HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-11, Page 8FOR XMA "We leave almost 1tgmlaerlesB firings .suitable for Xmas Gifts, These are some :— Pirobograph and Scrap A.lbume, Toilet and Perfume Oases, 1I8ndkerohief and Glove Boxes, 'Mark and Jewel Ouzel), Vases and Boquet Holders, Card and Oahe Plates, ,Butter and Cheese Dlehoe, Fruit and Salad Dishes, Flower and Retie Bowls, Jewel Oases and oompanione, Shaving Cope and Sets, Fouatatn Pens and Ink Stands, Bibles and Hymn Books, Toy and Gill 335ok8,, MO138180 le Cups, &0,, &a. Colne and CllooSO EarIyr. DEAOMAN t2 M004LL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers, SRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 809158E851 181151 5191051 W. 0. & 33. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOINe Solna. GOING Nonni. llxpreeo 7091 a,33,l Mixed 9:44 amaxed... 0;87 p.m, Mail 12:52 p,m. 'Prat Itebn geld, Trig 1,0as OUbeeripticn llot hi g,oing up. FAuassao' Iuotitsite in Brnee018051 Tann- a5y 5619,1897. Oii1li81'ti! ill two 1l bot w00k1e fro illPl day of thio week, Aso;N•1' Buos, decline proceeding with the 818556x155 i18b6ing, 1001tx1I Diyieiatt court, in Brussels, OH WOdneoday, 2884 Met, Bnose588 Sellool Board will meat on Friday evening of this week. A. STnaonutt had a. turkey at 1918 86088 this week that dressed 14 pounds: Ow1NO to a ruo11 of advertisements sev- eral interesting matters are crowded got thio week, Co0N81(Amnon nomination on Monday, 21st fn8t. Iklanicipal nomination a week later, 28th ia86„ both in Town Hall, Brussels, A. summon= to Tula POeir, from To- ronto, writes;—"Wo watsh to get THE POST RS if it were some friend coming on the train." THE Horse Fair on Thursday of last week attracted a large crowd and a num- ber of Bales were made. Next Fair on Thursday,'3lat inst. As per statute a meeting of Brussels Connell will be Held next Tuesday even. ing to prepare the Financial statement for the year and closeup the municipal business of 1800, 8148081088 05eeee faotory disposed Of i6e September and October Blake of eh0008 at 10 oente per pound and November's at 8 omits. Between 84,000 and 85,000 will be put in oiroulation when the (Meese is shipped next week. ESSAN CONTEST.—The essay contest in the Primary class of Principal Clamor. on's room, Brussels Publio school, for the month of November, resulted as follows ; let, D. MoLauohlin, 85%; 2nd, a. Buch- anan, 75%; 3rd, L. McLennan, 60%. A. VElIS 8nperior program will be pre- sented at T. A. Hawkins' big oonce86 Fri. day evening ot next week. -Vocal and A obiel's among ye taliin' notes, iu8trumental music, readings and real - faith, he'll print it. tations of a high order will be rendered, and no less than 20 performers wilt take part. Plan of Hall at Fox's Drag store. Wan for Sandy 1 He is oomiog to W. B. Pelton's grocery and restaurant to unload a heavy Stook of fine candies from Montreal, the finest stook ever 'shown in Brnesels. Mixed candies and nuts at very low prices. Groceries oheaper than ever. Oysters in every style) THE Poem is subscribed for on its merits as 8 newspaper, and is looked for and read with pleasure by every member of the family. It is not taken merely to get rid of an importunate eanveseer, and when received thrown to cue side. TEE Posen is the best read paper in this section and oovers the whole County of Enron. Connie BAOn. The harness and boot and shoe business of I. U. Richards, Brussels, has been puro`hased by Wm. Mose, of Gerrie, a well known former resident of thi-i place. he will take pos- session on the let of ,January and will move his family hack to Brussels. Mr. Mose is an industrious young man who spent several years in the employ of Mr, Richards. A Gn'+n Oow.