High school, will be one
of the features at the publio school oon-
cort here, on the 18th.
Rev. Dr. McTavish, pastor of Central
Presbyterian church, Toronto, is to be
bere the second Sabbath in January for
the anniversary service..
Oar popular Reeve Sanders bas an-
nounced that he will stand as a candidate
for the County Council. Mr. Sanders
has had a long experienoe in comity
council work and we feel sure that the
electors of this divieion coaid not look
after their own interests better than by
electing him as one of their members.
Public notice is hereby given by Joseph
Cowan, nominating offioer, that a meet-
ing of the electors of County Connell Di-
vision No. 8 composed of the municipal•
ities of Howiok, Tornberry and Wroxeter,
will be held in the Town Hall, Wroxeter,
on Monday, the 21st day of December,
1896, at the hour of one o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of nominating candidates
to represent them in the County Conned
of the County of Huron for the years
1897 and 1898 and that in case a poll is
demanded and allowed in the manner by
law prescribed, euoh poll will be opened
on the 4113 day of January, 1897, in each
of the polling enh-divisions at the time
and place fixed by by-law in the munici-
palities in the said County Division.
J 9orrl,e_
Mrs. James Watson is recovering from
her recent illness.
John Agin has purchased a pore bred
Berkshire boar from James Snell, of
' Sam. Love has returned from a trip to
Michigan, whither he had gone to spy
out the land.
Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, exchang-
ed pulpits with Rev. D. Petrie, of Wing.
ham, last Sabbath.
Mise Victoria Gordon, of Whitby, sig.
ter of Mee. (Rev,) W. T. Hall, le visiting
et the mange in Belgrave.
Gruelling grain kud cutting feed is he.
corning quite a general practice amongst
our farmers. It will no doubt tell against
the millers in town,
Mrs. Track B,iinee has gone on a visit
to relatives at Victoria, B. C., where she
expeale to spend a few months. We wish
her an enjoyable trip.
The auction elle of farm stook, eta„
belonging to Wrn. Martin, ineolvent, of
the 2n1 eon., was largely attended on
Tueeday afternoon of this week.
Word has been received to the effect
that Meld, eon of Wm, Geddes, of the
3rd line, had died in British Columbia
recently and that the body would be for-
warded to Wingham for burial,
A muoioal and literary entertainment
will be given in S. S. No. 8 by the pupils
and others on Tuesday afternoon of next
weep. Reeidente of the section are epee -
fatly invited. No charge will be made.
Taylor brothers, of the West gravel
road, will hold an exteneive auction sale
of farm stook, &c , on Friday afternoon
of this week. We understand that they
are giving rip farming and may go to
Mre, Sheridan has left the family
residence and after visiting her daughters,
Mrs. J. Diment, of Blnevale, and Mrs. J.
Watson, of Paisley, will go to Michigan
where she will reside with other members
of the family.
T. Miller and wife are boob Mader the
01108 018 pbYeloien at Elreseut,
echW lioiheitaprahedin the Meldet eerlaB.
grave and %wahine iset Sabbath,
James Onok hoe secured 11 poeition aa
teacher' in East Lamblon for 3807, We
wish him success in the profession of his
W. J. Hawthorn, of Deloraine, Man., le
here on a visit with relatives and old
friends, It 10 9 years eines Air. Haw•
a n 1 v
thorn went Weet d h and the Nulty have
done fairly well,
L. Euttan, formerly of Morrie, the
suceeesful fox bunter, has obtained six
foxes this fall in hie vicinity. He is an
excellent shot, and a fox hoe not mnoh
ohanoe of escaping when Air. Ruttan has
the gun in hie hand,
The two young men who drove .5e
miles West of Brueeole that Sunday night
through the mud and called at a girl's
home to aak for a stray horse, co an ex.
Ouse to see her, had better not repeat
their visit if they think of their own
Belgrave will have its elms 01 enter,
tainmente next week. On Tuesday even-
ing the Presbyterian Sunday school will
hold forth. On Thursday evening the
English ohnroh and on Friday evening
the Methodist. The first mentioned will
be free to all with silver collection in aid.
of the Sunday school.
R. Rutherford returned borne from
New York and has resumed his practice.
Mrs. Rutherford has also returned to
Listowel is one of the places mentioned
In which both railway companies have
agreed to withdraw their down town
A telegram was received from: Ottawa
by the postmaster here withdrawing the
permission of the Postmaster General
for the removal of the post office to the
old Bank of Hamilton building.
The Anniversary services of theMetho.
diet cherub will take plaoe on Sunday
and Monday, Dec. 20th and 21st. Rev.
E. B. Lancley, of London, will preach on
Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. A
monster tea will be served on Monday
evening, 21st, and n lecture entitled
"Ten days in London," will be delivered
by the Rev. Dr. Williams.
