The Brussels Post, 1896-12-11, Page 6E. BR'USSU iS POST (:I2,e Patostis Vat .r•,,.,.-10l'.pnX+I8800P SURLY Pj 1IDA,Y MOBNING early walla) t • he oa ai a a i !mo for t I (rat Y t41.11e Rost" Stearal lablisilhtg Itouso, TU BRnithtRY $'01 BRUSSELS, OST,. TERNS OP SDRBOItre'Nea.-Qne dollar.ly year, iu a0vauoo. The:date to which every subscription. u sc ipt on. i°rues veldts denoted by the date ADynitTreuvo BAT1ss, Tbo following rates will bo ohargod to threw who advertise by the yeas:- BBACE 11M. 1-0-50. 1 s inn One Column " - $00,00 03'. -0 $00,00,00 Ralf 22.00.. 20.00 12,00 qquurtor ,r 20.00 10.00 0.20 1Rightb + .......,,.. 12,00 8,00 5.00 'Sight conte per line for arst insertion, and throe goutser nue Dor gaols subsequent in. eertlon, , All advertisomente measured es Nonparotl-•1211nes to theiuoh. Business Oards, eight Linea and Under, 000 per annum. • . Advertisements without specific dir0o- Nene, will be inserted nett! forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to ohmage or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting room 00'10H s Pon not later than, Tuesday of each week This is imperative. W. i-1. it ERB,, IOditor and Proprietor. Bog 01es in Essex grad Bent. The bog ore of Essex is attracting the atteution of iron men.' This ore, sage the Amberstburg Echo, has been known to exist in the bottom of the creeks and marshes for years, and 40 or 00 years ago was teamed to Lha oldfur:aces at Olinda: and made into iron. Shoves are still in existence made from iron from the Olin. da furnace, Last week Mr. Edgar, of the Hamilton Smelting Works, shipped a carload from Barrow to that oity. It was dug from the property of Daniel Johnson and Hiram Rosebrugh, in Har- row. The company pays 10 cents a ton for the ore, and pays for handling. Beds have been struck while constructing drains on the farms of John Little, John McDonald and Henry Walters (the old IOobt. Tbompeon farm, lot 9, iu the gore), Sqnire Richmond says that while boring wells on his farm beds of iron ore have been struck. The ore is used by the Hamilton Smelting Works to mix with the other ores. Several thousands oft tons have been taken out of Norfolk County, and large quantities are being shipped from Sent County, near Ridge - town. During the past week Wm. Fox, the well-known Rulbven sand shipper, accompanied by Mr. Webster, who repro- sente a large American firm, have been visiting the farm in Gosfield and Col. attester South, where bog ore is known to exist, to secure options for the privilege of taking the ore. If it can be found to sufficient•quantities the company propos- es to put in a 026,000 plant at a oon- venient point in the county to treat the ore. They propose to pay a stated price per ton and not select 7t, but take both bog and shot ore. If they can secure a sufficient guantity, works will be put up at once. It is well knows that largo quantities of this ore exists about Olinda, bot it will need considerable prospecting of the marsh lands in Co!oheeter, where large beds are believed to exist. TUE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE. The Toronto World says :.-The love affairs of Julia Card, of Goderiah, have iced many crosses. Thursday night of last week Elijah E. Kidd, to whom Julia claims the i8 married, Was arre8tedat the Scott Rouse, adjoining the police station, Windsor, on the charge of embezzlement. The oomplafnant is Wilmer Smith, of Goderiah. He bought 000 potato peelers front Kidd and paid him 000 for the patent right in Huron County. Kidd's enterprise led him to sell the same right to about twenty others in Huron County. He has been travelling through Western Ontario and is supposed to have worked the same game in many planes. Julia is 17 years of age, pretty, vivaofous, very sentimental, and was pleased with the romance of an elopement with a person leading a life like Kidd's. JIILIA'8 8TOIty. She tells the way she first met him. "I was alone in my father's merchant tailoring store. Elijah came in and as soon as his bright black eyes met mine 1 seemed to feel a strange sensation. He said he wanted to buy a necktie. While .I wan showing them to him he seemed to be looking at me more than at the ties. At last I said: "Oh, you don't want ties at all. "Yes I do," be said. He bought two for 25o. each. While I was wrapping them up he said : "Where are the best places to take a drive around here Mies--?" "Miss Card," I added, "or just call me Jule." Then I said ' "Oh you get a horse and rig and ,you will find