—D. Ewan has a No. 1 cow, holstein breed. She gives 12 quarte 'of milk morning and night and 16 pounds of butter are made eaoh week. Mrs. Ewan, in the kindueas of her heart, made it possible last week for the Editor and his large family to sample a nice roll and we fared in grand style, Mr. Ewan refused $84.00 for the above men- tioned cow. Armon MANY DAYS —The Guelph Mer- cury of last week says ;—E. C. Lowry, of Brussels, Ontario, who has been visit. lug relatives and friends in the oily for the past few weeks, was one of the early boys in Guelph, and is full of reminie• oences of Guelph in the thirties and forties. He was a boy of six years of age when he Dame to Guelph with his father, Wm. Lowry, and family in the Summer of 1832. They ]eft London, England, in Ione, and came out in the Lord Sid- mouth, an old whaling vessel, which had been adapted for: the passenger traffio. Squire Heath's family were also in the same ship. Their voyage took eleven weeks and four' days. When they arrived inQuebeo they were directed by,Mr. Oor. belt, father of the late Postmaster Cor- bett, to Guelph, the point to which they were bound. They came up with John MOCrae and the Heath's, in August. Mr. Lowry remembers that his father paid a guinea a day for the board of the family at the Britieh Coffee House, which stood on this end of the site of 'Bell's brick faotory. It was run by Patrick and Thos. Keating. • Wm. Lowry and his family lived in the stone post - office building on the North-east corner of the Market Square for six years, 'Mr. Lowry went to eebool at Mr. Matthews' at the old school honee across the railway track, near where the Grand Trunk station ndty Stands. Only two school matee of his --Thomas McBride and. John Matthews—are now living here so far as he can Iearn. Mr, Lowry's father taught Bebop] for several years, and was then appointed lownehip clerk of Guelph, and the Division Court Clerk. Business wasn't rushing in the latter line in those days, and so Mr. Lowry threw up the office, and was euoceeded by the late, A. CotulrsIA CALNNDAn ron 1807. — The A. Baker. Mr. Lowry has a vivid root - twelfth annual issue of the Columbia Pad lection of many pranks of hie school Calendar hail made its appearance in days, when he was not so diligent in his more pleasing form than ever before, study as be might have been. His father having scattered through its daily leaves 1 moved on to a farm above the Waterloo many charming illustrations, with an Road, two and a half miles out, and was appropriate thought or verse for eaoh day an auditor of the township up to the time in the year. Among the topios are bioy. of his death, 11Ir. Lowry, himself, took cling, outdoor life and good roads. The up a farm on his own account and mar. cycling fraternity, to say nothing of the ried.a daughter of Captain McCurdy, general pnblio, has acquired-a,deoidedly whose (afro was where the Model Farm friendly' feeling for the Columbia Calan• now stands. They were married forty dal, and its annual advent is always six years ago by Rev. Dr. Torrance, looked forward to wi6h interest and pleas• whom he had the pleasure of meeting ore. The 1807 calendar contains a nni• this week• He subsequently rented his que arrangement of dates that will prove farm and removed to Salem, and after very helpful and convenient to busy men, eight years to Brussels, where be has and plenty of apnea is allowed for mem• lived the past twenty years, and whore oraude, So that the block may be used as his sons are in business as builders. Mr, a diary, or in any event will become a Lowry has is clear recollection of the etorehooao of the many little things one eleotione of 1855, when Mr. Durand was desires to be reminded of day by day. eleoled. One of the candidates kept open The twelfth edition is bright with oontri• house along the Book -road for two weeke, butions front friends and riders of the which cost him a fine farm of B00 soros Columbia bioyole, for such a host of and stook. He also remembers the aisle, friends has the ca:endar acquired that it bration here when Queen Victoria was ]las become a oueton,,,ry practice for crowned, and the departure of the volun• wbeelmen all over the country to jot tears under Capt. Poore, for Navy Island, down their beet tbonghte and inspirations in the troublons time of the Rebellion. after the exhilarating influence of a Ool- It was all bush over the river from Ai• umbia ride and send them in to brighten Ian's bridge in his early days, If he the calendar's pages. In addition, the recollects aright, Joseph Stirton was the moon's phases are indicated for the belie. first male child born in Guelph, He re- fit of those who wish to know the best 00110 distinctly being canvassed for Dr, time