HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-11, Page 5Tho.• 11,1890 T BET7SSELS POST es."trraismt - Se ttentrala IV a41 eon. Sabbath 4011001 Convention 'xheresley afternoon and evening of title week in Deff's aberoh, Walton, Last Sabbath Mr, M.eldillan, a student from lluron College, London, took charge of the :melee in St. George's olluroh in this piaoe, The Methodist Sabbath sohool purpose having their annual entertainment on New Year's evenlug. A. good program will be prettenbed. Rev, R, Paul, of Brussels, will preeoh in Duff's church next Sabbath, Rev. Mr, Forrest will weepy Bev. J, Roee pulpit in Melville ahuroh, Bruseela, inranttroolr. Some oases of scarletfever among the villagers, Last Sabbath afternoon Rev, B. Paul, of Breese's, preached in the Methodist ohnroh here, Friday evening of tbie week the;Debat- ing Society will wrestle with the ques- tion "Resolved that the Franchise should beextended to women." Tho captain of the affirmative will be Geo. Coates and W. Kreuter will lead the forces for the negative. A good time is expected. Norman, the ten,year.old son of John Hunter, of this village, took ill last Fri. day with pleurisy, from which he• died on Monday. The funeral took plane ou Tuesday afternoon interment being made at the oematory bore, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are deeply sympathized with. E3 Lv iia. Reeve Wilford was attending the Co. Connell last week, Trinity oheroh. Sunday school will hold a Christmas tcae on the evening of Deo. 28rd. • A number bf our young men intend establishing social club rooms for the Winter menthe. Jackman & Powell hove disposed of their bakery and 000feationery bueinese to Mr. Stothere,:ofthe Blythe evaporator. M. Jessop & Co. made an assignment to 0. Hamilton. A. meeting of the creditors was held on Dec. 3rd at the Hotel Clarendon, Clinton, Benj. Evans has returned fromhis visit with friends in the United States.. Hie son Robert died in Olney, Illinoie,a few weeks ago, of typhoid fever. He leaves a widow and three moll children. Ethel. Township Connoil will meet here next Tuesday. • Rev. R. Pool, of Brussels, preached here last Sabbath evening in the Metho- dist church. The reverend gentleman has a large oirole of friends in Ethel and looality. Ethel gained a firet•olaes oitizen.in the person of Samuel Ames, of Grey, who has purobaeed Robt, Lang's residence I and will make this village his home. The price paid was $600. We woloome Mr. and Mrs. Ames and family. Mr. Long has movsd to J. Heffernan'e residence. OMENS AND Fown.-Tho Canadian Order of Forestersnever do anything by halves and.in their sapper advertised to be held on Wednesday evening of next week they announce a supper of oyetere, Iowl, &o. After this important and very pleasing part of the program a musical and literary bill of fare will be presented. District Organizer Doig, of Gorrie, will grace the chair. Court Ethel is a heal- thy, thriving institution. 1Li satow el J. L. Darling, barrister, late of the firm of Darling * Blewett, has deoided to open a law office in Stratford. Rev. Dr. Potts, the. eloquent General Secretary of the Methodist Educational Sooiety, preaobed last Sunday morning and evening in the Methodist ohoroh in this town. Dr. T. H. Halstead, son of J. A. Hal- stead, of Mount Forest, was married a week or two ago to lytics Palmer, one of the most ()harming young ladies of Syra- cuse. Dr. Halstead has been praotioing in Syracuse for some time and is doing well there, • Knox' church was filled with ladies and gentlemob Thursday afternoon of last week, the occasion being the wedding of .A. G. Bastedo, a000nntant of the Bank. of Hamilton, Wingham, and Mies Lorne Campbell, second daughter of D. D. Campbell, and a very popular young lady of this town. The 8 -year-old child of W. H. Arm. strong of the Maryborough boundary, a few