girls willing to show you a good place to take a drive." Of course I meant other gine arounol town but be didn't tape it that way and asked me if I would go. I went." The patent right purchasers compared notes and Smith had Kidd arrested for getting money under false pretences. Tom Tilt and M. Polley gave bail for 0200 at the request of Julia, who was a general favorite in. town. Kidd went to Owen Sound, Blyth and Walkerton while out on ball. In each piece Ile was ar. rested, but was released when it was known Ito had been bailed. A 1008 0P Ouratiro. Julia loft her father-. Levi Card, who is fairly wealthy, and went to Kill in London. They made a tour of Ontario West of London. Chief Willie got a description of Kidd and located him. Kidd made a hard fight to keep one letter from the police. It was from N. Le. warne, 18 Stafford street, Toronto. It referred to a child there, of which Kidd was mentioned as the father and spoke of He mother, who is living in Toronto. It seeused Kidd of not having prows dud for the obild and threatened to have a de. teotive after him if the didn't do better. Kidd was asked if he had a wife in To- ronto, 'II will give you my life if I have a wife in Toronto, I am married to Julia." Neither he nor Julia would say where they were married or when, w0Ar Mild)/ Loons WEE. 111111 is 6 feet 0 inches high, blank hair, small black mustache, )seen black eyes, low forehead, dressed in dark ready. inede olothee and is not prepossessing, Jalia'e Ifather "came for her and Kidd was taken,! to .1 Goderioh. Julia says Yids, Was iueoo'ied 19000 W00800.08 in Toren- to and bad to obiild, but that the woman woo unfaithful to him. Toa ebild he left with Mrs, N, Lewarne, Toronto, ".4, 011050 time age," continued Julia, "Kidd got ip letter from 1 !o brother Buying bis u tbei Ttte lei. wife had die hes tat 1 d at p tere from Mrs, Lawaxne refer to the mother of the child aft still living. Kidd and Julia lived at 0 Waebingtan.avenne, Detroit, and fare. Kennedy, the landlady, soya elm didn't get a cent from Ku, d. The letters received by Kidd are mostly from persons who Wenn he owed them money or who ()barged him with soiling the patent rights to others In the same county, The i!lizeard. .t. Number or Perseus l•ct•lelt le Mc Vold Frank Jack, of Chicago, was found frozen to death Sabttrday afternoon, Nov. 290h, two miles` north of Fargo; N. D. Efe was out in the blizzard, At Moorehead, Minn., Thorns Ander. son, aged 19, was lost in the blizzard, and no trace of the body could bo found. At Devil's Lake, N. D„ the blizzard was very severe. . The passenger train from the coast has remained on the sid- ing eiooe Thanksgiving. About 4:50 p. m. on Thttredsy F, 10.'Burrows, mail agent, left his oar to go to the depot for orders, He has not been seen 00002, and there is not one obanoo in a thousand of hie having escaped death in the storm. At Lander, Wyo., the thermometer recorded 280 below zero Friday night, and at Idaho Falls, Idaho, 28 o below. At Helene, Non., friday night was the coldest November night in the recd.!option of the oldest pioneer. Thermom. eters registered' from 270 to 0300 below. � The very heavy snows in Dakota bloolc. adod everything. Snow drifts in Dakota are small -sized moantalus. To add to this that eeotion is threatened with a coal' famine. Stoolx losses on the northern and west- ern ranges in Dakota are vary heavy, but no sufferings among the settlers is yet reported. The 'storm lasted 40 hours and was one of the most severe experi- enced since the settlement of the country. Il The Ines to stock aggregated hundreds. A coat of ion covers the ground, and snow is in some plans piled in drifts P3 feet high. On the ranges west of the Missouri the worst is feared for stook, as it is believed it would be impseeible for cattle and steep to get enough, to eat until it thaws. The temperrture is 200 below zero and below' zero at all •points in Dakota. In many instances trees a foot in diameter were snapped off at the bottom. An utterly demoralized con- dition prevails everywhere. Pierre, S. D., reports travel of all kinds oompietoly stopped. Reports Dome in from the country showing there has been serious stook losses on the ranges. It will be several days before anything definite can be learned from the cattle country to the west. At Huron, S. D., snow is piling in drifts as high as ince tope. Rain and sleet prevailed severed hours before the snow set in. A Few Public School Questions. DEAR Sm.