for night riding. One feature, of the Clarke, in one election, but he thought Calendar is its neat stand, so arranged the dootor was trying to onrry favor with tbat the block can either bo used Upon both the Orangemen and Roman Clotho - the desk or hung upon the wall. The lioe, and voted for hie opponent, David calendar man be obtained for five two'cent Stirton. Mr. Lowry, while enjoying his stamps by addressing the Calendar De. visit to his old home, has a warm spot for partment of he Pope Manufaoturing the town of his adoption, and thinks it Company at Hartford, Con, the beet plane up North. Bn008000 market leads. Soars talk of a private Bank opening in Br assets. P008. HAWKINS' concert next Friday evening. SEND THE POST SS a 3mae box toyour absent friends," THE POST Bookstore wants to clear out every toy in stook and to do this will. give very low prices. W. J. McCBaonnN opened up a stork of Groceries in the "Bee Hive" last Bator-. day and asks a liberal share of public patronage. HARDLY a day goes by but livery bag- gage wagons come to or go from Brussels with commercial travellers' baggage, ow• ing to the curtailment of trains on the W. G. do B. The G. T. R. is losing more than it is saving by the present time table, we think. Fon CEnremnxAs.—one of the best and certainly the longest remembered present to send to distant friends as a Christmas gift is THE Poem,' One dollar will pay for it up to 1st Jan. 1898, and for this small sum your distant ones will have a weekly budget of Huron news for 57 weeks. Call in or send in your names and dollars without delay. DoAHAT10.—Wednesday evening of thie week the Metropolitan Dramatic Co. put "Down the Slope" on the boards et the Town Hall. The play oonupied the whole evening and was saidto be well done when tbe•emall sized stage is taken into aocount. Thursday evening the 00050 troupe presented a comedy drama. The Company have a good name and ,draw good houses. Brussels Band sup. plied the orchestral part of the program. IT appears to us that a connection be- tween the evening trains on the W. G. es 13. and the L. H. & B. at Wingham Junc- tion is a prime necessity. The other evening Mrs. Jno. Bain and children, coming from Brandon to Brussels, Dame North from Loudon on the L. a. & B. and found no her disappointment and ex- pense that she was compelled to remain. uver night in Wingham instead of reach- ing her destination that night. A 'bus line to Blyth or Belgrave might make money, as the liveries appear to be scoop- ing it in, to the loss of the Grand Trunk, owing to their unsatisfactory schedule. Nnw Fran. —This week D. C. Ross and Geo. Halliday, both young men well and favorably known in Brussels, have form- ed a co -partnership and purchased a large bankrupt stook of readymade clothing, gents' furnishings, hats, caps, &0., at It low rate on the 9, and are now busy plan. ing goods in the va0ant store in the Holmes block, next door to Gerry Bros., and will open up on Saturday of this week. The store has been newly paper- ed and the ceiling oiled and presents a very tidy appearance. Messrs. Roes & Halliday ere well aegnainted with their business and will make a strong team in pushing trade and doing business. Mr. Ross will continue hie store in the Leckie brook in the meantime and will be aesiet- ed by his brother, Robt. Ross, who has. closed up his store in Wroxeter to take a position here. The new firm say they are iu a position to make bargains fairly hum. We wish them success. S _ A bluoi1. Co8a5kyuriA'r5n PA'rng —The Montreal "Witneea," this being Ito jn111., lee year, has beau printing eVer e1008 Dees mber aw weekly page of 0 550 to i ' o, 0)1000 09 16a early rea40re who still Bila vivo, many of svhieh.have been 0f Wei - rotting 105920at, and all of which 11avo been full of eager and hearty good will for the paper 8111811 line been to the wri6ere a life long counsellor and family 516896. Here la one of the briefest and 13080 praotiaal of there contributions A Friend's 11110,—P0 the Editor of the W16n088, Str,—I wee first induced to take this noble paper by our minie6er from the pulpit, in donounoing bad literature and re00mmellding good, He 800om• mended the Witness among the best family reading for old