HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-18, Page 3Digo, 18, 1890
Town Directory.
Mezymnn 011paolf,-•-sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7;00 p, m, Sunday School
at 2;80 p re, Rev, John Rose, B A,
RT, JonN'a OnttnoR.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohocl
at 2:30 p. m; Rev, A. K, Griffin, iuoum,
METHODIST Cavaco,--Sabbath Services
at 10;30 a m and 7,00 p m. Sunday
Sobool aE 2:80 p tn. Rev. S. J. AIIin,
paste L.
RotMAN CATS (OLIO CHOncz ,—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at;
10:30 a m. Rey Joeeph Kennedy,
SanvATlon Anttr.—service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks,
ODD Femme' Lonox every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
MAaONIO Lopez Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0 U W Lone» on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blas.
hill's block.
C 0 F Longe 2nd and lest Monday
evenings of oath month, in Bleshill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L 1st Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
foes OF $OOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues.'
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lonox, 2nd and 4th Tues.
days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let
and 8rd Mondays of each month in Blue.
bill's Hall.
A 0 F, 1st and 8rd Mondays of eaoh
month in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Blom Creme, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
Ings in Blasbill's Hall.
Pour OFFICE.—Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p. m.
MEOHANICS' INsrxTOTn.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie lila-
Naughton, Librarian
Tow' Cou'ou..—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham, R. Lea-
tberdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly-,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Roes, Oolleotor. Board meets the let
Monday in each month..
Somoon BOARD..—Dr. Graham, (ohair-
man,) Rev. Rose, D. 0. Roes, A. Reid
and A. Koenig ; Seo.-Treas., it. Roes.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
eron, •Principal, E. North, Mies Downey
and Mies Ritahie.
Bolan or HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
There is many a rest in the road of life,
If we would only stop to take it ;
And many a tone from the better land,
If the querulous heart would make it !
To the soul that is full of hope,
And whose beautiful trust ne'er faileth,
The grass is green and the flowers are
Though the Winter storm prevailetb.
Better to hope, though the clouds hang
And to keep the eye still lifted ;
For the sweet blue sky will soon peep
When the ominous donde are lifted ;
There was never a night without a day,
Or an evening without a morning ;
And the darkest hour, the proverb goes,
Is the hour before the dawning.
Better to weave in the web of life
A bright and golden filling,
And to do God's will with a ready heart
And handl that are swift and willing,
Than to snap the delicate, minute threads
Of our ourioue life asunder
And then blame Heaven for the tangled
And sit and grieve and wonder.
I know a land where the streets are paved
With the things we meant to aohieve,
It is walled with the money we meant to
have saved,
And the pleasures for which we grieve,
The kind words unspoken, the promises
And many a coveted boon,
Are stowed away .in that land, some.
The land of "pretty soon."
There are uncut jewels of possible fame
Lying about in the duet,
And many a noble and lofty aim
Covered with mould and rust.
And 0, this place, while it seems so near,
Is further away than the moon ;
Though our purpose is fair, yet we never
get there—
To the land of "pretty soon."
The road that leade to that 'flyable land
Is strewn with pitiful wrecks,
And the ships that have sailed for its
shining strand
Bear skeletons on their deeke.
It is further at noon than it was at dawn,
And further at night than at noon ;
0, let us beware of that land down there—
The land of "pretty soon.'
Ab, poet loop Lee, a few days thence,
Did And the precious ore,
He stole it, se t'wae thopght be would,
And soon his heart wee sore,
The happy from his heart straight went,
Where 0005 reigned Iljoy, reigned then
But 000e ae Hop Lee kneeled to pray
!'lust wedge Ins heart did burn,
fie ran to where his meter : wee
And be did it return,
And though bis master beat hint sore
Hop hada happy heart once more.
11 5 5 .. ♦ #
If there is happy in your heart
It's easily lost yon Flee,
And if there is no happy there
Be,eure there ought to be,
Hark, Hop Lee doth a message send ;
"Be good and you'll be happy friend."
"Six cents for dinner to enough,
For any man that's' brainy,
Two cents for mush, 6wd conte for milk,
Two cents for miscellany.