—Seine questions of general iutereet affecting Public School work have been sent to me from several parts of the county. (1) Must a teacher teach Fifth class work ? The law provides that "it shall be the duty of every teacher of a public sohool to teach diligently and faithfully all the subjects reqnired to be taught in the sohool." "The course of study for the Public schools shall be taken op in five forms, etc." The curriculum must be followed; even if there is bub one pupil prepared to take up Fifth clues subjects. If from the peculiar circumstances of the locality, some modifies -goo of the work of this class is necessary, the concurrence of both the Trustee Board and Inspector must be secured before it may be made. If the teaoher of a sohool where there is suob a class cannot do the work, a resig. nation will be in order. (2) Hasa parent a right to say that his child shall pursue only certain ecbjeate 2 No. Public interest demands close olaseiloation. The subjects of the curri. onlum may be divided into information, disoiplinary andculture subjects, ail of which are needed for true development. If any ere omitted there will be one -aided development. Ia ease of siakneee, phy. eioal infirmity, etc., common sense will dictate the course to be pursued. (8) What is the legal time for opening school ? The following quotations from the reg- ulations answer this question. "In rural schools the hours shall be from nine o'clock in the forenoon till four o'clock in the afternoon, but the Trustees by reso- lution, may, for the purpose of affording facilities for religions instructions or for any other proper purpose, presoribe a shorter period." "In Pities, towns and incorporated villages, the Trustees ma , by resolution, order that any Public sohool under their charge shall be opened at half past nine in the forenoon and close at half past three in the afternoon with a recess from twelve to half past one." It is clear that although Trustees may aeonraoy and lltwfnloees of the aeoounte of the oentten and attbmit a full report thereon at the next annual sohool meet. ipg, It is not sallioient for eudibot's to add up the debit and the credit Bides of the a000unt and strike a balanus. More than auditors it to do their 4 half the adito, fu work enuBoll . Many uf t the send e is ub lute, wrongin additions, i 901&)i Whet stops are tobe taken to fora, a union eohool ? A petition having on it five names from eaoh municipality, ooneerued most be sent to each onutliotpal oouncil by whoa] arbitrators may be appointed, who with the Inspector and in certain 00.880 the County Judge added shall determine the matter. (0) When should two teachers be etn' ployed in a sohool? When the work is too mush for one 20aoher, which is always the ease when the average attendance roadies 00 and a Fifth doss has to be taught. (10) 111uy . a teacher who : has a Fifth plass keep obildreu after four o'clock to overtake work? Legally, no, In justice to himself and the pupils, no. (11) May Trneteee arrange with to teaoher to do tbe worst in this way ? No, The law states distiuotly that sohool shall continue no longer than from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. M. with at least an hour for intermieeion at noon, etc. Issreoron 1MTax:vane, Essex Co. Lt,e t,o W e 1. A. Molntosh who wits with T. H. Rolls' of the Grand Central for the Summer, left lain week bo take charge of an hotel at Virden, Man., for Huston Bros., of that plaoo. • At to meeting of the Rink Company a taretalter was engaged for the Winter, Robert Bogen wag adorned. It was de- cided to purchase te sufficient number of Auer lights to light tho Rink, and to get the rink in first-class running order at as. early a dune as possib's. The 40th anniversary of the formation of the Congregational church in this town, and the 20th anniversary of the opening of the present church, was celebrated on Sunday, Nov. 29th, with appropriate set. vine, Rev. G. Trotter Carr, of Stratford, officiating. The eubjeotof his discourse in the morning was "Church Prosperity" and in the evening, "The planting and growth of a Gospel Church." Oo Mon. day evening Rev. Mr. Carr delivered a lecture talk in the ehuroh, entitled "The Voyage of Life." Good mneio under the leadership of Miee Anna B. Climie. VPin�e kaatisirs ._ J. E. Smarts, who is always on the lookout for snaps in the horse line, pur- chased at the sale of the Seagram horses two fine colts. A clothes line in town was robbed a. few nights ago. The theft took place before nine o'clock, with