Rev. J. A. Morrison and Mrs. Morrison
of Toronto, were in town last week hav-
ing Dome up to attend the wedding of
Mrs. Morrison's brother, John Nichol,
manager of the Bank of Hamilton at
Lucknow, son of the late Dr. Nichol. of
this town, which event took place on
Wednesday, at Lnoknow, the bride being
Mise Boyd, of that town.
Court Listowel No. 519, Independent
Order of Foresters met and elected the
following officers for the ensuing year
O. G. Burger, 0. R. ; R. Stainton, V. C.
R. ; J. E. Allen, R. S. and F. S. i M.
McGillivray, Treas. ; B. Witter, Chap. ;
I. Allen, S. W. ; T. Weetrope, J. W. ;
E. Jermyn, S. 33. ; C. Barber, J. B. ; A.
St, Geo. Hawkins, 0. D. H. 0. R. ; W.
E. Dingman, M. D., Court Physician.
The rreideuce of John Laird on Main
street east was'burned to the ground at
an early hour Friday morning, meet of
the contents being oleo destroyed, Since
Mr. Laird left for the Northwest some
few weeks ago his son Joseph has been
the sole occupant of the home. The let.
ter was only awakened by the noise of the
fire in time to escape from the bgrning
building. The fire le supposed to have
caught front a defective due. The houge
and consents were insured in') the Arias
Co. for 93.25. A night or twc4 preform
the kitchen of Arthur Ellis' house. in
the same vicinity was partly'-d5etroyed
by fire.
Nominations for Saskatchewan took
place at Prince Albert, The only nom-
inees were Thos. 0. Davie and John R.
McPhail, both Liberals.
The nominees for the North Brandon
vacancy in the Manitoba Legislature are
A. C, Fraser (Liberal) and A. Postlethe-
write (Independent Patron).
Hon. Mr. Fisher is going to Washing-
ton to see what modifications ow be
made of the quarantine relations between
the two countries on horses and cattle.
The jury in the case against Franois
Clark and John A. Bradley, living at
Caledon East, for conspiring to defraud
the creditors of Bradley, found the
prisoners guilty.
Cod Liver Oil
Yon have probably been advised
by your Physician to take Ood Liver
Oil. This is the season when the
taking of this flesh -producing Oil is
most desirable, If the Pure Cod
Liver Oil is too disagreeable in taste
for you just try the Home Health
Emulsion and you will find that dis-
agreeable taste bidden. This Emul-
efan contains 50% of the Pure Oil so
you have a much stronger Emulsion
than is usually found. It is pleasant
to take and pertain in its action.
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
73RUssELs, ONT.
New Year's
Between all Stat one in Canada
Good going Deo, 24th and 25th, valid for
return on or before Deo. 201,11, or Deo.
31st and Jan. let, valid for return on or
before Jan. 2nd, 1807.
Single Eii-s -class Farr mrd Une-third
Good going Deo. 23rd, 24th and 25113 or
Deo, Both, 31st and Jan. let, valid for
return on or before Jan. 4th, 1807.
Single lrire .claw Fare end ihte-ntlrvl
Good going Dee, 11th to 24th, valid for
return on or before ,Jan. Iitb, 1897, on
preesntabion and surrender of standard
T. N. T111)NDALL,
C+. T, R. Agent, Brenda.
DEC. 45. 13��.
4,3paiNiret4iagW,Rp,,. _.
z'AvPr;� 7.44"' Now is the time to buy your`
Pall Whorl, 78 . ,--*.. .......w .. w.,
Th t•leY," ,
fens,., R .,..,.,...,,
PBae (large)
The Montreal Herald bas been ohanged
into an livening paper,
Premier Greenway and Hon, Air.
Sifton left Winnipeg for Ottawa on
Wednsadsy. At the 040101 the Premier
will meet the Doughtier; Cabinet to die.
la005 tmini9ration pians,
The nominations to fill bbe vacant scat
in the Commons for Cornwall and Stor.
moat took place at Newington, Air.
Snelsingor is the Liberal candidate, and
Air, Leitch the Conservative, Hon. Wm,
Patereon apolce at the nomination,
Willie Jordan, en old colored man, de.
eirsd to marry a young mulatto girl' of
twelve years at Wiodeor, The girl was
dressed up and taken before 110 issuer of
licensee, before whom Jordan swore she
wag eighteen. 'The old man has just Hoge, Live
beep found guilty of perjury by a jury. Dreseed Hoge
Putter, tubs and rolls
Fgge per doeen ..,....,
'loth' Iter barrel
Potatoes ((ler bag)
Hay per , ..,,.,
Hideo trimmw i
Hideo tough
Salt per but„ retail,,,
Sheep skins, Saab
Lamb skins each
Apples Per bbl
i9 0 40
i4 54 00
11 12
18 18
400 480
7 00 8`00
5 511
1 00' 00
15 40
4 60 4 C0
Will be given during the Holiday season,in
Fancy Dry Goods,
Fresh, Choice Groceries,
Seasonable Fruits, Candies, &o
A nice lot of Novelties suitable for SATISFACTION
gifts are to hand. at Low Prices.