Four cents for breakfast, four for tea,
Was all a feller needed ;
'Twee all Jaok wanted and no man
Needs any more than be did.
"Besides," said Jaok, men upend for
And such extravagances,
Good money that should never be
Spent on such foolish fanoies.
An old meal bag for pantaloons,
A bedtiok for a jacket,
And for suspenders a good rope
Will quite stand my raoket.
I live on, seventy cents a week,
Go visiting on Sunday,
And, if they feed me pretty full,
I have enough for Monday.
So fifty dollars in the year
Is all I spend for living,
But put my money in the Bank
And render up thanksgiving."
Jaok died and left his nephew Bill
Nine hundred thousand dollars,
And Bill he spent a thousand quiets
For necktie's and for millers.
He rained his money right and left
On horses, Maude and Jenny,
And one year from his uncle's death
He wasn't worth a penny.
At Lost, Willi lint a Grain of Fallh. !ler
.Mother Administered lir, �,•Illllnna'
Pink Pills and She 1s Now Cured.
From the Montreal Herald,
The world is full of ohangee. There
are changes that affect the constitution
of the individual, changes that will oome,
we cannot avert their coming, but we
may parry the unsalutary character of
their tnflueno. Womanhood in its in.
caption is seeoeptible of obanges that de-
mand the most judicious attention and
prudential care to ensure perfect develop.
ment and happy maturity. These
changes are so vital and se subtle in
their character that unless the utmost
vigilance and discrimination is exercised
in the ohoioe and application of reputed
remedies the worst results may accrue.
The constitution may be undermined and
the germs of disease fostered. Vigorous
Life is at the basis of all enjoyment and
success. To be weak is to be miserable.
It is therefore fundamental to every
interest of humanity that life's red, red
stream be kept pure and healthy. Ow-
ing to neglect of these particulars many
young women have allowed life to be-
come a burden and a wearisome round
of duties. Faint and weak very aptly
deeorihes their condition after venturing
to perform some ordinary household
dnty. What can be done to accomplish
the rejuvenation of these unfortunate
ones ? There is a remedy widely known
and loudly applauded, whose virtues are
proclaimed on the housetops and whisper.
ed on the streets. Ten tboueand mothers
have recommended it and twice ten
thousand daughters praise it. Read
,what one of them has to say. In the
village of Lancaster there lives Mre. A.
J. MacPherson, widow of the late A. J.
MacPherson. She is well and favorably
known in the oommnnity. Some four or
five years. ago Mrs. Maophereon sent her
eldest daughter to New York. While
there she resided with her uncle and at.
tended school, being then only about 16
years of age. The social life of her
temporary home made rather severede-
mands upon her time, and being ambit,
ous ebe was anxious tomake rapid pro-
gress in her studies. In eaoh particular
she enjoyed a covetable measure of enc.
case, but at no small cost. Many re-,
marked her paleness and logs of color.
She began to feel tired and weak after a
little exercise, such as a short walls.
Mies Macpherson's stay in New York
lased abort two years. All this time
she ate and slept fairly well. In the
spring of 1803 she came home, and her
mother could not but remark bow ohang.
ed her daughter was—pale and languid
instead of being bright aud ruddy.
Thinking that nourishing food and
perfect quiet, with judicious exercise,
would restore the lost vigor and ruddy
glow, it was participated in to the fullest
extent. For a month this was tried, but
still Miss Macpherson was as pale as he.
fore, liable to turns of weakness, and
with an uneatiable desire foib sleep. At
this juncture the family doctor was con-
suited. Iron pills were prescribed and a
rip to the Thousand Islands taken, the
lay lasting about six weelts, during
which time everything was done to help
er reoovery, The friends with whom
he stayed Dame to regard her recovery
e extremely doubtful, and when she re.
urnsd home her mother saw no improve.
mens. One day while making purchases
rom a dealer in vegetables, he (the deal.
r) tools the liberty of making some re•
marks anent the health of Miss 11Iao-
hereon which was obviously not promis.
ng, He strongly urged the. use of Dr.