or young. Shortly after I sent for the paper, and although over a 80089 of years ego, I have boon telt. ing it ei1180 with pleasure and profit, The prioe is very moderate indeed, The Witneee 10 a true Daniel, taking a firm eland for righbeoueneas, temperance, and everything that makes for the good of man and the glory of the Creator, Now, I have a requeae to make of two of the highest professions in the land—the press and the clergy t vip„ that the press ehail kindly give this item room in their journals—the one to copy from the other, etc, ; and that ministers 0f the gospel. shall speak of and re50mmend the Wit. neer to their people, dB f6 is mai a power for good wherever known, John W. Mo. Kenzie, Glen Oak, Ont, Business Local's. ALL the ohoioeet fruibe of the season at Thomson's.' Solon made to order ab 111. Riohardson's. Cheapest place in town. OANDi10 and nuts as cheap as the cheapest at Thomsen's. A uncut assortment of plain and fanoy china and glassware at Thomson's. WANTED.—Any quantity dried apples, (Oo.,) roll butter and poultry, = Turkeys, undrawn, (7o.) - G. E. Kidd, Wingham. T1loacsoN's stook of groceries is large and well assorted with the finest goods in the market. I no saw filing very cheap now for spot oaah as I have a new and a fast way of setting saws. T. McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels, Queen St. East. SHH,ort'S Ours, the great cough and oroup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 oente. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Wm urn giving the beet value in barue: s tiv'r offered in Brussels. ' Special attention gi.en to Dollars. Repairing promptly and cheaply done. J. Donald- son, Dania' old stand. KAnn's ()lover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and melte your head clear as a bell. 25 ars., 50 ots. and 9100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels, CoMSonTA11nE brick residence with every convenience, furnace; &o., for Bale or to rent. Possession given on Denember 1st. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. Mas. T. S. HAWnrre, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system- I ever Osed.r' For dyspepsia, liveaor kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 oto. Sold by Jae. Fox. BARGAIN OFFEnn».—That eligible half acre lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dis- posed of below ooat. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to Joast H,inenEAVES, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. Omura YORE Dooxon.—If he advisee' Cod Liver 011 we recommend Wompole'e Tasteless Preparation. Yon °su't taste the oil ; all you taste is wild cherry, and that's good. What you get is flesh and strength. Cures coughs, colds and waetiye diseases. JAB. Fox, 8.m Chemist and Druggist. READY FOE WINTER.—A visit to the large new show rooms in conneotion with D. Ewan's business, Brussels, will con- vince anybody that be is in first-olaea shape to suit thepublicin cutters of the neatest andmost fashionable styles and finish and at prices to emit the poohet. He also has a stook of sleighs on hand ready for the Winter. Intending par. chasers should give him a call and there- by get well suited and save money at the some time. Mr. Ewan is there to do business. MANVFAOTrrnons Accident" Ins. Go., of Toronto, President, Geo. Gooderham, (President Bank of Toronto.) This very desirable institution has opened an agency in Brussels, capital, "one million dol- lars." Insures against accident from any cause, yearly dost $4.00 to 950,00, no medical examination or any fee for joining. In case of being laid aside by aooident 95.00 per week. (per $1,000) will be paid you by the Company for 20 weeks if need be. Some profeesional gentlemen in town have taken a 95,000 policy, week. ly payment,$25.00, and the some polioy is rated 610,000 if aooident occurs while travelling by railway, steamboat or trol- ley ear, with 950.00 weekly allowance. Everyone is liable to aooident and should - not fail to get a,polioy in this first -elites Canadian Company. J. A. CnmerroN, Agent, Brussels. SAMPLE or LETTERS.