miles east of the town, met with a very sad and sudden termination of its young life on Thanksgiving day. The little fellow was playing on a horsepower in the yard whioh another little fellow was giving him a ride on. A larger boy happening along, gave the power a boost, when the little fellow fell and was naught between the larger wheel and the smaller toga and was fatally crushed across the hip and lower part of the stomach, Medical assistance was at once sent for, but the poor little fellow only lived about twenty minutes after the accident. l'aorries. Township Connoil next Tttesdey. Collector Mooney is raking in the shekels. Rev. George Jewitt and wife, of Elim. vitle ; Mre. W. W. Logan, of Tupperville ; and Hugh Campbell,' 'of Mitchell, were here last week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. E. Giver. BNreiTAIN.1r,NT.—A musical.. and liter- ary entertainment will be given in S. S. No. 1, (Goeman's) on Wednesday, Dec. 16th. A. good program will be given by the.eahool, assisted by outside talent, coneisting of dialogues, readings, reel.., tatione and vocal and instrumental music, Everybody OMB. LIMN= INTO Beer.—Wednesday of last week at 10:16 p. m., the silent boat- man conveyed the spirit of Ides. Emanuel Giver over the river of death. Deooased was a daughter of the late Alex. Camp- bell and was born near Kingston. In 1854 she accompanied het parents to Tuckeremith township, Huron 00., and in the same year she was united in mar- .ridge to Emanuel Giver, who pre.deeeas. ed her three Wears age, from cantor of . the stomach. They Began their home making in Fullerton township, Perth Co,, and after a residence of 2 years. purchased lot ib, Srd line, Morrie, where they lived up to the time of Mr,: Olver'e death, over 88 years, Sinop then Mrs. Giver has made her looms with her daughter, Mrs, S. Walker, 6th line. Their eurvibing ohildrea are Mrs: Samuel Wepfer Morrie i gee (Rev) Geo, Jowitt, Eligtvillo; and 1' ro W. W. Logan, andAMute Campbell, at. e Galvin WISP - bell Campbell, of Mitchell, are brotboro and eioter to deceased, The ,00000 of death is said to be diabetes, ]nom which Mrs, Olver was ill all Summon, and eon. fined to bed eineo the middle of duly,. She trfuutphed over death and passed home in the fullness of faith In a personal Savior. The subject of thio notice wee a fuitbfel wife, a loving mother and a kind hearted neighbor, and enjoyed the esteem of a large circle of friends, Rev, S. J, Allis oogduoted the funeral on Saturday afternoon, interment beteg made an Brawls oemetery. On Sebb*th evening a most gettable memor- ial eervioe was held in the Methodist elturob, Brueseio, when Rev. 5. J. Allis propelled from the text "The sting of death le tin ; and the strength of sin fs the law, but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Josue Chriot" Mrs, Olver:was in the 07th year of her use. Gore.. Council meeting next Tuesday- Miss Ruth Clark is visiting her sister,' Mrs. Wm, Mann. Nomination for Municipal Board, 1897, at Ethel, on 29th Inst. • Bebt. Robertson had a gang of men taking out square timber laet week. Mies Penny Ann McKay ie visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Alex. Moi€ey'e, Elora, Mies Carrie MoNaught, who hag been Meiling friends near Monkton, is home again. Wm. McDonald, let eon, ' who was away for a month in Muskoka, has ar, rived home. Robb. Berry and family have moved into the house recently erected on lot 1, 16th con. Elora. There is some taut of a store being started on the 10th con;, at Monarieff, in the near future. An" energetic business. man should do well there. It is said that Robert Livingston may run for Counoillor, representing the South -Eastern part of Grey. The rate• payers in that seotion feel that they are justly entitled to a man there. We are pleased tostate that there is a very noticeable improvement