William's Pink Pills. Mre. Macpherson
was not over credulous of the qualities of
he Pink Pills, but they were purohaeed
end used to the best advantage. Soon
fter beginning the use of the pine says
Mrs. MacPherson, I thought I saw a rad-
ish tinge upon her cheek and in the
ourse of a week or so my daughter felt
ester. The tired feeling began to
vanish and the abnormal sleepinese be. + 1'"xa3,zi Brussels.
gen to yield to the influence of Dr. Wit. ■
There was a little Chinese boy
Who sang the livelong day, a
So full of life, so fun of fun,
Whether at work or play,
And yet he was a little slave,
A little Christian, Chinese slave.
His muster said once to his wife ; 1'
"Whatmakee Hop Lee so gay 7"
"Ali he has happy in his heart
Singe he learned how to pray."
Then !aid his heathen master stern : t
I grudge him joy for which I.yearn."
"Bring me the envoy wedge to !tide
Within the rice bin deep, d
He'll find it there some day and wish o
It for himself to keep. b
He'll steal, as ',stole long ago,
And happy from his heart will go."
Ham's Pink Pills, Ooutinuing the use
Of the pills the progress of her restoration
wee continuous and complete, and her
improved Iooke were the subject of much
favorable comment for some time. To.
day her health is all that eould be dear•
ed, and both the young lady and her
mother are firm believers in the medical
virtues of Pink Pills and often reaom'
mend them,
Dr, Williams' .Pink Rills create new
blood, build ,up the nerves, and thus
drive dtemise from the system, In
hundreds of eases they have oared after
all other medicines had failed, thus
establishing the claim that they are a
marvel among the triumphs of modern
medioal science. The genuine Pink
Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing the
full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself
from imposition by refusing any pill that
does not bear the registered trade mark
around the box.
The Gun Olub are out praotieing every
Wm, H, Arden is learning the barber.
ing with W. Heath.
Master Clark Horton is at present sick
with scarlet fever.
Rev. 0. R. Gonne attended on commit-
tees of diocese of Huron which met at
London last week.
Robb. Copeland elipped atthe deer of
his storehouse the other day and sprained
his ankle.
At a prayer meeting held at the resi-
dence of the late Geo. Rush, Mrs. Rush
was presented with a photo. album, a
work box and an address.
Geo. W. Perkins, watch repairer, of
this village, left en Tuesday morning of
, last week for Palmerston, where he 'hoe
seoored a position with S.'llentz, jeweler,
of that town.
The Gerrie Public Library is now free
and no membership fee is charged. In
order to meet the necessary expenses the
directors have issued tickets which can
ba prooured for 10 cents, and which en-
titles the owner to receive books to the
extent of thirty.
At the last regular meeting of L. 0. L.,
G Gerrie, 7 7, Go lo, the following officers
were elected :—W. M., R. Match ; D. M.,
J. Wray ; Chap., H.1'erkios ; R, S., W.
J. Greer ; F. S., W. J. Perkins ; Treas.,
R. Ross ; D. of C., John Ardell •
; Leet.,
H. Harding.
The Sabbath School of the Methodist
church is preparing for the anniversary
services and annual Xmas entertainment.
On Sabbath, Deo. 20th, the anniversary
sermons of the sobool will be preaohed by
Rev. A. McKibben, B. A., of Wroxeter.
On Xmae evening a grand tea -meeting
will be held. Tea will be served in the
basement of the church from 5 bo 8 o'olook
p. m., after which a program will be ren-
dered in the auditorium of the ohurah
and Rev. A. MoRlbbon will deliver bis
celebrated lectors entitled "Three Score
years a "Queen."
H. Green is our new tonsorial artist.
A horse fair and auction sale will take
place at the Albion hotel on Deo. 22nd.
B. S. Cook is sura of election to the
County Connell. He is a first-class man.
Arthnr Spottoo, who went to Toronto
to have an operation performed on him,
sent a telegram to John H. Johnston on
Tuesday evening of last week stating
that the doctors informed him that he
was getting along fine and that he might
return to his home this week. Mr. Spot.
ton's many friends in this vicinity will
be pleased to bear the good news of bis
speedy recovery.
At the last regular meeting on Dec.