—Wo are receiving every day in regard to the marvellous cures effected by the use of Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills :— Yoe are at liberty to use my name in the endorsement of your valuable Dille. One box taken as directed proved euoh a perfect cure that T cannot find words to express my gratitude to you, and will ever sound the praises of your pills for liver trouble. (Signed) E. 0. BaowN, North Toronto. Auk Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels, about them. Sample box sent on re. oeipt of six cerate in stamps. The LeRoy Pill Co., Toronto, Oen. Try Don't Headache Powders, safe, sore, suocossfal. 25 conte a box. aaaxxzR,xNEn. A90TIN—CAon'13oLL•—At the residence of the bride's parents, Turnberry, on Nov. 25th, by Rev, D. Petrie, Mr. Robert Austin, Kincardine' to Mies Jane Gunn Campbell, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Campbell. BAaTnno-0AairsELL,—In Knox church, Lietowel, on Deo. 13rt1, by the Rev, Wm, Cooper, B. A., Mr. A. B. Bastedo, a000untant of the Bank of Hamilton, Wingbam, to Miss Lorne Oalnpbell, second daoghter of Mr. D. b. Campbell, Argyle place, Listowel. W000x—DRY.—At the residence of the bride's parents, ' on Nov. 12511, by Rev. D. Perris, Mr. Grant B. Wilcox, of Livonia, Ditch., to Miss Janet Dey,, eldest daogliter of Mr. Alexander Dey, Wingham: Dro-' 11, 1.890 8T,AND,L .1) 134,71rfr 0. O4,N't Del, =1,4. PX1PXx 9 9477We HEA F D D O Fl E - TORONTO ASS 7TS,(Seven Million Dollars) 97,000,000 0APITAL (Authorized) . $2,800,000 Apenofee in all prinotpal pafnte ift Ontario, Q5151195, ll2aftito8a, potful States Cir P91 ff 1arl5. fisvashms- Dowry A General Banking Businese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points. • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on .debate of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Srluomx keraN17051 GIVEN 70 Twin go18905sa5 018 111 nuua' SAoE Nom. Every facility afforded Customers living e,0 a distance. 3. A. STEWART MANgenn. IMOCCINIMIVIIIRMIGTIMMILINI.51.6.0293X D090r,Ae—•0aamn,—At the Manse, . Wing• ham,, on Nov, 254 by Rev, D. Per' ria, Mr, John Donglae, Gerrie, to Mies Eleanor Smith, of Wroxeter... Hvr7Tsri.—In Oranbrook, on • Monday, • Deo. 7th, Norman, youngest son of Jno, Hunter, aged 2 years. , Conv2nn.h In East Wawanoeh, on Nov. t , Lovina Ooiver, aged 87 years and 11 months. PAGE.—In Wingham, on Deo. let, 1890, Edna) youngest daughter of Wm. Page, aged 12 years, 5 months and. 1(1 days. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TIME BABY BOY FOR ADOP myon, Apply box 391, Brussels P, 0. CLOOD CUTTER, PIANOBOX,. VI for sale ata bargain, • 8. elv t0 W. J. MuORAOHIIN, pfl'ARROW -00W TO ,.EX .S' 08A8On for a new mfloh cow. Apply 1Y to A. HOENIG, American Hotel. 1yf RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— ..L. First mortgage, farm 9use,Br Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels. NAT OOD WAN TED.—MABE.ET V Vria p e will be paid for 6,009 or,4,000 cordo of d this wood, ember soft or ERPR be SALTdeliveredW this Wrutor el 0550 ENTERPRISE GALT woR1la, Brussels. 2067 Estate of T, T. 00LEMAN. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.. The anderergnod offers his comfort; able cottage and 4 acre of land on Turnbeny street, Brussels for sale. On the premises is. e good well,atable,iruit trees,&c. For price and toren apply to 1-tf ALEX. MCLAUCHLIN, Proprietor. FOR SALE.—A GOON) SOUND Toros, eight years cid, suitable for eith- er rbador. farm ;. also buggy, cutter 05111 equipments. Would oxobange them :for youngcattle if suitable. 18.05 JNO, B0918, Brussels. 1 EEORSE FOR SALE.—WELL trained, good size, extra gentle. Sold with or without harness- aud topbuggy, sleigh and robes. Alliu prime order. Lees than half prioe. - .1N0. D. RONALD, cITRAYED ON TEE PREM— f1�J mu of the undersigned, Lot 32, Con. 18, Grey, onor about 013e last of October, 1 two• yoar•o] it grey steer. The owner is requested to prove property,pey expeneea and take it 0w0y3'.- DANIEL MOMILLAN,. 204 - Walton P-0. rf1EE GOLD MINES. — WE J_ have a large 702 page boob on British Colombia, the land that is fast becoming famous for its gold. We keep a select assort- ment of books and any not instock we clan procure without extra charge, at Publishers prices. DEADMAN d: Aio0ALL,. Druggists, Booksellers & Opticians. DCCTrl]',T BOOK LOST BE— MIME the Ethel Cheese ]Factory and FT enfryn, on Dec. lat. 2t contained two notes drawn In my favor and due on July lst,1807. One for 021.45 by Geo. Obapman, of Atwood ;. and one for $20.00 by Geo. Hamilton. 