in the health -ofJeremiali Belden, of thoBound- ary, who has been dangerously ill for several weeks. We hope be will soon be convalescent. Mrs. John Bain and obildren, who re- side near Brandon, Manitoba, arrived bore Monday for a visit of a few months. Mrs. Bain is a daughter of Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne, Brussels, and granddaugh- ter to Jno. Roddiek, 14th con., and has lived bathe West,for the past 5 years. Mr. Bain was a well-known resident of this township. Moses Henry, of Ethel, has purohased lot 27, con, 11, containing 100 aoree, pay- ing $2,800 for it. The farm is known as the "Miller farm" and has been rented for a number of years. Mr. Henry takes possession neat Spribg, and as he is a good farmer and careful manager be will do well with it. We wish him success. Wednesday oftbie week Abraham Moo• rison, wife and children, who were visit- ing relatives and old friends in this sec. tion for the peat three weeke,.returned -to their home in Heron City, Michigan. It is 14 years since Mr. Morrison went to the Wolverine State and in addition to farming does a large trade as drover, buying cattle, sheep and hogs, which he sells chiefly at Buffalo. The business evidently agrees with him as he plumps down the scales at 224 pounds. Mrs. Morrison is a daughter of John Roddick, an old and well-hnowa resident of Grey. RsronT.—The following is the report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 3 for the month of November. The names appear in order of merit :-5th oleos— Sam. Lamont, Mary Smith, Elsie Stre- am, Bessie Livingstone, Vinie Cardiff, Charley Lamont ; 4th class—Maggio Cardiff, Jim Stracan, Graeme 'Richard. son ; Sr. 3rd—Alex. Lamont, Rob. Work, May Hogg, Addie Cardiff, Gracie Stew- art, Robt. McKinnon, Richard Hoy ; Jr. 3rd -Frank Abbey, Vera Abbey, Will. Elliott, Susie Livingstone, John Work, Annie Brewer ; 2nd class—Duncan Mc- Donald, Lyle ltioherdson, Sadie Lamont, Ella McKinnon, Mary Marsh, Laura Cardiff ; Part 2nd—Annie McDonald, Anna Richardson, Duncan Mo]innon, Rills Cunningham, Leslie Lamont ; Part let—Arthur Hoy, Harold Hogg, Willie Cardiff, Maggie McDonald. d. T. Donna, Teacher. RISTl1AS GIVING WHAT SHALL WE GIVE? T. F. FLETCHER'S STORE I IS LADEN WITH BEAUTI'F'UL GOODS Ladies' and Gents' Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Watches.. Ladies' Gold Filled Watches .$12.00 and up Gents' to " <, 16,00 cc i Silver and Niekle " 8•,00 ". Very Large and Elegant Stock of WEDDING RINGS GEM RINGS, ENGAGEMENT KINGS, BABY RINGS, STIOK PINS, BROOCHES, VEST ()RAINS, LADES' LONG CHAINS, CUFF BUTTONS AND LINKS, BRACELETS' AND GOLD SPECTACLES. A: BEAUTIFUL. DISPLAY OF ,SILVERWARE Sonoon Barone.—The following is the report of S. 8. No. 9, Grey, for the month of November, names in order of merit :— Sr. 4t1).—Bessie Oliver, Jr. 4th—Lizzie MaLay, Willie McKay, Hugh McKay, Annie Bray, Bella Mann, Geo. Hanley. Sr. 3rd --John McKay, Wilber Harkness, Irene Forbes, Willie MoNaught, James Mann, Verne MoNaught, OeorgeMeehan, Lawrence MoNaught, Russell 'MaNaught. Jr. 3rd—Roseell Robertson, Rennie Bray, Ella MoNaught, Hattie Fraser,' Geo. Fraser, Jr. 2nd --Ethel MoNnogbt, Geo. Patterson, Willie Harrison, Norman' Sperling, John Campbell, Nellie Her - bottle, Sr. Pt. 2 -Willie Mann, Jr. PE. 2—Olive Oliver, Frank Harrison, Katie Harbottle. Sr. let—Wesley McKay, Wilbur Bray, Henry McKay, Norman MoNaught, Harry MoNaught. Jr. 1st -- George et -George' Mann, Johnnie Patterson, Robbie Holley, Willie Hanley. B. PsAnsoN, Teacher. Rsronx,-The following is a report of the standing of the pupils in 8, S. No. 10, Grey, for the month of November :— ,4th clams, total, 500—Amelia Michel, 49,8; Mary Oarnoohan, 411 ; Susan Rothwell, 408 ; Wm. Stevenson, 394 ; John Speir- an, 808 ; John Evans, 849 ; Adella Fogel, 540 ; Girdwood Ooleolougb, 337. Sr. 3rd, total, $75—Geo. Michel, 