Strictly One Price,
Always the Lowest
There is a time for all things and the time
is here for our annual clearance of Readymacle Mantles.
Every year about the 1st of December we commence to
clear out our Mantle stock, and letting go time is around
once more.
This season's Mantle business has been exception ally
good, and we want to wind it up by •clearing out every
garment in the house. We want to do it at once for the
Christmas rush will soon be upon us. Just note three
things about them.:—The prices ; that every one is this
season's garment ; and that if you want the choice the best
time to come is as soon after you read this advertisement
as you can,
This is how we aro Going to sell them ;
Buys Ladies' Black Freize Cloth Mantles that have been
$5.00 all season. Just seven of them at this price left.
Buys Ladies' Tweed and Nigger -head Mantles in black or
colors. All newest styles, perfect in fit and have been
selling at $6.50 to $7.25.
Buys Ladies' Fine Beaver Mantles in black only. New
and stylish goods that were A 1 value at original price,
and at new price are a decided bargain ; were $7.00
your choice now $5.25.
Buys Ladies' Beaver and Bough Cloth Mantles in black or
brown. This lot includes our best goods—lines that we
sold at $8.50. They are stylish goods, the nobbiest we
have had, and are, for value, worth every penny of the
original price, but we must empty the Mantle Rack and
you have your choice at $6.50.
These Reductions are Genuine. We make them simply as a
matter of business, for it pays us better to let them go now than to
run any risk of carrying them into next year.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Having been i'efitted with new machinery on the
Plan Sifter system, we are now prepared to
ply customers lthflour that at cannot be equalled
by any other system of milling, We have also
got things in good shape for chopping,
.'t ,ocertD
We have all our new goods in, consisting of
Desert Clzbster .Raisins Selected Raisins,
� for tC4NE Fine Currants,
zrse. Orange, Lemon and Citron
Peels, put up by Crosse Sv
Extracts and
Pure Spices'
Finest Almonds, shelled and
Walnuts and Filberts,
AT -410132.----
. H n
Large stock of Montreal goods to be given away
The cutest Stook of Confectionery ever Chown in Brnssclsl
-0C—_,-7=CHEAPER THAN EVER.-. -=0-
111111.:$1014113.02.110:1111S=.1.633=1.0.1:191:5191011.500.1107i1•11,051911T0 062.1301100111k
18 Men's Good Union Tweed
Overcoats, with strong linings,
perfect fitting, sizes 36 to 42,
well worth $5.00, very special
at $2.65.
14 Men's all wool Frieze Ulsters,
strong union linings, sizes 36
to 44, fit as well as ordered
goods, well worth $7.50, very
special at $5.60.
9 19, pairs Boys' Union and all
wool Tweed. Knicker Pants, for
boys age 6 to 12, well made in
every respect, well worth from.
60c. to 75e. Very special at
should always remember that grain ground with
stones is very much better for feeding stock than
that crushed with metal discs or rollers and costs
310 more.
Th,e best of Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked
Wheat, Oatmeal and all hinds of Mill Feed
constantly omv hand cct'
Ross' Flour & Feed Mills.
33 pairs Men's Heavy Overshoes,
with iblack wool lining, sizes
from 6 to 11, a bargain at
$1.25, very special at 99c.
48 Men's fall 16 oz. all wool Rib
Shirts alldtDrawers, flesh and
grey colors, good value at 65c.,
very special at 50c,
68 T'Ien's all silk Ties, light and
dark colors, were 25c., 80e.
ancl 35e., your choice of the lot
for 15e.
86 Boys' Imitation Persian Lamb
Caps, the regular 40c. kind,
special at 25e.
17 Youths all wool Suits, with
long Pants, perfect fitting with
strong linings, sizes 30 to 35,
well worth .$4.50, very special
at $3.35.
24 pairs Men's Strong Union
Tweed Pants, "all sizes," and
well made, you would think
them a bargain at $1.00, very
special at 790.
22 Boys' and Youths' Melton and
Worsted Overcoats nicely fin-
ished with velvet collars, sizes
28 to 35, well worth from $4.50
to $7.50, your choice for $3.65.
36 pairs Women's Split Peg Bals,
sizes 3 to 7, well worth from
$1.00 to $1.25, your choice
for 75c.
iliort's 4 -ply Collars, now goods,
2, 2
and 23; .inches high, sizes
140 to 17, very special at 2
for 25c,
Handkerchiefs for Christmas,
very large assortment, the bast
value we have ever shown,
from 1c. to $1.25.
38 yards Table Linpn, 54 inches
wide, the regular 30c. kind,
special at 22c.
Remember we aro going out of Tweeds and
selling them at and below Wholesale Prices.
Wo pay Highest Prices for, your Produce.
Worsteds and are
& McLaren.