2nd, et Cook's 0. Y. B. Lodge No. 4, the
following officers were elected, and after-
wards installed by Past Master Wm. Mc-
Kee :—W. M., Geo. Spotton ; D. M.,
Wm. Douglas ; Chap., Chas. Leppard ;
R. Seo., 300. M. Thompson ; F. Sec.,
Isaac Gammbia ; Treas., J. X, Rogers ;
D. of C., Jno. Argue; Leo., Wm. Cor-
bett ;
or.batt; I. T., Jno. Armstrong; 0. T.,
Enos Donaghy ; Com., Thos. Walker,
Bert Young, Wm. Walkey, Wm. Mee ;
Wm. Orr ; Audi. Com., R. L. Cook and
John Argue.
A genuine ghost -story has yet to be at-
tested ; but nos so a genuine blood•puri-
fier. Over and over again it has been
proved that Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands
alone among medfainee as the most re.
liable tonic -alterative in pharmaoy. It
stood alone at the World's Fair.
Systema Renovator
For Impure, Weals and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Neur.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
god by ,las, rex, tweigelst, Ilrassels,
D. FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, lirussols,
whore he is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy 'Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I am prepared to attend to all orders for
Oarringe Trimming, Repairing, tto.
Geed' work and Moderate chargee.
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's.
'Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting a shale of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. Plumy
General Blacksmith & Horseshoer
Certain In its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
BoeiO Carman Headersun Co., Ill., Feb,21,'ee.
Dr. a. 1. its—PloS ho.
Books and oblige, IItaven me
groat your
Kendall', Spam Ouro with good success • 11 Is a
wonderful medicine. I once had a mare that had
an Occult Smrein and ave bottles cured her, 1
keep a bottle on hand all the time.
Yours truly, Can,. Powaoa.
Dr. B. S. KstmoLI, Co.
CANTOS, Mo., Apr. e,'82.
Peer etre—I have used several Battles of your
•'Kendall'e Spavin Cure" with much success. 1
think it the best Liniment I ever used. Hans re-
moved one Ourb, one !flood SpuvI„ and killed
two Rene Spavins. Have recommended it to
env ural of myrrfends who are much pleased with
and keep 1t. Respectfully,
S. R. RAY, P. O, Box ate.
For Sale by all Druggists; or address
EsossusGN FALLS, Tr. --�.if
,rr eii Satisfied with
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray. 1 began using Ayer's
Il:tir Vigor, and was so well satis-
fied with the results that I have
never tried any other kind of dress-
ing. It requires only
an occasional appli-
cation of
Bair Vigor to keep
any hair of good
color,' to remove
dandruff, to heal
itching humors, and prevent the
hair from falling out. I never hesi-
tate to recommend Ayer's medicines
to my friends."—Mrs. H. M. IIAIGHT,
Avoca, Nebr.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. .Ayer & Co., Lowell , Masa.
fake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
, Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Boildinge. Workman- Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
M. G. Richa dso n
Is prepared to' do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
t'Shop over McSowan's Store.
-1 Sloppy Roads, Cold and Wet
Weather are Now the Rule.
why be uncomfortable when you can buy
ClotVin�, Boors, Stioes � Ru6Vers
So Cheap as we are selling them.
See our Men's heavy all wool Ulster Overcoats at $6,00
and Young Men's at $5.00.
The best value we ever'offered in Men's Long Boots at
$2.00, $2.75 & $3.00.
Dress Goods, Trimmings and Mantle Cloths.
Call and see Values. No Fancy Prices.
.Am Strachan,.
111:111111. WEATHER !
Cooking, B:
Before Hurrahing very much see that you are
ready for the Cold. We can supply you with
r and Coal Stoves,
Er Tar R1 kiT ALCIMS
Of the Latest Design—to burn either Coal or
Wood—put in and Guaranteed.
Large and well selected stock of
Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Oil, &c,
Halters, Cow Chains, Glass and a host of other
things yon require for Fall and Winter.
Blacksmiths' and Stove Coal always on hand.
l 'Tinsmithing in all its Branches.
W' A T/0 O NA L
L ER tr,r}�'ILLS
L 'i+ ,i
This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern
machinery added where required so that better
work can be done now than ever.
Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c.,
always on hand_
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
J. & P. AMENT,