519Nellie Sanders, 803 ; Garfield Baker, 305 ; Wm. It, Baker, 208. Jr. Brd, total, 023—Jus. Oarnoohan, 201; Sara Buttery, 283 ; Esther Baker, 270 ; Mary Coutts, 254 ; Ethel Sparlitig,241 ; Arthur Hyde, 282. Sr, 2nd, total, 800—Carry Gnse, 254; Maud Rathwell, ,248 ; Conrad Neabel, 221 ; Wilbert Evans, 215. Jr. 2nd, total, 280—Florenoe Hollenbeok, 286 ; Robert Baker, 220 ; Percy Baker, 215 ; Maud Shine, 203 ; Bene Conga, 194 ; Fanny Baker, 187 ; John Piokrell, 172. Part Mod, total, 280—Fred. Piekrell, 209 ; Lyon Evans, 189 ; Oliver Piokrell,104 ; Robert Fogal, 151. Pall let, in order of merit— Curtis Rathwell, John Battery, Coail Coutte, Frannie Baker, Ethelbert . Cole- olougb, Eardley Buttery, Sophia Spar. ling, Gertie Hollenbeok, Harry Ward, Ida Kerr, Tommy Ward, ' Clara Rath- well, Peroy Speiran, Catharine'Browu, Edna Speiran, Arthur Denman, Rneeel Kerr. W,1r14 AnnsTn000,Teacher. See our magnificent Silver Tee -tee Setts, Berry Setts, Cake Baskets, Tea Pots, Pickle Cruets, Baking Dishes, Sugar and. Spoon Holders, Trays, Children's Mugs, Bon Bon Dishes, 1847 Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives and Forks, Carv- ing Setts, Bon Bon Spoons, , Sugar Spoons, Berry Spoons, Table and Dessert Spoons, Pie Knives, Cake Knives. Five O'clock Setts, $1,50 to $8.50 ; Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Bowls, Fruit and Salad Setts, Butters, Smoking Setts, Jardineries, Chocolate Setts, Etc., Etc. FANCY GOODS -Am, Ladies' ;Dressing Cases, Gents' Dressing Cases, Mani- cure Setts, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Japanese Goods, Purses and Calling Card Cases combined, Violins and 'Violin Sun- dries. Our goods are Now, Latest Designs and are offered for sale at LOW PRICES. "No trouble to Show Goods." Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly Repaired. Charges moderate. Issuer of Alluring() Licenses—Appointments ctut bo made. t 'Just a few pieces of the School China left. T. F. FLET�E R Brussels. E To the People Tributory to the Village of Brussels Owing to several farmers in the Townships of Morris and Grey dealing with us for some timti, we thought it well to place certain facts before. them for our mutual benefit. 'We are in a position to offer values not obtainable out- side the cities. We carry a very large stock, and not pur- chasing these goods for the purpose of looking at thele, we have marked them at prices that will in a short time leave only the memory of them. In order to give you some -idea of our values we will quote some prices just for comparison and would be glad at any time to' send samples to any person upon application : Grey Melton Dress Goods, 36 inches wide, 15c per yd Garnet " C1 , CC 150 '0 Brown " `t " 15c " Blue " " 15c `r Very attractive Plaids for Ladies' Waists, 22c " Ladies' Kid Gloves in Tan, Black & Brown, 50c per pr We have a Tremendous range oil Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 10c. up In Roadymade Clothing we think on a suit and Overcoat we can save you a good day's wage. Our Moony Deloart e.ut Contains a very Select Stock 22 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1 00 26 lbs Coffee " 1 00 18 lbs Currants 1 00 And all other goods at just as good valve. B. B. GUNN, Importer, Seaforth. P. S. -All letter orders delivered at Queen's Hotel, Brussels, 2PBE OF CHARGE. B OF" Cly 9 s�:� t� y ts. Caps. c. We have purchased a First-class, Almost New, Stock of Readymade Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, &c., at L®TE ®±! t T And will open it up in the 1 One Boor North of Gerry Bros'., Sai�r�ay - ol — lhis —Weed You may have attended Sales and bought goods that you thought were good value but we are going to SURPRISE you with our Prices when you see the stock. Watch out for our Advt. Next Wee_ COME AND SEE US. BRUSSELS. D. 0. Ross Gee , allie ay Holmes' Plock.