761 con., Elma; also a glue- bill from 1. 0. Blob- 0rde, Brussole,for a set of single harness at 518.00. Notice is lieroby given that payment hos been stopped on the above and partios Are cautioned against negotiating the same. SAMUEL ENIGHT, 22-2 Brickma.kor, Honfryn. AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS, DUMBER, ETC. Mr, Thos. Brown has received instructions from Mr. Andrew Govenlook, at Winthrop, Lot 20, Con. 7, A1cEillop, to sell bypubloauc- tion on Tuesday December 15)80, 185e,. at 12 o'clock sharp, the following winnable pro- perty, viz.:—Borees-2 teamswor,ting borsee' 1 driving mare rising 0 years; i driving colt rising 8 years ; 2 driving Dolts rising9 years • 1 Spring oolt sired by unwire' ; 1 well brei driving mare ; also several aged working, horses. Cattle -5. cows 0uppo8ed to be in calf ; 4 steers 2 years 010' ;1 tat cow ; 1 shore' bred Durnam bull. Piga-1 thero' bredBerk- Ohire boar; 4 sows in pig; 8 pigs 4 months old'; 12. pigs 5 weeks old. Implements -1. mower; 1 seed drill and a lot ofother farm- ing implements; several- wagons, buggies. sleighs, oto. Lumber—A large quantity suit- able for building, fencing and ditching pur- poses, Farming Lands—East 70 acres, Lob 28, Con. 8, Molillop ; North half of West half Lot 28, Con. 7. NeKillop; West half of Lot 20, Con. 7,Mof{fllo ; Lot. 27, Cou, 7,. Me1211- lop ;. North half Lot 80, Oen, 9, MaEillop ; Lots 17,-18 &19, Con.18, Grey'. Terms—A11 sums. of 810,80 andundercash;. over tbat =auntie menthe o•eetit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes bearing in- terestat 6 per cent per annum. Fnrm hand' terms and conditions makeknown ou day of mule. Taos, BnowN, A. GOVENLOOK, Auotiooeor. Proprietor. County Council, Election. PU1311I0 NOTICE ie hereby given that a meeting of the Hinton of County Connell Division No. 0, oompoeed of the munielpal• Rios of Brussels,' Grey and Morris, will he held in the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, on 1londnY, December 21st, 18116, at the hour of 1 o'nloolt p. m„for the Purpose. of nominating oaudldons to repre8ent them id the ,County Council of the County of Bur - 00 for the years1807 01td 1888, and Blatin case a polite demanded and -alloy ed iu the manual: by law prescribed, suoI polls will he. opened on the 4th day of January, 1807, in each 50 the polling eltb•di9i0ious at the time and pima fixed by By-laws oftho municipal - Wee in said County Div1910S. F S. 8(1011, Nominating Olfoer, Dated Deo, 5th, 1806. REAL ESTATE. MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. 760 noree of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-. ed for 0,110 at slow prima. The property le' North last 4 Seo,10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East,. There is a house on the premises and 00819 breaking One. Foe' lull partioulare as to primo, title, &o„ write or apply to P 11.BLAII5 68 W11,IIERR, 00.16: liruesel9, Ont, TJ'IARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. HEMMED Had 0078 vat Hood Forme for sale and to rent, eoeY berme, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 3. BOOTT,711'aesols To ARMS FOR SALE .- 200 acres—consisting of Lots 18 on 1118 7655 and 8515 Concoseions. Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile fror`m tin Village of Ethel and 0 Milos from Brnseols, 40 sorsa of Fall wheat sown 5604 about 90 eons under grans ; 00 mires cleared on each. Penne of 'payment easy,. A. MOIKELVER, M. D., ,84 Brussels, rA.RM FOR SALE, -150 ACRES Consletin„ of the 8d'utb 4 and South tof the North 4 of Lot 80, 0821 2, Plast Wawa. nosh, This is an excellent stook farm,bItug siell tuated aboutlled with goodopring water•,. It is situated about 8 milds from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyyth. A largo part of it Is under. grass. Buildinge and foncoe aro in a fair state of. repair. Easy terms of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11-tf . G. F. SLAI1t, Barrister, Brussels, CPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. (.. That excellent farm, Let 15, 0001. 