the moon shin- ing bright and olear. J. H. Stephenson is making improve- ments in the skating rink. He is build- ing an addition along the side for the accommodation of spectators. H. F. Gordon is having a foundation put under his property on Patrick 80., re. cently purchased from T. A. Mills. He is also having a new drain and cistern put in, and the interior of the building remodeled. He will have the exterior bricked in tloe Spring. Grand Chief Templar W. F.' Broeken shire of the Independent Order of Good• Tempters, was to Toronto oonferring with other Grand Officers. Mr. Bracken - shire has been making an extensive tour in the west, and as a result reports the re -organization c.f the Good Templar lodges in Orwell, Shedden end New t Sarum. A new Provincial Deputy for Ontario has been appointed in tbe person of Rev. J. D. Medcalf, who reoently re. moved from the Province of Quebec to reside in Holleford, Addington County, where he has organized a Good Templar lodge, of which he is the first presiding officer. . Word was received here that Mrs. John Elder had died of typhoid fever at the home of her son Clark, in Superior City, Minn. Deceased was keeping house for her son, but was taken ill some weolte ago, and her death was a shook to the people of Wingham, a great majority of whom had not even heard of her illness. Mrs. Elder was nn active member of the Methodist church ; was prominent in W. 0. T. V. and in the Daughters of Rebek- ah. She was universally esteemed and her early demise will bo deeply regretted by her many friends and .acquaintances. The body was taken to Seaforth for in- terment. Mayor Smart, of Brandon, is reported to have been offered the appointment of Deputy Minister of the Interior by Mr. sffton, Hon. Senator tteLean will be sworn in as Liont.•Governor of New Brunswick, and Geo. King will be appointed to the vacancy in the Senate. It is stated that the Itnperial Govern- ment will ask for a credit of several mil- lions for the rearmament of the artillery, increasing the infantry and re -organizing the transport eervioe. Ayer's Pills, being composed of the es- sential virtues of the best vegetable aperients, without any of the woody or fiboroue material whatever, is the reason shorten the period of sohool work they ' why they are so much more effective and are not at liberty to change the time of opening sahool.or the particular moment of the day from which duration may be counted. It is, however,' customary to make a sohool time the satne ae the neighborhood time, bat no person has authority to order such an arrangement. By statute passed at the last session of the Outario Legislature Eastern Stand- ard is the legal time in this Province. (4) Have Trusting authority to change the sohool curriculum 2 Only as stated in the an0wer to goes. tion 1 (5) What things are necessary to make the business of a Trustee meeting legal ? Every trustee must have had notice of the time and the pl'aoe of the meeting, The meeting must be organized by having a obainnan and a secretary. The busi- ness transacted must bo entered upon the minute book of the ifoe.rd. There must be a mover and a seconder for every motion, and it must bo voted upon. More than tweethirds of rural school trustees' busiuese would not stand legal investi- gation. 'l'tl, first meeting of rural school Trustees shall be held at the enbool house of the enation at four o'clock in the after• noon of the Wednesday following the au• nue, meeting. (0) What interest may Trustees pay on borrowed money ? Not higher than eight per Dent. (7) What are the duties of auditors ? To examine into and decide upon the valuable than any other cathnrtios. The best family physio. 3Sh 0 OWJSL Real Estate & Loan 9 Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Parra, Secur- ity at the 'Lowest hate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes It Specialty. Fire cg Life Insurance Witten. Special Attention' given to CONVEYANCING. A. COUSLEY, Office over Deadman de McCall's Store, BBt1SSI1LS, Wanted -An 0Id®a 0G0 3e0g anp1,01k WWpe 0yehr idenat may brtug yoU,wealth NoPDA0I102&pUPatent Atter ants waattaetoa A. O., 50' thou Bynoe' 2p1100 00591 And 1100 40.40'0 itdndrgu L'Voat00esweat00, The Only One To Stand the Tests Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for'over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but Subse.