9,' Township of Grey,. 300 pores, must be gold at 01. The letei veerly all cleared o0 ith good buildings, nmpie water supply, large or- chard, 11 miles from Cranbrook, is under good cultivation aud ie a very desirable pro- perty indeed, Apply _to RIOHA11D MIT- CHELL, Brussels P. 0, ; TOG/9MITCBELL, On the. premises ;. or A. HUNTEXt,Bruseels, Dated Sept,13t},,1898, . . GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of Grey, In order to Mose au estate the West half of Lot 94, Con. 7, Township 06 Grey, 50 00188, :is offered for immediate sale. On the premises axe a good frame dwelling with kitchen, &o., also two frame barns, good water, orchard, &c,, and is 01oee to the VillagGe. of Ethel.. Soil la of the best and farm Iswell fenoed. Apply to oIILJaeD., Brussels 8Mx098LVY,, mstwn;or, NT. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. 'VV The eligible 200 aore,fa- rm , composed . of lots 10 and 17 in the 10th con., Grey township, Huron. Co., end 50 acres, part of lots 16 and 17,11th con., belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for sale to wind up estate. On the first farm is good atone house and large bank barn, necessary outboildin e, or- chard, &o. Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of oultivation. About 50 the 50 acre farm there is a house and barro orchard, and about 8 acres 01 bush. Parma bold jointly or separately to suit purchaser. Possession given in the Fall, Farms are on. ly a mile from the village of 0ranbrook, whereare ecbooi, churches, post-omeo, stores,.&o., and.21 miles to. the tlrrlying mar- ket town Brussels. 1'or further particulars as Les; forme, &o., apply to AGNE8 BROWN,]) JAMES BROWN, 5 Broca tors.. JOHN BROWN, ) Oranbroolt P. 0. OAR FOR SERVICE. THiIi Undersigned will keep for servioo on Lot 20, Con, 0, Morris, the thorn'. bred im- proved White 702530hire Boar "Selected,” bred from 3.14. lirothaur's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms, $1.00 to bopaid at the time of service with privilege ofre- 901510g itnecessary, Pedigreemay bo seen on. application, ROBT.NICHOL. OAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep 101 service on bot. 80, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'-bred Large, English Berkshire Boar, Captain Join." His mother is a full sister to the let -prize sow at the World'eFair. Pedigree will be prloduoed on application. Toms -01,00 to be paid at time of service' with privilege of. returning if necessary, 14.6m JAS. SPEER, Proprietor. OAR FOR SERVICE. -TAF undero18nea will keep for servioo on Lot 27, 0on. 4, Morris, the thoro' bred Tam- w orth boar, "King George," purchased 11'om H. George .&Sous who got first. prize for their held at. Guelph Gat ;Stook- Sbnw. The clam of "Ring George" wort first prize at the Show, London England, Hid sire; was im- ported and weighed 750 lbs,. Terms 81,08 to be paid at time of service with privilege of'. returning 11 necessary, Pedigree may be seen on app]ioatioo, 191011A108 ARMSTRONG, 40.16 Propectar. Ancient Order of United Workmen, This old and prosperous Pretend 9188001. ation numbering 850,000 members are pre smitfug to the public their popular and non - urinal rates to rvorthy men, at the very low rate of about $8,00 per $1,000 per annum. The "Workmen" -Promptly ray Sleuth Chime and expect a large inorese8 to its members 110x7 that thoeo American Line Oompanies don't seem aatisfaotory to Cnu adiane. 1001T. ARMSTRONG DEW..., W, H, HERR, Recorder; T. A. ORE0GHTON,lrinaucier, MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGRTON, M. D. • 0. M., L, R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont.. Residence and ollioe. in Wilson'e stools, corner of Mill.. and Turnborry Ste. • • 31. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physiolan, Surgeon, A000ucher, oto Graduate of Toronto Univertityy Medina' Faculty. Member. of College of Physicians and Surgeons Out, 0r1'Ion—Noxb door to McDonald. & Co,. Walton Out. DR. F. H. KALCFLFISCH, 1HY910IAN, ennOEON'AND AOCOUlHE91r, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAii/AM, BRUSSELS, •- ONTARIO. 