• guently entered the ministry of the M, E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparillaprepara- tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is, the only one of them that T could recommend Sts a blood-purif er.Ihave given away hundreds of "bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had."—War. Corr, Meat delivered to all parts Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. of the ±0W11.4 NEW mcVer Shop I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in .the MU BLOCS, BMW, Q, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply' of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A Share of public patronage solicited, N. IgALqCEB. p�wrogmw,r•,• Iamsar.T srtsanaz ErrxmentorFmmnTarta'emramars.esRmanwea+sonnum ®6:sZiv .s,Me The undoreigned are prepared to attend to all branches of Painting,inolodiog Rouse, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Worm. Paper Hanging, Iialscmining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked after at mod- erate Prices, We maim a Specialty of Manufacturing and planing in position ' Forst -Class Awnings.. Orders left at our Paint Shop, 'formerly used by Messrs. Boddick & Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Orders may be left with Messrs.Deadmau & Mc- Call. SAMPLE ; nom PAINTERS. THE ONLY WORLD'S PAIR, Sarsaparrn Metro in doubt, ask for flyer's PI11e TAKE THE BEST 26 ot0., 60ot .sad 81,00 Bottle. Ono oent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all drnggis e. I0 entree Incipient Consumption and is the best hough and Croup Owe. Solt, by .0.00. BOO, Irrtleaist, ltr000010. 007TOTS the Whole Yield. THE LONDON, ONT., B Q G A'' rN' Loathi V eSr tl taledn 2 P. M. EOLTION. LARGEST noon circulation in West- ern C'utetrio of any paper west of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P. M. EDITION. • The People's Popular Evening Paper. Circulates in any and suburbs by carrier boyo and agents. All advertisements in. sorted in both editions. Western Advertiser Largest weekly ofroulation in Western Canada. As an advertising medium in the west it is without a rival. Vi9anted—Mn idea thing Protect Your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOAN WEDIBRBQRN & DO. Patent Atter. nays Wnsbington, D. O., for their $1,800 prlsa 00500 and Ilse 0r two hundred lnventlons wanted. PI L THE LIMO O O ' SETV IB FOUND IN Or. LeRoy's Femaif3 Il?Bk, 1.110 only nliallr 1 t ,t v ITC. partition t t esaan remedy v , aiway,,ron r,r,,.uiueg atnnt00ear lr t nnot, t7 tut 6rnluadroetar area blast tor1,,8 tn,,'Ottd, 0000laall mutely ;waled on receipt, of prku. LeRoy Pill Co. Victoria St,. Toronto, Can. Sold In Brussels by .LOS. FOX. DR0 CHASE'S 2) THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL W Kg KY- LINER C8 THE ONLY ICIDNEY-LIVER P4ILLS rOLLS T. DSwsno, Manager Standard 0,,l,, Brad. ford, Ont., says, OI ase'; l Icy -Liver Pili, ora s grand , e,l9oino for the Kidneys and Liter, W IT. chithlitt[1,5 tt6C ul St., 'rnrrn,, to. presenting Nontrn t Star,yo, Cbns,?+ cPiths act like mn g" for the r f I I 7 L mho, blliooa m,nak and constipation. ,ywher,er by mail on recclpt of price, to GDimiiscu, L7,T:3 & 11. 40 1100010 00, 0100002, 427. , r,.'etle+a d Q 011 We keep in stock and supply everything in Coal and Wood Stoves, ealn•,,::.. Either Parlor, Box or Cook, First-class Furnaces From best Canadian Moulufacturers, and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OF ' ALL KINDS. Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &e. Orders Taken for0Coal. 1LT(H1 Stove CLmcli Furnace l{ t 12, BT'Z&SSGLS. r of Toronto. LL Established G Q W N 2 10 (0 r irrfI v,' 0 0 0.. Q 0 0 01 O O o O 0 0 0 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON—FORFEITABLE, It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. "atPOn Ellt, Agent, Brussels. t® czcarmr 5!mc-_c:craa-nmsaca,rerrvr.. Must be bloacl guage in its methods. It must admit the intelligence of the buying,public, and endeavor by every hon- orable means to establish confidence between itself and that public. The buying should be right and the selling just. The rich and poor alike should be treated with courtesy and con- sideration. This business is building up on these'lines. Liik SPECIALTIES. Lamps, Silver Tea Setts, "The Queen" Razor, The "Out of Sight" Mouse Trap, The latest Tracing Wheel, t Car e Sweepers, Carpet p , k owder, Shot and Shells, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Cow Ties, Axes, Saws, Lanterns, &e, CASH FOR FURS', HIDES AND SHEEP SKINS. American and Canadian Coal Oils. (]all and Boo us. A.. M.McKay &Ca HARDWARE MERCHANTS,BRUSSELS. BRUu^SELS. •