1st Oloss Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of•Trinity MOdival Collogo ; Fellow. o Trin]ty,ledloal College and member of the College of Pbysiel0ne and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Coerce in Detroit and Chtosgo,1890. bpeclol attention paid to di0- 00000 of Eye, P102,17600 and Throat, and eu00001 Womou, la?'0onsultation in MI6' 11e1) and Gorman, • Coffie autl See otrA NEW STOCF>, OiF Pamoy Goods No dillioul6y in Oho08105 appropriate pr000065 for your friends, We have a largo and well assorted stook to 001001 (rota, comprising the newest deeigne, moat reohorphe 01610188 and the latest prodcol0 of art in all the wonderful var- iety of materials composing them. Xmas Curds acid Booklets. Wo are sole agents in Brue0ele for Rap" heel Tuok & ,Sons oolebrated Xmas 0arde and Calendars, There are no riper made and oar stook ie' most 0oaaplel0, FANCY GOODS, Ws have them in Plush, Leather and Celluloid, Toilet Cassa, Shaving Sete, Odor Cases, Travelling Companions, Maniouree, Work Boxes, . Photo. Frames, Necktie Oases, Dollar and Cuff Oases. BOOKS AND BIBLES. Picture and Story Books in great var- iety y LEE , up; Nice Linen aioture Books, 5o. each, and we also have Chat, terbox and Young Canada, both very fine story books, Bibles from 25o. to $6.00, PHOTO, ALBUMS. In the above line we have an exceed. ingly fine assortment in Celluloid, Leath- er and Plush at much below the regular prices. TOYS AND GAMES In endless variety and oomprieing all of the very latest. OROEINOLE at $1.00 and 91.25, and also the Arch Orokinole, 4 games in 1, for 91.00. We spall consider it a pleasure to show you our stock at Fa1 s Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. .Celoo—Vanatone'sBlock, Brue. eels.. 21-8m TNTM. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyanoer,NotaryPub- 110, ,ta. Ohee—Vanstone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solloltor, Gedertcb, Ont. Office—Hamilton St., Opposite 0o1. borne Hotel. G� F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, - dm. (late o1 Garrow & Prondfoot'e Office, Godoriob,) Ofiloo over Gillies & 801)81'0 Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS, GEORGE KIRI£I3Y, Licensed Auctioneer. Salee conduct ea on reasonable tonna. Farms and farm. stook a specialty. Orders left at Tan POST Publishing Hou ee,Bru seals, or sontto W alton P. 0., will reeoive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . HER, will soli for totter prices, to butter moa, in eon time and less charges than any .other Auebloneor in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can alwayebe arranged at this °floe or by per so11al application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 25 years experience 05 an Auctioneer, but who had to gait owing to i11 health, has again.. taken out lioonse and ie prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may be arranged. at Tent POST PublishingHouse. JAS. STRETTO, 3.8-16 Auotioueer. VETERINARY. T D. WARWXCS, 5• • Honor .Graduate o1 the Ontario diseases ryof College,mateis d prepared to treat all com- petent ca dne . Partoct animate In a paid petent manner. PartlonJar attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Callspromptly 'at- tended to. O110e and Infirmary—Pour doors north of bridge •Turnberry at., Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. WY V H. MoOBAOXEN, r r Usurer ofMarriageLioenses. Mae at hie Grocery, llurnberry street, Brnssole. i� N. BARRETT, tiTonsorial Artist: Shop—Next door ooutli of A. M. Mo0ay & C o's' hardware store. Ladle s' anclohuldrens hair cuttinga speoialty RUSSELS POST OFFICE savings 'Bank takes Deposits from $1.00 to $1,800 and allows 8,y per cent. interest. T. - 71. FARRUW, 87-8m Postmaster. ROBERT GUNNINGHAM• merman, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER suer of Marriage Licenses r 0801010 AT 33110001' S150817. 6'N° Witness Required. T. FLETCHE R, Brussels: ALEX. i3UNTEB, Clerk of he Fourth Division - Cour Co. Buren. Conveyancer, Notary Publio Land, Lean and Iusuronoo Agent.. Funds invested and to loan.. Oolleobion9; made Moe in Graham's Blboli,llrusoobs' AOS. A.. HAWEINS, ' Will give loeonne to pnpfla eitbet 011 piano or organ, at hie Mpeio1oom, opposlte -' the penmen°, Brussels, Vo8Ol lessons also giyou. Ton years oxperienoe in touching. Worms moderato.